p.r,r. nwj Truly Economical because SALAD A The Daily News I'MINGR RUPERT - RRITISIl COLUMBIA H419 draws so richly in the teapot. The flavor is superb Try it. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULI.EN, Managing Editor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month , !?t.00 Ry mail to nil parts of the Hrilish Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year Sfi.Oft To nil oilier countries in advance, per year 7.."0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject tn approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOH Wednesday,' Jan. 2 ft, 1925. Everybody Dreams A Little. Everybody dreams a, little now and then. If we don't dream at night we occasionally have our day dreams. We forget the present and launch ourselves out on the ocean of possibility. Often it is possibility but improbability. That is why it is a dream. It is beyond the realm of hope . Some people dream of riches. The writer remembers years ago knowing an old eoufile wln during their palmy days had been rather extravagant and who, as a resuH, had become poor, o poor that they bad to live in a single room under rather sordid ouiilitions. They had absolutely no hope for the future bill they had dreams and often spoke of what they would do when they became better off. As neither was able do work and legacies were practically out of the question, the dream was a mere phantom thought to them. So many 'people dream of a world of ease and comfort where strife will cease, all wauls will be supplied, there will 'be no cod,' or poverty or want. That is ojir holjday wwrhl bijt it is not a" practical world. There is. strife'tlirouglall TiJi'nire. ' Kve'iL II I " ! II. ! '1 ' . uu- mums r- iirt- loin are coiiumiaiiy poiinillllg against eacil other. If there is to be a world without' strife it will have to be on another sphere under different conditions to those which obtain here. Our very JiTe here is possible only through effort. Everywhere We Hear Of Worse Conditions. During the last few weeks the alternating snow aiid sloppy streets has sometimes made Prince Rupert people a little dissatisfied with weather conditions, 't hey did not like having lo wear rubbers all the time and rather resented the idea that thi was Jemporarily a gum boot town. Then comes word Tnim Dawson that the people there are almost frozen out. I-Yoni the prairies they hear that they have been iu the grip of a terrible blizzard. And again we snuggle down before the fire or around the radiator and thank. our lucky stars that we are not living anywhere except In Prince Rupert". Fishing Vessels And The Close Season. The close season ends on the morning of Februarv Mt and it was generally understood lltnt boats would not be able to leave port until that morning. Xow word has been received that they may gel away earlier anil doubtless definite instruclions will follow as o just bow early they may obtain clearance papers. 11 takes some or the boats several days to reach the riWiing grounds and it would seem as ir the dale of clearance should vary according to the distance the boats expect to go. At anv rate the fishermen will be fully informed. Many of Ihein will be pleased to know that they can commence work .1 few days earlier than they ex'eeled. . . Good Service For 1 : North This Year. ' There will be a good service and keen competition on the lltil'therii rtm llii t-.,ii 1..H. n it 11 . ... . : ' , : .in im- i..iMi. ami i ne i;...u. will lie booking passengers to Alaska and they will vie with card other . . . ... . . l II ilia w I fii ti. ... ...- unrnn- oi service, i ne pui. lie will likelv be well ciuei for either way. It s probable that many tourists will join the C.N R steamers here, go north and then continue on to Vancouver I h:il will timlifa lliii n ..I. 1. 1.:, i,. ..rr ..i i . .. -"ri" "ii inner, ii mere was a Cana- ,. v , , iIimii National Hotel here. Passenirers wool. I si..., .rt r..- .i... or two with great benefit to Prince Rupert. Thai will be mi of .....es . s.o, k ior. ii oiignt ,o a Kn.al , j, lo the railway to have a hotel id a point such as this. KLIMBUILDS STURDY BODIES 0 31 TTLIM ltrand Powdon-d Whole Milk, bclnft the purest and finest milk procurable with only the moisture removed, makes an ideal food for babies. Its 'purity is constant and unvarying and when rellqulficd Its perfect digestibility builds up strong bone and healthy muscle, thus producing sturdy-bodied children. Ask your doctor u liat he thinks of Kllm CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Hold by Rupert Table Supply Co. SHU Dear Mr. Dean Your of November 30 received. We feel that no cily in America has a tictler government llianj Knoxville. We have had the city nvmayer form of government for more than u year and it is very