PAGE FOTJH tnr. n.'.tt.t rnras v Mi. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM; n ID LIKE. TO LOOK. T THC I ' :'MSLLJI1 n TENNIS KNOW WHoe COISDLE ADORCbb ON THACT OONOLe THl"b I'd OOT WHCRC o ec vvheke. me: 13 coin EVER ,y coe-b fOU WJT I HWE.N'T OT THE. . j n in COIN' I 4 HCARTt WITH Y J! III c VOIVI I VAk-r V Jiave a complple -.- UP IN fcj I j line of Tennis "Hoods, TOWN TOMORROW is Em II III 1 ami 11 is all new 11)25 slock. Sykcs or Bussey Rackets. $3.50 to S30.03 Tresses $1.25 Covers $2.00 Rubber flrips ... 25c Out Reviver . . . . 65c Sun Visors .... S1.00 Reach Halls . . . . 50c Slazcngcrs 65c Improved Birmal All Steel Racket, 13, 13 Hi, M oz. priced al $14.50 Postage paid on all oul of town orders. Kaien Hardware Co. J. L. Blsin Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Band-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Class and (Bating. Sasli, Doors and Mouldings P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 You were Fortunate if you bought Premier Mines when it was only a prospect; or Dunwell or H.C. Silver when these stocks could lie bought for a fraction of I heir present value. Gold Ore is yet but a prospect, if it was a mine you would pay much more than eight per share. Write us for particulars. Porfland Ganal Sales Co 318 Standard Bank Bldg. Vancouver, B.C. Dr.Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11. 1 Dance 10c; 3 for 25c Ice Cream and Confectionery on Sale , Cards and Tables Wednesday Kvenirug: Songs by G. Coul ure and II. Astoria MARINE MOTOR Less Starter . . . . $250.00 With Starler .. $300.00 Government Taxes and Freight Extra S. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealers Prince Rupert, B.C. III ?! ! I ! Ii I o 1 rfs HOW TO PLAY FOOTBALL need a stud there. Interesting suggestions locally how to turn wet weather into goals (By "Andy" Ducat, Manager of Kulliara Club.) (Iirprlnlfil from "Gre'imrk lleral.l") Teams who know how lo play according lo Ihe weather possess a lug advantage- over others. earner affects every game, l ew loollliallers study the way (o turn had communis (u good use, Dribbling becomes the decisive power on a wet pilch. ...... i. i t.. ...... . . . Wet grounds make football bools stretch al least a size. My own plan is lo buy botds a size loo small, put them on, ami soak them in Water. The boot stret ches to the size of the fool, and will mil stretch any furl her when used on .a wet ground. Clean and oil your boots immediately afler using. them. Worn studs are worse than short studs. You must renew these most essential accessories frequently. Barred boots are good on a dry, hard pitch, but they have serious disadvantages on a heavy one. . Playing In Snow Most of us can remember play ing a ifootball match in the snow. If the snow lias covered the ground when yoii start, tactics are Ihe slime as for a soaked pilch. The players soon turn Ihe snow inter a quagmire. Dribbling and short passing is the game. Sometimes the ground Is dry when the game starts, but a shower makes it "surface wel." Hern the ball willbegin lo play iricks. This is Just the sort of pilch that cricketers call a howler', paradise. Though Ihe ji'ourid itself will not force a slow game, the side which slows up its passes will win. The hall iloes many strange things on a .long journey, and (be only way lo lie ii cell rale Is I o play slowly. CI92J v Int l Fcatukc Stvicc. Inc. Creat Britain right rvfttrved. w..wM uiiiMMiiij, khiiimiiki nun .-in ph. ( .i s 1 1 1 (, muiii ,i iiiiticu -iwliicli woulil excel eilber of the winning force afler a spell of rain. Slippery ground checks ac- fnlti;ill or iv, 11 in,.,.. ir live defence. A really good man wilh a pair or properly studdeif ,js is Jl0 ,,(;n, ',, hl, boots can get the ball down almost alone. another .lain lni,.r II lendeii: careful ing becomes very moderate. This is all to the advantage of the dribbler. Swinging passfs out lo the wing should only he adopted as a last resort when the ground is thoroughly soaked. Your wing irian is nol able lo make, the best of his speed; and the quickest way of gelling the ball through will be to keep it close between the centre- ami his inside men. They play in together wilh short passes and spells of dribbling. The backs need to use