Thursday, July 2, 1925. Tint DATLY TTr- i PAGE FTVT5 Doctors recommend if bi a $att food for babiet when m ollier's milk It not sveilable. Eagle Brand it just pure milk and pure tuear put up in icaled cant which keep it absolutely pure. The leader tince 1857. Write for free Uaby Welfare Bookt. The BorcVn Co. Limited ti-t Vancouver. oot compact, inert ' B-Z0" coma. Jl o read Dig. wlioli,.Hrnf, nutrition? load's of delicious nut -like flavor. . downy ligliiup-s ami .excellent eeping qualities. Five Roses Flour For Ili-emls. Cnkes, Pud-ilings. Pastries. John L.Christie Sale- Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. Spring Coats and Suit To clear at cost "Demers" House of Quality Phono 27 P.O .Box 327 100 Yards Natural Raw Silk PONGEE at per yard 50c West of England Store Phone 753. Third Ave. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. BALL GAMES ! WEREDIVIDED First Went To Ketchikan And Second to Prince Rupert. J( The local baseball playprs di-: ivlded the serit-s willi Ketchikan ' jyeslprday, losing Mip first game jhy u score nf 16 fo 5 ami no-! Jng out a 3 to 2 victory in a fpypn inning game in the even-'("- j TIip. afternoon game was jrallipp poor, although in spots illitTp wan some excellent base-jhall, such as brought ttjr fans lo their feel. Kreppcr started in Ihc box for Hit" visitors but was relieved in the fourth by Slewarl, and Schenkler, who was pitching for Iluperl was taken jouf in iIip spypnlh ami replaced by Hoy. The frame wax featured' fby a goodly number of errors 'by Itoth sides, with the homo ; i learn the worse nffenilers Keli-' lenkler, who opened for Rupert pitrhed good hail, Iml soon begad to weaken, and it is only fair to say that possibly he was! not accorded the support whirhj he plight expect and so found i' difficult to continue. Kreppcr on Hip mound for the visitors was soon found for a, number of bits by the local boys and in Hie fourth lie was chased and Stcwnrl broughj, lo Hie rescue. For a lime good ball was played, and the local boys fell confident of holding the lead, but for the rest of the game none of (hern succeeded in crossing Hie home plate, while Ketchikan annexed runs in practically every inning. The teams lined up as follows: Ketchikan Arnold Ifb, Hopkins f, Slewarl rf and p.. Peck If. Crummcll ss, Cam 2b, Kreppcr p. Hill Hi, Anger rf. Iluperl Schenkler and Hoy p, lialfour c, V. .Menzie lb, II. Menzles 2b, S. Moran ss, J. Far-quahar 3b, J. Ilalrhford cf. W. Milrhell If, Smith If. Hupert 2 300 0 0000 Ketchikan ...2 0 0 2 3 2 2 0 5 Hits -Iluperl, 8; Ketchikan. 10 Errors Iluperl, 10; Ketchikan. C. Second Game. The frame in the evening, although not so well patronised, was by far the better game from the spectators point of view. V was close, featured by belter fielding, and in every particular heller baseball. I.idstonc ami lialfour were the battery for Hupert and Ky-ollen. who started on the mound for Ketchikan was relieved at the LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Hoarding District of l'rincc Hupert, atul situate about one and a half miles east of Massett Lighthouse at the mouth of Mas-sett Inlet, Craham Island, Hrit-ish Columbia. TAKE NOTICE thnt Langara Fishing & Packing Company I.imileil, of Victoria, H.C., occu pation, Packers, intends to apply for a lense of the following de scribed landstr Commencing at a pfjsf. planted at the northwest corner of Lot Seven, Craham Islandr Hrilish .CoIunMiift, about pne and a half miles east of Massett Irighthouso at the month of Massett Inlet, Craham Island, Hrilish Columbia; Ihenro northerly fivo chains, more or less to low water mark; tltence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, mora or less, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. I.ANOAHA FISHIXn & PACKIXC CO. LTD., Applicant. Per E. II. Simpson, Api)I. Dated June 10th, 1925. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT, Notice of Application for Beer License Notice, is hereby given I hat on the I lib day of Juno next, the undersigned intends to apply to (he Liquor Control Hoard for i licence in rospect lo promises being part nf tl-e building known as Hudson Hay Hotel, Telegraph Creek. It.G. upon Ilia lands des cribed ns Lois 3 nnd I, Idock 2 map 975, Prince Hupert Land Registration District, In tho Province or Hrilish Columbia, for the sain of beer by the. glass or by open bottle for consumption on the nremises. Dated this 25lh dny of Mny, 1925. EIUG McGEEH, Lessee, Applicant. "Hello Daddy -don't lor&tmyWrt&zys Slip' a pckao In your pocket When' you hp home Ionian?. Give the youngster Ihlf wKoleconM.lon lasting sweet - for pleasure mi tenffll. i Vse It yamtV after mokln or vrhen Work dr 4. p$a great little freshener 47 , ' end of i lie firsi inning ami was replaced by K-epner. Hull was again behind Hie hat for Jht . visitors. Ketchikan opened Hie! scoring m Hie first inning and added one other in Hip. fifth, and although iliey tried hard lot equalize in t lie seventh. stone belli them well in check ai .3, M. Johnson, all stages, allowing only eiglit! Hoys, J years and under-1, hlls ami these were welt .scat-'lon Arney; 2, H. Keefe; 3, It, lered. . Christ ison. The following w'lis the lineup i for r Hie evening: Hupert hidslonc n, lialfour c, V; Menzies lb( If. Meiizles 2b, I'arqitttbar 3t, Moran ss, II. I'rizzel If, J. Halchfor.) cf, V. Mitchell rf. Ketchikan Arnold 3b, Hop kins cf, Hull e, I'eck lb, Crum-lKvelyn Merce. melt ss, Krepper rf and p, Halchj Hoys, 13 years and under 1. 