25 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8t. MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOI, XV, NO. 12 J a""uH MUHJKSH r MB w ma Br nn m . f " i a nil iuuLuidnifj rruuenu was Burned Near Nanoose; Her Crew All Escaped Floating Cannery by the Latouche Packing Company N YWIMO. Muy 27. Tie inolorshin Wakcnn. owned Iiv 111! I.il II ('ill! rilCMIIL' 1,11.. CilllU III Jim 01 Georgia opposite .Nunoosc j-"iuv ilk sl'V I'll I lfll iii'iiliiirl in Itvil I'V (he lug llt.'llii niul lirouglil 1 1 ere. w - v ih'ihi. f r 'Mill' PI' Mllll l,nililfl :i iMIftrn wtiii Jin id it ii iii i ii i" mil' i niiiiii i ii i r. mi i i iiii i in i if ' i ill i 1 1 " 1 SASKATCHEWAN 'I Wfl ll.MmrnmAnt XnnnnnfiiM Elected by Acclamation In Prairie Province RKSilNA, .May .'7. One him- ... r'll f.i.,1 1.. i f ..mill I i inn iiii 1 1 ves en uv in rt lil -ut.t.. ... I In. I nirml'i. ...... . . .... . Tw ini'inlii'in wi-i i- iIim-I'iI Iiv 1 ::::! n. dot It of tlirni iov-""::t HUpitorli'i-M. "I lir l.'U noiiiiiialnl, (il arc ! i'i - of till' (iovi'l'llllll'lll. l .- M'lviinvr.", .in itokii's- IllllUpl.'lllll'llls, I IlldP- Ilt,,'lll' I ll.llflil I lll.lllllfKlill.lll L ::c vhmvc and I Labor. FRASER FLOODS ARE ALL OYER Socpago Still Causlnq Llttlo In- convenience to Farmers but thatja all VltTOIlLV .Muv 11. -- The Janr i(iTiM fmiii spring Hood" a,0"y ln hulikx of llii I'laser ' now u vim-, lion. K. Ii. Harrow, iiiiiiisiei ()r agriiMillurc, an-'""'i '"d yi'iliM-day. following rc-'''"Iti of icpnrrf from llio (lov-''iiiiifiu i-nglinvrs. Olhirr than nciniy-iin'iico caused by seep-i' which has mil yet ceased, fiuioi'i's, whose farins are in dyked areas have not stilTcr-''I any ilitniune lo crops, as no 'leak: occurred in the embiink-laeii'fl NEW PREMIER NEW ZEALAND Hon. J. o, Coatcs Selected by Roform Party to Succood Late W. F. Massey VLLM.Vd-rox, x(W y.,.,,anil, My ??. - The Heforiu I'arly. JN'"fli holds most of the seals in "p House of llepresiMitatives, se. Hon. J, ci. Uoales, minis-M' "f railways, In succeed the y r. Massey as premier of ' eaiuiul. II V. lfi.i.l Skc'sli Mine nl Granl.y Uay Is a passenger going through on the 'lice George today bound from .Mmcouver lo Anyox. main Northern and I'JUNUB WAKF.NA iiESTRnYF.il RY FiRF aj y am ami UiiuiivilUI X1J.11S 1 i III!' fill- V III mm-ii in" lii Mi.. Hay unit is a lolul In.. The Urulm..!..- .m.l ...I .... .inirnu mi i ri- 1 1 1 1 tin ii 1 1 1 lii 1 1 1 1 l: - li i i w I i I j 1 II. ...... I iriiiifin: itt ii u 1 1 1 1 ii i it iixin urn i fi ii i r 1 1 ii i w :i i it i i ii ii i in urn tun So ipnckly did I lir fin' spread 1 lui! tin- new had no chance lo Ifighl 1 1 1 1 flames iind (hey were furred lo Met' from I he ship. Tlo gasoline exploded soon afler-, wurd. 4- NO WORD YET :? POLAR FLYERS - Nj;V YOMK. May :'J. The sixth day after, the 4 Amtiiidseii-Kllswoi'lli )iolar llight slarled lirings ho word of the wherealiuuU or welfare of the six adventurers in the two Danish airolaui's. Wcallicr I eomlilions at Kins's Hay. whence they loook off last. Thursday, are favonible. WARNING TO OWNERS OF BEER PARLORS Too Much Drunkenness Reported at Various Places In Province .. -. YIi;TOIIIA. May 25. Uom-piainis have been made fioh) beveral sections of Hie province of loo much drunkenness, since Hie opening of beer parlors and proprietor of lliese are being warned auuiusl sellimg loo much lo one person or lo any person who, seems lo be afall under the influence. A proposal has been made lo nil down Ibe strength of Hie beer sold and this is receiving allenlion. JAP EARTHQUAKE CASUALTIES RUN INTO HUNDREDS TOKIO. May 27. The lalesl official estnnales of casiiaiucs in Ihe carlhuuake dislrict in iiorlhwesl Osaka place the nuia-ber or dead al 215 mid injured at 182. Houses which collapsed up hiiriicil nnnibercil :i..''it(i. STOCK MARKET lliielton (iold Roball Indian Silveicrest Surf Inlet I (unwell v Ii. & L Daly-Alaska llayview Premier (Iranby Howe Sound . Selkirk Terminus Hid. Asked .00 Vi .0 1 Vi .