PAGE FOUR HOSIERY SALE 25c off each and every pair in stock "Doners" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE Has it ever occurred to you that the multitude of "Household Helps" offered for sale are of themselves lifeless and incapable of service unless controlled and directed by tho already overburdened housewife. Laundry service alone is alive, vital, imposing no new obligations, and. asking nothing but your friendly disposition, to change servitude into service. May we call? Phone 8 PHONE 8 B0X392 DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, BOc Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. JUST ARRIVED Children's, Growing Girls and Misses' SHOES At Lowest Prices MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, t te ft. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Wmr Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe rlnce Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Cartage, Warehousing, and T)UlribuUng. Tom or Motor Service. Coal, 8and and Gravel We Specialize In Plana ftd Furniture Moving.. i.,.Tn n.r.r Vrws Friday, .Iatun BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa lfMACip-i I II III I WHAT WOULD THE, PEOPLE 1 I I I M J ,M' OOWN TO II fg TAKE. WAwt- I (Z77Zr EATING SUCH COMMON 1 felPW WJOTSiW W . . l ylT lf ' Oi5 Int-l Fiatuot Scrvicc. Inc. Tt Wtf l--S. - II II V 4 l S lUll t V- Si H CttH Blitain lif lid frsrrved. '7' "Y J i - STRAIGHT TALK BY DR. GRANT Need of Education and Its Value to the Community Is Education consists in I raining the mind so lltat a person is able In tell the true from Ihe tinlrue. nrcorditijr o Itev. II. II. (irnnt, D.I)., who. addressed Ihe ilolary Club yesterday arieriinon at their luncheon in Ihe St. Ilegis Cafe. Ilr. ("Irani said everyone should Sifhie people were interested be- eaiise I hey were spending money on it. to llrilish Columbia last year Ihe cost of education lo the province and lo Ihe munici pal i lies was H,2(io.O(iO or about seventeen dollars a bead for the whole population. Only the other day he was reading that in Ihe stale or Minnesota 421,0110,000. was spent on education and that was half the income of Ihe slale. A thin! reason why people should 1m interested was that most people desired lo see progress. They were not satisfied witli Ih In frs as they are today. Not Too Rapidly The Doctor warned against, trying lo advance' too rapidly, tn it lay danger and (he way to avoid it was to educate the people. Education, he declared, was i great stabilizer. Along with religion it was the greatest slabilizer in Ihe world. Education and religion could hand in hand influence people along those lines. Referring lo Russia. Dr. (Jrant spoke of the primitive condition ot the people from an education standpoint and of the? dissatis faction there with Ihe conduct, of affairs . Stability did not mean retrogression but sim,ply a more steady advancement. Dealing with the matter nf education 'through reading, the' speaker mentioned (he unreliability of some of the things published in the magazines today. I mm Ihem people got a false conception. My giving Ihem an education they were cble to sift the false from the true, Truth may be a point of view, as one of Ihe meniliers of Ihe club slat ed, but it was Ihe point of view of the best and not of the un educated, lie asked that ehild- ien be taught lo think in order that their menial machinery might become a real factor in judging what was true and wh.1l false. System at Fault Dr. (Irani eiimplimenled Ihe oily on the splendid staff of teachers here and of the interest taken in education by the board of trustees. The system was handicapped, however, by the