3T April 50, !025, THE DAILY NEWS,. in iri i.iiwir DOBBIN ON SNOWSHOES IN ROCKIES iiiii i i & i nit ! 111! I .1 .11 I III 11 I .2 Flapped In Breeze: , f Girl Trav- ' t i n .... Sylvia .M'ayfair , lin. mree yen-. i,. newsnappr tried ,mv :.4IUI III KIIIIW " (ll.l Kl.k .. , . ..... .... i.. I I. 'it HllM'l" llCi'll man iirii ......linn in Ihe men s, a . . i month ucii ai r. .!"" : . . .ma.liaii umleivrailiiiiie i i L.....t ,Af iliWll , ..i u-tiuiil r u ii..i. . i Ill I l'llll Mi' I'M I II well -( 1 Wilc ami miiir. mai lapj in the lirwii; and .hi. iiici Hi1 feci. ... I ...i.li.ll Villi CC . them . 1.1 1' . I h,.rc ini.1 I w''ir irniiscrs. Hcftli liarhariiy. in' l mil-''1' a''1' ahoiij lliirly t 'i.. in c .'.'iiiiiii'ii-ni i. i ,f villi'"-' inpn abiiiiltowii uaniiR ttirm al places sa y dansant, or cdiiaalimi, ami ,y n ai, ytcii ha mar J" I ,iai:flll riilPS I" IC1IU- tiu lir oilier lit show al 'heir best in i, i in' liuii' developed i, ..:. f . I Iib "Kilty- Jazzy Luggage have, be--i i ; iii'ui'fuiiiK i-, fMrfc. ami ly V 1' ' . U llll'lll- l'.,.p.. " .. .. .... r.. ' iae ill stripes .. . t...i r....i.i...... I m.t. ... . . r. ,. II ' i:: ii .!-. . W . M.,1 ,1.1., Il..nnl.'l,.ii I... I .?.! !',',', Ilf II. i I1UU' ... an. I. 1.I..P llUV. U-ll.t n ivir jf iit In ,iv ' '.In ' , i. i ii n ti.cn mil. n il nf. uav any : ifK sin1 H liily I,. I f aiil. nif.Hf! ;v - .vil full ml ,. . ... .. 1. I'.UU. M....I . , iirniiy. Ililllfc'lll WHOOPING COUGH Hicin .11 nianiT is. tomtit Shot Smart V 'Ii- : i Mint wnnii'll ert "i ihly unonnu I . ':'illy xinai'l, llio :l'i'i'n 'irliciiarly. iy ram-.' hkp '.amlal.-i t imio "! ui!, anil , i Hi innli'n " "i In- aiiklrn f miiiio, a 1 lit"- nf intricli in ari now lioinp . -v (tnrpivaliln plaro '- rTrr h a winizt'il tVy iinln'i pfnrli so. wloii Wants to Know: Jl a Iho .arkaii that Ml f lit 'HO ri i ! tin 1 1 liiaL- ' tnia -ram on Tihh- I II I II I'll! i-"ii uny iut- yiuinir an.l Hiii'i,,., f York tin :tl" in livp nf Itiirkhiuhum "licn llioy iptnrn In I own? ' Hi11 r.-niniMs f Oxfiml A'Uiitli, nf rnnr( U h. "r oliinnV iinw ui.'in? 1 Hy nn, llm wo t.,.llv ho i'i'rnirliil iii- 'nl Mwo'ii l'rinco llcury or of nidii'Hi.p ln. Mlilnnluir "a llf.PI'V I7...I III.. fi.n V hn f... i ... " 1 in inri'K s i us .in. .vuir;i .mil sup will lakfi ir wiu-K Oil .ppi now '"'ilk ciiiulnicipil for tlm "j i n- i. in-. j ..1.1..1. i.. . . niliril 111- IW'l.llillU, a B1VPH JuphIl. A VERY SERIOUS TROUBLE 5 CHILDREN HAD IT II. Onl. r. ,. . nl '.'' ..u, i. rii inpra. "V li ... , - -".r .iniKl-, 10 mi, inUAV niun .. 'lllll I IIP I UIIU ii'.i . . .. frW t sue- "'. m. , ,"" ,rir,m- "'l bron- I') ... tlm Dlili'mu m. III... I l,, "llrtt "P. ami WlK,(l', 1"'IH'.I t, .Wlfl(,,,. l put '" in 1 1..... . "u,j ouly by "jr ' inr iiu. ... . " "'i IT looks funny and It sounds event A funnier, but after all why not? It is bad enough to carry 110 pounds on two feet In deep snow. Figure for yourself what It would be like to quintuple the poundage even though It Is distributed over double the human allowance of 'footage. This genial Idea was put Into practice by Walter J. Nixon member of the Council of the Trail Riders of the Canadian Hockles and It was found to work out quite well. In the particular Instance shown In the cuts, the task was to break the trail through deep snows to the Phoenix mine In British Columbia and this onerous task would have been impossible without some such device as the one depicted. The idea of the Trail Riders Order came Into being one rainy day last summer on a bed of white heather under a tent In the Canadian Rockies