February 25, 1925. Horious Hsla? Si; Or Money Back Women who wish to atinralate th rroith of their h should uai- Vim Liquid cilp Maauar. A alnrmua heid of atrong vigorous hair surely lollowa its cni. H tent u, and consistent me n easy because Van iisi comei fitted with a patent rubber applicator that ft the medicament directlT to the roota uf the haii. And wa ulc r,l"B "'n1 pr-.n jriiny v circulation ot bloodtofeedthebairraoU.LuyTourVo Ess on 80-day treatment plan. Maac larjt U u ORMES LIMITED, Prince Rupert, B.C. FISHERMEN! hunk int'P V'wi Aid Kit anil sec Umfil is curn- .i.MKI ill Mill lllillfTw liill kllftlllH Ikii 11 a. ! ''Ll la-torr you put to seu: IODINE Huiitsnt rkHaiui R4NDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK I ir vnllf l'lTMHial Kit vri-i v nl-O peed RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH Id supplies from us find be mut of receiving satisfaction. ORMES LTD. proneer Druggists The Rcxall Store Third Avenue Phones 82 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1925. They are Free. upert 17- f ttsh Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. " Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands."' Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Ccotians. Canned Salmon - Pinks, Skeena Sockeyc, etc. Sill Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish -Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. Prlr Rupert. B.C. WINTER Steamship Service III. PRINCE RUPERT -nil fium Irinif ltiiil FOR VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, little, iiiteniH'iliaie uiiits rarli Friday v. tin am. I'w ITEWART and ANVOX , ... WYiliH-mlajr, 11.(10 pju. THE S.s iaDiNrr iaum. i . . .. atBiMrr Diisrar fn.ini.iHil., fn VNC0UVEP. tla QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. trains Ltnvt rnin kuihii Irxaatnuin nONpay, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY. . I' m. Cri:n Oeurge, EDMONTON. WISNlPln .ti ....... ..i . ...... - , ml. ,. '.-iMI1t fa. fill) .iii.ii( I iiih ii .ii.rs. W Tltkii Offlci, E2i Third m, frlnea Rupert. iPACinc Vitr 1 1 snriti ram.. ' rme2arelT "uum in CDniNECTION Phone 2C0. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PniNCFRS ai ire nmiur.rj! nirnv or Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway -r February 23. 0r Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle -February 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE rr Butedaie, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, "amu, Aiert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines ' '":" KM) UUI- - Wt Annu M nr. I n . p. ununHitu, uenurai Mycin I wrner of 4th Street and 3rd Av'cnuc, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. V" VAncouvid "hiiiiiki rnuii crime ll'iert. w Ancouvsp W,CTOmA "ansen Ba,, and Altrl Bar, Tiida, 6 r.ln. Ai.rl Ba, and Swanaon Ba,, Salurdaf, 10 A.m. IF '' Anvo Mtlox piLCE TEV"T, Sunday, S P.M. T ai M A,',, "M,60N I and Naaa Rl.tr Cannerlea, Trlday A.M. OGGERS' CLUB ,,J lii.i ii, HAS REMOVED '"ig iicvi ,(I(M. i,, .im.) n,,,.,tT sIkiji, umiss "Jin tu. Uin,.llss ot.i'l Mp.D I'arry a full line oT ''AKS, TORArrns pdititq rAwniFQ Proprietor TARIFF TO BE NEXT SUBJECT U.S. Congress May Abolish Flexl- ble Clause In Their Law WASIIIXUTOX, loll. -T. (Ily Canuiliaii I'rt'ss). (lie iirc--nl si'swim r CtineresM iiiovcm Iowa nl a rluxi', IJii-iK is yiosvinj.' lalk u iti I in'culali(in over llio way I In; tariir (luffdion will be nri'- iinl'il in Hie new, ('.onifi-cKs. "A ri'fnni .xlulciiieiU of Cliainnan I'iroiMi of I In House Ways ami j.Mi-ans Coniinillii lo Hie olTi-ct lliat ho will iir(k to brins abuul Hie repra) of, llio flijxilil laril) -ovisiiniH of Die exist iiiK law is oiu iihaM or I In inalli'i- Uial i al tract in;.' iiili'icstt. Aparl fnuii .the "iiitiri'il in the Jlt'xihli t arid" qned ion it self. Hie ."latciiu hi of Chairman Orcen iiwans llial In looks for tin lari)' question to be fto issue in the new i onyrcss ntfci', re isiou lo be Motilil. I're.tKUi'O'fniiu llii agricultural iinluslry for liilier rales on amicullural jiniilurls is one of the strong" reasons why it eems likely Hie reviioii" of Hi" litiilT scln'ihilfs will have lo be rolisiilcreil. Abolition of Hie flexible tariff will nieH with oiioilion from the frieiols of a so-ralletl scientific larilf. II is I nit Hie flexible lai itf ro isjons of I lie jiresent law have proven almost