BEFORE COURT i ! fff VlTI-K. Jan. 10. Rcleusa 'lii -of (he four suspects v i !.: presentation of the cull :i of Paul StriMiipkius I linking inurOrrs on . licit (. off Pender .u uii Seiilemlier 15 fealiiioil 'i: lijieaitiK of the extradition v : nlings in the superior The men released were ( aiT'ice I'.lieatwood, llarohl Mor- ami Hay Kramer, who willi Phalli -s Morris had been held in jar as fugitives from 11.0. ne- of complicity in the nuir-ii; i)f Captain V. Oillis ami his i! Hie liquor runner lleryl O. '.ionics Morris is held. Si jinpkins. the Victoria boat-is:.!; lit a eonressloil, said he s lured hy Owen "CannopbiiH" Hi .,n now under arrest in New V .. mid he l.jok linker, C.liiules Morn and llarr Sowash to a ("ii I near the Itryl (I. The three imssetifiri's rowed to Ihe lleryl in a skiff. Shots were heard I'v KlriiniiiViii. who later saw ItiiMv lake the bodies of Oillis ana his sou lo Ihe deck, haiid- ffiiiB t It r ii i together a"'1 heav-iii k lliein overboard. Maker is under ariesl in New Vttrk 480 CHURCHES VOTE UNION,: Only 9jj Throughout Canada Decided to Remain Outside and Carry on TOIH INTO, Jan. (i.lleiorls i-erciod hy Iho Church Union bureau indicate Ilia! JKII prcs-bylerian congregations, in Oan-ada voted In' favor of entering 'be I niled Church of Canada, while .I8 voled against uml will eonliinic the Preshyle r 1 1( n Church. Two-lhlrds of Iho anll-Unlon enurches are in Ontario, hut a number of Nova Scollu churches voled for non-concurrence in Ihe new union movement. KETCHIKAN COMMISSIONER KinnillKAN. Tlaii. I0.-- J. w. Kehoe, formerly an associate- of ex-delegnle Wickcrshani in Juneau, has been appointed United Stales commissioner here suc feeding Judge F.dwanl 0. Mor-rbsey, editor nf ((. Kelchikan Chronicle, who resigned. I Mayor I,. I). Taylor said there had U"l l( he a change. The (iovrrilliienl was bleeding Villi router. While deductions were made for policing, gasoline (axes i n ! iiiiposciI, amusement taxes -- collected and other revenue Three Liberated at Seattle at taken from Ihe city without a Eitraditlon proosedlngs and .division. Fourth Held VICTOIIIA, Jan. III.- -Referr ing In protests of some municipal II les at recejil ieiiU'tioiu from Hie liipior reen'ue, Aflor-ney (ieneral Malison defended in his policy and announced thai il I lie; would he vigorously maintained. Not until the conditions in Ihe municipalities had become unbearable hud Ihe Provincial lov-erninenl stepped in to enforce the law, he asserted. Secret sen ice details could not be given lo municipalities. TUQ AND BARGE ..COMING TONIGHT The lighthouse lender Newiuglon, Cant. Harry Ormislon, arrived at Digby Island marine slalion Ibis aflernoou at I :3U after bavins slnod by the anchored barge Merjtanion all uiglil al Maron Island. Capl. . Onnlslon reported thai, when he left Ihe .distressed barge al D: in I his morning, the .Marmiou bad already arrived and was preparing lo lake Ihe llergauion in low. Capl. Ormislon expected that Uii. Marinion and her low would probably arrive here about 7 o'clock this evening. The Newiuglon also brought in word thai Hie Itergamon was undamaged and her crew were s-.He allhough wilb wind, rain, snow and all manner of varying weather roiidl-llons, they had had a very hying experience. DEPARTURE TIME OF WAY FREIGHT FROM HERE IS CHANGED In onler lo connect with Ihe boat from the south, Ihe weekly ... i. r.... 1.. way treigni irom nnr mi m- lerior points now leaves on Thursday mornings Instead of Wednesday mornings as in Ihe past. II arrives Troiii Ihe 111-lerior oil Filday afternoons. A healed car service is now also bundled on the train. Dr. Joseph F. Magulre l Ibis aricrnoon on the Hoalrico fur Soalllo. Wmm TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and mlm Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For rats, apply to Boston and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV. NO. 8. 