about 7,000 feet above sea level. There were present or nearby about 28 saddle or pack horses and 14 trail riders who had ridden or fished along the Kootenay from the Crossing to the river's unmapped source In War- fltld Ratiln and had landed on the plateau beside Tumbling Glacier at the- head of the Wolverine Pass. It Was'there fend then decided to form the Order and buttons were awarded to those who had travelled distances on the trail from 2.500 miles down to is low c.3 fifty miles CHANGES ALREADY MADE ON NEW BOAT Prince Charles Has Clipper Stem ncmoved Is Due Here for First Time on lipfori' sin- Iwft Vnaiiiyor nn .1.1- -I ' n - , .-,,, nan iippiiiia v-,Ml i,r riMf ynyajrn . uronuA.i i . v .. . ... . . . . . i Hi-mi... PriiirH lluncrl iimwri viii. viik ' 'IIi inn . Urn'on uupi'ji Gliailolle Islands, Hip new C.. M.M. sli'auicr Prince Chiirlcs.fnr-niPi-ly St. Mai'iraipl, Diad lu-r (Mipi'i'ivil hows rcinovi'd and slaillicll plates of sled pul in In replace IJiein. Fmiu mw on she will presenl Hie appearance oT n slraijflil-linwed masl liner in-slcad ir Hie ynolil-liko lines Willi which she arrived rewnlly in the coast. 'Ihem nro slill a numher nf IValurPs. linwever. peculiar In Mjifctlisli ImaU which will lalcr ho removed. These in- clmU an unenclosed liridue. I li.' I'riiifc Charles is due here on Thursday nf this w"ck. SCHOOLS REOPENED AFTER THE HOLIDAYS Final Stretch of Educational Year Commences with Climax at End of Juno The- schools reopened lhi nuii'iiinir nfier Hie Kasler holi days mid from mnv on In Hie end of Ihe term there will 1"? ! u i until t ii fi ni n r Hie work which will reacli a climax al tlm ex aminations., Tin-re urn only two Imli.hivu hplween now and the lend of .lime when Ihe lnup hnli ' f.lMv Pinoiiiimees. They are Vic i'l The, n,. .....i ltlu Kintt's birlli- day, May ',M and .lnne a. ,'l,,c lively. Taking heavy kuI la I'huenlt Minn. Inut. Hortcon inowthurt. KI&htTup, Colin try hat Trail Hidrrs Traverse. 2X00 mile button .holders is Mr. Nixon. The first Pow-Wow of the Order was held last summer in the Yoho Valley and with the co-operation of the Canadian Pacific Railway accommodation at the Bungalow Camp at Takakkaw Falls was supplemented with twenty Indian tepees and a large circular tent decorated as a Sun Dance Lodge. It was expected that 150 people would be present, but actually no fewer than 20? were counted at the inauguration. It was at this function that the bronze plaque of Tom Wilson, one of the outstanding old-time guides of the Canadian Rockies, was unveiled. The next Pow-Wow will it is stated take place early In August of this CUSTOMERS WAITING OPPORTUNITY TO BUY Reported Waiting Oulstdo Local Business Houses this Mornlnn A pei'soif who passed up part of Seinml Avenue. .Sixth SI reel .....I .'l.i...l v.ttiiin II. la mrii'ii i ii r illlil i nun -.... ... r. shortly artt;r elhj, o'clock re-porloil what looked like custom ers trying in ei nun no n-ss than five places of business, hut after a three day (45 mile) crosscountry ride from Marble Canyon on the llanff-Windormsre Road. The trail to be used calls at the Vermilion Paint Pots, climbs up Tumbling Creek to the Wolverine Plateau where it connects with a new trail over the High Alps east of Helmlt and Goodslr, and after dropping down to Goodsir Creek rises again alongside McArthur Pass to Lake O'Hara and so to Wapta. This route traverses Eome of the most spectacular scenery in the world. Membership in the Order of the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies has increased greatly in the first j ear of its formation. At