PAHK FOUR fnrl fiP' ron We,llle.;, 8 4l' EXPECTS BUSY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus V? "3 acexu-r i boOcht two j V ( THRRC' t-QTHliti TO J r COAST SEASON ! o.eve.MT Soootj wtLL roLK-b ive I iv it mr cLfct- isiirtft-" i it Tttr i .Js'Sffl . . I m.. k. s s .a 1 COT lWOXMiTO TOOK MC to George McNlcholi Tells Victoria THE-Y1L HAVE THE OCA -bO too thc OrifeRtA. f Afsf HOTfteU FORCE. T NIOUt (LT P X - People of Prospects For i EACH "TO bPFAW OTHER? Tl-I VOUR QUARjrijc.L- rV voy Summer TUP CO r VICTOIHA., Feb. 1 1, Consul crable coastwise passenger husi ness is being looked for by Ilm Canadian National Steamship Coiupaity, Limited, this spring ami summer, said (i. A. Mc Nichnll, general passenger agent of Vani-ouvrr, wImi was in the city yesterday visiting Hie local office. ' lie lases Ins prediction on Ilic reports coming in regarding ll. :' i I ...... r a if.. , llll-- .llllllllf- IIMIIII lllinilll'3 ami the prospects of a gold rush lo lln;i:assiaf Held this spring, I lie company will handle more business this year than it lias ever iln'Jie in llii' past. Oiir new Alaska 'se'm'ce will give a far belter Itinerary for liilirisls desiring lo niaki' Ilic iinrlficrit lour," .Mr. MrNieholl saiil. in regard lo the new name for tin coastwise service, Air. McNichull saiil thai Ihe change hail bceli. made frotil (Srninl 'Trunk Pacific lo Caimdian National Steamship Company,, 'to conform, with I ho Canadian .Nalional llailway name. As Ilic saific nfrice also looked after Ilic l-oastwisc slcainsliip service, il v;(s only nalnr.-i) Dial Ilic name of Ilic steamship service should conrtirin Willi the name of Ilic railway, lie villained. TO EXCAVATE ROCK BENEATH THE CLUB City Will Take It Away Provided Arrangements Wade ai of Once I'roviileil the cluli gels the mnvihs or its huiMing slarleil liy Mniclt IS, Ilic city roilnrtl ileciil-ei( last niliI, on rccoiunipnilation of Ilic Una r of Works, to-excavate the lots of the i'rince Iltl-perl ('luh on Scronil Aveilue. Un- a ili'r the lenns of the agreenienl lo tliiselTecl which Ilic city has areeil' lo accept, Hie chili will eilnvey to the cily IS feel of fi'fuilajic on Secnnil Avemp',- anil will lake care of (he niovfii? of Ihe liuihling in the meantime In return, the cily will lake oul Mil" rock iipilcriiealh Ihe huililin? Icfivinpr. ciiougli t for fiiumlaOon ptrposes, 'I'licre was some discussion as lo Ihe lime Dial the chili should he given lo aceepl dm olfer. II was elnpfiaslzcil dial no delays lo the city's work of rock crushing on account, of Ihe matter wtiuhl he pennillcil. al CITY TO PURCHASE FORD TON TRUCK FOR WATER DEPT. After sonic discussion as lo Ihe actual neecsMly or making the purchase, (he cily decided lasl nighl lo huy a Ford truck for Ihe waterworks department at. a cost of $1010. In speaking to Ihe Hoard of Wiirks' reporl recominending Hie pilrchasc. Aid. l'erry slated that it was defined (ohc in the in let'ests of economy. The truck wijuhl r-'ive Ilic lime of the staff in gel fiug to various parts of the cily and could