pleasiiiii to notice that the popularity increases mouth by month. II so happens Hiat Ihe people have had occasion to show their sentiments in regard to the gnu'riiini'iil in five elections. First, when they voted to adopt the manager form of government in preference lo Ihe cimimisioii form. I in mapager form ,won the election by an overwhelming inajorily. The next lest came when tjir people ejecled the pledged friends who were mil. up by the cily manager advocates under the lille of the People's Ticket. People Behind It The tb'inl victory came in a recent primary when legislative caudidajes, who were pledged lo pint eel the manager form of government in the Legislature. lefealed unpledged candidates who were generally understood: In oppose Hit present form ofl L'uMMiinii'tit and who would hae sought to kill Ihe effect of lliei charier by amendments. I The fourth lest came in the November election when the voters elected by a big majority I hose pledged candidates. Tin' fifth stamp of approval was given lasi week, wneu me people, by more than ten to one, wiled to issue 2.500,nol water works bonds. This is particularly significant in view of the facl that only .three, years ago, under I be old political form of fiiviy-nnicnl, the people defeated liP?am"e bond, issue by ynore Ih'aii four to one majority. The new water plant, which was to ne provided hy the bonds, was needed just a badly I lien as now. The only difference is the! confidence placed in the present business administration. What They Did Many tilings of importance have been accomplished by the present council and cily mali nger. In llie firsl place, we now have an accounting system that is a model for the entire oT every municipal department, line of Ihe next accomplishment of the present administration was the establishment of a real health' department. Our health department iu the past hail been largely a mailer of theory,- or name. Another outstanding accomplishment of Ihe present administration was' tlie purchase of the last available bit of open, space in the uptown section for a big city park and civic renin. ' vVt; Improved,. Streets (the of tlie 'most popular things which has been done is the tremendous amount of street paving and repair work which has been put through. More work has Im-cii .Uhio in (his one year Ihan has ever been doni; in three or four years previous and at a lower expenditure than was ibade in any of the olber years. In spile of all these things, the council refunded to Hie taxpayers 10 per cent of their 1033 lax money. Knoxville Is the first Cily in America In aelually refund cash lo taxpayers. The council is now working on a number' of Important mailers for Hie near fulure. Among these fs a viaduct which him been badly needed for many years; a new cily plaunintc am zonlnir we and nre TTTT! DATL7 !TEV.n - ' City of 100,000 Makes Progress Under City Manager in Tenessee; People There Are Pleased with It There is a growing interest in the manager form of city government throughout (lie continent. New places (ire adopting it ami in almost every ease they are pleased with the way in '..i-. i. .1 .1... r r it... ........ ..i ...l.l;i:..... i.. n... li.i u II... WHICH II til IVS. irui i ii l I ill lltm I in MLS III Mil III ' ... . city of Knoxville, Tenessee, which has hail the new system for over ;iear. The assistant -manager, (Carlos C. Campbell, writes tit John Dean of Victoria in regard to the work as follows: letter - We are also sending you news-! paper summary of the rirsl year, under the city manager govern-I ineni. Knoxville has a imputation of oo,i)iiu. Oiif cily council is composed of eleven men. Fie of these are elected from the; city at large, while the remain ing s'ix are elected, from the six districts of Hie cily. t he lax rale for Itiis year is 3.10 per Sinn taxable property. The assessment, while supposed to be 100 per cent, is actually about 70 per cent We are asking the director of finance to give you full in forma -liou concerning the bond indebtedness, and the director of public safely In give you in for. nialion concerning the number and salaries of police and fire; department. The Man in the Moon 9 YS:- siMilr thai passes arouinlvvhen.il' is announced thai tln-rw i rice, of bread pudding for dessert . THE poor pay cash. The rich think paying bills js loo petty a I liinir for them to allend lo. THE undertaker Is one of I tie greatest factors in the march of progress. 