II. Ik i'mIIc reported twelve In fifteen inline of snow ii VI oil. Minn III Inriillln :ilii 1 1 1 viiiki' u-fi. in "r-bv district wii hard hit by the terrific wind, " rr' Hw J1)( v:tutt iiainapi SH PRICES - BETTER.TODAY Cents Paid for Best Grade Halibut on Exchange I sj f Hie fuel thai ' Ic avy. price U, . r. ... ur fal American 'M.ooo pounds, sjgt Ml.lr In Ailin fisheries, '"ina i.i.unds, al y.lr. i I lie lloolh Flsliefies :., " fin . to.lKMj jiouiids, a 'I Ut Hie i'aeifio Fisl.- I '.iHMl pounds,- at Kir I ' iiya. j 1.(1011 MitiiiI, at aii'1 r. Dona. tUi(M) iiotimN 111 and le. and Helianrr- 1(1 ..... . . ' i uian I isli A Cold Slor- I-"1W Tl.llllll i.ntiihl. til 111 " liiiivn, Hm pojmds al il b . mid Sadie lv.', fl,5(i llll!' I. ' I II 1.. .....t (.. I.. I I... II J' wli Co. Canadian - H. 110(1 liounds. al !'ifi offered 1n many orchard. Tin- fishing iinliitry for i fisli along I he lake shore hard hil. miles of beach (iltANIl FOHKS. April 20. - -lion. William Sloan and l. H-I'oolcy, reprcseiiliiiii respectively the Liberal and Conservative Torres in Ihe rlcclkm lu lake place here Saturday and fik which noiiiinalioiis look pluce b- i ..II ....i,.V day. are here lo remain an will) very hail, hcin;; while was being washed away ami fishing houses undermined. At Hamilton a real winter snowstorm raged las night. In Eastern States ClflCAcH), April 2. Severe wiuil am .rainstorm npprojwdi.- pan! aijinj: (he proportions or a tornado iiqni'iii halibut J jn .onie localities swept ils de- .in ni; iii "P were considerably slrurtivr course from Wisc-m-in i i lie average for last; to New Midland tin Sunday. Scv-boats averaged 'eral persons were killed and ap-i Mir and Ir and (proximately two score were Iji- ( ! k i ( I y tinder' lhaljtirei while properly damage is ii "I -.".1.1.50(1 IhjuihIs I estimated al more (ban a million IH'U i. L'O'.t.r.nu vu from and a half dollars. New Knu'lainl and -.(J,UHI from d -ales were u fol- was deluded wilh snow find low li-m'peraluies were reojrled nl many points. NO SETTLEMENT J)F COAL STRIKE Conference Called by Premier Armstrong Breaks up Without Result Tendcr air being called fur I he creel ion of a grain rh'valor here by I In- dc-jtiily minister of Trade and Commerce I Ik lenders lo be in the hands of the-department by May IK. Tlii' work is lo include t superstructure of (he elevator of reinforced concrclc with limber dork galleries and warehouse. i.iwiii. u-iiinii u'iim iiiiiiiiieiueii inn 1 1 .. Meeting and conferences are n-i r bur held dally in sonw part of th(Uv (constituency. PREMIER IS TAKING MANAGEMENT OF 49 VICTIM! I A. April 20 Word has been received here from Toronto that Ihe Premier Mining Company is lo lake, over the management or operations at the v TENDERS INVITED FOR ELEVATOR BY MAY 18 AT OTTAWA orly.Nlne .Mine under lerms ad- antageoUH lo the company and to the djslrict. 5 TAXI and BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Jl all. Ambulance wilU newly .laid iluucinjr So f'.oor for hire. Suitable for invwhira at An' dances, banquets and wed. . i u.i.i r ding parties. and Bin i ' " 's ''11 PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply In Boston MATT VIDEO Crill. Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. NO. M. 7 XV IMMNCI-: ItLT'KUT, lJ.li. MONDAY. A1MUL 20, 1025. Saturday' Circulation 1607 Straat Salaa 482. PRICE FIVK GEN1S. EAVY SNOWSTORM AND GALLS ONTARIO ANtl MIIH CASE STILL STIRS VANCOUVER: CHINESE BOY IN CAPTIVITY mtor KotiirnQ fn flnfvivi. fiwfA 7Wi;e to Fifteen Inches of Snow in Some Portions of the Province I. l A AT iL U i Ci I'll several and injuring many; Snow in New England 'HUH tNTO. April 20. Old Ontario suffered a relapse into iii li in. v - i m mm l'i 'i'n ill i iiv ill 1,1 til I Mil iiiii ii.ii i in icTiiHelvL's mil of miow, iii Mime piares a foot deep. Tlie . . . w . . - . . - U , If (1 llll If'lllllfldl I tr i. I .i.. .. .w. I -..,, uiii, ,,oni im.iiiiii.'" l ''"e und e, and Mayflowrr. ' a -au an 1 tsh , Cold Slor- " I' in C..U00 ooiimls. al K.Hr J r in ii... ii i ' Swan. 5,0(1(1 pounds, at u'"l r to I he At I in Kinber- APPn RAMD KILLED TODAY " RoSDOnslhln Fnn Mnn.IKI tPloslon at Sofia Shot by Police s,,f'IA Aprii I'll. .. M vii.rr ''"f officer ,.r ii i.... ': ad mib-chief (Jr the foriu , ''Xl'CUIIVC Of lh(! COII- I said by llul- 1,111 bOllCl! lo l.i.v,, ,. I,.... II... nb in u, ,...,,,, t hnk"lOl persons (,, was ' a " k'""d thl morning fl" ' y Hie police and " 1,1 , e -'uTi'inJcr. .II.M.II'AX, April ill. I he ron-ferenre railed by Premier Arm-slroiiK lo endeavor lo elTerl a selllemeiil of the waye dispute which has dislocated, Ihe coal iiiinins induslry of Nova Scolia for Ihe past six weeks ami which was attended by John I.. Lewis, international president of Ihe United Mine Workers-and by Hoy Wolvin, president of I lie llrillsh Kinpire Steel Corporation, broke up without having allained ils object. RUSSIA REFUSES TO TAKE PART CONFERENCE ON TRAFFIC IN ARMS (il-NKYA, April '''"'" has rerused lo parlleipaje in Ihe rourereiue on Ihe control of Ihe Iralllc in arms, iiialntainiiir.' uegalive allilude towards Ihe League or Nations except on secondary ueslion such as matters of a humanitarian char acter. . POLITICS WARMING UP GRAND FORKS ELECTION DEDICATION (icrabline Karrar's privak' ar was sean lied by ciisloins ulficials Hie oilier day wbeu Hie prima donna was cn route from Moolreal lo Itullunil, 1.. ami an assorlinciil of liipiors was found. NEW CHURCH '?ky of Demand for Salmon Bishop DePencler Officiated at Formal Opening New Anglican Edifice CONFIRMATION SERVICE Huge Crowds Attend Both Services at St. Andrew's Yesterday The oeniiiK 'f 'he new Anglican Church yesterday was a great event not only in the life d the church but of Ihe city. He-: cognizing this the presbtcrians, .Methodists ami members ot the: Salvation Army joined in the event by attending, the opening .ervice yesterday morning, and again in (be evening (he church was crowded lo the iloois. Nol only was the buildiuig dedicated lo the service uf Cod by llishop Uel'cncier but a confirmation service was held when six girls and a man took on themselves Ihe vows made on their liehair al (heir baptism. Those con Tinned were Miss (race Ackroyd, the Misses l.ong, Ihe Misses Cox, Miss Mimthor ami a Japanese boy. The llishop gac a very impressive address and oilier clergy taking pari were Archdeacon lliv, llev. Canon Itushhrook, ami llcv. T. I. Proctor uf lla.ellon. Two anlhcms were sung by Ihe says 'Major Motherwell, Chief Inspector of Fisheries in B.C. .Market conditions as far as Hie s.idmou business is concerned promise lo be very salisfaclory Ibis year, stales J. A. Alolhei well, chief inspector of fisheries, who is visiting ihe rily today. .Slocks from previous ears being now all cleaned up, a condition very similar lo lhal of pre-war days is returning. Hujers are begging for Ihe production of Ihe canners inslead ol Ihe ciiiiiicrvincn having lo extend themselves lo llnd a uiuikel as I hey bad lo do in recent years. In addition lo this, there i.