- ;.y..V;'' ' : PAUP TWO FACTS ABOUT TEA SERIES So. 4 The Two Types of Tea, There are two distinct types of tea, namely Black Tea and Green Tea. Both are made from the same bush and both are equally pure. The difference is in the process of manufacture which jives each a different flavour. Black Tea after it is plucked is ' withered and partially 'fired' or dried, then allowed to oxidize by being exposed to the air. This gives Black Tea its dark reddish colour when drawn. Green tea is immediately steamed after plucking, which pre- vents oxidization. There are delicious blends of 4 'SALAD A" in both of these types and also a unique blend 6T Black and Green Tea Mixed. All are sold in four qualities. SALADA' The Daily News PRINCrl RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA II Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dailv News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULL EN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail nr carrier, per mouth $1.00 Hy mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United '" Stales, in advance, per year $0.00 To nl other countries, in advance, per year $7.r0 Transient Display Advertising. . . .$1.10 per inch per insertion Twiisient, Advertising on Front Page. . . . S2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion .25c per line Classified Advertising, pep -insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion iuc per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOh Monday. 'April 20, 1925. Prince George And Prince Rupert. When the- joint committee of the city council, and -th board of trade was formed to lake, steps to bring. Ihe Prince unpen outlet ior me fence uiver in trie vinculum ni iiiose m authority, a conimitlee from llazellon visited Ihe- city and di cussed with the local committee the claims of the Hazellon otit ic! by way of Peace Pass, the Oniineca and Kispinx Vnllev; About (hat time it was decided to publish a booklet setting out Prince Rupert's claim and Ui give the interior points each a page, presumniiiy to tea wny me railway to rniice niiperl siiouiil connect with the UN. It. by way of their particular disnici. Among the places communicated with was Prince Ge'orge, lull instead M 'doing (hat the-secretnry of the Prince Uenrgc' board ur trade wrote an -article -which argued that Prince Rupert was. mil Ihe.bot route but the P.O.K. outlet was a better one. .Naturally litis was directly opposed to the idea the Prince Hu-pert jcontmtlee had in mind and could be published. If Prince fieorge had a rival route to put forward they were perfectly jus-lified in doing so but not at Ihe expense of Prince Rupert. Rc-i cause Iheir article was refused a place in the booklet the Prince George paper conies out with an article speaking of the ' petly spirit shown by the Prince Rupert board of trade. Prince Rupert is not opposing any plans the Prince fieorg people may have but they could hardly have been expected, when the. privilege of an article in their booklet was offered that the Prince (leorge people wonlU publish an article diametrially opposed to the object of the publicat ion of the booklet. What was expected w'as that Prince fieorge would have shown or tried to show wjiy a railway com jug out at or near their city would lie preferable to that coming out at any other point on Ihe Canadian National. . Vheii : Prince Rupert people offered that .privilege, jt wn hazily good , fiuin for Prince George to try to take advantage of the generosity f Ihe Joal people by getting an arlfcle pii'bljsh-eil which fended In an it ill;; Ihe. whole ' objectof-il) booklet. , ... To show their gooiVwil! mid ' leiirevrof'Vtpfaiijiit Prince Rupert made anioffer to Prince fieorge and -then because ijr Iheir geiierosily they lay themselves open to the charge of being petty. If there was an pettiness it surelv was not at Prince Hi.) pert bijt rather at the other end. Prince' Jli'ipert and Prince George Have much in common n,ml it is seldom there is any