AOR SIX Diamonds Alert, Ittiftkifii people who are m touch Willi the treml of events ami who do not fail to THINK, HEAR, SEE & ACT know thai in. buying a diamond they must depend largely upon the dealer. Our values arc eipial to those of any house in Canada and cheaper than many. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had nver 25 years' experience testing: eyes glasses. Satisfaction and filling Guaranteed Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North We have been forbidden lo run our advertisement civini: away "GRATIS" a load of kindling wood. Jle-iilK instructed lhal this is gambling and against the LAW. We will give our load nf wood away to the person holding a ticket that lias the UNION MA UK on it. To find this mark split your ticket open and hetween the compressed- cardboard one ticket has the UNION LABEL, liring this lo us and the loail or the "3EST WOOD THERE IS, IS "YOURS." The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Opposite old l'.O. Phones: 183-112; Red 461, ; Red 217 Dollar t specials? Oinghain. guaranteed not to Jade, ;t yards .... $1.00 Ladies' Silk Hose, all colors, tier pair S1.00 Ladies' Cotlon Hose, all colni s, 3 pair . . . . $1.00 Men's Sox, i pair .... $1.00 Children's Sox, rejr. 55c. '.i pair ... $1.00 Ladies' Lawn Haudker- ehiers, 8 Tor $1.00 Fine Sweater Wool, 1 oz. halls, all stiades, reg. i'lte. 0 for $1.00 Come, early and fret your share of the bargaihs. MussallenVs 417.423 Eth E. Phones 1S and 84. P.O. Box 575. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 THE DAILY rCEWS Tuesday, May ?, GETS OCEAN MOST OLD FOLKS GROSS WORD PUZZLE REQUIRE A FALLS JOB HEART AND NERVE TONIC W. C. Arnett's Drodglng Equipment Hero Will do Big Job at Paper Town Next The V. (. Arnelt Dredging tla. of Vancouver has heen awarded a contract hy the Pacific Mills Go. for the dredging of the river mouth hetween the passenger I'oal wharf ami the pulp mill buihliuu'. Her Maj- TIMBER SALE, X7173. sealed Tender will be reeclved by the district t'MTMer iit later than iukjii on the ituth day of June, It):., fur the pur- rnae or Lieenee . 7 1 2:1 011 lvirtiun ur tut t S r, . kumdU Inland, Ma-etl lulcl. O.i . I.. In i n I r, lu.Oiin feel IhkH'iI liieiyiirf d sjiruee. iiennm-K ami i.rii,ir hawiutri. Two (. yearn will Ik' allowed fur removal of linilwr. Kurlher partlrulars of the riikT t'ore-ler, Vietorla, or the lililrirt Koruiler, I'rinre liiHu'i't. It.r. TIMBER SALE X 6740. . Seated Tenders will be reivlvril by Mlnlrler of IjikI- al u-lorla not Mop Oil "Eureka Look for the booster Label. tli- l.ner than ii'ioii on the 41h ilay of June, IKtB, fur the purrhai' of l.leenre X C74U. to cut V3 4.UUII feet of Spruec, Cellar, Hemlock and Halani on an ana situated on Silver Creek. Prince ituperl Harbor,' llanjr .1. :oat Oi.lrict. Three ct year will bv allowed fur re iiioval at linilx r. nirllur particular!) of the chief loiw-tnr. Victoria, lt.:.. or PUlrlet l'oretr. olnie Ituiwrt, It.i:. TIMBER SALE X714S. sealed Tender will be received by the Miuiter of Laud ml later than nm 11 on the 1th day of June. 105. fur t!ic purrhae or l lrenie Xl8, to cut 8UU,-iiiiii rn t ir llemloL'k, Spruce and Ualaui, ' ii an area llualed on the Kal Arm of lirayney Inlet, Itaugi 2, Coast !ltrlrt. j Two is year will be allowed foi removal ur iiihiht Kuiiher particular of the Chief Kore-ler. Vlctoca, II . .. or lilMtrlct Foretcr. I'rluie Hiipecl. II r. small or Now obtainable In Prlnco Rupert. uprema (Janadas Fav-orile Ftiriiilnre 1'ulish. Al all good stores in large