lloiir Hay Hoard addressed tlx local Trades A Ijibor Council last night making an explanation nf the new Arl wild particular reference in j ti mailer of ex- onii ion's, There was. a lain attendance at I It meeting; which was presided nver by S. I. Mae- donahl, ilii' iircsidenl. if council. As a result of .Mr. Vim ler's cxidaiial.hins, many mem hers uf the council, -v1 1 iiail no4 been entirely .familiar with working of I lie Acl, became innrr sausricii willi I hit manner in, which il was Ireini; ndminjslcrcd. .Mr. Foster cited somo twenty different rases in which exemp tions 1 1 : 1 1 1 been allowed. Cold slm-age ulanis were entirely exempted al the present lime. Sawmill I'asl nf I In Cascade mnunl-aiNs had also been exempted, in view of winlcr conditions, njiera-linns nf these mills in the winter wore largely curtailed and, in order lo put llii'in nn a nion ciiiilnble liasis with mills nn III" coast, I hey wore belli;? allowed In work nine lionrs per day. May Withdraw Kxcmplious Iiail J "; 1 1 (.'milled, Mr Foster declared, so Ilia I in-dnslries wnnld mil In iiinlnly hampered and, in Uie mosl cases where they Jiad been alliivci, II h.'bl been on request linlli of I he employers and Hie workers. The Fifrhl Iltnir Day Hoard, .Mr. Foster further staled, reserved - the riIit at' any time and without notice to withdraw exemptions if il was fniind dial they were lielliji usid Jo utilise Hie vut'pnse nf the arl in any way. The Hoard also li.ul tlieijinwer In lake, such offenders into court. , lleferriug lo Hie case of Jnund ries, .Mr. Foster staleil thai all laundries in the smith yrre -oper ating under an cighl-huur day IT they vere not doiny so here measures would ho. taken o compel them In do sn. Answered Questions " llany iiieslimis were asked and answered satisfactorily hy .Mr. Foster and, at lite close of the. niediiij-r. In- was tendered a volet of thanks. Jlr. I'osler will leave on tonight's train for Prince lieorjje where he uilj. iuak .a mt.ihiuI iiiveslifralio'ii nf cnmpliiint's thai the Ki'thl-llnur Hay Acl is Jteintf evadcil in Itial district. FRIGHTENED AT AGE fXKVFl.AND, Ohio, Feh Iiiseovery thai she was Kl.'l years old instead of 4.IM, as slie thought.-is iielievejl In have hastened the ileal li of Mrs. Maria Ilynes, nne of f'levelaint's few centenarians. Mrs. Ilynes was wealthy and spry until "Si few innnlhs nxi when a grandson, examining her hirlh certificaie, issuel in Loudon, l'.n'land, called alleulinii lo the fad it was staled July, IH2i. WHIST LEAGUE Games In Both Ladles' and Men's Sections Were Played Last Evening fiames played in the Fraternal Whist League last night?iesujleil as follows: . Ladles' Section Orange Ladies, .r; Haughlcrs of Fnglnnd, I. SI. Andrew's. 1; Pythian lers, 5. t Men's Section nrealjWar Veterans, 8; Lnyal Oranse Lodge, l. ' I.eagije slaiidings o dale are as follows: Men's Section Klks K. of C. S .or 0. .. SI. .tAudrew's .. .. Hi Ol r,- . - . Oililfelliftrr . XX'. , V. A Moose- .