I AE SIX A COMPLETE NEW STOCK NOVELTY EARRINGS, BEADS, BRACELETS And tho Latest Pins lor Spring and Summer Wear at attractive pricey. SAVE YOUR EYES Our5 Optician Iiatf had over 25 years experience testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Tom Thumb Umbrellas In all the new shades from $5.50 $11.50 Jemers "House of Quality." P.O. Box 327. Phone 27 For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE Experienced in Ladies' and (icnllcinen's tailoring. 1'i ices reasonable and a big slock of English, Scottish and Irish Tweeds and Woollen (Joods available to select from! Quality and fit guaranteed. Mail orders ghen prompt alien! ion. ALSO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING P.O. Box 977. Phone 663 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert - - B.C. A Modern Dental Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 TIRES Prices are again reduced. It no longer pays you to repair old tires. BUY A NEW ONE. We have lliem in 303Vj size fro in $8.00 to, $15.00. S. E. PARKER Ltd. Ford Dealers Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 THE DAILY NEWS SaMirdar. Ma, llMPROVEMETS MADE CROSS WORD PUZZLE PARK AVENUE TRAPS I 5 3 1 4 7 HF F 9 1 10 III Seats Shoot and Walk Was Evening are Held Installed Last 12 iBfTBf We 'Raise' Onr Competitors 25c Cotisideralde improvement have been made at the l'rince Huperl (iun Club's Irapsliooting rango on Park Avenue. These include the nultiiiiT in of seals and a ,valk leading to Hie lraphou.se. Last night there was a shout, 'scores being as follows: j Dr. L. S. Tail 18 J C. V. Kirkendal li j J. W. Seoll IG .1. 1'. Hitchie. jr i t J. A. llryant 13 PRINCE GEORGE liolh Hie city council and Hie police commission at meelinigs this week considered Hie pro posal of Mayor Ahvard lo have the lu-ovinelal police lake over the policing of Ihe cily. Wliili. no definite decision has yet been reached by Ihe council, members in the discussion seemed lo view the matter with suspicion. As far as the police conilnissiun is concerned, Mayor Ahvard and Coiiunisioncr It. W. McLcod are in ravor or Uie ciiange winie Commissioner J. I). cLeod is opposed to, it. The government's oTfer is it, police the cily for 1,7000 per year wliich'is about Ihe same as the cost under Ihe present system though, this years csiiinalc considerably ex ceeds that. A I in fere of the Order of Ihe Eastern Sar has been organized here. Mrs.' Herb v l'orter is worthy . matron and Mrs. A. I'latcn, secretary. Joe Keenan's ranch 'house and. barn at Ncwlands were destroyed by fire last Sunday. The loss is estimated at .5,nuo, partly covered by insurance. The I l.C. Dam, owned by Dom- inick Killoran and leased by F. .1. Johnson, was destroyed ly fire last Wednesday afternoon. CREDITORS' MEETING A Mcitimf or thi- rreditiir if W. T. Mil- i railed Tor Tup-Mlay, Hip :lli f Miy. li. il Hie urrifv of Wi V. Smith llliMk. ill 8 I'.in.. In ill-rii-. wys nod. iiio.iih fur the paymi'iii or ihcl aconinii. Tlic rrfllloP! an- -c(iielci lit wnil In llirlr arroiml lo II. V i. I.e Pini of Hie III Hay I.iiiiiIht Cut.. I'rlli'-i ltiiH-M. n. f:.. n or brfore Monday Hie r. I ti rtay of May, USi. w. k. nsiiKii. H'O Siillcltor. Kimona Silks To see theni will lie lo de-fire a Kimona length of these gorgeously heaulihil hrocaded Salin-de-Chines for hest or every day wear. 36 inehe. Specially priced per yard $2.25 West of England Store Phone 753. I 111 111 ill lii TENNIS i W have a complete line of Teiiuif (iooils. and il is all new.H)25 nlock. sykes or Itussey llack-els, $3.50 to $30.03 Presses $1.25 Cox ers , . , . . . $2.00 Itiiliber !rips . . . 25c iul lleviver . . . . 65c Sun Visors .... $1.00 lleach Halls . . '. . 50c rMazenvertf ...... 65c Imtiruvcd Hli'niul All Steel Itaekct, 13. 