"AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by ex perience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very i best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large ! stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist CHURCH ORGANIZATION OPENS IN THE CITY Foursquare Gospel Services Open In Mclntyre Hall Commencing on Sunday January CLEARANCE SALE SUGAR 1c A LB. SUGAR 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIES! With every $5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. Tho limit is, 5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 5c. Remember that the Sugar offer is over and above the sals Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUn JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER. Ladies' Hubhcrs. medium liccl only, for 50c 25 Pairs of Ladies' Shoes for . . $2.00 25" Pairs of Ladies' Slipper!', Pumps ,-iml Oxfords, assorted sizes, for $3.50 15 Miscount on all Ladies' ami Children's Shoes ami House Slippers. Men's liubbers. Ileg. $I..S5. Sale Price $1.50 Men's Overalls. Reg. 2.75. Sale Price $1.85 Men's r'laiinelcllc Working Shirts. Meg. ."jsil.Oll. Sale $1.85 Hoys' Monarch Sweaters. Sizes up u Ml). Sale Price $1.50 Monarch Wool, floss and dove, 1 oz. halls, four for $1.00 Monarch Wool, down, oz. halls, !! halls for $1.00 Infants' All Wool lllack Cashmere Penman's Hosiery. pairs for $1.00 Children'. Heavy Hilt Cotton Stockings, nil .sizes. ;i pairs Tor $1.00 li halls of Croehel Cotton, all shades, for $1.00 5 yards of (irey Cotton, '-W inches wide, for $1.00 't yards of While. Flannelette for $1.00 ICverylliiug in our store is reduced, genuine bargains in every department in the store. JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Corner Third and Seventh. i iiwiimiii in himi i linn n w n n An adaptation of Cynthia Slocklev's novel. Phone 645 WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 0 p.m. Betty Coriipson "The Female55 Mlalla, Ho Lion Cuh." Male vs. Female in a gripping slorvol iuiiste and .society love. The drama or un untamed beauty of the wilds who became a love lioness of society.. Was Kipling right when he, said "The female of species is more deadly than the male?" Hewitrhiug Hetty tells you in this lavishly mounted photoplay. Hclly's Hesl Het is Holly as a primitive girl and a society woman with her strange love power and her still stranger marriage pad. Strong cash Warner Baxter, Noah Beery, Freeman Wood, Edgar Norton, Dorothy Cummlng ami others. COMEDY FOX NEWS-GAZETTE Admission 35c and 10c SPECIAL - JANUARY - SALE SPECIAL SILK AND WOOL RIBBED HOSE in 5 different shades. $1.25 Pair. H. S; WALLACE CO. LTD. ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK. to TOOK COLLECTION ON NATIONAL TRAIN FOR RADIO PREACHER WINNIPKti. Jan. 28. That nia joke about Scotchman pre i r(Ti inu rhurcli services by radio Another religious organization because there was no collection is to open up in the city. This; plate attached there will have lo lime it is the Church of t lie he discarded according l offi-Koursquaie (iospel. The adder- j eiul of Hie Canadian National e"nls of that group have taken .Railways here.. William Staph1 the Mclntyre Hall for llieir scr-ion, district passenger agent at vices aim uinpr meetings ami : Saskatoon, lias wtrcil lieatiiuar- will opeji then) this coming Sun-1 iei K that when the Continental day. i Limited, a radio equipped train The services will be conducted: of the Canadian National ltuil- hy .Mr. and Mrs. J. 11 Wiley, who j ways, was approaching Saska-have been tnkingr . part in the! loon on Sunday morning the great "revival conducted by Ainiee Semplc Mel'heison in Angelus Temple, Los Angeles. They claim to bring I lie old time gospel message. They say that in operator received the service from Westminster Presbyterian Church in that city. The sermon by Hev. fieorpe A. Dixon of Knox i:iunch, Calgary, o delighted Angelus Temple during Hie past the passengers in I Jit radio ob (wo years 20,000 people have been converted and thousand' healed of diseases through prayer and faith. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley liave been in I lie city several weeks and as a result of the encouragement I bey have received have decided to remain. servation car that a 'collection was taken ujt which was handed to the minister of Westminster Church when the (vain reached Saskatoon shortly after noon. BUILD AMPHITHEATRE TO WELCOME CHRIST Order of the Star In the East Believe He Will Arrive Walking on the Water LONDON, Jan. 28. In order 'o wait for Hie second, coming f Christ. 