PAf'.R TWO Pure Tea Every tiny leaf and bud of SAMOA1 GREEN TEA is sealed in air-tight aluminum. More delicious than any Japan or Gunpowder. Ask for SALAD A. Try it to-day. J The Daily News FHINGE RUPERT - RR1TISH COLUMBIA f'ublished Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince , Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULL'EN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mouth $1.00 By mail to all parts of Die British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year .$0.00 To nil -oilier, countries, in advance, per year ........... $7..r0 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.-10 per inch per insertion Transient' Advertising on Front Page 2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion... , 2fc per line Classified' Advertising, per insertion 2o per word Legal Notices, each Insertion... 15c per agate line. Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT IDITIOH How We All Mumble Our National Anthem! Sal unlay. May 192 now we all mumble our national anthem! We seldom sing il properly beniuse we do not know llie words. The chief difficulty is llial.there are several! versions, the words or which have been printed'' from time to time in this paper. t n... ' i i i . ..I , m uiu n-i-i-m miit-iivou o i.miries ii. u. Huberts it was in- liceablf. Hint everybody had lo look closely at the cards supplied by the club in order to take, pail in the singing. The difference between the singing of "O Canada" and "(Sod Save the King" was very-marked. . At a.recvut leclutv at the Booth .School at whiMi m number oimg people were present, the result was even worse tlnn at jne Liinattiait Unb luncheon, and similar results are obtaii.d at most-oilier events, This is not a credit to the Canadian people. Admire A Person -,. -w . Who Will Stand Alone. . . very noticeable that al'publie meetings most people waul lo sw big with the crowd,'. A crowd resembles verv much rl , . .1. e i on i i .... j a, m", k .Mieyp. i nose won kuow nnmials'are aware that if ons neep jumps through a Iiolc in a fence, the whole flock will fol low. SHt often is with a crowd. Tliev likeMo follow. At the public meting Thursday night only two men voted iBiimsi me main resolution, j'tenly were opposed to it, (nil they kept ipiiel because the crpwd was against Ihem. The mni.!v tiling is to stand out for what Is believed to be correct in face ,of all opposition. Tak'ee No Backwater ' On Provincial Finances. Hon. Dr. MacLean, minister or ffnance rot- the province, nol ashamed or Hie record of his department or of the standing or the province financially. He goes lo the Canadian Credit-men s Association in Vancouver, men who understand what fir nance means, and he lays his case before them. He stales unreservedly that, the wealth of Hie province is greater than that or any other in Canada per head of the population. He also says that sinking funds of the province, kvhicb provide for the paying off of the debt are in better shape than that of anv oilier province in tlic-Dominion. Had Di MacLean been wrong he would have heard of il mini Ine. men to whom lie was speaking. Let us be proud of on r province and give due credit to the meii who have brought back its finHiieJal condition from one, of almost, bankruptcy to one of Hie highest standing. This'is j,ot politics. . It is business; Fight Hard . When An Election, Comes. : -Vs -'M'W: We admire the person who rights hard for wfinl brieve-to be right at election lime. Be is fully justified even if we do not agree wjlh his stand. The man we despise is the man who is always playing politics from one year lo the next. He is willing to sacrifice his rily, his province or . his countrv Wthe sake or damaging his opponents. If we are nlwavs knocking the government or. the province, we an; knocking ourselves because we elected "lliem. . The Jihance.s of B.C. have been coming in for criticism from people who should be ashamed to talk finances. There is jnect.on.ia .ight, possibly for years, so why foul our own nst i,y kaocknifl Ihtv financial condition of Ihe countrv in which "Eczema All Over Arms Suffered for 12 Years" Mm. Murray Hough, Wiarton, OnL, writes: - U.V1 H?d eCZem r nwlve y"r- Evefy once in "t would bre.k out enc sprwd j all over my .rmi. I tried all kind, of treat. .,.. .yetieve it. Dut wthout tucci. One Spring it broke out and noimng gave me relief, even the ulve I got from the doctor did ho good. At lt I tried Dr. (Wi Ointment and it healed the eczema in a hort time. That it over a year ago, and I have had no return of the trouble." Dr. Chase's Ointment 80 cu. a hoi, all draUera or KdmiiiMin. Hate Co., I,m., Toronto GYRO HOEDOWN PICTURESQUE Grotesque Costumes of Men and Simplicity of Ladles' Was Noticeable The (lyro hoclnvn at Hie an diloriiiiii last ntehl was a pie-lusesque affair lively, varied and alvas enjoyable. The pop- uhirilyif the (Synrhoy as busts prove.) so jrreat that the ladies, especially, turmil out in burro numbers, so larjre that it was difficult to accommodate them all willu partners. However, Ihe ceinvfroni the side benches and naileries was a full recompense. TIip costumes of the men varied really and wholly transformed them from their ordinary selves. Some wore hunlins or fish in nslumes, some rainier bins, others sported the clothes of the workshop. The only thins that wax taboo was Ihe evening suit or ihe Mixedo. nats were worn by some, where -they were necessary lo complete the costume, but. they were mostly discarded as i lie evening passed. Miirt, sleeves were a sisrn of superior ity and daring. Strong Contrasts In strong contrast to Ihe eiro- pcpie gelup of (lie men were the simple gowns of the girls, silks and satins hud been ban-islie.l and their places taken by the cotton creations or the kit I ebon. And as one spectator remarked, "The girls never looked so pretty or carried themselves with such au. air of pleasing homeliness," as they did on that occasion. 1'crhnn it. was Ihe memory of the kitchen that made them so popular. At any rale Ihe men worked overtime trying to give theni as many dances as possible. Lionel Hot Thy of course win master of ceremonies . He Combined his lulies in that respect with those of police magistrate, meting out punishment to those! nrresleil for breaches of decoruuil ,ir breaking -of the rules in connection with dress. Ami then there was the supper and the cider punch and the icecrciun nnd Ihe hay. Those who could nol afford oilier luxuries ate bay. Quite a number. seemed lo be doing that, yet In spile of their errorls. several bales were left- at the close. Decorations there verc, tliffer-enl. liglil, artistic, bleniiiiiisr with the lights and shades or the floor and set otr by the (!yro emblems. They might be said to be gyroesone. Just bow long the festivities lasted or bow much hot dog and cider and entree and ice cream md energy were consumed is nol banded out for publication. It is averred by those who passed Hip hall after daylight that the nuisic bad ceased and thai il appeared as ir Ihe lights were out. two by two the dancers fell iiway and gave up the pursuit of pleasure, happy to the end. And then the (Jyroes left also. So ended the second boedown or Hie club, one that will helj to make iyro ntsiory. riie committee in charge con sisted or Xorris Pringtn (chair man ),orge.. Tite, Sidney ell-Jones. Hoy Nichols.. Doiigj .tork' Sa'n Taylor ' runl Harlow. Hip rollowimg were 'on cnniniiltces: Orchestra arrangements Doug. Stork. Cashier S. K. Campbell. Doorkeeper I.oo Waugh. Hot Dogs (Jeorge Tile, Krank Pearson, I-'ird llenniiig. Ice 'Cream--r. li. Itobertsnn, t Dk. rail. Haftlcs K. A. , Mann, Joe (ireer. Cider Charlie