-j.- January 2, rWi nVpr's Cocoa is. rr. f """V I- rf hi 01. ' grade beans only. That is one I reason why it is better. HAH IN CANADA VI a ipr inriKi kkm. LUuuu. , uii" .m r l i m n timing Breakfast" Coffee Free i ii n lU.l.iailClll 111 III. HI V Co. Ltd. (23 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18. LINDSAY'S T sing- 1025. TEE DAILY JiEYS PA.'.E There are twenty-five to thirty different grades of .vm liMns. hut nii,i mrrnPMprnass KXKUIOf CltOICl MCIPH SlNURll KM! TKIit! With Every $5.00 Cash Order Get One Pound of Cariageand Storage Phone CI. Cartage. Warehousim. nrt "mriPuting, Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Ornvol Speclallie In Piano and Furniture Roving. CHURCH UNION IN THIS CITY Matter Being Discussed a Great Deal by Those Who Attend Places of Worship PECULIAR SITUATION An interesting h i I i a I i 1 1 n may li-t.-ill- arise in connection with, (he vi'li' "ii tJliiiirh t'ltiuu being Inki'ii here. Those who viilc on llii' iueslnn of union are those j wliiisc names were mi Hip rill at Hip lime Hip law uniting Hip' churches was passed last siini- mer. TIip niiml'Pr "ii tin mil! In-ii' is alioiil hup hundred of 1 wlimn somewhere iilmiil seventy- five or eighty may e avnilaliln Ut M)P. TIip fliiiri'li priiiprly is held, iy 'truslees for Hip 'congregation made up of IIimsp on Hip roll anil i all miters wiki allPinl tin ser-Ipps. ii ii ti i I m i-j itjr in all three or fi nil liiimlrpil person. Kach -of lliese lias a riuht In vole, in cou- ili'PtMMi with Hip disposal nf lite' properly or Hip appointment nf IniMoe. TIip election laliPsi plapp nl Hip Hiivp nf Hip annual cnupi-pgiitinnal meeting. Might be Difference II is pnssililp for such a enn-ilitimi In arise as that Hip menu hers of Hip rhuiTli, whose names arp on Hip roll slyill vote against union whereas the congregation as a whole inisht lie in favor nf it ami dispose of Hie properly acconliiiiily. II is pointed mil dial, ii is hardly likely Ihnsp nn Hip roll wiuilil waul In dictate In Hip whole congregation, especially in view of Hie fart I hat much of Hip inrnmp of IJie church comes from Ihiise on I he outside ami Hial Ihe building was erected ery larjicly from subscriptions of theirs. The iUPslion is one In he handled with a great ileal of liu'l in order Ihal there may Iip no splii in Hip congregation ami rnnsPiptenl weakening of the church ami of ils usefulness frr Hip ronimiinily. Methodists In Union The Methodist Church here, it Is understood will join Hie union witlioul taking a voir. Tlu-y are nlrenily in Hie union unless lltsy vole themselves out. Many of those who alteml Hip I'rpshy-Iprian Church are not really Presbyterians but go therp vrry largely because Ihey admire Hip present inriimhi'iil ami likp his i preaching. What will .happen in :iasp the Church sland mil nttainst Hie poiiular movement 'nf the. day does not seem clour. I The ueneml hope seems In hp I that their will Iip no clah of (opuiimt hut that Hip work of t tie i-hurrh will eonlinup a in Hip past, whether under union or Hip CAUATE Washer On f nULi and Dryer llns no WTingpr. ni'Pils iiiuif. Won finld Mi'ilal al last QiipIipp Kxhiliilimi over all American ami (iauadian Machines. Cash price $185.00; also