TIT January 7. 1925. 17 1 ll()lt MIL it- Give Them AND WATCII THEM THRIVE WISE mother use Kllm lirand Powdered Whole Milk because they know It Is the freh milk .of dairy rows In tho purest and most convenient form. Ik high quality in absolutely uniform and read tly permits any modification the doctor recommends. Atk him what he thinks vj KLIM. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Hold liy lluperl Table Supply Co. See Our Line of , AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LIMES. Tlckl Otflct, B2S Third Avt., Prlnc Rupert. inosor dow DacK CIiAIRS And Gate-Lee Tables Any Finish You Dctire bjrie's -Home Furnishings f ,'cmie and 1st Street Phone 123 un . l w imeri nsn Fresh frozen All varieties. F.esh Fish All varieties in reason. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands."" Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish- & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlcn Rupert, B.C. Candy Special BROKEN SCOTCH NUT SCOTCH HUMBUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 50c per lb. I for your Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1925. o i tfv '. THE. PIONEEH DRUGGISTS Ird and Sixth Phones 82 and 200 Prlnco Rupert, B.C. WINTER L. I U. :m STEAMSHIP SERVICE S PRtNCE RUPERT oaiU rnmi ITlliiT tot VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, InU'iliirtllul (mini!- i-afl I ri'h.v V i" u.m. F 8TEWART ami ANYOX WXlni'silay, 1 1. 1)0 p.m. 8 8, PR'-SCE JOHN 'nr VnliriiiiviT via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 1 ;"';ir. l.'JIj rVlnuarj' It. 9S. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, ti.OO p.m. Tor l'rlni-0 ilciilK". EDMONTON. Winmpeq, al) niliil i:nurn Camilla, I'nlicil Slate. ( Phott 200. UATJM.. ii INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Rcbekah's and Oddcfllows' Cere monies Last Night were Followed by Canquet Joint insinuation of oll'iccra for local Hebckali ami Oddfellows' lodges look place last night in tin- Boston Hall. The ceremonies were followed by a banquet over which U. V. Wil kinson presided ami at which tin! mien ke is were J. W. McKln-ley, A. It. 1'liilliii rrartk .Morris, .Mayor .ewlon anil Miss Katie. Olllcers installed were as follows: ' . Robekahs Noble (Iraml Mi. W. S. Iluniiiioiiil. Vice (iraml -Mrs. ,. C. liby. lleeoriling ftcerelary Mrs. (i, V. W ilkinson. I'iiiancial secrelury Mrs. Bert Morgan. Treasurer Mrs. I 'rank Morris Wanlen Mrs. McLean. Conductor Mrs, Harold milli. Chaplain Miss Hughe. Itighl Support of .Noble (Iraml Miss Irvine. Left support of Noble drawl Mrs. Peachy. Higlrl support of vice (iraml Mrs. Priest. I, cfl support of vico (ivfoul Mrs. lto..lie. , 4?ff. Inner (iuanl Mrs. Su . Oox Ouler guard Mrs. J. .MeKcch- nie. ' Oddfellows Noble (irsind Ilea Ferguson. Vice (iraml J. I,. Molnlosh, Ileconliinf secretary 6. V. Cos, Financial secretary A. J. (5al- laml. Treasurer (1. (J. Minus. Warden .1. Wosli'lllioluic. Conductor--A. Barb. Inner guard M. J. O' Kelly. (inter ley. Itighl -I. W. (tuard C coign McAu siiiqioH of. Noble (.rand Mc Kin ley. Left support of 'NoWeOrnrid II. Smith. Hijrht support Wf Wee Oram! .1. Bo.hIiu. Left upport of Vice (iraud II. M. Hate. ItiRbl scene mipporter Putt' . I.i-fl cene uppnrler Jhjuc Mcl'berson. ..) 'uC I oiiityiain v . a. .mi i.chii. lnU'llirif olllrfirs for the He bekahs were Miss K. M. Riirle :i-i!isled by Mrs. Thomas Priest .Mrs. Jiiiti,e Sinipxon, .Mr. I. I MrlnluMi, .Mrs. McLean. .Mr." Den lalKHl-no and Mrs. J. Mc Keclmie. District Deputy (iraml Masler (.ieorffe 'l.eek was in charge of (he Oddfellows' instal lalion and was assisted hy S. M Newlon. Harry l.ove, A. It. Phil lips. ('.. llalsdon. (!. V. Wilkinson and Bert West. Pasi'iKcr sHiliny last nijilil in l In- i.arileiui for ancouver liiclmli'd W. II. Spi'nepr. Jain.es Ciiln.M'. It. A. I-lirewell. M . Vlir liy. .toe (Irei'i- and sou. Insiierlor Parson- ami Ken Self. Passen ucrs 'or Mclnrin were Air-. Jiur ray and I.. w MANY CLAIMS TO VALUABLE LEGACY