13jV li oz. priced at .. .. .. $14.50 1'oslage paid on all out of town orders. Kaien Hardware Co. II I I VU i 19 20 'TBlii 22 Hf?Hp? l2BB26 Mm pi Thf 3s wkm" mHI BHp V? 4JBB9 50 31 fas Horizontal To fine ( Chief officer of a prison 12 Mournful sounds I A jewelled head dress 15 Chest . f3 Canadian province (ab.) 8 Food restrictions 111 Employ .Ml lu the future M Science (ah.) Point of compass M A color' .'ft Toward '7 The sheltered side ."J A club I To depart A light boat ii J'arl or Ihe verb "to be" G Perform 8 Officer comifiandhwr (ab.) (J A number Company (ab.) :i A short sleep , j The pyinl on wh'icii syine.- tiling, revolves 'Mi Male sheep (singular) W To leave out if Ensnare .(l A master stroke 1 To pay back .1 Hesitation i 'the European nude rat 5 A written challenge, I wan partially covered by uranee. Ail (iagne, who played Hi is vinler wilh the Jlegina leaiu in he W'eslrrn Canada Hookey League, has returned here to spend the summer. ONLY THEN. 'Hoes you wife gel angry oil don't talk lo lieV?" "Mali alive, no! Only if Ion'! lisien." Adprtie in Hip Oailv pw IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. 'il Hip Matlrr or Hie "Umniiaiilrs' Act, J9I1": anrt in the Mailer r in Aii)llratlnn liy tlif Hoilior dp li'iule Cip-r Company to Un rrUrm in llii" llrrl'tcr DBtler Si'i'iiun ln or tlir oild Art. T.UK MiTICK lint an art'H'ntl"" will I tnadp to the I'rrsldlnir Judiri In iJiamlHTH at the Court I ll(iiir, lrlnrt Itiipert, II. i:., mi TnfHdajr I If IMh day r vpril, A.n. 1015. al Un hour or tu.sn o'rluik III Hie romioixi or mi sihhi tlii re-urti-r at the iik.IIoii may be lii-ard on Ik-half or the abovi iniTnloiied C(.iiiiany fur an order that the Raid Company tie te- Uiml to the refUler ofjutnt tilix'k Omi- iaille. AMI TAk'F MtTICE that In miiKirl of -aid .iHdlratloii w III U. end the I'etltluii t the i:oiii.hiiv tattiei herein and the. arridavlt or l.eH W. f'atinore Kworil on the notli day or Mar.li, A.li. Ii, and riled herein. liATKti at Crliiee lliil'.l. B.C.. this 30lli day id Marrli, A.I). IW?i. W. O. l lll.TOX Solictior for the I'rtiiioner "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Print Ruptrt Electoral Dlatrlct. Mackcnile Electoral Dlatrlct. M'lli i; Is hereliv itlven that I hall. n Moti. lay. the Mil day of May. IDiV ai me. leiiir or IU o rltii-K in llio rmeimiii. at the Court lloiife, I'rlnie liurs'it, hold a miiinir or i ne court or iievinimi mr on' hhhih i,r ii'tlnif the IIkM or Volerit for the said Kleelorul lilnlrieta, and or hearing and deterniliiinir any and all 'ohjeellon to ihe retention or any name on the al1 ll-U, or to the rrrlittralion a a voter or any applicant for reirlntratlon; and for the otiier purHiKea h-i rortli tn Urn "I'm vliielal HitIIoih Ait." Haled at prime llnpcit, U.C., this Mil nay or April. ivr&. INHUMAN A. WATT. tlevlktrur or Volem for the I'rlnee lliiM-rt and Mackenzie r.h-iloial LAND ACT iiiirirm. In I'rlnee lliipert Laud Mslrlrl; District or l'rince ltiiieri. TAWE MlTICKThat ITTlerlll bei llrlsay of Vancouver. U.C.. oerupallon salmon broker. Intends tn apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Coiiiiiieiieluir at a post planted mile r.MMN in mi. gnuincasi corner 01 1.01 ovuv mine creek, nature I. Coast Iiistrlct thence tiotih in chains; thence Weil SO chains; thence smith to ihore line In in easiei-iy nirecllon to no Int or torn inenreuieiiii tontaitiliik 4u acre, more or lesa. MEIlILL I)E rthlSAY, Annllrant. Rdwln Elrny Utrnum, Atent utKM i pi u 4ru, iwa. Vertical 1 Waylay 'I A small rodent 3 Comfort S Itoyal Xavy lranptri (alt.) r Civil service ,ab. j 7 A preposition f -v' 8 Clear or ... It A raised platform til To build 1 1 A race or tribe l.'l To go in ' s , Hi Used for propellinglioal- 17 Itoy'.s iiaunt. (ab. ' V ,: .'.'