paos rouu I TO ENTERTAIN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anus i i i iinra i 1 1 " VISITORS FROM VOO RE MOT CONC OOT IN THlb l (OMl'bEO OIMTT THAvT I'D tURE. tee. UMBRELLN WE'VE HAvO I'VtL HIM HOW AM 1 C4ONNA, SOUTHERN CITY DO i . T? . r .. ' tttt Ill WWi Bcim J7 1 1 1 n cm vu, MACCiF Informal Discussion at Board of Trade Meeting But no Bu'sl ness Done Kilhor discouraged hy the crilifisms levelled at lliem at the puldic meeting tlin previous night or atlraoted by Hie (iyro hoodown nl. the auditorium, mem lei of the Hoard of Trade last n if: 111. failed to turn out In numbers sufficient, to form a iiuorum. 'Jhe result was that nd nit-oflng was licld. lnformallyl some of those present discussed what might he done In enlerlain members the -Vancouver and other notith oni mainland hoards of trade on the occasion of their visit to Prihi'o Hubert in July. It seems t lint Ihey expect to arrive here on the (lanlena on Sunday, July ID, and to leave for the interior on Hie Ifaiu Tuesday Worn in p. That would give all day Monday lo see 1'rihce Hubert. Among the suggestions which will he considered hy the entertainment com mittee will lie to give them either ii luncheon or a dinner of an official i character and probably a ',. . dance in the evening V "?S,Hieir the ilnv lliev tni,irlil .lm fnken in I iinals to see the Gold Storage! jdanl, Shawallnns Lake and' Ilulze Rapids, .Mctlakatla Indian village and Ihe Salt Lake. The proposal to erect large signs at Ihe Canadian National and Provincial government docks to let lourisls and oilier isitors know what is to be seen here, will be left over until it is known what money is available for publicity purposes. ? APPEAL MADE AGAINST FIRE District Forester Shows Need of J Care and Value of Conserva- tlon s I. f.f!IWitTs1rjelJr(oret-Ser, writes Ihe Dally News fh frejrarrt lo fire prevent ion iH ' y Jfoilnws: " (KditorOaily News: I Tbe.'fjVe .months .beginning fviay I vind endftig Heplenrber 30 lire riesignaled liy . sin I trie as the I J"i tA ft 1A L'niir nil In Ik it III. I. nlumhia, on account of the fact' I Jhal lurinff that iktiohI. Hip haz-!f nrd of deslructive forest fires is. ttreat. Hach year throughout the' irnvince, hundreds or forest fires are started, and many of , lhem cause, great damage. Iur-!wlln .in 1JI2J, 2,17i forest fires kv juried in llritish nnlumlliia, of reservist in the Ilelgian army Which nearlj, 90 per cent wereiwil" "IP ru,lk lieutenant. fanned by human agencies, and! Nvere llierernre prevenlablc. Dur-! Muyor Newlon nnd City Clerk . . .. . . t .- .t n a -i - i .'!. ing tlie past ten years. 13.808. Jorpsl fires have occurred in our' irovinee, ami they swept over nearly four million .acres, cnus-J ing rnftfrly losses of millions ht dollars. ; pearly jiine out of 5'verj ij-n fore'sl fires are the. reV sull (if e.-irele'ssness. icnoraheft- ir neglect. f. In view of our dependence up-fn our forest resources for continued prnsperily .nnd economic well-being., the nrevenlion. de- ieclion.;niul control of forest j steamer Prince Rupert, Tires are questions which viliillyj'M'1- n- Oonald, which was in concern' every man, woman andtfr'"M Vancouver and wnyporlson cfiild livin-r in llio urnviiifP lime at 10.30 this morninc. ' i ihe anpnal fire, losses in Ihe forests of Jlrilisb Columbia can be reduced lo very small proportions If every one of us will lie personally careful with fire, and rgard--lhe fire menace in .Tnresltuexar.lly as we now do in tespeel lo fires in lowns and ,ili'. t Will ymprln your pari In pre-! Vent and control forest Tires dur ing 1025? ' HOTEL