(18 14 .! Vi .10 .IU ,05 .05 3.15 1.00 ; .25 ,2H .22 .28 .10 .11 2.:)0 2.10 1 1.00 15.00 .05 - .05 .50 .10 A real aciiiisilioii to (Canada's populaliou is Ihis family of Kuglish immj-granls. They look very optimistic Big Effort Being Made to Liberals from Power in DERBYWON BY MANNA , Stevo Donoghuo Brings Home Bacon Zionist, Second; ! Sirdar, Third LONDON, May 27. The I Derby, blue riband of the turf run at Epsom today over a mile and a half course, was won ,by H. E. Morris' Manna, ridden by Steve Donoghue. The winner started at odds of nine to one against and finished eight lengths ahead of Zionist, ten to one. Sirdar, 51 to 1, was third. Crossbow, the favorite, finished in the ruck. Twenty-seven horses ran. BOND HOLDERS LIKELY TO BUY WHALEN PLANTS Salo Postponed to Allow Thorn to Make Bid: Swanson Bay Included VANUOIVKH, May 27. The holders or Hie $3,500,000 bond issue on Ibe assets 'of- the Wlialeu Pulp and 'Paper Mills. I. Id., which owns Ihe plants at Swanson Hay, Wood Fibre and Poll Alice, Ihe latter two of which are now doing a capacity business under the operation of a receiver, were yesterday grunted postponement of Ihe sale of the properly. In Ihe meantime the sale will be advertised and a meellng of the bondholders will be held in Montreal lo settle what bid will In; made fur the assets of Ihe concern. (Special lo Daily News) VANCOU Villi, May 27. An or der postponing (he sale of the H.C.i biddings of . the Whalcu Pulp and Paper Co. was issued Tuesday in Supreme Court chambers by Mr. Justice (reg ory. The sale was postponed from May 21) lo August 31 al the i;c(mvst of A. II. Douglas.. .The court ordered Ihe sale lo be ad vertised in the pulp trade pub licalluns. Advertise in the Daily News PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper nUl'KH'J, II.CL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 11)25. m m n ami mv UiillU 11 ' o f Saskatchewan by Opposition v tipecial to: Daily News v - . HKOINA, .May 27.- Wllh noiiiinalion yeVlefilTiy cvcrywlieiv lii this province the fighl is on between I lie Lilieriil parly ol the province which lias been in power since Ihe province was rorineii in IPO.") and Ihe loose combination of opposition groups uiu.de up chiefly of Progressives and (Joiiservuiives. Premier Dunning makes one of the chief planks in his jpolilical platform ti proposal u develop electric power in a large way in order lo supply it cheaply to all parts of Hie province lie points to Ihe reconl or legis- llaliou of an advanced character land asks o be judged by it. The Progressive parly, like the Provincial parly in It.C. al the lal election, is the most violent in its allacks on Ihe (ioveruiuenf charging political knavery and urging an attempt al senate reform and the liandin? over ot Ihe natural resources of Ihe province. A fixed lerm for the legislature and a fixed date for elections .similar lo thai in (be United Stales is urged ami Ihe adoption of the single transferable vole usually known as proportional representation. Last Legislature In the lasl, the fifth legislature of Ihe province, the govern ment had 18 members out of a lojal of t;i. The legislature opened wilh sevciileeu members iii the opposition seals, but dur ing its lifetime -one member, W.IJ.