i v 'IV '"'iuilillg Ift'O I'es- who aflerwards w licet, reenvercil. iv was Incaleil late iiinii when il was : surface. einaiiiilcr tiT Hie ! vcred. KRl.Y RESCUE COLLINS TODAY - mvhvi, iii u j nivalis Shaft Late Tonldht Work men Say nil;::- Id i i..i. J H' i i .-viii;. (1RRFR If II I Fn of CITY. Ivy., Feb. II. -uiiliHiKed for di'velop- iniliealious this after "e Unit Floyd Collins 11 xti iciilcil heforn. ale 1o- -iii !' Ill) , ill uniiil ,...tli U' II'I'H ' Ji!'" lieen (rapped ami liehH ii IL I'lii'l; nil Oil lii fiml Tnr. 'lay- It u believed Hint "dl alive. men In dint-tri. nf llin ....... n v V . . .. . ( ll M f I I. I r, l " , . . I nilllll. t(.Mllllin 11113 ''"'""""il man -aid the sudden n: ' or tin' cavern in which i i . . . u pi isonec woiiiu no "uy linexiieclcil ileve'liiiniieiiL IN DRUG STORE ttlM.s.m, .V1) ,.,,, 1p 1 (li- iti'iitf mIi .r ...i t ,i. --"v.., ll II It. II II U tnanagor. David Pii'ire, In obey ll. comiuanils of '"lirrs. sliot am k ed no ,(; mm NOTABLE PASSENGERS ON STEAMER DUE ON TIME THIS AFTERNOON Minister of Lands and Heads Industrial Concerns Here Today C....ll.'lMeaii,er Prince ltii.erl. Capl. I. Denial. I, is ilue In "arrive from the south on lime at :i o -cl.jek Ihis nftermiii. 'I he vessel has a !oml-siei passertger li'. including several well known persons such as lion. T. I. I'a'-j lulhi. minister of lauds and member "f the legislalure fori Prince HupcM; J. A. Smith, I'riu- says cipal or Ihe new concern which is In operate Ihe Seal Cove sawmill: S. I.. Itumii, general man- ... -. . i.. . , i ager or I In lios .viigcies i.uiiih. Prmlucls Co. owning Hie sawmill at lluckley Hay where operalions il is expecled will shorlly be resumed, ami orricials id the Nor-Ihein Conslrucliou Co. lo lake charge or Hie building or the elevalor rouinlations here. SETTLEMENT BETWEEN FISHERMEN-AND BOAT OWNERS EXPECTED NOW Annllier ineeling id the Canadian Halibut Fishing Vessel Owners' Association on 'he mailer id iigit lenl wilh Ihe fishermen regarding terms of operation was held in the. police court lasl night ami it was arranged lo nieel Ihe- Deep Seit Fisher men s I n inn lis aiiei ioiim. is expeclei euces I Mini minor dirier-T which .have been homing up Ihe signing id Ihe agreement will be amicably sellled al Ihis meeting. KILLED IN TORONTO TOIIONTO, Feb. II. Mic-niMiiliiuu' in severe injuries as a "nli iit f(p, negro. K,giir llnmo. I n.siill of helnir knocked down by i . - . ... '"iK. was wounded when, an iiulomobile ii week ago, .mis. t " ( 'libbers relurneil Mm flio l.' vv i-.l . 1 i . 1 Indav. K. C. ''""diliun is scions. Two of llalslon, driver of ll"1 car. I' " !"" nU cluirgisl will, manslaughler Occau, oiei;atiliR ' ill conjliuul ioii vvilh Ihe snlMdued fleel mf leu j v essels,(oftlo ,JUtU'iv-yJiJL'1"f,Ul' . hit an ugreeineni wiin inc ian- . ; ad In u govcrlungjit.. slTys an OtLa-1 Wa iiespaicn. ii is generally ie- lieveo i n ai lines win lie cui from Iwelxe ami a half to twenty-five per cent. 'OTTAWA, Feb. 11. "That would he fine. I hope il is l iahl." said lion. T. A. Low, minister of Trade ami Commerce, when lnlil of Ihe report thai the j Canadian Pacific Ocean Services of i were willing lo withdraw from Ihc Norlh Allanlic conference and come in under the government's' proposal lo 'subsidize transatlantic .