rA i in K YUUK Sea and and DRY it, ocenes n 1 VISIT ill nil hi in. ti w Co. Fifth Avenue East 1gPhoncs B4 I CdDCO emers ch Wood 1 SMALL HEATERS. 50c Per Sacl- Hllar.nn II l t mams j and Evening 27 P.O. Bos 327 r to A s Ck v ii a u ma i URflFV Cleaners ly power iii'css.ng t t v Ser- . If! II .- I I I w llll (iliniic Call ai . th Ave. W, Phone 8 BeTransfer P5 SeCOnri Auinni. I '-m v v i u v ( I 68- NlQht or Day. f BUY BOTTLES. miuuii FCC RllPEftT, B. O. ,r'e Hours, t t 6. I Phon 686. I Knln0t Only Fr IIH ppolntm.nU. I INDSAY'S age and Storage te. KlplKi.li Warehousing, n. and renin or Mntnr SArvi,. s'id and Oravcl POClallr. I bi . . riono ana ""nlture MovlnB. E.S.TAIT DfJTIST. LOW RATE TO THE SAWMILL Concessions Proposed to Granted to Induce Development of Industry HAS POWER TO SELL be Expectation of Pulp Mill In Near Future Is Attractive to Council There wa a lengthy dUCUS-sinn ill lll-t Uigjll's COltlH'il meeting mi I In- ma 1 1 it nf an agree, liieul between I In Seal Cove sawmill "nil (lie clly respecting mivt ami wnh'r supply anil I m a I ion . Nothing definite, Imw-(vi'r, was decided upon pending tlii' arrival. Imlay from Vancouver oT -I. A. Sinilli, principal in the I hi i-i-1 1 ji of Hip injll, whom il It proposed In. meet tonight. Thp I concensus of opinion scented In J In' in favor of granting tempnr- jiiry concession wliii' )i may Iip j rnnt in mtl if Hie rompany shows jgood fni Hi in Hip mailer of fur- I llll'l- development. j Mayor N'l'wlon, in bringing up I lir subject, slated dial Iip hail secured the agreement of Mr. Ili'll (o a proposal that Hip power rale of c, which Hip mill formerly paid, In pfl a il wa, thai Hip o assessment also sfand n m) Hint a flat rale oT ln per inoiilh for walpr Iip charged. Tin would Iip fur lifts year only ii thai Hip operation of Hip mill tn i li I In' started. Ili'forp flu ml of I hi' yi'iir, Hip council could reach sonic permanent agreement which would be siib-mlltpd to Hip people at tin- .laiu uary pIccIIoii. j ' Has Power to Sell Aid. Stephens impiircd if the superintendent had recommend- lii Ilit power ralp suggested. Could Hip clly supply power at I this figure wilhoul loss? ; Superintendent I.iivp replied thai il would cost l.7r to generate iIip powpr ami deliver il In jllie mill. The clly had I hi en- crgy at present and wa not M'lliiiu il. Whilp il might look peculiar to give IIip mill siieli a !ow ni lo, special rales could always hi made lo meet special i-mnlil ions. " Md. Stephens said he wnul.l ' SYNOPSIS OF ' LANDACTAMENDHENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vncnnt. unrfsrtwl. urvy'1 Crnwn Innil mnjr lie ire-emitl by irllHh iiuliJfH'tH over 1 years of as. unl hy ttUt-na on decliirlnR Intention Ki liecuinv Hllllsli nulijtxtii, condl- lonal liiJdn rmlilence, oecwiwillon, Md ini)rovm'Ht for aurlcultural (lurposeH. Full informstlon con-mlnc rKU-.ai Ioiik resnrillnc ire-eniptlon It Kivt-n In liullt-tlii No. l. umi hri. "Mow to l're-mil Unid," coiilen of whloh .an be obtained free of chargt ly itlilri-H!nK 'ie )emrlment o( innl, Victoria, DC. or to any fior-(rnimnt AKenl. IteionU will ! Rrnnteil coverinit only land aultal.le for acrlcullurul nurposex. iind which U not timber-iand. I.e.. cmrylnK over M0 loord feet per acre went of the Count KiinKt t,nd feet per acre eaut of tbut IUllKl. AiiUrajlons for pre-emptlont art to lie iidilreseil to the Ijind Commissioner of the Iand Itecordlnn Division. In whleh the land applied for la altuuted. and are made n prlnleil form", eopies of which can he obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emption must be