sold on terms. Kaien Hardware Co. 71. tlnu calo wilh so. to Hip iiiiup. I find ii hnt-h for cleanliness Don't I1 On plumber wlitn the link drain ru Chnkrd. A littlr CilMt't Lytwill probably rktr it In ttw rnlnnlea. Hrorea of other uwi aruuud Iho aaiury home. GILLETT'S PURE FLAKE LYE old I'resliyterian liannpr. Those favoring union point out t liiil the movement is gen Hip xoIp do nnl hull. STEWART TIip Woodbine group, Hip I'ri'inlpr, lias mm IioihIpiI hy ll,ii?h It. Mrduirn, hond nf Ihe I'remipr l.xlension u. A fine e.Mitip has tfHi built ami 11 i hoped lo liavn Hip projiprly sliip-ping hy next season. The Sunshine jrroup, al Hip head of Clnoior (Jn-ek, has hen hondiil from A. P.. Young and (iodfrey Anderson hy Hurry How- son and a utitnulinl easli pay- 1 stress nn BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1923. llns produced Minerals ns follows: Placer Hold, $7fl,lW2,20.1; l.le (hll, '.i;:,.,; Silver, $(n,r:i2,ttr.r.; Lend, $5,ia2,fl0i; Copper, !?l70,t)Wl,r.0S; Ziiie, $27,-"nil; Misceilaup.ms Minerals, l,10S,2ri7; Goal nwl fikP, $2rO,0dS, I lluildint,' Slime, lihfk, OimpiiI, ole.,! $a0,'i 15,2:11; making its Mineral Priuluclinii tu tbo end ol ,!,2;l 'how nn Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 Tll Mining Laws of (his Provinee are more liberal nml Hie fees lower lhaii llioxe of "y "dlier Province in ihe Dominion, or any colony in Hie ririlish F.mpii'e. Mineral locations are graiiled lo discoverers for nominal fees. UiM.lnle Titles are oblitine.l by developing such properties, the security oT which is 8";'i"inleed by u,w nranls. lMl11 ''ifonnalioii logeUipr avIIIi Mining Hcporls nml Mnps, may ho obtained gralis by "'"iri'ssi THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. Tell the 1 .1. I. llawkinsnn. proprietor of Ihe Silver drill, is nn a business Iriji lo Vancouver. PUSSY'S ADVANTAGE Thd teacher was Riving n . sou on animals and she 'can spi in Thi dark. Tn drise Mltis homo she put the ipiPslion: l "Now. wlinl ran Ihe oaf do'Mhat ;l cannot do?" due hiiulil lillle txir, answered: "I'loase, miss, ' waffle ils tail." 'PRINCE SEEMS j LIKELY TO BE I A SINGLE MAN Has so Far Resisted all Attempts at iiiotviiiiiuniii'j anu hi at w rlage not Likely LONDON. .Ian. SK. Kvpii Ihosp peuile who spokf Willi forliear-auce of the matrimonial shyness nf the Prinfe of.;AValt's an now sollinw uneasy wilh the an-nnuiicemeul Hint the royal heir will prolong his visit in Snulli Africa iipxI year to include a trip to the Argentine. Tlii enn only nieaii lo IIipsp liijlishmcn Ihal annlher year will lie added In the interval until Hie prince announces he has picked nul a irirl to hP Hie. tlltllic (iieen. Postponement And Knglishmcul have lislnied in Ihe same tale of pusi h 1 1 1 v ' for Ihe last fiveyeai-s. When- eral Ihruiihuut Canada amli'pr Hip I'rincp of Wales remains Hie majority oT those eomiiut in l.ondnii for a lmin period, tre herp in Hip new influx w ill lie-iliusyliodies," . working mnstlv '.una In the t!niled Hhurrli nf jllirouli Hip iipwsiaiers. el up Canaila. They will either infill- a series nf ."lories' inlimaliuir eiiee the old iMiuieh in favor ofjlhal a t-Prlaiii inlereslin? an-Hip union or they will join Hip 'iiniiiiteirient