-hipping lo mluce ocean rates. FORKEASKS LOWER TARIFF SHORTAGE Progressives Have Not Given up Idoa of Reductions OTTAWA, Feb. II. Itoberl Forko. .progressive leader, speaking ill I lie debate- of Ihe address in reply lo Hie speech from the Ihroue in Hie House of ..Commons, made il clear Ihal the Progressives wauled more InrilT redur-Hous. "I want lo give nolico lo Ihe (ioveriiineul Ihal member who sil in Ihis pail id Hie House at least have not given up the idea ot I iir ill' reduction and do t it I iii J lo press for furllnT re- jduclions along Ibis line," he de clared. OFFICIALS OF MILL GOING TO ISLANDS Speclllaliou ir lo whelher Ihe iillii'inls, or Ihe Hay mill mean." opening of Dial al once or nol, Hump, general rife as visit or lluckley the re-iuilustry S. I., manager id Ihe Cos Angeles l.um- her I'roduels, I. Id., ac- eoiiipaiilcil by six others is arriving Ihis afternoon on Ihe steamer I'rinee IUi- 1 perl and will leave for Ihe Islands on the Carmen. The Hiickley Hay mill is conl rolled by Ihe Cos Angeles company. OF TAXI BOSTON GRILL 95 and BP I Large Upstair Dining Halt, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding anwwhore at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Av. PRINCE RUPERT For ratis, apply In Boston and bin 01 Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV., J. '';.' Al. I'lUXCR RLT'KUT, U.C., SVKDNKSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1U23. Vtittrdii'i OlrcuUllon 1613 ttrttl BIm 408 PRK5E FIVE CENT0, FOOD Liquor Problem, Government Being Between Two Factions Tl dtONTO,. Fel. II. Coiiciirrt-iit with the auiiounceniciil (if. Ontario's forthcoming ttiiiperunce law amendment permit ting Ihe sale of beer tip lu i.i 'proof spirit strength, will conic ftii'llicr amendments providing jail penalties without Ihe option of fines for bootleggers, it is slated. The wet element of Ihe. (jonservaljve riarty, not ronton! with Ihe concession of added strength for beer has introduced nj rc-oliilion declaring il is desirable that legislation should ("' enacted providing for Ihe.side of beer, spirit." and wine iuider government control upori the ' . : principal or local option. At many prohibition union : meetings resolutions were passed; commending (he premier and at-I loruey general On the nunouucc-! menl Ihal Ihe regulations were; lo be ameudcil bill later resciud-1 e'd Ihe resolutions when news came through that the auii'iul-inenl proposed lo allow (lie sale of stronger beer. ASKING EXTENSION WATERFRONT ROAD TO G. T. P. DOCKS On suggestion id Alderman Ciimw, Hie Hoard of Works was instructed al lasl nighl's council ineeling lo interview lloli. I. D. Pallullo regarding the possibility of having Ihe government water front road couliuueil from Ihei governmeiil. wharf lo' the (l.T.I'.j docks. Aid. Casey dej'laeed Ihal. I since Ihe removal id II ver- head lo Ihe governiiieul wharf. Ihe eircuiluoiis route via Cow-Hay Horn Ihe goveriinienl wharf lo lhe (l.T.P. dock was proving very inconvenient to Irallie. Hx-li'juling Ihe preset, I road would be very feasible anil lie fell Ihal Ihe mailer would receive Ihe 4i ravoralib' Pallullo iT before It i in . consideration of Mr, il were properly set DOG TEAM REACHES NUMBER FIVE CABIN SICK MAN IS BETTER - The dog I earn gone to fetch K. W'K Smith, son of Mary F.llen Smith, from No. 5 cabin has reached its ih'slinalion ami the sick man Is much better today- He will be brought out jis quickly as possible and should reach llazellon In ii few days. LOCAL CHURCH AGAINST UNION BY 65 TO TEN A second ballot taken iiinoiig Hie members of' the local Presbyterian Church on the question of church union resulled in 05 voles being eusl against Ihe measure and only leu in favor id il. Counting of Ihe ballols look place lasl night, the vole having been open for two weeks previous. It was iieees- sary lo take a second vole. because some of Ihe lech- idealities had nol been observed in taking tins first vole. GREECE OBJECTS TURK ACTION Savs ExDulsion of Patriarch En dangers Friendly Relations (iCNF.VA. Feb, II. -- (ireeei has appealed o the League of Nations against Hie acliqn nF Turkey in expellifg Hev. . Con-slauliuos. patriarch id Ihe Oreek Catholic Church from