3 25 VOL, XV., .NO. 153. Puffing Billy Operated by TAXI and Ambulance . Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Holal, 3rd Ava. and 6th SL MATT VIDECK, Prop. Taken Out and Gasoline Motor 1AIIL.1TUX. July 2 Scenes allrtidaiil iiiiou the opening in if i5 of the (irsLruilw-Hy In Hril-ain hctvcen'JWlitigton and Slot:k(onvwcrc ri'cnacled today with rttejdicuson's first lo.eomo-live "I'lifflng Hilly" in the leading role. The ancient engine was taken from M pedestal In the museum and given new life for the day, being driven by a gasoline molur'.conccaled beneath the boiler as rust made the steam plant unsafe. Hearing "end of ABDUCTION CASE VA(HUVi:i,Juiy 2. - When lhe Won Foon Sinix abduction ease is resumed Ibis aflcrnoon it is likely that, Oscur llobinson. aood wishes head of the niiiiHilian Detective, ser SCHOOL GIRLS KILLED Agency will lake the stand and his sdile and 11 !. ,.n.i.. 11. 1 ...111 iiokvlili 11 souvenir concluded be fort taken. -c'lti'i-es !'p'Hi'fi'd. The recipient is leaving inc employ ..of the company to be married lo James Milehell or me Anyox High School slaff later in the nionlli. UNION OF VETERANS IS BEING PLEDGED OTTAWA. July 2. I'he Ureal W;ir Veterans, lhe Canadian Le- t!imi ihe Tubercular Veterans' Association, and the Naval era ns to lhe establishment f ' Vet- organualion as a result or a series oT conferences held here since I lie arrival i u ,M Field Marshall Karl Iluig. It is expected thai other organizations will shortly follow it. Alt groups in II,.. meantime will continue lunclioning as at present until a unity convention is assembled. BUILDINGJOLLAPSED , ItUCllAltHST. July 2. -Fifleen school girls wen? killed and a number severely injured when the building collapsed during a festival at Oltenitza. Upon arrival or -the I'riiice (ieorge in Vancouver on her last I rip, Lord Dyng invited -Captain Nrd.len, lhe Cliief Steward, Tur- aud the -Chief Kngmeer, 10 presented each of the. trip and ease will noi fall assizes. Heg. h 1? iMinniiiiu lilt' 1 1 it a 1 inf. w ,, " 1 - . , . ...Ilrmi-nment S t lanKl'd lllflll mr wo. ...... Vu American ! Sitka, 55,(100. lo Cold Storage! at MOc and ie. Vaiisee, 50.(100, lo Pacific H.'.ibc and tc. Ilesolule 55,000, to Alliu H.KOc and Ic. Arrow 10.00O. lo Cold Stora at H.VOc and ic. , Anna J, 15.000, lo Atlin at 1 0.20c and 5c. Alki, 7,0(10, lo Cold Storage at ?.90e and to. . .' T'Qlwish, io.OOO, fo tk)ld Stor- Wabash, 7,500, to lloolh at ! (I.SOc find 5. r.liuni, 5,000, to Jtooth at l.80c and to. llaVcl II.. 11,000, lo 1 loyal 10c and Ic llambler, 7.000, lo I loyal O.tiOc and ic. thayling, 13.000, lo lloolh 9.10c anuitc. CUplS; y.ioc Tilli 9.00c a Alkei an 9.70c ai ale. 28.000, to Alliu at cjrr especially as ' directed tm 4c. Canadian K.. O.ooo. lo Marga' 9.00c hiii Toodie, U.COc and1 ta.ooo. to mu-. Be. 5,000. to ic. mi.o(o. M. il LS. 1,800. 9.50c and Ic. come up HEAVENLY VISION COMES TO INDIAN PRINCE RUPERT against America and Lnlaud. Slorage at Despite these force of evil 'everywhere so strong and ap-j Storage Iloyal COWPER SENT al at at UP FOR TRIE ' VANGOUVF.H. July 2. -J. S. Cowper. rbarged wilh defamatory libel, by F. I.. Maker, was formally committed for trial this morning and released on bis own recognizances of 500. Unless J-4 '.... ..Iiml J f i n J IkAOllv I fl ! 1 have pleilged luemseives . . . united :,.,. v ""j ;.---. ... UIIU1 lilV RELIGIOUS REVIVAL 'HF.Lt.KVir.Li:. Dnl.. July 2. Hi'lieving that she has by heav-enlv vision -been constituted a divine agent to inaugurule ivnrlil revival of religion and morality, 'forest Hrunt, an In .ii.ni woman of the Mohawk He- serve near here, and a tlireel descendant of the famous Chief Hranl, has outlined her plans, to Mayor W. C. Mikel or this cily. Teresa Hranl believes lhal the I'eaco Celebration al Helleville next August Is lo be the rorc--uiiner or world peace, accord ing to the exempliricalion oT t lie dreams which she experienced. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 1'llliNUK HUPEIIT, H.O., Till HSDAY, JUI YMtirdiy'i Circulation 1E7B Jack Joijes. honuhsl and 'Storniypclrer oT Hie Knglih lliiiise of Conunons. attempts a difficult shot at the juirlia-nienlarv hilliard toiiriianiciiL Having disposed ui lhe budget, the House is following tlie compeliUm wilh keen Anti-Foreign and Anti-Christian Movement in China told about by Vice-President of University .Showing that the anti-foreign and aiili-Uhrisliati tnoveuieii. in China is widespread" and sinister and that il i.- extending in ah elates uiiq gruiiits tliitnighout the accessible portions of lhe West China Union University,' tells of condition's "a tficv were at the time of writing a few weeks ago. Since lhal lhe situa lion nas grown worse, according to telegraphic reimrts. ue savs: "The movement, as it spreads, takes on ever more sinislcr aspects. It is well known lhal Iliissia, both by money and agents is aiding the discontent ! for her own ends and there is suspicion thai another nation sees also gain in the unresl. Thus there is a growing aspect which is not alone anti-Christian educationally but anti-for- ul parenlly at the present lime even renewing their (strength and sub-j "I llely of ailark, the lone of the ; '.National Christian Council is one, lo Storage at f course nd calm confidence'. I'lhe anti-Christian attack is to Slorage at leading lo a search for the fun- dainenlals or Christianity both within and wilhp.ui the Church as never before. How Trouble Brewed. "Masses of lhe nludcnt body have never come near our Chris tian schools. They started ouU reading all sorts of western lit erature and t lie natural reaction ha followed. They have discovered that the west has its superstllions as well as its sciences and that Is greatly aided by returned students from France ahd Hussia. A movement, then, led largely bv these returned sludenls liom lhe continent of hurope (there arc comparatively few from America anil, England) and aided by lhe masses of those who do not NEW RUSH TO DEASE LAKE Discovery of Geld Said to Have Been Made on Eagle Creek SEATTLE, July 2. A new stampede to Eagle River, 13 miles from Dease Lake, B.C., Is reported In despatches from Doase Lake. More than a' dozen outfits have transferred their activities to the new region where two French miners are said to have made an Important find In 1S7S. An unusually abundant supply of birds and other game have helped the prospectors with the food problem. It is reported. Cold Pan Is a tributary of Eagle River on which the new find Is reported. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOY DROWNED AT PICNIC VICTOIUA, July 2. Walter Oddy. Xiasara St., was drowned was two hones was recovered. Strttt Stlti 4M . frame made up lor the first, however, and the visitors went down to defeat in the evening 2 lo 3, much lo the delight of the ui.me fans. It is expected that tin" games at Ketchikan Saturday will! be very close us the management of the Itupcrt learn has learned a lesson. from yesterday. The day opened with the children's spoils and football match in Hie morning. In the latter the fnalish ami Seotlish boys beat Hie I'aiiiicks'Jiy a' scoie of 2 to t in -a .eloselycdntested male h, Tlie rhihlren and' olhers.who had got up early enough marched up to the hill led by the Hegimental Hand. The big football match was that between tlie' dailies and the Veterans, when lo lhe surprise of many the Vets held their oppo nents to a lie. It was an excel lent exhibition of football. The dance in the evening at the Auditorium was well patronized and everyone seemed to have a good lime the owners using Iheni to take parlies to the Sail Lakes and other resorts. The ferry launch "23" was "kept busy and gave a good service ri.A Mi.nnniijIU ivf illtttllllll 'U'lltt' before his body, necessary Twenty Home Runs Were Made Yesterday in Big League Ball and Babe Ruth Contributed Two NKW Y0HK, June 2. Twenty home runs were made by the big leagues yesterday fttipnlyiug