Silverware A large stock to ohoosc from. Our prices arc standard aee.ordiiiK lo quality as Hold nil over Canada. Rogers Community Plate all al SPECIAL DISCOUNTS this week. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over JJ5 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North SUGAR SPECIALS For THREE DAYS ONLY Ituy your rcqiiircn'ieiits now. The Preserving Season its' doming when you will nurd mure sugar. 100 Hi. sacks .. .... $745 60 ib. sacks . .$3.80 20 lh. sacks $1.60 10 lh. sacks 85o Icing Sugar, 2"s 25o Lump Sugar, 2's . . . 25c Drown Kuigur, 0 lhs, for 45c Mussallem's 417-423 Fifth Ave. 18 and 84 East. Now obtainable In , Prince Ruport. Suprema Canada's Favorite Furniture Polish. At all good stores in small or large bottles. Also "SUPREMA" Mop Oil and tho famous "Eureka Bleach." Look for the Iloostcr Label. DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut to any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phono 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Hclgerson Block, Prince Ruport, B.C. Office Hours -0 to C. X-fiay Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvenings AUDITORIUM Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11 1 Dance 10o 3 for 25c s Mrs. II. O. Urewe will give Dancing Lessons beginning Saturday Evening, July , 7.30 lo H.30 p.m., and every Wednesday and Saturday Evening .thereafter. L. J. Man-en, Mgr. PERMITS FOR RESIDENCES Total For Month Mostly Dwellings Is $31,350 Notlot Of InUntlon to Apply to Laai Land la Skeena Land District, IterordhiK Dis on The building permits for the month of Juno issued by the engineer's department show considerable uctivily in the city, although no undertaking of a very great character was started ilur-l ing the month. One of the chief( items which shows a very en-j couraging sign is the number of. permits issued for dwclliugs.' The total amount is $31,350. j The following is a complete list: II. Stuart, $t',500, residence 7lh Ave. E, II. Stuart, !ji-',500, 'residence 7th Ave. K. Airs. o. Poirou, $1,500, residence 1 1 1 1 1 Ave. V. J. Fuller. $1,750, residence 7th Ave. E. Wong (Jliew, , '$150, repairs to building 3rd Ave. W. .Mrs. W. It. Sliorlridiic, $2,-00, residence "Jib Ave. 1!. A. Fortiu. 500, addition to Mill Hoarding House. 7 Mrs. Capt. Hill, $2,200, resi deuce nil: Ave. E. General Hospital, $1,300, re pairs. Dan Archie. $2,500, residence 5lh Ave. E. F. Dibit. $350, additions to rc- NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RE8ERV .NOTICE IS 1ICIIKUV GIVEN that tl. reserve ctiVLTinir certain lands lieur (In junclluii uf tumuli anil tlkeeiiii lllvc.a iiesignillPU l-ui itaiise u, lujji irlcl, Is cancelled. f.fcO. It. NAIIEN. Deputy Minister or Lands. Uelnrtiii)-iit ur uiuila, 1 Victoria, O.C.. May 4th. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Lmm Lnd. In tlie Lantl llecurdlnr District or rliii-p linnert. and sllll.lti' on the north- west coast or I'oario 'llaml. B.C., ap;ro.-tiniilfly three miles north trum the mull li ir winter iiaruor. lake nonce I nil rrizzena i.miiuu rliiee Iluue.rl ll.C. ' occupation Parker. Intend to apply ror a or tli fol-luwlntr described lands: CoiiiiiDMiclnir at a post planted approv iiimtelv three mile mil III from the nmiith or Winter llarlior, Pearce Island; them-- mirlliweat luo ) cnains, iimro or ies, n Inw water mark: thence southwest along low water mark one hundred nnrt snty (loot mam; meme uuiiir.i tun fl chains; Ihenre norlheast one hundred and sixty IC0) rhnlni!, mom or lew, to point or commencement and con Mining; llilrty-lwo (32i acres, more or ies. niiiti.i. s i.niiu.ii. Name or ppllcanl. hated Mav 1?lh. 1035. LAND ACT. trict or Prince iniperi ann iiiuaia ai l-nrt Edward, ll.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Skeena Illver acklnic Company, Umlted. or Port Ed ward, n.C, occupation FUh Parkers. In lends 10 apply Tor permission to lease the foltnwlwt described lands: Commencing at a post punned at tne sou Ihwest corner or Lot 4 170 Il.V. coast district; thence southerly along- low water mark, 900 ft.