misunderstanding between the people of the two cities and it will be, n pity if Ihe intended gener osity or IJie joint committee of the etly council and the board of tilnle has the. effect of interfering in any way wilb the feeling lhal'lias always existed. Deflation , good WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Hin-lin-lin the wonder tins' in "Tim J.iplilhnus by the Sea." Telephone girl series .1. International News. Wednesday and Thursday Corinne OrillUh and Milton Sills in "Single Wives." Sennet! Comedy "The Heel VirgiiHan." Topics of the day. Friday and Saturday Jackie Coogan in "Little llohiiison (Jru'soc." Comedy "South of the Xorth I'Tde." Pal he H'evicw. A- . JACKIE COOGAN AS WHITE GOD Seen This Week End Here In "LHtle Robinson Crusoe" Among Natives A motherless hoy rendered still more forlorn hy the ilealu or his father, a gallant meiriher of San Francisco's police force; an mini. in far olT Australia, , bidding Ihe hoy come In her; weeks of adventure on a trump steamer hound lor I lie Anlinoilc.s; a frightful typhoon rising black and swift in the pal It of the ship: i wreek in the ," sundering Hoods"; an escape as miraculous as (bat of Robinson Crusoe; an island of (he South Seas wae- washed and jungle clad. Also a tribe t'of maniacal sav ages lusiing Tor the lives or cruel overseers; an intrepid boy, trans formed in Ihe superstitious imagination of the cannibals ink a little while god or waters; a rescue, almost miraculous in ils timeliness; a voyage back to hi home town aboard a speeding destroyer of Ihe Lniled States Navy, and a wejeome at the bands of Jthe San Francisco police force such as was never before seen in the city famed for its hospitality and enthusiasms. These are some of the He-mental qualities and ineidenls of Jackie Coogan's newesl and most active and appealing picture coining at Ihe week end. Humor Most Important On examining the foregoing description of "Little llnhinsoij Crusoe" it is discovered thai the most important factor in lh picture's success has been omitted Its humor. There are as many laughs in "Little, Iiohiiisnn Crusoe"' as there are coeoanuls shown on Ihe Wanda group of islands where most of the story' plot is sel. Never before have Ihe risibles of Jackie Coogau. admirers been so appealed to. The audience rocks again and again wilb laughter, and in these climaxes nf mirth Jackie was always his own un-self-eonscious self, never "smarly " and never beyond Ihe years of boyhood he was supposed to represent in the person ot .Miekcy llogan, hero of "LHIIe Jtobjnsnn Crusoe.". : RIN-TIN-TIN TO BE SEEN IN PICTURE AT WESTHOLME TONIGHT Wonder Police Dog Stars In Story of Bootleggers and Other Colorful Events Of Currency. Hin-lin-lin, the wonder police There should be sonic protection by International arrange-!"0" ,ralno'1 by Meul. Duncan and meiit against any country deflating ils currency. We all know !u",,l during the war, is to he hmv ihe Russian SoviiM kept its printing presses running eontiii-M,'n ',Pro 'onight and tomorrow uniisly printing furreney with which the government carried onin 'tehlhouse by the Sea." ending eventually in the Russian money having no value in the " !linw the Sreaf experlness to tivarkels of .the world. This was followed by similar action in jwl,i''11 n 'log can lie trained. This normally o that the mark became absolutely valueless, nol 0?r na'1 I'henmnenal courage and even worth the paper on which it was printed. Now France sets out to di the . same thing, hut is slopped when the action of the government i. dUrovereiL The result is that Premier Ilerriot sagacity. "The Lighthouse by the Pea" is .a rushing, nnumling chain of loes his job. The ilnnger is that some other government nmvin'lv'nM"',, 'hat begins with Itin Ml out to do the same thing any lime without letting Ihe penpb- i'l in-Tin's daring rescue nt his of the coiinlrv or Ihe world at large know what js going on. n young Belgian masler on the is only when the currency liegins to fall in value that