considerable food for nrgu- ! nieut turning fans as to lhe lively ball. Seven homers were made by the New Virk (Hauls, as Ihey won a double header from Philadelphia and forced Pittsburg Heauniont leH tor Van- from the lead. Irish Meusel accounted for lliree ot tne circuit (his moral nc by way ot , blows for the Uianls and Hnbe Hulh conoecled with (wo impark. the Yankees. BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining: Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wed ding parties. For ratis, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TWO BANDITS ARE SHOT IN BANK HOLDUP CHINESE UNREST IS ANTI-CHRISTIAN AND ANTI-FOREIGN AND WIDESPREAD Two Bank Bandits Were Shot and Killed by Marshall After Alarm Was Given by Cashier TACO.MA, Julv 2. Tvvi lnk bandils were shut and killeil ninil nil fin Iiv Marshal Kd. Nelson Wednesday ufleriioiii when ulU'iiiidiug M.HH NAI f in rim u ii.iiiK ui iiiii -nil's. in-- v..-. ... ........ The baiidil jmir entered tlie bank ufler covering the mid customers. With guns they furred Cashier limey tu hand uver 2,0(10 in silver. llovcy turned m an alarm with his fool and when the ban -dits fled into the street to a waiting auto Ihoy weie greeted liy Sudden a slwwer of bullets fnmi lhe guns of citizen. MRS. ANDERSON DIED TODAY HERE TODAY Drop In Prices Seen Exchange Today line imiiier was simi ny Aeison; on the running hoard tr lliej Following were prices paid ear and the other drove away:., ... Kicliainre today: r.. ...... I II..... L' ! iioiii a iii Millie Kir iiiii linn returned, fared the armed citizen, ordered the body of his companion placed in his car, ' liefore anyone made u move tu L.rt From Alice Arm Was Well obey. Xrlsnn shot twice and the Known In North ano naa Lived In Prince Rupert .bandit died in a few miniiles. I i PRFFNTATIftN MAW .... .. ......i --...i ul . iiiwwmiiivii uuivu I lie III i ii in - w. eral Hospital rally this morning! of Kiinli Andmon, wife of Johni A. Anderson, a mining man ;.., 1 in charge of Hie Dolly Vardeir Ripieni MISS GLADYS KEMP of Silverwaro From Employees tmp.ovocs o. of C.N.H. , on .iiiif.rnnritailttlieMJlQril. -i t1ni Mr. Anderson came to rrince Leaving to be Married Huperl n the Cardeun Tuesday. " wilh the purpose of undergoing An vent or considerable in medical treatment. She was teres! look place on Tuesday af i,.Li.ii ill . rnnii, imiiI 1.M1I lo I lie ternooii in the general offices of hospital. Yesterday it became the C.X.lt. when A. Haines, on neressarv tu onerale in order lo behalf of the staff, presented try lo save her life hut she did Miss (iladys Kemp with a fine not rally and died litis morning assortment or table silver. Mr. about three o'clock. Haines in a few words expressed Mrs. Anderson leaves six young lo Miss Kemp the general good children, three boys and three! wishes of her associates in the girls. She had lived for u iiumltiYIL cmp-loy and also made m her of year in the north ami for, tin mention of the period a short (line in this city where she had a number of friends. He-fore iier Marriage she taught school in Montana. The news hf the ilealli was to get inforpiallou througli ns to Iter critical Condition. , Mr. Anderson has telegraphed Ir. Kergiu lo arrange for the funeral here on Sunday afternoon from the H. C. Undertakers and Ilev. Canon Hushhrook will officiate 'f he is available. RAILWAY ERA CELEBRATED f i at seven years in wiucn mrj been workins together. Miss Kemp, who was soinewhal (aken by surprise, expressed her siraliutde lo her friends for their sent to Mr Anderson this iiuirn-j generous remembrance, anil In?. The wires were down yes-1 thanked Iheni inosl heartily terday so lhal .il wax, impossible their -i very . kind expressions kViL,n.