1 WISH someone could tell me Ihe dilTereuce between a bedroom and a boudoir. THE ilillicully about a while country. The new system gives ,.. ill: . . . , the daily record on all expen.li-l bill. . ,V 1 ' ' lures and shows each business day the exact financial condition f i j TltKIlK'S one tiling about the modern jrirl, she cannol be classed as elTemiiiale. WHAT surprises many people in Prince Jluperl is where some of (heir neighbors gel the uionev to buy the trimmings. v SflMK people are still old fashioned eimngb to Ihink thai Ihe way to get anything import-nut done is to takf oil your coat and buckle ilown to II . VOL' oughl lo see' the cheery I l-'KAIt that farmers will gel their idea of viiici culture from radio announcers. . vmi.vi.v.x usually makes up her mind and also makes up her husband's mind,' HA ITEESHII'S, submarines, and airplanes may repel invaders but I hey are useless lo keep out influenza' serins; i'-'i Xow; thai the It.ilshevi1is;0ave given iniit.'jruislj 'jf(',. o'lO jj might be inleres'ting In publish' a new "Who's Who iu Ilussia." II' Jack Deiupsey 'marries, Es telle laylor, as the despalclies intimate he intends, he will lackb the hardest job lie has yel hail since ho commenced his career of Conquest. IIIM rightly named llio puzzles. Father Usually says Ihe cross words when he finds his meals are not ready and nnhmly wauls lo do anything except talk geography. " rdinarce and additional srhnol!'1" '""'"'I? facilities, I Were Ashamed Itefnre we secured Ihe rily manager, form or government we were soinewhal ashamed of onr municipal rondllionA, but can now lift up our heads call attention of I ho whole Hon to a government that second to none. Tinier separate rover we sending you a booklet which will give you Information concern tug Ihe details of Ihe accounting WHAT I like about Ibis council is Ihe speed with which it gels through its (flrsl' ineeling. WI TH Alderman (lasey in I be chair, who will ,o the talking In Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert January 28, 1915. One or I h prcl.liest and iiinsl successful dances ever held in I'rince Itiiperl was Hie fund Ion in the Mernlyre If is 1 1 last nigh! in honor or the graduating class nf the Prince Iluporl fieneral llns. pllal. I'llOsn ttl'Mllll.'lllllL' worn system wh'el, has been lnlnllefl.Mls Walker, .Miss Marjoric IU Named for the state and truly great YOU can buy this famous Whiskey today only because it has reached perfect maturity. his is our pledge as well as our promis- and your v trice-that in buying Old Kentucky you are securing a "Bourbon" full-bodied, rich and smooth. A TIME HONORED FRIEND OF YOURS OWKcntucKy Bourbon Whiskey This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by (he Own- merit of Rritish Columbia, lampbell, Miss Lillian Mcl.eod and Miss Agnes Lassiwitz. f). O. lewarl presided over Ihe exer-dses and speakers wore O. H. .SVIson, Mayor Newlnn, Father Itunoz, Dr. W. T. Kergin and Dr. X. M. McNeill. Prayer was offered by I J anon Hix and the Florence Nightingale pledge was administered by llev. Dr. II. It. flranl. Major .Oeiieral Sam Hughes Canadian minister of militia, last week inspected Hie overseas onl logout at W'illows where a liuniber or Priiice Iluporl men :irj. encamped..'. Prince Rupert j'-l now eonnoci. fd up by .leephonii',wtlh Pnrl Ed-virJ,vPorl iiiuijijtn, fii.-mgelowti. Prince Iluporl (Vinnery. Inverness. Cassiar, .North .Pacific and llaysporl. A GOOD WAY TO ' INCREASE BUSINESS Many advertising messages fail lo allract fillenllon because Ihey are eilher,, unattractive or are loo stereotyped. This is Ihe opinion of one of our busiest am) most successful business firms Albert & Mc-Caffery,. Ltd. They have succeeded in interesting many new customers in the story ot the famous Nannlmo - Wellington coal and since the, coal itsclfj lives on to its reonl.-ill on Itinun customers are. coming back daily ror more. Nanaimo-Wellinglon coal is the premier fuel fnr the fireplace, range and furnace. More hcnl less ash no rook nr clinkers. You should try N'anaimo.Wei. linglon as soon as your present supply gels low. Heller still, If you order some now you can lest It out wilh the coal you are now using. N'niialmo - Wellimrinn stands supreme when a compar ative irsi is made. I'o secure a snnnlv nhnnn Al bert Mofiarrory Ltd., vvhn nre solo agents here. Their ni mnn numbers are 1 1 C and OOL tri Candy Special BROKEN SCOTCH NUT SCOTCH HUMBUGS' ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 50c per lb. Call for your Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1925. ORMES LTD. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Third and Sixth , Phones 82 and 200 Prince Rupert, B,C. Helgerson Block. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST HONEST DENTISTRY MEANS RELIABLE DENTISTRY mid necessarily implies PERSONAL attention b every pnlienl. This is the only kind or dentistry I hav? t '''' hence llie ii.nroiulilional giiarniilce that 'piles with mv GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 YOU WANT THEM WE HAVE THEM Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones Red 018 Gr. 601 539