I Carner Third and Seventh. Jilp AQENCV ALL OCEAN STtAVSHIP LINES. 1 Tleltl Of fit, BZS Third flea, Prir.ee. Ruptrt. Phone 645 Phon 2C0. Mm iNA AN rAI, r l. KAILvtAi Owinx lo Hie indisposition Arelideueon Mix, there will be morniuK or evening service the Auglicanr (Umroh (omorrow. Sunday sellout as usual at 2.30 p.m. . At the rneeliiiK of Hie Hoard ' r Trade Inst nijht l(he ilpputy superintendent yeneral of Indian afTairs replied In a rommunicu-liou of Hid board e.iprensinii yiiipalhy with Hie movement to prevent totem poles being- taken nut of the country ;nd promisinn o-operation as far as possible. Tin- Hoard of Trade last night heard a letter from J. Honey of Hep i mi who wished to invest Horn ?l ,0iMI to ..91,300 in ome Kood payiiiit business and wished to know what opportunities there were 'here. The letter is open for members of Ibe Hoard to reply lo if they have suggestions lo make. Mr. Justice Gregory's judgment dismissing the action of (he Premier !olJ Mining Co. Ltd.. which claimed 1 7,600 Tor the loss of a cargo of we from Ibe Coastwise Steamship A llargf Co. was sustained by Ibe l!burl o.r Appeal in Victoria this week. Mr. Justice Mel'hillips dissenting. We stilt have a considerable stock of the following lumber, etc., 'to clear at bargain prices before end of month.' Dimension Lumber, planking, shlplap, Drop Siding, doublo dressed finish V Joint, floorlnn, doors, windows and veneer, oak and cedar boat lumber, etc. Shocklcy Planing Ml I Is. If Doctor Hume- I.. Alexuu'der, eradtiale of the North Pacific College of lenlislry,i Oregon, has purchased Hie denial business of Dr. Jos Magtlirr and will lake over tils new practice early Mn I'ebriiHiy. Dr. Maguire s.Ljled on the Princess Mealrice today for Vancouver en route lo Seallle where he ias decided to locale. I. D. tlalloway, resident min ing engineer for llaellon district and (i. A. Clothier of Prince Iluperl will address the H.C. Chamber uf Mines al Vaucouver on March 0 and March t'J respectively. This' is in connection with a program of free lectures tier on mining mailers. The pro gram for Hie season opened last night when A. M. NVhilesliJo, Vancouver barrisler. gave an address on "The Ksscnlial Points js Share it I CamcasSweef GAocoMe Is a fine eating GwcoIaie Slip a cake in your pocket iijj n starting on a long walk. ICcp i: in your desk (zr emer gency lunches, or in your automobile. MACt IN CANADA BY WalterMer&Co. Limite'l liTABUSMO UtO , MonlreelCanada Dorcbsiallass. eOOKUT Or CffOKt RCCIPtS MNt fRCC Have immediate buyer for 30- 35 foot boat, Ml to 13 horse power. Apply Northern Kx-ebantre. Phone i3. v Halibut boat for sale. 30 feet Ion?, 0 rt. C Mi. beam, 12 h.p S land aril engine, full line" of Har. (iolng at. a baigin. N. M. Me Lea ii, Gtiw Hay. 8 Mis Dorothy (lillinghain, H.N. returned on fh Venture yesterday moruiug after- having spent I he holidays visiting in Vancouver and Seattle and other points. Owing (o Ibe indisposition of Archdeacon HIX, Hirtre will be no Linormng or evjeiyjjg service ai the Anglican Church tomorrow Sunday scluimf Tm UfUal nl 5.30 p.m. Mrs. 11, ' Arthur, Jr.. arrived on yestvnlay iiiorningV , train .from Smit tiers aiul will visit here for month or so as the guesl of her mother, " Mrs. l'red lirabam. -Mtvcnln Avenue Hast. Mrs. Arthur is accompanied, by her wo young children. Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morning worship at tl o'clock. Subject: ."The (iospel of Highl-eousness." Sunday school al 1.2.30. Kveniug senice al 7.30. Subject: "The Slory of Daniel.'' Preacher, Hev. H. It. (Irani, D.D. ()ieniiig of new church building January 25. Salvation Army Sunday at II a.m. Holiness meeting. 2.30 p.m. Junior and adult llible classes. (Parents: we will gludly call for any child who cannot come alone.) 7.30 Salvation meeting. Subject :"The 'irsl aniL last Question." Mi's. Captain Ilea. Tuesday Soldiers and Heeruils only. Thursday and Saturday al 8 p.m. Public meetings. 1'riday: Corps Cadet class. Baptist Church Preacher: Hev. K. (i. Turner. Sunday 1 1 a.m. Subject : "The place of Ibe Cross," Sunday school al 12.30. Kveniug al 7.30. Subject': "Tloj Power of (iod." Sololsls. John K. Davcy and Miss Calberlue Jones. This Sunday marks lie coming of our new imslor. Let us give him a good welcome. Methodist Church The Church of Service, Paslor. Ilev. (Seo. (1. Hacker.1 Deaconess. Miss Isabel Haddock. Sunday morning at- II o'clock, topic: "flood Nevs." Children's story. "Chief Jos. Hratil at the Knglish Courl." Sunday school at 2.30.1 Kvening service at 7.30. Karl Itarrio will comlucl a Jirighl and inspiring' servfce. Soloist, Miss that Is being given by the chain-. Kdna Vickers Come! Our scr- Vices' will please ynu. Lutheran