past, stressing the value of the three Rs was fieeesary under priniitivo conditions. The idea he found still obtained that pu pus should run through the mill have information poured in so that they might be ahfe lo reach the High School. His con ceplion nf education was just the opposite to that. The pupils must be lauglit to think, but (lie present system allowed no time Tor I hat. r In ten years comparatively few pupils nail gone ln Ihe'universitv from here. Most r them look-one or two years in the jligh school and I lien dropped out ine hoys who dropped out had not had lime to learn lo think paru, necause itiey were not old enough. lie Ihoiight it might ie possible in give half a day insirucllnn lo Ihe older pupils A firm In Cincinnati did thai. HAD HEARTBURN AND HEADACHES FOR MANY YEARS Mlits nela Rurrls, .No. f, Water- fnrrt, Ont., yriles: "I have been tniublcil with heartburn and heartaches ror many yenri, There were very row thin could pat without surfcrinir from ellhcr tho lio.irlliiirn or severe liP.Hl.iches. A rrli'iirt recommended me. to try MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS This I did nnd round relief at one and hllVf liului linun lPnihln.l (,. a ...III w. iiiH-ii-.Mi-u 111 I'liiicaiinn. Mimi' i always recommend your rills to any of Had children at school or who!'" "nils who an- trouhled with heart would an .In schioil " vi-iia Il,rn' iwartat-lies or any oilier llvpr sniiicreiii. reason lor Ilieni lo lie interested in (he sulijeel. Minium's Ijua-I.lver rills are rnr sale at all lirinrnlsts and dvali-rs; put up only. Tor tin- past 30 ypars. Iy TIip T. Milbfini Co., J.linltPd.r Toronto, .Ont. The boys there were able lo con tinue Iheir education and at Ihe same yime learn the technical side of Iheir business. Not Degrading There was an idea abroad lo- lay that manual labor was de grading. His idea was that tin man who worked with his bauds was just as good as any other. lie wondered if Ihe tjte.ssenger boys of I ln city might not work for half ;i: day ami have half a lay in school, lie would like to see something done lo lengthen I he time hoys could stay 111 'chool in order that Itiey might begin to learn lo Ihiuk. Anv ner- soh. could educate himself if he tried and he suggested reading hislory and other good books, lliose which dealt with the vital things of life. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IH'OllY. I'arl cloudy; light southerly wind; bar. '.'0.88; letup. H3; sea smooth; 0 p.m. steamer Amur left Anyox for Taconia; ! p.m. Chelohsin left lluledale 0:15 p.m. nnrlhboiuid; tt.10 a.m. Prince Rupert passed mil sotilh- bound. HULL HAIIItOn. Snowing: light west wind; bar. 2'.).JT: temp. 25; light swell. I 'HAD TRKK. Snowing; calm: liar. 20.7 ft; temp. 2i; sea smooth. i Noon DIOUY. Part cloudy; light !onliwesferly: wind; "hai'' SO.Or!.; enip, 3j; sea "smooth; Chllohslit left Kincolilh lit 12.30 noon. Ul'LL HARBOR. Snowing light west wind; bar. 20.'.I7 lemp. 28; light swell; al 9.20 a.m. Prince John left Alison Ilarlinr southbound; ijl 0.30' Canadian Winner due al Vancouver at 10 p.m. . southbound; 0.l: p. 111. triiTco -abeam Harold Point northbound? 