iilso he used to carry equipment.. Aid. Casey w.'ls of the opinion that, hirin a Iruck would ineel ihe require,- inf'nls Jusf its economically. Aid LaisMi and Aid. Ilrnwn sioke Iti favor of making the piiivliase which was eventually decidci upon. Aid. Casey and Aid. Smith voting against. NO ACTION IS TO BE TAKEN ON REQUEST OF SECTION 5 FOR SEWER On reconimcndalion of (lie Hoard of Works, the cily council decided, last nighl, pending the whole malcr of cily sewerage Jielng (leall wilh at a Idler dale, lo lake lift ndlori nn IM petition from a largo numher of fteoliori fi residcnls reipiesllng that n seidic lank sewerage system he installed In .serve Sevenlh, Kighlh nnd Ninlli AveniicA Woof. In spcakln? lo Ihn fcpnrl, Miiyor Ncwlnli explained Ihe Hoard or Work ctftllentplalcfJ evn larger expenditures Ihli year lhan last on Henii-perinan-enl rniiii work In nidef In clfinfff-ate plank roads. When Uils work 125 v Int t FfATunc Ctirt Bntaift fKl was CiimplMcil, the wlinle niat- Icr of SPWCr vvnillil lin fnlnn in. ' III Ilic mcalilinic, il hail licen iloorHrij iiiailvlsalllc (o I'nler Inluj liny lare sewer cXiciiililnic such: as thai iiroioeil. ! .Uil. I'eny fuillicr slale.l Ilia! Ilic proiioseil seplic lank syslcm woulil prohaltly have lo he taken oiif anyway iii a year in- mi wit ti Hie extension of Ihe city's sewer- iifre sysleni as a wlmlc. PHONE DEPARTMENT HAS SMALL DEFICIT DUE EXTRA EXPENSE Light Consumption Being Greater I ' ling Than for Three Years, Large Surplus Shown for Month of January The telephone department showed ;i ileficil of Wl.:iH during the mouth of .lanuary ailii Ihe light department li sui-plii ils 3,2:i:i.22 acciiriling In the mohlhly i-ejiorl Of the sliperiii-Icmlcii! I of utilities suhmilled lo Hilt city council last night. Tin telephone deficit, il was explained, was due lo Ihe facl that 7S had hceu spent on the removal if old poles ami there had heen loss of 7i(Kl in revenue through the recent reduction in i rates. The large surplus in Ilic ligd department was dnif to the racl that the output had heen greater during January than Tor any one itinnMi in llireo y cat's. WOULD HAVE CITY AS WHOLE PAY GRADING OUTLYING SECTIONS Suggestion of Aid. Stephens Fatted lo Find Favor at Lasl Night's Council Meeting Muring committer discussion last night's council meeting in connection wilh Ihe passage of a hy-law selling I he .corporation's hare Of (ID per cent for the! grading of Conrad Street from Hays Cove Avenue lo Klevenlh Avenue and along Eleventh Ave nue lo I'l'eilerick Street, Aid. .Stephens suggested thai Ihe cost A. of construction in outlying sec- lion sited as (his should he en-llrcly home, hy Ihe. cily as a I whole. This, he fell, would lend lo remove the possihilily (if property ' Jihul ling revert ingto .the, ily for taxes. Imperially did he I'il think Ihe principle should he ap plied' I o this particular work for ii was reaiiy a pan or tiie cnu- heclinh In the Knieii Ishilid highway which woulil lienefil Ihe en- lire city. Aid. l'erry was opposed lo Hie principle