their toes instead of the inslep lo shift Ihe heavy ball if it com dangerously near the goal nere a pass out 1 wing is likely slill In produce the most desirable results. Heavy Ground Tactics The wing man must he closely backed up by his inside man ami his half back. A short-passing triangle game between the three is likely to pay. Keep farther away from Ibo touch line than you would on a dry pitch. A slip may cause loss of control of the ball which, going over Ihe touch-line, means a throw in by your opponents and a chance lost. The inner man must choose an opportunily as they near Ihe goat to dribble inwards a little, so lhat-the pass to the centre forward is a short one. Though Ihe hall is "sticky" and passes are hard lo give, re member they are easier to lake. Therefore a short pass thai might otherwise have, been loo quick for Ihe receiver becomes one of easy pace. Ballooned balls are likely to be frequent since players will use their toes when a long lick Is needed. Here a .man who can head especially i nacK wno can nean uie nni away irom ins own goal is a tremendous asset lo bis side. The ball slops almost dead when it touches the ground Allow for Ibis when receiving a forward pass. Don't run. over it and slip in trying lo recover Many teams who have learned lactlcs from, n blackboard, with out many opportunities for practice, improve amazingly under the influence of a wet pilch. The reason is that they are not able lo put their theories into practice very easily on a hard pilch. The ball travels quickly, passes are missed, and the campaign collapses. Bui wel grounds provide a field day for "blackboard footballers." Passes are easy lo lake, control is hard to lose, and the theorists are able lo carry out their plans. From this it becomes plain that blackboard lessons are. all lo the good for I hose who cannot get ball practice. Fvery footballer ought lo have two pairs of boots a pair wilh short studs for dry grounds and sa pair wilh long studs for wet I grounds. If an army marches on Its j stomach then a football leam loulwils opponents wilh its boots. jOne reason why leamV somellmps worth a lol more wilh short studs. a man Put the studs in yourself; a bootmaker generally puts I hem in the wrong places. Take caro nol lo leave a gap iu Ihe mid dle of the ball of Ihe foot. This is where your spring conies from when you jump forward. You Sport Chat j a Babe Fori in made a hero ol himself in the baseball games that were played between lew-art and Hyder over the holiday week-end. 'this probably ac counts for Hahe's decision lo slay at Stewart in spile of the fact Ihal he communicated with local friends only a day or so ago mat he was planning on coming to lrinc. Rupert for the summer. After disappointing the Mewarllles by losing his first game a week ago Sunday, and lhal by a narrow margin, Uabe came hack in great style on Sun showed I he aggregation PR local Cold Storage a few fine point about soccer last Saturday afler noon and the learn could nn-doubledly give a local select football leain a good run for its money. The baseball game between I'rince Rupert ami Clax-ton, won by the home learn, out side of the first inning, was not loo had an exhibition. Hot li sides showed weakness in fielding which will be remedied with praclice. , The Claxlon boys lot. I Hen Self thai Ihey could inusler I . . i lacrosse leam al he ramiei-v " . .uiitiiuii uiii-ii ooen nan; nuer in in m... ine , , 1.. l , ll , , I... II... ., !. i I , II IlitCK icks and halves know the, risk of strains to muscles aii.l,;1S(ll f()r t:aS(ll, wlon fool. They are naturally I"-""- ' ihall, baseball and how they tackle. Charg- heavy ground as being being. -all all Ihree. r.n.i, could tie staged. Bi.i than day ami Monday of this week With Hyder three runs ahead in the Sunday game, Stewart. ut Ilalie in (he lsx and lift held his opponents scoreless while Slew art came up from behind lo the long end of a tt-5 score. Bui this was nothing lo what happened on Monday when Ihe popular lillle southpaw, to well known on the local diamond, pilehed Slew-art. through a nine Inning game lo a shut out Viclory, Slewarl gelling six runs. And show a sudden reversal of form so he is slaying In Hlewarl for i .ii.ii uit-y nine come equipped a