the August Pow-Wow there should be nearer a thousand than the 200 odd partlcl- Among the I year beside Wapta Bungalow Camp i pants in the function last year. of ctfliinn, an Adam mnnic room ami pam-HniK in ili'lirad-.liail's nf fawn anil ki-im-ii. Iiavo iniPliinos li rou nil I lirr into frieinlly coiifMrt wiili Un chip's ,kjiiM who iirainlaiiiPil I lie sliii liiolU'il Ion nmcli like ii yacht. "ltiit I Kot him In M' iny "mini if vli'sv." shr fayH. "I to4il"lifni li Up i-oniili'nl Iw mnxl ?ivi- up lii-t liallirnoin ami po souls. I 1 Ii f ii k il i a womiin's provinrp -In rliiMfO llnv colors ii!?l, , llio cnvi'i! ami cnsliins anil fonl-Minnl wliirli have not liern put on a i-hip hi'forp." 3. LOCAL COUPLE ARE HUSBAND OF LOCAL WEDDED IN SEATTLE GIRL IS TO TAKE Miss Alice Kendall Became Bride Last Tuesday of Harry Breen Will live on Fifth Avenue East Thp ninrria-n took plap iuipl-ly in ScnM ! last TuesiJay al Hip Iioiiip of Mr. unit Mrs. II. V. Di.l- IMPORTANT POST IIijrIi I.. KpiMilpysiili' of Vancouver, who was murrifil Iiitp lii.it yi'nr lo Miss Kalliprinp l'ills-Injry, ilauliliT of Mr. ami Mrs. J. II. l'ill.-lnny nf this oily, has Iici'U ni'poiiilpil In lln iioilion nf m-J rjekson of Miss Alice ItPHlia imniitii sprrciary ni im .Mimriran Kendall, datiShl.T of Mr. ami Aaimiini council lor hip i-r.-scr .Mrs Isaac.Kctnlnll nf Norlh Van couver, ami llnrry A. Itreen, son of Mrs. Rachel Ilreen of New Westminster. Mrs. J. 1. MrMil-lan of Prince Hiyierl, sisler nT the hride. was hnilesiuaiil and A." 11. Medium ul New AVeslniiitslur. best man. .Mr. ami Mrs. Hrren are hoiieyinnoninsr in l'orlfand ttinl will arrive here shortly In lake up their iesjdenc,e in a new home buill hy Ihe gronm on I'mii Avenue Haul. Ilulli Mr. anil Mrs. Ilreen are widely knowu and popular in Ihe nity. The hride resided htre troni early d-lrlhood and moved oulh a few years apo. The i. . i r : i iirooin is a nieiiiner oi inn unn if Suiilli & Mnilell and n relurn- m snldler. He is particularly well known for Ihe active part he has always taken in looal ath letic circles. They will receive the lieaHy cnnsrraluliiliniis and Ihe licst wishes of many friends. val ion nf World Peace. This will involve Ihe removal of Mr., anil Mrs. Kecnleysiile's residence 'mni PyraciiM', N.Y., where Mr. Keioileyside has heeu leachiilK modern history in Ihe Universily of Syracuse, lo Washington, tMJ. Hoih Mr. and Mrs. Keciilcyside are jfi'ailuales of Ihe I'niversily of nr.. CROSS-WORD PUZZLES ARE IN EVERY JOURNAL ( - - fc Kvery .Journal is running cross word pu..les lliesc days. They are h lie noneeii in .lournais as fur apart a 'the C.N.H. Magazine Timl the War Cry! Tiiey hav niSl yet appeared in lln lloard of Trade booklet, bill ilouhlless in llu Uflxt edition Iherc will be some Iherc. r .. Some of the iueslion ymi see are; illllleull and then some of I hem are very easy, sueh as a rive-letter word dennlini: "The slafl" nt life." You puess ini-inediiitely it is bread I Hut re niember at: your rociM's In say "IMeclric Hread" and I hen you (.(!. Ihe besl , W.5 In the Letter Box CHILDREN'S WARD. Kilitor Daily News. Thank you, Mr. Kdilor, for i . . . . . ....... thPV were unable lo do so lo-; f OKinpr up Hie cuukcis on neiiail cause Ihe doors were not. yeh of the sick cliiblren. As you say open. Al oiu.vlilace Hie cuslpiner In your editorial, not many an ... . . . .... . .lopicn nun nun usmmi ii iiu ii.iii seifii Hie proprietor and imiuired what lime1 be usually arrived. The incident was considered nolewprlhy In view of Ihe 'fact (hut some of the 'merchants have been sayiuit