AGE SIX A COMPLETE NEW STOCK NOVELTY EARRINGS, BEADS, BRACELETS And the Latest Pins For billing and Summer Wear at attractive prices. SAVE YOUR EYES Our Optician lias had over 25 year' experience testing: eyes and filling glasses. Sal is faction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Ipnroc M iEi r 11. ALT A A finely woven crepe, suitable for. si reel, afternoon frocks, or garments for intimate wear. Conies in Willi In, Sand. Tan. Sky, ltcsi'da, llelio. Harding, Coral. Forty inches wide. Her yard 60c West of England Store Phono 753. St Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpad Third Avenue. THE RINK Will Ee Open For SKATING Saturday, April 18. Afternoons - - il lo I Evenings - - - 8 lo 10 flood music liolh sessions. Competent instructors lo leach beginners. Phone Black 449. A Modern en tal Service At a Modcrato Feo Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 SCORES MUSIC OF BALLROOM Noted Authority In, Lecture Says' Jazz Not Bad But Disgusting Noises Bestial r YlCTOlllA, April 18. "Jazz music is not bad. Hut the disgusting noises they make in playing jazz arc perfectly bestial. The ballroom of today is crowded willi sounds which arp frankly indecent. Thai is one placejn which our civilization is going downhill, and vvu .shall not stop going downhill until we start j using Jhe gifts thai .Cod has given us. This is but one of the many striking pass.-yjes from the in formal address given by Sir Hugh Allen at the B.C. Dramatic School. It indicates, also, the altitude which this distinguished representative of thf Huyal Col lege of Music lakes on many modern inventions, us, while he is ready to concede the possible merit of Hie inventfon, the abuse to which it is so often put is the ''object of his pitiless criicism. 1 For almost an hour he cou-) tinned to speak to the students J oT Major Hullock Webster and their friends, ,his references I ranging over mlany subjects, in cluding the newer J.nglisli composers; the relation of music to the drama; the place of the radio in modern culture; the effect of the speed mania on character; sensationalism, in art ami its destructive influence on art, ami the slow annihilation of a discriminatory auditory sense through lack of concentration and over-emphasis of the sight sense. Modern Compossrs Of modern composers he hadj much lo say lhal was compli-, mcnlary, referring particularly Jo von Hoist, one of the most brilliant and most typically of I he newer Knglish composers. From the dramatic student's standpoint, all hi! had lo say was valuably instructive. Sir lliuth referred lo his experiences with radio while 'ravelling across Canada, part of the said experiences being df fined as "a beastly noise." An amusing description of. lhoi "listening-in," with headpieces attached, nearly all readin newspapers, one lady eat in chocolate, another atlendin? to her face, assisted by her vanity bag. led la the caustic conclusion that "lhal is a part which music should nol play in Ihe lives of human beings.'' One could nol listen lo music, in the ideal Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 TIRES I'riccs are again reduced. II. no longer pays you to repair old tires. -BUY A NEW ONE. W'e have II i in IttlxU'j sizes from $8.00 to $15.00. S. E. PARKER Ltd. Ford Dealers HAD HEARTBURN AND HEADACHES FOR MANY YEARS Miss lietu Iiurrl. furd, Out., writes: -' with licai 11)1111) and years, ? TIr-it wero U.K. !No. I. Water I liavp lieen troubled In-idaclirs for many very few llilnirs 1 timid cat u llltout num-rlnK rruiii tlio licai I Ijii rii or severe licaduclios. with such distractions. ,twa anything definite? flitter A ri lend recommended me lo Iry MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS Tlil!t I did and round teller lit onee and have wvrr been troubled since. I will ajway reeoiniiiend your I'M to any of my friends who are troubled Willi heart-burn, headaches or any oilier liver trouble." Nilburn's Lua-Liver rill are for fale at all druirKlt!i and dealers'; put up only, Ur the past 30 years, by The T. Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Onl. sCtisc, An Age of Speed People nowadays squeezed loo lAuch sensation into loo short a spare. Where the limit of a few years ago travelled in yards, the motorist of today sped in his .mile's; the modern tried to ito orly things in Ihe same time as as formerly occupied in doing one. The eonseipiencc: we were rapidly becoming unable to Voneenlralr, unable lo listen lilt the, real sense of listening as dis-linguished from merely hearing , or to see. ' lluw many people could an opera or a recital and go to bring How many could sit down and write a ill oT music? Yel people should c able, if they had the power and used il properly, to sit down and read music just as easily a i hey read their newspapers. "W'e are becoming absolutely incapable of discerning whether music is good or bad, worthy or unworthy. For music requires listening to nul merely hearing," he contended, as "a mu-sifiau jealous in the cause of