THE KING'S MESSAGE 'By Hi rart of love tnd wtrfy, both hi friiet ' ,rar-jolra'ion IrMtf hat lecome honored and endeared to the hetrtt of the .Vafiowt of the IFerU. QEOltQE K. 1. j W the Wy tnd tlie aptrif for almost slxtv vears tlie KaWa- U Army kaa' been doing Ua KWieent .work with ever growing THE DAILY rTEWB page nvi GIFT YOUR Something New! MATTERS What will you give to the $100,000.00 Salvation Army (Diamond Jubilee Self Denial Fund? If you arc in sympathy with the work of the Salvaiiun Army and who today is not ? this Jubilee -Appeal is your opportunity to express it in the most practical form. The Army asks you this ' year whether you go to church or not to send a gift this week to , the Diamond Jubilee Self Denial 'Fund. TUe minimum to be raised is $100,000; a very much larger sum, as every one Knows, could ie mnf ustfulk employed. The Armv i rnnfidnt tii ; i"" - . j - ' . intti lit Western Canada, where its - - w aua atwuja IMhu- been reanably well supported, this appeal shall not be I in vain. WHAT THE ARMY IS DOING Tb obiect of the Salvation Army in Canada Weat, aa in all other rountriei of the world ii, and always In i bun, to aid in making it a lttr jountrr to live in. ThU can t aecomplitiied onlr by eliminating t dirtrm, vice and e rime. Every man ltd women transformed Into a ttw-ikiding elt-rwpertins citizen i an ,tmt toward tl nation' increased r production. TLU ia That the Salvation Army, in tuny countries ia doing day by lij, Frera the very drejra of humanity it ii THcreatinp men and worotn. 'Wherever there ia a broken, hope1ea man or woman, write Sir Rider Hifrd, quoted here in brief, irbfrTfr there ia an open offender, peraiatent drunkard or drug fiend, Ii t poor girl in trouble, a starving itoman a would-! suicide, an Ipioritt, nntaujrht, tortured child, a dmr of all i'.at is ill, a dweller in j the tit of despair, there, in peace ; or w, ahsnst from pole to pole, ia i the Sihition Army, to uplift, to suectM. Its fijrht ajralnst all tlie forces uf evil has never slackened. Its work has been in the open and a known to alf. It haa soujrht to resent tlie iwriahing, care for the dyii to lift up Hie fallen. It has done this from the beginning with inmiflieient money. The Salvation Army is joor. It lives literally from hand to mouth. If everilt needed money in Canada West, it needs it now. Its own people arc poor, but it asks them annually to exercise additional self denial and to give the money so saved to thia great cause. SELF DENIAL Self Denial Week In Canada Wert in 1925 begins .May 10. The effort extends, however, through must of the month. The seven davs commencing May 3, is a week of prayer, and the week commencing Hay 17 will be devoted to the effort of tlie young people. Friends everywhere are welcomed and invited to join and take part in thia Effort, to unite with Salvationists in the practice of apeclal sell denial at this time and to make a gift to tlie humanitarian work of the Army at home and abroad. MAY 4 TO 16. MISSING! FLAT WORK IRONING Not much left f washday when you use out" s0ft fi-Usti service. No tub 7 all tht cashing is don;. No clothesline everything comes Dack dry. And no fiat-work ironing that, too, is completely cared for. The hardest and longest part of washday is missing and this family service is so low priced that it's an economy as well as a convenience. Let us call this week and take away the part of washday that you'll be most happy to miss. Canadian Laundry and Dry Gleaners Send if Phone 8 a foihe 'Sundry : BKKai chief source of Prince Rupert'at prosperity ffliMi ........ i Sales Good Money Tight Tlx- waterfront retailors report iin increased volutin1 of sales over Ilic corresponding period last year but stale t Ii at money is lijrlil as a result nf Hie ennlin-tieil low prices of fish. Tlie local slii jtyarils continue busy ami liave sullicicnt work on hand to keep Uiein ftMiiployed Ifor Ihe next three moti t lis. 