on' royal mdepappr I'niiin CIiiiipIi here wIipii tliey al-1 will he furjlicnmlnj: frnm 1 tuck -rie. liiihain I'alace, ami even specu- Presbyterlans Strong jlalinir .who Ihe jrlrl is. Such Tin; old iriiard who stand nnl f-'ipal expectations have never for I'reshylerianism speak ratlicr given a ehancp In malerial-liirhlly ol ChuiTh Union Hill andi'- f'r Hip priiee has sleppp.l ils pussiliilifios and seem to l "f the cnunliy on u trin to think dial Preshvtirianisin willlld fuluiP domains jul in limp cmiliiiiii slroiiif lii're and '! "ie ladies in iiue.sliun have, llirmifflinut Cniiadn. even I I10112I1 ! i" , niost imsps, Uiai rie.l beTori the figures puldislied in eoniiPi;- his rcl urn home. Now there are not so niany 'elisrllde for sneculalinn. The llailies Mary and Kuclicl Caven dish, l.ady Mary flurdnn-I.ennox and l.foly Mary Camhridge, who were all freely dismissed as .pros It. I'. Hill, PUKineer 111 iMianrPiiiNdive males for the Prince of of ilevelnumeiil ork on IIipIWiiIps, Iihxp marri(Sl. In fa it I Hip lkmlPw )roMrly. arrival las!jlinl of Kugllsh pirls, of muitahli week from II10 kohIIi wflli a coin-a?e -is hecomin? dislressiuly jiressor dani and pnii-ilrispi narrowed, and as most Knplish enjrinp wlitith is now hpinpr niovpd jien Iiuvp iiiihIp up lhir mind Ihat David IMwanl is not minf inilside his' fat Iter's realm for u hl'ide. the prince will prnhahly have lo choose his pride trout 'a jumper ireneralion. No Qlrl Honored So interested have the puhliej lipcnme in Hiis chnpler of his life, His Hnyal Jliyhness caul hardly allcnd house parti. or dancps wilhnlil .1 resnund'uiK! eclio rnnnecllns his name wit Ii j Mime dehulaiilp hcint heard iin-; inedialely lhriuiphijiil May fair,! then down In Snulliwai'k and) iiienl was madp. Mr. llowson Olaphaiif. Sincp reliirninp: front lias not yet divulfred his ' plans his last trip Hip prince has suc-wilh resperl to Hip properly. icessfully cmmlcrnrlcUJItU ossi;. Ihy not appparinR at iI.iIicps and Hill Pillier lirokp his linn jusl llmusp parlies. Al Hip present above Ihe wrist when he down 11 fliuht of stairs in Stewart lintel last week. lime there is nn pirl-heinpf honored 111 thn prospective JM'inoesa of Wales. There-are many pfoplp in London now who whisper that Ihe aiinouiH'pnienl of Hip enjrasie- nipnl of Ihe Prince of Wales wil' never pome' and that he is pnin In bo thai siraiute enmplex. a barhclrir kins. Somp.whu prn- IPSS 10 Miow even Ml inn nnin'i wanl lo marry. So far us the outward circumslaiu'es show, the hetlinp Is on their side. NEW FEATURE IN RADIO BROADCAST Arthur Melghan Will be Among Speakers at New York Banquet Md.NTHK.U.. .Ian. 28. The first Inlernalinnal lie-i,n radio lirnadi'asl eer alleinpled .will be tried out Wednesday niyht when CMtC. Ihe dtlawa luii.idciislliiff if ;il ion of the Canadian National Hallways will lie-in with Millions in Mx cities in Hie United Stales for Ihe broadcasliiiij of a program from New York. All Hip slallnns will he lied-in by means nf inns distance lelephniio onm-iiiunlcallon, I lie volcn belnp; aiu-illfird and re-bnadcasted frnm all Ihe seven slalioiis . In addlllon to C.N'IH!, stations Inking pari in lUe first Inlernalinnal fle-in hrtia'deasl. ar V'HAK Xew York; WTI