n r l i In , iioM. II ALU' X. Miiv 2. Imvc lives were lute mi Tliurxl.iy :v when Hit' .oYu .Scotia Uirce-maslcd schooner, Cape w!i, -ii wjs huvc In off Cape Lallnvrc, laden willi sill, was I piled Stales Shipping Hoard steamer Clackamas, ;i in it s J willi n cargo of coal. T i ( i'f Ihir did ii ii"c dive In k Indium when she wu-ig willi lire Mir entire crew save one man. Captain V i.l'.'il fel':lMlfll virii wii liiif mil ti 1 1 1- .....-.... I 1..- II... 11 A . -. - . ... ....... , . riin.'i i iiviiiii II.- Ill vii in till "'H'Uh ui alioi-(, nii. Mi I ; ickaiiia-. Iml tlit Captain's wife perished. RESOLUTION ON U.S. BOUNDARY Commons Adopts It and it Read to Senate: Small Changes Made lie Stales if ' i s of laml. 11 Killed I I.M.I., m..i.. an ad- FATAL AFFRAY SEATTLE HOTEL TufA llll. . " " nillCrl artrl A - - II.. ... unu r avail y ounacd Allegedly In Seir Dcfonse, , s" V I I I 1 May 2.--Two per ' i 'ib'd ami a lliinl. is 111 Im.spiial as a res nil !"S nITrny in a hotel IS .-hi. Miss Nora Hey-,,l l an ilaidenllfie'.l 'matt falally vsoiimle.l. 1111 Miiim,s ,. ,,,,,.,, ,y wiii'i "if "llHl,!, HHIIIh v,m,s .,r age, who II Is " seii-iieieiise ""inuii am wo nien 1 1,1 hold him tip lu his ASHORE OFF HALIFAX .!!!!" AX s. win, -ei ai or ""Mill,,.,.;, )f , 1 1,, ....... , ,( Ihe lliree men, nil i' crew of liu, Xnr r .mo ileu-niti-i win- r.(T ... m "llt'll 11,1. VIW-I.I Will. I . '" " ,Jiiy . """f'lx Harbor ycsler- ! , 'iiree iii'iti, i. . , Me ship. - llll.'ll IlL'll HIIIIIII- Nv.nJ . Jnck Wyono jut ' .,," S0,ll' .! Monday YM - "Xiomleil h.,lf,ay in "Uttieni cllk'S. ' Is . , i AW V 51 ay . - A resulu-w Uir treiily between In Initial Stale -, i ii 1 1 her ileuiurka-rtialinnal bound-in- House oT Cum-'y afternoon ami In- Senate. Kn in iittiodiiciiiK i! slated 1 1 i a 1 1 In vi signed at AVashing-1- ii nary ami awaited l iurliaiiu'iil. II" unladed urrnnige-r 'lie maintenance of marking tin Alaska- bnmtdary ami defining j: ; u i vvaler urea in the Ii Wood, hitherto un-"ud sirnluhtctijng a '" 'he boundary line in Uoeky Mountains CANADIAN WINNER COMING ON MONDAY Tin' C.O.M.M. Steamship Canadian Win hit, is expected here mi Monday In imiIi'i dry dock for iiM'rliaiil, il wiii aniinuiic 'd this nioriiiiiy. , This vwticl i similar In mzi' to I ho Canadian SiTiillisli. wliifh wan built hi'rr. Shi1 is oni.' oT 1 1 1 hoals iilyiny l I hi' Orient ami l Allunlii- poi'ts. HALIBUT ARRIVALS LIGHT TODAY BUT PRICES IMPROVED lows: -. Nearly Fourteen Conts Paid for Two Small Canadian Catches Halibut arrivals were still liplil Ibis inorliiitp ami heller prices were paid lliaii Ihuse prevailing yesterday, Canadiati bonis vei ling: he best of I lie bidding. 'our American boats sold 72,500 pouiils ami Iwo Uatiadiatis, (i.OlHi piiumls. Arrivals, and sales were as rot- American Polaris, 27,0011 pounds, al 11.1c ami c. lo Ihe Pacific l tsli. rie... Alaska. 20,000 pounds, al 120 ami le, lo Ihe Alliif l lslieries. Kidsvold. 1 1,000 pmimls. al l:lTe ami :e. lo Hie Canuuiau l-isli iV Cold Storage l.o. .' Vellson. ll.r00 pounds, al la.He ami lc, lo the nooiii i imi erirs Caitadiaii Co. Canadian 1 n i rmi.'l ti. :i.rni iioumls, al l-ish iV I'lihl SliifiiKi; AGREEMENT REACHED i I.-I..I. Cl.He ami .if, lo inn imj-ai nui I'.n 1 Tillie S., II.OOO pouints, ai III.'