wune longer, anyway. Willi Ihe wrong pair. , t regara a man with long studs' The Claxlon football team Bolh Brick Skinner and his second, Dido (iurvich, came back from Slewart yesterday claiming thai Ihey had been robbed of I Indecision whraf (hi! boxing conies1 lhre on Monday between Skin ner and Harold Jllaulon was decided a draw. Skinner also .slated I bat he liad been asked lo come back for a re I urn bnul on .Inly I. In view of the claim be ing made that Skinner was bat tling iu JiCe,neiny's camp and for lhal. reason he did mil gel i fair decision Ihe suggestion would seem appropriate that any relurn bout should be staged iu Skinner's home town and lhal there he an unbiased ticket .of judges. Such a -bout would undoubtedly be a drawing card for Prince Rupert boxing fans whose entertainment are few and far between. BASEBALLSCHEDULE Games to be Played Twice a Week Alternating With Football Under the baseball schedule just issued by Ihe local league. games will be played here twice a week alternating with Ihe football games. The first clash will be tomorrow when the Lumber Mill meet. Ihe Sons of Canada and Ibis will be followed by a game between Ihe Sons of Canada ami Ihe Gyros on Tuesday ne.xl. Following is the schedule for the first half rf Ihe season: Mny 28 Mill vs. H.O.IJ. . :. S-Gyroi-Vsl .Mijl V' i'H I ' 3S.().C. vs. Gyro. ' - 8 it At a:, vs. Mill. II--Mill vs. Gyro. 10- Gyro vs. S.O.G. I! .Mill vs. S.O.C. 22 Gyro vs. Mill. 25 S.O.C. vk. Gyro. 29 S.O.C. vs. Mill. July .'I Mill vs. Gyro. C, Gyms vs. S.O.C. PLAYERS SUSPENDED Afler hearing Ihe evidence in the case, 0 hoard of control of the I'rince Rupert Football Association last night suspended R. B. Skinner for five weeks and Dave Scolt for four weeks. This is the resull of a dispute between Ihe two in the game last week between Ihe Callifs and Veterans. At (he. close of the meeling S. D. Macdonaht, president of the control board, tendered his resignation. A bylaw providing for the temporary borrowing of $.10,000 from the han,k until tax collections for Hip ynr are made and debentures are marketed was put through Its first readings at the meeling of th e(y council last. "Ighl. This is the Iblrd bylaw of this nature Ihat has been put Ihrnugh by ihe council this year. The first was for .?!0,000 and the second for $25,000. . Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for leu than 50c WARTKB WAXTKD. Producer, woman or TO It KM', man, for Prince Rupert, to sell made in B.C. housedresses etc. direct to consumer. Cash commission. Slate references and experience in first letter. Samples arranged for. Great West. Sales Co., Lid., 3IJ Pender W Vancouver. WA.NTKD. Girl for general housework and able to do plain cooking. Apply P.O. Box I0, Prince Rupert. B.C. 125 WA.NTKD. Competent woman rook desires position, camp work preferred. Write Box 252, Dally News. 120 WA.NTKD. Positron as watchman, or other work by reliable married man. P.O. Box 510. WA.NTKD. General servant. Hotel Central. 125 FOR SALE FOR SALK. 1 1 h.n. I'risbee.. 2 cylinder, l cycle and equipment. Snap at $150.00. 7 h.p. I'risbee, I cylinder, fi in. bore, 7 in. stroke, with reverse gear, propeller and eoil 250. t h.p.. Met, ami Wise semi-ileisel needs some parts $10. Single drum friction hoist SI0. .Nine inch turning lathe wilh chuck and lools, $150.00. Fairbanks Industrial scale, 5,000 lbs. capacity, 4125.00. Conveyor fdinft and sprockc', $35.00. Sleam lire vulcanlser, 3 In I H in. wilh hand tools $100. Ice crusher $10.00. Three reverse gears, 5, 10 and 15 h.p. $10.00, $3.5.00 Hnd $I5..00. Pislon rings for aulos and marine engines. NORTH KILN KXCH A NO K, 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. FOR HALK. 8 h.p. 2 cylinder. Kaslhope wilh clutch, propeller, shaft and coils. Used very lillle. Snap al $275. 3- ft by ' cabin cruiser. 