1MUXCI5 RlPKRT, H.C., $ATl RHAY, JANUARY 10, 102u. rtrdar'i circulation 174T. PRICE FIVE CENTS. I. 4l. A1LWAYMEN TO MAKE PEACE RIVER PLAN VESSEL WHICH WENT ADRIFT IN STORM FOUND ANCHORAGE AND IS SAFE Vancouver Council Told Political Interference Will Not be Tolerated Manson Defends Policy of Enforcement of Law and Says will be Vigorously Maintained ANCOl. VKH, .liin. 10. Al a meeting with lorn! members ur the Legislature tlit. cily council last night passed u resolution iMiig why $MS,000 was deduded from the cilj's share (if the lupior profits for euforrcuuMil of Ihe liquor laws. Kach alder-ui. ii in turn demanded an explanation of alleged provincial guv-rr.jnicti' niterfuretir- Willi civic affairs. Replying, members of Hie legislature took u united slam). i- ng ihal Hugh Davidson, as sole controller, has complete !!!."!(.. nf the ailmiuislralion of (he Act ami there had been no HIJACKERS ARE I pi till ieal inlerfeiriice. These five pretty ScOlch lassies s illing fo" (iauu'ia. where liny NICKERSON IS NEW PRESIDENT Heads Poard of Trade this Year with J. H. Plllsbury, Vice President Al Ihe adjourned annual meel-iiift of the Prince llimerl Hoard of ' Trade held in the council chamber last nifchl (Jeorgc V. Nickerson wa elerled presidenl for the year and .1. II. Pillsbury vice-iicesidenl, wilb rlhiir Hrooksbank, secrelAry. The council of (be Hoard in-eludes a nunilier of names nol liefore seen on Ihe executive and is as follows: T. MeMeekiif. V Douglas MOI'K, II. II. uiiilf, Lee, F. O. Dawson, W. F.. Williams, .1. 0. McLennan. Oeorge Horie, II. ,F. Pullen. .1. W. Scott. Olof Hanson P. (iimula, A. F. noberlson. II. A. Phillpoll and John Dybbasn. Younncr Wlnmrers Hefore elecllng these olllcers Mr. McMeekiu expressed the opinion Dial some younger members should be pul on Ihe hoard Ibis ycur as people hail the men Ihal Ihe same old gang Was running il all Ihe lime. This was reseiileil Hy some oi uie members w ho said I hose had been chosen who look enough interest in Ihe meetings to al-leiul. II . Iiaib been Hied again and again lo interest ol tiers bill Ihey would nol allend. What I hey wauled was meil who look an in-leresl in Ihe welfare of Ihe city ami were willing lo give their lime working for il. are howu on Ihe Ij.P.R. liner .e, iganiu. previotis lo expect li meet iheir fiilare Inoliaiiils. Two Railways to Unite Efforts to Open Up Peace. River Country . Result ofXonference at Ottawa OTTAWA, Jan. 10. A definite, step toward u solutiyn of the transportation problems of the Peace Hiyer territory was made today when the conference of interested parties aful railway executives under the aegis of the federal miniler of railways invijcil Ihe (J.P.H. Jihd the C.N.R.- to work logelher lo produce some working scheme. A long conference was held wild Hie premiers of 11. (J. and Alberta, members of Parliament and others. Premier Oliver I made u strong plea for development of the Peace River territory and Ihe utilization, il possible, - of (lie P.tS.K. railway. Whatever I be left lo the engineers who are decision was arrived al, Mr. j now studyiiiR the field. Oliver urged should be in the in- Premier Oliver expressed sat-teresls of Canada. jisfaclion with the results ob- Several allernalive routes were i tiiined. These would have been discussed and Ihe presidents of I the two railway s.vslems agreed 'in Ihe view expressed that there should be no duplication of lines In (be Peace Hiver territory. The railway presidents pro mised tm less Ihey kt xvufJ decided lo send Ihe would do Ibis II was Useless elecllng them lo an .executive position on the Hoard of Trade. Three Nominated Three nominal ions were made for Hie position of Presidenl, .1. vV. Scoll, II. ! . Pullen