L:day May 27, 1025. TUG Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 B'ack 735 w k am 1 mmm m wa tm u 1 jmhsr Why not visit Zion National Park, the newly opened Wonderland in Southern Utah, this Summer? Ask tor booklet in net' urat colors, which fires complete in' formation con' cernint thi unique land. Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares la effect dally between May and Sept. 15 Dnr 1250 Clsv.land ....1156.56 Omshs . . .. 126.65 Toronto . . 181.75 Ksntas City 126.00 Pittsburgh .. 167.76 8t. Louis . .. 129.50 Wtthington .. 189.56 Chicago . . .. 134.00 Fhiladalphlt . 192.92 D.trolt 153.62 Naw York . . . 165.40 Cincinnati .. . 154.30 Doiton 201 0 Uorrtpondint Ittot to other important oantart Final return limit October 31, 1925. Liberal atop-over privileges going and returning. A .aide trip to Yellowstone at small additional cost will afford the experience of a life time. I Call us by phone and let us make all your arrangements. Costs no more and will save your valuable time. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM 1405- -4th Avenue and Union Station, Seattle, Washington. Telegraphic Addross: "Bushmarino Princo Rupert." BO QH CCD .1 UI-.JL.iLU with a Simmons Outfit N... I!I2'. lied ( iisling of New Century Coil Spring, Grey Label M ' in Walnut or Ivory Finish. Cash Price . . $45.00 BARR1FS Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123 Canadian National Railvays Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F OUR- GOAL-IS MAKIN6 WARM 'FRIENDS Double Screened NANA 1MO-WELLINGTON COAL at $14.50 Per Ton is not tm cxpi'iice but an invest merit 11 i positively llie best domestic coal in iirilish Gol- "uniti today. GIVES MORE HEAT NO SOOT, NO ASH Don't Take our Word for it -Test il. We are agents for the P.M. Spruce Mills Utl. Building Materials al Mill Prices Phone GG4 or 116 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. AT. S Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 6S7 530 Black 735 Gr. 601 i I Local and Personal a B.C. Undertakers. You'll like our joall ers Coal Co. l'hone 7. Phone 41. Special low prices on now eports Roods, sweaters and dresses. Mrs. Grahlman. I-. V. Palmorc returned on Ihc Prince George this morning from a business .trip (0 Vancouver. A merry melange of inirUi and melody: "A Night in Holieinia," at Wcslholnie Theatre, June 2 and 3. Mr. and .Mrs. J. V. Kastwodd oMMghy Inland relunied on die Prince George this morning from a trip south. J. J. Muldoon and J. H. Meagher returned ott the Prince George hiss morning from a business trip to Vancouver. Kxhiliit of Domestic Science and Manual training work in Booth School on Friday, May i'J at J p.m. Sale' of homo cooking, randy and sewing. 125 Mr. and Mrs. J. Joy returned on llie Prince George this morning after spending their honeymoon visiting in Vancouver and oilier points south. Ileserve your .seals, early for "A Xight in Holieinia' presented for Klk's Helief i'umt at Wesl- liolme llieatre, June ti and 3j I'lan al Unites Drug Store. -? Mrs. Toniliuson of HazcNton, after attending lite Methodist Conference in Victoria, returned on llie Prince George this morning and u-oceed-d to llie interior by train. COAL, $14.50. "The Best." Double-screened Ladysmlth-Welllngton lump. Peerless Egg, $11.00. Peerless stove, 12.50. No soot, clinker, little ash and no slack. Princo Rupert Coal Co. Phono 15. If Kd. tort in, brother of Italic Fort in. who went north to Slew-arl l-j play baseball, was a. passenger on the Cardeua yesterday reluming to Vancouver. His position is third baso and he played in three games at Slew art. Ilev. atid, Mrs. Victor Sansuin anil raimly returned on the Prince Gcorgrihis morning from victoria where Mr. Sunsuni at tended llie .Metliodist Conference at which he was reappointed to htsptox. They proceeded to the 'interior by train. llie bylaw authorizing the changing of dales for the appli- calion of percentage additions to o.-al improvement taxes from July I and October I lo October and December 15 was put ihrough its final readings at lasl night's meeting of the city coun-i ;il. A lender from I,. O. I.arscn of fiili for the kiilsoinining and painting of woodwork in die cadfng room was accepted by the city council last night. On suggestion of Aid. Casey, it was also decided lo call for lenders for the kalsoiflinlng of tho cily hall throughout. John Flewln of Port Simpson relumed on the Prince George Ibis morning from a holiday trin oulh in the course of which ho it tended Uis Pioneer' lleunioii Vancouver, lie also visited Victoria and Naiiaimo but his rip was somewhat marred through Illness from which he is now recovered, lie Is proceed ing lo Port Simpson this afternoon on bis. son's gashoat. NAIOUNCEMENTS Moose Pic-nlc June 28. !il till USE STMONDS SAWS Their teeth nra of a louthnesswhichmtkes them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. SIH0NDS CANmsMSW Ctt LlMITtli VNCOUVKW TO WO M TO t. JOHN, N.B, THE DAILY ITEWB PAGE THRCT KEEP COOL! Ice Cream A Purely Home Made Product We have recently installed the latest type of Ice Cream making equipment and are now in a position to make' and supply ICi: CI I HAM equal to anything produced in. Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and be convinced KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Itetail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 This afternoon's train, due from the Kast at :Uu, is hair an hour late. 'j' Accounts upItrMay 22 totalling $2i,ll'J5 Were passed for payment by the city council lasl night. Sixty of I'fcv Iltipertls most popular shigefsiliinrers and 'entertainers,' "A Night in Bohemia" Wcstholnie. Thealfe, June 2 and 3. T - Sisler Victoria'- ami Sister Helena of the local convent slalT are sailing tomorrow night on the Princo George for Mrs. Flora 'Crossed arrived on the Prince George this morning from Auburn, Washington, and is registered at the Prince It it -perl Hotel. Tom Hanson andMohu Kramer were each charged with intoxication in the city police court Hi is morning. The former was fined and the' latter forfeited 'ail in the same amount. Tea and" Sale of 'Home Cooking al Iionie or Mrs. Leek, Second Avenue, Weslview, tomorrow i iiursnay, nam ; tut & p.m .Musical program. Proceeds for Memorial Fund. :ll welcome. . iii ' - Coal $14.50., . Double-screened Nanafmo-Welllng-ton positively" the best domestic coal In British Columbia. Albert & Mc-Caffery, Ltd. ..Phono 564 and 116. tf The Hidden Inlet cannery ten tier lucKanoe, uapi. natulan, ar rived in port last night, and re turned north this morning, hav Ing come hero to pick up some passengers who arrived from the south on tho Prince George. Hcv. G. G. Hacker returned on the Prince George this morning after having attended the H.C. Methodist Conference recently held in Victoria. Mr. Hacker was ipphfnled to Prince Huperl for mother year at the request of his congregation. Word is received here thai ac companying Hon. W. II. Sutherland and Hon. William Sloan here at the end of next week will be Mrs. Sutherland and Mrs. Sloan, 't hey will spend Saturday here and go north (bo same night to Slewart. Ileyond that their -pPnis are uncertain. Gol. R. S. Knight, olllcer com manding in Iirilish Columbia of the Royal Canadiar Mounted Police, will leave tonight on the Prince George for Anyox. In spector A. K. Acland will accompany him. Col. Knight will continue through on the Prince George lo his beadquarlers in Vancouver. A report from the finance i committee recommending (hat formal application be made lo have George lleniillard. now a General Hospital, admitted lo! the provincial home ul Kamloopsj i was adoiilcd by tho cily council jlast night. Mayor .Newton explained (hat the government' ! agent had staled that, llie cost of; Jiiialntaiiilug such persons al die1 .provincial home was about $22 per inoiilli which was about lite ! same as f the cily had to pay; ouc per nay ior iiiem al llio' hospital. They were not really hospital cases and llio management, or the hospital was desirous or disposing of litem lo make room for legitimate, hospital eaM'9. S. Obala, charged with keeping his barber shop open afler hours was given llie benefit or a doubt in the city police court Ibis morning and found not guilly. Mrs. W. It." Cornish returned on the Prince George this morning from the south. She attended the convention of the Methodist Women's Missionary Society and also spent some lime visiting in Victoria. Al the mecling of (he auxiliary (o the General Hospital held yesterday a resolution ot thanks to all who took part in the tag day for llie children's ward was passed and arrangements were made for a side in the hut on Saturday. June 0. The motor boat Polar Hear, Capl. Caspcrsou, left port yes-' lerday 'afternoon on her return, trip to Channel Island, having on' hoard Lapl. Louis Larson, llo-land Aslon and Dunk Mc.Niveti who have been visiting in the city over Ihc holidays. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert James U. Nichol, II. W. lirown, J. A. Miller, C. J. Saph and A. Smith, Vancouver; C. W. Thor-ley, Toronto; Miles Donald and J. Taylor, Alice Arm; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Uriggs, Winnipeg; T. II. Walsh, llazellon; Kd. Swan-son, II. Johnson and J. H. Kng-dal, Seattle; W. II. Stokes and K. II. Craig, Ocean Kails; Mrs. Flora Crossed, Auburn, Washington. Central John Clark, Vancouver; J. II. Pallor, Pi.emier. BOAT ARRIVALS Passengers from the south on llie C.N. It. steamer Prince George Capl.