Correct Uso of Famous Title has Encouraged Pretandors Almul (he year 1880 the pioneer prospectors of British Columbia ill-covered a remarkable coal. Afler many trials ami tests it was positively established that (his coal represented the iiome or economy, efficiency ami comfort. To this fuel I hey crave (ho new famous name of "Nanaimo-Wellington." representing all that was hesl in coal. No sooner was It found that Ihe public Insisted on gelling Ibis Wonder Fuel than other coals were put on llio market under very similar names. So much so that tho public wcro ul a loss lo say wnich was the genuine ami which I ho Imitation. Of course it was easy after a trial a sinplc sack will prove tt more lasting ami nuiro powerful heal from a few shovelfuls, hardly any ash. no clinker or rock, nil these points stand oul when you make a practical test in furnace, fireplace, healer or cooli-slove. This famous Nanaimo-Wel-linglon coal is sold only by Albert & McOuffcry lo whom nil orders should be phoned direct, Prompt, delivery serviro given by I heir own loams ami trucks. Their phono numbers are Hit and 501. tf DAILY NEWS THE PAGE THIIER Local and Personal j B.C. Undertakers. Phone it. llayncrs, Unacnakers, l'hone35l Vou'll like our ;oaI! Cousum- ers Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Women of Mooseheart Legion whist drive ami dancu on Tuesday, January fa, al H p.m. Don't forcet the blq dance In the Elks' Hall Thursday night by tho Happy Thought Dancing Club. Once more we can supply the famous Kdsurt coal in any quan tities. Phone 58. Prince lluperl feed Co. tf Inslruclions have been issued o the provincial police to pro secute persons not having paid motor licenses by.. January 15. C.JS'.Jl. sleanier Prince llunert. Japt, I). Donald, ,(rq in Vancouver ami wayporls. is due to arrive on lime at 3 o clock mis after noon. ' Takins of. uvfilenee and arsru inent uf couiuse! in the ("ouiily. (ioiirl Case 'f tjlaylon vs. Wray was finished yesterday afternoon and judgment was. reserved. The Women's Hospilal Auxili ary will liolil a sale of homi lookiup ami lea Jn Si. Andrew's Kooiiis on Saluiilay, January 10, from 2.3d to ( pjn. l'ioceeil' for the public wards. (5 The fire deparlirietil was called out al H.30 last tiiglit . U)( iHbsftn block on Second Avenue, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Iliulon, lo exliiiiiuish a ehimiiuy fir'e which did no damage. Howard Priiif-de "has returned o his duties wiih the Prince Uuperl l.ogping Co. al Francois I Lake a!iir having" spent the Ubrislinas aud New Year vaea- Ifotf visiting in the city with his mol her, Mrs. T. K. L'riuglo, Fm-tnersou Place. F.X-MaMir II. It. lloeheslei MhIps-tfiat'he"WtrSiffrri1iabjy In- a (rndidalu ft I the forthcominir niiuWrJIaT Vileclion for re-elec Moji to fie school hoard but it i llis intention lo limit his participation in the various contests lo that field. .St Provincial Constable J. A Williams of Slewar has.heen Iransferied lo Bella Coola and will lie succeeded al'Slewarl by Constable F. Islip of Bella Coola t'nlil the arrival nfstlie latter. I.. I'. Davis is actios lis special onstahle al Stewart Tlio name of i:.-Ald, M. M. Stephens is being niehliiuied as a candidate for the City council i I Ihe municipal election nex' .Veek. Mr. Stephens slaleil 1 1 1 1 .-miming that he had not yet iiven his decision .though lie liau been approached on ihe mailer F. A. Cormier of Ihe Pari-Hotel, Plainrield, New Jersey, inquires from the local police as lo Ihe whereabouts of his brolher Thomas Cormier, whir, was last 'leant of in lull or I'M:' aboul Hie time of Ihe death of l:i-'alher. The police believe Ilia! Hie missing man is also dead. We still have a considerable stock of the following lumber, etc., to clear at barnaln prices before end of month. Dimension Lumber, planking, shiplap, Droo ?!d!ng, doublo dressed finish V Joint, flooring, doors, windows and veneer, oak and cedar boat lumbar, etc. Shockley Planing mills. tr The Cauaihau