ARRIVAL8 ii Prince Rupert Bnmuel Oourley, Slewarl; R. A. Onrman and . .1. Welch, Mrs. ;,M, II. -Fnsler ind W. F. Marlin, .Yancnuver; C. A. Procunier, fittn-;!tieyside; C. A. Ilnullon, Montreal; "Slnnley Chambers, Kdmonlnn; A. Wallace, Toronto; fl. K. Reely, ,Senlllei.I. M. Walley, Kelchiknn; J. P, Kggleshaw," TerraCe; Nels 1 TliOmpVon, t'aclfif.; C. 11. Flewin i-nnd P. itrenlzen, Wark Channel; A. M. Klpp, Port Kssinglon. i- ' .Central 1' LOarrin, F. Pnggnn and W. Baylor,'' C;N.R.; A. L. Skinner, Shushartie flay; fieorge A. Am-1 of;brose. Vancouver: i. II. Tycho nnd L. flriflin, Hmllhers. j The Man in the Moon n . YS:- t j A IIHIK lown Is a place where' every person accuses his neigh- , bur of grafl. I I WAS rather struck on the .idea or a vegetarian diet until Ii remembered that elephants .were j vegetarians and so were hogs in! wild stale. IF limes keen on like they have been reccnlly I fear I shall either have lo skip paying my lakes or imitate, 'the DottkKobors. llllltir lnt Ihe, mayor And Ids t-ouncil so cjever, Talking at meetings On Mondays as ever. Here's In the fishermen- iMy'liig Ihefr irarle: I'd hale lo live this year On What lliey have made. Here's lo Ihe gyros, ' Whose hoodown last night, Was declared by the girls- To be "just out or sighl." And here's tn the men-Amt the women I know Who are ready lo help Wherever Ihey go. Yes. here is success Tn the children's wanl drive Oive a dollar or two Or say, "make il five." nr -V k l en i ears jgo in, Prince Rupert ',''"'n -'Hart will leave Ihis flvening for Victoria where lie wl" rr-orl lo Ihe Ilelgian consul n v"'w " proceeding lo the lwml on aclive service. He is win leave lonigni r,,v Vancouver wheie ihey will sign an issue of treasury per-lifieiles now being prinled. llarold Nelson, son . of J. Nelson, Kigb I h Avenue Kiist, was 'drnwiied nl ..Mellakaila yeslAr-Vla'v nflernoon while i"JnyJn'gUi0-l - I) rafl. He was 12 years of age. BOAT ARRIVALS . - 'brought muring her passenger Ihe following: , For Prince Rupert ,1. M.'.Rae, Mrs. lligginson, Mr. and Mrs. M H MeI.eod and daughler, Harry T- flodley, J. Woslenholine, Mr Hlchards, C R. Robb. Mr. Mc- Cullocli. M. Lawric. W. C. Ar- nell, Miss I. lloughen. Nick Our 1 prince (fcorge "Ij S In Centre of Shopping S and Business District 8 M BUKUfUiAN PLM K B S. WINWHT IHOMTSON. MAN O. DIR. g AGONIZING RHEUMATISM OF 5 YEARS STANDING COMPLETELY RELIEVED BY "FRUIT-A-TIVES" MK. JAMES D08S0N "Be good enough to publish for the information of Ithrun-atism feufferers how "Fruit-a-tives" relieved my Rheumatism which had at least fire years' standinc. The trouble was in my right hip and shoulder; the pain almost unendurable. This kept up until I started to take "Fruit-a-tires". After a continuous treatment for" about six months, I am now in first-class condition. This, I attribute to my persistent use of "Fruit-a-tiTe." The above is the letter which Mr. Jamts Dobsou of Bronte, OnU, wrote after tryins the wonderful Fruit Treatment "Fruit-a-tives" which consists of intensified fruit juices combined with tnie. If you suffer with Rheumatism, "Fruit-a-tires" will make you well and keep you well 25c and 50c at dealers. vicli, Miss Mary Carter, ' Mr. Williams, Mr. Alworlh, Miss Vio let Cameron, J. M. Merc.f. r, C. I). Howe, Miss Stewart, K. Hanson, Mrs. C. Nickel, M. 1'. MeCalTery, Olier Hesner, Mr. and Mrs. Over- mil. For Slewarl W. Cool-son, Mr. Skinner, A. Melville, II. C. Hi-own, Alex. Moore, K. Irwin, A. Hurde- kin, S. F. Kuighl, J. Wilson, Mrs. Larson, Major C. Jl. Norlh, H. . W. McOougall, Mr. and Mrs. Hulger, Mr. Helmick, N. McDon ald, Mrs. 