10 a.m. Cape Scott fflonn bound at ("loose Hay; 10 a.m. Princess Ileatrice at Ivory Island northbound. I) HAD TRKK, Cloudy; Uar. JO. 80; temp. 27; sea smooth. Advertise in tho Daily News. rCONOMY L I OF OXO Cubci give you at mU coat the nourishment of the fineit beef aeaioned and ready for uie. Ue OXO Cubei (or hot diinkt at well ai for graviet, ttewa and meat piei, to give more nourishment and flavor. lo tin 0(4 -15c. and " " " IU-30c. onto Proposal to Utilize Ten Vessels of Merchant Marine In Trade OTTAWA, Out., Jan. 23. . scheme lo utilize lea ships r the Canadian (invernmeut Mcr chant Marine for the carriage of perishable food products from Canada to fireat Britain is being submitted lo Ihe government by Major Hugh Creep, head of a Canadian syndicate interested in the fishing Industry. In view of the depletion by the ravages of naval warfare of Ihe historic fishing grounds off the Dogger mum. Miiiisu iisnermen have been compelled lo go further find further afield 111 search of the sea food for which I here has always been a tremendous market in lliilain. The proposal of Ihe (ireen syndicate apparently is thai it guarantees a profit of the opera-lion of government merchant marine ships lo Ihe nuiaber of ten, as a si art, provided (he gov ernment eiiulps the boats with up-lo-dale 'insulation ademiale for Ihe carriage or chilled food products. Can Make Profit The syndicate is satisfied that such products, marketed in Britain unfrozen, can be sold at a profit sufficient, lo guarantee a profit (o the syndicate and a cargo rale-'.snflli'ienl (n remun erate the government merchant murine for the operation of the vessels. Dressed meal, could be laid down in Kurope in a chilled con- lilion al greater profit to Can-ula tlian live animals now are carried, if facilities for carriage of chilled fund products were more plentiful. Refrigerator service for Canadian fruits would aso be provided, it is urged, by the equipment more vessels for such traffic HARRY REYNOLDS ferlakers. nf DIES IN HOSPITAL Fulton Street Cobbler, Seized With Stroke on Monday, Passed Away This Morning ,'i'tie ' ibrali .'occurred:; in the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital litis morning of (tarry Reynolds, cobbler In Hie Rand Block fin rulion Mreel. Deceased wan seized willi a stroke On Fulton Street last Monday . night and was rushed In the hospital. He had resided here for some lime and was quite well known. Tho laic Mr. Reynolds was 70 years of age and wa a native of Massachnssel's. l(e was a member nf the Knights of Col uiubiis. Funeral arrangements are. In the hands of Ihe B.C.. Un- Mr. Reynolds was a veteran of the American civil war and fought witli (lie confederate arniy against the north. After hisdis "barge he took tip mining and pool many years in Idaho and Iaska. He has been here abou' rive years. BIRTHDAY PARTY Alan r.ameroh celebrated his eighth birthday yesterday nrleri noon willi a parly at the home or bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cameron. 810 Borden Rlreel About fifteen boys and girt spent several hours riiost enjoy ably fdaylng frames, dancing and singing. Not the least attractive feature were the refreshments Il1.1t were .served by Mr. Cam ernn. The Utile host received many birthday presents, 10 RENT.-fireplace, broner. Daily News Classified Ads. WANTKI). 170 piles. -Modern flat Apply Max 15 to tiO feel. Apply W. T. Muse. Prince RKCRl'ITS Rupert, M.C. WOMAN requires daily work. Phone 773. jl TO RENT ROOM for rent in private house for respectable man. Address Box 228 Daily News otlice. 21 FOR nFN'IV-rurni.shed House-keeping suite, 410 Sixlh Ave East.- Phone Blue 278. If with licit FOR RENT. Singer Sewin If Machines. Phone Blue 380. If FOR SALE FOR SALE. Kilchen cabinet liko new. Phone Black 270. 21 LOST LOST. Overcoat, on Sixlh Ave. West. Finder please notify Albert n Market. If CANADIAN ROYER COMING TO DOCK C.O.M.M. Coastwise Vessel Expected Here Tomorrow For Examination Is C.O.M.M. sleainer Canadian Roer ,Capt. Joe Flood, of the Ocean Falls. California service. is expected here tomorow to enter Ihe dry dock for examination iiil inspection. Minor repairs will probably be made if SCHOOLS IN CHINA TORONTO, Jan. 23.