UIEPL'L SAMPLE I0X Ssnt ?ri4 and Pct Paid to mm rtadtr on rtqu$i h ih0 -Buk Hfg Co.. i lutnt St. Toronto einz's FREE nionstration ALL THIS WEEK ' wi" am milking .spoil .-(M- In llllVI'l'- i' s" UejitJS' Sales for EINZ tomato I .w. a hot i li xcnuPTo f ,I II I I.I EIN2 TOMATO CATSUP ' Tin; Week Only 3 for 95c iv.itntfpmy) r.o. tomato Soup CREAM OF TOMATO ! IEINZ SOUP I'l.'ll This Week ftnKv-- H Size, i iis fr ., ,. 950 we size, 5 I ins for 95o fie Rupert Table Supply Co. P Phones! 510 9-M 9-19 I ypnnK I In- iniMi whom fnrliiur favors in Ilic epic Alaskan gold- rush, which began in lln lath 'nineties, is (iennge Hull. miilille- jaged, hill still in Im prime ;,n, sturdy enough In tempt fori Hint in Mils iniililicsl of nil liaanls. His wife, who follows liim inlo I he norlh, succumbs o ir hardships shi' litis endured mill leaves 1 1 riii wjlli his lilllo mm Alan. Tlie years pass. Holt' claim come. In an end hut new inler-i;sls arise as he develops Ids' laml whero van I herds of reimlcer graze. Tiro hoy .an, giviwu lo manhood, becomes the staff upon which the elder Hull leans. Graham Enters .lohn lirahain enter Alaska, barked hy powerful financial iu-Icresfa:' Ho plans In strip Hie I'jMiulry hare or all her WPallh. rnvnsriiitr every resourri! for his own aKiainlizeiiieiil. As a resulf of his iri of v.'iinlalisrii in which he destroys fie.jrravc of Mr. Hull, (ralium suiters a severe lhraIdn a I (lie hands of Alan. The elder Holt does nol Ion? survive. Willi his last words he hids Alan filil what (irahaiu represents. I he looting of Alaska. Alan finally trues In Seallle where a senalmial inveslixalion is in session and dramatically exposes the allempl on (irahain's pari In caoliire Hie fiilire salmon fishiinr iniliisiry in Alaska. Girl on Scene Knrotile northward acaiii, lio hi'comes inlcresled Lp a frii-I who lights Jier way ahoard ship al the lasl ininule ami ideads lo he al lowed lo slay, despile file fact illial Ihere are no cabins leit. Alan oilers her hi cabin which she arcepts frrsilnfully. iMirinj.' Hie voyage he learns Ihal bur name is .Mary blandish bill who she is or where she conies from he Is Unable In discover. Jler Mibscijiionl aclious a run 4 bis suspicious and- laler when he sees )ier talking lo (iraham's lietilenanl, lo Hie conclusion lal i ,. ...in. t.i. . . ii'iiui' wim ii i s eni'illies. y He scornfully rejeols hep idTerf 111 I, VI, lulu llkfiil-lnn- II...I ul... 1:. l ( 1 'ii iiimi 'lllfiws trylnjr lit make a fool of blm. A fe.w minutes aflerwanls, he is horrified In learn thai, she ha jumped overboard. No (race of i Mrs. S. II, i:ialr. II. 11. No. 1, laliiion-i"ii, inn., write: -t.i )ini int.,, nm wliilcr, uir ri v rhllilrfii h,n very fevrrc allmk ut hiiiiiiiit fcuijrh. V pii ri'i'iiiiimi'iiili'il, liy our ilriitil!, to use DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP which - itlil with the irrciiicM i.r mie-cpsk. Ii clcarml ..ut the ihrniit anil hrnn-cllliil mix ., ami IiiikciiciI (he Milcirlli so Ihal thcN were alilc In c.uikIi It up, and In no lime I hail quenched l0 -whoop hill'." "Iir. WimmIV Is pit up only hy Tic T. VlllHim r.o., l.ltnlKil. mil ha lcn on I lie inaikel tnr (lie .al 35 year, lie giirp aiwl KM the. KiT.iilne. proaidi, prepares for a fitrhl, but findiiu? Ihal he i oulnuiubered. he anil his men escape liituwh a secret passage inlji the hills where (iraham piirue.s him. Just as all seems lo.sl. Alan's Indians appear in full force and fira- ham's men are Miirroiindeil. In I lie battle Ihal follows, lirahain I Kllleil I he slory closes w ith Alan and Mary slandiu' loxelber and faciutr I lie