1. I.ervig, .1. Frank llreeze, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Mellor, Mr. and Mrs. O. Creighlon. Mr. Howard, Pal Keys and L. C. J avis. ' Fnr TelkwaH'. H. Phillips. For I'd it ce Yienrge Col. llen- nell, Fnr Iiivernes--ll. W. Cham bers. ANNUAL MEETING Ben Self Is Elected President Hoped to Have League Started by End of May 1 The nnnunl meet Ins of Ihe Prince Rnperl Haseball Associa lion was held last night in the City Hall, V. I). Vance, the re tiring president, occupying the chair ami Sydney ItaZeltlnnes acting .us secretary. Orricers for the year were elected as follows: Honorary president, .T. II ' ' Pillsbury. . President, lien Self. Vlce-prcsldenl, Jack Judge. Secrelary - treasurer, Hnrry Ilreen. The report of Hie serfelary- tiensurer sliowed a balance on hainr from lasl year's operations of 71.o8. A meeliOg of delegates Is being called or May H. Knl,rbs are to be in by Mini lime and definite plans for I lie, season will be formulated. II, is Imped to gel a league under way 'by lliu end of May. Vi J. I I'M!1! illl fi-j!l.-ili-! yglj Ill llgi i Sport Chat f j Canadian cities invested 431 j t'.t i .-.'it in public recreation dur-l iufi lltil, according lo the i'lay- ground and llet-realion Associa-iiini of America, which has just ! issued its Year Hook if recfea-llion stalislics. This sunv, re-i ported by fifteen cilies in j eiigh! provinces, is three limes : as much as Ihe expenditure reported for this purpose by Canadian cilies ten years ago. 1leli-suns for inert-using niunieipnl : iiivustment in recreation are its jreiu ns in child safely, charuc-ier buildig, public health and J ::ore liveable cities, slates Ihe . Vear Hook. The lolal numlier f i.anadlau playgrounds ami .creation centers open under leadei-shiji was reported ns 2H1'. ix hundrwl and ninly-four rained leaders were employed lo iree-l public play antivilies dur-ng the year. ' Seven cilies of Canada am aainlaiiiiiig u.uuicipal goir nurses, according lo their .oris, opening opporlunily lie heallh-giving game to all heir citizens. Seenly-six alh el if ( fields atnl I(i7 lennis courts re also among the public re- realion facilities listed. Th Canadian cities sending reports for Ihe Year Hook were I.elli- irilge, Vancouver, Winnipeg, St. ilin. Sydney, Ilamillon, London, Ottawa. Peterborough, Stratford, loronln, Windsiir, Monlreal, .luebec and llegina. Aiming the fr real inn aclivilies Ihey are rovidlng under leadershiii are winter sporLi, community music. Iramalics and pagennlrj'. rrafls-iiansliip, industrial alhlelies and hiking. The people of Syd ney, N.S., lasl year, enjoyed a argv park, donated for play ground purposes hy Ihe tlrilish F.iniilre SI eel Co. I.ethliridge has i park tif severnl acres, located ulside Ihe cily and containing an artificial lake and bnthiug: leach, a uiunicipnl golf course. :i baseball diamond, a camp for aulonmibile lourisls and a child ren's ninygroiind. Ouebec reported an agnrregale tllendance at ls six playgrounds luring Ihe summer of 1021 -if ;.r-,fl00 children and iarenls. I'lie l-aygronnils Oimmiltrc of 0J,- bec has recently hid Iranslnleil into Fienchi for ij.s. ie ' among French cjHzens 'a jiumhi'r, )tif. tlie slogans jaiiil .eWWreni)T'tr)i;p!ir'1 by 'Ihe Playground, and Itrcr.'i- fion Association of America, (n I heir Fnglish form Ihese sloifeus have been used extensively h cities or Ihe Fniled Stales In further popular education as lo the need for public recr-'nlinti. The total l!l2i expendllure for pub'ic recrealion in Hie Fniled Stair and Canada was'.ririH,, nc-eording lo tiie reporls of 71 1 "Hies. This