r(1,iyr Jnnunry 10. 1'-2 t ZSC WMl Dolnga of the Mosquito Fleet which is the Wfaj fATHf r- R$&Ksi chief source of Prince Rupert's prosperity 'vMll I lAjfll2L for j m2aS5SBB5bJCJgtfg ; TtSlHtl&t.. 7fr WWQViW io, in Prince llilperl ORMES LIMITED ayne Laboratories Dept. 568. 3" River, St., Chicago, III. EJ-Hold!nrf Saw iy Extraordinary Special I Ml! ONE WEEK ONLY M.i hi Muckpl also I- it r- Mai'l.i't will Soil 11 lb. Great wen uonee 1 4 lb. tin Plum Jam, Pure Y.Jiie si ' fr $1.00 Sc.:: f.iii purchase these . va: yi'ii Wiin l . On yniny iv in il'i- or cash over li; cm:, tr . B.C. Butchers Grocers Ltd Third Avenue IPhone 45-574 or Blue 428. WEEK-END SPECIALS Try Our Fresh Meat Dept. Satisfaction Guaranteed . Sai-e llibs. er lb. ' 17',c It(.as per lb. . . 25c Cli:; i:.n :.- Ill Si llnasl Veal, per lb. 25c Hound Sleak. per 22 'a c SI ak. per lb. . . 30o I'iiI rtca! per lb. 10'j nrnl 12"ic B' iliiig lleer, per lb. . . 8c I1' ::!!' Ilili Itoast, per lb. M'2c Get Acquainted with our New Butcher Economy Store Phone 84 417 Fifth Avenue East. EMOVE YOUR FAT and BE HAPPY By the dally use of layne's Reducing Soap Von ran quickly reduce to a pnkr figure without. Drugs. wii Diet or Halhs. Deduce here ynu wish -Anns Ilusl- I'oloinon ps -Thighs Legs fnRlos Aiiv-nlnce. A Simple. '''Uliful Method. AIISOLI.'TI'.LV 'AHMI.KSS. Now Is Ihe time lo "Kin lleiluclng Weight, let your r'lllli improve, become vntinirer 't'pearance. more cheerful, variously Hctlvn jmd efficient. riU'IIIKLNG HKSl'LTS Ot.'ICK- ' 'MlTAIXAliu;, Money Ite- '"""l if Not Si'llsfled. 50c FOR 3 CAKES Send Cut ii Mow? Order, FMt-Eiiy-CuHinV SJMONDS' SAWS SIM0NO5 CANADA SAW CO. LTD. 'MoriTrUAL VNcouvia ST. John, n, I. VM New Halibut Boat Jim Hums, an old inner in f I r halibut fishing, is Ihe lalesl member of Mi o home fleet to go into the fishing on hi own nc-I'ount. . ..Mm arri voij in port on Wednesday aboard his own boat Yule, which Ik- brought from Seattle, having purchased her I here. Tin' Yule is a husRy looking S) fool schooner with a 10 rigged openin; season near future lo lie finally up in lvadiness for the of next Ihe halibut month. fishing Tillje the 'toiler is now no more. ITIini- lliil'i-it fi r llv .iirmo nt i.oi in III i Vll. .I'lllc.l. I , ' T.niifi'- I" is' in Hi"" orrirc i.r ihe mtv i i.Mh iiiiiikril -Teniler rr l.ol" no Inur limn II t in. stiiniliiy, Jaiiuiirv 10, 1 S. K. I- JO.NKS. i:ily f:irk. MORTGAGE SALE. rut viitii'I.- Hull iiiulr icil liv vlrltif I mall, Iifiri'r. lmrnB, 1'nr.i iiiuk. "irum inn-r. I.nrr, wiinin.. foeil. 1i'nht tii.rses. and iiIImt iii-i-oslllr riMiitlioil In III'' iiMTntUm i.r a liilrv, anil iiNn IuhkiIiiiIiI fiirnuiin' ainl VwhU. elo. . . JlATKIi al erllier Iliill. HX.. MM 7lh iliy "f January. I0f. fvitt Cur fnrtlif r narlli'nlars ainl riinillllon William. Jnn"'n ".. ,n ..f alH 'iily yaln. s,tllrimp iTinrr hiiim . 1 v ClicM . . a. t This Is n Ihougliiriil ami most nf us approach the New Year In a serious manner. We are going to do Iho hest we can In improve the cnmrorL of our home folks ami will add lo personal efficiency Mint the world may be a better place for our liavinR lived In U. Wo sell hardware llial will make Mils n boiler place for you anil yours. Kaien Hardware Co. larger ami bell,.,- iiiMiallatinrT. Now iiixl heavier, timber ami piles are being creeled. When completed ,. M,.w way,, Wjj )m able lo ai'i'oinmoilale any boat, measuring njt to ;r, f(.