-no reason (o expect a large pack of sockeye on account of Ibis being a light cycle. - . . . Wilh such conditions as these! Hie inwstigalions prevailing this summer, il will m-ovidc. be necessary to keep a closo watch on Ihe fishing and plan are being made for an iulensiried patrol. .Major .Motherwell announces that Iwo airplanes from Jericho Ik-ach stalion, Yaucou- rr, will again be Used out of Prince Itupcrt Ibis, season wilh Flight l.ieuleiiaut l-irl and Hying Olllcer A. II. Hull again Ihe pilots. The machines to bi used will be simitar lo those oT last year bul, willi engines new and fuselage practically rebuilt, il is anticipate! that they will lie able lo conduct a more elfeclive patrol over Ihe name district lliat was covered las .year. Looklnn Into Halibut Major Molherwrir.s Irip here al Ibis lime is for Iwo purposes ii .i..n ii.n w..i.. i,rl . first, it is an annual trip or mi.- I.. i .1. -I.. linn ii. f.-... j...... was laken by Mrs. Ackroyd The llishoo also preached in II enlug al which service (here was also an anthem by Ihe choir and a solo by Miss Annie I alb Mtiny appreciative coiumenls on the iulerior of Ihe new building were heard by those present and salisfacliou lhal Hie building which had been started by Archbishop ImVcrnel ami in which he had taken so much pride was now an accomplished fact. Inspection al this time of the year and, secondly, he is giving particular attention lo the hali but situation which is being kepi i in closer touch with jni account! of Ihe international treaty ami' nl Migby Island. BASEBALL lor which il Major Motherwell arrived hero during Ihe night on Ihe Malis-piiiu .which left Vancouver Friday morning, (hi the way up the foasl, a survey was laken o.r Ihe halibut rishtng in ilecale Straits. Tomorrow morning, Major Motherwell' will nroceed lo the Macleod ij,,,.,.,, Charlolle Islands lb in spect Ihe banks otr North Island, lie will return' lo Vancouver direct from Ihe Islands. Arriving wilh Major Midher-well last night was J. W.llcn. gas hoal superintendent, who will spend several days here in connection with Hie annual overhaul of the department's patrol boats. American Chicago t, St. Louis 1 1. National New York I. Ilrooklyu 3. Piltsliurg Cincinnati SI. Louis (. Chicago (I. Woman Set on by Dogs and Bitten so Badly Her Leg has to be Taken Off and She Died Two Days Later OTTAWA. Aliril 20. Word has jusl reached here uf Hie dealh uf Mrs. S. (i. Clay, wife of Slafr Sergeant Way oT .tin Mounted Police, following an nllack by suvuge dogs at Cbesler field Itilek on Iho northwest coast uf Hudson's Hay last Seplein her. On September IU the woman was walking alone jwur Ihe post when she was set upon by Ihe dogs, one leg iiciug su lately lacerated Ihul lvvo member of Hie' force and Father llupai irmputaled il ut her request, the nearest surgeon being '1,000 miles away. The woman died .on 'September l from shock and loss of blood, Sergeant tlluy was absent on a long patrol ut the Uine. Chinese Houseboy Held Captive Until He Tells Who Killed Janet Smith Story when told will shake Shaughnessy Heights says Saturday Tribune, Cowpers paper "The myslery or Wong Sing is sellled," .says tlie Saturday Trillium, published' in Vancouver and edited by J. H. Cuwpejy roriiiuiiy editor of the l'rinee Rupert UaiJy News. "Tlie Tribune lias learned all there is lo be learned as jel about his disappear-; ance. We have seen a pholograpb of him taken in his present place ot confinement wilh hi bunds tied together, u iiioulh's growlli uf beard upon his face, a picture oT Janet Smith upon Ihe wall of bis room and beside il printed in ink in large letleifi wilh a brush the accusing word "Justice." Hie place of his eoncealincnl we have taken no steps lo find ml. A microscopic examination, ..r ii... ..i. ..i. ....i. . i........ ii. ..i n. i.i ni 1111.111.111 ui'n pitunn lllcll 1113 piijuled lellers are on a news-i paper published in Seattle andj dated April C, which was proh- j ably the date on which Ihe photo- raph wa only clue ahouls.. . taken, and affords 1 1 1 lo his iiresent wiiere- pie ine photograph photograph j-orroliorales im'TriwriK in ms capior.s (liar lie is in a bad physical shape as a result or his conrinenient and fears. Ife is said lo have made some startling admissions during bold his waking and. his believe Hint even without undue pressure they will have he complete slory from Wong's lips about the killing of Janet Smith and all Ihe sensational events which jircceded and followed the tragedy. From hints that have been dropped, his captors give Ihe impression (hat tlie full story when told, will shake Shaughnessy Heights lo its foi'inlalioiis. ' Who are Ihe raptors of Wwig Sing? To be pcrrertly Irank. The Tribune does not know. We have had extended telephone conversations wilh Ihe spokesman of Ihe band and we have received, a photograph of Wong Sing in his present place of con finement, as proof of their bona rides delivered through the hands pf a presumably innocent mes senger. Are Not the Ku-Klux-Klan We are assured lhal the inen who are now holding Wong Sing SEALING MAY BE LEGALIZED Matter to bo Discussed at Ottawa Before Any Definito Action Taken -i-M-:'-"- OTTAWA, -April :'0 It is probable (lie sealing treaty will be at any rale amended if not repealed. A limited amount ot pelagic sealing is lively to be alfowH'd after Ihe exniratiuri of leeping mometils. His captors' u , , , f ..,,.,;... all phases of the industry will be carefully considered by (lie authorities here. Notice of die change dues not have to be. given until m ar (he end of they . rear. m i! BULGARIA ASKS Says Weakness of Country Taken Z Advantage of to Overthrow Government PAHIS, April 20. llulgari.i lias asked Ihe allied council of ambassadors tor permission In add 10,000 men to the mililif, following recent outbreaks iii Sofia. Ills slated that Ihe in surreclional eleiironls depend oir (lie .military weakness of Hie. counlry in Iheir plans to over-. ire acting neillier for Ihe Scotch ,,.ow ,e (ioveniineul. It I societies, for Ihe llakcr family nor for Ihe provincial . police. They claim lo lie public-spirited men whose sole object is lo re move (tic siam I rum ine minor of Iho province which Ihe murder ot Janet Smith and Ihe palhy oT olheiahlom has left upon it. We have him safe where no one from nrillsii uoiumnia can ver gel him. There he will slay tt n I i I he completes the story Unit he has partially lold. (July one thing will ever release hint, and that is I lie s arvation of our whole parly,' said Jhe spokes man in exjiresVlug his confident assurance that Wong Sing will never regain his freedom Willi out Iheir consent ami upon their conditions. Asked if his parly ha anv ronnec.llojt.wllh IheKu Klux Klan or if it wa true, as reported at Iho llinu of Wong's disappear anco lhal a body ot armed men clad in while robes and hood had seized the Chinaman, ,tb .spokesman said lhal he and his triends had no coniieclion with Ihe K. K. K., or any other orguiti ration, and thai there was no (continued on page ix) thought likely the council grant an increase oT 7,000. FIVE LIVES LOST IN Wil RESERVOIR BURSTING SCOTLAND AT WEEK END (il.ASfiOW April 20. Five lives were lost and consideralila daimwe was done lt property when the reservoir alSkelmorlie containing three million gallon ot water located, on Ihe hillside burst sweeping away dwelling $ ami trees in ils path. MORE EARTHQUAKES MAKE JAPAN TREMBLE TOIv'IO. April 20. The most seven! earl luiuake ever experienced iu a year occurred in tin region 15 minute after luiduiulit this morning.- This Wa followed by it second quake several hour later. No damage i reported. J. II. l'illsbuiy, manager of Iho dry dock who i in Vancouver oi business, is expected back on. Wednesday.