Ladies.' Hubber. medium heel only, for 50c -." Pairs of Ladies' Shoes for $2.00 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, Pumps and Oxfords, assorted sizes, for $3.50 l't'c Discount on all Ladies' and Children's Shoes and House .Slippers. Men's Hiibher.. II eg. Jjil.N.". Sale Price ... . . : . . $1.50 Men's Overalls. Heg. $2.7T. Sale Price $1.85 Men's I'laiuielelle Working Shirts. Meg. jjCl.nt). Sale $1.85 Hoys' Monarch Sweaters. Sizes up o :iil. Sale Price $1.50 Monarch Wool, floss ami dove, 1 oz. balls, four for $1.00 Monarch Woo, down, 2 oz. halls, i halls for $1.00 Infants,' All Wool Hlack Cashmere Penman's Hosiery, pairs for . $1.00 Children's Heavy llih Collou Stockings, all sizes, it pairs "" " $1.00 t halls of Crochet Collou, nil shades, for $1.00 ." yards of" (irey Collou, IHl inches wide, for $1.00 "i yards of While I'laiuielelle for $1.00 Everything in our slore is reduced, genuine bargain. in every department in the st.ire. "AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, expert-. enced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical, knowledge of optometry, to repder you the very best service possible, while our charges will bo found reasonable ItVevery Instance. WE REPLACE LENSES BROKEN Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist ?i BRITISH MONEY BACK AT PARITY Post Office Department of United States Orders Issues of Notes at $4.87 Ni:V YOHK, Jan. 23. lleslur-a I ion of sterling exehaiiRn Id a koI.I parity basis of $!.H(5 5-8 ly t lit post office department1 yesterday came as a dranialioj r0lm,ve, Climax to live years of erratic fluct nations in Hrilish currency. which atone lime u li)20 drove tin rale to art extreme hnV price of $3.19. Removal of tlie war-lime "pefr." which liad lield tlie. pound nround 5.7(S, in March,, 1!)1!, signalized the beginning' - pf n period of violent reactions anil ...ii i . . ... rame.s. uaseu on varying- ponu- PP,.jn j cat developments, trade conditions'.' gold movements and orgies (f speculation in exchange which hitherto hud licen little known. ireal Hrilain's rapid reeover "n.'m the devastating effects of he war was reflected in a grad ual appreciation of her ' ex change, once (lie bottom had January CLEARANCE SALE SUGAR 1c A LB. SUGAR 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIES! With every $5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. The limit ls5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 5c. Remember that the Sugar offer Is over and above the sala Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER. JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Corner Third and Seventh. Phone 645 WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. tar. Thomas Meigiian The Good Luck Star In "The Alaskan" An adaptation or .lames Oliver Curwood's celebrated story. A real, "he-man" story of the far North; an epic of Alaska. A big, red-blooded story alive with wile strength and dramatic power. The old liaminer-nnd-long fight-day lived over again. A tale of the slrnggles by unlive Alaskans against tlie financial powers which si rove o loot the wealth or that faraway laud. Mountain peaks, forests, rivers and glaciers form the sellings. MACK SENNETT COMEDY "TEN DOLLARS OR TEN UAYSS." featlirinn Ren Ti.mln , . . ... .j . . M f.1 I, wr-iwj vrr nc umi. twi. omh ie. SPECIAL - JANUARY - SALE SPECIAL SILK AND WOOL RIBBED HOSE ill o different shade.. $1.25 Pair. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK. heen reached, with new high rc lords established in each ..sue cessive year allliough Ihc rate ! ranged an average of 50 cents hetweim (lie annual high and low points. Frequent sharp breaks anil equally brisk up turns marked the course of trad ing, and al times caused much concern. Last Barrier When the rale early in l!2 crossed the war-1 hire "peg point, it was felt thai the last barrier in the way of sterling's I. i. i, : i .. i i I niarcii iiuuk in iiiu uy mm I'cru The approach of sterling to par was accomplished by reports that I'ughiiid was planning' an early restoration of the gold standard, The visit of Montagu Norman, (lovernor of the Hank of Lngland, to the United Slates lent color to these rumors, inspiring the belief (hat Great Hrilain first wished In as- America's future policy iioverning Federal Iteserve Hank rales and gold movements. First Collapse The first great collapse In sterling came in 11)1!) following Hie withdrawal of artificial support which hail be;i in effect "or about two years. The abrupt lecliue from i 1.7(5 in March to 3.8fl fa'le in the year was aeeel-"raled by the disquieting events of that period, foremost of; ".liich were, the failure of Hie! neace treaty do pass the United1 lales Senate and the unsettle-1 inenl of world trade. Slerling's darkest days were encountered in February, lU'.'O, when I he cumulative effects of' ost-war disappointments were reflected in a veritable trading ;aiiic. A perpendicular break of M cents in four days carried the rale to the lowest point in his lory at .3.1!). Rally Follows A brisk rally followed. An Hiunceinenl by the chancellor of 'he exchequer I hat the Urilish' treasury would pay off its por-j lion of the Anglo-French loan,' Hid if neccsary ship gold to I In j I'niled Spates to accomplish the liiiuidalion, initiated the upturn.) Thereafter rumors of gold ship-1 meats contributed to a steady 'dvance, ami though 58,00(1,(1(1(1 in gold, which was consigned to I'niled stales actually was for oaymenl oT an Argentine loan, 'lie propaganda was effective in ifling the rale to i.0(j 3-5 by Vpril 5. Fur Hie remainder of. Hint year the course of sterling vas governed by trade demands' and gold shipments, Further recovery in sterling look place in li2l, when I he rice moved up from, a low of 3.53 1-i to n high ma rk of 5.25 1-8 late in I lit year. Among the factors which con-' Iribuled lo I lit improvement were the settlement of many internal problems, approach of-Hie Irish settlement and the favorable impression created by he disarmament conference in he United Stales. This year saw the rise of speculative activities :n exchanges on a scale hilher-'u unknown. These operations supplied much of the purchasing mwer which put sterling above he $5 mark. Recovery Starts The gradual appreciation of sterling continued until Decem ber. lOSS, when a violent upturn' of about 20 cents in a week lo a high levef or 5.(50 attracted (lie world's at t en I ion lo's recovery. The rise was aided by favorable 'trade figures, the heller condition of the. Brit ish Treasury, the rid urn lo Lou-1 don of large balances by hiler-natioual companies and the "trapping'' of a large number of speculators who had sold sterling for a decline. I l'.v Ki'ln'ii.'irv i.r:t ! it in'' ill 5.72 t-K had reached its highest level since March, HUD. The uncertain trend of foreign political events, the growing strength, of I lie Labor parly in F.uglaudi and unfavorable trade factors,! however, combined lo force the rale down about 50 cents lo $5.20 by November. Labor Effect Accession of the Labor government in England, coupled with vague talk of n lax on capi tal and fears of an inflationary oolicy. Marled a "flight" of Hrilish capital lo this country early in 1025 whidi depressed sterling sllll furlher to S&5.20. A lain in the tide rami) with the spiing reaction in the stock market here, the extreme ease oT American money rates and higher interest