-, . . L. 6. I,. .. K. of , . . Ladles' I. nf , Mnns Ladles Pythian SUIers St. Andrew's Orange Lndios XV. L. Pls.i ; 11 11 iii r. n ; 5 0 peel in inn nr remaining In the ' ' ' 0 0' ' Section ' WV I " " J 2 r'i 2!"0M QUAUTV I I .. .. 5 2 n ""..A ' ' ' I SIM0SBS CANtBl 1W m. ItiiiTrik I Advertise in the Dally Newi. -.-., ft EXCURSION j Sport Chat 'yalflel Local Hinh School Teams Will go North this Week to Return Christmas Visit Their Hip Jieina also educa tional in n a I lire hecause they are In he shown Ihrout'li the mine am'J smeller, uirls' and hoys' JiashelJiall teams rejirescnt-iiif-' Hie Prince Hunerl llfuh ScIiimiI will jourjiey In Anynx al Hie end of this week lo return a visit iiaid them hv teams frnm the smeller town during the Christmas vacation. Willi .Miss A'. A. Pierce, commercial teacher, and Jialolj .Smith afcniupaiiyiii;.-them, the teams will sail on lln? steamer Ven Inn Thursday ninJil and will return in Inwn Tuesday; morning nn the Cardena. (iiimes' will lie idayed al Anynx nn Fri-' lay ami Saturday nijrhl's ami elahiirafe iirenararinus are heincri made. In enlerlain the Incals. I'lnise chosen In make the trip) are: ! iirls- ('.alherine llarve.y, l.anra' Friit.eJI, Lillian l.nwe .(captain i , Kvelyn .Inhnsnn, ITmnce Smith ami Mary Loiir. Hoys Ivldie .Mcl.eau, perry Haisler, Yoslii Kalsuyama, llany Walker. Arthur Phillips and Alex Milcliejf (captain). Anyox Line-ups The Anynx 1li.,'h School play- ej- who Jia heen iraiuiiiff nn- ler ilhe guidance uf .limmie Mit chell, formerly nf I his cily, will line-up as follows: (Jirls- Al. O'.Neill, It. Cliam- pion, J. Mntrall. T. Heilh, H. Chapman, A. Mcl.achlan and J. .Murley. ' Hoys- T. Swansnii. Cyril . Ac:-bniinld; F. Ciny, S. McLacfil'an, F. Hupiiis and .1. I.azorerk. The wries will decide the inler IMrIi School championship nf Norlhern Hrilish Columbia. On the occasion of their visit here, 25. Mhe 'Anyox lentils we're liealen hy the incals huf they are plan'nlnir' Jo turn the ladles when they mee( Hie same rivals on the hnine ground. 8 I At a meeting of the hilliard league executive in the F.Iks Home Last niglil. Her) .Morgap presiduig, preliminary arrangc-ineuts were made or the holding of the individual cily hilliard (lianipionship elimiiinlioii lo'iir-'uameul early next mouth. , Fn-IHes will lie receive( up In March V, the fee being A subslanlial jfiize lisl is lieins arranged for yu'riuus rcrords in the . series. 'I lie, i'umes will he playi-d mt l lie Tills' 'tables and I hern will b anolher ineeliug of the executive Ion S'umlay next 'In decide on Ihe Sis- "'" "I' 'n ,(X "sed. Cnn- Uiilons of tiin compelilmu will he largely similar, lo those that pre- . . V i. hi ' !' t t iasj year ji is expecicu. XX'illi the baseball season al most in sishl now, fans will re grct the departure of Halie Fori in. nioneer southpaw I wirier. who sailed Inst night on Ihe Car denu for Vaneouir with the ex I PAOE TOUR Tirr, DAILV NEWS EIGHT HOUR BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus 7 ! " I'VU TWO'T'CKET-b HERE OirVTY - POT Oh xoo( MvrjjTtf DAY ACT IS ltw. rMi -5-ilTli 13 1 KNOW rOO 1M CONC. tO TA.KE. te. TO COT COH T ME J'M MR 'bHJiTH- V.NT TO TOVJ Wi. AH.E COIN TO - 'tT MlirsiC3 WHEN nWOW -iOu .Tl. . EXPLAINED '.V'l ) a I -.FOuAMTN I 1 " r "I 1 'Mt I ir y. ' - ; iH r luffs J NEED F. V. Foster, Member of Board, 1 rNT lYNCi TV TL-iriT . n , -3 JS fa Addressed T. & L. Council A-:iSA Last Night HOME WiT) .me Frank Y. Foster of Ihe Fighl- -1 ,IZ cJsfar back aslcan iwwnber Bakers was tiic best BAKER'S COCOA is better because tc rrt or1 r( hgf trip. k. tJ 11 .UVJw ui u better beans by a better process and has a better flavor than other kinds. -MM m CANADA tt WallerBakerCaLimiled tiTtuviro u&o MonlrealConoda DorchesletMiiss. BooctxT or enact Rtcs hnt met south. After an absence of several years, Hahe returned li town lowaiils the end of last season and engaged in most of Ihe important ,-nnes staged iu the Fall. II was expecled that he would he a valuable factor in iinueclioii with Ibis season's activities. Arl Fassnu is another uf the local baseball slats -of; soine years'' standing' wlm will he leaving I he city shortly. It is being hoped that industrial development in prospect Ibis year will bring players to the cily who will 1m able In fill adequately the places nf these two and oilier players who will not he seen again nil the local diamond this season. Can Ihe tireal XX'ar liilike an aggregate 4if louight's first division menl with Ihe (irullof Don llrowli (firollo) vs. Col. S. P. .McMordie (Oreal XVar Veter ans). George XX'augh vs. Serjeant .lebnh. Iterl Morgan vs. l-'red Pyle. .1. Heasley vs. J'ercy Tinker. F. Pearee vs. .1. -ndrews. JUNIOR BASKETBAlT TEAMS ENTERTAINED Were Quests at a Dinner Given Last Nlnht In St. Regis Cafe - by Miss Mills The ineinbers of the Tiny Tims and Colls, .lunlnr Leajrue basket ball teams, were the guesls ill i dinner given last night in Ihe HI Hegis Cafe by Miss S. A. Mills, prlnripal of Horded Street School. , Alex Milchell and Ilnlpli Smith were In charge and Ihe evenltiK kas spe'nl informally with music and nlher amuse nients suitable to the occasion. Bft& r fii2if Veterans I '.'ill In is the imeslioii. 1ti.it billiard are speculating' abou and wljal Ihe X'e.l els' fans jl is will' lia,e Hi, do ,if lliey rtre to wifl.lie'leLRlle.li'Min- piohslup oyer the Jfrince Huperl Hilliard Parbir. TJie Vets liave tlieir Jiesl "line-up picked mil for I lie, linu naiuenl and I here seems In'hev a gnod deal of riason In llicirVx'fecla.liu lhal1 with il IhVy . jll" Ju able til lurn Ihe lrjjJ.- l .oilowing is lip way Ihe two- team" lire matched for Ibis I ijTfruanicn I i which -w'ill be Iho law, df-Ihe first division season ST. ANDREW'S FAILED ! TO IMPROVE POSITION Though It Won Second Division' Tournament Over Callles v Last Night by 696 to 648 TJie SJ. Andrew's failed lo improve thejr pnsjflon in the sec-niul division liilliaj'd league last nislil althiHigh they won all hul one .uf Jhe five games in llu; oiH'Jiament iiml had an aggre- ! ,'ate of liilii to the 41 iK nf their iinnienls ihe Ca I lies. The. imlividual scores were as follows:. .... S. 1). .Mardonald (SI., An-i drevsi, J!t(iV W. K.