Pr,v. FOUR TITF n.'J.v NEWS Saturday, January 10 Hi f " BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManJ S ! 1 r K .r eosST MaJ SEWiMf rn , ' COUNT OE -COUPONS L- Isr-Vl CiE.r-TLE, tMAH KL VE COT TO HWE Jppp1 Lr-'Tf .i MOwr Receive, him r1 RJTry- VliM tauktonr. on pr,vATt: j deh S inhere-, . YirT?'f JLv? 'th r ' 'fff ij , W I P7 W I I - Ck.I Britain rifhu rwrved ZizJ (, I I I i-hone 7 P.O. Box 327 SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE Has il. ever occurred lo ynuthat llio multitude, of "Household Helps" offered for sain are of themselves lifeless and incapable of service unless controlled and direcfed by the already overburdened housewife Laundry service alono is alive, vital, imposing no new obligations, nnd ask-ins nothing but your friend-ly disposition, lo change servitude inlo service. May wo caJl? Phone 8 PHONE 8 B0X392 PRINCEtROPERT DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, EOc Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. JUST ARRIVED Children's, Growing Girls' and Misses' SHOES At Lowest Prices MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Dr.LS.TAFT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRIKCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 U 6. , Phone 880. Open Evenings Only Wmr Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Qjavel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. i SURPLUS SHOWN FOR YEAR 1924 Statement of Revenue and Ex- penditure for City Is Issued by Treasurer Income-of I ) city fur Hie vear 1921 fulfilled $.'10 ill MM I .-unl t. pemlilure $208,31 1. u leaving a surplus on Hie year's operalinns of 830.077.10 accot'dinir In a urn. liminary stalemenl, on revenue and expenditure aefnuiif, exclus i'e of utilities, issued by I). ,.u .Malbeson, city treasurer 'l'l. The statement ..l iif ' I i.. income shows thai the total lax levy, general. i special and sebonls, was $22, -Onn.SO. Other items are: 'enallies for delayed payment of current ' taxes $i,r.7r,.7(i Interest on tax arrears and accrued 5.355.17 Local imiirovemenl. lax penalties 2.550.00 Dog taxes 121). 1 5 Poll taxes : 3.552.8 1 Itoad l-axes 7. no Provincial government grant for teachers' salaries ;...) 1,380.05 Provincial government, grant Tor manual training ami domes-science .....,.. ;;3j.. 850.50 Proportion -of- liu,uor - -pnllls for schools..'.. 3,051.00 Liiuor prolils for city !,2I3.M Pari-fnulucl taxes -5 ,!51.58 Motor licenses -1.958.11 lliiilding and plumbing Permits 33(i.70 P(dice court fines 5,010.05 Trade licenses 7.022.50 llurial pennils 870.10 Sundry reeiepls (570,(13 Inlerest received less Paid 2.508.20 Soldiers' .housing inter est and commission.. 0,000.0(1 Light department, 3 per cent of gross earnings 2,900.00 Tax sale costs 2,515.95 Items of Expenditure Hems of expenditure were as follows: Interest and Redemption oT Serial ami Sinking Fund Ilelienlures $33,892.3(1 Assessor 1,019.75 Oneral mliiiinisl i-atimi 11.180 81 Lily engineer 3,(193. U I'ire department ' 15,528.91 Health .department ...... l'-i,l5i!::i8 Police department 1:1,001.28 Public works depl 3(,7 i.m School salarii'H 57,817.8(5 Schools (operating) .. 12,578.71 Sewer maintenance .... 3,538.81 Public library 2,1(19.88 Heading room 38(1.3!) I'ire Hydrants charges due to Waler dept... 2,000.00 Street lighting 5,911.33 Soldier's housing Interest paid in (Jnv 5,318.13 iPuhllc works stores.... 