Mills, V. J. Nelson. rresh Milk ami Doughnuts II. McMwen. Hill Cruickshank. Advertising manager Sid Hazetl-Iones. Oilier Syros assisted generally FORMER RESIDENT Itoland Slltl- rna datl? hews ' :Phlir.l.y, mv 191' fc'o O D TASTED NF LP PR-COVER I NG S S - E A S I LV& E XjjgFcgg Dominion Linoleum ; : 1 JJ J1 Dominion Linoleum Rugs Their beauty and many practical advantages win admiration' everywhere. Comfortable; sanitary, durable, they lie flat without fastening and, will not curl at the edges or tear. Many delightful patterns to choose from, something for every room in the house. Remarkably low in price. hp) w finrii ii' i' 7 1 i VqT;;' r. i',n i 1 1 1 f '-IMEt. V 1 II I HI ' i , W The woman who knows' the importance of "first impressions" is extra careful with her hall, the part of her home the visitor sees first. She wants it to look right. For its fldor, she therefore chooses Dominion Linoleum, bright, cheerful, colorful and so expressive of good taste. Dominion Linoleum gives exceptional wear. It is made in widths sufficient to cover any ordinary room from wall to wall, without seam or crack. Waterproof, sanitary, easy to clean and keep clean, it comes in endless attractive designs and colorings. Cover all your floors with Dominion Linoleum. It is low in price, saves housework and wears for years and years. condition of affluence. Ap- noon at the home of Miss West, pm-cully ho purchased the tint- tSixlli Avenue Kast. Mrs. II. her, which prov'ed lw be a partic- Hbuice was convcitvr and had as ularly fine stand, and sold it her assistants. Mrs. Yeireck and again at a very large proNt. TO RAISE MONEY FOR NEW FOUNDATIONS TO SALVATION ARMY BLDG. During the seir-denial campaign which opens during the coming week, Ihe Salvation Army is planning. i! raise" the sum of . . . . ' ' it il n .2 t - ' ' - 1 enow ip ne useit m ppntng roun-dafion vunijor H(e ,local, citadel and o(fJceir ' i qfiiiiirs. The work will cost a thousand dol lars but headquarter has agreed lo- help toward the work. It Is slated by Ihe ofNcers that it is 4 oor mac miia welcome. w Lioxir ynenccd Alvojt turn ovtr Ihi ti(t whn burin t and look fit Ihe t'tnt, lonf-fibrt bis-lap back. It luannleu years and ytart of toto factory tar. Dominm Linoleum and Rin art rnadt in Canada hi tht manufactartn tf lU junvmi Dominion Butth-thip Linoleum. XTHQUSEFURNISHING, DEPARTMENTAL AND GENERAL STORES EVERYWHERE necessary to keep up. Ihe build ings here in order to enable the organization t carry on the rescue and social work which it I doing. Capl. . Dorin, divi sional .secretary, will assist Capl. and Mrs. Ilea in the campaign. SHOWER FOR RIDLEY HOME BAZAAR HELD Large Number of Secondhand Articles Were Presented at Miss West's Yesterday A successful shower of second hand articles which will be sold at Ihe fnrlbcnml Hi" llidlev llnmn TURNS A GOOD DEALlhnnar wn yesterday arier- H, F. McRae, Once Editor of Dally News,. Places Himself In Affluence A rnninr, somewhat persistent and probably correct, comes from Seallle In the efrect that H. I;. Mcltae. inrniorly or this clly, real cslale, broker and ror Mime lime editor or Ihe Dally News, hns Just, turned a big Hmr her deal in Ihe slate of Washington thai has placed him in a Fast-EisyCirHmg SIMOND: SAWS tmons Canada SAWcatra. MONTRIAL ST. Jomh. .i. Mrs. llichard Da vies was in serving of tea. MeAuIay. Miss charge of the She on'l you think ought to learn to . love a girl beroroi twenty? lie No; loo large an audience TMt CORPORATION OF THC CITV OF PRINCE RUPERT. r.wr. notick -hutT 1. lli Coimiil ut ih Cnrpni'aUcin of Ui" City ut ITlni- ltiinri liu-iul in rdii.ljiirl invtiiicnt riricen trrt wlili1. rHiluiir r i mallrrsit r tlinljrr over wnirn win Di- j.iarpn i.innr innir i iicpm ai me i-niwn or len inriw. mm mimi ir iii-i.kin riifw mil find, on tint portion or srvrnlli Avi-iiiip nwimieiii-liK inun inni mm ri ei i,t I lie renlrr line liiirriwriliHi i.f Jth Avrnue mil Taylor Street, tlienre a ton it Seventh Meiiue ai MHiwn tin I lii il,in anil di-o file ileixiKlleil In the Offlre of the City r.niniir-er " ne et iioiiniiary ir Mil liMiiti--ii (Mi, niiH-k Twenty. wn Hi'. Sertlon Five (!'