people. bMik'''0,1s f the lighthouse. Then for (he cause. (ensues. Ihe dramatic crescendo nf During Hie harvest enson Ihe currency of Canada is'" conflict helween Ihe lighlhouse slightly inflated to help move the crop but not sufficient in keepers, an unscrupulous bund of make any appreciable difference lo the. price of her dollar, i bootleggers and Ihe revenue olll-There is no safeguard, "Ijowever, that some government may not cers, with a glorloun all-around sinri on a ueuaiion campaign anil keep ber presses printing ."shl as the climax, in which Ilin-inoney until her currency becomes almost vjilueless. Tin-TIn carries oft the honors Hy international arrangeinenl there should be some method! by reason nf bis (glorious prow-of preventing Ibis. The country thnt does it is a cheat of the! ess. Woven through this vivid Worst kind and it should not be allowed. Currency should be of 'lapesly of thrilling action Is Ihe nil international character and carefully prntccloij against any love story nf Louise Fazenda, the action such us that recently, taken. 'daughter of the lighthouse keep- 4 er. whose hjenrt fluctuates between the villainous leader of Ihe rum-runners and Ihe appealing. courageous shipwrecked Helgian. SINGLE WIVES IS MATRIMONIAL TALE Shows How Married Couple Drifted Apart and What Came of It What of tin: woman whose husband has ilccideil that he need no longer courj her? This Is the iulriguing lhemi,if the First NafYonal production,' "Single Wives."- KarJ Hudson, the author, had delved into the Innermost recesses of the human heart and taken from it a story of its aches and desires; he' Jiffs made a siilr tle etching of -i modern matri monial tangle: lu' has painled a oi'lrait of wedded folk thai is said to be of wide appeal and true of latter day life. In the story of "Single Wives" Ihe author has shown how a normal couple, loving each other and living a ipiiel life, may, through Ihe agency of trilling incidents, Infl apart perhaps to the dan ger point. Belly Jopdali played by Cor- inne (irillilh yearns for the lit tle, thoughtful acts that her bus. band. Perry, seems to overlook When he presents ber wilb a pearl necklace on their wedding anniversary hi unwittingly hur. her to Jhe ipilck by his lack of enthusiasm or' romanticism. When another man appears on Ihe horizon and he gives her more attention than she receives froili ber husband she finds herself drifting away from her fii"- ide. Her own mother, at Ihe same, races ine same summon. How the two triangles are finally solved makes the unfolding of Single- Wives" an absorbing slory. The Man in the Moon 1 . VYS: - WHF.NKVKIl another discus sion arises over' fashions ' for woiiien Ihe.iueli' should keep ipiiel. Look at Ihe new fashion for Sheiks. IT is said around town thai i lot of people went to Jhe bank at Hie week end just lo see the new lies. A LITTI.K learning is danger ous and so it Is said is a little woman. And what ipieer thin;; they will sayt OXH advantage of spring is thai people gel something ' in their beads ifMt is only a cobl. IF somebody stole the soccer leant j ball, whal ... would . they have 10 kick about ? IF a girl bas her slocking wrong side out, Ihe cure is to I urn' the hose on her. A PFJISOX who js suspicious needs io In? waicneuijt ' '- - ' -' W'f' " - Wi-f -Interpret '' tJiivAadinn. of uiiiein uy iiur iiw ii ;fiiinijoii. . . CALIFOnXIA has the bulge over ltrilish tloluinbia. She ships tier prunes away. THF. chief objection In most of Ihe modern humor one reads is that it is not modern, and it Is nol humor. IT is said thai down east they are already manufacturing 'griny spoons, pickle forks and salt cullers for gifts at the Juno wed dings TIIK saddest days nf nil are here, 1'he one that make us feel It's a little too warm lo keep them on And a liltle lijo cool " to peel. 1 ' YOU may hae heard about lhal 'Scotsman who felt so generous going uii Mount Morse that jhis knees began lo give. 1 "l( Ten Years Ago j I In Prince Rupert I , April 20, 1915. i