- Willisci:nlt. ! (tlalliesjj' ion. . i I Joe Hrown, -Hill; . .M. .M. Lanilj, ' i 8fi. ! .M. M. jMiu-Lauchlan, 150; W. I Murray, Mil. ; .M. Andrews, 'AM; J. McAuley,: 131. .1, A. All.ui, ir.il; .1.. Mcl-an. IS'.'. League standing In dale Canies Til Milliard Parlor . y i;:Hi2 SI. Andrew's Hi (i'.Ci Crntlu . . . . il (Hilrt (i. w. v. A. .... y r,H:,'i '.allies' .. .. HI (i-.'S '.old Storage . , . 0 55f8 BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division Game; Sgl. Jehson i V. i ... 7 A. Honald (H.P.i ...1 W. Stewart n.f: ; . . 1 XV.. I. 'Nelson (iT.) . . 2 C. Mcllnioylc 'H.P.t A. A. Fassm (H.P.) J. Ilillman id.' ..: V, Stephens MI.P.) - . !ol. Mc.Mordie (V.) Alex. Volume f V.5 . .P. Tinker (V.). . . Pyle 'V.i Dr. West (V.) I. Pearee (O.) f;,.. H. Jelich (H.PwL, j. Walsh (v,) . C. Halaeiio (H.P.'V .: H. ilorsan (O.) If. Hrnwn (O.i ,'t . . Hlylhe ffi.) .... (i. XX'augh C,X Andrews I leining i V.i Second Division F. Zieman (H.lQ D. Howe 1UV.) . . . . XV. Stewart 'OJ . XV. J, Nelson ,rH l. Heesley (., ,). Hrown (S.A. IV . F. Ahlridge Ml.'j.) .I, Andrews (S..XV . M. Andrews 'S.Ai-i ' Dr. XXsl V. ..j. A. Donald (It.P.j" I I. ilillman i.r . . O. Hlylhe (O.i . . Hali Forlin (H.P. I. Unclean (C.V .. M. MacljiehlanfS.A S. Siica (4i.i ....... XV. Mitchell (H.P.) XV. Murray C.) .. er. "H7 f.97 15 Kit :(i (52l5 r.ti) , TIL Av. I7.rn ;.r.u 2."i0 2.10 2!i(i 250 1S5 2 S.I lill'7 2it 1021 2(0 171 2.K5 1(518 'IX, 1(517 2.'15 102 2.11 1375 220 1508 227 227 227 1582 2iC 17(51 221 172(5 2 H5 150(5 215 1188 111 1.111 H55 157 2i;i 20(5 102 H55 157 itfu self ( PVn.jH'.'iV 1 1 ;( 15 150 lxvcirirtj; vri'X ( Hm w 159 t. Hlack 1 V. ' . ... 1 M ITi S. It, I. .1. v.. Alacdoiiald S.A. Mhllet (H.p.1 May (4J.S.1 .. Mian (S.A.i .... Feueloii ... P. -'linker (V.) .. I. Fleining; (V.) ... r, i 7 0 0 8 8 0 0 C, 15 4 it r. 8 0 i 7 8 2 !) 8 il 3 4 C L. Yniingin.'iuX'.) 7 S. Dart nn (C.S.) ... M. I.aiul, (C.i ....10 D. Mc.Xliley C..i ..10 II. XVearlHotilli (VJ t, C. , Kelsey (i;.S. . XV. XX'illiscn.rt (C.) S. I,. Warrior V.) . .1. Hulger (C.S.) ... D. McLean fC.) IL Parr (C.S.) ... . J. McDougall (0.5,. 2 A. Hales (C.s.) .... 7 M. Stephens (0.) .. 2 712 738 500 102.1 1 .11)15 130 11)3 1112 1280 1282 850 '83? 558 1218 8.13 1 1 01 1 230 1223 055 107(5 207 1107 10(52 1100 391 2(50 800 1127 1213 12H 715 738 0 118 118 118 11(5 145 115 1(3 I S3 113 112 MS? 110 110 130 130 138 1371 13(5 13(5 135 131 133 133 130 130 130 128 125 121 121 121 123 1082 120 05 120 812 120 821 117 820 117 225 1 1.1 7 I'i 100 210 105 Wanted For Sale ForJRent 3.00( earns 12 per cent and bonus. rt 1 .80(1 cash, balance 18 months. Secured by revenue producing properly section one, Prince Ituperl. XX'rile Hox 2TA, Daily News office. If XV. XV. TO RENT FOR HFNT. iFive roomed hnuse Willi balli; 720 Fiflh Avejiue XX'esl.. ' -.Apply Mc.Meekin' Orocery. x '? ItOO.M TO ItKNT in coiuforlable home. Hreakfasl If desired. Apply 3.10 Fourth. Avenue Hasl. If FOH HFNT. Singer Sewing Mnchines. Phone Illue 380. If BOARD HO A II D. llie Second Avenue. FOUND Anderson (C.) . li. larman '(. Inlander. 