fiilure Willi con- fidiiipc and a mutual love, for Hie land of Alaska ner is lounn aim n is assiimen iSI. vn.ii-,,,.' Ilial she drowned. eer, is rescued by own Indians who 'tJiwLdMtn. kiiEar Mary, Kxplanalions ipiickly fid'ow and Al.lii learns Ibe reason for Mary's strange aclions. flrnhnni bad I ricked her into a marriage and 4u the xery.slay of the ceremony she had fled. On board (he limit llossland had reciigillz- Sous of Camilla Klks K. of C. j... now- o nf i' one of Alan in.i,irii,.. - S WHIST Elks, K. of C, K. of P., St. An drew's and Moose tAinners Last Night liaincs in the men's sclion of Ibe l-'ralerual Whist l.eajruc l,-s liipbl resulleil as follows: I'.lks. 5: Sons of ICiiiilaild, i. Knljihls of (Udumhus, 5; (ireal War Veieran, . nddelllnws, nil ; Knlhls of I 'y I bias, . Mouse, 7; l.oyal (lran?p hodpe, Sons of. Oanad; lakes her In i ......i , ,...,. i .u., me nun ranrii. Arriving iinme, ' Alan is nmnxcil lo find her alive: ' ami wailing fir liim. i. W. Moose K: of 11 IJ1 -In m- i. Ends In Fight In the meantime, (iralinni has found' oiil where .Mary is liidinu. Willi Hossland. and a frrti -itf V. A. RIFLE RANGE S; SI. An- drew.s, 5. The postponed panic liclwcen Ibe I.Iks and tin hoyal - Orttn l.mlse will be. played al Ibe ijl. Itecis Cafe on .laiminv l'T' .mil I.. 3 3 I S 0 0 0 li c H CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAV BX. Coast Service Sailinfirsfrom Prince RuDerr Princess alice princess mary For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 26; February 9, 23 For Vancouver; Victoria and Seattle January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27 8S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For B'ltedale, Swanson Bay, Eat Bella Bella, Ocea.i Fall, NPrpu, Aer Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for al Steamship Line Full inforniatinn from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4h 8?reel and 3rd Avenue. PHnce Riibp. CAVATC Washer Oil ? 1UL and Dryer Has no Vrftiger, needs jinne. Won (iold ,leilal at lasl Cueliec Kxliibilioii over all American pin) Cnn;idinir Macliincs. Cash IVice $185.00; nlso sold mi terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Pis. 8 The following scores were made by marksmen of tin; Xnrlh 11.(5. Ilealniciit Itifle Association e, her ami il was lo otilwil bim;.,( n,P Market Place miniature Hint she had singed Hie fake!,., .32 M. M. I, ami. 31 CWooiIhII 21) J. F 'llili'hin Jr 28 (ieorge J tell. 22 desireradof-he sfiirls ror the Hull i-ancli. Alan, warned of bis up- Advert'sJ in the Daily Ncw P. II. II. P. . SI. Andrew's (irnlln (i. W. V. A. January 53, 1025. THE DAILY NEWS PPt FTT m m m a a . nBtmf hm 9 i i ifc V I Hf"70vn run JN S soon as your skin gets rough and chap- ed or gives you twinges pain as a result of :old. Apply that ever-ready ut!iinp he iler, Zim-Buk. It Soothes Pain I a gratifying manner. This lie herbal balm, by its pene-ttag healing action, will ixklr re.eiie you Irom chaps. I.Lai: s and all inflammatory im proaoced By the weather. There -i lothing liVeZtm-Bulc r he fator blredirg cracks the icui, and ending the torture W it ' skin ailments, fluids, arms, and feet, or any exposed to the weather icmld all be' rubbed over daily ithZam.pak both as a prevent-t Iirt or as a corrective. Srows New Skin 1 ":roia, ttl i-asl i te- i Miif-i - i.aprttl hands. .. : ii ntni . ..nil ' ' I t "uM nut i ill it- iij1i i. r i .r n '"hi f.nr MEIGHAN HERO i ALASKAN PUY Picture to be Shown Here To-' night is an Epic, of Gold i Rush WHOOPING COUGH IS A VERY SERIOUS TROUBLE HER 5 CHILDREN HAD IT ARRANGEMENTS FOR BADMINTON