2b, Cam If, Kyollen p and rf. iKddie Smith; 2, Hobliy Irvine; 3, Kelcliikan 1 0 0 0 10 olAlex. Wallers. Hupert 0 0 0 2 0 i o 3 legged race, Iniys, 12 years Hits Hupert.-G; Kelcliikan, 8. and under I, Alex. Walters and Hrrors Hupert, I; Ketchikan, 2JW. Johnson; 2, F; Canieroii and Lapnrte ami StoiiPtiurncr wcreHusfer HH1; 3, Hoy Kong and the umpires for the series. Uoe Cillis. . JR. FOOTBALL WAS SURPRISE Young Players Developing Well., England and Scotland Beat Canada. Deservinp of probably A better patronage than was accorded, the Junior footballers fur- nlshed a panic yesterday lhal!2, 11. Irvine; 28 feet, 6 inches; 3, was Indeed a surprise to many who had witnessed J heir play for " the .first time. The garne, between two teams picked from Hie Junior League represcnling England and Scotland on the one side and Canada on the other. A play opened il was soon seen that there would be jilenly of excitement nnd the pace .seemed to increase until in the last few minutes a fine brand of football was served up. The Overseas learn played down hill in "the first half anil t succeeded by, aggressive work in notching two goals to their opponents one, while in Hie. second period, with the grade in their favor, the CaKUcks went out to cqnallze. It Is only fair- lp say, in this Instance, thai' It seemed (inly the good goal "leniling" of Hryanl that prevented the equalizer, 'all hough the Canucks missed many good openings through poor shooting. For tho Overseas' possibly, Hryanl, llond, Kelspy, Siiiilli and Donald aro worthy of special mention, wliilo for the Canucks Styles, Rogers, Stalker, .Smith nnd Katsuyania, ' turned in a good gatne'wliich was a credit lo Uieir leant. The loams, lined up as follows; Oversells Hryanl, Hond, Kidney, Murray, Coltison, Parker, Sinilh, Irvine, Vlereck, Fisher and Donald. Canucks Dingwall, Styles, Walters, lingers, Hacker, Stalker, Sm il li, Curvich, Kalsuyama, McDonald and Millerd. r - GmnoUseurjpretlaimit' "Tea as it SPORTS WERE MUCH ENJOYED Children Had Good Time Yesterday Morning at Acropolis Hill. There was a goodly number present at Aerniiis Hill yesterday morning witness- Hie Ichililren's sporsi A .good, pro jgrani was prov'Jdrfl and although 'in some instances the comppli lion was not keen. npverlhee.s 'there yas- inucti "T,oom fiir praise at the manner in winch. Hie youngsters generally conducted themselves. The. follrr injV a list of the pwiils- and the "winner in each. Oirls' race, 5 years and under: I, M. .McCliitchy;i 2, (1. Bell; 3, Hazel Hinilh. Hoys' race, 5 years and under: I , Tom Colliso'ir 2, Torn Wil- liams; 3, C. .Mdore. Cirls, 7 years and undpr: 1, Mickey Casey; i, .. Cook; 3, I-ilitiii fingers.' Hoys, 7 years and under I, K. .Sanlerbane; 2, II. Undseth; 3, VV- Hale. Cirls, 9 years and under 1, Itilchie; 'I.. Ilrooksbank; Cirls, li years'1 and under I, M. .Mussalern; 2, M. Fuller; 3, Jackson. Hoys, II year and under 1, A. Wallers; 2,' Hoy l'ong; 3, C. McKinley. Cirls, 13 years1' and under I, Muriel Vanoe; 2, Annie ?mith; 3, 100 yard dasli.rboys, Ifi and under I, Kddieniilh; 2. II. Irvine; 3, F. Dingwall. Hunning broad jump, boys, 12 years and under-wd, A. Walters. 12 feel 2 inches;,-2, John Fong, ti'feet, 9 inchest-3, O. Nclsort, M feet, 5 inches. Hunning high jump, boys, li 'years and under I, Eddie Smith. 3 feet. 9 inches; 2, R. Irvine, 3 feet, 9 inches; 3, Har- old McDonald, 3 feet, H inches Hunning hop, .step and jump I, Eddie- Sniilhi'29 feel, 3 inches; Harold McDonald. 27 reel, 10 inches. The committee, in charge of Ihei sports wen Starlers, Chief Vickers and Harry Meagher; judges, H. E. Hensnn, W. F. Fisher. W. D. Vance and Col. McMordie; announcer Roy Har nes; prizes, II. lireen; grounds H. McClinchy and A. Hbdema.. FOOTBALL GAME ENDED IN TIE Closely Contested Match Played Yesterday Between Callles And Veterans. Those who were anticipating a good game or football yestVrday in Hie. final for the Dominion Day cup were in ho sense disappointed, although in the opening stages interest was not as keen as when Ihc game had progressed. The Gallics and Yeferans each had a gondry number of supporters in the bleachers who were willing to lend their audible support lo flip respective line-ups. The Veterans played down hill in the opening period and were soon accorded a penally kick in front of goal which Gapt. W. Murray converted. This