7,301.03 Lumber slock 0,010.00 Public works tools 3,028.25 Special grant to P.H. Cien. Hospital for fire escape 2,31 1.5! Money Advanced Hinienieni or capital expen dilnrp for slrcet imnrnvemenls sidewalks and cinder palhs ad U (kiiiiiii .HiiililMiHHiiJjWE Cigarettes vanced out of general' fund show a oT '.)(, 185.01. This money will later lie returned to general, fund on the sale of debentures. .More important items in this stalemenl are as follows: (irading .'dbf Ave. K $ll),,.inn..Ti!lloriiibin Skei-na Highway .( i .07 Urad'ing Mtli Ave. 5,830.53 (fading Hays, Cove Av l,78i;to (railing Allin Avenue 2,702.51 (railing 71b Ave. Sidewalk 51 h Ave. F... . t'.o.ll.irt Itock Crusher (operal- in?) 1,009.71 Steam Holler (operat- ing) .-. (113.18 Hock Quarry, 5lli SI... 21,550.88 trading Olh Ave, (Sec- lion ) 12,315.5 5 k,.I (:V(, 7,252.92 ira'diug Hays Cove Cle 900.5 ullon SI. Clrading 2,133.00 Mcllride- SI. grading.. 1,857.1(1 Allin Ave. grading 3,088.1(1 lirading (yomox Ave 1,933.12 ('railing Mcllride SI. .. 209.15 ADMIRAL WATSON IS IN DRY DOCK TODAY American Vessel Lost a Propel ler Blade Yesterday Came Here for Repairs The Pacific Coast Sleamsliin Co.'.s Alaska liner Admiral Wiil- son, bound Troiii Seattle lo Alas ka ports, lost a propeller blade while passing up Hie coasl near here yesterday ami last night, at 10 o'clock arrived here lo enter dry dock to have repairs made. Ihe vessel was taken urt on Ihe pontoons this morning and should he out again Ibis afler. noon lo resume her voyage. The sleamer has a light passenger list. She is in command of Capt. Nyslroin. BASKETBALL IS RESUMED Elks Beat Canucks In Senior League; Grotto Wins Over Regiment l'.lks, .-M' Sons or Canada, 29 (irotlo, 112; llegimenl, 20. Tiny Tims, 25; Colts, 28. The second half of Ihe basket ball season opened last night in the Klks' Hnnin' witti Tu good crowd in hHeiidanej towifness Ihe' viirioils ' hull r he wliich Were keenly cofllesled. In the Senior game, Ihe Klks scored' another victory over Ihe Sons of Canaija and, as a result. now hne a sure lead in Ihe league .standing. L A. Mann re Tereed and Ihe team's lined tin as follows: Klks A. Phillips, W, Lnmbie, M. Itudenich, Kddie' Smilh and Dave Halfniir. Sons of Canada V. vMenzies, II. Men.ies. A. Milchell. fl. An- lerson, !. Shenlon and S. ltazol I -Jones. Intermediate League The Orollo won Hie Inlerni'- diale League match from the llegimenl by 3? In 20 and thus nlso considerably improve their hold on first place in Ihe slnnd- ritishOmstis rl5 20-r25 also ing. I-:. A. Mann refereed. (irotlo W. Ci ray, V. Meagher, V4 Cavalier, (i. Hill, I). Ciurvicli and .1. MeNully. Regiment A. i'almer, S. !'ll.17lt I Tiilwii . C Pnilu-nlhiilnp A and C. Mrk'enwn. 1 i Junior League III Hie Junior League, Ihe Colls, winning over the Tiny Tims by 28 to 25 in a very close game, were able lo slop Ihe consecutive run of victories thai I heir opponents have had lately llalpb Smith refereed and lln line-ups were: Tiny Tims: p, Ilaisler, Y, Kalsuyama, K. Dingwull, 11, Walker, C. Thompson aiul I. Kat- suyaiun. Coifs- S. Ourvirh, C Camer on, J. Mc.N'ully. H. Wendln and II. Macdonald. League standings to dale are as follows: Senior League W. 1 Pis. LI ks 5 : 10 Sons of Cauda. ... 1 1 8 Colls ... 2 ! 1 Intermediate League (rnllo . . . ....... , . 0 I 12 Holts ... .... v. 5 10 llegimenl ... ',, 0 o Ladles' League Made Leats , 1 Cil's ... 