occupied for five yearn and Improvement madt to volue of Jin Per acre, lncludlnn cleaiiiiK and cultivating at leatt fly ncrea, hefiire a Crown Orant cm b received. Kcr more detailed Information a the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt '"""'H PURCHASE Applications are received for pur-chute of vacant and unreserved Crown landt, not belnit tlmberland. for agricultural purpoaeti minimum lirlce for flrKt-clam (arable) land It 5 per acre, and tecond-claet (Krai-inif) land $2 60 per acre. Further Information recardlnx purchase or leaso of Crowi. landa It nlven In Hulletln No. 10. Lund Herlea, "rurchme and Leate of Crown Landt." Mill, factory, or Industrial altea o timber land, not exceedlnc 40 acre, may be iiurchased or leated. the con-ditloni lncludlnK payment ol ttumptK. HOMESITE LEASES Unturveyed ureas, not ree.lnit M acre, may be letted ,,om"'t"' conditional upon a dvvtlllnit be nj r.oid In tht flrtt y'r. title beln ..i.ioil,i- after residence and Im tirowment condition art and land ia been turvtyed fulfilled LEASES vnr .r.tlnr and Induttrlal pur pottt arena not exceeding mav be leated by ont ptrton company. qraZINQ Und.r the Orttlnn Act tht Hrov-Inc. It It dlvldeil fllVIiieu Into mio Kr.M. urtilnij --"- litrlctii Qrailnn Cominlasloner. Annual KtatlnK permit t art Ittued bate Ml numbtrt rwnea, prioruy to ettabllthed ownen. SI0;"-0""" may form anuclatlont for rang management. Kret. or .rtl. ,'' ttttltrt, .....it. .r. nallabt for eaiptrt ana travtlltra. up to head. Itn DO YOU COUGH, COUGH ALL NIGHT LONG? Terribly lii0rcinir ami wearing- in the tynleni I llu- ninth lli.it imni' mi it tiiylit mut ynu ri.iiii; ,;,rt ai H,( l.niir mill cun t p.) -g.,. DR. WOODS NORWAY PINE SYRUP WILL GIVE YOU RELIEF Mr. Jnlm lyiimn, Knterprle. Ont;, Willi's: "Uler hnvlnif hint wlnpinK rmuh I niiitriirlpil lin.nHiilU, aMI for rtay anil nlnht I -.okIk-I ninlinnnliy. unit niiilij ii mi i..( m .i.,.p, t.ii t ' ariir taklnt imi' IhiIIIi- or ir. Wwiil't Norway fine Syrup I fi.iOKl treat roller, mill arter h-ivlnir taken several li'dllc I ft.i roiii-vni r my tniiilili'." . Thl valiiulili' ci.iii anil rmitli n-ini'ily h:w liM'n n Hie iiijiki-i fur llu; as Vifr; yni ilnn I i'Krlinont wlnn ynu liny H: I'lil iip nnl.v liy Thn T. .Mlllmrn 1-0.. I.lmllwl. Tnrnnlo. Onl. lie ill favor of iviiut JIip concession suujjesleil provided il did not prejudice the Hly' puxitjon. Hie fell." however, thai this was a ery ailYiiulavenu location for such il plant. There was rail and water Iraiisporlalion and no luxation on improvements. For iiilaiice, the mill al Swansou May paid .,ihi a year in laxes mill lo pay regular power waler rales. While il was d-sirnhle lo assisl in Ihe eslah-lishm'eul of iiuluxlries, Ihe eily should lie safeguarded. Concessions for a hort period might he granted. t Such plauls as the mid storage and Ihe eamiery, which me.-i n I a great deal lo (he eily. had mil asked for such e.iin-eessioiH. Aid. f!apy was opposed In granting any ennepssions al Ip than production rot mi-in eondilionally. Tin1 oppralors nf Ihe mill should show good faith following their statements as to possihle future devPlopniPnls. If I hey did so. hn would he in favor of giving them almost anything. Make No Mistake The mayor said Ilia), while he had no axe lo grind and was ask- in; would he made in irraiiliuir eoncessions propoed for remaimler of Hie year. Aid. I.arseji understood that it was proposed to moe in Hie direction of a pulp mill within a year. Mr. Hell had said Ihal il would he necessary lo establish a shinple mill in any case. Aid. Stephens recalled Ihal Mr. Ie