2.000. members of the ')nler of the Star in Hie l'asl havebnill an -amphitheatre at llalmoral lteach, near Sydney, Auslralia, says the Kxprcss corespondent. So deep is llieir belief that this return is imminent, preparations have been made at the cost of .fOO.OOO, raised by enrolling members of !he order who subscribed from 50 to ,$500 per seat. While the order's belief is thai Christ will return in human rnrm, it Is expected He will arrive al the amphitheatre hy walking on the water from South Head, al the entrance lo the 'tarbor, lo Hal moral. . Tim amphitheatre will contain a small model of a (Ireek theatre which will be used Tor the staging oT (Ireek drama during the wailing period, as even the most onfidenl member of the order uill iiiiI say just when the sec ml coming is to lake place. WND OF FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN RESIDENTS People of Stewart and Hyder Live on Closest Terms of Amity A short news item, being I'i'oaifcasI throughout the eon-lineut hy Ibe Associated l'ress miler a Hyder, Alaska, dateline says : "An unusual bond of friendship exists between Ibe residents of Stewart, H.C., ami those of Hyder, Alaska, a mile and a half apart. "When a Hyderile desires to inrlake of liuimr lie walks lo j Stewart, IU'., and when residents !r the Hrilish' , Columbia town 'want duty-free tobacco they eom'e here. "Dances. concerts, picture shows and lodge meetings are internationally patronized in Nilli towns. Funerals, ued-lings and ..'political Voiblf or I'tmccrn bolh communities equally. "May 2 1, a Canadian holiday in honor oT Ouccu Victoria's birthday, all Hyder citizens go lo Slcwai'l. July t Stewart folk ei'lehrale American independence here." WILL CELEBRATE OPENING OF NEW AMUSEMENT CENTRE Spring Carnival Planned for Victoria This Year With Co-operation of C.P.R. Yir.TOUIA, Jan. 28. Victoria is to have a spring carnival to .celebrate the opening of the new amusement centre which Is be ing erected by Hie CI'. II. adjoining the Kniprcss Hotel. It is customary for the city to hold some sort of carnival or celeliralign on Victoria Hay, May 2i. at. the time the broom is in bloom and Die city looks its best. This year I he celebra tion is to lie made to revolve around' the new amusement centre ami Hie CP. It. is using its organization to advertise ll'c event. Advertise In The Pally News THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, January 28. l25, January ClearanceSal Days more Overcoats M Your unrestricted choice of any Overcoat in the store." Values to ;i7.ri0. $22.45 SOX en! Replenish Your Supply Clothing Tine Hibbed Pure Wool Sox in large assortment of wauled colors. Ileg. 1'tc. pair. 2 Pairs 85c and of Furnishings at these clearing prices EXTRA SPECIAL! TIES! TIES! TIES! 65c to $2.50 We will give you your choice of mi v Tooke Collar in Hie store FREE! With Every Tie Purchased "Universal" Jerseys In .Navy, Oxford. Kawn, Hrosvu, and Light (irey. 1 (10 per cent Wool. Hull Collar wilh (ape. Ilcg. $:).'.).-. Sale Price $2.45 Shirts Days more Heg. values lo Sa.nil. hi slroug riannelellc maleimi, Krown, Khaki, Dark ami Light (irey. Sale Pfice $1.85 DRESS BOOTS In Hlack or Hrowii. "Iteibv make. Heg. .X.OO. All sizes. $5.95 LADIES! LADIES! "Wabasso" Sheeting White Honeycomb Bedspreads Absolutely pure, Made front se lecletl cottons. Heg. $.1.25. Sale Price 95c any year since 1851, when the (ileal l'.xlilliltion was held. HAS A HARD LUCK STORY v Mrs. A. Hoes your husbandj confide his business .trouble lo' yon? ..." , Mrs. H.Y,ei;, indeed every; time I buy anything. I (ill x S'l. Splendid quality. He, sjsi.UU. Special $2.50 Cretonnes Clearing lines in value to i yard. Special, yard 35c CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FROM 9 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY. Magic Baking Powder 12 oz. liu . .... ...... . 2 '4 lb. liu . 5 lb. liu . . ...... Service $1'4" VJTAINS NO AVU MALKIN'S BEST PURE EXTRACTS Vanilla or Lemon 2 oz 20c i oz 40c 8 oz, 75c 50 PAILS PURE RASPBERRY JAM i lb. lilts. Special 65c 100 TINS QUAKER BRAND CORN ON COB, :t. Spe al. each 25c 300 LBS. FRESH GROUND COFFEE. Kxlra Spo-ml. lbs. for ... $1.00 NEW HALLOWI BULK DATES, (iiiaranlecil rrcslt slur lbs. for 35c ONYX BRAND CORN, 2 litis for 35c ( Canned Vegetables'are good buying CANNED PILCHARDS, lull tins, (Uood filing ) . Spec :it. 2 for . . , 25c The Home of "20th Century" Clothes Universal Trading Co. Salisfadion i i MULTITUDE OF VISITORS AT BRITISH MUSEUM1 LONDON, Jan.. -H. -The in-j Iciest in anlltuMles aroused by the Tutankhamen discoveries In. KpynJ. mid Hie great Inrtitx or: visitor hdo London during the; Hrilish Kmpite Exhibition at : Wcmhlry, have 'hail the effect ofj making Hie year just past ban- j tier one Tor the Hrilish Museum. If is expected that Hie total ( attendance will lie considerably! greater than last year, when t.-(1115,353 person visited the mu- seuni, a greater numJier Ihanl One Week Left-Take Advantage of our Special Home Furnishing Values Our January Sale has proved ils merit by Quality and Prices. To buy now i I" "iiv" money. LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, BEDROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE AT SPECIAL PRICES. Ilraperies, Carpels, Linoleums. China, Crockery, ami .Silverware al Special I'rn'Cj Htg Sjieeial in our Hedding Deparlmeiit for tins week. Simmons Hcds, Springs ""' Mattresses at Special Prices. Wilton and Axminster Carpet Squares at Special Values for this La8t Week. Hig Specials in Hlaiikels, Sheds and lied Spreads. 3rd Avenue, GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20