.ii: ami I" Hatiailian FISHING INDUSTRY ALASKA FOR SEASON Lnhomra at Cannorlos to $260 for Season Beginning on May 7 POUTI.AM), May 2. The association or ltiHfir risherlcs and ugenls emi.loying Chlncsn labor ycslenlay iraehed a worklw agreement covering Ihe Alaska i .. . I nnttnlnir 111. Kit IIIOII IISIIIIIK "ou w" " ; iltislry.. Hy Mm Htovs $250 May of Iho i agreement laborers arc loue pant Hir llti! season uegiiiuuie ami emlliig AuguM 20. il hunker.' at I'rinci! lliiner! In aeruiiiiiiiMJali' I lie prnducl of N'nrlheni Alherla coal fields, has been fiirwanleil In (he l't'ileral aiilhorilies by Kilsoit coal jiro-iliic.ers ami a fupy has hei'ii nk- -reived hy Hie Kdiuoiilon Hoard of Trade, whose siiiiimh'I I'm - pressing Ihe rase al Ottawa has' been riMiiL'seil. In Ihe leller jeeeived by IJje loeal orvanualion ycslenlay. il is poiuled out Dial elTorls are beinj: made to secure i market in I'rinee Huperl for Alherla roal. II is believed by l-Msou eoal men thai Ihe purl is deliiicd lu be-eome one of the largest shipping eenlres im the I'arifii' Coiist ami I luil il is a logical murkel for Alberta coal. A ixipnlaliun cf iiiboul IK.OUO eiuilil be serveil, il is entile uilcd, in adililion lo coal ing I lie numerous slijjts, w hich carry away Alberta yfjiiii and ' ' catlle. j j Il is furtlil'rlaimeiMTial the dcvelpiuiient oTv Hie JNJsun field wohld ereale biisinesi for Kd- iiidiiIoii, and if Ihe I'm ee Huperl market is nol exploited in Ihe near Till lire, Americans an; likely In step in, as I hey have a I it inly done in Ihe I'asl, ami supply eoal from Ihe Alaska mines. The" pel il ion lo Ottawa requests thai consideration be Kiveii to Ihe early erection of hunkers al Prince Huperl, -so I bat they may be provided simultaneously wilh Ihe provision for ji-rain shipments. TIMBER CUT IS ON INCREASE Amount so Far Scaled In Dis-' trlct This Year Thirteen Million Feet The loa sealing records for Ihe iiioulb of April atnoituting lo ;i,:)('ili,Kr'.' luiard reel, adiled lo Ihe sealing for Ihe previous months brings Ihe lotal so far Ibis year lo i:i,ohi;,3I5 reel for Ihe Prince Huperl district. The April eut s made up as roiiows: Douglas iTr ... . Ilcil Cedar ...... Cons) Spruce lleiuloek ... .... Italsam .lackpiue Cypress ... ... Interior Spruce . . Colloiivvood . . . . In addition lo Ihe limber meas PRINCESS ILL 2.K58 27r.,rilll I,m,0o2 1,0 1 0,0 17 270,010 5ri,7tr 7,012 ured by board feel, there was pi ii n I deal oT .smaller timber cut lor poles or piles or lies that was measured in lineal feel cords, or individual slicks. These were as follows: Poles 'lineal feel) .... 217,1170 Get Hemlock Piles " ... .1 JH Cedar Piles " .... c.7,:nr Hemlock Ties .. .. .. B,IH I Phie Ties KH,)I7 r'ciie-c Posls feords) ,. 2110 LONDON. May 2. Princess lloyal Louise, sister of King Ceorne. ycslenlay suffered igas trie hemorrliage. AdvcrUsc in Ihe. Dally News. Tlic remarkable achievement of .Miss Mabel (ireen, lilmil lpisl of London, lies bih iit' Uie publication of u book re-leiilly. Ihe enlire mauiiM-rid of Which, exlcuiliiif,' lo K-00U wuriU, slit- look down in Braille shorthand ami fniill-lessly Iraiiscrilieil Joseph Beland 108 Years of Age Says Work is the Panacea for all Men's Ills OTTAWA, May 2 That work is the panacea for all physical ills is the opinion of Joseph Beland, a centenarian of Calumet Island near here. At any rate that is what he considers has kept him well and enabled him to live so long. He celebrates his 108th birthday tomorrow and says he Inlands to cut the usual quantity of wood. Mr. Beland has six children, 40 grandchildren and 125 great grandchildren. Lady was Killed at Vancouver When Automobile Skidded and ' Struck Light Standard Main St. VAXCOUVKIl, May 2. Miss Kileeen McMillan, iin .em ployee ur llie Canadian Pacific Itailway, was ralally injtire.il lust night when llie ear in which shu was a passenger skidded on the wel pavemeiil' on Main Slrcel and ended up on llu; oilier side uf the si root where il struck a light standard. .So great was llie imparl that Miss McMillan was llirnwti from lite car a dis- lance uT nearly 2. feel, rraclureil tier skill! anil siniereii internal injuries, as a restill of 'which she died soon alter she was taken lo the hospital. Till' driver of Ihe car. James Sandy, escaped uninjured ami was laler taken into custody and charged wilh driving lo the com mon danger. AIRPLANE PLUNGED . 