The city council last night discussed Ihe suggest ion of M Hobin that a rihermen' wharf be eslablished at Seal (Jove. Ilev. T. Albert Moore of I he Social and Moral Ileform League 1 ' rSMoThtiy, . - April -o want ' to give stomach relief from the heavy foods of Winter but be sure the whole wheat grains are thoroughly cooked. In making Shredded Wheat Biscuit the perfect whole grains of wheat are cooked in steam, drawn into filmy shreds and baked in ovens. Contains all the body-building elements in die whole wheat includingthe bran, which is Nature's best laxative. Delicious for m Wlteat lectured in Ihe Methodist r.l'iir. ! j last iiighl on Canada's nationa1 life. There was also a musical j program by the ehoir under, Lie! direction of K. V. Ling. Tb' Ladles' Mu neat Club gav a Children's Day in the I'reshy. , lerian Cliuivli Hall ou- Sal unlay aflerniMiii. Taking part in the program were Miss Helen Morrison, .Miss Helen Wallace, Miss Louise Jlowell, Miss Tlielma Knight, Miss Violet .Mortimer. Mis Lnma Tile, Miss Dorothy Tovey, Miss Mary lllylbe. Miss Itosie Adams, Miss Mabel Adams, Miss Kathleen (Irani, Miss Her-nice Palmer and Miss firace NOTICE. IX Tin: MATTER of an ppllMllon fr in iota or mn rpriiurjiK- i noe ror l.nli nliiftrfn (101 mil iwenly (tn, IMiH-k Ihlrtjr-lwn 3i). SrCIH fle (5', i:ity nr Crlnr llnimrt. Mjd Vti. SUrjrlnry priKif r tlw letrnrtlnii ot llie- Corliridli" l till rovrrlM tfu-txiv Iml4 tiavtnfr Iwrn fiirnUtiPil to I tit - (Crir It I my InlrnUoil Ut I.-up. rur Die .titration of ItilrtV (30. ilay fi-nin thn nr.t piitilirttlnn lipn-or, a ilnplli-alp CrrliriratP of Tlllf rrprlnr III Mill laniU In Hip naiiiP or CKTKII M. CASslllY aiwl rttA.lK i:aSSHV. uhlrh rltriap "T IUIp i ilalptt Uip 1 3 III Alunift, tot), and niiiiiliprpd Hit t. ii. r. MACLEon. nf-itrar it Tutea. Ijnrt iipfrutry ornp, rriiK-e tiii)prt, n.c. Marrh "Till. IS IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III Hip Maurr nf ilm ArimliiUtraUoii Art; and In Uif Maiu-r f Hip KfiiU. of Eilwy HKk ' Tnteupr .llyrtp, llti'iiiJi'it. IuIphUIp. , TAkK MITHiK Hut by ..rdi-r or hi Honor K. MrU. oullf IliadP llli' Iftlll U.IV or April. A. Ii. I !'". I aM apimiiiipd Ad InliiUlralor or iIm pulaie or Kl lllrkii Tavpiier Hyde. ilprp-d, anil alKiiartlps ImrliiH a-l.ii his analnt I hp ld ruii arc lu-U'liy M-iiiiliril lo ruiiilli aiup. pro- pprly vpriried lo iiip on or tiprmf trip Ifiih iLiy or May, VlJ. Ii', and ill .irll lildflili'd lo Uip i-sl :t lr up rripihid In IHiy Dip amount or tlwlr IiiiIpIiIIik -r. in I up fofllivkUJl. XOnMX A. WATT. orriPliil Adiiilnlilmtor, I'rlnrn llupprl, ll.i:. ti.ilPd Uip IAHi day or Apnl. 10:, any meal with milk or cream, IIKiSfea and fruits of dmmmmmm' y kind. CinaJian ShrrUd-d Wht Cumpiny, Ltd. M.fir. F.lli. Ouftri. acMostJbod Jbr least mowf Whale Bone Brushes A Whale Hone Brush used tit bruhmg h impart tone and vigor nml liniiilnte the p .v hair.. A splendid head nf strong virT1"'""-its consistent use. We have a shipment of WhalivMoiie Urn slirect frojti Hie mauiifacltirers Qtt rlngbuni. 'particularly goncl tpialily and Inricc r,m- From $1.25 Up. They have nice liacks and the Wh.ii'' 1 1 up well under use. Come in and make yc U VJ ORMES LIMITED )! The Pioneer Druggists The Rexalf Store 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 Building Vaterial$ LUMBER Dimension, Shiplap and Kimsh k .'Jj-Lath, Mouliliugs OakJ'ir and Colloitw .nu V ,W Veneers, Sash and Doors. ., Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Kewe Cement; Plaster of Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos Products, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Buiio-Ing Papent, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofing Hum the) Famous NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD, Phones 116 and 564 LINOLEUM RUGS Easy Kept Clean All Patterns in stock Cut Down Housework V-V Jli v. - . ".." .- . V SwF i.sn MMM M MMMM For Every Room in the House BARRIER HOME FURNISHINGS Third Avenue and 1st Street Phone 123