and O. Ay. Nickerson Messrs. Scoll and Pullen ' declined lo allow Iheir names lo slaml, slating Ihal Ihey had nol time lo give lo the work. Mr. Nickerson was then elected by acclamation. A vole. of thanks was passed to the retiring olllcers for tljelr excellent work. (Special to Dally Novva) I ni'ii 1 1 son of the very anxious frame of mind all "day yesterday. . Immediately news .was of the llei'gauiou's position, Coastwise Steamship & Harge Oo.'s lug Marmion, Oapl. Oameis. on, out to bring Ihe barge into Ibis port. The Marmion, which arrived in port yesterday afler-iioou at I o'clock from Anyox with a coal barge for Iho dry dock, wen! out during the nighl and was lo have been beside Ihe Hergamon by daybreak this morning. 'Ibis aricrnoon, the lug and her tow will probably arrive hero. Later, it is expected, she will cVnHnuc her interrupted voyage to Cuinshewa Inlet to lake on a cargo of logs. The Hergamon broke away from the Massed near Triple greater, he thought, if the con- Terence had been given data on engineering and inaintainAnce which the railways appeared; lo possess. However, he felt silro the railways would accept the to make every effort to responsibility invesled,il them nl a scheme for joint op-! by Ihe conference and will work on or railways m ine reace logeiuer 10 arme ui u wuimub Iliver, the question of routes lo! scheme Barge Bergamon Found Anchorage Between Dundas Islands and is Being Towed to Port by Marmion Anchored off Huron Island al Ihe nioiilh id Hudson Hay Passage on Dundas Island, the lumber barge Herganiou, which I went, tidriri Trum Ihe lug Alasselt early yesterday morning and I for Ihe safely of which fears were expressed, was located al S.IIO last night by the lighthouse lender Newiuglon, Oapl. 'Or- . . . . ! i. i i -i i I I .1 lliislon. Ill a wireless message io iieiuiiiiiriris in inoy isiuuu, da'pl. Orinisloii reporled Ihal the barge was unharmed bud her crew, headed by llapl. YViiigale, safe. There was nobody who received this welcome news willi more relief Ihali Capl. M'ear- Masselt who was in Island and drifted some to or miles bcTuce Caid'. WinRule i HOT SPRING SOLD 15 nlilo In :i iii'luir lift nl lliivnn ' M- Island. The abatement or the, g.ile yeVerday aflernoou probably proved her salvation. Last night, before word was received Ihat the Newiuglon had located Ihe Hergamo'n, Oeorge O. Rushy of Ihe Prince ftuperl Hy-.Produels Oo. despatched Ihe power boat M.T. .1, ('.apt. Beg. Oreen, to Ihe rescue. KL'TOIIIKAN, Jan. 10. For an amount said lo have been $21,-000, Hell Island mineral hot springs located near Ketchikan have been taken over by Miss Agnes Herring. The resort was sold al. auction. '', Route to Peace River by way of Hazelton Urged by Board of Trade and to be Investigated The Peace Hiver Hoard of Trade is in commtinication with the Prime Hupeil board in connection with a railroad outlet from (he Peace Hiver district to the-coast. A letter was read at the meeting of the local board last night asking if any steps hail been taken lo bring before the conference the advantages of the route through the Peace Hiver pass at the Forks via the Omiuecu Hiver ajid Tecla Lake lo Hazelton and Prince Rupert, The letter .says: 'The two mules of which (here is the most lalk. Ihat is the IJrule line and Ihe extension of - the P.