SS RTS ROUND-UP | % By GAYLE TALBOT until last annual community night cek ; shooters who practise gprernepeet | } | Giant rrince Rupert Daily News Friday Septembe: ~* 3) Move Up o Sisls. 4 the water on small runners under the thrust of an airplane 1949 STUDEBAKER SEDAN ‘ , as: : ‘ PEST HILLS, N.Y.—t is ivonie that the ' . t pry tennis player inthe country today, Wie But Tribe Stays Unchanged “ Philadelphia, is so little known to the sf that the average fan can’t even pro-| * By The Canadian Prese ' ie, much Jess tell you the salient facts! NEW YORK.—The New York Giants moved a Y * this point. , mite closer to the league-leading Brooklyn Dodgers | ‘ye . time } : i i } « a0" ' ’ | nee we j - R last night in the National League, but the Cleveland rs. as a unior angers Indians, despite the tight, five-hit effort by big Mike et observat | 4 aie . . s ‘ ob ations Do Useful W k : Garcia, remained 3'% games behind the New York oe eached the Of Yankees in the American League. 4. national Giants defeated Philadelphia, - - fe niga e he was In Summer Camp Phillies in 11 innings 4-3 to| £. F. HITCHMAN, 75-year-old ; edgeman of | close to within seven games of | Flying Randalls cvidket reporter from ‘Ottawa, , . . gin “he tre ; ; ag | ; dial ta- cy in each| SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont «cp)| ARGOS WIN—Doug Smylie, (87) backfield ace for Toronto Argonauts, churns off yardage on pe TE cg ” ge Braves will make a ana ve ni F ol oe that At Garden Lake, 50 miles} 4 end-run as the Argos defeated Hamilton Tiger-Cats 33-13 in the teams’ first Big Four Lae the nil am = prod ; tion ‘to the Mary ne Cr i iced ‘Say. | Dortheast of here, nine boys thi eague game, The victory put Argos in a league tie with Ottawa Roughriders who previously | nings ma Be, n- ootseps Club at Lorés, Lendon. The neers in | CEaer developed their mus defeated Montreal Alouettes. The game at Hamilton was played in sweltering 86- degree heat ; gift is a handsome volume, ewhere 3" / cles for the football season| ‘op prgre, |MeDOUGALD HOMERS Of Pil { F th prepared by Mr. Hitchman, of (4) not been | hile working for the Ontario| s tt} En the American League Gil’ 0 ad er photographs of Canadi#n es tioner what | #848 and forests department. | | McDougald led an old-fashioned | i cricket fields. Commissioned wt imbing heir| The work was typical of for- A T fo at 12 | Yankee power display with two| EDMONTON (CP) — Flying) by the Canadian Cricket As- i e s years of eStry ‘training camps spread y' | home runs and five RBIs as the |i8 becoming a tradition in the! °Y ° = oe sae ah 9 incident-| throughout the province, pri | world champions routed Phila-| Robert Randall family of Ed- %%* lation, the volume will be ‘ ; Anvs aie marily designed to lead youths + ° . | @elphia Athletics 12-2. | monton. placed in the Imperial Cricket an N t sie + aia Segue ‘ ; ‘Cleveland shut out last-place! It started wi 2 r. a| War M (CP Photo) i to explain/into forestry work if they are| y p th M t F | st-p | 4 started with Robert Sr., a} War Museum. CP oto) ‘ * ian int orcs wort i's": QLympic Trapshootin alist Began Early creo, ty ae lt Roker ora] War Museum, cP hols) SO No. 1 player @epartment hires 250 boys Other results: Airlines on trans-Pacifie routes, | ‘ yo ‘gis a hat he’s one they generally have about 1309, SASKATOON, (—Trapshoot-| first Canadian in history to win,ja fine watch and he hastened| ’ Smerlean— Boston 2, Wash-|and was followed by his twin | Ury Daily News Want Ads nal athletic | @pplicants—to spend their sum-|!n& has a comparatively smatl)a major competition. to. present it to his tutor. Gir- | igton 4; St. Louis 8, Chicago 0.|sons, Howard and Robert Jr.) ~~ ne. comparately | Mer Vacations clearing and cut- | following in Canada, and yet the | BIG CONTENDER gulis, declined, but he was deep- | National—Pittsburgh z, Cin- | first officers (co-pilots) with ey Big Bill Ti-| ting bush, putting up tclephone| CUMtY owes It only gold medal | } , |J¥ touched by the gesture. | cinnati 7; Chicago 0, St. Louis 1,| the same airline. known Phila- PUP Meephone rom the last Olympic Games| He almost scored a double tri-| when George was shooting for; *Ol—Seattle 1, Portland 5.) p R i vn u poles and doing a mult tu } mn. Z h lass chi ion traend | | oppa ‘Randall has been fly ‘ vin ‘his firet a4 am ice toa 17 old Saskatoon youth | UMPA. 4. e class champion- the junior championship, Gir-{| ‘Only game scheduled.) jing since 1928. He started in enti al other jobs necessary te k he | who ha catter-gun about | *hip, he was ena three shoot- gulis closed his eyes when it WIL — Vancouver 2, Lewiston | Saskatoon and was flying for forests and wild life #f Ontario 4s easily as most of us wind an|eTs Who broke 199 clay pigeons came for his young protege to @; Victoria 7, Spokane 8; Yak-| Mackenzie