of improving particular lots al Ihe expense (if Ihe cily as a whole. Neither was Mayor Newton in favor of Aid. Stephens' suggestion and Aid. Casey look Ihe view Ihal. even if lols did revert lo Ihe cily, Ihf'y could he readily disposed or after the impi'iivciiieiilH had heen made. He thought Ihe share of lo (icr cent itgalusl Ihe properly involved was as lenient a charge as rouhl he, expected. The committee llian arose and the bylaw was passed as submitted, The bylaw providing for construction of Hie said si reel was also passed through its in itial singes. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, February "i High :t:l8 a.m. 19.3 15:07 p.iii. 10.0 H:I3 a.m. 0.2 21:30 p.m. 3.3 Thursday, February 12 High 3:18 a.m. 10.1 15:11 p.m. 10.2 Low Oiflf a. iii. fl.rt 22:08 p.m. i.t Senvict rrvI ELKS' SMOKER WAS ENJOYABLE Good Attendance Witnessed Bouts and Heard Program Last Evening I here wM-c ali'iut 85 persons presenl at Ihe smoker' given lasl nighl hy (he Klks- I.n.lge. Tin arrillr proved an enjuyatiie one dud a very entertaining program was offered. Cniilrihuliug lo (In musical end of Ihe proceedings wore Ihe fl. Andrew's pipe liamt consist- Of Aex .Maciloiialit, .lames (Sturgeon. Alex Alcs, S.-tni Leslie, am Cnrrie anil Jinmile Kelly; (jeorse Waililell ami Sahouriil vtilh Hi'h'st and Ail Knssou wilh I savophoiie solos. .Inlin I'imlci'- Moss recited. The liouls of the evening were rtillowM: Jack McAuley vs. Ned lljrne. rounds, decision in favor- of Ned I try tic. Cenrfie Howe vs. Ted Howe :i-rtTiiul exhiliiliori. V. Slewarl vs. V. .Meagher, .1 rounds, decision in favor of Htewarl. Diilo liurvich vs. II. H, Skinncri -round extiillition. 1'. I.aporle was referee and lloi llariieS, announcer ,ainl time-keeper. Itcrreshinl'iils and sfnokes were served Id ahiind;ii1ce. Tim comliiillcc iii cfiarge con sislcd of Cfiartes Fnlsoiii, chair- tnaii, Men Self. It. II. Skinner, I'efc Liporle ilinl J. j'inilcr-.Mnss, HILL SIXTY CHAPTER ELECTS ITS OFFICERS Hill (1(1 Chapter. t.O.U.k., hiis lecled officers for Ihe 5-car as follows: ftegnl .Mrs. John Mahson. Firs! vice-regenl Miss llulda (Iraham. Second vieo-regenl Mrs. It. Itavie. S'cciclary Mrs. Waller Hume. Treaurer -Mrs. J. McAuley. 1'iiiicalioniil secretary Miss A. Pierce. Crimes secretary Airs. Macy Slandnnl bearer Miss M. lavlilspn. ... (In I'ccomineiiitalinn of (he fi- iiiihce'.colninil lee.. .1 lie' ml.y, Cptin- decidci TaVf' nigth ' I.riviV-fise for sate a number of lax sab lols for which 'ippllcal inn lias been fnade lo purchase. A GOOD WAY TO INCREASE BUSINESS Many ailveritsing messages fall lo 111 I rite I. allchlion because Ihey are either unal tractive or are 'loo stereotyped. This is Ihe opinion of one of oiir busiest ami most siicccssrul business, firms Albert it Mo- fhirfery, f.ld. They have suc ceeded in interesting many new customers in the story of' the famous . Nananno . Wollinglnu coal and since Ihe coal itself lives up In its reputation these customers are coming back daily ror more. Nnnnimn- Wellington coal is the premier Hiel