I'- 1 hi rAQE SIX THE p.MLV XF.WS, Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUn EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlcaV knowledge of optometry, ! to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heiibroner Diamond Specialist 3rd Avenue and 1st Street WEDDING AT PORT SIMPSON FRIDAY Miss Cathro Lydla Swanson Is afternoon when Miss Cathro Lydia Swanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Swanson, .prominent native residents there, was united in marriage to Casper Webster by llev. William Allen, the missionary. The ceremony was followed by a feast to which all the residents of Port Simpson, native and white alike, were invited. The festivities extended into the evening when games and dancing were enjoyed in the village hall. 1 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert X. A. Elliot, Vancouver; Jack Frank, Terrace; H. A. Ainge, Jasper. Central (ieorge II. Walshaw. W. Craig and S. Ynrmish, C.X.R. WESTHOLME THEATRI Tonight Only, Saturday Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. 'Wandere of the r Wasteland' Adapted from Zane (irey's famous, besl-seller story. The thrilling adventures of mi outcast who became a hermit of the desert. A remarkable new departure in molion-piclures was inaugurated in this photo-play, every scene being filmed in its natural colors by the Technicolor process, showing a wonderful contrast to the ordinary black and .white photography. Stirring incidents include u fight willi a rattlesnake, an avalanche in the (Iraud (Canyon, the hem's 00 fool leap into the sand which completely buries him and u first-class fistic battle. A delightful romance runs alt the way through mingled with comedy. Strong cast. Jack Holt, Billie Dove, Noah Beery, James Mason, Georgo Irving, Kathlyn Williams and others. COMEDY HAL ROACH'S RASCALS IN "YOUNG SHER-LOCKS." TOPICS OF THE DAY. 50c and 25c On Display, the Most Complete Stock of Dining - Room Furniture We Have Had For Years WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SPECIALS NEXT WEEK Barries Home Furnishings Phone 123 STEVE KING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED YOUR MEN FOLK WILL APPRECIATE "WOLSEY" UNDERWEAR, SOX & SLIP-OVER VESTS PRICES VERY REASONABLE , Phone Green 85 T.MCCLYMONT IS PRESIDENT Married to Casper Webster . 1 ,i St. Andrew's Society Elected Of- A wedding of general interest to fcers Last Nght ls jn tlio whole community took place Flourishing Condition at the Methodist Church' in Port! . .Simpson at 3 o'clock yesterday' plco Magistrate Thomas Mc- tllymont was elected president of the St. Andrew's Society at the annual meeting last night succeeding William lleid, whose term of office now expires. Other officers dcqted were: Honorary President i Major- (ieneral J.'W. Stewart (re-elected). Honorary Vice-President Major John McGregor, V.C. (reelected). First Vice-President Joe Hrown. ' Second Vice-President J, . I Johnstone, Secretary J. J. Little. Treasurer J. S. Irvine (reelected). Directors M. M. MacLachlau, s. D. Macdonald, Charles Taylor, t Howard Steen, and James Sinvp-son. Chaplain Hev. Dr. II. 11. (irant. Solicitor J. (1. Johnstone. Piper Alex. MacDonald. Warden A, Clappcrton. Auditors -A, Finnic and (J. I. Munro; House Committee M. Harris, I). S. Cameron and J. Stewart. Milliard Committee Joo irown, J. Allen and .Marcus Andrews. Oilier appointments were lefl ii tin; hands of the executive. In Good Shape Annual reports covering all lie affairs of the society showed he organization lo he in a flour-shing condition. The memher-diip now stands at 10 i, an in-cease of 10 since last year. The next big affair lo be held 'iy the society will be the Hums' 'lampiet in the lloston Hall on lanuary 23. The committee in harge, headed by D, C. Stuart. has its arrangements well iih hand. FOOTBALL CUP COMPETITION First Round of English Association Played Today in Old Country LOXDOX, Jan. to. The first' round of the Knjilish football ssocialion cup competition was; dayed today in different parts f this country, I lie results being IS follows; I Leicester 3, Stoke 0. . 1 Hull 1, Wolverhampton 1. slon Villa 7, Port Vale ;wansca .5 Plymouth 0. Wednesday 2, Manchester U. (I. ')eihy 0, llradford City 1. IraiHord 1, Middlesboro 0. Swindon t, F'ulham 2. I'restnn I, Mancliesler City 1. West llromwich I, Luton o. IHiniinghani'i 2, Chelsea 0. Nolls Forest 1, Clapton O. 0. Doncasler 1, Xorwich 2. Mierfield U. 5, Corinthians 0. Liverpool 3, Leeds 0. ceiinglon 2, Portsmouth '. 