had said Ihe mill would operate whether or not Ihe concessions were irranled. .Mayor. New-Ion eonld recall no definite prn- i mic as lo a pulp mill. I Aid. Smilh and Aid. Hrown j fell Ihal concession; miiilil he 'prattled Ihe mill until the end of Hie year. Al .Ihe snjrfreslinn nf Aid. C.aey. il was decided lo iWr making a final offer until Mr. Smilh arrived. In the Letter Box WANTS BATH HOUSE IMilor. Daily News: Allow me a lillle space In your valuable paper lo discuss thr oueslioii of a public halhliniise. Seeinif Ihal Ihe eily is represent ed hy ipiile a number of labor members, I sincerely hope I hoy won't forjtel their duly toward labor .while in Ihe cntmril. We have one pood tested member and in rey.ard to his views on Hie labor (pieslion there is one real question I would like lo point lo in regard to public health in this clly of ours and that is the need of hallis, 1 think II Is nearly lime Ihal this eily. sceiiitr I hey are all in favor of municipal ownership, GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENSE. TOn BEER NOTU.l; l lieleby It I veil Dial (ill tlie ? til day t March next tlie Miiderrlimed iilciii In :i i . 1 1 1 v to the I. nimr l unirnl acret I Hoard fur a llri hsi In lesiierl In ihoiiiIsck or a liiinir pini nr tlie iiiiiiiiuiir kimun iihlrnl Motel, luinti'il at the ruiurr tit Hll and Sevenlll Slin t. In llm l : 1 1 v of I IT lire lluiH'l l, I'mrlnre of nrltlsn f.iiliim hit. upon tlie lands di'scrllii'il ai l.ola i'Ii'Viii I II i and twelve (ISl llilrtceu ,n, ,,,, ,,..,. ,,,,, ,n,.k ,,. tht ran admlnlttered urioer jn ,. ,,( city of I'rlnce lliiperl. ari'oi'illinr in a rcilleri'il map or .Ian ipinleil In Hie Ian. I lli'dl-lry Of riie at il"' i:it.v or Prince unpen ami nnniheri'il tl SS. for tlie Kale of beer hy the Kill!" or by tin- open bollli; Mr ron- aiitiii.l Inn rill llu. lir..nlkiitt IHIt li l I'rliice liiipcrt, U., this Ollf day or li'lirnary, I0J5. I'KTKII hisr.K, owner unit M.micer of Central lloirl. Applicant TIIE DAILY, NEWS should loiilil a halhliniise as I here are sjninjf lo hp a largo numlier of fishernieiii Jipip this; season. Although 'nil haliliul j fishermen are mil perfect in vo-t gard In I heir religious views,' they have cleanliness; which Is I next lo goillnPHs.,,AU crews coin-j as iipiiiiisi "i.kiiii ciiargi'i I in ' i-viiin.. i,.iiv. v. local plant. II had no rail con- I would appreciate lieins avail- ' M""- "' r''" "'!'' f iniphtje.l Hip opportunity or relalin- fairly he reipiire.l of the local : Hirouah your columns an inci- and ing ashore, afler heing penned up 'on a fishing hoal for some time, tlie first thing they want is a halh. There are lots of houses luiill liere wilhoul hallis. A pulilii- hallilmuse would hp; ipiitp an asset lo Hie clly treas. ury. seeing Ihal all liarlier simps charge fifty cents a h'ath. I can see where Ihe. city could do heller than Ihal al a great ileal less price ami accninniodale Ihe puli-lic al a greater advanlagp than at present, Seeing Ihal they are Iniildillg I Wo new churches in I'rincp lliiperl I think it nearly lime they sjioujd Jniild a halhliouse. I.'mler our teaching, accordiug to Clirisli'in civili.a-tion, cleanliness is nexl lo god liness. , . Hoping Ihal our I '.:'." council j will lake up Hie mailer if ouU i in Ihe name of humanity and , lalmr. 