! To gain knowledge ." -'."i A large slock farm 27 Meadow '.'8 Closing pari of day -". The bleat of a sheep .'10 Small child y.'l Oivers , .'15 Control rod .'17 To force .'l'. An Asiatic animal ill A white metallic. -element 11 A negation V Iteasou ' ii A lube iC I'ul to flight i8-A faucet Till A vehicle v 52 You 53 A parent (ab.) i. 1 ' LOCAL NEWS NOTES Hole) at llaysport. Miss .Mary (larier, who has I....... ...... a:.... .. i...i:.i.. ;.. '.... I wi i- ii lining i ill.; ly ill viii couvcr and Victoria. r turued fo the cily on the Prince Huperl this morning. Uishop A. t'. HePencier of Viincouver lian leen elecled president of Ihe Anglican Theological College of Itrilish Columlila and chairman of the hoard ii if , succession lo Ihe lale Archh'M-ihop K. II. Iu Vernet of Prineo rilujiert. Duncan McLean, well known old timer, is .sailing this afternoon on the Princess Heal rice for Vuncnuu-r enroule lo .Mont Itural Iean T. .1. Marsh of J'ernice arrived in the cily on yesterday afti riionn'is I rain. U will . relieve lomorrow al SI. An- Irew's Anglican Church in plaeo of Archdeacon (i. A. Hix who i.s in VancoiiM'i all I'liiltitx Iheiueel- in? of the Anglican Tlieoloieiil College. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, Division I. Aslou Villa 2. Nolls l oiesi n. Ilury 2, Arsenal 0. Cardiff City (I. Pirslon N. K. 0. Kverlou I, hewds United 0. lludilcrfieJd I, ijlvrrpool 1. Manchester Cily Vr Tolleuliaiii 0 Nolls County o, lliriniiifiliani 1. Sunderland I. Iluriiley I. West Uroinwich il, llollon 0. MAGISTRATE RESIGNS VIC'I'oniA.HMay 2. The re- siiiallon of Mackenzie Mcl.cui, Miietif Irate for 'Prince (ieoiKn ami Ihe Cariboo dislricl, was aii-iiouuceil yrslerday. OUTCLASSED. "Nobody ifeaws a gun in Crimson tSulch these days.'' "We're lamed, " aiiswefcd Cactus Joe. "The lllvvers are work- in' heart for adiiin' to the ilumnpn." - WashinBlon Star. NOW TAKE THE LEAD My cullinp our price mi NANOOSE WELLINGTON COAT $1.25 " a t0 mil ndverliscd tins coal before bemuse we could dv iv- m'I! . 1, from I lie mines. II is iili-oluteh' (he fine-t Iikum 1 1 r l 1 , ,.,! U)ll, ,. ,,. . ' It is Guaranteed to be LESS SOOTY, LIGHTS QUICKER, BURNS aq i. GIVES GREATER HEAT. L0NG. Highest Grade Vancouver Island Coal NOW SELLING FOR FOR LESS THAN ALBERTA COAL hlock up winie . mis oppiiriunilv lus. iiur ton i'-ii-m- ,,, () Double Screened Lump, a sacked and delivered, per ton tl) i. 2T, ) Double Screened Lump, (3? 1 O O loose, delivered, per ton - -DXo.O Telephone 130 MANY INDUSTRIES FLOURISHING HERE Industry in I'cinee Huperl is on the np-rade mire again. I lie oliiine nf loisiiiess l grm or; lay hy day. !eueral falisfae-' tion is Tell all round. ! Among the progressive industries of Prince Huperl is lo lie niiuiliered the hakiug industry, whirli is increasing wilh every seson. The housewife is more anil more relying on (lie baker for her- supply of lireml and eakes. i he "good iualily" pro-diiels of the i;ieclrie Window a lluti'i'ii1'! L-ii' salisfaelioii lo a!( m i j . w a ' lOi ii. puiHiiii i.iti mi' il-i .'j'...- ....ii pi in uiiii'il service on the l-'raser la heer license for Ihe llaysport liver between hero and (Juesnel. t will make trip? semi-weekly, iepailiire from Prince (ieorge icing on Saturdays and Wednesdays in the morning al 8.30.. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES , Saturday, May 2. High 8:l! a.m. I'l :'tH ji.iii. Low 2:51 a.m. 15:10 p.m. Sunday, May 3. ' High l :."- a.m. i 22:38 p.m. Low l:ii2 a.m. 10:13 p.m. Monday, May 4. . Iliijli K):iS a.m. 23:1 1 p.m. Low i:5.'l a.m. , I0:5'J p.m. 15.0 rt. I0.fi " u.o " 0.7 " to.2 a. 17.5 " 8.8 " 0.2 " 17.0 fl. 18.7 " 7.1 0.7 " NAVICABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, R.S.B C. 1806, CHAPTER 116. THOMAS TIlllTII II. of Ihe I 111 of I'rtiier luuvrl, In Ihe I'niVlnfe or llilllli ,. .1 ,,.. l, will I real w net on Aia ,1V lie e, -i, wiir,.0umjlai nmixv civks mum t mat he ""'" sei-ii'in ; i.r Hie eani Ait le-ix board Hie sleamer Metaama f(ir'l' .tin uic siiauuT .iiiaamj 101 imhlWlJ wl, , MilllMer r ii,nr works (ilasOW. . lie Will Visit his Old at Ottawa, and III the otflee or Urn !!. i.. t.'