1 '.ovcnl ry 0, Notts County 2. Hryslal Palace 2. South Shields 1 Millwall 0, Marnsley 0. Hiiiy 0, Sunderland 3. Watford 1. Brighton 1. Molton-3, lluddersrield 0. Markbiini i, Olilham 0. 'lardirr 0. Darlington 0. oulhamplon 5, Fxclcr 0. Xewcnslle I, llarllepool 1. Tottenham' 3, X'nrthmiiplou 0. Kvcrton 2, Iturnley 1. Illackpoid 0, Harrow ,0, Hrislol Ilovers 0, Hrislol City Oueeu's Park I, Stockport 3. West Ham vs. Arsenal not" ported , SCOTTISH LEAGUE .Division I. 'Icllic 3, Aberdeen t, Cowdenbeath 3, Third Lanark i. Falkirk 0. Hibernians 0. Hamilton 1. SI. Mirren 3, Hearts 2, Itallb Hovers 2. Kilmarnock t. Dundee 1. Morton 1, Hangers 1. Paitick Thistle 2, Airdrionians 1 Queen's Park i. Ayr United i. St. Johnstone- 2, Motherwell t. THAT'S SALESMANSHIP Kill lids portrait makes me look so much older," objected Mrs. Hjones. "That's the beauty Mndame," replied the "Ten years from now it nn even better likeness than it la today." I. re- of it artist will be of you SQUAM HATS In Olive, (Ireeu, or Hlack, absolutely waterproof. Stiff brim, all Price Service $1.25 elected its native council for Ihei year 11' 2 5 as follows: j Chief Councillor .John. Xcl- son. , I Councillors Arthur Lewis, Job' Spencer, Oeorge Wriglil, Oswald Tolniie, Henry Hrown and llmry Watt. Secretary William llldley. Treasurer -4- Councillor Henry Walt. Three members of the Hoard of Trade tendered their reslgni- lious at llie annual meeting newi I nst I nliiht. They were A. W. Kilge, ,.; C. flavitfan and F. W. Hurl.' Yhc lesTtf nullons were accepted wilhuu'v comment. ' i Let It Rain! Our Oiled Clothing WILL KEEP YOU DRY QCYCfl JL? BRAND BRAND P Guaranteed Waterproof SLICKER PANTS AND COAT Most cssc'nlial for the man working outside. 'J hey arc made to stand hard wear and roomy. Hauls have bib and bold are fully lined. Price per garment $3-oo giuiranieed $7- Saturday. January 10, loj; I um SO'WESTER HATS Has soft pliable brim, making n very comfortable to wear. In Hlack or Olive (ireen. AH sizes. Price $1.00 There are Garments here for Every Purpose at Popular Prices BOYS' OLIVE SLICKERS You won't need lo worry about the young folks getting wet if they are -equipped witli one of these coals. All sizes. Prices $4 50 and $5 ..?1S MEN'S FULL LENGTH SLICKERS In Olive or Hlack. Well made and strongly put together. Fallens close up to neck with -nap fastener. Our diirov Hieing mg on collar, Absolutely Prices I. .00 and f7.50 M ft Universal Trading Co. CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FROM 9 A.M. TILL 2 NOON ONLY FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY MALKIN'S BEST MARMALADE 4 lb. Tins - 55c Limit 2 to each customer. PURE LOGANBERRY JAM 4 lb. Tin - - 55c Limit 2 tins lo each ciislomer. SUNLIGHT SOAP 'i bars to carton Special, 20c carton Limit ID carious to cai li customer. k CANADA CORN ' STARCH , I lb. package 3 for - - 25c Limit (1 lo eai'h cos tomer 500 LBS. BROWN SUGAR, 7 lbs. for 50c . Limit lilbs. lo each customer. ; , , 10 DOZ. TINS LIBBY'S ASPARAGUS TIPS (Tiny (ireen). ltcg. Vlk fcjpeoinl i;. 11 . 5C0 LBS. BROKEN ORANGE PEKOE TEA in bulk. Special in W lb. package, only ... ... Limit 0 lbs. to each customer. 1 ' '' 1 . 3 for $1.10 SI .55 Satisfaction KITKATLA COUNCIL John Nelson Elected Recently to Lead Natives of VMIag-o Down tho Coast The villain) of Kilkalla has! January Home Furnishing Sale U1M1ING ROOM SUITE SPECIALS S Piece Solid Oak Dining llodm Suite $120.00 S Pieces Solid Oak Dining llooui Suite $132.50 ) Piece Two-lone Oak "William" mid "Mury" design. Sale Price . . $218.50 This is a very nllriutive suite in the latest oak two-lone finish. II Piece Two-lone Walnut rinish Dining Itoom Suite. Special $200.00 Piece Dining ltoom Suite, Fumed fin ish. Special 3rd Avenue, $130.00 SPECIAL. Piece Solid Walnut Dining Itoom Suite. Meg. .Kiliuin. Salt price ... $300.00 This sum. curries u giinraulee from I he niiiiiufiieliirefs. Fumed Oak Huffel. Sale I'rice . . $45.00 olden Oak Hufret . Sale Price . . $48.00 I' umed Oak Oblong Table. Sale Prim ... $36.50 SPECIAL. u lim- Diuing Hoori, Suite, Viilnul fin-lsl1' I'!ciat S08.B0 GEO. D. TITE The Quality Homo Furnisher Phono 20