Nal ional has received word tc 'ie effect Dial Ihe Cunard Conn Miy is giving round trip (bird class excursion rales to Ihe Old Country good for Ihe year and I hey have, also been nlllcially notified thai Ihe Brilish Kmpire exhibition would be continued during i)'o. number of prairie farmers ami Ihclr wives, spending tho winter on Ihe Pacific -Coast, have been passing through the city luring recent weeks. Today .Mr. ami Mrs. V. C. Howley, Mr. and -Mrs. A. McKenzie and T, It Hod. ney of Alberla are here; They arrived from Ihe Fnsl on Ihis morning's train and will proceed Ifoulh F"iday aiuruiiig. 2 5 i i s AS a- Bourbon VVhiokcy cf ncxcelled superb, pure quality Old Crow stands unrivalled. To demand OM Crow is to secure the best Bourbon Whiskey the world produces. Bourbon in fact end quality - backed BOTTtEO IN r.OND UNDE.T FEDERAL GOVEriTJKUT SU?ERiISt0N Old Crow Bourbon Whiskey r a by the Liijuur Uoiitnd Board or by the tlovern-T lii adverlisenienl is uol puljlisbcd or displayed nient nf British Columbia. Ben Scir sailed last evening by Ihe ;ardei.a for Vancouver on business. i I). Ii. Owen, investor in local really, relurned to Victoria on llii, f'if,litni l;mf tiitrlil :i flir li:iv- 1 ingsieiit a few days in the city on business. Joe (ireer ami sou, Lloyd, ,-aift'il last night on Ihe Canleua for Vancouver where the laller will receive healiueut al Ihe hands of an eye specialist. They expect lo bo back early- next week. Judge Youp;; leaves on the sleanier Prince lluperl- tonight 'or Stewart and Anyox where lie .vill preside over special sessions of Ihe naluralizn'iiii: court that are lo be held al those places, .le expects lo make Ihe round 'rip on the sleAtuer, relurnimi 'riilay 'morning. II. F. Mcl.eod, uirl registrar Will accompany .tin. COMMENCING WORK NEW TENNIS COURTS Levelling of Site With Ashes to Begin at Week- end The first actual work in con-jerlion with the construction of he proposed two tennis vurts for the employees: of Ihe Canadian National llailway-; is lo be done Ihis wee . d when ashes will be spreiu. mi the site near Ihe C.N,'! star. ... II is proposed lo construct two ouils Ibis sprint in lime for : 1 it- iii Ihe early summer. CAUGHT BETWEEN CARS AT ANYOX r1. Peterson Killed and Jury say Accidental Death ANYOX, Jan. 7. M. l'elerson. 'in employee of Hie (Iran by Coui-any for a number oT years, va 'jaugld between two ore cars several days ago au.l killed. On Sal unlay, Ihe corouor's jury brought in a verdict of aeei- ileulal iieatu. i YEARS OF DISCRETION The Progressive (irocer "1 asked you lo send me young lei luce." "Yes, ma'am. Wasn't il young?" .'Young? Il's almost old enough lo wash and dress il- self." i CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY j.C. Coast Services 5 ail in lis from Prince Rupert . . HnBiAva-t- mm i rj PRINCESS ALICE rmnotaa mnni For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 26; February 9, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27 S.. PHINCESS BEATRICE. Fo- autedalo, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday., 11 a.m. Agency for ail Steamship Llr. Full information froin m r.. ORCHARD. General Aaant C.irnr cf 4tr reel and 3rd Avenue, Prince Ruptrl. b.. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8wnton B, tnd Alr B, Tutiday, B P.m. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Altrt B, nd Swanton Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlr Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. S23 2nd A.anua. t. Barnalay, Asant. ?rmca Ruparl, B.O. STEVE KING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED YOUR WEN FOLK WILL APPRECIATE "WOLSEY" UNDERWEAR, SOX & SLIP-OVER VESTS PRICES VERY REASONABLE Phone Green 85 j ' II; London DryGin I ! I The Gin you will ak for again ihe i M Wtf tandard of purity for over 160 years. v M $3.25 A BOTTLE f I M you '-"'J Tg This adverttsetnent is not published or displayed by the . Liquor f-ontrol Board or by Hie Ooverniiient of Brilish Columbia. '