'I'iie work includes Hie building of new Tlie persistent wintry weather has been tlie means of provenl-jug a large number of trolling boats from leaving for lh sal mon grounds. The wo) weather has greatly inlerfered with painting work. However. Hie, be lated (rollers arc fully occupied upon overhauling ttieir respec tive boats and gear and early next week Hie main flotilla of the local Irollors will leave for the Hippo Island area. Price Comparison While Hie main Ionic if dis-cussjim on (he waterfront is Hi mailer of prices otTered on. lh Fisli Kxrhniig4 Tor fresh Jialibul, Hie following comparison of prices prevailing today as against, this time should bo of interest. - Canadian J SIS I. April 1C. -1 . 311. 2K. 29. 30. Il.ll.ic. c. 12.10c. 7c. .Ul( fie. It.7e. 5e. Ainericati tojJc. 'e. 12c. lie. last 1025. 8.0c. H.Kc. I K.Dc. W. Pilling 1s building a V.-botlnm IH fool lioal for Joe Antony, section foreman at Tyee. The boat wlien completed will ho powered Willi a r.h.p. Cailio-Per-feclion engine. A new keel lias been laid, al the Suga yards for a 28 foot I rollings Wat, for ieo. Papodopu- lis. The nov t roller will, have 7 Vi -fV'''tieani. 'fiffftr diffi.n.l upon completion will be powered with a 7 h.p. Halliday engine. A Columbia river boat is beiny. converted Inlo a trolling boat at the Cow Hay creek ways for Cecil Ross of Port Simpson. The boat will be powered with a new 0 h.p. Vivian engine. Capt.'jrdm Hanson has hail considerable remoiieiiing worn done. recenllyNat the Cow Hay creek ways on his trolling boat Fox, inelinling the erection of a new cabin and Ihe Installation of a new 1 1 h.p. Palmer engine Akerberg, I honisnn tV t,o. com-pleled Ihe engine installation on Thursday. , Lost His Two Bits A healed discussion occurred on Ihe provincial dock one day this week on the mailer of how many four 7's ami an ace counted in crib. So heated did Ihe discussion become "that those embroiled In Ihe rnntrovcrxy went 'home lo gel their ice cream pants and straw hats, Hoc Clap-Verlon reluming plus a chunk of ice. Frank lavie was the main cause of annoyance and claimed thai the holder of (lie cards could' only count 20. This was strongly resented by Ihe crib fiends presenl, one genlleman claiming that Frank was evident- ly suffering from a chafed eyelid or some, sucli terrible malady. Uoweyer, Frankie stuck to 1iI- gum ami offered to bet two hits, paid In Ion yearly insialuienis, thai four 7's and an aee only counted 20. ATler chewing ti j a Tew lioxes of hiallie.s in wralli, Don was aide I o prove to Frank that sticli a hand eouuled 2i and nol 20 points, and after a lillle forrefui jiersuaslon, the mnnied lialiliut, Ironing and seining man was prevailed, upon fn pay Iioals while eonsideralde repair Ihe first inslalinenl of Ihe work is also lining carried oul.'slake. Frank js a sorrowful Owinjr lo Ihe continued low lull a wiser niairinw on (ho fine prices otroritifr for Canadian oinls of Ihe. fiiatily art of crib calche.x, several old timers in Ihe playing, lialiliut fisliiui' are sorioiislyi - conlemplfilin? tiitlln$; Ihe rame' The keel for a new 32 foot for good and, as ihey put it, go- seine lioal is .being laid at Hie ing lo "work," On the other Suga yards for Andrew Lewis, hand there seems lo e an un-jA 15 li.p. Imperial engine will dercurrotit of optimism prevail-isiijiply I lie power for Ihe boat ing in certain circles of the nau- when completed, tical fraternity, and in spile of t In present lough going, as far A New Captain as low prices ate concerned, a Gapl. Dr. II. K. Tiemayne is rise in fish prices in Hie nearilhe latest skipper lo take an ac future seems In be expected. ' live part in Hie welfare of Hie Willi this belMf In mind ncw.l'rineo Rupert Yacht VAuU having halibut built. schooners are lieiiu recently purchased Hie nifty lil-lle power boat .N'adine from en. Horie. Already Xadino is clothe in her summer regalia of while