(i. X K. would neither of ! IfpiTT ITflflflFI H them benefit the main liace'NrW VrWM niver couniry wiiieu pes lo the north of Ihe Peace Hiver. "Prinre Ituperl is our nearest and natural outlet to the Pacific coast." (i. W. Ni('ker.oii urged Hie im- iporlauce of taking Ibis mailer! up and securing a proper examination of the roule by Ihuelton. He moved (hat a committee be appointed by the prrsident lo wail on Fred Stork imd F. (i. Dawson willi a view lo having representations imule for all ade. quale survey. V., Vj, (iiblions suguesled tliey 1 j should use their influence to gel' an adecmate report and! j the city, David Harr, who had i een in thai country thirteen years, hud staled thai the bulk of Ihe wheat lands was north of the Peace Iliver and he Ihoughl the route should come by II. 11. Lillle said surveys of Ihe rout in bad been made by the C.P.H. and by Lord llhonihla. II was decided lo have Ihe committee appointed and Ihe new president chose ' F. C. Oibbons, M. P. Caffery ami Olof Hanson. FIVE CANDIDATES SO FAR NOMINATED Oscar Larsen and R. F. Perry File Papers For Council; Also Frank Clapp and M. M. Stephens Lp lo noon today five nominations had been placed in the haiils of llelurniug Officer K. F. Jones for I be civic election which will lake place next Thursday. All nominations must be entered by 2 o'clock, Monday afternoon. Those so far nominated arc: For Alderman Oscar Larsen, proposed by S. D. Macdonald, and seconded by Olof Hanson. t t 11. F. Perry, proposed by John It. Mitchell, and seconded by J. i;. Mcltue. Frank K.s I'.lupp, proposed by M. Stephens, seconded hy M. Ill Mpl.i-ml Melvin McK. Stephens, proposed by Frank F.. Clapp and seconded by Stephen King. For School Board Henry Smith, pniposcd by Thomas McMeekiu, and seconded by II. W. Cameron. Molorship HellinL'bam, Capl. Leu Williams, sailed this, inorn-ing at 2:15 on her return lo Kelchikan after having discharged carloads of frozen fish over Hie Royal Fish Co. lor transshipment by Canadian National Hallways to Ihe Kaslern Stales., The next trip or Iho Hellingliani will be from Ketchikan to Scuttle. HUM I SJUUKJUU ARE CHANGED Era of Dreadnaunhts has Passed and Entirely Novel Type . Appears, AIRDROME AND FORTRESS Flying Corps on Each Ship; Smoke Stacks May Not be Needed LONDON, Jan. 10. The design of the battleships Nelson ami Rodney .being buill in Rritain, shoui.i inieies.i -.nie.v I'rovinrialjare. so .rtvolulioiiary,. arcurding (.o.vernnieiit id the 'matter. .fo the Daily Kxiiiess, it mailss h U. McLennan said this wasj,P ,., ,f Hie Dreaduaugbl era. Ihe most important mailer at Hotli are fortresses and air-preseni before them. ljazelrun '.ttomes and have a radius of was about "half way between here action covering a thousand and Ihe Peace Hiver, according , ttiic-a. Nine sixleen inch guns to the map. A recent visitor to 'irt? mounted on each of three. turrets, all forward. There are no guns aft, as that part of tbo vessel constitutes The flying deck. The ships carry their own Hy-.'. ing corps and planes. Probably there will be ho fun-, nels, the products of Hie furnaces being discharged through pipes running alongside the stern." The deck will be armored lo, prolect the ship against aeriaF bombs. COLD WEATHER IN GEORGIA Farmers and Flocks Frozen to Death and Crops May Suffer - TIFLIS. (ieorgia, Jan. 10. One hundred persons and a thousand catllo were frozen to death during the unprecedented rnld .weather prevailing llirougli out Ihe Caucasus. Several iu-slances of shepherds and farmers, who went lo Hie fields to lend Iheir cattle and sheep, having been frozen wilb the Hocks, have been given. 11 is reared the eHccJ on the; crops will mean a famine next year. BOARD OF TRADE BACKS UP OLIVER RAILWAY MATTERS The Hoard of Trade at its annual meeting last night decidtM on motion lo send a telegram to Hon John Oliver coniplinienliilg on his efforts lo secure t lie building of Ihe Peace Hiver railway through Hrilish Columbia and urging Ihat he conliuuo his ell'orls in that direction. II. T. Cross of the local cus- loins staff sailed this; morning on Ihe Venture tor Swanson Hay where he will clear l,he C.G.M.M. steamer Canadian, Volunteer which is lo lako a cargo or lumber direct from Swanson Hay lit Now York via Iho Panama Canal.