830 Phone 137. I'OI'ND. Hunch of keys on sleel riujj on Fourth Ave. XX'esl. Owner can have same by iden- , ) -t- : FOllNlWdlutii'li of keys, on ring; including one C.N.IL switch key. Apply Daily News nllice. FOUND, Pair of woollen mills. News nflice. child's brown Apply Daily FOUND. Pair child's fur med kid milts. Apply News ollice. FOUND Ojial brooch. Dally News ollice. FOI'ND. Posl nllice Daily News nllice. trim-Daily Applj key. Aip; 82 (50 LEAGUE FIXTURES WHIST February 26 K. of P. vs. St. Andrew's. O.XV.V.A, vm, I..O.(i , Flks. vs I.O.O.F. Moose vs. Sons nf ('anina. CRIBBAQE March 2 SI. Andrew's vs. Drydock. I..O.I.. vs. 102ml. O.XV.V.A. vs. Dlks. Orolio vs. R.O.C. Moose bye. 0 Moose vs. SI. Andrew's. Drydock vs. flintln. J02ml vs. a.w.vu. S.O.C. vs. L.O.L. tlks bye. 82 P0 WANTIB "00FING WANTFH. A man In handle Ihe "KLICKOHH" Coaling. Tin iel Sales and Distrihulinn of The mating for shingle, iron or .1. IL Walkins Comjiaiiy's pro- wper roofs. It jireserves lip ducts in Priiice Itiipeii ami ronf and slops Hie leaks. Also surrounding' territory. Apply 'ood for lu'ick, concrete, or The J. IL Watkius Company. stone walls. Cheapest ami II. Ml Hamilton Street, Van- liesl. Ksiiuiatcs given. P.O. coiiver, H.C. r, to 111. Phone lit. WILL Hie lady who picket Up RADIO! RADIOI jrnen silk uiulirella hy mis- . " , : AI1L you interested in Hadlo set, ake from .low,, town "r !!,ve ''" last week, kimJIv return same '':,r' , ""'"" wl VM lo W. C. Orchard, C.P.1L ..(lice, ' l,n"' -Third Avenue. Iteward. ''.na , pl.ones and hat- leries, installed, rri. Phone WAXTF.H.- (iirl or woman for Ited ? 1 1 7 . j light housework. Wages" ytl. taxi No. J J McMnrdie Apartments. I 1 FOli PLAIN SF.WINO, phon- .,, T"1 67 PIJn! , , . ... .. ' Cal OeorKe, Paul or (lus 1 Hlack Prices reasonable.. .. .' , i ; Prompt Service and Comfort POSITION WANTED Day or Nij'.t . .. . . Stand: MAN ANH W1I F to cook in camp -08g BR0S POOL ROOM or run hoarding house for 1 Meeker Elock', summer. Fxperienced. P.O. Acr0,s f 7i(Vur.(i Hote, llox f r.OTt. Prince Ituperl. H.C. : U'.J FURNITURE. FOR SALE New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. XX'e Huy. Sell and F.x. change New and Secondhand Hoods. QtO. PAPADOPULI8, 839 Third Ave. Phone 4iC. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult us wjien you desire lo sell or purchase furniture, or any article. P1IINCR HHPFItT KX-CILXNOF., Auctioneer. TIMBER SALE X6103. ( Sp.iIhiI Ti-IKW-m will lie riMvlvil hy (In-Iilsiiiri riiri-'lrr 110I Uli-r lli.ni imkmi tin ilu I a ill il.i)- i.r Mar. li. III:.. rr Uh-Kiirlui' nf l.uciiri- X r. 1 11:1, l.nl (!:'., rn-M lniri' nr MJi-ll lnli-l, oiicni rii;ir litllo ll:lllils lllMlill. I'I 1111 5KlT7U Lijiaril Jn-t uf Siriie, i.iilr. imt llrin lrfk SnuluiiK. .