SPECIALS! liresses SILK DRESSES ... S10.50 DIETITIAN DRESSES $4.00 PORCH DRESSES . . . S3.50 T " prices beat Hie io- liouses. U mm House of Quality Phone 27 P.O .Box 327 For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE I' crlcnccd In Indies' mm (irntlenipn' tailorinfr. '' i , usonalilo and a big ' ' or lingllsh, Scoltlsli ni Irish 'I' weeds and nllrn Goods imiilablo tn from. Quality and fit P'lii nnlccd. Mail orders "''en prompt attention. ftLSO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING p 0. Box 077. Phone 663 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert - - B.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tt. ' artage, Warehousing and Wslrlbullng. Team or Motor Srvb;e. Goal, Sand and Gravel w Specially In Piano and Furniture Movlnn. BASEBALL GAME WAS PLAYED YESTERDAY Team Captained by Gilbert' Campbell Beat Harry Love's I Aggregation by 7 to Nil I The baseball rrame yesterday afternoon at Acropolis Hill grounds between teams ,caplained by (iilbert (ainpbell and Harry Love resulted in victory for the former select aggregation by a score of to nil. opsidcrin t lie fact thai the players have bad Niltle practice so. far this season, it was a jrood frame nil except the first inning when the winning team scored five runs. Harry Aslnri was in the box for Harry Love's team. Me was freely hit and was given poor upporl tin flock of runs lin ing; due mainly to fielding errors. After the fatal first in ning, Claire was put on the stand and he held his opponents down to two runs during the remaining .six innings. Lidslone pitch ed a fine game for Campbell's team with Charlie McKeown catching. Hulfour nnd Astoria were catchers for I lie losing side. P. Lnporle wn umpire' nf balls and strikes with Mitchell on the base lines. The teams look Ibe field as follows: Campbell's team 0. Mc Keown. c: Han Lidtnne, p; S. Hazell-Jones, lb; A. Mitchell, 2b; Vnllance, ss: Harvey Hansen, 3h; McMasler. rf: Smith, cf; fi. 0. Hiaw. If. Love's learn Harry Astoria, P nnd e; Claire, p and rf; II. Friz-ell, lb; II. Menxies, 2b; L. Sherman, ss; V. Meuzies, 3b: I. Ilairoiir. c and rf; J. Ilalchford, cf; V. Lambie, lb. There was a good crowd of spectators at Ihe game. HIGH SCHOOL WINS IN JUNIOR SOCCER , Defeated Borden Street In Saturday Afternoon's Game by Score of 3 to 2 Playing their Hrst game of the season in the Junior Football League, Hie High School won over Horden Street School 3 to 2 on Saturday afternoon. The game was very evenly contested Willi the Horden Street forwards and hair backs playing good soccer as did Ihe High School forwards. The defence oT the latter was, however, somewhat .veak. Splro Ourvieh nnd Harold Macdonald each scored for Hie. High School in Ihe first, half and I lent) Jil II limit for Horden SI reel, the learns changing ends at half linle with a 2 to I scoro. r.acu side made one goal in the second 1. .i 1 f 1 f it ti llil Mncdonahl repeating nun, . for the High School and Morri- .... f.. ii,....ln SI reel. The Hicll son mi i.iiM' . nloil a oonnlly In - - - l?l IH"'I Ihe first hair but tiurvicu ims-klcked. W. K. Willlscroft refereed and Ihe linesmen were .1. fi. Johnson and H. Frskine. There was n good crowd on hand In witness Ihn malch. , The league standing In dato iii is a follows: W. I. IMS. High' School 0 2 Hoolh Selinnl JJ 2 Hnnlen Street. 0 - 0 Advertise in tho Daily News. George Howe and Alex Mitchell Tied In Interestlno Mile Run The road races held yesterday morning in connection with Ihe Klks' ,and J'air lioand's celebration resulted as follows: Half-mile. Wiy.s up to 12. 1. Percy Mcintosh; 2, Waller Johnson; .'1, Itohbie Moxley. 