1 Junior League Tiny .Tims .ij ... I Colls a 11 f Sport Chat The first game in the rcccnllv organized Prince liunerl Crih- bage League will be played on Monday night ip-xl in the St. Andrew s rooms belween Ihe following learns: (real War Veterans' vs. Moose Loyal Orange Lodge vs. Dry Dock. Sons of Canada vs. Filks. SI. Andrew's vs. Hegimenl. The ninth am in Ihe league is Ihe (irolto. The truth will be ilber from Ihe Knights oT Columbus or Ihe Canadian I'ish & Cold Storage Co. The. schedule for Hie season will be istuu-d on 'nnday. -Now that Ihe new skaling'rink at Smilhers has been opened, Ihe iioys in Ihe railway lown itre gl-ling down In hockey praclice and A'illi llier ! fimtt . .-u-i. niiliAlitnllnfF jnine . iiiler't-fywij f-jtafiiejs Miefore .J)yl'H I'lij j.'vcl. . ;rfi.w!tt'.'h. closest In Smilhers, of course, and players from dial town will compete with the Smithereens before long. There are also redllable trains a'l such points as Hums Lake, Vanderhoof and Prince (ieorge and Ihe most of 'liese learns will probably meet ach ot her, I be season probably ending up wilh a big bonspicl at oneN of these nvnk wilh several outside hockey aggregations in allendance. BATTAUWHIRDERS My Lieut. -Col. .1. W. Nicholls Orricer flomfijanding 1st Hat- lalion North H.C. llegimenl 102nd tin. C.K.F. Tnesday. January 13. Signal a'flaUc attractive (ins of 60 and 100 Daily 1 News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS CENTS PER PER WORD WORD IN IN ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE- HKCIUTrS AVAN'TI-'D. Sea ex 'perience not necessary. Reg ular Xaval inslruulor heini appointed. For full particu lars apply Xaval Heailiuarlers, nays uiuiiiiiig, near Totem Pole, on Mondays, Weilnes- 'lays and 'Fridays, 7 lo 9 p.m MAMTKB .'Marine engine. 8 or 10-12 heavy duly, Tour cycle. Slate where can be seen run ning and lowest cash price, flen. Purler, Terrace, H.C. ,7 WANTKD. Woman or girl for light housekeeping. Apply 1 1 Mc.Mordie apartments. f 'OSITION wanted housemaid. P.O. Hox 380. 7 MALE HELP WANTED 300.00 a month lo di'slribul everyday household necessily 'in rural and small lown dis-Iricls. Xo money needed. Million dollar firm behind il. Wrile for particulars and slate territory desired. II. L. JOHX-SOX, 5f0 McDermoll Avenue, Winnipeg. FOR SALE FOIl SALK. Xew -five tube Xeu- Irodyne radio receiver, com-plelo with lubes, II ballery, phones, storage ballery, aerial, elc. Phone Itlack 7713. 8 FOIl SALK Oil IlKXT. Mrs. Harry LIpsell's residenco 135 Fourth Avenue. Apply, Lip-sett, Cunningham, Second Ave. and Mcllride. If FOIl SALK. Four Light Sussx Pullets fruui Kngland, also four Hiitlereup pullets. Apply W. M. Stephen, P.O. Hox 375. FOIl SALK. Allvins' old car. in good running order. Apply H.C Itulcbi'is and Clrocers, Limited. . If FOIl SALK. Coal oil stove, large healer and electric grjll. Phone (Ireen 112. 1130 Second Ave. Wesl. , 5 FOIl KALKNew spiral suring 'bed-lh roll mill tress' Phnm'f 7(58. i TO RENT FOH IlKNT. Furnished House keeping suile, 110 Sixths Ave. ICast. Phono Hluo 278 If FOIl IlKNT. Modern house, five rooms and hath. Apply Munro Jlros. tf FOIl IlKXT. Singer Sewing Machines, Pljone Hluo 389. tf LOST LOST. Ladies' (iobl Wrist Watch. Monogram on hack. Iteward. Finder relurn lo Daily News nlllce. f ling ilerllon parade for inslruc. lion at 8 p.m. Wednesday, January 1 1. Hal- laliftn-musler parade al 8 n.m Thursday, January 15. De-oration comniillee allcml Audit. orium lo prepare for annual ball. All ranks are warned thai lie annual inspection will be held Wednesday and Thursday eVcn iugs January 28 and 29. S. I). JOHNSTON, Major, and Adjutant, Atld. 1st, lln. Norlh 11.0. Iiegt CP. II, steamer Princess Heat-rice, Capt. T. CHIT, arrived at IS 0 nock