Tor the rircplhci, fahgo ntlil fiirrirtci'. More henl less ash -no rock or clinkers. You stimilii fy Natlninlo-Wcl-lingld'il h )non its yrliif- present supply gets" InvV. Heller still, If you orir south now you rinu 1 fst ll oul with Hie roal vnu nrn now using. Nanaimn . Wellington alalia's sllprl-me wlieh n cniiijiar-nlivMcsl Is htrtrlrt. To sciife ti supply phone.' AI bc.rt McCarrery I,W who arc sole ngenls here. Thejr phone numbers are 110 and 501. tf BILLIARD PARLOR WON AT BILLIARDS Defeated Cold Storage In Socdnd Division Tournament Last Nlqhl by 741 to 649. The I'rince lliiperl Millard Parlor defeated Hie Canadian Fish ,x Cilhl Slut-age lln.'s leMni iii last nimbi's sci-olnl division liilli.ird leaile loiiiiiaiiienl by ,'m ayigregale sf'ore of 7ll lo llltl. Individual scori's were as follows: .1. May (Cold Storage) I Ml; F. .ieiiian, I 12. W, I'arr, 1 .10; A..iiiu.ibl, I UK lollu llulger, !IH; F. Ablridge, I Ml. A. Hales, I 15; W. .Mitchell 150. S. Marlon, KiC; Italic Fiirliit, .111. The lasl game of the Crot'lo- Sl. Andrew's tournament of lasl Week between .1. (leeslcy and M. Andrews will be played on Friday night or Hi is week. Sport Chat Representing I be pick ol American lalunl among contenders ror the lighlweighl crown fltrreiled by llenny l.euiiill'd, sixteen boxers have been selecled by tile New York Slate Athletic Commission to- compete in an elimination tournament starting on February I'.'l. The winner of liii; lourmitlicn! will be pilleo iigaitisl Ihe besl foreifcn cnulcnd-cl-s lo ilelermiue which is to be ciilflb'd lo rlinmphihship recog-nilioii. J'tie sixleen sclecliohs are: Sid Terris, New York; .Sammy .Mandell, Hnckroril, III.; Siii llarbaria, Melroil; .lack Itern- slein, Ynnker.-i; .lolmny Mtinile New York; .limmy (Joodrich, Huf- 'alo; Clyde .Icakle, Colutntuis: Tommy O'Hrien, Milwaukee; Kid Wag ahd Alex llarl, I'hilrl- delphia; Joe Miiudi.'e and Cenrge Chancy of llallimore; Charley ()'-Council, Cleveland; Jack Silver. California; Hasil (ialiahu, New Orleans, ami llehiiv Yalger. New York. The Royal Canadian Coir -Association tills elected nfllrcrs fo' Ihe year Ms follows: President, W. I). Mallhews, 01-lawa. .. .. " executive . j''. M. 'ChUh'leelil I, Yiihcouver; A. L. Suiilli, Calgary: M. N. Fllniie, Wlilnlpeg; Majol' W. 0. Wilson, Hamilton; Ciil.' C. S. Macliiiies and Oeii. C. . Mil cludl, Toronto; .1. A. .facksiiu ilnd (i. II. Clark, Ottawa; W. W. Will kcr, aiiij K. A. McNull, Mnnlfe.-tl A. .1. Welch, W. A. Henry, Halifax. Included in Ihe Association's pl.iils ror the riiliih! will be Ihe alleihpl to iopnlarize golf lit Canada ami put tile gaine Within the, ri'arh (if riidre people. A' active cflmiialgh Is being ilhih'r lo reduce the cost, of golf Iii Cah.'lil.'i. yt .1 mieiihg or (hi- cxM'lilive of tile Civ IlilRard Leiiifite lasl night, plans vcre; foniiiilaled for Hie holding again lliis ycilr of ah individual cily billiard cli.'iin'pion- sblp cmniielilbin. The serb-s wil .11...... 1 ' siari ine nrst wecu n .March am cnlrles will Ff rcceiveil in tl meArillirie. 