Church SI, Paul's Lutheran church, Mrirnpolc Hall, Third Avenue. Hev. P. K. Haisler, il.A., pastor. of the Mining Laws of II. C." The Sunday services. II a.m. Sermon next lee I ure will be on January ' toide, "Christ, the world's true 10 by Major A. W. Davis, former ligiit." Sunday school nl 12.30. manager of Hie Dolly Yarden Kvening service nl 730.' '.Pennon mine and now resident engineer topic, "Workers together with for K.nnloop- di-lncl. liod.11 t January 10, 1925. THE DAILY .NEWS PAGE THnBB Built for the Typist-Preferred by the Typist 77RTE for ten minutes on the new Quiet 12 "vV Remington, and you will find a responsivc-. a ilexibility, a wonderful correlation betvvecn j, hand, and machine, which, heretofore, have ed only in your imagination, hir. is the result of what we call "Natural Ji," one of the many remarkable improve- in the New Quiet 12 REMINGTON m -'ration is yours'for the ask I'mut obligation on your rt. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY McRae Bros., Ltd. January CLEARANCE j SALE i ! SUGAR 1c A LB. SUGAR 1c A LB. VTTENTION LADIES! i With every $5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar for 5c. Her., ember that tho Sugar offer is over and above the sale Bargain Prices Notion and Yard Goods Specials I ii.ilil LnglMi (iiiighciiii . Itrg. (We and (l.'ic. h I' i. e. 2 'i .viin!.- for $1.00 -h 'lii. Hep. :."r it vnrd. Halt', i yards for . . $1.00 ,l Hark llolor Print, :tf and wide. Ili'g. :irc Pi ii i'. i yards for 51.00 l Flannelette, ltd" wide. Hcg. :t.1i Hale, . 'i yards for $1.00 Uctf. (I5r. Sulc Price, 8 yards for $1.00 k. ling. urc. tftile Price, 2H yards for . . . $1.00 I'l uMii'l, plain while and pink mid I ! stripe. peg. ! and $1.75. Sale Price ... . $1.35 Irinuel, Uic h yard. Hale Price, l yard for $1.00 Cotton, wide. Ili'g. .'I5r. Sale Price, 'i vards $1.00 i :'," wide. Me?. :0c (I yard. Hale Price. 5 i- l-i S1.00 Mux .ui'l Doe Yarn. 1 ox. Ii.iIU. 'i HalN fur $1.00 Down, 2uz. ball. He jr. i.'.e a l.all. Sal.- Pr :i - rr 51.00 (. niton, all rotor. U halls for $1.00 JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE 8.8. PRINCC RUPERT ail from rrlnre lliiN FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, inii'iiiH'ilialH iKilnts i-adi I " F STEWART ami ANVOX WXIiieiMliy, 11.00 pjn. 88. PRCE JOHN for Vanri.uver Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, ii. I'lliriiary 14. I. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUTERT f.: . .".'DAV, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, S.UU p.m. rr 1'rllirc Qoiirto, EDMONTON. WlNNlftp, ai (hiiiih Kjl'in Ciiimda, Lulled SUlv. B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE - - PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 2G; February 0, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27 3.-. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Rutedalo, Swanson Bay, Eas' Sella Bella, Oceai Fall, Namii, Alert Bay, Caf..pbell River, and Van-oouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Ageicy for all Steamship Llr, Full information from W. C. ORCHARD) Gerwtl Agent P. irnrr nt Ath "i(it and 3rd Avcnllft. P'lflM RuCC!t, !. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing from ITlm niipt rt. op VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swaneon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuaeday, B P.M. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bay, nd Bwaneon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICI ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. for ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naai Rlr Cannerlaa, Friday A.M. 823 2nd Aienue. J. Barnelay. Ag.nl. Print Rup.rl, B O. ! Local and Personal i Il.G. UmJurtuker!). l'lione 41. llayners, UnJertakers, l'hone 351 iuuii like our :ual! Uo;il Co. .I'liuue 7. If Pythian Sisters inslallalion of ollicers, Muiulay, .lunuary li Knight s inviled at 9.30. Wumeii or MooKeheui'l Legion wliisl iive and dance oii Tuesday, Janujiry.13 at 8 p.m. SI. Andrew's Society will hold a wliisl drive in their rooms on .1 miliary 10 at 8.30 p.m. Admission !i0e. (i. C. Walker is leaving on this afternoon's train on a lrip to St. Paul, Minnesota. He will return iiy way of Seattle and Vancou ver. Theo. Collart lias opened hi ((iiiiinlllre rooms in (i rat Ion's new store, next .labours' on 3rd Avenue. All friends arc invited to call. 8 Union steamer' Venture, (Japt. A. Johnstone, southbound from Anjox and Naas'Hiver ports lo Vancouver, was in port at ten 'clock I his morniuv. Mrs. II. (). Crewe will hold a short series of adult dancin? lessons romnieneiiitc Monday at 8 p.m. Private lesons by ap-poiulmciij. l'hone 511. KI.KS ! Iluyal Purple W'kist Drive and Dance, Tuesday, .Jan. l.'i. Cards