hollies. Also "SUPREMA" and tlio famous Bleach." Arter middle nor tittle sicknesses ind ailments mfin harrier tn lutkc off lliaii formerly as the. heart srlkm becomes weak'1 and uncertain mil tlio nerves ire nut a steady s they were In the yumiirer clay. ! .Vow is i lie tini" when all sknI people whii wish, tu ni.ilnlilu their liealth anil vlMir and retain their eneriry iiiiliitfatrcl kliuiiM use ! MILBURN'S HEART AND NERYE PILLS wnart ui iK-cau I uus. outiiu-' Mrs. M. OVmmor. WhlleHmie. Out.. '.vhere aholll GO, 000 yards of dirt ' writes: "I have teen troubled, most nf I is exnecled will have lo be ",v "'' WM M"rin. -r breath, paiju taken out. I iiiiriii in ine iieari and fainting; spells I I U'nti In a friuiwl In tfv lll. The joh at Ocean Falls will be : burtr ii. N. nils, which i did. and at dune by the dredge that is at, wire found relier, anil ' I have never had present digging gravel at Mo- rp4" l",l srn nurc. I am so years f apc ' keep n.em in the Vicholl Creek for the elevator! foundations here. Hie dredge , ,n sre nitnv V1.gr9 vrt , ,,W1V. re. and t wo dump SCOWS Will he : ewmiienil them lo anymie who Is siprer-taken south hy the log Fearful i fMim ,"N,r' trouble." as soon as the work is completed r "!t " ' here. Mr. Arnelt stilled morning that it would lie ral days before his local would be finished. QUEEN INTERESTED CANADIAN EXHIBIT this I Mv-!'.sly referred to the change of jolr exhihils and was greally inler-Jested in the panoramic map of ! Canada. I'laces she hail visited ! during her former visit to tin? Ioininioii were at once recognized. Her Majesty slated thai Jas-!per National Vavk was new to NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Or RESERVE MJTICE IS IIE1IKUY OIVK.N that 11k-rverve I'liveiuijc ri'itam laud near Um junction of nrstall mid SKeeua ltle, dlanated l.ot V4. Itanire t. Coal ll-Irlct, l cancelled. nKo. It. .Al)K.N, Deputy Minister of Land. Department or Land. Viclnia, B.C., May t tli, lt25. WATER NOTICE. (DIVERSION AND USE) TAkK MITIi:K that William Moikuii. wluc addi-e I l.orkpoi'1, H.t... will apply ror a licence to take and line i.iiuii iral-loii dally of waler out of on we.t aide of ljdckcrf. O.CJ., It.C.,! which flows wiutherly and drain Inlo wet arm, "limrrllnw" Mineral Claim, duly Crown llranted No. id S3 O.C.I. The water will lie diverted frwii the I renin al a m hit rlnlil at - aoiiree. alioiit l.Miu reel or no in nil i.orKejKiri iiaruor. huh win nc ued for doineatlc callnJ punxiie upon liie liiHin'-tlc cannery at l.ockeHirl, O.C.I. Thl notice wa (Misled on the lllh day of May, A copy of I'll notice, and an application pursuant Hereto and to tlie "VVaU-r Ad. 1911," will lie riled III lie office or the Waler llecurder al Prince UniMTt. II. i. uhlertlrn lo the Bp4iea- Oon may be rileil villi the nald Water Uecorder or with the Comptroller of Water lllirht, I'ai IhiTiienl Itulldlnirs. Vlc-nirla, in;., within thirlv day after the rirxt NppHaratice or tills notice In a local iiewspapcr. The dale or the first puhll-cutlon of this iiiiiicc i May aoili. tor. WILLIAM M'llHiA.V, Applicant. SIMMONS' Redding Week Phone20 BED OUTFIT No. 1 Simmons' While KiiiuiicI Hed, Coil hring, mid Full Mtildess. 53G.00 BED OUTFIT No. 3 BED OUTFIT No. 4 .Sqtinre continuous post Conliiiiioiis 3" post with Wiiliitit Hetl Willi oitber coil Kniinctl panel. Tlio new or Slumlicr King spring mid Slumber King spring ami felt inallrcs.. Slnr full mattress. 541.50 $46.00 GEO. D. THE House Furnisher BED OUTFIT No. 2 Hntnc us above, with U(!