-, thence southwesterly, parallel to the southerly boundary or I-o: 147G, 150 rt.; thence northerly parallel to waler mark, sou recti thence northeasterly along the southerly boundary or Lot II7) produced, lao reel in me point or commencement, containing hair an acre, more or less-. SKEENA III Kit I'.V.kINU " COMPANY, LTD. AppH'an: ruled Mar 1t. I0JS . LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Laaso Lands. In I he Land Kerordlng District or Land act. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Las Land In Casslar Land District, llernrding District Prince llupert, B.C., and situate north or Dogrish Bay, Portland Canal. TAKE M)TICK that the Canadian Fish ing co. Ltd.. or V ancouver, n.c, occupa sidence (iraliam Ave. S. King, $5,000, resilience 5 lit Ave. W. , Wm. Millar, 1,000, residence (illi Ave. K. L. lorkrud, 1th Ave. K. , 1". itroati.T 8 l h Ave. K. ' II. Wikdal, (3 tH Ave. $000, $1,000, if residence resiileiiee ANTI-FOREIGN AND ANTI-CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT IN CHINA TOLD ABOUT BY VICE PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY, Continued from I'ac I. magazines have been much used for their propaganda, and art i-c'.es materialistic, eoiimunislie ami iiseudo-patriotic have spread; over lite lands. Analnst Christianity. Hut such forms of propujiaiidiiJiymij,, have nalurall.v lieen loo slow and lacking in I lie spectacular for some. Anti-Uhristion Societies have been formed in le- kiusr, Shanghai and oilier count eenlres, with branches in practically every centre of any size throughout the land. From these efforts both great and small have been made lo discredit it and disrupt our work. Thus na tional and provincial groups CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Staining and Pa nting Part of Fire Hall and Reading Room. Tenders will be received by the City Clerk up lo 5 p.m. Mon day, the 0th day of July, for the above work. Specifications and full particulars inay be obtained at the of the City Engineer. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Uv order of the City Council CITY ENGINEER. 155 LAND ACT. Notlc or Inttnllon to Apply to Laaaa Lands. rrlnce llutxrrt. and situate on the north- .. . ...... .h.., r.i.irii .r . .. - . j II: II LI, 1.111111 1IFIUIUII1. w west coast ot rearw isiann. o.t... approx-1 1 r rltue lluwri. ,,.; ann nri ullujie ui-. " on ' the norl I maielv six miles mirth from the mouth i'"5.""" west COBJl Ol rearer is-ianu, u.v... -ii"";, ..r or Winter winter llal-hnr iiaiuor, . 'i,....,i miiua ninth rruni the muuth Take Notice that Uosse-nuiicrd Uiniled ' , vC- f,,.. bni-Viir or Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Parkers,, i iii,nir ttrani or intends to apply ror a lease or the rol lowing aescriiieii tanos: i:iiinineiirliiK at a Dost nlanled aiiDrox (uialely six miles north rrrom the mouth Sunnyslde. B.C.. occupation caiiiwrjruwii, intend lo apply tor a lease or the rol- liiulntr flesel-itieit lands: Commencing al a post piautcu ,r'';,,I,rtheaV:e'JuU. ippruA- or Winter I .arbor, Pearse 111.,' nortnwesi two t) cnains, more or .ess, " u:1Vi...r Pear.H Island: -incline to low water mark: thence northeast along low water mark one hundred and (lily (ISO) chains; thence southeast two (St chains; thence southwest one hundred and sixty itoo) chains, more or les, to iHilnl ot commencement and con laming llilrly-two (32) acres, more or less. , uussb'Mii.i.i-.nn i.i mi i r.u. Name ot Applicant. Diml Uar ifih. toR ' LAND AOT. Notle or Intantlon to Apply to Laast Land In Skeena Itange S Land liistricl. Prince 1 . . . it I- .Iln.1.1 I Illi I'.hIi tn.rlli 1 1 U wr II, l..v, ailu .vm.- J a u . ,,v... or winter llarlior, ruarse island, b.c. tam; .mitick mat the tananian risn Ing Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver, ll.C, occupation, salmon Cannera, Intends to apply! Foi (HM-mlssion to lease the rollowlng de-1 Mllbed lands:- Coinmeiirliig at h post planted at high water mark to reel from rock on shore ono line; theme east one chain; Ihencc north' the one litiitilt-ed and twenty chains; Ihenre weal to shore line one chain; thence In a southerly alirertlon rollowlng the shore linn to Milnt or commencement, and containing twelve acres, more or less. TIIK UAMAIIIAM FISIILVO CO. LTD. Haled aiith May. ta5. northwett two ij