MATCH Team Selected by the Regiment to Contest Honors with Older Club itossiami, l(.wcen Ibe Oddfellows andillnllies C, he comesj,. XVar Veterans will lak.'Cobl Storage 7 he is ill nla in .la n mi iv L'K in Id., ii VV ' A. rooms. League slandiusr lo daln fol- (Vimplele arrangeuieuis hav been made for l)ie bailininloi' match behveeii Die First Ji.f: lleKinieill anil (lie li'iuee Ituperl llaiiuiinfoii (Iliiby I'lp' first series will be played on Sunday after noon at lliree o'clock J 1 1 Ibe i: l.uxe Hall bclweeii ''six'1 playi)i froni each club. There will hi three sets of iloubles and six nels of singles in all. The team selected by inenl consists of Col. Iir. Treniayne, Major Capl.- Tinker, Major and l.iciiL Alex. llix. Col. McMordie i.V Sgl. Jebson ; V. . . J. llillinaii ((i.') .. W. J. Nelson ((J.) . W.'Slewarrt ((!.. . F. Stephens (H.P.'. A. A. Kasson (Il.p II. .Iclich II.P.) . . (i. Mcllmoyln Alex. Volume the rcjri- Nicbolls. I'lnlpoli lohnsim. The leain friiti; I he Prince Itu perl club has not yet been selected. I''. C (iibbons. who is one ol their best players is tui uptown and will not be back either foi Ihal ma I cli or for Hie loiirua-iiipiiI the following week. GREAT WAR VETERANS STAGE COMEBACK IN BILLIARD TOURNAMENT The ('ireal War Veterans' second division billiard team regained some of the ground i. losl recently by scoring a clean sweep victory over the Cold Storage in lasl night's Inurnaipent. The a?gregale score was 7."0 ri !i8G. Individual sr!n'3 were as follows: t Dr. .1. A. Wes'l (Veterans inn; .. Ma, 101. v II.. '. Wcarmoiilh; ' 150;. V. Par, .:.. 1'.. l-'cnploi, I f'Qttpnrge !KiI- sey, I3H. ; S, I,. Warjior, ,'; lii. ' ! .1: 138. .1. Ilujgei', Fleming, l.-iQjr'Sr .ImTlriH, League slandiils: In" il.ith : i: ? Ciames-'ni,' ... 0 4217 ... 0 tl'.ll .:. d i iau ... 7 in.ni (II.P (V.' Iir. Wesl (V.. . C. j. Tinker 'V.i C. Ilalagno fll.P. M. Pearce (i.) . V. Pylc' (V.) .,. J. Walsh (V.) .. I. Itrywii ((,') . I!, Morgan (Cr.) fi. lllylhe (fl.) . (i. Waugh . 3701 tain! BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division fianies. Til. I, 1 0 ,.r 3 o Second Division .1. Ileesley ((1.) .... A. Dpitiilil (Jt.P.) .. F. Zfenian (H.P. .. 1. llillrniin (O.) ... ,!. Weir (C.) P. Howe (II.P.) .... .1. Ilrown (S.A. .. W. .1. Nelson' (CO . W. Slewarl (CO .. Ilabe Fori In (II.P. . Dr. Wesl (V. .. Andrews (S.A. . . fi. lllythu (fl.) S. Supa (fi.) M. Andrews (S.A. . V. Ablridgn dU'.' , M. Mnci.arhlunfS.A. .. Allan S.A.i .... S. Macdnni(lil (S... C, If. Younpnian(V 1 0. Mallet (II.P.) W. If'irray tn. ., P. McAnley (C.i .. I. Maclenn (f!.) ... n, . Tinker (V.) . , I. Fleii)njr (V. ... W. Mitojiell (ll.PJ . F. May fC.S.i Ii. Weiirnioulh (V.' 'i. FMin)ou (V.' , . . P. Mrf.pan' (C.) ... 0. Kejsey (C.S.' . . M. I,amb (O.i .... S. Parlipi (O.S.i . . . I. HulRcr (C.S.' . . . S. I(. W'ari'inr (V. . H. Parr .... W. Williscrofl (O.i M. Plephens (fj.) A.MIales (O.S.l .... J. McDoiifrall (0.) . . W. Anderson (C. . V. II. Jarinan (0; 7 r r. v 0 fl n . M '5 V. o 3 0 3, &' ' fl 7 I fi I 0 7 0 . J r. 3 1 2r,o l2r,o 2.10 18:i 250 1217 1212 111)3 nut 102 227 81)1) 1122 1332 10i)8 055 1207 1250 ill 1310 000 150 450 550 150 738 735 588 292 an 5)82 812 558 833 095 .093 353 080 080 073 207 100 783 391 391 .200 773 897 510 881) 703 037 751 '871 711 831 555 531 210 502 89 82 69 Avo. 70.1 r.'jo fi 1 1 ri8 c,c, 001 Av. 250 250 250 2 53 25(1 ! 213 212 239 J'J 231 227 225 23 222 220 218 211 209 200 203, 150 150 150 150 150 1 18 I 17 1 47 M0 111 l in I in Mo 139 139 139 138 137 130 135 13 ( 133 131 130 130! 