enamel and judging fmm the manner in which she tugs at Iter mooring ropes is "rariif lo go." New seal o have been installed in the craft and if we don't miss our guess, Nadine will be in the vimguard of all future Yachl Club picnics and jollier tillarinus summer Happenings. "'ii. W. K. Williams relurned lo Ijiort on Wednesday aboard his power boat Shawatlans from local limber cruising exploit. New. Gas Generator The Ward Klectriral v Mar- iue Supjtly. Co., inv Hay. have recently been appojulcd northern irepresenlatives for the latest im- year i proved lype ot, 'J'berm ilonieslic gas generator specially adopted for galley ranges. Tlie great features of Hie Tlierui genera-lor Jire economy of o-peniliou and cleanliness. These burners will V. oie rate m distillate or kerosene :c. and are maile to fit any kind of .le.lboal stove, the llierin genera tor has already proved very pop- ,1c hilar on local, boats and a large number are giving entire salis- 12.8c ficlfaclion. Tbese burners are in operation al the Cow Hay shop and seeing is believing. McLean Yards Active There is much activity at Hie Mrl.eau shipyards and the ways are fully occupied with new boats building and bouts up for repairs. The keel has just been laid for- a 45-foot halibut boat for John Wicks, which will be completed about Jlihe I. This final will be. powered with a 21-' 28 li.p. Vickers-Petcrs senii-dei-sel engine. The new halibut boat Aiken is ooniploled for Kergin & Hanson and with Ihe erection of the mast, is all ready lo take the water. A trial trip will be run on Sunday. Mae lias an order for a 38 foot halibut' boat for Chris llavinoll- der and Hie keel will he laid as soon as the Wicks' boat Is finished. ' Chris will nstal a 20 h.p. full deisel Denmark engine in his new boat. Thor Johnson's power yachl, l.einish, ts up on theways for a general overhaul. Around the Q.C. Islands The lighthouse lender Newing-tnn, Cant. 11. Orulisloji, is all in readiness for a, complete trip around Ihe Queen tharlolle Islands on a visit to- 23 light houses. The Newinglon will go right around Ihe west coast through Orenville Channel winding up 4i t the Kgg Island light. The trip will lake, n month lo complete and the Render will leave over Ihe week end returning to port imiutul June I. The Marine station launch Minim is up on the ways for painting and'lbe Hirnie. will hike up the 'jilney run until she is ro-coinniissioned in tho Marino hum lor lighting purposes, on boats and' has particularly heavy plates and separators giving Hie buttery considerably more capacity and durability over Hie old type. '1'Wse hat lories are guaranteed for two years and anv most reasonably priced. Shingled or Bobbed? Chris Nelson, the man who put the "p" in progressive, has re cently purchased a bit al Seal Cove Upon which he is thinking of erecting n "shingling' mill. (If course it may be that Chris will later iu'stal machinery to lake earn m lioiiinng also, i.ei thai be as it may, Chris has been busy of lale hauling in pieces of limber from across the harbor and if honest hard work leads to success; Chris will soon be silling on the lid. 'the Muse pile driver ts reconditioning and doing, some newl idle driving on IheiV Skeen.i River J'aekjng Co.'s ..plant. at Port TldwtTrd. On Thursday last the tuj M.T.3 lowed a'boom of logs con sisting of (15,000 feet from Silver Creek lo (ieorgelown. Kd. Paulson is leaving over the week end on his trolling boat Palmer for the Hippo Island Bushby Fleet Doings The lug M.T.3, Cajit. 