'I'liree-(uarler mile, boys tip In 10. Kddie Smith; 2, Hronson Hunt; 3, Fred Hronkshank. One mile, boys up to 20. I, Ceorge Howe and Alex Mitchell, dead heat; 3, Hronson Hunt. l our mile bicycle race. 1, Spiro (iurvieh; 2, Fred Brooks bank; 3K Dan Mackenzie. Tiierewere a good number of entries in all the events and Hie mile race was particularly inter esling. The showing of Howe was surprising as lie did not think himself that he had a chance against Mitchell. S. D. Macdonald was chairman of Hie committee having these races in hand and assisting him were W. D. Vance, W. E. Willis-croft. Dave Halfour and Fire Chief McDonald, Chief of Police V. II. Vickcrs was starter. There was a good crowd of spectators CLAXTON WON IN FOOTBALL GAME Defeated Local Cold Storage Team Three to Nil on Saturday Afternoon Claxton got revenge for its loss in the baseball came on Saturday afternoon by defealin Ihe Cold Storage team of Prince Itupert in Hie football game that look place in the evening. The visitors clearly outplayed Hie locals and it was an easy victory for them. It is said that they had a number of players on Iheir team who have played n good ileal of soccer in MgU class Van couver circles. PRIZES AT RIFLE SHOOT ON SUNDAY Malcolm Lamb, First; W. Brass, Second; and W. M. Brown, Third Malcolm Lamb won tho spoon mid a value prize of 15 at the shoot or the North H.C. Itegi-meiil llifle Association on the MrNicholl Creek range on Sunday. The second prize of 3 was won by W. Hrass and the third of 2 by 't M. Drown. Scores for Ihe day were as follows: 200 .300 000 Til Malcolm Lamb. 27 28 25 80 W. Ilrass .. .. 25 20 20 77 W. M. Drown .. 28 23 20 71 1L Wilson ID 20 22 07 11. D. F.astman . 18 IS) 20 57 F. Lavery .... 21 12 10 13 A. J. Coombs .. 22 0 II 12 F. Hunter .. .. It 8 9 28 FOOTBALL GAME ON MONDAY AFTERNOON Team In Callles' Colors Beat That in Sons of England by 6 to 4 The soccer aggregation bear iing the Callies' colors defeated the men in Sons of Kngland uniforms yesterday afternoon by a score of 0 to 4. It was a loose game but proved interesting to Hie crowd of spectators who witnessed it. Alex. Ilolmherg was referee, A. Clapperlon and J. Simpson officiated on the side lines and the lenins look the field as follows: Callies' colors I). Friz-tell; fi. Mitchell and fi. Cochrane; J. Sims, S. Currin (captain), and J. Harris; A. Milchell, It. Mc-Dougall, S. Frskine, J. llnmillnn nnd -I. Andrews, Sons of Fnglnnd colors S. USE- i' i iii i - 2jn ShocMish For your shoes It saves the leather and - Improves your personal appearance Hawthorne; fi. Kelsey (captain) and Alex. Roy; fi. Hansen, Kddie Craggs ami fi. Waugh; W. Mc- fiee, F. Itussell, 11. Norwood, A. Dickens and J. Johnson. The scorers were: ; Callies II. McDougall, 2; S. Mrskine, 3; J. Andrews, 1. Sons of Fngland H. Norwood, 3; A. Dickens, 1. MET HIS MATCH Visitor I hear you've lost your parrot that used lo swear so terribly. Hostess Yes, poor dear, we found him dead on tho golf links. Passing Show. Sport Chat i Jimniie McAleenan's imported baseball players did not, come up In expectation in Iheir first gain:; against llyder on Sunday, May 18, although tho match played that day was one of iho most, ex citing and keenly contested af fairs ever staged in the Portland Canal Country. Stewart having been beaten by 20 lo 2 in the first g.ame of the season the Ships That Never Come In "The Lode that Never Dies week preceding, Jinunie sent a wire to Vancouver Id "Habe"; Forlln asking him to rush north with another pair of baschallers. In response lo this, "Habe,',V ac companied by his bro1her Kd- mil Hill Slickncy, arrived on tho scene Sunday morning. : Tho rfamo that aflernoon was to have gone five innings but when the fifth inning was ended the teams were tied two all. Five more innings were played before Iydcr got jn the necessary run to win Hie game and cop a large amount of money which is said to have been bet on tho malch. Just a .111 Me later tliia year than usual, the City - League baseball schedule will start on Ihursday of this week. As had been anticipated there aro Ihree clubs in the league Ibis season Sons of Canada, Sawmill