800 FEET TO GROUND itOSTON, May 2,- Two occu pants oT the .National Ouard plane are believed lo have been killed Ibis morning when Iho machine plunged 800 feet lo tho ground. DAILY TRAIN SERVICE Nevl Monday Hie daily I rain service on Hie Canadian National Itailway in and mil oT Prince Huperl will commence. A train will arrive mt Monday hioruiug al 7 o'clock under, the present schedule and Ihe. next I rain will be under the nevv .schedule arriving al :l.:i0 Wednesday al'lcr-liooii. The first jlcnslbotimr daily Iralii will leaviv.here,, at 11.30 Monday morning." There will be no train in imiluvsuny and no train out on Sundays. MAY DAY QUIET IN ALL EUROPE Is Loslnq Its Reputation For Disorderly Demonstrations of Worklngmcn --- LONDON, May 2. May Day appears lo be losing ils bnclime importance ;(s a labor festival, at least ils reputation Tor dis orderly denionslrat ions liy, Ihe working class Is pnssiijg. Ad vices from all llie grcar capitals of Kurope lire to the offeel thai .,v IImv m:ii.,I Mllii'lK- Mini al ..... ...j ... , niosl. entirely willioiit disorders allhough everv where deiponslra Hons of more oa bvss inipui lance were held, some' or an imposing character. BANK MANAGER LEAVING II. SI. fi. Lee, manager or Ihe Hank or Montreal lias: been transferred to Calgary where ho will be assistant manager D, G jPaterson of Calgary cotile icrr -r.y O ft TAXI BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Servico f.oor for hire. Suitable' Tor vtlm. dances, banquets and wedding H Ave. parlies. Slam, PRINCE RUPERT . For rat8, apply lo Hostoti . Orill, Tblrd Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV., XO. fo. IMIIXCK ltll'LItT, ifcu, SATL KDAY, MAY 2, 11125. Vtttirday'i Circulation 1875 Strttt 8lM 61 6 PRICK FIVK CENTS. " N. S. SCHOONER NOSf DIVED WHEN STRUCK FINAL PREPARATIONS MADE FOR Nova Scotia Schooner Rammed by Clackamas Nose Dived to Bottom COAL BUNKERS PRINCE RUPERT Edson Petitions Federal Authorities Asking That They be ( Built Here' I -" ' kdmoxtox. iiiv ". a Ullnf Crew hut one Man' Went Diwi wUh Wli"n w"r "" "r . . w . I ci but Captain and Several Sailors Saved BRINGING CHURCH UNION INTO EFFECT Final Church Meetings Before Union in Effect Hacker to Remain Here The coming few weeks will maik important changes taking p ace in coiinci lion wilh Hie churches of Ihe coiiiiUv. Thw L nion of Ihe .Melliodisl, Congregational amj a large pari of Ihe I I'lC.sliyleriuu chnri'li lakes place on .lime III ami in llie meantime Ihe church meetings are lo be behl lo make final iinajigf-ments for Ihe change. Hev. (I. (1. Hacker leaves Monday morning fur .Vancouver lo allentl the Sunday .School meeting and district meeting lo be ; followed by Ihe H.C Uonferriice which Will be held Hie Tullow- i nitf wei'h. He will he away about, a rorlinuhl. I I There is no delegate going ' from here to the l,rebylerian! Synoii meeting, which lakes place! during Hie coming week, cuin- tneiicinj.' Tuesday nwhl. Itcv. lr. (Irani, hope's however, to bel able lo attend the general eon-fcrciiec in Toronto on June 3. Al Ihe Synod meeting this week it is very probable a new siioi will lie rormeil by repre sentatives of the non-concurring I'onvregatiuns of which there are union in ltlilivl, l',,l,n,,l,ii, W.m-I Weslniinsti'r went solidly againu union wilh four congregation's'.' "I CHANGING TO . OIL BURNERS