. it. .. I I inri itiaiiiar i nir i.aim nepo-iiji i'i" IIOIIIC- III M Ullallll. Ilrlrl or PHihh imorrl. at I'rlnie IiiiimtI. II.C. a deserlplloii of Ihe rile and plane r a vuiarr anil pier proiMiMsi 10 ne limn In tlie Prime liner! Ilarbur. Prime lliipert. II. C un all tlxeH- n.rllon of waterfront lilnek 0. plan ilia, erlh.n l. I'rlnee HtiisTt. I'rovlnee or llrilMli OiHiiii-tiia, of the appurtenant furelnHe and the water lot In frinit Ihtrenr. i-oiilalninit In all an area or I HO IOUtli aires, nw.ru or leu: AMI TAUK MITII.K llial arter Ihe ( Pica I ion of one month frojn I lie date of Ihe flit pulilieallon of tills FVotlee Thiiiiian Tnitler will under nertlon 7 or the ld Ae apply to the Minister or I'lihlli Work at his orri'c In the city or Ottawa. Tor approval or the said site and plans ami for leave In ronstrijit tin Mid uliaiT and pier. baled at I'rlnee llllpeil, Il.l .. Ililr V til day or April. iu;.v THOMAS Tiioriin. l Williams. Manson k Oontali') Ms Hiilimnrs CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL. TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-LONDON Alilouia Mat V, June lit. Jnlv h AiishiiIii May June 31. Any. I Ascauia June ii . Juh II. AirV. l: ' TO LIVERPOOL Auraiiln Ma X, 20. June l.aneasiila May ir. TO GLASGOW, l.ellll.i . . . May X Atlieiiia . . Mav ; ealurnlii .... May ir. June 1st. July lu FROM NEW YORK TO QUEEN 8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL ciiruiama .. May i suuiaiia .. May (i ciironm .. Mav i. I.aroula Mav 1.1 TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON llercnioirla May ft, K7. June 17 Mauretanla May lu. June !t. t Aiiillanla Mav (fl, June 0, July 1 TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW Tura,ula . . . May i Assyria . . . May 0 Columbia .. Mav 1ft Ciinieniiila . . Vav IS . TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-LONDON . Albania June la. Julv 1 I TO PLYMOUTH. CHtRBOURa-HAMBURa fast haven't no Andaula May June 7. Awr. 1 o thai WO . . . . . . p. ..."in,. miin" nun .ji.iin n i pmm ratea. Full inrorniailon frotn Agents or criuipany'a nrrirea. 9 llaf llnar t, W. Vuikouht, U.C. 'iL PHILPOTT, EVITf k CO., LTD. Railroad Avenue (between Dawsons Ltd. and Stewart and Mobleys). Telephone 648 or Prince Rupert Insurance Agencies Ltd. S. D. Johnston. and 617 Second Avenut. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 M Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. 1 GO aiim an Kniorv Jihii-oii t"',, ''n ! the forth a realistic record i ihe live- : IriaN, Hiejr lioies llieir love-., their trim' ; ficenl jiliiiln iliain;i tlial 1 1 1 1 1 I t in swill .succession .1 veritable parent "i cenic w SKK ! SKK' sSKK! The entire Pacific Fleet m full lioml. planes allarknig from Ihe 1I001N .Miff nul'in ilcei -Hit rolihery in Ihe post "Hu e tin i V by lightning, Uie noetic in the p.uimling -m Hie crijipled girl, Ihe Hiiinzing toiiltssion. 1' 1 into the sen, Hit? son dooiniMl lo the gnlW- JI flceliiif? .lentli. All Mtin mul much more mm k t'tl wilh 0110 fif the sweelesl oe slorie- 1 . .strouB cast Ralph Lewis, Johnnie Walker, Jaylw Marthi Graves, Dave Klrby, Virginia True uoaroman, Rippnor. rtnumirv Cooner. Joscohine Adair 1 1 . . j 1 1 . ullierM. . . . . , . a f Comedy "A Mandarin Mix-up PATHE REVIEW Admission 50c and 25c r Our "Nemolastik Reducing Girdle is liiud'c fnuii jmiic gum roliher c-p'''' etivcred tin Imlli siile- Willi luslroo- Mi GUARANTEED I Not In rip nr U'ar. 'l'o help iiinke I lie figure perniaiie iill -in lighter in wciglii. ONE OF ITS VIRTUES It ciin he washed Willi pure soap NEMO LAST IK BRASSIERES NEMOLAST IK GIRDLES S .K ; I I 7 $7.00 512.50 Jabour Bros. 11 7lh 7th Phone 645. 3rd Ave. St