hureday. July 2 1923, DON Day Phones Cr. 601, Black 735 iMlfi Ciiocolate bar made box Cat one cuerij day Buy a box of Jersey Milk bars on your way home. They make dainty individual servings for the table or for the card party. Give them out onc-a-day to the children. In all our experience we J i J. . l uivc never maue a oar so much liked by everybody as Jersey Milk. Look for the white-&-gold package to-day. 5c, 10c and 25c sizes. Solid Milk Chocolate IV Tl HI - I ! now money Awayi W tu n i 'i.ili'i.iiil.iiinu' Iioum- oiJ lin il Imilding get our r priic- mi muii I ii ri 1 1 ' rjii iit?i"i(tv. ... ,(t will save you money W. -.if. ; iiirllii' Im line lliiper! Sprme Mills and 'in i' l' ;i:i attractive prirr on their, products; Cedar Timbtrs and Shlplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock 'Finish. Soruce and Hemlock Flooring. . Spruce Shiplap. Spruce Dimension. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, ' LTD. Phones 118 arid G64. TUG BOATS 423 Rupert Marine 539 Products Ltd. GEO. G. EU5HBY, Man. Dir. World Over Discriminating M.m prefer iff Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 7m m London Dry m The Gin you will ask for again --the standard of purity for over 160 years. $3.50 bottle Tim ndveitisi'ineiii i not putilisii-i or displayed by' Liquor Control Hoard or b the- Government of British Culumbio. the 0'W hmm imp Local aod Personal Undertakers. Phooq 41. A real 50c Taxi Service. Drown laxi. lMionc 80. tfl You'll like our joall Consum ersCoal Co. Phone 7. tf La Parisienne Hcautv Shoe. Fourth St.. Phone 301. tf Posllli.'isll'r' Mlil-i-itim tuff mi IIio Canlena -for the soulh on Tuesday.' M. 1'.' MfCiilTi-i-v r..lniiii..l In cily loday frbin a business irlp in (lie south. - The C.P.R. S.S. Princess Alice called fit yesterday on her tsoutli- houndtrlp from Alaska. Hlch and poor can ride now. ijOc, for, a laxi to go anywhere Drown Taxi. Phone 80. , tl ''-.Mis'S J: St. .fame of the local high school leaching staff, sailed for the south on Uhe Princess vlice yes'l'erduy. Are you a mixer If so, mix .vood with coal. Reduce cost iO per cent. Casqy Cartage ami 1-uel Co. . Phone 303. tf W. H. Tobey, Jocal superln-'iHlent of the C.X.U., left on. Mia the morning: rtinmmri' ft.ifn train for fit. m. river ' up DOilll.s. Ill will lie u-;iv fi ii- ahout a week. The J'rince (!eorge arrived rcini the south yesterday morn ing on the first trip tu Alaska of 'he season, She, carried a capacity passenger list. . Miss Hutli Itix who has been leaching homo economies in two nf the schools in Xew Westmin ster, returned home yesterday lo spend the summer vacation. v "m" , Miss Lornu Tile, who lias been pursuing her musical slu-ties at Hip Toronto Conserva tory of Music, returned to the eily on the Prince Ceorge today The power boat Laura 1'., own-i-d anil skippered by (5eo. Frizzrll, left tliis morning fur Mellakalla having on board the children of the Itidley Home -who are spend mg a camping vacation at thai iioinl. Mizak Aiva."ff, belter known here as MltchHl Albert, head of 'he New .Mtli"l Coal Co., of Vancouver, and contiecletl with the local firm of Albert '& Mc- affery. arrived from the south veslerday. The Miilorship, l'riuce of Wales, arriviwl in the harbor about 9.30 Tuesday eveninif from .'Ketcbikbn, bringing (the ball team lo piny with ltupert. She also carried a baseball team to play at Anyox, and after a short stay here rlcarM for nyox. Sin; will return today ami pick up the Ketchikan' team here en roult lionie. The eleven students entered by Miss Way for. Toronto Cor servalory examinations, passed in the following order: Local cenlre, full exam. Honors: - Mollie. Lawrence, Knid Little Irene Milehell. Julia Walters, Millie Fuller; pass Edith Ker gin, (iwen unoly, li. lierner. School Kxuin.. pass Muriel Vance, Jean llitchie. CARD OF THANKS 4 Mr. and Alt s. (I. Ciccone desire lo convey their sin- cere thanks lo their many fii(lnls for flu kind expres- sinus of sympathy received in their loss. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Picnic. July 12. G.W.V.A. picnic July 10. A one of your daily dozen shine up with- Zml ShoePolish i t and your shoe fit" TUB DAILY NEWS PAO TH!IE1 Commodore Cafe THinD AVENUE The Csfo of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. breakfast, - Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specially is Home Made lee Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will be pler.sed with our service. Lot us please you. KILLA S& CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, uOc. Phono 078. tf The fishing boat Selina entered the local dry dock Ihi morning for general overhaul and repairs. II. McKay was fined $10 this morning by Magistrate McCIv- mont for permitting his cattle lo run at large. Carpenters regular nieeMiifr i'bslponed unlil Friday, July 3. egiat business- All members requested lo attend. 