- Harry Neildcn, which arrived this morning on time al 10.30, included Hie following: For Prince Huperl I.. W. Patinore, Miss lelce, Mr. and Mrs. J. Joy, W. J. George, Mrs. louilinsoii (Hazelton), Mr. and. Mrs. iilendenning, Mr. .Nelson. J I. Muldoon, J. II. Meagher, Hev. G. (J. Hacker, Mr. Dawe. Mr. I.awson, Mrs. J. Pitts, Mr. Garri son, .Mr. .Majeski. .Mr. Kngel, I). I auaka . and child, John Flewin Hev. and Mrs. Victor Sansum and Taiiiily (Hazelton j, Dr. and Mrs Hushhiiin and parly, Mr, am .Mrs. J. . I-.aslwood, Mrs. Van Meter, Mr. and Mrs. Palliser .Mrs. W. It. Cornjsh, Mrs. P. W H. Colthursl and daughter, Mrs Forbes, Jtoherlsoii, .Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dillon, Mrs. l-Tora Crossed, Mrs. A. K. Graham, Mr Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Nissen, Miss Nissen and child. For Anyox .Miss Duncan, II W. Heldeman, Mr. and Mrs. Me- Minn, F. Canover, 11. Wilson, M Mitchell, I.. 1". Champion, 11. Kerslake and J. Smith. For Houston C. Swnnell, . C. Pollard, G. Vincent and C Money. For Itcgina Mr. and Mrs George Archer and Miss C. Campbell. TOO LAT TO CLASSIFY LOST. Helween P.O. and corner of Second Street and Third Avenue a bunch or keys. Finder please return lo Dally News olllee. lleward. 123 FOR S.M.K. Cabin launch Kva. 2? feet, fully equipped, in first class condition. Apply Ward IJeclric. and Marine Supply. Cow Hay. tf LAND ACT. Notice of Intsntlon to Apply to Lssss Land. In llie l.nnil Iterni-illiiK Plstlii-l or I'l'inrr IUiit-it, iiml Minnie mi llie north wi-yl cohm of IV.tr-M' Isliinit, H.C., aro.x linntHy Ihri'e miles north rrom thu inoiilli of Whiter Ihirhor. 1'nkn .Villrr thai J. FIHdlnir Hihiiit nr Siiiiii.IiIi', H.C. (n'ciipatloii cHiiiicrvninn, Intend tn apply for a louse or llie rot-loulnir (lem-rltHHl lands: ci.iMiiiciinnir at imisi ptanlcd npprux- ini.'iiidy Hiiro mill's north from tlx- i tit of Winter IliirtMir, l-earsn Island; ll-cnce ii"iiiimm inn i si rnuins, inure nr less, in low water murk: tlii-m-i- norlheusl Nlonir low water tinirk one Inindred and lxly ilCll) elialns; tlienre sonlhi-asi two (1) chains; thence southwest one hundred mid sluy (linn cliulns, mure or less, in piuiii or coiniiiiMiceiiirnl ami con patient in tho Princo Huperl! icT" ""r,",wo (31t acres, imiro or JAMES FIKI.llINO STIHNO. . . . Naino or Applicant, liateit May Utli. 198. oooooooooooooooooooooo For the Guest Room l The individual carton of Baby's Own Soap is s just what is required in $ 5 the Guest Room, Everyone enjoys this very excellent and purely Canadian Soap. 0 "Best for von and Baby too" $ 10c. st all dealers. O oooo oooo c-o-c-o oo oooo 0-&00 0 or Real Men the World-Qjlmind, Hills & Underwood LondonDry Gin Distilled by the famous London process the gin you will ask for again. The standard of purity for over 160 years. $3.50 A BOTTLE This ailvcilisetiieni is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ORMES LIMITED The Rexall Store WATSON'S TONIC ALE AND STOUT Kasy lu make, easy to drink. A most wholesome and nourishing daily drink, each 75c OLD FASHIONED ENGLISH TOFFEE A delicious wrapped Toffee made liy Ganongs. Per lb 60c 3rd Avenue and 6th St. WATERGLASS One tit) preserves about S-i "dozen eggs. Buy and preserve llieni while they are cheap. Per tin . . 25c KODAKS, FILMS, SUPPLIES Developing and Printing for Amateurs. Films brought in before noon wilL be finished the same day. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists ' Sunday and Holiday Hours From Noon to 2 P.M. and from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. FOR SALE Halibut Gear sHHHHHHHMMsMsVsVmn $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SALMON TROLLERS Before outfitting it will pay yon to inspect our line of Trolling Gear. Wo have u new line ,of Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of nil kinds. lu our slock yon will find everything you require- Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware or nil kinds, Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Utensils. If it's for the boat Ve have it, Boats ate lost every your by fire have you got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? Ve sell llieut. Call and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD: 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) RAW FURS If you want to bo paid highest posstblo CASH prices for your HAW I'UHS, forward them lo R. S. ROBINSON. & SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Of rice: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Head Office: ll.S.U. lildg., 43-51 Louise St., Wiunipeg; " Man. Ksl. 1883. Incorporated 1020 Advertise in "The Daily News" I 0 I S3 l