(. ,mg. Fish House Repairs The iniier sanctum of Hie Moyal.Fish Company where I'cle i.oron.en usually sits in stale at loot neuiii ami is powereiwviin a ihe adding, machine has been If. horse iiovver Knterprise heavy jredecoralcd. Tlie color scheme duly engine. The new boat will j ;, cross between a bowl or pea be taken up on Ihe McLean waysiinm and a"hiliir,i Innti NO l.irrnrni. in I lie and is very effective if it appeal lo ones senxc of beauly. The ice bouse al Jisbories lias been rc-planked land the floor has been rc-lnid. L'lui' . K j. 1 1 ft. I ! Tttes r 1 h .This . j friendly Iioh.; . ,illy ,.,. (wjn Well miss her Hmile and e.l.eei-',1(IUM ,(f ,,. Mvivl,n ' . ful wa'H, , ,, ,' .U"'ly Mrlxmabl and Lance I'ol-:May she mil Ui! In Ihe end ofj(irm( Ml(. engineers, who have her days. jspenl boi-rs lossiiiK the coin in r. l tt. Itl.t I I.. dipper .,oun l ieu, is nwr.,,,,,,,,, ,( ,., hauling ine engine on ins iow boat llarlall I' Me.srs.J 'installing, a ISIerlinu engine boat (tiiby Mae One lllellls ami (3. finrrio. nro 12-15 horse power in llieir power in dace of a i former 1'risbie' engine. The Huby .Mae has been lied up for several week, owing lo haviujr sustained) a bn-ak in her crankshaft. Fur Arrives of the largest of raw fur lo eonstgn-arrive In Hie job. Hoi; (ilapperlop has been confined to his bed for Ihe grealer part of lie"week suffering vil!i a severe cold. Pete May Do It I'ele Soleiu, of cigarelle pic-lilre fame, efl on an extended hnliday trip to Seal Me on Hie 1'rince Ituperr yesterday morning. II is well known that 1'ile his heen in recVipl of inuuiner- ti hl,t IaI I nts !i.liltftaeil in n Tmitiilfi purl Ihis season was hrm.ghl in,liim and this far!, coupled will. early in Ihe week by Mcl adden,, (U( h(, wai,p Itros. who have been trapping in fro)i 0 nv.PnJtP person Ihe (lardner Canal distrioL line( , riously specimens of n.arleni mink and ,lnknjf Jo1,I1B . vram beaver were contained in Ihe lot.. . nf r,nil;r .-, -,,,,,. which found a reagj loeal mar-' .,.,., , . .,, iinnnIlinB ,, hl''- Hie fact thai l'ele Jias'Jieen sav- "T- iiiiK money nl a leirible pnei for The halibut sehooner (.1 .son.!,(1, pai (ir ,Iowi.vl.r if ,,, Capl. I. .ewll, will be lMken:aMmpjOI1 proves correct. Ihu up on the McLean ways ne.x llllllk.al ,H,yM wjII ni(1t, p,., ,, week io nave a raise,, oiik ... br-,r , ,Mil, art. iiilKjr minor repairs win aso be carried out. al the same lime in readiness for Ihe initial dash to month. ihe lialilml banks next upon llieir arrival. manner The schooner Adeline, which sank in a iiiyslerious .manner re- iccntly at Sourdough Hay. is now New Ways inooreu ai .ow nay aim win There i. tfieal commotion shortly undergo a thorough ar.M'tid Hie W'a'r.l Kleclric pre- j overhaul, mises al Cow Hav. The old sbip- al The power boat Niner, Cap). w .iv s i being supplanted by ; " ' IJiiiiiny Thomas, lefl on Tburs- N0T.ICE' lilay morning for Oeorgclown twkIi r will 1k rweivwi iiy ii my oi with severaP passengers and a heavy cargo of freight. Shots of Haggis The following exlraels from the diary of a walerfronl Scots-, dealing Willi the Scotch ' ..r ti.o' inicr HHiuimvi in i:iiuiu'ii haggis propensily, is issued as a ;Wru.Vi;7ff bo PiUrlM. I.HiiIIimI. anil ll H.vl ll.iiih fT Alitalia I will ' rri-r tot tU pulillr Um- nm day nf.Jaiin- HurU.Von TiH'wlay. . .. ........ 4,k ..'.l.u.u Irt iiii- afidfiiwin. ai ilia rri'iii'"" if iii.tH'TMriM'Hiin Mrkff-. F.ICVI'llin AVl'llllH. I l im r i.ur. , i. .it on. ii i. i iiiiiieii. riMiiri K. cr- witliilnB warning lo lo those those who wlio may may lempled in a like manner lo im lube in Ibis IooIIisoiiid con- iclliin. Following are the exlracls: ti' ud i..'i..niii pniiwriy ;,'J",1"rt I l.ochlerbochliiiinc, Jan. V'-U. 