l lie launching lauiictitllg or llie newi I he chaiizu is lieinsr ni!iil.in rtie church is' a great ineiil. in church history. mil affect Hie local situation Now Combustion System at By. Products Plant Interesting . Experiments Going on The combustion system at Ihe llupert Murine Products plant at fucks Inlet is being converted run coal burning to oil burn-jug, the .new machinery having arrived here during the week. move- interests oM-TflrWcy (iupera-It will lion. This is only one of several is : improvements thai are being Hie Presbyterian Church here re-1 made to (be plant Ibis year. mains out or llie I niiu ami there (i. ;. Hiishhy, head of the is no Congregational Church.! concern, stated Ibis morning. that The Melliodisl Church will be: interesting experiments with a Ihe only one upholding the ban- view to widening the scope of Iho ncr or unionism iionism here. nere. ! I plant plants . production production are are now now bcin: being llev. (5. . Hie loeal 0. Hacker, pastor orjearried out. One -product that is Methodist Clitirch. has being worked on is the recovery J ic(cepteii a request to icinjiin f oarl from salmon ami her-' here for another two years, al- ring scale and halibut by U Ho-s lliocigli he has been invited to go talion process.. The concern is I,. T III. .... I ..I . . . ' . . . I iii i.,iiijsiiiiiii mm uiso 10 -wceuniftiso working on a new rails, ills remaining is or course. mnieiMilr.ile. 'tin. ubjccl lo llie approval of laliouing committee. ELEVATOR OFFICIALS ON INSPECTION TRIP C. D. Howe of Port Arthur and J. M. Mercer of Vancouver Arrived In City this. Morning C D. Howe, head of Ihe Vorl, Arthur elevator designing linn bearing bis name, and .1. M. Mer er, eeoiid-vice president and ouslrucliop manager of llie Northern Construction Co., ar rived in llie city fronr Vancou ver on Hie. Prince Huperl this morning. They are paying a isil oT inspection to the eleva tor foundation work here on which good progress Is now be ing made. STOCK MARKET H.C. Silver .. ranby Surf Inlet .. Dunwell Premier Daly-Alaska L. K I Hayview Indian (llacier Selkirk Hid. . I,.:i8 HUM! .05 . :,73 2.:i2 .18 ' .20 .10 .011 Vt .2 Hi .03. RUGBY LEAGUE CUP protein latter would? be. involve considerable extension los Asked 1.15 .00 uo 2.10 .25 .Ut .10 Vi .27 .05 V NORTH OF ENGLAND HOCIIDALH, May 2. Hull Kingston won the Noiiherti Union rugby league cup today defeating Swindon by a score of 9 'points to 5 in the final com pqtltion. " the plant, so it is being very carefully gone inlo before uity-a tiling of a definite natum with regard to il is decided upon. z ELEVATOR WORK ATTRACTS BIDS Five Large Concerns Known to be Tendering Montreal. Engineer n City Today II is known thai al least live-large coiil ranting concerns will lender for the construction ofi the clevalor superstructure here They are the Northern Construc tion Co. oT Vancouver; Carler- ll.ill Co. or Winnipeg; Harnetl-McQuecii Conslruclion Co. of Fori William; Cape iv Co. of Montreal.' and llie Pacific, Con slruclion fio. otiyancjivpr. c. o. iJoutton, engineer rot-Cape A Co. ol 'Montreal, arrived in the city on yesterday's aHer-noou truth lo 'jook uver the ground vviili a vitjw l,o luAing bis Hrni submit a letfder. I he bids are III be In the hands of Hie Deiiarlitient of Trade & Commerce al OHuvva by May IH, ami il is cxpeclol Ihere will b little delay liiiwai'iiiug Ihe coti-Iract as Hid foundation work will soon bii riiilslied'by llie Nor thern. Construe! Ion Co. CRE0L10N WINNER OF VICTORIA CUP LONDON. May 2 Creolioit won Ihe $2,000 Victoria Cup handicap run at llursl Park today. Purple Shade came second and Curuvel tlilrd. Thirteen '',-. Iiorno run. 1