-T. M. Anderson, leader of the II. McKiunoii, Wadena, c rossei 1 Co n se rva lives. Ibe floor lo lake a seal on iUo , . Liberal side, and another George! Hobertsnn, Wynyard, resigned to, become secretary of the Saskat-1 chewan Wheal Pool. His seal was filled by a government sup- porlrr. When Ihe legislature Colley Exonerated Brought Against Supplied Goods to Government KAMI.UUPS, My 27. Mr. supreme court yeslerduy exonerated J. 11. (lolley, M.L.A., of charges brought, against him by lo Ihe effect that Uolley had at supplied the government wilh of onls. In ai i and hay lo road All correspondence in connection with the sales wus siih- inilled lo the judge who found tcred into before Col cv wii elecled itml Dial Colley was w lilled lo payment for goods hip ped prior lo his election Smaller sales were made for cash to different parties who gave uo intimation thai they were for the use vof the. government institution. In all the charges, His Lord ship ruled that there was rUrd' . m m v LLlflTLl I Ull Oust Province dissolved, there were 15 members on the combined opposition benches. Uf the opposition, one member, It. .1. (Sordo'n, Souris, was elected as a .Conservative, the other fourteen, having announced themselves at the time of the opening as Independents. Four laler swore allegiance lo the Conservative banner. In (he present nimpaign a de-lermined nllcmpl bus been made lo make the Coiiservalive parly a real factor ami the Provincial Progressive. ParJy-. is officially recognized. In addition lo Premier Dunning, Ihe two outstanding leaders in the campaign are Harris Turner, elecled as an Independent for Saskatoon city and noui-iualcd for thai constituency in Hie president election; and Dr. I.. F. Champion, -manager of the (iranby store al Anyox, is a passenger going through on the Prince George loday returning north after a business trip lo Vancouver. of Charges Him 6f Having Justice D. A. McDonald in Hie a man. named Drake of Yifctoriu various limes since his election goods, including u large colitrar gangs. the cuntrncl -in ipieslion was en BOMBERS HANGED, SOFIA. .Muy 27. Three of the leaders in the recent cathedral bombing when ICO persons were hoikllled were hunged loday. Clrciltlon 1603 (tract Salt at. rm 11111 1 11 1 Flying Boat Launched Yesterday; Leaves for Wrangell Tomomw YVcnther coiulilions between here and the unrlh lieing at all; favonible, the big Yickcrs Viking flying boat, which Is. to carry Archibald Lillle, Detroit mining engineer, ami his associ ales on, a prospecting lour into the (Jassiar district this summer, will hop off from Prince Iliiperl for Wrangell late tomorrow., afternoon announced (Jol. .1. Scolt Williams, pilot of lite plane, this morning. The machine will be flown lo Wrangell tomorrow afternoon, the expectation being lo make Ihe flight in about one hour and a half, al Wrangell and will fly to telegraph Creek the next day. The plane was launched from the sliipsbed at Hie drydock yes terday afternoon about 5 o'clock and is now moored to its buoy in fron,l of Ihe shed. Its engine has already been turned oer and is fund iuning perfectly. (Jol. Williams staled that there may be a lest flight litis afternoon over the harbor and townsile. LA ROSE MINE nAiTmn a nm nm lUMKAU m I Noll Forbes Will Drive Tunnel on mIico Arm Property to otrlke Ore at Deptn Neil Forbes of Alice Arm lias