'f'her will be severll prizes, ffeorge Mc- llrnnylp was the winner of shiijlar (nrhpefiliori IiiSI winler 1 1 oM Mnrgfln presbleil al last .. . h, nlfihl's riicclinfi 1 1 tie ahsence of the presblchf, .1 Walrili. flic" rfileslftin of Hie annufi rhfitnfilnntiliifi faurTiamcnl, rt f f lid j Prince ftllperl hflbirtirilon Cliiii Is ihclhg iliscilssei? by hlayrs. ll H Uuui'ested that there bu three rc5fi2BSfl- A' IK'S For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTED WANTFM.- fiirl to help witli housework ami baby. Airs ('. C. Mills, Wahlrnn Aparls. ir; F(lll PLAIN SKWINli, plum" Itlack 2:17. Prices reasiinabte. TO RENT FOR HF.NT. Singer Hewing Machines. P:.oIih llUic 3H'J. tf FOR sai.i: Full dress s lit. size :ll. Phone llreen 1(1.1. :5 FOR SALE IMMOIt I AKi l Y Certain. The lift.' afler ilea Hi and a real world beyond is shown in SweilMI burg's ureal wtirk on "ileaveu and 1 1 II." Over Hid pages. Only 25 cents postpaid, il. O. Law, 1S5 Kiiclid Avenue, Toronlu." FOR SAI.I'.. Iteautiful winter over.g'als, very latest, on consignment. Mlisl he returned March I. Conn; in and view lliem. Mrs. (ioblliloom. Third Avenue. , ,11 BOARD Hoard. The Inlamler, 830 Secoml Avenue. I'bouc m. LOST AtHT. Parrel. Monday after-containing noon a new swenl-Findcr er. please return (o Ma ily News ollice, 35 FOUND I'OI.'NM. -Hunch of keys on steel ring on Fourth Ave. Wesl. Owner can have same by ideii- RADIO! RADiOl MIC you inleresled in Radio sc' or parts? I can save you llioney. 2 lube sets complete Wilh aerial, phones and batteries, Installed, .r!. Phone Red "07. cliniupinudllps, men's singles. ladles' singles and mixed doubles. These would be open lo any member of Ihe Club. n.Mber IpuiJiiiiiiPiil has been itteVjr-.ld.- f.lW Ihn cjub louriiaineut. Thai is a cily chifni- piiiuship Whicli would ' Include Members of Ihe First ll.C. Ilegi-f iioii ( or any oilier players in the Ily who may wish lo lake pari. l'lie executive of Ihe Prince Un pen Hailminlou i .1 iili will meet soon 'In decide about each or llicse. DEAF LEAGUE IS TO PLAY FOOTBALL AMSTF.I1MAM. Holland, Feb. II A sporting league exclusively for Ihn deaf has been formed siihullafieously both here and in llollf-rdam. The members will specialize in football ami a match b(-lween Aitislerilaui and lloller-datn elevens has been nrraiiaed for nxl F.itsler Monday. 1'ioni Ihe Iwo deaf learns a nalional eleven wilt lie selected which is to meet, a lletgian team of dear plilyers al Antwerp next May. THE SILENCE CURE . I can I imagine why Slullrr Inh ntarrled thai Miss Strong mind." .xor i. However, she's curing turn or the slaminering babil." "Yoh floii't say." "Yes; she. nWau'l. gXT. ,', cliance .n talk al, rill now." Advertise in the Dally News. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c ACCOUNTANCY ItdOKS wrillen up Halance j sheets, financial statements ami income lax reiurns nre- piired hy expert aecounlanls. Hales reasoiialde. Wlile P.