(l. $37.00 Third Avenue jjj f HIh . HM ll - p.. rl 1 I rJ- I 1 U i I'lPiieli fnf "In V. Slai.lelon. representative in i ...v.t !ml,n,',i i-ii.irr n ine i.aiiaiiian .auouai on i.,,,n Hallways exitioii were cougratti ated on the exhibit as beiug rredil In Canada. MORE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR CHILDREN'S WARD liollars from X. Mussalem of Ihisi i t y and 1 3.85 from Jabour Hros. J. M. Smith 1.00 Miss L. (i. Davis 1.00 F. N. Taylor l.oo A. II. Perkins 5.00 C. Allison, charged with intoxication, failed lo make his appearance in the city police court 'his u:rniug and his bail of ?-" was estreated. 31 Last but oiio KEY TO CROSS WORD PUZZLE Horizontal 1 Make smooth 5 African equine 10 Depression in business 1.' A gamin ,, , , titer hut she was greatly interest- i4 v :...,. , rlnoCC J Jl I ,J Jasper "J '''-"' f i ' Park Which he Said was W'ales . i... . ..: :. .. ..... ,J A I,lir "Beauty Spot1 MOXTRHAL. May 26 (Canadian National Railways pav- bad visit IhertMlur- paid, a )7 'n.i.iv nng his last trip to Canada, which ,8 Allll,nM,,,e As'soclnirOli in - TI,oM"; 'lefnbet,,, !l'P' VT Onlario.(ab.) . ..... o J "I-; - ...1.JV.-,., ,y , U. ,j k tll.oi, at Wembley was paid a;,,,, MoM fari,)s am, i:aIli(iiU,; ; l ! 'f a ul surprise and tnfor.nal by. N.aioiial .s,euins curs wIio,ui illi; icoI Her Majesty he Queen accord- ,.,, ;J A 1, I n,M r h(S saiJ ac,nu of J ing lo it cable received al the; .,,., ' 1,1 tsiangj heaibiuarlei' Mileriug llu of the system. On .11 lo gel out piece by piece as a living 30 Indicating origin 38 Hroushl into lloing 'tab.) iti Single tiuit It Accomplish ' Ltd. toward tbeMihildren s ward .'f valvt's in gai eugine fund and the following sent in r A (m.) through A. J. Perkins of l'ort,, ''""stlse l-.ssiugton: "tices Xiukotn J. Coulter Sti.llli A color 55 Drugged FALKNER BEAT JACK MACMILLAN BILLIARDS' VAXHOl VKH. Max d. -Claud" ; Falkner. Kntrlish cue artist. Saturday night emerged from the final block of 1.500 point Having derided to turn over the policing of the city to the provincial police, the police com- I.orno Kinney. C.N. II. brake and minor injuricj. Vertical 1 Slovenly purls of a t'ily Hush .1 Australian bird t IMince of Wales' signature (ah. ' 0 Ami French' 7 Nonveuonuius snake S European fish '.) llarnionin 10 Vessel 11 Mylliologieal Haiti?. i:t CnritKorous Mammal 15 Tiipnrcil piece Of vtoi lf Monotiiry unit (Chines lit lleaanlly inUclilcvous 2ft C.lnlhiust 23 A training ground for a hnre 33 Hroadcasliiig station in Mass. 27 An emblem of morning I - a . . . " The secretary lo the hospital J- intention board reports lite receipt of fixe' 41 '-" call: itanif 17 lmd of na animal ?f I'sml lo slop a cr 28 Oiip tribe uf Simian Indians 30 Summer (Fr.) 32 Covcrf 35 Treiiches 37 AtUboritntive sanction 30 Twl Idling id A' (erniait elertricitin H f liven a measured iiianlily 53 Thirk mini '.6 Chatter trt A rw linuoe fHeol. 18 Ivvlend over 50 A prize 52 Disordered type 3-3 Inlerjeelion IN PROBATE IN THE COMMISSIONERS COURT, TERn 1TORV OF ALASKA; DIVISION NUMBER ONE. HTDER PRECINCT 1 In th" Mjiu i or I lie L'stati- or Lcalha Dan-. Iiecetsed umlM'C Hi I'rolialc Mollce In llelr. Ily virtue of an niK-i dul mrnnl and made of record in the rhnvr. euililed court on the l.'illi das 'if tpril, ISi .. no Ine Is iB-reliy icOeii In (Ted Davis. Hie a'lniced hushand or the alxivi nauM'd de I'.nu-' coased and to all other pnnum rUimiiir ., . ail mwirrl 111 lilt; aiivu niiprii t-in- . , . . llsll llllliard lllatcll staged , .... last that tliry ami - ti or them are hereby re