noon from llio smith and will relurn early this afternoon lo Vancouver and way ports. ADVANCE. ADVANCE. No BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at thqln,lahder centrally located,- one bajf block from Post Ollice, 830 Second Aven. i'hono 137. tf HOARD AND ROOM. Homo comforts. Terms moderale. Phone Hlue 73V IT ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS written up Halanre sheets, financial statements and income tax returns prepared by expert accountants. Hales reasonable. Wrile P.O. Hox 835. tf CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate oT Ihe National College t of Chiropractic, Chicago, No. 1 Stephen's Block Hours: to to 12; Z lo 5; 7 to 8. .-Jaturday afternoons nnd Sundays by uppointmenL Phone Hlue 85. TAXI Taxi G7 Phone (Call George, Paul or rtusP Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Niy'.t Stund: .tOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acrej rrom 7mnr ss Hotel DRY WOOD CKDAR, HUM LOCK OR FIR Cut and split to any size. $6.50 per Load A. ISAACSON' Seal Cove Woodyard. Phone IJIack 101. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Buy. Sell and Kx-change New and Secondhand Goods. OttO. PAPADOPULI8, 839 Third Ave. Phona ma AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult us when you desire to sell or purchase Turnilure, or anv article. PRINCK RUPKRT Ex'-CHAXOK, Auctioneers. DRESSMAKING MRS. HAMILTON, experienced dressmaker, Federal block. Dressmaking, alterations, suits and coals. First 'class work. Reasonable price's. Phone Itlack 110. tf 4 PRINCE RUPERT TIOFS , Saturday, January 10 High 2:02 a. ii. 1 8.3 ft L't:30 p.m. 20.5 Low -... 7:10 a.m. 8.5 20:20 p.m. 3.2 Sunday, January 11 High 2:38 a.m. J8.0 1 1 :l I p.m. L'0.5 Low 8:23 a.m. 8.2 20:58 p.m. 3.1 LAND AOT Nolle of Intention to Apply to Lotit Lnd i... In MaHM-u Inlet, in i 7.T..-T.T.. laiiimla I Mini nlali-l.-l liu....iin .......I nintrlrt of Prlnrn lliiperl. 11. C. nnd aitnni., n ...... .....rr n.Miiu in mma ainiwi MaAHell III. let, and III Yealaltnn linv. on tliiilirr timii Mi Take Notice thai Fnrene n ai.n.. of Miniirrr. MaHMt. intend B.C.. to .'!" .' ''nnery to L-axf, thi. fnllnwlnr liRrrllni hnrtS rhalns; Uipmcp worn III rhiln. ..wi ami con lalnlin H arre, nmro or Icm EI'OKNK II, SIMPSON CANCELLATION OF RESfRVE, .NOTICF. IS IIF1IF.IIY nivrv that ti! rrnprvp rnvrrint 4135, Caaitlar !. trlct. I ranrpllml. n. n. NAnPN i..n.i. n,rrnTnir M'ln,i,er Vlrlorla, n.C. 10 ill Decemlier, 183 Tnlrttn for La. .. kn. TIMBER SALE x 6G03. Tin-re win If i.rfrrtil -ih at f Aiirlluli, al iiiNin m the Mh n rnqry, I0J5. in thv orrirv ,r Siifrvliwtr, stnlili.-r. II i tli ". 6r.0l, in rut Kfil.oiin Imrai ft"t t 't,e ami Hilln on an tA if it Itell Lake, m mile njulhw.Mt r ll-n i:ur nuirlrl. KIVP I It i Vl-urt ulll 1. all. .u.l iniival nr timbi-r. roivid.-ii Hut any run- nn.ililr tr Urn anrliin in im-im-k iiiii mi,ii; a leiiili-r In Im mil al lliV li ,-n- ml Iri-ulcil ax urn- liid Kiii-ilirr piirllrniac- uf tin. : u. t t It, Vli-lorU. li e: , or Iil-im, t i frlnre MnM-rt. H.f. TIMBER SALE X 6330. Scalnl TcnrlTa will l j-oiiltoil li t!l MHilatrr ir Uinl, at ViSirii, i t limn iiimiii i,n iiih jr.ih JiJJ -.j ir lS, rir Ilia purrlia-ii- . ;T riivn,,- x IO Cllt 1.1191,110(1 rit of .-ip:-.- ami HpiiiIih k, un n ari-a -ii it.-sewell liili-t, gnwn i:ii.irli.tic irlrt. -. Tun I9i t-Alira u-lll I., r.llr,ti . I r, iniival of IliiilM-r. - Knrllier liarllriilaM nf Uir ''Uli-f f IT. Vlrtiirln. It i: . i,r Mlirh i rinre l(iirrl. II.C. TIMBER SALE X 6838. Sralil Ti-nilen will lr rffelvrl L- lit Mlnhti-r of Lands, at Vtttoru. rn ::t than. iiiHin cm Inr Mh ilay ,if y.