(l. Itox 8:15. tf TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Ceoige, Paul or Oust" Prompt Service and Comfort May or Nitf'.t Sland: nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Sinnr ss Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Huy. Sell ami Kx-charigi! New ami Secondhand Hoods. G0. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phoio 140. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you lo consult us when you desire lo .sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PIUNCF. .RIH'F.RT KX-CIIANUR. Auctioneers. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE IS IIKM-HY fllVKN tliil the n-m-rn- 1'nverliiv Lot 4431, :alar il-trlrl, la ranpi-iiHrt. n. h. !HUKN. Pipiily Mlnuifr ot Llndt. Lamia pcpartmint. xrmna, u.i; inih DiTcinlirp f LAND ACT. nlotlc ol Inttntion to Apply lo Purchaat i-ano III Ski'fn.1 l.nllil 'liintrlrt. nr Prlun- lliiMrt lim-unliriK Inmrlrt. anil aitiiatr Iiriiiliii;ilcl nor ami nni hair inlli'O al r salvm sutxin. 'm salvin hltml, sk-nn nirpr. Takf Nnllrr Ihat llmlnir laraium. c,l IH3 Carlclun Si., Iiurnahy. nrruiiatloii l.iiaifi'r, IntiHtit lo aimlv for rieriiiiuiiiii lo iwrrlMi tin' fnlliiwliilr ilffurlliril limU r.oiiiiMi-nrinir at a niml ' rihiitnt at tin aoiitimrsi nr 4x113, Salvna llaml: lhciiii aiiiUi'.vnitirl, arprml mati'ly smi y.inls; Umiht nnrlliiTly aii-prinlmnli-ly Mini yilMls: llu-nir Imrlhaint-rMy aiiiii-oxliiiali'ly mill yanln; I hem e oillthcrly 0II Vkl'iM. In Imlm ,,r liptliinlnv. I'oiniirlslnr all iMirllnii nr Salviis lluinl m i.oi 4nii3 ami I'liniainiiir JOn arrcii, inure nr kia. THOMAS Mll.1.9 Ar'iil (or lilipol." I.AII0. MINERAL ACT, HAWK MINERAL CLAIM SUliatf III lllO Kk.i Mlnlnv lllwlalni. pr Ilm llaiicp Ii. Coast Iilslrlrt. Whrrr lorntcd, Siniih nr Falls i:rrfk, Kllnuin-kalmn l.aki-, ami aitjninlnfr thp WhlMler ili lhi Kast rmt nr It. i.awrul Imldcra, W. Trratnn ami P. Wllwin: No. or ItnliUrs' ftv Mlnrrs' Cirtiriralp, Treluii r,700C:. iviiimmi niiiiifi,. Tnk Nnilr that wi. W. Trillion, F.M c. No. Aid or ami Uavlit Wllaon, K.M.i:., in. iiii'ui,, iiiipiiii at inn end or Mxlt daya rrmu ihi l.ile heroor lo apply Is. the iiiiiiiik iiminii-r inr a irnrirai or ini-prm iniint ror Ilm immune nr nhtinm a cinwn Oram or tin- ahovK rtalm and rnrthirinriri' lako not:r that Arlhm iiniler " ip aiiiHTai An miiai lie com-nii'iirnl liproN- Hip lamianrp or mirh vi-rll-ricaip or linprovPmiMiH. nali'il this nnili dav or nv 19J4 W. V. TIIESTON. and nVin wii nx. ownrrn. K. T. Krnny. rrnr IN PR08ATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH . COLUMBIA. Ill the Mailer or the Ailmliili'irallnii Art; ami In lhi Mailer or the Kalatu or I'rlor fnlll mm. lieeeiiMil, Inientale. Tkl: MlTll i: thai liy order or hl Honor V. Mill. Ynlinir, iniiili' the t ,ia. :illifi. iIiti-whsI. and nil piirllin Imvlnfr . ......i. t,Fiiiri in,- n.nii i'm.iip are nerenv reiiiliTil In nirnlsli same, properly vcrl r ed In me nn br l.. ihe lih il.iv or Mai rh, 1095. and nil parties Imleliied In the estate are rripiliid In pnv Ilm Ainoiini or Ihelr Imh liieilneoa o me rorlli- MiilNtw A. WATT, orrielal Ailinlnlstialnr, n,.e,, ,, nrir'l.ifr0- LAND ACT. fMV,:s,Ssif,,r ,rl,,,, ni","ri i .inr. ii.r. nun ornrire Utile, or Terraee n.( "'mmtlon lnmbf I l.cin. and . 'Iiwy- "f Terhlee, ll.C... oern. Pailon iiinlierman. Inlrnd In npplv n'r ' 1','irrhase u.e roimVinjr do-W'rilie.l IiiiiiH, for me" , rfniitiit nema- m , m,. r.l.inl.-.l n annih cud or Uhiml altunled near inniith nf i!ii. ( l Allin l M, cinriKY. Appllcintl. 5h Article k-t i:.d Fwrnd,4, LAND ACT- Nolle or Inttntion 1 ftrBi , kino. III Sk(PII I ,:iti ! Mml-illiiK 1 HLiihl 111 - MHIIU ni -, TAkf: orii 1. nr loiiiwiiv, 11 , InleiHl liixni'1 liasn Hi rmi" i:i.inn)iirinK ii HUtrrMr HMl ..l 1 ltlllfl) Mllltll i twinir .uniiii 11 Mill lnlllDll. :in, I Islnixl. Till- i i I (llris-lly rumii ,1 I Klin llw IMIIK sliUisI liy am-iii 1 laintim 3uu an, ! 1 11 IUll Junitat'v LAND ACT Nolle or Intention In r lr 11 In I am I lin'i.iiiu . ut lirlllsli II en. TAkK Mnii K 1 1 1 111 ill V'JIIH ..'1 1 ' -iiiaUiin l'nli :h..' InlrOil" Hi ai'l'l-luU lllf (I4TM-I lUiliilnliriii a , uillllH'4'l rm ii. ' appllralKni r.r iIh-ikv nurlli 1:1 llM VllllWfl 1 nnrtli t llf Ukt flttMMT nr 1 t I ruihiT! ilm in ti,T- ,,r i" IW'lll. IM I ' HI I I nnim ur'tfitH. IV n . O'aiiM li,Hil Jlmiari LAND ACT Notlea orilnttntlon Ar"i 'i-ll III HAwll I In ro I Ijhd In it Crlnee nitperi, 1 nn mile aninli r i lei, and In Ve-i i!t No Take Mollre ti : nr Matnetl, 11 Maimer, lineiui to lea the r.ili Ciinimenelnir ai a j lde or Yeslali. n rlHll)l thehre ei- I " rhalni Ihenii w lalnlnir II aen. e El'UFVF Paled neeernlu" ' i';, LAND ACT Nolle or InUntlon to Ar " In ('rtie-e Imi'. corrtmit Miiii'i ! hup at llamai'i Iland. B.C. Take Entire tf. t ronipany l iinitid iend In ajinli r rollnulnr lei'nl" al Hie head nf c Roral maftil: Ihei tlienre north tf " neat ten (in, clnii water mark: thein e mark t, point ,ir K-iitaliOnr . nrieen Si'MFlU ii ' vv Hated peeemlie1, I'"' LAND AC Nntlra nf Inltnllon to Aclll ' H:' . Iii Skerna Land I' trlrl or I'rlnre ll' i pnnlmalely iu m or the Skeelia an t Skern.1 niter Take Nolli-p Hut I'rlnre Iliiiert, II 1 . intend to appl ' the fnllnwIiiK di" ' Cniiimeiii'iiiir at "i oiitli aide or Ski ' ii ' wesl 6 rhnlns; llieu-. .' Ihenre norllien-t eat 10 rlMlna ah i Skeenn liner to 0" nient, aud ciiiitalii i ' leaa. nroniF Paied Januarv siti DEPARTMENT OF t"0'' NOTICE ' Application tor Orailna ? Saaaon 16 Appllrallons rm- i" tork on the r,in" uratiiiF dimrii'i ' cnliiiuliia, must Ii' Forexier at i om' k'amloopa, .Xrl'nii. ' rniivrr, Vernon and w lielore Mnrrh ll-i ' II In nk fiinte. tic "i pllrallona may In- h trlrt Fureatcr" ' nr rrdhi thr liepirim loria. .r.. pei 'if nenai'liiii'iit nr i an ' Vinnrln, li e Jannarv 'HI' NOTICE IN Till! MtTTFH ' ,T ! Tor the lne ni a title rr l.nis llilio (31), Dork seven Cily or I'rlni'e line ' salisrai'lor.v pi ' trin tlfiii or the ' ' ' InF the nhove land' ' In me niv lutcn rihirallon or one m 1 niinllrallon lierenr. ' i 1 1t lo In lhi nnine ' 1 for, thp aald land, v lllle rsi dali'd Hip huh nnniliercd 3D3 1, , II, f ri' land nriirv nrri.'i I'rlnre llnppii, ll ' January 30tli, !'