'ri, mii;:rt.ilH2l,"!biIe walkimr out. and counlry.sl.le for the. siahl of loose pennies did call upon my old fried Muckle Mac 'lavish. 1 1 o iliilna' seem glad In sen me, l neurit.' feeding lime. Muckle diiln.V say a. word,. neither (ilid I. Al lnl ho says: "If ye'ro li; no goiit' and intend to slay, you'd 1 belter hue a bit o'haggis." Iteing I hungry, and a tier n hard lussle with my beller self, I says: "aye a'riebt," as I'd never got, it afore. Same lown, Jan. 1. "Aweel! I've got Ihe haggis habit noo rnnd I've ale six pund since ibreakfasl. II didna seem hard lo lake." Same place, Jan. 0. "Have walked tttilil weary and canna find a single haggis. The craving is more limn 1 can Ihole. Ochkfor just n pinch o'haggis." llogniaiiayforth, Jan. 15. "Have nrived forfochen from llrsi town In search o haggis. .Vol a smell ol my beloved niut'sel can I Mini. I winnit buy ouy but seareh for friendly races In gvo mo half a pound o' hiiggis. Whal'll I due if 1'ao lo pay for some morsel? The I hoohl. canna be borne much more. '4 enrso Muckle for his luring ways." Fillelonijclocban, dan. 20. "Sliinbliu' blindly thro' the mist THE DAILY NEVv'S I see a haggis etllfegc swallied In sheep. My liearl shakes the pennies In my pocket which makes pie (ear for losing Ihem. If only Miickle owned the haggis college! I beg or haggis bill am denied. I offer lo pay for haggis bill it canna be done, the sheriff has seized Ihe college. J strike jsoulh in search of Kngland and n a pk is. Spalville, .Kuglnnil, .Ian. 25. "Messed Knfiland, 1 am saved. It s Hums' birthday.' 'J find haggis everywhere and am a happy Scot." The schooner Seamaid, Capt. K. Dnrreen, is being overhiiuled at' the dry dock. The Uncanny "Goldie" "fioblie," olherwise known as fioblblooiii the fur man, seem lo have an uncanny way of scenling fur arrivals, (ioblie will stand on the floats walching the arrivals and will know at a glance what boals roniing in have, fti r ahoard, lie c;ni almost prophecy Imw many .fur.s are in the cargo and give a description. Another thing he is clever al is prophesying the price at which the Iliiothjthejwill sell, in fact he has never iieeu Known lo. tail yei. fJoldie i down on Ihe walerfronl every day in Ihe week, that is when in town, and is .Inbiiuy on life spot when raw furs are awaiting for a buyer. I . ,Tlie launch Oh Ib.by. Capl. Inn endeavor lo sellle which oftLoi1-ie Lambley, who was out lo Lewis Island willi a cargo lumber. on of . Wednesday 000 feel of Jock Murray, mechanical superintendent at Ihe llnyal l-'ish Company, slipped on Hie sidewalk near his home on Alfred Street last Sunday and broke two of hi -ribs. Jock is coming along nicely. Periodical bulletins will be issued as to Ins condition. CLASSES FOR FISHERMEN IN NAVIGATION Members of Local Union Ask That Instructor be Appointed The I'rince Ituperl Hnuril of! I'raile is co-nperaling with the Dvep Sen l-'islierinen's I'nion in regard lo securing Ihe estab lishment of a school of naviga tion here, particularly for . the benefit of halibut. fishermen. The action is being taken in response lo a petition from a nuniber of fishermen and endorsed by the union which asks that Capl. H.'