chains, more or less, lo low water mark; tnence noriiieasi Mi.. lis- Inu' wntep iimi-k one hundred and sUly vl00) chains; tliencc southeosi two (Si chains; thence southwest one hundred and sixty (180) chains, more or less, to point or commencement ami con talnlng thirty-two OS) acres, more or le"' JAM 3 FIKLDLNO 8II1AMI amfl or Aopllcanl. Hated Mav tSth. IBI. LAND ACT. CA88IAR-LAND DISTRICT District or Casslar, Sllklne Division. TAKE NOTICK that I. Waller Julian (llelurned Soldier), or Telegraph Creek, B.C., occupation Miner, Intend to apply ror permh'slon to purchase the rollowlng described lands: . , Commenclnk t a post planted about mile east or MCi.eixn siougn near gtlklne Illver and about 3 miles southwest or Telegraph Creek; thence north 80 chains; I hence east 40 chains; thence south 80 chains: thence west 40 chains In point or commencement and containing 30 acres., more or less. WALTER JULIAN, Applicant, trll nth, 1BS8 .... LAND AOT. Notlc or Inttnllon to Apply to Purchatt Lana In Skeena native 6 l.aml Recording His tun of Prince llunerl. ll.C. and situate Haystack Island, south or Wales Island, thai, salmon Canners, intends to apply li.c. lor permission to lease the rollowlng de-! TAKE NOTICE Dial the Canadian Fish scribed lands: Ing Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver. B.C.. orrurv Cfimnietieliiir .at a rwiit nliiniefl Hi hlvh linn, salmon Canners. intends to annlv THE DAILT IfEWB Why Asphalt Paint is Better Asphalt is nature's best waterproofing, and waterproof paint lasts longer than other kinds. Valdura Asphalt Paint is not only true asphalt paint, but the asphalt is the finest obtainable - Gilsonite 995 pure natural asphalt just the way it comes from the mines. There is no coal tar, artificial or man-made asphalt . in Valdura. Valdura is easier to apply, spreads further, lasts longer and costs less than any similar paint made. VALDURA Asphalt Paint will waterproof and protect anything you apply it to. It is particularly adapted for roofs, implements, farm machinery, tanks, bridges, heated surfaces - everywhere - and on any surface, metal, wood, cement, cloth or paper, requiring protection from water, weather, acids, alkali and varying temperatures. Valdura is made in brilliant, glossy Black and in durable . shades of Red, Brown and Green. It is the only successful colored asphalt paint known. You will be, very much interested in the Valdura booklet, ' "Asphalt and Its 3000 Years of useful Service." May we send it and a free test sample? Distributed by Kaien Hardware Co. and F. E. Hunt Ltd. liayc been iiulueetl lo jiiiss resolutions ileinitiuliiit' Unit reliyrious knowli'ilse In ..banished front The results have been our courses, I hut our schools all come under government control or even llial.. tlii'y mv discontinued. Locally iliseonlenleil slu-tients have been led front our linslilutions into the hosfile residence cainii and after repealed enler-Uainnient with eiparelles, winen J. MeKechnic, repairs lo roor, and proiiaKanda sent back lo t'th Ave. spread disconlenl. Indeed, in- M.iss (icit.ry, $500, addilions vesication shows Ihaf studenls residence 7lh Ave, E. 1 have been financed lo register - - ! Willi us simply lo ne! an en- . trance inlo our student body. Strikes of Students. the same in practically every centre. Advantage has been taken of insignificant mailers such as courses of sludy, examinations, religious instruction, discipline, etc., lo rouse strikes. In many eases the malcontents have been able to do liltle and have gone away discouraged. In other cases they :have succeeded in Out bodies of varying sizes .and in a few cases e,ven j l,,u(,l. nretiKing up ine senooi lor me1 lenu. In our own mission work a small class in the Chungking high school left .after tearing up' a few books ani a still smaller j class walked out" with consider-! able noise in Kialing, Our! Union University roup has been worked to go out on sympathetic strikes with small disaffected bodies Ihroughoul the city but have failed lo respond, but the end is not yet. Christians Hooted. Naturally, such movement arouse various -other forms of reaction. The church is attacked as an agency of super-stitulion, and