-.r, I91i. for tin piirrhasi- nt Urfar X I in ml nnn fi nt nmnr.- . anil III inlix-k, o;i an.arra a(1Ji;iii':ir I03H- Suluvii IIai iiiij..... - ' llaiulj l.aml niorirt. ( jrar- win im aiinnra let f, moval of j . nirtriir nartli-nlara nr th Chter r rr IT. Vlrtnria. H i: , nr . tlnirlirf v ITIlire ItuiH-rl. U.C. IN PROBATE. IN THE, SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH irm Hum In the MaltiT nr Uir .tiulni -lull ) -' ami In tin- Mailer nf lln- F.ui of i;.t lirrraxsl, lnlrian-. T4LI-' Mll'h'' llkil t.v r.r.1..f f If. Ilnlinnr Xrll, Yniuir. lliaili- tin- I c.f January, 19:.. wa aipnlnii- l .. Intrmnr nf tlii rtalr Or ole o!n rraril. ami all nrnnii hjimir l aralixl lln- Mini i-mate ar liTrti r i-1 l- rnrnlli Halm-, nrnnrrly v. fl- im on or bt-fnre th anl ilaV -if IV IViS, ami all parllr .liuli-bti-il lr . latp an- rntnlri-il In pay llm am ..: l lhi-lr linlrljriliii-s Li mi- fnrtli' Itl N"IIMAN A. WA lirnlul lilmlnMII ' I'rilVT llnpr-'- B niri the ; th My nr lanitar'-, LAND ACT Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Lan in i rriHT nuprri lruh "uinin.i, -rnrHln lilctli. ,,r ii.lnM llnrw.M ni It- uato at Rarnanl i.nvr, I'rinr-! n r Takl Nntlm thiil QAnii-vllU Cannirf Company l.lmltril, of Vatirouvrr, n.C I lr nils In apply fnr PTiuUiiluu, lo lear IM rolloxrinr ilf-srrlln-rt Cmiinr i at the he,Kl nr narnanl Cove, r. Itnyal lalanrti Ihenre eait rive Ihenre north fnrtv HOI fhalns II. weal ten (Id) rh,iln, ihdr or les,.tc 1 water n-mrk- lllAni.A anmh alnno- l.iu- WltP mark In point of romnienrempnt, uA rnntalnlnr nrtern m::re or (yarr 80.MFnVlli.F .NF11Y COMPANY llMITr.D ,ri Nm , of Applicant-W. J. ietrerson, Aucnt. naleil Peremlier 1 7th. ioi MINERAL .'ACT,,, HAWK MINERAL CLAIM S tllafe In lhA Bb..n. n.if.a rilir' in or link TlnnfrM r -.a. m.n.ii V 'Tt ioeateil, Soii'.li nf Fall Oreek,' Kit' knlnm f ake, and adjnlntnr the WH'iw ..: i." r-"" rnn or it.- i.awmi mi -W. Tretnn and n. WIIon; .No or imMc "'""r" eriiriraie. rretnu in'-Wllmn 7nnic. Take Notlre that w. W TreMnn. F.M.1" No. i7niric. and' Pavld Wllfn. F M No. f.7nntc. intend nt the end or 'IT diva from the d:ile hereof In apnly In H Mlnlnr Fteenrder rnr n rerllfleate or Im-prnvemenu rnr the purpose of nMalnln' a Crmvn Ornnt of Ihe ahnve, rlalm '"l riirtliermnro take nnt:--n that Aetlnti iindef See. 8J or the Mineral Act mnt he f'm: nienei-d hernre the luiinnrc of nirh rertl-Urate or Iniprnvenieiita. Pateil thja unit, dav or Nov., 1f4, W F THKSTON, and tiWin WIIHON, owners. V T Vennr e LAND AOT.' Notlt of Intention to Apply to PurehaM n In fkeen, .,dUmJt4i nf Prill' ""n il ni-rnniinr nrrnni nr Illalr ii r el. et. anil -hi llnllie nf ''lrnlmatel.v one and one half inllea ' in... lllver " """ i.HM.nn, Take Nnllftfi II. r,...i ,i I . ,.n nf 4141 Carlomn St., (inrnnliv, ne'rliMlli l.o-er, uinarr. Inlendu inienim In pi annlv riie for nernlf nnrmlf m " pnn nnne I lie rnllnwlna- ileerlliert lail"." Uon ' ; ", ' 1 V y VW ",'.( S J. '7'','; theni-e oiilh-.vealetlv. 'inllrii.Mfly, iwiM aonrn"'; ' SAO Vardu- lhinia niplhwelerlV, 5''" ".( "ini r."illf,n. i..M nr lvim - ltnn. l.lnnil teat f,r .n amr!-- Miiialniiia- 300 ai-re, more or 'T"irftM'SMll.!.9 I Vl-llt ft Tlfliril p i tnsN N0J OANOI.LTOpifF RESEBVl """"'ir t.nta n6e to (1519.. I"1 ' (lnll' T-lMrlrt, l t"1' relleil OEO. h, NAfF.N, n....a . p.T"t MhilMr 'Of l.arnl'-Vlrtnria, R c November tOtb. ijtj j