music." Heller one tune a day well 'leard than many tunes which simply passed fiy and were forgotten. The more, one allowed sight and sound to close over one without reason or discrimina tion. Hi more lost did one"" be come. ' So little was discernment practised, that nine people of every len frankly "went to see I'aderewski, nol lo hear him. "Of all the damnable things in Ihe world is newspaper which is all headlines," he declared at another point, in Hie course oT a xeneral review of the sensational j methods of today. ! The beauties of music, of liler-1 lure, of p'ainling, were being 1 smoldered over wild sensation. People were frankly horcd wild anything simple and donesl. The teacher had an immense Inflii-nce ami responsibility: witii one turn of the hand a class would LAND ACT i In I'riuee llnpert Land Muriel; Plstriei of I'rlnee lluert. i TkK NOTICK thai I. Merlll lies ItrUav. 'if Vaneoiiver. :.t: nreupalloii ixilnmii broker. Iniend In apply for permission in purehae the rollowiuir described hinds: roiuineiielnir nl a post planted v, mile ion III or Ihe toiilheast rorner of l.ol 07110, lllllle Creek, lliinirr , Cnut lll'lrlil; thenee norlh il rliiilns; llienee west u elmllis; thence Hon I Ii to Miore line III an easterly dlrertlon to point or coin-ineiieemeht; (-nnlalnliiir 40 aeruM, more or less. MLIIIM. PES HlllSAY. Applicant. Kilwln Llroy liarniiin, Audit. liilteil April :trd, 105 , NOTICE. TALK NOTICi; that Ihe parlnersliip lie iween Alekiiiider James I'riidhomuie ami Alma Vlrlorhl Klsher, III connection with Ihe operation of the Savoy Hotel, Prince Unpen, ll.c. h dissolved by Agreement us or the mil day or April, id5. All nr- enoiils receivable will In- paid lo mid all accounts payable will lie imlil by Alexander James priidhoiiime. who continues I lie business. lulled hi prince Hunerl, B.C.. tills fitli day of April, I'i3. a. :. riiL'ouoMMi:. Special Values in Dining Room Suites 9 piece quarter cut Oak Suite $160.00 9 piece two tone Oak Suite - . $215.00 Library and Parlor Tables, Bedroom Chairs and Rockers at Special Prices 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 THE DAILY NEWS Monrlov IB- turn' the right way or the wuii, way. j Education, a noted headmaster of Halliol dad said, was what remained when one had forgotten everything thai he hud learned at school, the residuum in the form' unbalance and judgment left af-j ter going through the mill. The child of today, the speaker seem-j ed lo tli ink, was gieu loo muchl scope in the drawing up of his own curriculum, inserliug more sunshine than hard work. Slaves of Children And, oil Hip other hand, parents were rapidly becoming the slaves of their children, far more afraid of their own children than they had ever been of their own parents. ' This led one lo question the place of the parent in Ihe triangle of teacher, parent and child. Was it at the bollom or the lop? The funny tiling is that, in spile of it all, the children oHen grow up to be so extremely nice," said the speaker, who was very heartily thanked. CHINESE HOUSEBOY HELD CAPTIVE UNTIL HE TELLS WHO KILLED JANET SMITH (continued from page one) truth lo the story Hint I hey were hooded and masked when Ihey look the Chinaman away. "The Chinaman's fate was de cided upon aboul a month belore we made the seizure," "he said. Our plans had all been matured and werr ripe for action. acted when we did, upon in formation that Wong had his clothes all parked up and wa ready lo leave the country." Almost Took Baker "Here is a good story for your paper, lie added. wticu we entered the- Osier Avenue house. the lights were all out on the lower floor. W'e thought that Mr. and Mrs. Haker had pouo out for the evening, thul the. maid ' was out. and that only the Chinaman wns left in the house. Four of our' parly dad entered the hall and taken up their allotted positions to prevent the escape of the Chinaman whom wc though! we beard walking down the stairs. To our surprise down ciime Mr. Haker instead, clad in his trousers and dress shirt and carrying in his bands a dress coat ami vesL W"e were on the point of seizing him to prevent his giving ally alarm, when fortunately for Irluiseir, lie changed his mind and relurned upstairs. W'e would have regretted having to lake .Mr. Haker away with us as il would have meant another mouth to feed. You can tell him il you like what a narrow escape be dad." The only untoward Incident of the trip is said lo have occurred at, Ihe American border. Wong Was in Ihe rear seat of the car with two of his captors who bad taken Ihe precaution to gas him so that he could nol make any outcry. "W'e had arranged with a certain official," he said, "lo let our car (ret by without a scrutiny of the extra passenger. As we drove up, another official came forward. One oT the boys mauayeil In hold his attention for a couple of minutes until our friend came up and assured him it was all right. Hut for two minute it looked as if we were going lo have some trouble with the immigration officials, ami would have had to return to Canada." The raptors of Wong Sing were very frank as to their mo-lives in a'pii'miiching 'The Tribune. "W'e figured you were the only parly we could Irusl in Ibis matter, ami our enterprise is in need of funds. It has taken more money than we (bought, it would. Now we liuvc got dim ami luive made the progress we have in geltiiiig to the bottom oT the lanel Smith murder, we do not waul lo lei him go. We do not think the people of Hritish Col umbia would want us to let him go. W'e are doing what we think J Ihe authorities ojight to have! done in the first plane. The Chinaman das admitted that lie! knows who killed .Janet Smith1 and lhal he has been promised! protection, lie was very confi-i dent fin- the first cmiple c r i weeks I Ii it t the influential powers! thai have protected him all along would rind him out and' come lo bis rescue. Ills 'Spirit in I rapidly breaking down as be! realizes Hmi WB are determined, and lhal vvu have him so securely thai we can keep him, for the rest of his days if we have lo." W. Yaughan Havles spent the week-rnd al Tclkwn, reluming from there on this innrniug'n train. RRITISH CQLUMBiA The Mineral Province of Western Canada ' TO END OF DECEMBER, 182S. Ilus produced Minerals us follows: Placer (iolil, $7fl.U(J8,2u:- ,(,. KM ,('; Silver, tflSI.KSS.ift&i Leuil, $5H,,(lUl ; 'dipper, SliiHi y ' " t'i,7r0; Miscellaneous Minerals, $l,tOK,2.77 ; Coal ami Coke, -j:,o ii,iS , ' Slone, Itrirk, CemenV etc., $3y,i I5.:5M ; making its Mineral Prodm-i,-.!, , ",r '& 1U2U show uu i Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws of lliis Province arc more liberal urn! Hie foe i,,wn any other Pfoviiic'c in the Dominion, or any colony in Iho trilih Miii),,,, " ': Mineral locutions arc grunted to discoveroi for nominal fee. Absolute Titles arc obtained by ilcvelopiiigueJi prupyrllof, the sc. , guarunteeU by Crown 0 run Is. ' 1 :,t Full information together with Mining llerts w tl Maps, niu be ni,! ,, .,. s ''' aililressing THE HOf4. THE. MINISTER OF MlKES Victoria, BritUh Columbia. CONSERVATIVES LOOK FOR EARLY ELECTION J. E. Merryfleld. Provincial Or ganizer, Arrives In City In Course of Northern Tour W ith a general Inderal election said lo be in prospect Tor the near future. .1. K. Merrvfield. Conservative organizer for H.C. and former businessman of' I'rince lluprrl, is" making a tour of the north. He arrived hero rom I'rince Oetirge on this! mornings I rain and, before tru ing soulh. will visit Anyox. BISHOP CLARK DIED HAMILTON. April 20.- Ilishop Clark of the Niagara Anglican diocese died Sunday aged 77. Mrs. V. II. IMeree t)t l'orl s-siMglou arrived in the eily from the soulh on the Cardeua yesterday afternoon. CI'. It. steamer Princess Heal-rice. Capf. T. Clilfr, arrived in port from Ihe south at 3. .'Hi Saturday aflernoou and. after dis charging 125 lops of cement for Albert iV, MrCalfery. sailed at in the evening on her return south. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert N. Murchie, T. Spring. John A. Clark and W. C. Hrevver. Vancouver; Thomas II. lltibb. Clax-lon; William C. I rell. Alorin; Mrs. W. II. Pierre, Port Islington. Central .tack Jensen ami John Strom Sealllc; Mrs. J. Holmes, wnn- son Hay; William Ilearu, New MnssuH. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT t . - Take notice lhal eleventh Ave. from Conrad Street lo Frederick SI reel will be . closed for one mouth commencing Wednesday. April 22. Itesidetils are requested lo gel in their supply of coal, etc.. before thai dale. U.'l. Cily Cngineer. ANSWER TO SATURDAY'S CROSS WORD PUZZLE T Y P O G?rU phER CIO o'ift$NQN EMiq KlAs(g l" S(T aInce ptmo eWwIe ail oifr Wlu TIS MAT S0SpSflST O QPt5A DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, BOo Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone ESQ, Night or Day. WC BUY BOTTLES. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night,. 7 and 8 p.m. i Rin-Tin-Tin, The Wonder Dog in "The Lighthouse by the Sea" The iiiK'iiiiipteriililr dug ul mon slory of the ca. A l;.ir nf romance ;iml 1 simple henrl- ami uu-rri pulmi- hroi sea us a background. Ship-, -lorm-, !. p riiniiiug Hut gauntlet .unl a pinirc ,) . s "Huster" Collier Jr.. I... hi-. F.izeml. i. M I! las (ierranl, Clmrle- Hill. M;nlc- ,onl . 1 . t THE "TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES No. 3. AL?ERT1 VAUGN IN "MONEY TO BURN." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission v35c-and 10d Canadian National Railwaji Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Patter" makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle at kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo building next door lu Krusell Hub ' " ) from Hie lumpresA. Hotel We carry a roll line of .m!pC CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIW . SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION i -r in rir" $ OUR $ SALE $ continues until Wednesday, April 22 It Is a Money Saving Event Don't Miss It! Jabour Bros. Ltd. -J Hut!. & Dhonn nan ru iiviiv w