&mne of had also for rif at at Dominion Day Holiday Is Suitably Celebrated Ideal weather conditions yesterday contributed to enjoyment of pleasure seekers on Canada's Birthday I Dominion Day was celebrated here eslerday uude.r ideal conditions. The weather was favorable, there was a varied pi o-,tuiii of sports and games for those who liked to wukh or take uit ; Salt Lukes swimming was excellent and the ferry service egular, and the private launches were all out cruising to some jf the heai-hes or other resorts of the neighhorhodd. The Hrst hall game against Ketchikan wa somewhat of a disappointment as the locals fell down so badly, the score of 10 lo 5 being a good indication of the brand of play. The second FIFTY THROWN INTO THE SEA Gangway Breaks at English Bay But No Fatalities VAXCGUVF.it, July 2. Fifty persons narrowly escaped drowning yesterday when the gangway leading fffrtiPthe linglis1i ' .'Hay . pier to the floats alongside cracked, precipitating' the crowd into seven feet of water. Mrs. (J. Heath, aged 50, was the only person injured. She was taken to the hospital suffering from injuries (o (he back and with shock. Hescue workV was rapid by three police officers and members of the life saving, patrol who were on hand ih preparation for lhe swimming championships vvliipli Inn! been nostitoneil owing Many visitors were in the city l(( mi?h wa(,,r from surroundine parts of the country and lhe restaurants wercj all very busy throughout lhe day. Taxis did a good business and many local people took advantage of the holiday occasion lo enler-tain friends in their homes. The Yacht Club was denuded of! launches throuliout the after-j Evont noon ami mucu or uie cveniiin, DOMINION DAY AT VANCOUVER Is Celebrated For First Time In Twenty Years VAXCOLVKit, July 2. For the first time in twenty years Vancouver officially celebrated 'Do-. million Day yesterday. reat II.. l i :! ... ,1 ..... greul sue-' crowds or visitors a.m. imt-... that the holiday was a cess in lhal it catered to the en- participaled in the even! which opened in the morning will. i ft joymenl of a great many people, m (our mile parade and floats. lhe celebration continues until Sat-PENSION .,.n., Ainn in BOARD IS unlay next. IN SESSION TODAY' The Pension Hoard, which amblers the vurious pensions allol- when' swimming at Klk Lake,. "Vied lo War Velerans. arrived in was ..... atlendi.i,g a .. Sunday School! , the city yesterday from , Stewart. ......! u-nnl i..i.. lull. n. (III. lnk i lo It It is is lhe Hit' duly duly of Of Ibis litis board hOUW , to u inersiauu uui isii.uiuy, viu? u,.- ,, ii. l...1ll.,,l- Si ail m'l'i'SMUii inuii uCTiinuM mini "-v. . I pons on al lov,.mc e o ' : sludenls from our own Instil,,-' swim along with a number of:' pensioiiers or lhe late war are WHEAT PRICES DROPPED FIVE lionn are out today vehemently i others, lie was returning irom a ', " ",,.... . which have become so common Christianity, Christianity. 'float about sixty yards from land jears ami inuwunui u protesting .against especially Christian education, Naturally, the newspapers and Continued on Page 0. when he suddenly sank and it ment which might be WTXXII'Kt', July 2. Another II...... .Iil.ttt alllllltia -til VvliPI. '"" """- "' about every tw.j;''. again examined lo see If there Is v'- any chanae in (lie physical con-i. ililimi which would cause a new adjustnieiil a to the pension al- lowance. 1 VIOLENT DEATHS. WIXNIPKO, July 2. One b'yj was drowned .while bathing hn the Asslnibolne river and an hi-! fant boy burned to dcalh in lhe, rmm.l or late look place yesterday when lOUIUli ,.....i.,.i u..t. Ilie prices lUlllUHll II". vriim. i . . r.. 1 1 .- Tin iimn was uue w i lie iun m- . . . Hotel, .. . B where i r .ii at priw al Cliicago where there al the l.luperl drastic declines, .,:., were explosion ol a coa'i stove on Do- Hull. minion Day. There were twenty-!' I. n I no violent deaths 111 tlie cil.v't (during 'he mon't. of .lum- NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A ncvy telephone directory is about lo be issued. Applications for move, changes or new Hslings for this issue JHtWl be mailt' in .writini'M-Tele phone " DeparDiieijt Uy not lalef. Iliart. JUiy W" . ' ' 153 ' '