at 4.30 p.m. Prizes. Speeial ri-rreshmrnls and Wesl- liolme orelieslra. Ailinissiop 50c to of no al PORT SIMPSON NMM0UNC1L David Johnson, Native merchant, Is Placed at Head of Village's AfTairs this Year The annual election of native councillors for Hie village of Port Simpson look place yesterday. Indian Apent V. K. Collison presiiliu. Hie following were elected: John Sankey, l'red llitss, Jas. Henry. Nathan l.awson, Mallhew Peak, Henry Pierce, David John son, William Mitsgrave, William Dudoward, (leortre Henryr Sam Heunell and Joseph flyan. After (he election, the. council held its first meeting and David Johnson, a well known merchant of Hie village, was chosen chief councillor. William Kelly was appointed secretary' and Councillor Pred Hoss, treasurer. The following committers were appointed by the chief councillor who is, ex-ollicio, a member of all: , Health Councillors Peak and Sankey. , 1-ire Councillors Musgravc and Heunell. Light and water Councillors Ityan. Hoss and James Henry. Lots Councillors Henry and Hennetl. Constables for Ibe year were appoinleil in Mark Morrison, lames Wesley ami James Law-son. Indian Av'enl Collison returned from Port Simpson on Hie Venture this morning. ROTORSHIP TOWERS FOR LAND POWER IS PROMISED BY FLETTNER KIKL, Jan. i). The l'lellner roloisliip and the statement .of its inventor thai Hie principle jif cylindrical lowers to secure power from the air will also b( Used in harnessing the wind on land, continue to be discussed here. 1 1 err l'lellner is reticent about his dans lo utilize wind power i)u laud, saying only that within iwyernr lie hopes to exhibit models wbieh will enable ! irrigation plants, factories and muuicipali ties lo take power directly from the wind through the use of the discoveries he, has worked out in liis study of air currents and 'heir effect upon revolving lowers. Towers for use on laud will be high, as the constant winds are far above the earth" surface. Herr l'lellner is con fidenl (hat eventually there Will lie a great saving of fuel through the use of air current. The inxenlor declares also Ibal small sailboats of all kinds, in rinding pleasure craft, can be 'it led with "one totaling lower that will propel them success fully on rivers, bays and lakes. A FISH STORY The customer bad walled half an hour for the fish he had ordered. At last the waiter appear ed. , "Your fish will lie here in five minutes." he said. Another .quarter of an hour passed, anil then Hie customer summoned Hie waiter. "Say." lie inquired, "what kind of bail ire you using?1' lEHif! f SAILINGS TO KUltOl'lil M A K 14 KKSKKVATinXS NOW vat i FROM ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL Jan. Ii'. Mliim-dusa Jan, s:i. Iili. ( Muutruse Jjn. :hi. Ki'li. 7 MiiiiteMlni li'li. c. Mar. Mmitliiurirr lh. :i. Mai. l:i Monleluic TO CHERBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP Jan. :H, Mar. r, M.irliiirn Ki-li. 10. .Mar. 10 Mcliia A in1. 8 .MlniU'ilosii TO OLASQOW ll. 7. Mm. 7 MattDili Mar. 10, i'. :i Mclairaina ROUND THE WORLD CRUISE Jan. 14 (From .Now York' Kinpifs of France WEST INDIES CRUISE Jan. i' iriiini Aew Vurki Mnntroyat MEDITERANNEAN CRUISE Fi b. d rum iev York ' Mnprps of Scotland Appt; ipply y.RF to to Agent tverywhtra of MIKSlfcK, utn. Agt., Station, Vancouver, Telephone Seymour 2830. tan, rc. Ky., Traffic Agent. Additional Comfort Divided Work. Multiplied hnjoyment That's the kind of arithmetic we teach with our "Float -Ironed" service. It washesiand dries everything, irons everything flat. You may have some touching up to do on some of the wearing apparel but otherwise the entire task of washday is taken off your hands. It's the cheapest partially finished service requiring the least amount of ironing at home. Our Float JIroned Service is the answer to the washday problem. Shall we solve yours? Float-Ironed j c a pound Plus lc per piece Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Sen J rT Candy Special BROKEN SCOTCH NUT SCOTCH HUMBUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 50c per lb. Call for your Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1925. ORMES LTD. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Third and Sixth Phones 82 and 200 Prince Rupert, B.C. Patterns Patterns We are Clearing Out our Stock of LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS 5,000 l'allerns lo cbousV from. A wonderful variety. All nl one price YOUR CHOICE - - 10c each H. S. Wallace Co. FLATS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK This Weeks Specials For Children. Hurlbut and Chum Welted Shoes 15 per cent Discount. Classic and Packard Shoes for Children, 2 pair for the price of one, plus 75c. Family Shoe Store Phone 357