Philadelphia; WWW: Piltsbur; W.fAR Providence'; WUIl ItulTaln nml Wl'.KI noslon. The proftram to he hroadeasl will be filial foa-tured at a bampn't of Melroinli-Inn Insurance ('nmpany nlllcials at Hie Wablnrf Astoria in New York. Tlie speakers at this han-tricl will include His Ilono-fiovernor Rilser. nf New' Jersey and the ntaht Hon. Arl.hu.:- Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser the n you. She reads the shopping news. ' She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she Wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows advertised goods lice up to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These advertisements are written for your benefit too. Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment -not a stock spsculation Mpisrltan, leadpr nf Hip optiosilinr , in Hip Canadian House of Com-niuiir. The addresses and music j will he broadcast between 8.30 j and I0.:t0 o'clock. HOME HUMOR Huh WheiP've you been,, dear? " i Wire Over al Maud Olduin's.j making up hi-r face Tor Hie parly j tonight. Ihe fact that the Pal)uts oHpii slated be dol's 110: 1 Huh All! llenewinjr an old. nripiaiiilani'c. so In speak. . LEGAL "Who nre those qenllemen wilh honks under llieir arms?" "They're lakins up Ihe law." "And what's the yhl gentleman ! in a itnwn at lite hack nf that ' bench doing?" "Oh, he's laying it down." AdvertlsJ .n the Daily News LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Purchtt Und In Plii'di.l I.iiihI lilslrlrt, nf rrlnrp IliiliiTl ItrMMiliiiK lllilri. mid llimti ipiirnMnmli'lv mm nml nni" Imlr miles WV1 nr snlvim Sl.itlnn. mi Snlvns Island, Skrntii Illvrr. Tnkc Notlcn ihnt nndolf l.nrsnii, of 4 in cnrlflmi si., liimiahy, orrniiilon l.ftttlri'l-. Inlcnds tn mnily fur permlslim in uir-has nn- fiillowliiir d-rrlll land: Cfiinliii'iirlnir nl a planted' at the foiillmpKt i-nrnr-r or l.nt ISU1. Salvin Island; i'nrn fiiili'jvilerl. apprtecl-tnntely sun yards; Ihi'ine n irlhvi'Strly. npimluinlelv Si" yards; llionrc .smithcrly. sou vanl. I' i iliit nf Iw-trliinlnr. mitt, prlslnir all Dial piirtlnn nf Salvus Island west of lot 4sn and riint.'iliilnff 3nn a"i-f, ninr nr less. THOMAS Mlt.l.S Acnt fur MCpol." I,SII"S LAND ACT Notlc of InUntlon to Apply to lull Lind In I'rlni'i' lliiperl Land IHMtlcl. Iin i-ordlnr Msirki t I'rlnce liiiprl, and sit- unit" at liarn.ird i:v, i-itnri-ss nnyii 1 Island. II C. 1 Tk Niillrn that Snmrllli rnnnery i Rnmpany l.linlti-d, nf Vaiv'nnvrr. B.C.. Intends tn apply for prrinisslnii to Irnsf llm laintwinv iirnrrintMi lann: f.nniuipiir.iiir 1 Ihe hoad nf llarnard rnve. I'rlni-i-ss nnyal Island; t Ikih- rt riv l&i i-hnltH: thriiv nnriH forlv Uft i-halns; tlirm-e wst leu (III) rhalns. ninn nr loss, lo low wati'i- mark: thrni south nloni low wl"rl niarx m point or roinin(,in'Piiirni. and i-Miialnlnir flffrn (isi arrrs, tirnr or less. SI MF.nVIIIP CANM-nY i-OMPSNY MMITF.n Nainn nf Appllrant. I W, J. Jifrrnn, Altpnt.l Ditrit bectmlier Dili, JDSt, Canadian National Railvays Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 rrue Mil mm ..A V3-' .,pX i llll Willi 90 llll This adveHlsemoiit is not published or displayed hy the Liquor Control Hoard or hy Ihe Government of British Columbia. I