Conslnull- uoplc. It is claimed (lull this acjioit endangers Ihe friendly-re. lallons ..existing between the Iwb countries. OPIUM IS SEIZED IN LMJNDRY RAID VANCOUVKIl. Feb. II. Opium va ued al 7.000 was seiied in a Chinese laundry raid here yes j terday. IN or works to confer with Mr. Howe. . . Matter of Power Tim mailer of power caimi up in a Idler from . Suptt'iitideitl f.ovc which slated (hat Mr. Ilowv was desirous of entering, into an agreement will, Ihe city at Iho earliest possible moment so that In- might submit it to the department of trade and commerce.1 Fifty horse -power would be re- quireii w 1 1 li in two weeks in connection willi conslrjjclion and Mr. Love asked for authority to proceed with, the work of making Ihe connection from the i cat i a i ii Avenue line. Mr. Love staled Ihal Ihe rale, lo be charged the elevalor had already been decided upon. The superintendent was empowered lo proceed with Ihe making of the connection and Ihe mailer of a per manent agreement was 'left in Ihe hands of the stipe riulcmleul ami cily solicitor to complete. along Ihe lines alrevly decided upon. Mr. Howe's letter also asked for permission, from the city to build trackage for the Nevalor across the inner edge of the c lv s waleiTrniil properly on which is located Ihe abamloni garbage wharf. II was expected that Ihe cily would require no compensation for Hie privilege This mailer was also lefl in Jhe hands of Ihe board of works. Members id Ihe council seemed favorably disposed to the request. Aid. Stephens urging, however. Ihal the reservation be made Ihal (he righls of Ihe city lo access and use oT its property at any lime be relumed. YANDERHOOF TO HAVE A CARNIVAL QUEEN TO REIGN FOR WHOLE WEEK VANDFItllOOl'! Fell. II. Van- ilerlioof is lo have u winter car nival with a carnival queen and all Ihe proper ceremonial including a hockey club ball. The queen will be crowned at Ihe ball on February 27, and will hold Ihe honored position Tor n week, election lo the position bo-ing by purcliaseiible voles. The queen will alleud the farmer's ball on March 15. 1 RUSSA iiiHi m r it bmi aaf i-jBfli 'I'iiji a a ifiM'tf iMi i a mil lijin nil i v hi i 1 ffBtAJ&frf I 111 1 1 W 1 UK HBliK MIHV1IIIK It W W ft lU I M 1 1 M I I I 111 Will VlhNllftU aiwe Tow Lights of Crops in Russia is Worrying Sowef Government; Orders Being Placed Outside MOSCOW. Feb. II. Willi I lie failure nf Ihis year's Tops. rm pAlfllMXTr r3 M.iciii 01 providing flour for Russia's millions is worrying ATO I I.I II jl IKi Pir- i .,.- - o . . - . . . , ; (11111.-1 i c has caused large sown areas o rrisli. II, ;iiuv il onb ts fur groin arc being abroad In inectj 'IV milium dollars vvorlh of silver ruin made in Ureal! ;i . ii On: object iif slnbilmng Ihe currency ami providing j, in id exchange I I lie place of Ihc depreciated paper . i. ...,n. .... ... II II " ' j .... - IS I IliU 111! III! I In JAPANESE WAS AN ACCIDENT osniDman in inarge ui uua. mii iiiuwiiiiijj !i coroner's Jury. ,i "il I In- Saturday which eleven lost Iheir lives. Yntu'irhi. in cliar:i' I' ui tin- time of w;i - Hie chief wil-ilii I Hint lie saw Hie Inn Nanoose, ui a barge was Hi mil know their , ' 4- V SENTENCE. ON JACK MILLER DELAYED TO FRIDAY THIS WEEK Special In Daily News I.OS A.ii;i.i:S. leh. tl. .lack Miller of Vancouver ami l'ciiice llupc'rl wtvt. was recently colixicteil here on four count fur bootlegging and who was Jo have lieen sei.lt .lord lod.lj will nol appenji ,"il. 1.1 1 I i 1' Friday of Ihis week When senldiCe will he passed. FIGHT IS ON C.P.R. Llkoly to Quit Conference and Come Under Subsidy ! Arrangement I WILL BE BIO CUT j Twenty Boats of Government, Merchant Marine to be Ad- , i ded to Service I WIN.MI'F.O. Feb. II. - The Caiituliau (ioeriuiH.'iit .Merchant Marine, fumiirisiiig " fleet of 20 vessels, is likely lo wilhdraw from Jhe shituiiiiB euinhiue and 1 Sorrow and affliction Iia caused a reconciliation in Uncase m liorolliy KUingsou of rian 1'raiiciM-ii, who ha nui-fcsei lo sluying her mother. Following Ihe IcnKfily (lie father uml Iirolhcr Were hiller towards her, 1ml later visjl-cd her at the cell, join in Ihe fiidil for lower . .. TI . .,lean.shi. rales.,,,, the Atlaulie I llfirO IS W YeRUllW With Water ani Power for Elevator Arranged by City Council and Details left with Committees m I irmtnunii;alioiis having been received from (J. I). Howe & Co., designers of the elevator here on which construction is about lo start, the city council deeided last night to leave in the handj of Aid. I'erry and the city solicitor Ihe matter of giving a water connection which is required immediately in connection with the foundation work mid to the superintendent of utilities, the matter of. providing a temporary power coiineclion. The matter of valer cume up in a letter from Mr. Howe in which Ihe request was made Ihal a six inch permanent main be laid by the city to the elevator - - properly. I he cily would be ex-j peeled lo lay the main to the. properly, Ihe elevator itself be-injt prepared In Inke 'care of distribution from Dial point. The elevator would be prepared to i pay ihe cily's standard rales for lln; service. Water would be needed almost immediately'- in I construction work. 'Ihe city engineer staled Hi a I a temporary connect ion for, pre sent needs could be given from (iraham Avenue. Aid. Casey felt Unit the only thing lo do was to ineel with the request so that Ihc work9wouhl not lie held up. On his motion, seconded by Atil. Stephens, Aid. I'erry and Ihe cily 'solicitor were given tjwx-r It u s s ie k i no f C o OlMu: Jl'l l'a to act as- far as" quireiuenls were concerned while the SHIP HUSKIES QUEBEC RACES Dcgs Were Loaded on Train Today at Winnipeg W'l.NN IP KO. Feb. ll Protesting vociferously against their confinement in erules which are carrying them to Uuebec, Ihreo more (eauus of huskies from, ; Northern Manitoba wer(; Uiaded on tliii eastboniHl Cunudtan National train today for Quebec. The dpKs were those of Shorty temp in pora cy r?-r bog! riyj" L'a ii- llrydgesi ' win- ner of Ihc t!;4 matter of a permanent eon- and Allan .Mclionahl, yqebec Derby, who with Tli e l'a. s raee (Ids year, will con-lest Hie tide al Quebec's annual dog raee. St. Oodard and his learn passed through Winnipeg umlay and lie lias now commenced Ids training runs fu the ancient capital. SNOWSTORMS DELAY DOGS jpted of Team Reduced to Six Miles an Hour on Way to -Nome f IIUHY, Alaska, Feb. 11. A. blinding 'snowstorm raging la the entire Yukon valley has re duced the sliced of the dog teams tielivriing diphtheria anti-toxin io Nome lo Jess I ban six miles -j ii hour. They left here early 'his morning. Territorial representative, Kl- lioll ami llalph l.omen. reindeer ivvner, the first persons to leave-Nnfiic since the diphtheria outbreak, are reported en route to cattle via Juneau. E. H. T. HYDE DIES ANYOX 'Veil Known Customs Inspector Passed Away While on Visit '.Special lo Daily AI.ICF. AHM, Feb. 1 1. Hyde, best known In Hie district Sis ' line," Joins inspector nasi leu years News) ll. II. T. people of lyde. cus- at Apyox for the died: of cerebral hemorrhage while mi a visit lo Ihe l,u.fe of 11. S. Munroe at nyox lust night. Mr. Hyde was a native of Fug laud uml was 0.") years of age. For many years he resided in (ireenwood, 11.15. where he was u doctor's assistant. BEVIS HANGED HALIFAX, Feb. 11. Lewis .Marshall Levis was hanged thfTj morning in" Ihe yjard of Iho counly Jail for the murder of the policeman, Charles' Fulton, last July.