. March be appointed. The following letter was read al last night's meeting: I '!ln view of the growing lo go farther and farther out in search" of new halibut banks, we Ihe undersigned niem-lur.s of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union beg lo submit the following pel it ion: "Whereas it has been found necessary In fish for halibut farther from charted waters I haii hf'rclofore; "And .whereas a proper knowledge! navigalion, 'chart, reading, compass adjiislnienl, rule of Ihe road, elc, has been found absolutely essential lo the pro per and safe navigation of the vesselsv "We would request lhat a nighl school for navigation he formed immediately at Prince lluperl for Ihe remainder of the close season for halibut, Ilia!, in-.l ructions in the above subjects may be given lo those desiring such. The petition was signed by J. II. Meagher, agent of the union. HEART TROUBLE .SHORTNESS 0F BREATH Mrs. Op.o, K. JIowiiiiiii, M'rrltiifK, Onl.. writes: " nm Wrlilnir ymi a few lliwvi In li'i ymi knnw or my pxpi-rlpiu-e with Mlll.urir.n Heart amt Servn 1MIU. Two years ami I Immuoiic very iworly wllh my liwirt ail nerveK aixl wliennfr I lonk the leant little lilt nf exeiTlw my heart wnulil mart to Jump and rwilrr. I roiild not walk iiptalrs w UImH linvinir u. sit down nnil rel- liefore I a half-way up, nn aernunt of my breath lieemnlnir so short. I i-niiiiiieureit takiinr - ,MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS and In no .tlru I trelt a (treat Injprovc-iiM'iit, , and ean mw heartily recommend lb. in In all lliose who am truiililed with any arTeninn or the heart." " l. k S. fills are 'for sale, at all drint and irenerol atnrra; Pt up only tiy The T Mllhurn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser thrn you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes, to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows adoertised goods lice up to their claims. She saoes time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements' -and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These advertisements are written for your benefit too. Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment -not a stock speculation T. Itamheny, II. Jorgensen, J. Coombs, 'Dan Campbell,- Oscai Young, L C. Tibbets, A. Hansen. J. M. Larsen, L. Larsen, Win. J. Lear, James Parsons, X. Mug-lord, A. Ouaiiiton, T. Dybliavn, Harvey Davies, Alex. Dulhie, John Mulhern, 11. Shrnlisell, T. Lynes, W. II. Hrelt, S. Malinedol, S. Sev'er'son, P. Pele Melo, John Harselh, Dan Morrison, Mall Punlervol, J.' ChristnphersoU, Ole Slegavig, A. Chris! i.anscn. Dan A. McPhee, A. Murray. Holier! Ilanna, David Milne, Hans (iiske. A telegram had already been seal lo Captain Harney John-sou by Ihe local hoard and a reply bad been received saying that ihe supervising examiner would be here Monday and would give full particulars Ihen. TELEGRAPH TOLLS TO COME .UNDER REVIEW Committee of the Board of Trade to Jnvestloate and Make Representations Asking for Lower Rates ' At the suggestion nf Jaines Lee the mailer of telegraph lolls is lo be taken up with the companies by Ihe trade and com-nierce conuuillee of Ihe Hoard of Trade. II. was pointed mil by him Dial Ihe lolls from Prince Itn- jperf to F.aslcrn points were nearly ilouiue muse irom Van couver lo Ihe same (minis. He quoted' ninny of lli,e rates Jo prove his .assertion. 11. V. Pullen asked that Hie nress rales lie incimieu in ipe represeijlilioiis. At present ex-torlionate rales were charged, making il tlillicult for local papers lo give Ihe .public a good service. If Hie rales were reduced in keeping with IJiose else-whore !be people of Prince Jlu- nerl would gel mole news from the outside. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnners, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F GET IT AT! VA - HIGH CLASS PHONE 588 -GROCERS REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS ! Advertise in "The Daily News" 1