131) 129 128 128 127 127 127, 120 I2, 121 ill), 111, 100 I or, i ion ' 89 R2 09 For beer that really satisfies, drink HOTEL HOTELSrAMItY' 6 r"""' Vi'i . jk Sport Chat t I Should the Colls win loinglils senior basketball games from the Klks, Hie latlep learn and (he Siuis of Canada will he lied in first place. The Colts, themselves, are fe.r behind in the lea-SP standing hut they would si ill have alliance should a run of good luck come llieir way. In any case, Ihere, is going to be an in-leresling battle from now until Hie end of Ibe season between tin: Canucks and the lodge men for rhnmpinnship honors. The Inlermciliale League game I j nighl between -Ibe Colls and (Irollo should also be. an inler-esling alfair. Willi Ibe tobacconists holding first place just (low with a one game lead, Ibe (Soils have a u'ood chance In share that position. The' Ihird: gfame of the evening will ho sine! nf I hose ever popular Junior l.eiigue' affairs 'between Ibe Colls alid Tiny Tints. Afler a 'nine-year lapse, the Nepi'o has again mine lo lake a leading place in pugilistic circles in Hie niled Stales. With Jess Willard's vblory over Jack Jolin-sn.i, llien heaviweljrht champion, in 1915, the while race' recap-lured its leadership. Jack Pamp-sey has now held the lille since 1919 and in thai liine lie has neyer ine't a nero. From nre-sent iudicalioiis, Ibe while chain-pinns must soon meet ainiHiei' galaxy of N'Ki'iljs in. Hie ring. Harry Wills, wlfo has pursued Penipsey for sever.il years, has roiiiuercil Ibe (inly man who knocked Ilic champion from Ibe ring, Kills 1'irpo. Powerful and beady, ind -by all means a boxer, Wjlls is lu'ralderl Hie logical coilli'iiil'T allbougb be may have lo nieel Jnm (fibbons oT SI. Paul firsl. In llc- iiidineeigbl dfvis-inn Ihere is also looming a dusky figure, Tijter Flowers,, an Alliinla nogro, overcame the former champion. .lobnuy Wilson, in lliree riunuls al Madison Squnro .Oiivalrti, Hits winlr.r and he ban Tieelare,il. bis intention of drawing Harry Creb into a inalch for Hie title. Advertise in Hie Pally News. 11 rJheBeer without uPeer LEARf $odep, sparkling beer, with the rich, ripe mellownes$ of chpice Canadian barley rrmH and hops. '"Cascade" never fails in purity and quality it's good, ajways good and it SATISFIES! You try it! Insist on " Cascade-' 'r the BETTER BEER It costs no more ! DELIVERED FREE IN PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liitior Control Hoard or by the Government of Urjtish Columbia, WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT sail rmm Prima nuperi f OR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, inlrrfiii'iliiile xiiuH rarli Friday V.im a.m. - For STEWART and ANVQX Wpdnis1.iy, 11.00 pjn. S.S. PRXICE JOHN for Vnromer Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, January 31: February li. S3. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUTERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 5.IMI p.m. for prlnrft Cirnrre. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all jiiiliil.i K.anrn' Canada. Unljcd Slates. AGENCY ALL OCEAN 8TEAMSHIP LINES. Cil, Tlcktt Qfflct, 62 Thlr) A., Prlnc Ruprt. fhoni 260. Towing Towing Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 if- IT WILL PAY YOU to CONSULT US FRST Rupert Marine Products Ltd, BEST PROCURAPLE B0TTt6WBAr ( Night Phones Red 618 Qr. 601 539 6liTlu.i U " il'i9C ,Q lf ("f l.lUVtt CUM 'Ow Kotuas Tito original label look for it at the Vendors, and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." Tliis ailvertiseinent is not publishe.d or displayed by tho l.i(iinr Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia,