arday- . May 2. 925' THE DAFLY MEWS paob Tnnra "ft Carries Useable On Its Vac Remington Portable permanent baseboaid of this machine makes it THE wonderfully convenient to use anywhere and tinder all conditions, at home or afield. You can operate it equally well before your cozy fireplace or on your lap while seated on a log in the woods. The Remington Portable is the most complete portable typewriter, with Standard four-bank keyboard exactly like thebie machines. Light, durable and compact; fits in case only four inches high. Price, complete uilh case, $77.50 McRae Bros. Ltd. s i Beef, Wine and Iron u a tr uble blood builder and ttrr?' restorer. Most everybody necJj a Spring tonic. We tSpccta!''' recommend this one in cuei pf anemia, colds or run-down condition. A rc!.able tonic, which gives the iptcm renewed vitality, is one of the lureit means of warding ot7 ccjght,a:ds and throat troubles ORtoES LTD tut. an I WW I Phones 82 and 200. u'l r ii r fin hi 1 nur win n b v ai Nanaimo-Wellington Coal "Ins prire it is now iiutpiesltouuldy I In; rln-apesl lH f onoinieal root 011 the market. Phone 116 op 564 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST , Holgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. ' I Orricc Hours- -) lo U. X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686. pen Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phone Cr. 601 Back 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. RAW FURS Night Phones 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 for r'ilMLV v ,, ,,yv'""1 l" l,(-v I1-'''' InBlii-sl possible HAM I pnres Ktna, rurwani them lo Branch S' ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. cn r Receivlng Office: 1225-0 Standard Bank Bldg., Ilt'uj rir Vancouver, B.C. uiute: -U.S.Il. Uldg.. ia-5l Louise SI., Winnipeg. Man. Inco rporatfil 1 020 Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phono 41. You'll liki! ers Coal Co. our joall IMionc 7. tf Oiler Itcsiior returned on tide rinee llujicri this lnurning from trili to Vancouver. M. I. MrCadVry , returned oil tlin Prince lluiierl this iiinrnimr from a triii lo Vancouver; . W. c. Ariidt returned 011 tlie 'nitre Huperl this moriiitisr from 1 Uriel uiii lo Vancouver. I.adysmilli - Wellington, "the best," also "1'eerless," "smoke less." Prince Ilunert Coal Co. tf Nick (iurvieli rojurnod On the riuee Rupert this moriiing from brief business, trip lo Vancou ver. Ctpiibinaliuu Service. Transfer or Taxi. Pliono 303 for transfer mil' 80 for Taxi. We .will do tlx- rest, ltrown Si Casey. tf (Mir summer supply for Hoy's mil (iirl Khaki Overalls, Play Sails ami Mourners now com- ilete. Universal Trading Co. .Mr. and Mrs. Francis Millerd sailwl last niulit on Hie Princess Mary for Vancouver. Tbey ex-pecl In be away about ten days. II. W. Cliambers, accountant of I be Inverness cannery, was a pasenper arrivinp from .Vancou ver on (lie , Prince Itunerl llns iiKirniiii:. Have you read Albert & Mc uancrys aa. uo 11 now. A new shipment of 700 tons of Nanal- mo-Wcllington coal just arrived Price Cut to $15.00 per ton. ir loliu Mellnr, Stewart iiier- I'lianl, and Mrs. MolW are pas- -I'iigers truing norlli on tbe Prince Huperl today. TfiVy are i-elurnin from a irio lo life Old Country. , A Tea and shoWer of Fancy Work and Handkerchiefs in aid of tbe Hidley 'Home, HaiaitV will be held at irHtit- fMrs I' i2:i Foil Hit Avenue- 'AVesI no Tuesday, May 5,. 3 U 0 p.m 105 J. I.. Itlaiti, eontmetor, has laken over H. II. Sbeokley's stoeii f iliiuiile dresstNl lumber, susb and doors. Also tbe agency for I. Fyle Smith I. Id. hardwoods. For haudsawitig abd pianino, jobbing and repairing, plion Itlue 268. II Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mcl.eod and daugliler, Miss Sarah Mc-l.end relumed on tbe Prince ilu-peil Ibis morning from Vancouver where I hey attended the fun eral of the late Jefferson Mc l.eod, victim oT an Ocean Falls lugging aceideiil, which took ldue' on Tbnisday. TOO LAT TO CLASSIFY" SACHIFICi: SAI.i:.- Secure uir pamphlet on our Sacrifice Sale for two weeks. Furniture of every description must be sold to make room for our new stuck. Prince Itupei'l Kxehangc. LOST. Wednesday afternoon purse containing Post Olllce key, bus tickets and coins. Finder relurn lo Inlander. FOH SAI.i:. bouse. Phone FOH IIF..NT. -six rooms. As one of your daily dozen Large modern Itlack 515. I (Mi Furnished house, Phone 100. 1N.MOUNCEMENTS ' Hidley Home Sa)o. Thuisduy. .May 7. .Melrnpnle Hall. Moose Pie-uic .lime 2S. shine up with- ShoePolish nt1 epa you and you i fhoes fit i. C31 mm HEART TROUBLE SHORTNESS OF BREATH Mrs. Ci'O. i:. Iiuumaii, Mnri-isljiiiic, Out., wrllfn: -I nut wrltiiiK you a rcw line to l't you know of my esiK'rlenre wlili Mlluurn's Heart and Serve nil. Tw yean ago I became very poorly wlib my heart ard nerve and whe never I took the least 'Utile hit of excrrlje my iicrn-l would atari to jump and. flutter. I could not walk Ul-tilri without having to sit down and rent Iwfnre l wa half way up, on account of my breath lwi-iimiriK sg diort. I commenced taking MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS and In no lime I tell a frn-at Improve-mttit, and can now heartily recommend them to all llio-e who are troubled with any affection or the heart." II. ti S. I'lIU arc for sale at all drug and fruieral Hores; put up only by The T ill I burn Limited. Toronto. Out. Harry Kvans -'returned on the I'rincess ueairice tins inornin? from a Irin lo lert Hay. Two new cars at your service day and nlybt. Moderate clianrc.s Pliono Ited 401, C. V. Symes. tf .Mrs. Joluf.' iMiinson is sailinp on the Prhic"o Huperl .Monday morning for , Vancouver on a vacation trip. II. It. V. McIouaII, maiia(.'er of flu. Terminus. Mine, Slewarl. is a passenger Xound norlli from Vancouver on Uje Prince Huperl today. . . v J. Frank Hleiue, mauaj-'er of I be I., it L. mliie, Slewarl, is a passenger proltig tliriiugb' on tbe prince Huperl today bound norlli from Vancouver. Major C. It. .Vorlb. engineer of tbe H.C. Silver mine, is a pas senger going (brotigb on Mitt Prince Huperl today bound from Vancouver lo Slewarl. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Orch ard, who have been spending a month's vacntioiiliit Vancouver, returned lo the. city on the Prin cess Healricu bjx morning. All I.oyal Moose and Women of Mooseliearl iJmion will meet at Melropole If oil, tomorrow Sunday. May 3 at If-' p.m. sharp lo attend Cburclt servico, itj Piesby- lerian churcji. .;' t 1 Miss Violet CaVficYon of I bo Oi.ll. city tickei pllice returned to the city on the Prince Huperl this morning from a iiuiullt' Holiday (rip which look her as ar south as I.os Angeles. .1. Woslenbolme of the C..N.H. yard stair, who has been on. an extended holiday trip lo Chicago, Montreal and other eastern cities, returned to the city on tin Prince Huperl Ibis morning. At It o'clock last nir-'bl tin fire department had a call lo the Prince Huperl Cigar Store whero ackiug around furnace pipes had caught afire. Though there a was some excitement, 'damage amounted lo little or nothing. Karl Ilarrie, is sailing by the prince Huperl Monday morning for the south. He will allenil the Sunday School convention and disrict meeting of the, Mclhod-isl Church in Vancouver! next week and tbe annual conference in Victoria the week following. C,P.H. sleanier Princess Ileal-rice, Capl. Thomas CJitr, arrived from the south this morning at 1 1 o'clock. The vessel Ims another 125 inns of .cement fin Albert & MCalTery am)' also (50 tons or general cargo, She will gel away oil her return south about I o'clock this' aficrnoon. , There were a numliet' of raffles in the course of lhf evening, al the fiyro HoediRvn last nighl. the first prize, a crate Sf"! thick ens. being won by Murdoch Mc-Lcod. Jaek Ilarnsley and Capl. Pete Horvik and I heir lady pai l -tiers were tied in thu.iirizc fox trot contest. Kacli received handsome and well filled ice cream cones. 1 II. F. Ahvand of Ottawa, counsel for Ihu department of railways and canals, and Krnesl H. Williams of Ottawa, counsel for jibe Canadian Pacific Hailway steamship department, are visiting the. city today in U10 course 'of a lour of the west; 't'hey arrived frd'in Vancouver' on tho ,1'rinco Huperl Ibis iijorning and will proceed Kasf from bore. r I I Stop those Roof Leaks Here arc two Barrett Specialties that Church Notices j First Presbyterian Church Minister, Hev. Dr. II. H. (Irani. Morning Service 1 1 a.m. Subject "Sinning on the Up ward grade." Solo uMiss X Johnstone! Male (Juarleltc .... Messrs. Camp-, bell, Davey, Wakefield & Jack-; Son. Organist - J. K. Davey, Sunday School at I -..'JO. livening Service 7.30 Subject "An address to the Loyal Order of Moose." Solo - -.1. L. Davey Organist - Mrs. Harlow. Annual Church Parade of the Loyal Order of Moose. Salvation Army The Army of Service. Satur day al H.15. Free and easy. Sun- . . . 1 day at II a.m. Holiness. Subject, " The Overruling Providence j of Cod." Sunday school al 2.30. 7.30 'p.m. Hed hot Salvation meeting. Tuesday atid Friday at 7.30. Scouts and Ouards. Public Hirelings Wednesday and Thursday. A warm welcome awaits you. Methodist Church The church of service. Hev. Oco. O.j Hacker, pastor. Miss Isabel Haddock, deaconess. Morning service al 1 1 a.m. Sermon topic "Love Never Failclh" speaker Hev. Hacker. Sunday school at 2.30 p.m. Kvening service 7.30.' The annual reports of all departments will be sub- milled at this service. An im portant announcement will be made. He sure and be on hand. Lutheran Church j SI. Paul's F.uglish Lutheran Church. Melropole Hall. Thirdl venue. Hev. P. F.. llaislcr, U.D.. pastor. Sunday services. 1 1 a.m. subject: "The Christians I among the people of the World." Sunday school al It! noon, l.ul Iter League al 0.30. Leader In-gred Isaacson. Kvening service al 7.30. Subject: "The Marriage of I lie King's Soil" Soloist, Alex Clapper! 011. Baptist Church Morning service at 11. Subject: "The Voice of Cod in Man." Hible school at 12.15. Kvening worshifi al 7.30. Subject: "The Need of Vision." These are the el vices that will interest .you. We cordially invite you audyourj friends lo I hem. The Hoard of Trade lias received a communicalfoii from Slewarl asking the co-operation of the local board in trying lo secure cheap rates for an excursion lo that town from Prince Huperl on May Ui. The mailer will he attended u by the cout-millee having to do with' BABY'S VII il SOAP I 1 EnjoyeJ ij fb gmro-lions V CanaJitnx. Will give many more years of life to old roofs. Barrett Liquid Elastigum, a compound of heavy, water proofing material and asbestos fibres, makes the old roof lastf' ingly storm-proof, Barrett Plastic Elastieutn, the "waterproof cement of. a hundred uses," stops roof-leaks repairs flashings, gutters etc. and sticks tenaciously to any surface. V ELASTIGl ELASHGUMS1 From long experience, we unhesitatingly recommend these two Barrett Products. Both come ready for use. Low in cost, they save you expensive roof-repairs later on. If it's a question of roofs or roof-repairs, see us. . S. Et PARKER, LTD., Jobbers. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Sale by all Hardware and Paint Dealers. FOR SALE J I Halibut Gear BEaHMHBIHBHMHHK $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. s MONTH END SPECIAL! immons Mattress guaranteed 4 ft. 6 in. $11.40 Formerly sold at $ir.o) As flic last day of the mouth falls holiday, this offer will continue until .May 2nd. 011 a Thursday half to p.m. .Saturday, BARRIE'S Home. Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street Phone 123 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al kinds df MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 1 LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizrell Hulctier Shop, across from the Kmprcss lintel We carry a full line of ,; CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITSCANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION : James Zarelll Proprietor