15J Mrs. Winslowaiul child sailed for the south on the Cardena on Tuesday. She will holiday for ftoiiieliine at Cowlchan. A camp scow, belonging It Soniervlllo cannery, was ilaced on the pontoons at tin local dry dock for repairs :lhis morning. A maii by Die- name of Johnson entreated 25 bail this morning in the police court. Tin charge was one of intoxication. F. K. Douglas was charged with using obscene- language in a public place in Hie police court this morning. AV lie did not appear the magistrate declared his bail forfeited.'' u The Prince Charles sailed for lite soutli yesterday afternoon with a full passenger list. In cluded in the list was a parly o over pno hundred from Chnlan-ooga, Tenn., who arrived in the cily on the regular train. The fishing boat. W. i !., ('apt. K. l'ierce, which went ixroutid and sank on a reef in Porpoise Harbor on Monday night, was successfully lowed into port last night by Ihe power "boat Wigwanu A' Millcrd cannery boat, skippered by Lau rie Lanihly, towed the sunken vessel on lo the shore at Port Edward yesterday and this morning took her down to the dry dock for overhaul. OPERATOR ON ARCTIC IN FARTHEST NORTH MONTH HAL; July 2. Robert MeA. Foster, radio operator on the forthcoming cruise of the Canadian government steamer Arclic into northern waters lias the distinction of being Ihe farthest north official of the Amer ican Radio Relay League, the organization of Canadian and United States radio anialetirs. Al a farewell dinner hinged by pro minent Canadian radio men in Ihis cily, Foster was pn-enleil wilh u certificate appointing hiinj District Superintendent of the Canadian Arctic Heirions." thus I making the station on I In? Arc tic, VDM, official . headquarters, for northern communication. Foster expects to do the great- V part of his coiniiuinication on short wnve lengths lli'OsCafryingj out Ihe same methods that govern the work oLJohn L. Reitiarlz, operator with the Navy-Millnn expedition from Iho Stales. The' a)paralus on the Arctic will be I worked on 10, 03, 80 -and 120 ! meters, thus getliing greater flexibility than was possible lust year when 120 meters was IRe only wave-length used. YOUTHFUL CANDOR. j Candid letter from a twelve-year-old girl acknowledging n present : "Dear 'Aunt Harriel, Thank you for your gift. I have always wanted a pin-cushion, but not very much." ' MANY FLOWERS SENT FOR BABY CICCONE Among the many flowers which covered the casket at the funeral of baby Ciccone were the cards of Mr. and Mrs. Glennie, Mr. .Felix lleda, Mr. ami Mrs. Fortune, .Mrs. Mazzie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack llab'hford, Mr. and Mrs. Larimla, Jim and Jack Zarelli Hayner Itros.. Misses Stella and C. Nickerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mcltae, Mr. and Mrs. Kcikevsky, Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Calcy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Aniadio, Mr. and Mrs. Dominalo, Mr. T. Florin, Doc Victor i Anyox , Mrs. O. Vaccher, Mr. and Mrs. (i. W. Johnston Mr. Al. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Mc-filinchy, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mc intosh, Mrs. Paul Wicks, Miss Itulli Anderson, Mr., Mrs. and Uaby l'ublieover, Mr. and Mrs. ? Moria, Mr. Dominic Ross, Mrs Nation, H. and C. Sanlurbane, M. TeniJoro, Mr. and Mrs. Hussa nieh, Mr. and Mrs. P. 1. McCor-niick, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. It. Penney and Audrey. Mr and Mrs. S. M. Johnson. Mrs. M. A. Thomas, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Viereck, Mr. and Mrs. O. (uielpa. Mr. and Mrs. Cic cone, Mr. and Mrs. II. Ilamplon. Mr. and Mrs. II. Maeey' Mr. Louis Itoss. Mrs. 0. Ilasso-Herl, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald, Mrs. Anna Hoss and Family, Mr Mild Mrs. Fred vLindipiisl, Mrs. M. l'etenuz.o. Miss K. Cavalier Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson, Mrs Henrjek"oti and Adeline, Li'iui-Lazzarojlo. Mr. and Mrs. Monle -ami and family. Little Lighi Hearers W.M.S., Il,cv. and Mrs Hacker, Ladies of the United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Santer bane. ANNOUNCEMENT 51 r. and Mrs. Xormau Frascr, of Alice Arm, D.C., announce the engagement of their oldes dauglller, Ivliih Carrey. In Peruse G. (ladwin, second son o! Vlr. and Mrs. Arthur (iladwin, ol Los Angeles, Calif., the weddius? lo lake 'dace at Los Angeles ii, fbe latter iart of July. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. li. Keilh who have been residing lately i" Portland, Ore., arrived on the prince George yesterday and are proceeding today to Terrace where they made their home foi many years. Mr. Keith, wliosi health was somewhat impaired finds himself considerably im proved. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swunsoifs Float on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. unti' 0.30 p.m. and on oilier week days at 2, 3 and 0.15 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave Salt Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Minday and holiday picnic parlies specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale and hire. PRINCI-: IIUPKRT HOATIIOUS1 TOO LAT- TO CLASSIFY FOR It EXT- Foi r roomed house on Fifth Ave tue West. Furnished. Phone Hlue 000. 155 TIMBER SALE X6464 Sealed Tenders will be receiv-ved by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon qu the ninelh ( v Hi ; day of July j t!t2.j, for tho purchase of Licence XOIOl, to cut 50,000 feel of Spruce, and 32,000 Jack-l pine ties on an area situaled on, I the south sdioro of l-'ranco,; Lake, opposite Collyniount, ir.tngo I, Coasl District. Three (,3 years will bo allowed for removal of timber. Furl her particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, li.C, or District Forester, at Prince Rupert. ' LfiTriLMiVl sjaiia -x-m Crcent Ground Swi thiritethro( .... ikl.L....! I La..i(L. .I-Vv length ol th taw. thuW makinf binding inttickcn imoouibU. CrscntGrind- iog la 4Q exdutiv S.mondt1 Uaturt. tXMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED VCtfVfl MUM TM.A4. V01IONTO IT.40MH, M.B JA X"r.ctt CrtMl" I LaivCtlMlBI ul Have you got yours? Only a few days left to secure 10 inch (double-sided) 75c His Master's Voice Vic tor- Records WE PAY EXPRESS Why pay a big pi ice f jr terries from tin1 south when you can get berries KINDLEWOOD BRAND from the growers nt Terrace. We have decided lo ship direct to the consumer and therefore saye Ihe middleman's prd-f if . You get the advantage in price as well as in getting your fruit straight from the farm to your home. AT Until July 8th ONLY all the latest hits of such famous t Victor Artists as PAUL WHITEMAN AILEEN STANLEY RAE ELEANOR BALL WENDELL HALL HARRY LAUDER and a host of others; in fact every record in the present Victor Catalogue (excepting Red Seals) reduced 20c a record. DO NOT LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS Go to any authorized "His Master's Voice" dealer and make your selection TO-DAY . Victor Talking Machine Company of Caaada.Limited Kindlewood Fruit Strawberries $3.25 Elk. Currants 2.S0 Red Currants 2.75 White " 2.75 Raspberries - 3.25 Black Berries 3.25 Sour Cherries 3.50 Summer, Fall and Winter Apples .. . . . . .. 2.50 All prices include-delivery lo your nearest station. WE PAY EXPRESS We arc not new al growing berries. We -have been shipping for years, and most of you know the famous KINDLEWOOD FRUIT so you arc taking no chances when ordering from us. If you want lo save money on fruit this year send your order in early, as all orders will bo filled in rotation. Doat shipments excepted. Club with your neighbor and get berries fresh every day. All our berries are guaranteed to be of highest quality and picked fresh every dny. 'Ihe only way wo can do this al this price is STRICTLY CASH WITH OHD1.R. Make cheques and money orders payable al par to II. A. SWAIX, Terrace. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George Prince Charles Sailings from Pinire Iloperl For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermediate ports, Mondu). al p.m.. and Wednesday and Saturday, al 0.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart--Monday and Friday, i p.m. For Skagway and Alaska Ports, W ednesday, S.00 p.m. S.S. Prince John fur Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver, Fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT" DAILY ticept Sunday 11.30 a.m. Tor ITInri- 0-iorrc EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eal 'rn i.auada, I'nltnJ SUtes AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Off lcs B28 Third AM Princt Rupart. Phone 260. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Snilinn from rrmre Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swineon Bay, and Alert .Bay, Tueaday, 5 P.M. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, IQ A.M. ' For ANYOX, ALICK ARM, STEWART, Sunday, P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa nier Canntrlea, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Avenue. i. Barnaley,' Afinl Prlnoa Rupert, B.O.