'I'hnnking you. IIHHKItT IIAWA. risliermaii. UNREQUITED SERVICE dent which I ' eonsider exposing, as it certainly support Ihe principle of deserve lines uol "lloiiesly is Hie liesl policy. On Saturday evening last, I found a purse ronlailiiiig sr.c.iiu elose lo Hip corner of Mcltride St. and 3rd Ave. immediately turned around and proceeded Inwards (he police station, where intended depositing my fin hile passing along Jliil Ave. I met. a man and wife who had Inst money. I'pon siihiuilling proof Ihal they werev,lip owners I handed my' find fit Tull'lo them, and exiiecling lliaf It'ify would desire lo express their grale'rul-nesr ju some manner wailed a for Ho snap decision wilhoul Had Ihe couple offered hip a I the whole council heing salifict.i reward under orilimiryireuni-;he felt thai Ihe mailer should lie.slaiices I would md Ii.im1 'acceil-isi llled with as little , delay a ed il, lull nt the preseiil Hme I posvihle. He fell Ihal no mistake Ihe Ihe am mil nf employment 'mid entirely wilhoul means, and the price oT a siiiare meal would have appealed very much lo me. prinp. M. T. Herder who, ha bon a member of Ihe Telkwa fU5.M.I. has been transferred to Prince (icorjie. Miss I'f Thorpe who has spenl several weeks hero, visit inn her lirolhers, left on Tuesday for her home in Kngland. PRINCE GEORGE Tlie. Canadian National rinll-ways have rulered a general appeal a ?ain.t. all (be valiialinns plared on eoinpany's prnperly In Ihe 1025 assessment roll. A mass meellnc nf Ineal elll- zens is lo bd called shortly by 'liie Prince licorce I loan of Trade hits elected, ollicers for Ihe year as follows: President, J'. K. Wilson; first viei-presideul, V. I.. Armslron?; -eeoml. vieo-prcsj- I thank you in anticipation ofidenl, C. A. I'yne; seerelary- e.xpoxinp tins tnciilenl, as in my i treustirer deorse W i renwicK;; oiiinion. Hie cininle coiieerned council W. I,. Iloriisbv.' C. 0.1 lid not deserve lo ret'eivi) the Held, .1. II. Johnson. Jacob I. f fill, benefits of Ihe valuable principle l.lohti tiall, John Asiuaii, .1. I). of 'Honesty is Ihe esl policy.' IIH.VJA.MIN lll.OOM. TELKWA The rommillee In charge nf Ihe library is plannliiK a dance In he beld on March 17. Hie chief feature if Which will lie Irish music. ..Tyre Lake is Ihe scene of much iclivily on accounl of ice liciti? cut there. Mrs. V. J. Hholllebiirfronlcr-aineil Ihe W.A. of SI. Stephen's Church al her home on Tuesday. On Saturday, February II, Ihe Nursing Home Women's Auxiliary intend hoMiiiK a l.ea in Ihe library, Ihis heing; one of the regular monthly alVairs. While Itev. Win. Honey is lak-hiK Ihe. place of Itev. W .Wurr al Topley, no services are hninir held al Ihe I'nion chiircli. The wenlher lately is all Ihal could lie desired. Clear, linshl days and fro.'dy nijihls. There is a jiood deal more snow than In Ihe past few winters, hul Ibis will mean added moisliire in Ihe Wilson. A. MotTall. P. Anderson ami Alex. The roiv-'realion of Kno.v! I'resbylerian Clnirrh lal week) went on record., in ..favor .ofi church union by a vole of 17 to' i . The Prince fieorfre T'air As- soeialion has eompleled Ihe pur-i chase of a I HI acre site south of Ihe eil where il is hoped loerrc suitable liuildiiiirs. Clearing- oT III... I.i.i.l ..-ill ..ikiiiiii.iio.n in llu' mi- lllllll "in sprlnp. 'Ihe sile will perinil of Ihe installation of larjre race track. ALICE ARM lievelopmenl work llomeslake .Minim; V men! Co. in Ihe Torie by Ihe is proceeding with splendid results, Hie ore encountered eotuinp; fully Up lo eJtpeelalions. The pro perly is rapidly advaneitiK lo I lie stale of a proven mine. Capl. A. C. II. fioihardi is on a business trip lo Vancouver. Sam Winslrom, Ihe well known ski ami snow shoe musber, left last week on a trip to Ihe Kil-sailll "llaeier. He expects lo he away uboul len days. MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE II was Inward the end nf