.. lortl Ifiinrnve- liii-nt. anil Inlenil to ierlally e the niM iiihhi mi- mini tiiniiinr iilrertlv on Uie Wirk, exrejit unrli iortlol1 or llie fiwt t I Itienrreit ut tree IiiIi-isiiIIihk anil t nrltool proplTty. 1. The I'Mlininril ro or the work l. ll.iino.iiii, or wlm h II. All. ns U to tie p.lld liy ihe CoriNiriOioil, aiKl tin' etl. ma nil annual rrlal rale per fnol fmiil-nire l l.l(lli's;. The a.i-ii-liient l In In- pa lit In 10 minimi lixtal-inent. .1. I'erxonn iloslrlnr lo iieiltlrtn aralnM iunl-rtakliiir Hi,- work muni ili no on or before llie (Oh il.iy or June, 9S. K. F. JOXKS, city i:leik. tmetl ihH ih) ilav of May. ivt:. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. TAkK NOTICK TUT- I. The Coiitn-ll or the Corporation of llie Clly fit I'rlnre Unpen Intend In rnnlnii- IMivetnent firieeii reel whle. ron.iiinir or a maio-en or timln-r over which will be nl.iifMl a navlnir rlvlnr a depth at the rinwn of ten Inrhen, row- oi oroKen ni ne ana nam!, on that puitlmi of SUIh Avenue eonum-nrtnir fnnn a point elalit reel eat or the reiilre lne Internerthn or sixth Avenue and liniminiiel street, tlu-iwe alonir Sluh Avenue aa xliown oh the plan-t and profile deiHKlied In tin iirrii-i. r m.. An- i:nirlneer lo a iH.Int ten reel wet of he ventre line lute rwi-l Ion or Sixth Aveiiue ami Seat iTive i:trrte, a a lural linproye , ment. and IhtrmU to noei-lnMv tim eo upon tlie latxl almoin dlrei-tly on ....., ir,-)., liii-i, imriinii oi ine rnm ai la Inrurreit at meet liiti-rneriinrK anri at eehool properly. z. ine eniiniaten rnal or Ihe work l S.ssn.iio. or which ir.ijoj i. t., i paid by Ihe Coi-noratlon. ami H.o ih. mated annual rpeelal title tn-r root frKit-aire l .3UI0r,r,(i. The MN-elal ae- nient la to lie na d In In annual iii.ini. tnenta. 3. I'eranna fleairlno- tn nelliinn iimlri.i nnitertakltiir Oie inrk mini An ha ..n r.m before Ihe f til day or June. I0JS. I-;. I-. JONF.S. CltV C.leik pitea tlili Snd 4iy ot May, 1923. SEE! PAciric Prince Rupert Exchange s Special Window Display 31. DOMINION -t LINOLEUM Coast Steamship and Train Service , Effective April 22nd S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE OEOR0E -alt fr-ni 1 -. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Ir.H " . , FRIDAY and W0N0AV 9 00 A.M. Widnttdlf Foe ANYOX W 1 ' r Vr O I E ifY MFi I PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE IHONTO" MONfAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY,. 5.00 piU. tr I'flni I' WINNIPEG, H po'iili filrn Canada, I'liimt 8tal. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STIAWSHIP LINES. Clt Tlcaat Off lea, BtS Third At, Prlnea Rwpart. pnoai Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rup PRINCESS MARY. ... 29tl. 'u"Vv For Katchlkan. Wranoall, and " Vz'nd. Foe Victoria and "'r:"Lr1.,T,o?rr Vancor, .w, B" S.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. ai.rt For Butedal., Swanaon Bay. Ea.t B.lla Billa, Of"" f";. 11 Campball Rlvar, and Vaneouvar atari Saturday l",forn,,t)B Aganey for all Staamahlp Llnta. ..... ui n nacHiRD fiaaaral Aoani. - n. I., j.k t,;.i ..4 9 an.nua. Prlnta RUP", a I TD ' UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., L. Salllnira rrwn rrmee Rupert. Tgdiy, r or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and AIH lurd, 10 'oe VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swn" Foe ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, SuniJy, . am. a Foe ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlar CannarlM. 'n'tt puptfl. US 2nd Avanuo. i. Barnalay, Aftnl.