13-15 h.p. Sterling, lieavy'iluty. Boat ami engine in good condition. Price. $1100. Kng'inn v.. cost; $1200 3 years .ago, UM Wrtvtfseir very lillle liml Veil cared for. Hull 18 foot, sililable for small engine. I'rince for quick sale $75. Piston rings Auto and Marine engines. Ford Mojnr, $10.00. iVorlhern Kxchange, Phone 23. FOR SALK or Rent The Kssing-lon Hole, T'ort Kssinglon, B.C. containing 28 bedrooms partly furnished, for terms apply A. D. Hardle, Port. Ksslngton, or John L. Christie, Prince FOR SALK. Gas boat "Bonanza" 30. foot cabin boat, 10-12 h.p. Palmer engine. First class order. Apply lo owner. Cow Bay. . . t23 FOR SALK. Quantity of iiseilJ shiplap, window frames and sashes. Apply A. S. Lewis, 225 Second Ave. W. 126 FOR SALK. Commercial Hotel, Prince Rupert, furnished. A bargain. M, M. Stephens & Co., Lid. , tf FOR SALK. Pleasure bof,l"Kcbo" C. L. Heindel. Cold Storage. Phone 221. if BABY Buggy for sale; gemd con- in. ... ... . . . onion. i'iione Miuc 108. 122 FOR SALK Good kitchen range, cheap. 18 Dyer Apartments. TO RENT apartment, by day, week or mouth. Close in. Phone Red C07. J27 FOR Ill'NT Three large house-keeping room, furnished complete. 218 Second Avenue. FOR HUNT. -New Hire roomed house with bath. Phone Red 411. I2& FOR RK.NT. Clapp apartment Westftiihavcr Itros. tf AUCTION SALE MICTION SALK. As the store must be vacated, we will sell by public auction everylhins in our slore on Thursday, May 28 at 2.30 p.m. .sharp. Dining . rooms suite, 8 pieces, dress ers, beds, matt reuses, tables couches, bedspreads, stoves, healers, chairs, refrigerators. linoleum and linoleiiinn rugs, safe, roll lop desk, tllvauetles. ranges, Fonl truck, .and other articles loo numerous lo mention. Terms, cash. Prince Rupert Kxchange. I2t LOST LOST. In Post OHlce, black umbrella wilh green hook handle Valued as keepsake. Finder phone Red .'"0. FOUND I'OLND.- Moosehearl pin. Ap-uly Daily News oltlce. BOARD BOARD ami Room, or board only. 143 Fifth Avenue Kasl. Phone Red 707. HOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. BOATJ AND LAUNCHES PRICKS OF KASTIIOPK t-CYCLK Marine Kngines l-II.P. without clutch $185.00 l-II.P. C-H.P. 8-H.P. 8-11. P. IC-H.P. I cylinder MD 2C0.00 cylinder HD 450.00 cylinder Hi) 750.00 cylinder MD 15000 cylinder LD 175.00 All Ihe above except the first include the Famous Joes Reverse Gear, and full electrical ''hndfpropcller equipment. Tho best that money can buy. Kaslhope Bros.. 1717 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, B.C. Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone 381. SNEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas-conger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Rales: 50c for t or 2 passengers, 25c for each additional ' passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Baby" at your scr-vico day or night. Comfort Sarcly Courlcsy. If It's water trip call Laurje Lambty. Phones 570 or 1 31. TAXI 592 Till'; DKPKNDABLK TAXI. Day and N'ight service. Comfort and Courtesy Is my motto. PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: .Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Comfort-Day or Night -Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel. Slore PI (Ire riln ii V P.O. Hi X 1 prni.'f ni"" w. h. mww tniie ""M I 1 ll.u h.OM7 r-r, 1 I rr .Article UtanJ COLUMBIA RECORDS iwu roiuii iiirnisufo ir.w I'rocejg r.i.. no scraping, f McCarthys. 1 K' F ... . ......I..... : -! I'iu.jui- iu: s yf i; . , . "'"Mi.- jiy w 4 f. ""- . ..j Gall in a: d m -t PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC ST0R, nor'' vr if BEDDINQ OUT PLaNTt Plants thuf t vi i for your uj. bedding .. . ,, .a ally ar. !,!..., relied mi ; k goods. r. TOM CALCHEFF Experienced Tailor Suits nul l. I're--ii:fc: : . - Fullon Sii.f : ) FURNITURL New and Sccoadbtnd . at ii. ii - .. . . il change New and Sec: ';a Goods. QtO. PAP1D0PUUI, 62V Third Ave. rw FIREWOOD. Be Cornr. i a! Dry liloi k w Frsi spM1 w PI,- , II A. ISAACSON" rj. . if y (HI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALK as a ft k nnui fi nil ti l 1 L.' I.M. II IUI ' ' ' ' cause of j..:-' " J t PHOTO FINISHIJIC P. J RYAN i IV Servh-" ami 1;r 1 CAMERON TRANSFER Phone ?T c.mlturt Molnl- oangnys, . (ot If you wan' anj m f' 1 or delive r.-d. I P.O. Iti'X NORTHERN TRANSFER, call for mm s;;;pT3 rlh J"!"!" :zi Red 213. .vir - ,R fijrniturLHOSP i And Oeneial R"'31' , ' ' ,!' pairs of all ' ,Tpej (ended A writers. graniH ;.,,. picture frain;"r Ul' Furnilure BALtANOER - TOM Phone lllur f"3' Patronize riipeRT OIL SKINS Made in PWn.' Home ;,Sl lies' "y xt. ... nrrl ..riTU'S CAFE' i 11411 When in ?""" rjird now rf-" "P-t-',a, TSt " BOB KEITH knlleed Rood J' 9 395. Phone Bla