business is dull. Advcrtlsa in tlm Daily News sick here but there are a few sad exceptions and fop' luein a children's w;anl in Ihe hospital is badly needed. Tlm Daughters of the Kiupire are iloinsr. i;ood work and if Hie people- or some rich person will pul up that twelve hundred dollars needed to make the ward, ihey will be do- BETTER THAN RICHES Under the dome of the Board of Trade in Manchester England, is this inscription: "A good, name is rather to be chosen than riches." The thought is considerably more than mere sentiment. It is good business. A good name is recognized as the biggest individual asset a business can have. It is the very keystone of modern industry. Business today is done on such a broad scale -every merchant and every manufacturer has such a long list of customers that it would not do to have a reputation for "slipping something over" Advertising has standardized almost every article you can buy. You don't have to bargain and dicker and haggle to know that you are gelling as good as you give. That's why it pays lo read the advertisements and to buy adverttsed goods. A product's advertising is the best guarantee oj its faithful performance and lasting usefulness or of definite value. The advertiser would not dare risk his good name by advertising an unworthy product. If you value satisfaction if you want to get your full money's worth every time READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS and buy advertised merchandise. Take adva jtage of the advertisements and get real valua . .. . . I. I NlwinlBI F USTERS PROTECTION ACT. , ma sonieinins imu win ;e worm: -We.Tsoe. chapter 115. V a Jul lo llu- lillle unes ami in "lie ick women who have lo have ihe children in their ward nl presenl. Women jike children but they do mil like lo hac Iheiii around when Ihey are sick. No mother can rest and know thai :t child is suffering in Ihe next, col. and overy true woman is eilher mother or n prosper! ivc mother. Keep up your -nod work, Mr Ivlilnf, and when the collect ion is taken here's one (hat will put up a five, dollar hill. In "help Ihe kiddie who arc sick. -' MOTH Kit. BATTALION ORDERS Hy I.ieuL-fiolonel .1. W. N'icholls, Officer nnnimnniliiitf, 1st Hu Norlh MM. ftest. (102ml Hn O.K.K.; Signallei's' classes- will be- held each Weilnesihiv evening at .... - , p.m. until further notice. Instruction in lladio nporalinj: bv l.ieul. Ilarnsley W ednesilay evwnings April 22 ami 2tf, al 1 p.m. Members nf llu llejiiment en tilled lit Poll-tax -exemption cer liflcales 'slinuhl register their names in the (Orderly Hooinwllh- uil delay. S. 1), JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant A I til. 1st Hn. N.H.C HckI. Advertise ir Ui Dailv pw, "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT.' Prlnct Rupart Electoral Dlitrlct. Macktml Elactoral District. MiTli K Is hi'iTliv iilveii Hint I liall on ' Man, l:i v I hi' t Kill (lav id May. lUi.l, THOMAS THOTIRn, or Ihe Clly (r ITIni-e Uiirl, lit lli PruvliH- of HritWi Coluinhla, IIKHKIIY filVKS MlTICK thai he hail under SiTllnn t r llw irt Art de-Milti'il Willi the MinUter or Pulille Work l inlaw. n1 In the ofriee or the li-irlrt lleRUIrar or Ihe Land Hefrlstry Irlrt of PrlnrH lluiert, it Prlnee ltirt.: li.C. a ries4Trlilnn or the file anil iUii. nr s wharr mid ler proposed lo be linilt In Hie rrlnre llupert Harbor. I'rlnre! HiilMTi, it.r.M on all tlio'.e portions orj walerrront blnrk O, plan 9i3. swtlon 1,; Prlnre lliiM-rt. I'rovinre of llrltlsh Colnin- i Ma. 'of the appurtenant foreshore and thaj waier lot In front thereof, n.nl-lnlnir In! all an area of t S9-nmh arn-, more or: VXD TAKF MlTlfE that arter the e-- plrallon of on nioiiih frtMii Ihe dale of Hit first piibilratiou nr Uilj Notlee Tlioma ' Trotler will iiihIit ju-rtlun 7 of Ihe said i Art nerd V to lilt' Minister of I'lilillrj Works at III offlee In ihe City or Ollawa. for approval nf the said site and plan and for leave to ronsiruri ine hiii wiiihi mm pier. Haled at Trlnee Rupert, n.C.. Ihl lh (My of AKll, I.JIi. I 111 1.11 AS I III 'I II.M. Ilv Williams, Xlanson ; Oouialt'.-. ' bl Solicitors IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Mailer of thn -Companies' Art, I04l"i and In the Mailer of ad Application by the Horner ne inline copper oimiwinv i be restored to lh Iletlsler under Kiw'lli.u tfix or the said Act. TAKK MITIC.K thai an application will Iiu mad in. the 1'resldlni Judse In rli:inili..rs al Ihe nonrl House. I'rlliri lluperl. n.C, on Tiieda.V Ihe J8lh d.iy of April. A. ii. mr.i, ai me inmr oi n.,n ii'cliuk In the fnreniMin or m n there nri..i as. ilta. ni..ilnn iu.iv lie heanl iih hn half of the ahovn inviiiinneil Company tor an order mat Hie ail iiinpany lie re slore.1 to the renlsler of Joint SlocK Coin OillliS. An TAKK NOTICE that III JliPpnrt of said npplimilloii will ho ;ead the petition nf lh r.i.ninany Issue1 herein and the arridiitlt of Lewis V. Pamvire jvrn on the 3hUi d.iy or .Ms nil, a.u. is. aim filed herein. nTKH at Pr'nre nnpe.'l, H.C.. Hits SOlh day ol March. AH. toil. Snllrllor for the Vetllloncr. SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINERAL CLAIMS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. William E. Maloney versus Anthony McOnlrR. Il.v votiiA of a. warrant of Execution Issneir In Ihe ahove. anion, and directed t me. I have se d Ihe fol Inwlnir mineral claims, siuut'f near Alive Ann, adjacent lo the Kll-nult lllver and the Anrlli Mux or the Klisanu mver: "waveriy i.roiip. ii iii iiiuir nf in o'clock III Ihe foreiionn. I ronslllnir ot at Ihe Court House, Prince llleit. hold n"Yar nance Croup, uL.hi.tw ..r ,hn Curl .f llcvlftli.il fur ihe llnoce " Wamilv'' and "Mllv ronsisiiiiir or "war "lletsev. Betsey, "Oronse No. S," ,.f ....kUinir llu. lists t vtilers ritr "Whlsller " "Ha. rcr" anil "llnle." the Vald Klerliirnl Plslrlrts. and or hcarlnir All or which l will rrr ror R-ile. by ami delerinliiiiiir anv and all olijectlons In public Aiicllon, tor cash, on Tuestlay, the thi retention or anv name on the sal. I. rinti day or May, 19s. al I.Ml In the lists, (r lo Ihe rt'irlslratloii as a voter or afleiiioon, nt my omi'e, (lovernnieiit nn appllcnul ror ri'irisiraiioii: aim ror, niiiuiinir, cruire niioej-i. III.- oilier purpose mi mm hi hi uie ihu'lsl Flecllnns Acl. Uaied at .I'rlnre lluperl, li.C I'm this nth day of. A V i II, .MillMAN A. WATT. HeKllr.ir of Voters for Ihe prince import and Mackeiule. electoral Dliirlcti. Til "War liaiiim" wilt be offered fur sale siiblerl to two innrlKii-cs, appnn linallnif 7,&no.flfl. JOHN Sllini.KY. Sheriff of Hie cmniy or Prince llupert. Prince rtiipert, li.C, April 1, toss. J. L. Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures, llaud-sawini and l'laniiip. jobbing and Ilepairiiif. (ilass ami Glazinpr. Sash, Doors ami Moulding!. P.O. Box 179. Phono r - - Blue 68 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon 61 Cartage, Warehousing, listributinf. Team or and Motor Service. Hnal Sand and Gravel Wc 8peclallzQ In Piano and Furniture Roving. Dr. E. S. T AIT DENTIST. Hslgsrson Blook, PRIKCE RUPERT, . O. Offlco Hours, U Prions est. O-Mri Evsnlnflt Onlf Ft lpolsl Appolntmsnt.