(imp (. yrar will Im (IIhwihI Tor rt-muval r rnnlicr. I'liriliiT liNflli-nl.ir nf llu CJilf-f 1'iircit-ler, Vlrlnrm, nr the liiilrlrl I'firi-Mrr, I'mi'-c iiiiiti, n.t: . LAND ACT. Notlci of Intintlvn lo Apply lo Pirchi Lmd. Im ski-Piia Jjii.I Insirirt, I'llm-r llurl Itci'urilliiK Illstrit-t. aiul slliial nil ll;iinl in ski-i-im Hirer liiuiii-ilutrly oiiiitli nf Salvns l.oUtuI, TAliK MiTKK Unit liolUrlan S. tlarKi nt Uiiriiiiliy. Il.i:., iii'i-iiimliiui Saloinan, lnleiul.4 to apily fur m. lulssluii in pur iliini Ihr riilhmlnit di-nNbi-l laniti: Ci.iiinii m-init al 11 hi .,miIm( nn I tip raleiiy rml uf Hit Isljiul lyinir liiiine-illllfly mmlli nf Slims l-tl.iiifl, naid fUkP Im-Iiir i.iiiIimI at Ihe i-Mri-liii1 ial -ni nr slid Island, and riintalnlnir all nr mm lliiml. Till Nl.ikp In il.iniP(l Kin yarili (llrmilv Miiitli nr Salviis Stillnn and run-UI11.4 lh" ii.iinc ur riisiitlaK S. claikp. and siikfil hy 11 mn l Thniiini MHU, and run-tainlnir 31111 acres, inure nr !(. liol ill.AS S. i:l.AllKK, lr APlit , THOMAS MII.I.S. Dated January isih, 105. LAND ACT. Notlct or Intintlon to Apply to Purchatt Land In Skpen.1 Land lnlrlrt, nr PHnrr IiiihtI llPi'iirillnir OKlrlrt. and It 0 nip aiirnxliiiatpy one and nne half lullea M nr salviis si.-iUnii, nn Snlvus Mland, skerna Hlpr. Tk Nnlli lhal Hinlnlf l.artlxwi. nf 43 r.arlPlon SI., Kiirimliy, m-rnpnlUiii l.iiKlrcr. InlPiuU in ntifilv for liinmiun to piirrliaw thi follow 111 K rrllind landi coiniiipiiriiiK al n imihI 11 Iniili'd at Itii- winlliwpl rnrnpr nr Lot H(U, Kalvus iinncij thriwn - auiilu'A-ptfrly, arproil inaii-iy Klin vat t uuire nnrUier v an. lrolliii.lli-I.V K1111 yard; lliPiire nnrlliwenl- piiy aiiniiiiimici.v kiiii yards; timiKwl Jllllllfl-IV llllll VUlwl !. lu.l.il ..f l.uirln..l,.u (k in r ls Ui tr all 'that iMirUmi or Salvus lliu.i wp!i or i.oi ifiis ami rnntalnlnir son arrp, innre or less. THOMAS MII.I.S Aa-i-nt rnr ' HIJIioi," I.AHS30.'4. LAND ACT Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laatt Land in i-inirr nuppri l.luo IH?rlrt. Il rmnlinir IMtrlrt nf prlnrn llupprt. and nil wit at Harnard Onyp. rrituvai imyal Uland, 11 n. Tahe Nnili-c Unit Soniprvlllp rannory nmiunny IJmlU-d. or Vaiiriuiycr. n.(" in-IPiids to apply Tnr pprinlHoii U lcarr tlm riiiiwin di'urriiipii Inndi: Cmniiipwinr at Hip lipad or llanmrd Cnxf, rrlnrra Imyal llnnd; llipnrp cast rivi (II) rlinlns; Uipim-o nnrlti rnny Mfli rlMlni thrnrn u--m ten (10) 4-lialut, inori or tn low naipr mark: thiii-e uniuh numr low war foark -tn pnlnt of rnmmrnrpmmt, and mnliilnliit nriM-ii (U 1 arrp, ior or ' IMS, soMEnvn.lj r.AN.rnY . COMPANY LIMITED Nam or Applicant. . . xv. j. jprrpnioii, AKcnt, Daid Dectmber lfth. im. 3 1 IT2-V5 O av I Nf l Fcfof Scrv Ct HuiatA tUu rMfMJ DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c Articlei ,Lot and Pound. &r TIMBER SALE X 6928. SI'lU-ll T'IUT- Mill MlnMrr r l.uii'l- i UlOH HI .Ml llW I .'III fur llu litiriluix1 I' -ill l.jriii.oiiii u i'i llnlsaiii mill Si,!,,, , lli- iHirlli Mmri ..r i, Mini lnf 1. 