and fiyro Club. Tho first game on Thursday evening will bo be Iween tho Sons of Canada and the Mill, the second on Tuesday next between the lumber men and the fiyro Club and the third on Friday week between Hit Canucks and fiyroa, Tho three aggregations, it is understood are pretty well balanced, an ef ft fort having been made lo make them so in order that an inter esting series may- be played. The (iyros will use Hie uniforms utai last year conlained the men of the asgregalion known as fiil s. The full league schedule will bo issued in a few days. Three former Prince Ilupert football players are captains this year of the three teams playing in Hie Senior soccer league at Anyox. Kddie Craggs, formerly of tho Sops of England here, is caplain oT the Heach team; Jock Campbell, formerly of the Callies, leads the Smeller team while the Mjine eleven is piloted by Hob Stewart formerly of the Sons of Canada. Oilier former local players engiuged in soccer nt Anyox this season aro Jinunie Mitchell who ts with Hie Smeller and Les Lane with Ihe Mine fieorgn Sellars Is not playing football at Die smelter town this season although they have been trying to tempt, him hack on the Held again. fiames are played twice n week Tuesdays and Fridays and, as n result of the six games so far played this sea son, the Smeller is ahead with the Mine second and Beach third. 0 OLDEN ARGOSIES THEY SEEMED in the first flush of enthusiasm, those investments which promised so much - and did so little. Together, you planned what you would do when your ships came in. And now --many of them are destined never to come in. " Yet there is one investment you need never regreU-one. protection that will not fail Life Insurance. The safety of Life Insurance funds is guaranteed it is assured by every precaution which men can take. Provide for the future with Life Insurance. Talk it over z with a representative to-day and make sure that your Home and loved ones are amply protected against the loss of yourself or the possible failure of less secure investments. Mll i lie,aay may w. THE DALT NEW! u... .p'A32..nnt rr m m -mm PRINCE RUPERT (RESULTS OF T 'i - BEAT CLAXTON: ROAD RACES Writine from Saulmerville, . . . r fi c: Mr. lohn M. t 1. nl .14 iH Imitoliftlrt .1.. htirncani niuri hit nwn Mir ' t - ; i if-nuol c;mmon occurrence. j )f my sons iricu s.am-oui ut f. v.- ana u uiu imu buvh pwi v. i I de. km-u 10 give iie iuni r. r" which I hiuf been in tv.o i an r ail derived such eav and - f I continued wnn uie treat- i. , mitvri: ve v Mioii nine i ....... n.imir.Hil rrnei iicm tne 1 vu i f jr . :ra 1: - proeu ttu. iy guuv .- - nanrln. cracked I etc. I've never met lt equaj ioi neaung. b:' for eotrmi. plmplM. i it nbr - bud tott. c irrn .. ..in - ibraMt. tic. wc b is, I fur li.ns. CREAM J-l W K TIT1TT1T m n mm m f e. i u i n i run itnma miiu oruni WEAR r :i liiglish Flannel. ii . v. -inni. nog. ifz.uu Special per Yard .... $1.75 $1.75 tli.- 17 1 1 Store Phone 753 Baseball Game on Saturday Re sulted m Score of 11 to 9 for Home Team Tlif first baseball game if the season played' on Satimbiv afinp-i . noon between teams representing Prince Huperl and ClaxUm cannery resulted in viclory for homo (cam by a score of II it" . II was a Kim.l game, too, except for Ilic fir.Hl inning when Uaxlou inaili' six runs ami Prince llupcrt, seven. Alex Hoy opened Jn I lie box for Prince Huperl and remained there until I lie end of Mm fourlh inning when, fwllli Hie score standing H to 7 for I lie visit ing team, lie was pulled in favor -of Dan I.idslone who finishcil the frame allowing the visitors one more run while Prince llupcrt came uji from hehind wHh four. iv. L. I. I't'll of Astoria nlU-hed for I'.laxlnn. P. Lapnrle umpired. trmcc DRY 125 BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut lo any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery l)nsurpa4d Third Avenue.