Air Services in 1937 : in gooll condition ularm clock. ee - ee anes In oe shoot the last “five birds. jima 4, Wenatchee 2; Tri-City-| when it merged with a number 4 The boys at Garden Lake| The young champion is George | vith « 4 ot 95, The goat Genter wine atte tet emt | jof small companies to form 4 ; ng tennis pin nN were assigned the task of clear. | C@cmereux, . six-foot three-inch| oimost vetalevet tbe tier eens — after the last “bang.” — - CPA. men nM . ne ns on f ie task of cle¢ caikieaca’ “aioe ig Ss juni le,| ie = 4 » f : me ones one ing away bush and trees to 50% Of a Saskatoon eye-nose-|sinishing secénd by a small Mrs a ad one AIRCRAFT BUILDING The boys started their flying | aaa ¢ Hl oar hiteh as|make a tourist camping site throat speciali t. He is prac- | margin a . , : AMSTERDAM (©—The Fokker | Careers with the Air Cadets in year nh rm as They were Jim Dolph of Galt icahy a phenomenon in ne | Geeeie » across deer Manitoba, Saskatchewan, On- British films |: Se ee eee ‘ltario. Minnesota and the Da- Corrid and “Git bears and foxes. Fishing was|“"~ . oh : an Hitt | dweniient 4 y tenes s | kotas. He also won the Manitoba- ; | @3 ent and several made it|/. Si tor ches : Y 0 start his la regular pastime to head for Saskatchewan junior charnpion- roduction ‘com- |the better streams. Others be-| Ship that year and repeated for (CP Photo) ithe next three seasons, | Bven if he hadn’t won the | Olympic gold medal, George | still would have a place among zreats. ast year at Vandalia, George became the | ss - si |came expert canoeists oor Expert Now 82 Swims With Class I, Ont. CP)—At 82, rahe till is coach- Wimmihg, ¢arioc- dcraft at the camp here 50 years | trapshooting’s Jong “to get a boy thinking as he | should about the outdoors.” | Try Daily News Want Ads SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN ! { ee | near me he Was a physical Hstructor at Upper “ee In Toronto. One brought a patty of to the area on a “anoe ‘trip “through m Toronto, nearly the south, ‘a pine-studded PCluding five islands i What is perhaps the te boys’ Camp . in “Y Hudson's Bay ders had preceded imagami country, she ull goes swim- boys, surprising MS agility in the Will not accept any ™mp for less than four If You Still Need School Supplies see the complete selection at Hea eet Whire Your Dionesare kettle Dollar 518 3rd Ave ty Cn |Sales to the United Kingdom. | | 1953 instalment to permit im-| Dibb jet engine flaming out of its stern 1650 New paint, air conditioned, good rubber Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did it ever occur to you that | _— Little Change Seen in UK. Lumber Market VANCOUVER (P)-—British Co- | lumbia lumbermen Wednesday forecast little change in timber “No encouragement” was the concensus among lumbermen | you need distinctive printed here when commenting on an|{| matter for vour particular innouncement in London © by)|]| business? the Ministry of Materials that the initial 1953 import quota of e 500,000 standards has been granted to United Kingdom) Type faces give you this outstanding distinctiveness— and these can be supplied ‘by A standard is about board feet. The mimistry removed restric- | buyers 2000 | porting of “good amount” | more would be announced later. | RE - ROOF NOW Your Reof May Not Last Through Another Year a a with asphalt and cedar shingles Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 909 115 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 NEW PLASTIC Flor-Ever” Offers unlimited Color and Pattern Combines BY THE YARD OR THLE... CTS CLEANING CARE It’s new, it saves work, it offers yeu more beauty . . . That's FLOR-EVER, the non-porous plastic, into which dirt can’t penetrate—not even grease or bleaches. Dirt slips off with much less cleaning, waxing or washing. GUARANTERD A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. “A Good Place to Buy—For Over a Quarter Century” 327 Third Avenue Phone 775 We will give your free estimates on re-roofing = || Do You Need A Good All-Purpose Truck? 1945—1500cwt. 4-wheel drive, - $5 75° Superior Auto Service 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 tg For sturdy Oxfords and Loafers, ‘and all other ‘typesof shoes -suit- ; i able, for scheoi, you can be sure “of expert attention at FASHION FOOTWEAR We Fit Your Ohil@ren’s Shoes CORRECTLY Fashion Footwear | ment of British Columbia Sludge ‘can lead to costly engine repair bilis, higher maintenance costs...Heavy Duty Marvelube guards against gummy engine sludge ... reduces damaging engine ‘heat... fights corrosive com- bustion acids ; ; . provides a tough lubricating film to protect your engine, ‘ IMPERIAL DEALER ‘Ng it takes that ARISTOCRAT ANNIVERSARY 5 years old Te This advertisement is not pub- lished or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govern-