exceeded lh lolal l!V3 e.xi)eniiures by more II an six million dollars. FOOTBALL LINE-UPS The Sons of F.rigland will line op Mie following lenm for (lie opening football game of tin season wilh (lie Oreal War Vol. erans fin Monday evening: W. I.ambie; I). Katiibie and R. Howe; '. I'. linker, A. Hales and F. Umlgkinsoii; J. Cninenm, O. Hanson, .1. Johnson, A. Iiickens and .1. Farrpilmr. The O.W.V.A. will field Iho following lenm: Oawlhore; Mack nl Vie MenEi'e.; fieorge Mit i hell. Hoy nnd llalfour; Russell, Harlon, llnrwond, honaldsoii and r.rskine; reserves. Kehcli, finch rane, Hryce and Aslorla. C K. Rnbh nrrlvcd from Van couver nn Ihe Prince Rupevl f III morning. He Is In join Ihe staff of ihe C.N.R. clly tlckit olllce. jlii ' r"" j 1 1 ii ii Wanted For Sale ForRent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTS SI'Al.KD tenders will be received by the Ollicer Commanding, H.C.P. Police, Prince Rupert, H.C. for the purchase of Ihe launch "Adanae," (length if) feel). Knvelopes lo he mark -ed "lender." Highest or any lender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be opened May 0, 1925, at noon. 108 flASHOAT wanted. Must be cheap for cash. Apply Hot 14 fl, Iially News olllce. Hi5 WANTK1 ). Second hand logging jack. Apply Hox 2 1(1, haily News 011ic JOT, nilNF.RAt. Servaill Wniile,!. Aji ply Mrs. F. Mell. Young. WANTF.D. House or garden work. Phone Red 108. HI WANTF.O. - Help Wanted. In lander. If FOR SALE FOR SALK al Terrace, H.C, Ten acres of land Hghl in town opposite the school and righl up to Ihe railway track. A good location for a cold storage or a wholesale hniir as Terrace is Ihe natural filling out place for I.akelse Lake. Don't overlook this lol. Price $700.00. A. C' Little, Prince Rupert, H.C. 106 FOR BALK. llnlel, with realaur- ii n I and pool hall in winucc-lion. Cheap rent and good lease. Apply or write A. K. Henderson, Hums Lake, H.C. FOR SAI.n. lleauliful Daven port bed and gramophone. Apply nfler fl p.m. to 115 Sixth Avenue West, above laundry. 101 TO RENT TO RKNT. Modern house, com- plelely furnished. $30.00 Ap-ply !. P. Tinker. Tel. 57. IinUHF. In Rent. Three apart ments, Corner liacoii and Tenlh. Phnwe 078. 10C ROOMS lo rent Federal block. 0. P. Tinker. Tel. 57. If FOR RF.NT. Clapp nparlmenl vK 'nt"tihav;r Hro".'- . ' If BOARD HOARD and Jloom, or hoard only 443 Fifth Avenue-Hast. Phone Red 707. HOARD. The InianJer, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. WOMEN'S EXCHANGE IF you have any plain sewing or fancy work you wish lo dispose of, we will sell it for you. Articles in this department not limited In one dollar. The Itollar Slore. Red 324. KNITTED QOODS 8WKATF.RS and all kinds of knileed goods made to order. Phone Hlack 395. If KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Keith's Care in King Fdward Hotel now re-modelled. Up-lo-dale Dining Rooni and Lunch Counler BOB KEITH . Manager. FIREWOOD. He Coinforlnbln nnd Cheery. Iry block wood, per load $5.50 Fresh split wood, per load fi.oo Phone Hlack If. I A. ISAACSON . Seal Cove. Advertise in the Daily News. BOATS AND LAUNCHES 'PIUCFS OF KASTHOPK 4-CYCI.K I Marine F.nglncs l-II.P. without clutch $185.00 t-II.P. 1 cylinder Ml) 2C0.00 0-II.P. 1 cylinder ill) 450.00 8-11. P. I cylinder Hit 750.00 8-ll.P. 2 cylinder Ml) 150.00 IC-II.P. 1 cylinder 1.1) 175.00 All the above except Ihe first include the Famous Joes Reverse Oenr, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best, that money ran buy. Kasthopc liros., 1747 OeorgU St. W. Vancouver, H.C. AKvays""at your service. 8HEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere al Anytime. Five pas senger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Hales: 50c for I or 2 passenger., 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Haby" at your ser vice day or night. Comfort Safely Courtesy. If it's a walcr trip call Laurie Lambly. Phoi.. s 570 or 1 3K TAXI B92 TH.K DKPRNDAHI.F. , TAXI. Da) and Night ervice. Comfort and Courtesy Is my motto, PHONE 692 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or Oust Prompt Service and Comfon Day or Nltr'.t Stand: .tOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across Torn F.w t Mule, BEDDING OUT PLANTS. Plnnls that grow and repay you for your labor. McCarthy bedding mil plants are specl-nlly ai'cliuialised and can be relied upon lo produce the good). Slore Phone - Red 1 83 Oreeuhonse Phone Hlack IflH MCCARTHY'S. FURNITURE VU handle the FAWCKTT guaranteed copper bearing Sleel Ranges and all grades of high grade furniture we exchange. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Duy, Sell and Fx-change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, AM Third Ave. Phon-i CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Banoane, Furniture Moving. If you want nny thing cent for, or delivered, phono us. I'.O. Hox flS(t). NORTHERN TRANSFER Call for Haggago and Express Northern Transfer. Day Phone Red 243. Night phone Oroen 307. W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Colombia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of latoR,! Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists. Call in nnd hoar thorn. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue Article, Lost and Fw'iUe TENDERS TOR GRAIN tirVHOt Nolle to Ccnln4un SKU.I I. i . . if 1 mi.' ftlMT-t I II. ! ItMl VI HI. I, iiiiuri... until neon sf tn 'I, l 111 1925. H-tlMl him I ; . Onim f:ii' C. T. oil..'-niHM Mf I r..i. . j;. A lUMI. I, An i , , TlH IMl h Mr Mi llii v uief in bMi hi. in IHfcl' illl .I. tvr i'." inii. t i h. dl.i- Hi i.. . tttr -.. re--' W M-i-liril) I ' v r'jtH j. i .. I Ik" ri-t'Uivil vi- i. r. Uuoi- -4 II.. I. . PMii-, i . r k any i nt.i ' OiiUfc... y, hmWU;, I-. of ORr Hun Ir. ' I HitMl fT l. tM ri-llirl.. Hwnflrtli.Hi- ( The t(rfrrlly tn- h ' Ii ti nrtmit oti, v uroirr' tur or mWi I IN THE SlifRIWE eouirt t w COLUMBIA. Wltliim t. Il.m tnHn v r Pv vlrfn. ' Ini-Ufd Hi Hi. si mr. I ln'i CUiUM, ili.l' ' IO IW kil-m.i ' r bW ku-v i' rfwsKtlMi r u "Wir niri'-i 1 ' WBlKlh-r i r All of li. ' ! v Public Am i i .n f r nrm ..r v, rirnomi. .ii Sullur. rr.i... i . : TW "Ww ! ' Mir ull".! ' Inmllnr I" ' -rln- imp. '-i R APtll :' NOTICE. IN the v i n:n it: ie ' th mii fr Ijai nirwi. Him tlilrl nt ITU,., i :5UiUil..n : Kf ttH Ccrli'. itxMP lunrt- Ii. Iff lir- rri-e II I" rn Ihe uplriii'.'i Hi I il nrm nul l.' i' d-runr- "' 11 In thr innn'.' IIH.NK i'i-,M vl . ' till- In rtnK1'! 1 Ml ntnulcfHl r v r Lnd ni'r'-" mil-'. ITlnrn II I R Mm-'-h ' III in "water notice. DIVERII0N AND VSt. fl , Parkin i:-.""'1 ,' la" , t 1.1 111 'an"'1 wnlvrr, 11 1 like r.d n-f 1 .,, wtler out '" 41 , noriii-,f n ., Ifnrlriilir !.. ' port :d-"i ' ' ; ill" nilTra-u . .. ilf Iwilll ,1111 ii'1' ,k - .. 1h used fr '" .., r Tim nii' v i 111 raru ii." , ,,,, mm noil'-'- ,w , ' W'1 in M a in the ipplh;"'-" ' , i i I Sam nn"; ..,., RUi w troller "f .. ' , , I' imlldln. " . , . mi"0 ...... Bri..ii tlil nntlre In a i tne rir i Skl.r.NA l1Tt IN PR?"orBlT11 IN THE ""Blii , M.tier or w Ad-'- and . r 'i in t'"" M'':., o. inn- ,s" M A Hill tilt f 1 11' 1 j, L i. Ulrslnr lf til' ,i I .reqiiiren tn fJVn'" " n. -v, Bmntmt or tm-T with. mnTiMAN or pf1 1 Dated the