lutrel lo le and appear In IImi almve week Willi Wlln ,,i,tK Inek MiieMill-in "at.MIH.lll, I'mi t.ail-1 I ,,,,.,, n(M it y,ier, Alaska, and ub adian champion, for which the "o aufactory proof of heiruit wiunr. . from the djle of the first 1 1 , ...... , , i suiy days snore totalled 1502 lo 3323. pubti-atton hereof. I And ir yuu fail so to apiear and file . mb MIlHfafUiry iinmr, a ilerreo or this llari'v liagnell. Jr. was adiiul-irotirt win im entered forfeiiunr iuur in led yesterday to the l'rince pert General Hospital. PRINCE GEORGE all nerval tliie(ii. Date of Hrt IB.'.. Hale of l.ait IV1. t'lililieatlun, I'ubllcstlon, April June Dlitrlrt of. Casalar. Sllkiiic Ditlslon. ST, (7. fint.'V V. Illl.l.. VilmliiHirator. . LAND ACT. CAS8IAR LAND DISTRICT TAkK iam, .ii MiTICK 1 1 11. r. that i I. Walter Jnllsnl , . , . . iiiisHiuir nisi vve k guve noiice ih dudurned Soldier), jt iviiirrapii cretk, W. Shenlon ami F. S. llodg-, V -. Jffi' !'". ..M'!".. "!'Vt J!'.'.. !'!: . (iri jni-einn if iji i iiiip- tiivr U'liunmpi the.meuiber Cliiemhera nf pf the tlio prosent iirosenl demrlln-d lands: son, municipal force, that (lioir scr. vices will not be required uftet .lune 15. Major It, Anderson and (lur. ilon 1'. Dickson -were here last fweek taking iiy tsunplies lo a mica properly in the vioinily of Furl Graham that is to bo do-veloped by the lleneral Holdings Co. The Trineo lieorge Albleli.! Association is planning the holding of a stampede here on Dominion l)ay. The idea, is In make such an nvenl an annual feature in l'riuco (icurtfe. The log ueale in l'riuco ieorge dis'ricl, during the inonlh or April lolalled 3,150,7 tH board feel as eoinpared with (5, 182,117 reel in April 1021. The scale for Ihe year, 1025 to .April 30 is given at. 20, 3 15,707. feel as compared with 37,110,008 feel for the corresponding period in 1021. X- Krnie Tlionips'ounf 4he l'rince George liipior sluru relieving Ihe vendor al (Juesnel. James .1. Donnelly, in charge of tlio Ques-nel disienary, met wllh a intin-ftil . accident last week when a cutt of gasoline exploded. tkiinirienriiir at a ihisi planted alHitit onn ml' ensi of McLrods sloimli near Ihe Stiklne lover and ilmul 3 mile-aoutliwest or Teli'Kraph Creek; UM-lice iMirlli fli chains; llieuce ra-l ID 1I14111'; thence sou Hi DO .'halus; thence west III cli.iiiti to mIiiI or coiiimeucriiient ami WitaluiiiK 31U acres, more or less. VVALTfclt Jl l-Mt. M'Vii inih, iva. Appllcaul. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to Ltaia Landa. In Ihe land llecordink' DUtrlcl or I'rluie ltiiicrt, and situate on the mirth west loan of pearse Island, ll.C, approk Imately three milea north from tfie mouth of Winter Harbor. Take .ftllce that J. r'lchlliijr llranir of sonnvslilc, ll.C . ix'cupalliiu raniieryman, liilends. to apply ror a lease or the fol luwinir described lauds: Ci'iiiini'iiiliiR al Hit planted appint Imately three miles norlli from the mouth of Winter Harbor, I'earse Island; theire northwest two ( chains, moru or less, lo low water milk; thence northeast alonir low water mark one htiiidred and slxly (Ido) chain: thence aoutheasi two ( chains; thence soiilhuest oiic hiiiulreil and sl'ly MiiiH chains, morn or lean. In ioint of commencement and con talnliiR llilrly-lwn CM aerea, more or JAMKS Jli:i.i0 STIIAN'l, Nhmmi of Appllcaul. hali-il Mv t'JOi. MiV THE NAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, R. S. C. Chap. IIS Tlie Canadian llshmir Company Limited lnTi hy (rives nolico lhal It bus under Scetloii 7 or the said Act deiHislled with