students visit it give travestied reports of Church services; Christians are hooted on the streets; processions are formed .which make special demonstrations before schools, churches and hospitals. Nurses are induced lo go out on slrlko ana servants to iieniand more wages. The laborer are especially sought out for propaganda. Even in the far interior our carpenters and masons arc wrought upon to create disturbances ami, when occasionally ono is dis missed, the most fulsome false hoods are spread broadcast as lo the causes and his treatment. The National Christian Coun cil, represenlins all the Christian forces in China, lit ils sessions just closed al -.Shanghai, lias spout considerable .time review ing the situation. .The battle is on. The Chris liau church in China needs Uhc prayer and .ulmost support of the churches in the homelands. Hut we aro as of end, confident thai He who is wilh us is greater than all those who can bo against us, and that His kingdom must come, indeed is coming, even through and despite all tilings in this great land." GAS ON STOMACH MAY CAUSE HEART TROUBLE "I had gas (from stomaelu pressing on my heart ami was told I had heart trouble. Adlerika did more for me than anything else." (Signed i Mrs. A. II. Harris ... ... O.NK spoonful Aillcrlka removes gas in TEX minutes ami often brings astonishing relief (o th. stomach, lliiugs mil a surprising amount of old waslc matter xvaier mark, too yards south or Indian ror permission to purchase ine rotiowtng, you never llioliulll, was 111 villi r irhaln; thence Kniiiheast one hundred and Commencing it a post planted at high SVSleill. hltips Ullll full, llloilled , twenty mains; tnence soiitnwest to shore water mark on west snore or uaysiacx: r,u,ia ,mit ,,uiki -n li n-.m.- nml line one rh.tln; thence norlhwest rollow- Islsnrt: thence north seven chiilns-p J-1 ""h mam you iiiipn.v tioii ing ine snore line to point or commence- thence east seven enains; tnence soiunjcneei.tll. l.xeelll'llt Hi!' -I'l.riiMli torni, one nunnrea ana twenty rninns, ami seven rnains; tnence west seven rnanis,i , ., . . , ,ronlalnlnr twelve acres, more or less. and containing rive acres, more nr less. COUSI Ipal IOII. lirilies, I, no It'll, THE CANADIAN FI3HI.N0 CO. LTD. THE CANADIAN FISUINll 00. I.TD.I Imr.,. : Dattd JOUi Way, ltili, Uatod iliuJ May. mj. "lufci.'-i, OPEN OFFICE IN THIS CITY H. W. M. Rolston A Co. To Have Branch of Stockbroklng Business Here. 11. I), ltoelifort, of the firm ur II. W. M. llolslou & Co., stockbrokers, of Stewart and Victoria, is in (lie city for Hie purpose ol opening; an omci' for in.i firm. Spenkinir of the object of hied trip, .Mr. Hoclifort said the Slew- art -people were anxious for closer business relationships with this city. .Much of llici business of Hie mining camp wenl past Prince Htipert lo Vancouver, yel he thought much of it miifht eonie here. II would be (lie aim of his firm to foster Ibis closer relalionship mid wet Prince llupert lo lake an interest in (be Portland Canal c,uii which promised lo mean so much lo Ihem. Mr. Hoehforl says the com panies which Jus fiiin lias been instrumental in flnuneiiiK are turniiiK out well. The I'orler- blaho is shipping ur. regularly and the liroiiiotiou slock is all off the market. The Marinol Metals will not be on Hie ship-pint; list yel hut the properly is shiuvinir up well. Mr. ltoelifort has been connected with the Stewart camp since I1W1. (ieo. .MeCawley left on the uinrniiix Irani on a holiday trip1 which will lake him as far east as Winnipeg. He will return in about two weeks' time by wiry of Vancouver. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Fourth Avenue East. Rough Grading. Section 6. Tenders will be received by the City Clerk up lo 5 p.m. Monday, the (ith day of July, for the above work. I Full information and form of may lie obluiued at the! office of the Cily Engineer. j i ne lowest or any teuuer noi necessarily accepted. Hy order of the Cily Council. CITY ENGlNEEll. 