a theatrical performauce When one man turned lo another and said in a harsh, ffratini; voice: "I.nok here, you have sal on my silk hul. II Is ruined." The oilier looked ill Ihft silk hal. II was Indeed a wreck. "I am sorry," he said. "This is too had, Iml," he added, "il might have heen worse." "How ml";ht H havn ' heen wiirse?'' exclaimed Ihe firsl nnin angrily. might have Sal on my own hal." came Ihe, unfeeling reply. Yorkshire Post. v?.t. ftvt. RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1923. Hnx prnilueeil Minerals as follows; Placer (Sold, $70,1)02.200; Lode finld, $11.1,-:..".'.,0r5; Hilver, $0:5,o:t2,Or5; Lead, .f.'K.I..OOl ; (i.pper, $l7U,0U;,r,0S; .inc., $27,-DO'iJoO; Miscellaneoim Minerals, $l,'i('.S.2."7; Coal ami Coke, $2ro,008, i:t; Iluililiug Klone, llriek, liemcrit. 'lc, $:)0,-i iTt2'.', , making ils Mineral Pnuliielion lo Ihe eul ol 1U2it show an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 Tim Mining Ijhws of llii Province arc more liheral ami Ihe fees lower than. Hiosc of any oilier Ptoviiiee in the Dominion, or any colony in Hie Hrjlish Km lire. Mineral loealioits nr granleil lo ilisrnverers fur nominal fees. Alisolule. lilies are oliunneil y ilevclfipnig sueli prnpertics, the security of which guaranteed hy Oown (irauls. l-'iill iuforniallon logelher wilh Mining Ileporls anl Maps, may ie .olilaineil gratis addressing the Hoard oT Trade lo pass a resolution urging lhat the railway outlet to llm Peace lliver! he lirougilt to Prince (Spurge or near Ihe eily. ' Henry Hedricks and his family had a narrow escape from heing hlirned to death when their home in Central I'ort (ieorge was completely destroyed hy fifp las' Thursday morning. The flames were discovered hy, Mr. Hedricks in Ihe nick of lime and the lives ,'iof his children were saved hy dropping them out of a hedroom window into Hie chilly night. The entire ramily llien made a lliree-iunrler mile journey lo Hie hospital ill their night I'lnlhe.s. ilu recommendation of Hip rew moliiPnls. hul iM.nirai v to properly owners association, me my exppcliilions they went llieiri,,i'.v "'tm,ii last week decided to way, taking tin iwilli llieiu. whole of mv find i"Tease Ihe salary of Mayor Ay I jwajil from SU0 lo Vuu per year. Tlie. aldermen nilje.s. receive no indeui 14 THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. GET IT AT!T xt HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 58S REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS Good or Bad Weather We Can Do Your TOWING Day Phones 423 539 Gr. G01 3 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. SAVAGE Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 539 Washer and Drver lias tm Wringer, needs none. Won Hold Medal at al (Jueliee I'xhiliilion over all Ameriean and (Janailian Machines, (Jash Hrire $185.00; also sold on terms. Kaien Hardware Co. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailtmrt rroin Prince liuperi. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, twtmon Bty, and Altrt Bt, Tutidtr, 6 r.m. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. AUrt Btf, tad Swtnton Bay, Slurt, 10 A. It. rof ANTOX. ALICE AR. STEWART, Sundtf, S P.M. For ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON tnd NtH Rltr Ctnntrlti, frltty A.M. S23 2nd Aftnut. 4. B.rniity. Agtnl. ?rlnc. Ruptrl, B.C. v FAMED LONDON The Gin you will ak for again - the standard of purity for oyer 160 year. $3.25 Pee Bottle. The Gin for you is "II. & U." This ii.lverliMMiieiu is not published or displayed hy l,iiiior Control Hoard ur hy the (lovernme.nt of British Columbia. 1 the