rule at London, nil of which tended to attract fun. Is back lo Hie British capitab Aceeplance of I he Dawes' plan accelerated the advance " which mined momentum through the THE DAILY NTW3 Friday. January 9i. 19?3. January Clear anceSak Have yon paid us a visit yet? EACH DAY OUR SALES RECEIPTS GET BETTER AND BETTER. WHY? BECAUSE THIS IS A GENUINE RE. DUCTION SALE AND THE VALUES ARE GREAT. IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY PAID A VISIT, DO IT NOVVI IF YOU HAVE, COME AGAIN! Mens Strong Flannelette Shirts Meg. $2.75. In Hrown, Khaki, Dark am) Light (irey. .Strongly finished in materials which will give Hie maximum of wear. Sizes 5 lo 17M.. $L85 Men's Pure Wool Pullovers Hog. $;.!).". These have Ibe shawl r ilhj, and are well made W illi roii'tusliiig : npn in dark and light shade-. $3.95 . SPECIALS FROM OUR DRYG00DS DEPARTMENT SHIRTING Oxford .Shirting in smart, clean pallrrus. 27" wide. It eg.' 5()c per yard. 3 yards for 85c TOWELS 27 x 58. Heg. 2.l( pair. II -avy W hile llalb Towels. Pair $1.45 KITCHEN CLOTHS Kxcelleoi quality. 2i)' x ; lleg. ,"i()c em h. 3 for $1.10 ; . l . -. STRONG COTTON ft SOX HANSON'S PURE M Heg '-.. In llrowu WOOL SOX and Hlack. Heg. ."illc. 3 Pairs for 2 Pairs for 85c 85c I w JtOWUOtStHOUI. & (& -. 'ffin;ii:iniii7f liOURf3. Braces and Belts MEN'S WORK BRACES Heg. 7.V. Slruiij. veh. 45 MEN'S LEATHER BELTS Heg. 81. (10 vjMH 65c CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FROM 9 A.M. TO 12 NOON ONLY, OCltVIES 1 ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, ROBIN HOOD, or FIVE ROSES FLOUR 49 lb. Sacks - 52.75 All Flour orders will be delivered Tree. Orders laken from ! lo 12 noon only 100 Tins ROYAL D. SLICES PINEAPPLE, r-- 2's. Special, per tin 20c W'e recommend this line as A I IOCO LIQUID POLISH Quart Tins Special 60c Why pay l.'A7 per tin for highly advertised lines? Service successful flolalion of the in-Icrnalioual loan to (lerniany ami I he return of the Conservat ives lo nower in (treat llrilain. De- spile aiiunusually heavy aoUiiiiu iM iraiic ami m'aiu nuis, niie i cuslomary autumn purciiascs, the final forward movement or sterling continued almost with out interruption until parity had been attained. High and Low 'I'luk liiuli mill lmv nrii'fvs nf Sterling for each of the last five! years are shnwii in the following table: tU2(V , . . , 1U2I .. .. ltS2 ... .. 11)23 ,. 1112 5 .. .. Jllfgh. l.tlfl 3-5 UM l-5 t.(lt) 5.72 t-8 1.73 r- Low. $3.1!) 3.53 i 5.17 1.2(1 5.20 . - It. K. Canipbell, arrived on IliO sleanier I'riilciltuiierl. yoslerday afternoon front Vancouver lo visit wilh lll Slsler. Mrs. S. K.. I'ampbell, I'ourtir Avonue West. 'M L Ham woco . ) HAMSTERLY FARM STRAWBERRY JAM i lb. Hails 65c 1,000 Lbs. TERRACE TURNIPS Kxlia s ial.. . ,. . . .' 10 lbs. for 25c Your last chaio-e Ibis season at a ,u u'i' which is less Ihan wholesale. SUGAR CRISP CORNFLAKES 4 for - 35c Limit 1 2 lo each customer POST'S BRAND FLAKES 15c straight Universal Trading Co. rpAN i ytfiRES WHEAT a txATivr rooo lAOV TO (AT Satisfaction Kitchen Cabinets One of the most useful pieces of furniture in a home Our Kitchen Habinels put system in your kilchen. I'luin lop wilh 2 Ihiis. '' drawers, bake board. l'op with shelves and I wo drawers. .Special $24.00 Aluminum tup wilh bin, cutlery drawer and door comparlmeiil Top wilh -hr comparlnieiils,, sugar container and glassjars. Honiplele . . .......... . $38.00 Heavy l'orcelaiu adjuslable lop, dour eompartniei.t, lined bread drawn mid bake board m.jus.alde Hour Micraiiil glass jnr,.' UnJs Imd ilrnwe dov 2 s ire 'r1"0'- &Z.50, $57.00, and $59.00 All solid oak. 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE Thef Quality Home Furnisher IB0KI1 Phone 20