155 LAND ACT I Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land I In Queen Charlotle Land He-lording District or l'rince Hu-j pert, ami siluale at Itooney-l'oiul. (iraliam Island, llrilislr Columbia. Take .N'olice that l.angara I'ishing & 1'ackiug Company Limited, of Massetl, ll.C, occu-' pation Packers, intends lo apply ( for it lease oT (he following described lands; I Commencing al a post planted at Ilooney l'uint, (iriiham Island, Ilrillsli 'Columbia; (hence northerly five chains, more or less, lo low water mark; thence westerly a!on:g low water mark, one hundred ami sixty chains; thence southerly live chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty, chains, more or Jess, to point of commencement, ami qonlainitiB eighty acres, more or less. 1 LANfiAKA l'lSIUNU & I'ACKINO PACKING CO. LTD. j Applicant. Per E, II. Simpson, Agent. Dated June ttMh, lUS. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Uuecn Charlotte Laml He- cording District of Priiiet) llu pert, and siluale about Iwo miles; in a northerly- direction from Ilooney Point, Massett Inlet,' (iraliam Island, llritish Columbia. Take Notice (hat 'hangar Fishing A I'aekiiig Company Liiniled, of Massett, ll.C, occu- nation Packers, intends In apply: for a lease of Ihe following tie-! scribed lands: Commencing at a posl planted Iwo miles in a northerly direction from Ilooney Point, .Massett In-' lei, nrahain, Island, llritish Columbia: thence easlerly five chains, more or loss, to low waler miirk; thence northerly along low' wider murk one bun-' died and sixty chains; ' thence westerly five chains; ' thence southerly one hundred and sixty chains, more or lesu, lo point of' commencement, and containing, eighly acres, more or less. t I.ANCAIIA T'lHItkNO & PACKING PACKING CO. LTD. I Applicant. Per E. II. Simpson, Agent.! Dated June 13th, '1023. Thursday. July 2, 1025. Big Jewellery Sale continues until Saturday (By Special Request) A number of our customers having expressed u desire lo see our sale continue utitil Saturday we have decided to comply with their request. Special Bargains for Thursday, Friday and Saturday 5 only, Big Den Luminous Alarm Clocks, reg. $0.00. Special ... $3.90 Stainless Dessert Knives, while handled, Vii doz.. Special ... $2.70 Stainless Dinner Knives, while handled, Vj (In. Special $3.90 19 Gillette Razors, reg. $1.00. Special 35c 7 Lots, Cut Grape Design Glass Tumblers, Mi doz 95c 1 Silver, Ivory Handled Casserole, lrex lineil. reg. $11.50. Special $9.70 $5.00 Ebony Ma-Jongg Sets. Special .... $1.95 '2 Doz. Cut Glass Sherbert Glasses, reg. $;i.O0. Special $2.20 Colored Wax Candles, reg. 510c pair. Special, per pair 20c French Ivory Mirror, fairly large size, reg. $7. oft Special $4.95 The above nre only given its sample of our genuine bargains but there are still limitlreils going at our sale. Come in uud look around, vim are not forced to buy. Bulger & Cameron LA WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 "The King of Wild Horses" A sensational, unique drama or brave hearts and an nuconquered horse; "The Ulnck," the most dangerous animal of his kind in captivity, monarch of a breed that knew not bit nor bridle. The slory of the final surrender of this magnificent brule lo a daring cowboy after a long chase up dangerous trails, through u maze of caverns, ueross t'hustus und through a blazing furusl fire contains some of the most remarkable scenes ever filmed. None should miss the terrific battle between "The Hlack" anU "The While," a rival, for supremacy of the plains, for possession ot Hie herd. Strong enst. Leon Bary, Edna Murphy, Charles Parrot, Sidney De Grey, Pat Hartlgan mid olhers. .with "Rex" as the equine star. AESOPS FILM FABLES "FLYING FEVER." COMEDY "HELLO, BABY." TOPIC3 OF THE DAY. MACK BENNETT COMEDY "WATER WAGONS." Admission 35c and 10c LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door lo I'rizzell Butcher Shop, "across, from Ihe Empress Hotel We carry n full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 80CIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor BATHING SUITS Men's (Jotton Bathing Silils Children's Cullon Bntling Suits Ladies' Woollen Bathing Suits, Penman's ..Children's Wool Bathing Soils .... . Men's. Woollen Bathing Suits . $1.35 . . 75c . $4.50 . . $2.75 . $4.50 Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone G45. Cor. 3rd and 7th.