-iPassing the 0,000 r mark, the number of pupils in 'Canadian schools in West China has increased 230 in the last year and Ihe lolal attendance is now 0,10.1 Chinese hoys and girls. Canadian Meth odists finance this work and supply the missionary teachers. highly per cent of Ihe pupils are froiii non-Christian . homes. , it wait "sln'teif at Melhodisl Mission offices. Teachers number 239 of whom 22 are employed in eight high schools. A GOOD WAY TO INCREASERUSINESS Many advertising .messages fail to attract attention because they are either unattractive or ire loo stereotyped. This is the opinion nf one of our busiest and most successful business firms- Albert A Mo-Catfery, Lid. They have suc ceeded in interesting many new customers in the story or Dm famous Nanalmo - Wellington coal and since the coal itself lives up (o its reputation these customers are Coming back daily ior more. ianaimo.Veington coal Is the premier fuel for Dm fireplace, range nnd furnace. more neai les.s ash no rock or clinkers. You should try Nanaimo-Wol linglon as soon as your present supply gels low. Beller still, If you order ttonie now you can lost it out with Hie coal you arc now using. Nnnalmo - Wellington stands supreme when a comparative lest is made.. To secure a supply phon(, j. liert A McCaffery Ltd., who aro sme agenls here. Their phone numbors aro 110 and 504. if ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE WANTED. Sea ex perience not necessary. Reg ular Naval instructor being appointed. For full particulars apply Naval Headquarters, Hays Huilding, near Totem Pole, on Mondays, Wednes-days and Fridays, 7 to 9 p.m. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD nnd Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Ofllce, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If ACCOUNTANCY BOOKS written up Balance sheets, financial statements and income tax returns pre pared hy expert accountants. Rates reasonable. Write P.O'. Box 835. f DRESSMAKINQ MRS. HAMILTON, exnerieneml dressmaker, Federal block. Dressmaking, alterations, suit and coats. First class work. Reasonable prices. Phone Black 416. n CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON (Sraduate of Ihe Nationttl College of Chiropractic, Chicago, No. 1 Stephen's Block Hours: 10 lo 12; 2 o 5: 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by uppointment. Phone Blue 85. TAXI , Tax( 67 Phone (Ca!? George, Paul or Gust' Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Ni?' t Stand: 30SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Kmnriss Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Ftirnl. lure Store. We Buy, Sell and Exchange New and Secondhand Goods. QtO. PAPADUPULIS. 839 Third Ave. Phnnn i AUCTIONEERS IT will nay you to consult n when you desire lo sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE. Auctioneers. DEPARTMENT OF LAN68. NOTICE Application far Orailng Vtrmlta far Stuan LAND ACT. In ApplU'dlliitiH r(.r ermil In trail) llv'i' Mock on the Crown ranir win," .," ilWrirt .,r tl "f Mijllnr lnvlnrft IIHim Ui uinhlii. 'wan ih'l must Iip rill 1 lr M.WHlr at anlinM.k. For l ri(. .rv.n. I'Hn.'e II. r.-rt. Va. .' rnuver. VVriicm oml Williams l.akn mi r liprcire Marrh DIM, 1825 l ell ina may ! uTilalnH rr Hip lim. trh t Fermier at ii.h ai,(,v. ,., !'.M'l'7"ii (! "'',,m"",n at Vl"' . 0. n. NAPF..N, pppiily MlnMi-r nr ' lancli Poiiaitmcnt nr 1.11144, Vlrtorla. II. C. January tun, iota none, oi mianilon to Apply to Laaaa Land ". ST!!,,1 L""" ,1"r',i. ". lei ' " trlrt of Pr new iiiinri .n,i .!..:.r. pri,,jmai,y lwo ,,,,.,, U.ihVaNt j. nrilnn Skeena Illver. . Take Nntlre that 'rim lliiu.., t, i nrnituitlfiti iniTrliant, fiKnnr.F n. Fium: M. Hated January aih flf l'rl'rant. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. re.TA;'rFnve'?,n;r?or;nl,rV "' trlrt. la ranrell'it!' ' 4m' c'r -Ma. n. It. NAflF.N. Land- nrP,rmlTT "ln'""r ' 11 Vlrtirla. B.C.. 11 th December, ttt inn. CHILLED FISH FOR BRITAIN : a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdTtrtlsemant Taken for Leaa than 50c aa " . 1i tri in in n i n M tVANTBB TIMBER SALE x6G0i Thore will he nrrpr. 1 i .. Aurilun, at unnn ..n ,. ruury, IK-, iu tin SuprrvlMir. Siiilihr.' Xntu3, in cut en 1. u I'c.lci ami I'lliiiir .11 lill l.aki-, uli mil- i:alar lilMrt. I'lvn 1 ! vi'ii'4 will 'm r innval of tlmhi'r. I'rnviili'd that air .,!. ( tlm union in pit. 11 11 , leinti r in ! iitM-iifil at 1 and tnalcil as hi 1. FttrliHT parlU'ii ar- r tor. 1riur1a. 11. 1. r I'Mnrr- lliiTl, It." TIMBER SALE X 68 nrnieu ifiiiiiT"' nil! r" Jr Vln Uln. t,t I at V.. i than nn nn 1110 af,ii i.v l. for th puri'ha- to rut t.r.u 1. nun r.'pt anil llrtiihirk. mi an srnpll mift. Oiiwn '.ha; trlrt. Two (J. jrara will imival nf umber. Further partirnlari nr tor. Victoria. Ii.' r t rrnjee iiupt-rt. in:. TIMBER SALE X GS3I. Staled Trndera w.ll l 1 Mlnnipr or'li. at V than mmn on the Uj flt; !!, for thp pttrrhaM1 -t I in rut t.liio.uoo M i t . and llrmlork, on an affa v 19311, Splwvn liilrt, - v. I.Handi Laiul rilurlrt. . Two It) rmnt wlll-b aia mnval nf tlmher. Further pariienlaM of "th ter. Vli'inrla, n.e . or 5 ' ' Prlnre nuperl. B.C. LAND ACT not ii nr iniamiAfi fa umi u r Land in Krn.i 1 ami iiuir ' nnnert nurnrilltiff r)iat!r'. appryxlmati ly nn and 1 r.f Salvia HiatlAn. nn Sail : I .j ' Illver. Take ?!nilc lhat Hudi !f U:: 1)41 i:arlMm Hi., lim lirfer. mtendt ta app " 1 19 rliri'll.1e the fntlnw'ii.r ' lVtmriinrlnff al a ti. .1 I millthnett nf I. if 4!; ttwnre Hfiuth niattly Hrm yard" thr;: annrntlmatelv nn var1 ' ami nr1 In m.lnl nf In T If. " prllnr all lhat portion i wen of I.nt 4? 03 anl arrea. umre or le--. TIIOM 5" LAND, ACT U .. ! - a ...... i . ...I. . lull in rruire ituperi I ' rordlnr PIMrlrt of pnn K iiate at llarnard c. rt t hland, P C. Take .Notlre that S :m company l.lmlti'd, nf Vai lenda to anrlv for nerni MINERAL ACT. I rv followlnir dearrlhed Ian"! -J at the head nf Martial d lln.val lland; Ihenre east thHire north frlv ' " '' wet ten '(in i rhalna. m'" water marks theiu-e aouih ai mark tit point of .irin.- eontalninf. fifteen il" 4' ' 1 tea, SOMF.nVlt.IF :V Mill' ' A' W .J: Jif D.Hed- rierrrnber 1 7(1). i HAWK MINE"RAL CLAIJI nr . ih. t.... ...u !) l,.l,.n, f .V. .... .. . 1 Freo Mlnera' CerOflraie. T( rtr vr Mimnn R7untc. , . ii Take. Nntlre thai we, AV T' ' ."I.- ninioi;, aim II..TIU Mm ..hp ....... . - tt,a ..... ......mi. imrilil Hi " - y "".'f ii-oin llie noie iirfrin '.. .mniiiir neeorner rnr a. i,'t u .-y- ,'. ... rinril lir III" Jll"' . .... i. . . . . . . . .k.. let iiiiiiifniiorp iaae nni;rn inn " wi i See. Jit of (he Mlnefal Ai'l ni' "?, menred heforn thp' Ijwanr" iiimr hi iinprnvfrnenia, i llalnd ll,l 4AII. Hntr nf NllV, ,v, W, F. .tPFSrV v r Ki-nm NOTICE OF OANUCLLATION OF I ...'.r. i.i ill, reaerve rnverlnF l.otr fisi , L Ce etl. ,nrt DeputT Meiltrr Department of Landf. ' Victoria, n r.. , "vmh.. Ifllh ! LAND ACT Of l"1 nitiica or inieni en 10 apmr w ' ji in M't Inlet. i mand land MHct nf Trlnce nufiprf, n.C lie nd In Vealaltnn P,v and nnp milp afjuih nf n l"'"' A ilinf inn' raKe moiicp that Enaene , "attpti, n r... npciimi" m Manarer In nnnlv . w U .loaa ihn fnltnw)n4 .!"' '"" a. CnmmcnMna? at a pnt !anfd ldc of Ypatattnn P.iv: th , rnin. inencp ei t pnam "" eh4in. thunce wciy f n: ' eV 1 fnfntna- is acre", mncp eel!,,.iM Dalerl neccmber 10th, ttl