been given Hie coulraui I or the driving of 100 or 500 feel of lunntl uu the La Hose mine lo trike ore at depth announces Ulis Donald, president uf the ,a Hose Co., who is visiting Hie ily loday on business. Mocks were recently sold lo the public locally lo do the work on lhu pro- icrly which is located ut Klay- luc Creek about eight miles up lhu Dolly Vardeu Railway from Alice Arm. Mr. Donald will return lo Alice Arm tonight. ISH PRICES ARE NOT QU1TEASG00D TODAY Variation of From 8.50c to 10.90c on First Grado Product Fish prices were not ipiite as good loday as yesterday. lO.l'Oo was (he highest price paid for American ami 10.10c fur Cana dian. The boats were as follows: American Kodiak, 21,000, at 0.50c ami 1c lo lioollu Fisheries. Atlantic, 33,000. at. 8.80c and ic lo Allin Fisheries for Ket chikan delivery. Glacier, 10,000, and Castor, 1.000 lo Cold Storage at UUJOc and ic. Onuney. iO.ooo. at K.50o ami le lo Cold Storage. Alias, IO.ooo, at H.yoc and Ac to lloyal Fish Co. Canadian Scrub, 10,000, at 10.20c and uc lo Allin Fisheries. Selma, 13.000. al 10.10c and 5c lo lloyal Fish Co. Itigred 11.. 1O.000, al 10.30c and 5c lo lloyal Fish Co. lite lolal amount soul was 157.000 pounds EDMONTON BONDS ARE SELLING ABOVE PAR t -- EDMONTON. May 27. Edmonton people are much pleased al the fact that they have jusl sold a million dollar debenture issue, at a price slightly above oar. They pity' 514 per cent lrt Iciest for twenty years. BOSTON GRILL " Large Upstair Dining Hall, wilh prwly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, barwpicts and wedding parties. For rahs, apply tn Hoston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVK CENTS. n it I n aa a Willi Ml 1 If f f The party will spend lhu night GIH MADE TO LOCALMUSEUM John Dorc Presents Local Insti tution with Portion of Cabls and Insulator HISTORICAL RELIC John Dure has presented lo Ibe Prince llupert .. museum a piece of wire cable and o.ne of Ibe. juuliUp.ri.Ttiir the- Collins overland ielegraoh line Which Wils 'mined SI. Petersburg with London by way of .Nome ami Hie Yukon, passing through the Hulkley Valley and by way of Asheroft lo San Francisco. This was Ihe line that Colonel Hulkley was building: and lie had got just as far as what is now Ihe Hulkley Valley when word wus sent that tl(e steainnhiii Great F.aslcrn had successfully laid (lie cable and itwa8 decided lo abandon Ihe overland route.' I he valley was named after the r Colonel. The Hussiun government was lo build through -Siberia to J Hen ring Strait and a short cable would connect the two lines. ; The wire and insulator has Jusl been received by Mr. Don! J as one of the last remnants of Ihe line which was never built. MINING PUBLIC NOT ALLOWED D. Galloway Engaged In Weed-, Inn Out Enterprizes Which Not Legitimate VA.NCOLVKH, May 27 J. D. Galloway, Ihe newly appointed provincial mneralogisj, has been commissioned lo conduct "a survey of the mining companies floated in Hritisli Columbia. It was staled here last night that he had spenl the past week in Vancouver for the purpose of "weeding out enterprizes. engag ed in milling the public. MEN ENTOMBED CAROLINE MINE Gas Explosion Near Hanford Impossible to Clear Mine For Rescue Work 11ALEIG1I. North Carolina, May 27.-llcpoi Is, reaching here nt noon said that' OSjincn were cnlouilied in the mine of the Carolina Co. eight miles' from Hanford us a result of in ' gas explosion. ,Tlie report added that ihe fumes .were. so vden'se that no progress-could be made in cleuring lbe min' to'-reach the men.