seemed lo give now heart lo llc Callies, who from litis point pressed the Veterans consistently. The play went from one end of the field should be" A little higher in price, bui what a wonderful difference a few cents make lo the other and the Vets,: through a series" of good plays. added another lo. their score i thus making them two up. The Callies were not in any way dis-j couraged by the turn of events! and in no way yielded their ef-'; forts at landing the handsome Irophy which would go to thei victors. They were soon re-! warded, however, for their persistence and lodged the ball between the post for their first counter, before "ialf time was called. The second half of the game! the teams changed places, giving the Callies the favor of thei grade, and it was soon evident I that they intended lo take every advantage which this offered. Hoth teams were playing hard and consistent ball and possibly in this half the Callies had a little better of play. They added two more to their score while I he Vet s were only able to add one, thus leaving Hie game, a tie and the decision lo lie readied at a future period. The teams lined up as follows: Vefs. Cawthorno, V. Mennes. S. Erskinc, O. Mitchell, W. Murray, Skinner, Harlon, Russel, Norwood, Campbell and Curvich. Callies Hamilton, Andrews. Scott, Harris, Currie, Woods. A. Mitchell, McDougall, W. Mitchell, Williscroft, J. Andrews. Tom Jones gave good satisfaction as referee and C. Kersey and I). Kennedy acted as lines- mrn- J Sporf; Chat a .-,-,.-.....- ..g Another protessional boxer, who has been in the limelight for some time, and mainly of lale because he was able to e"vadc a knock-out from Jack Denipscy, at Hie much-talked of right, in Shelby, months' ago, made what, may bo considered Tor all purposes his exit from lire ring a week or so, ago. That was Tommy' Cibbort. lie wus never a top-nolcher, and there were always many who thought that Deinpsey, in that Shelby encounter treated him rather kindly, hut he managed to keep1' go ing in lliese days when IjKsro really are very few lop-nplehers in any of Hie accepted classes of professional pugilism. Cene Tunney, knocked Cibbon "for itio count," and by dojpg so has acquired as much right, as any of the other would-be claim ants for Dempsey's lille, lo.t'hal lenge the world's heavyweight champion, who it "begins lo look may never sign on for a real light again. Jahez Wolfe, generally con sidered the greatest authoritjjvon Channel swims, will take per sonal charge of the efforts of Miss Cerlrudn Ederle of New York, when she attempts: to make the historic swim. Tho young lady will be ac- NE0IUN Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating C. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELD I fid. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 'CANADIAN PACIFIC Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert For KETCHKAN. WKANGELL, JUNEAU, SKAGWAT Juat IS, 19. 26. 29. July 3. 6 For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA tad SEATTLE . - June 13. 20, 24, July 1. 4 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Buledtlt, Swnon Bay, Ettt Blla Balla, Ocean Falla, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver eer Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steam inip Llnea.. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Ccrner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. conipanied on her trip by a chaperone, Miss Elsie Viela, who is one of the governors of Die Women's Swimming Association or the United Slates. Her last training stunt in the United Stales was to swim eight- teen miles, parlly against the lidc. from the Haltery, New fork lo Sandy Hook. There is always an interest in these attempts in Canada, on account of Hie strenuous attempt the French-Canadian boy from Montreal .Onier Perreault. made to accomplish the feat. Peler Hlack, Jr., was a passenger on the Cardena for the south Tuesday. 1: TIMBER SALE X727S. Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester not later I ban noon on (be I3lh day ofi July, 11)25, for the purchase of Licence. X7275 on unnamed bay immediately lo the south of la-! goon emptying into Ellerslie Hay. 3, lo cut 5fl,000 Teeti board measure of Cedar, Spruce", Hemlock, and Halsam Sawiogs. Two (2)' years will be allowed Tor removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, or the District Forester, Prince Hupert, B.C. Now vYbu Boat Builders Head this snap. At such prices the lot will soon be cleared. About 4,000 '2-Inch Cedar Boat Lumber. About 4,000 5-3 Inch Cedar Boat Lumber. About 10.0C0 7-8 Inch Cedar Boat Lumber. About 8,000 1 Inch Cedar Boat Lumber, To be cleared at $65 per thousand and about 50,000 lxfi nnd IxH iir.pd Spruce Hoards at $15 per thousand. Cel if while (he gelling is good. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phone Td9 or 112 DON'T MISS BENT'S Dollar Sale It will save you money a