11. Green, flagship of the lhishby fleet, is out (lowing a load of planks for the provincial government to Oona River where plank walks are to lie creeled for Hie eonven ienee of settlers. On her return trip Hie lug will tow a boom if Mini- Trim Hmv In CHEWERS always prefer their tobacco in perfect condition; this is assured, when they demand it packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. The following well known brand are now packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. Big Ben Black Plug Chewing Tobacco Stag Bright Plug Chewing Tobacco Pay Roll Bright Plug Chewing Tobacco Piper Heidsieck Bright Plug Chewing Tobacco Always ask for thejvmou Slalion-I'rince. Rupert run. A Wonderful Battery 1 The Philadelphia Hattery' Co. have recently appointed the Ward Kleclric it Marine Supply Co.. Cow Hay, their northern agents for (he new I'hilco nailery, which has wonderful possibilities. Tlie Pliilco battery has been special I v ton, Hrisk, National, June, Mildred II. (Sitka delivery;, Hro-Ihors. Vesta, Kaslern Point. Canadian Scrub, II. & .11., Cape Spear, Hiugleadcr, Taplow (Salmon), Ingred 1!., Fanny F., Tramp. Provincial Constnble Alex. Saint lias recently completed considerable overhaul work tin the police lioal Adauac. Purchases 50 H.P. Engine Capt. A. Swanson, president of the Prince Rupert Hoathouse, has recently purchased a 50 h.p. I Fairbanks-Morse stationary engine which is to be installed on the suction pump f Hie gravel scow in place of Ihe 20 h.p. Huf- falo which will be presented to (ioolT Lambley in memory of happy days. Willi this new power sucl inn plant aboard Ihe gpavel scow, it is on Ihe cards that tlie government will shortly be petitioned to lay a new ocean bed in local waters. Alex Wylie, of Seal Cove, who has just completed the building of his now trolling boat, received i wire from Ottawa this week atloling to his boat Ihe name nf Unome. Tlie (Jnome will lie, leav-ingf,for the; trolling grounds during lh coining wenk; F. E Hodgson represenUng Gen. It. .Mitchell. of Vancouver, is in charge of Ihe installation of the seven ton jce machine al the newly completed Swift Canadian Cold Storage plant and the ro- t iMfrnrnlni- service will be cnnl-! pi eleil the latlpr part of next week. Ray l.ove has installed Ihe 15 h.p. electrical motor and the power line only remains In be connected up. Georgetown. The logs have been BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS cut by uuisi. i lie tug j me Rip, Caul. Harris Kerr, arrived The lug P.R.T. is being put inlo coniniission this week after hav ing undergone considerable over-, haul work, including painting and a general clean-up. Arrivals Arrivals this week. American Tordenskjolil, Hilda, Van see, Tertdy J., North. Hael II., Augusta, Serious, Flattery, Panama, Inger, Seymour, Venus, Gulves- HER FACE WAS COVERED WITH PIMPLES SHE GOT RID OF THEM BY USING from neorseiown on niursnay m(m Hunter, n.n. n. , lochi. morning willl a scow load of boxjont.. wiiie: - i wisu to. reooimiiewt 1, ....!.. fnr 11, n P.ieifie fisheries. I ttiirtt'fk Ul(Hr Btllels to til Women wlw ... i .hi Murrfrdiu- tnitM' ftliiml rtr anv ntlier rsrlsl lilemlslie. Mxmi two years aro I was really tmnbled with pimples ami M.r en lirrakln ut on my face, and roulil vet no relief until, finally, a frlwirt reenm men1sl iuh to lake 11.11.11. This I dtil, ,ant I am now lad tft say that ytsir reiiKtly In nlven me tlie (leolrable re snl Is, and I now hive a Hire Minolh, elejr fkln, as It lias eliminated all Uie iuipurl ties, from my blood." net ll.n.B. when you ark for It; It has lioen on' tlie market for tlie iiast Id yearsi nil up only by The T. Mlluurn Co, Limited. Toronto, Oat. J. L. Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store ami Officii Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Olass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone -' - - Blue 2S DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, BOo Per 8aol HydeTransier 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. NlghV or Day, WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phona (t. Cartage, Warehousing, and 'UtiLribuUng. Team or Motor 8rvlee. Coal, Sand and Gravel. W Spaclallxe In Piano an4( St. Regis Cafe Prlno ftuperi's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery lineurpaed Third Avenue.