Ihe Minister or Public Works at Ottawa ami In the office of the lleirlslrar of the .and 1 eitMiry Coast lilnrlit at I'llh'-i llupert. II I... a dcseriplien 'if thn l in and luans or its winirr, eannery, cannery build nrs and work aiipiirlenaiit thereto built prior tu June 1st, till 8, In Fcaser lieach In front of Ijit fo, liainre I, i.imsi iiisirici, itoviiico or iiriuni coiuin hia. AMI TAKK MiTICK that nfler tlio c. plrntlon or one month from the date of I lift rirat publication of this pollen The Canadian I'lshlnir i;ompany Limited -will under Serllon 7 of the said Act apply tu oir iMiiiisuT 01 riioiic ! whi m at m or man. met vvilh.a painful accident ",' "j; ;;,r .Vin'a'rJTOV! last vv'eck when be fell from a nms-trnei the sniii cam-ry and work.' nil i- 1 i.,.l-.... int ... ..... A. ancoiiver, i..c una. 7lh day -MMMM.' 1 ,,I.,I J,.! ll ,im,v, IHfil. TUB CANADIAN FIlll.n nOMPAlVV Ll.MllliU rmf ares an s i s Why not visit Zion National Park, the newly opened Wonderland in Southern Utah, this Summer? Ask or booklet in natural colors, which iives complete in tor matron con-oer nl n i t hit unique land. tan Round Trip Excmrsloii UrittctaaUybtt May ZZ and Sept. 15 Dtnutr it2s,;n Oaaha I2s.t8 Kartat City 18a 00 tt. LouH . U9 50 Chltoo 124.5C Cttrait . . Clnr'ep-'l 1F4 30 Win! nj Vorrmpondmt Una to othat imaott.., Final Liboal over privilegca going and rrturnin;. A aide trip to YcUowstont at ic,U .j., coat wiU afYord the eipericnce fi traT Call us by phone and tn us make all your arrangements. Costs no more and will save your valuable time. UNION PA IFIC SYSTEM 1405 4th Avenue and Union Station, Seattle, Washington. T rcr "Ub;rja Wash jt-f h itdilt' ! w Bi UK 'SIR Wit 1M IK 12 1t0 20150 WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 1 "HIS HOUR" Adapted by Klinur ' il n limn 1 1 -1 and tlirt'i'tt'it by Kink ulnr. 'l lu ,nn".i!i-JOIIIIJ? Hllssijlll prune and a young Knfc'li-1 ! mid ami i'iiiieiiliuiiiil he had woued her : ileutly, liupelessls on the way home li"i' kidnapped lier. Now they were alone in Ii -in the wimmIs, ami she had to listen In In- Hul. when loel Tamaia, from shock and i - lie helples- before linn. h . Magn i The spleiultnir of thf Hussion rourl Kgyp s 11 iiml Mo-row in all their beauty. Mti -ia. w1 for a dam wilh a beniitiful yiil. I it t in m John Gilbert, Alleen Pringle, Frederick Vroom, Bert Sprotto, Dale Fuller. Emily Fitzroy, Jacquelin Oidon,Jill Relies, and many others. THE "TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES No. 8 ALBERTA VAUGHN IN "THE SQUARE SEX." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c. OUR COAL 13 MAKING Ii 11 Double Screened N AN AlfIO-WELLINGTON COAL at $14.50 Per Ton is not an expense but an inw-' II is positively llu be-1 ilonnti' '! iiiubia lotlay. GIVES MORE HEAT NO SOOT, NO ASH Don'l Take our Word lor il T-We ore agiMil for tli- P.H. Snn" l I HuildiiiK Material- al Mill 1'' " -Phone 5G4 or 116 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED $ to l.uiltliiig next door to l-'rim-M Unir-h' i s u fruin the Kmpn"- Hotel We . arry a full lnm ot .,ntcc CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS CANDID SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION m jnmos zaroiu Bathi Penman's, Ladies'- 100 r ronl xv fillniL' lriiiMiieol. Per suit nits Monarch, Boys' and Girls' 1 00 -cr ' $2t753J0 I'it Mtiil ,.. 75c ChlldronWaollmi'Hulliing Sull 90c lMt wizus V .' 51.50-J2'00 Men's Ciilliut HalliittB . ynlln ... ' " Mon's Woullim Hulliing Suits I Jabour Bros. Ltd;. an . Corner 3rd Phone 045.