1 Two Vt yvL- mii ntuval tit liinlH-r. CBrthlT (MirlHHIIill- ler. Vkiwrid. n.t . . cfiiifp impfri, u i TIMBER SALE X 6811. Tlwre ttlll lir ..11. lie Minimi, m iiim.i. Man-ti. iuk-'i. in in. Iianitfi-, llati-limi. ti lo ril (ihmiuii tin. ai and 13,11011 lli liil... k . Uil iTili and .i.lr urn Hi at llaivui - Tliri-t" '3 1 yr.11 - v : 1 IIH.vtl ur tilulirr. 1"riivldpil n "in-urlluti In iproii 11. i telnkT Ui tit iiii lion ami In-Hipil .1- lurilM-r iiariiioi u it. Kiriria, 11 1 I'rlww IHUTl, II ' LAND ACT Nolle or tntantlon lo Apply to Lmm IK in MaiM-ti mi--' Ulaitd.4 Land t 1 t . 1. or l-rlnr liinTpri ir 1 : 1 ! no iiiiIp Miuih i.r II IpI, and In Yrtalt' 11 H -No. .... Takw Nolk that K (' i.r Mapiu B.i: , 1 Alafianer, IntPiid' lo l I to pe tli rollowiu fl.' CnimiiPiirinr al a p- jt idi nr yraiailnn Kn rtiahn: itipiiT ran m -h-m: rnaina-. mmrr 1 1 lalhllia" J 1 rrp. p. m..p -1 v . WINCRAL ACT '. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM Sltnat in Hip sk-r llir rianf" .. a t ( , ' lop.ltp'd. Smith nr V - " V . kaluin. l.akp. ami adl u.:'if Of 1 on thi :MI end or 11 Ji' V Trcslon and n. i- i-pp M1Iipt- irtiri-aic '! r vnvn ijnnin , (Tak lotlrp lhal V vn- (i5li 1 nr. and nai 1 V. t(i 7iiUiT. Inipnd n ' dart rwiH lU d.iii- lw ' Mlninit lii-riirdpr for a liMipiupnM rnr the V a Clown Dram nr the riittliprmnre UKp mil p ' Son. I5 or Hm Mlwial A t niPQrftt lipforP Ihe i--li-alp or liiiiirnvpiiM-iii PltPd IhM 311111 w F Tnr 'IMVItl WD r. T It IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF B"lTIS COLUMBIA. Ill Hip Vallrr id llu ' and III UK' Matter 4 Hip r ,,, " Anion I'l-ln-M n T Mi K ,oin:i: mat -H llnlior K. Mrll. Vonm' 11- I ' nr rclimary. A.li. I" idiiilnlirainr r in Anton I'otprspn, di - lct Inif rlatinn nciln Irreliy miiilK-d ti r M-rly vr-riripd to me I tlh day nr Marih. Ad jmriles lndclilPd ' - " '1 (lillri'd to pay Hip nn ilclipdiiPs In Hip "'! 1 1 olMI orrii"! n.ltl-ll I lie 1 1 III IN PROBWC IN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA, III Ihe MattPr id Hip and III Hip M.Htir or Hi" , AlPXandiT ItPWHii'i' m lain. TAKK SOTICi: til' lliHir I". MiH..V'umr lit Kelirii.tr)',' A.I. I'' Adnilnlomlnr or 1111 ' andPr lleynnld, d' ,'r ' ImHiiK i-luliiis iimlii-heri'liy rroulreU ti iriy vpriripd to tn I Uh ihiy nr Munli. A" parUca liidplili-d to !.'; iinll'pil In pay Hip 1 ilileilneaa to liw r'' 11 liiHMi - on-- - ' i i:itM Hip 1 1 Hi ''. IN ' in drOBATE 1 THE SUPREME COUJ'1 COLUMBI 111 Hip M.HIir uS Ihi BRlTIt" mini' ami , , ; In tho .Miillrr nr Hi- 1 .. iii-tl. Hii-papd. 11 TAJi: MiTHii: H" . h; llniior F, llil V-iin- " ir I pliriiary. '.' ' . v, liiliilftrill'ir nr Hip - 11 llenriPII, di;i'sl, . j , itut ina i-laUna apnlut H"" m . ImtpUv i-p4iiiri'd to .' 'W npoiipf-lv pi-lflpil. - n day nr Mari'li, " di-lilPd lo Hip nld -pay tb aiuouiil "i "" 1111' rnrlliwllli. Dated this 9 t da: t r4i,"' ' AV Ill