farcical in the way they have worked mil or, Talber, liuvt not wurkeil out. They have hail (lie strong opposition oT (lie liish tariff elements from the bejrinninn. These elements are ilelermined mil to allow any commission or other ailminislralive agency to have a say about adjustment uf iluties. I'liey tlo not want flexible rales kul wnti I rales which can be tiHiiinale, in ige measure by I lie Ways ami Means (Jummillee of'lhe HiMifte and the Finanre I'-Oilllliilire of Hie Senate, com-millepi. which Uey make it a IHjitil t control a far as jms- sil.lf. A hi a matter of fact, Hie flexible larifT iiruvisioiiH of the la rid law hav Miner bep yiveu n fair trial. Uilfi half tfce tm-ilT com mission affninsl uitiiif them In Iwwvr rales ami Writi tlie adiuiu-islrulioii com mi I led to hisli tariffs jt is eauy to nee JlH'fe lias been neaiit opiKirlimily for their exereise;. If put into Hie htimls of a enmmittsion ami nresWenl in favor of low r imnlerafe lariiT, liovsevfr, Ilia sjiualion woiri.l be vpry ilifTcnrnl.. Tlie ti-fi I a riff rtemevals rtyWnire Ibis f:M-l aul they are anxious to wifw liem friMn the slahile biMtks mul will lry bnl to tlo so at the tirl oimorlunily. The larifT commission, presumably. will be kept but it' will be reduced !o hii iiivestii.'alivi' status that will make il uf lilllc intlueute on I ii ri II rales. LEADER WRITER IS SHOCKED TO HEAR OF SKYLARKS IN CAGES Mosl riplil-minilfil persons will lie surprised ami shocked to leant llial Fnulisb skylarks, in wiri -cajres about a fool square, are being offerfVl for sale in Vancouver. Such a sifHil in Fnjilnml "set si all hi'iiven in a rape;" how much jii-ealcr I lit fury when the bird; o'. .lhe high air has lieen trapped, boxed mid shipped six- thousand miles to a country when liherlv is jrliirifietl, so (hat some senli-meiilalisl may be leinimled of home'? II is a terrible penally lo in Hid on a wild creature bicause ii has a pleasing: sun?. Were our unlive meadow larks so I rented, the law of two nif-tions would .boom ami roar in vengeance, bin mi law apparently DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack I HydeTransfer 139 Sewond Avenue. Phone C80. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGB THREB ilefcmls I lie bird of f inspired W'onJ-'vvori :, at Ihe ulit uiai'i'iasiv JosephiiM Jtalagiio of 9 WRIGLEYS 'after every meal ' Parents-' encourage the children to core for their letih Give them Wrlgley's. It removes food particles from tlie teeth. Strengthens the ftumi. Combats acid mouth. Refreshing and beneficial! SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT 7ne 'liom that ami Shel- 'i'he .skylark has been brmiKlit mil here before, but I lie earlier .importer jrave Hie liird ils liberty, hopin?il would thrive as do oilier iminifrrunls. anj it may lie heanl now ticcisiiiMall; in Hie open space aliout.Victoria. Science has iuiiressed the son!.' of both skylark and niKht-inpaltt on gramopbone records. Tlierw art pictures, descriiilions aitil jKiems iiiiMiiiieialilf lo servo those who si?h for litem. '"I'hert! is no excuse in reaon or in mercy for cajjfuit' Hie soaring sonftsler ami stynlencinr its wild wltiK" ami lio'iefiil heart to life imprisonim-m in oilier llial ai weak repel il ion imiv be jriven 'in! that hih carolling which falls falsely everywhere bill over its, homeland mcadrivv. JOURNALISM NERVE" WRACKING BUSINESS SAYS LORD BURNHAM I.MXIMIX. Feb. -.'it. '.lonrnal-isiii is a nerve-vvrackiin: lirofes-sion." Lord liuriiiiam told the truest s at a Xevvspaper; Press Fund concert. "Allliouh our phfession,M he otilinutil, "has a Uiixif ileal of allraeliim superior to any other, it involves a vasl amount of wear ami (ear. I here are very "ew who do not suffer from it. Some! ime.s, ItxikiiiK hack al the year nt Hie war, I am 'surprised 'hat we were mil broken down by I ho anxieties and rcsponsl inlities we boiv. i'bosi anxieties int responsibilities may not be ri'coynixi'd so much in iKiwiniiii.' Slwt as we know llieni in Fleel Sliwl. Y'ou know Hie stress and strain we went through in our diuerenl rapacities lo serve Hie Gommoiiweallh lo Hie best ailvanlapi' in ils hour of des- peral ion.'' BODY OF CANADIAN FOUND IN SEATTLE SKA'in.K. Fell. ?5. The body of a man found in Flliol Hay here was idenlifietl ;ts llial o: Charles McKni'.'hl. said lo he m rormer roadinasler on the (Iraii-I Trunk llailwnv in r.anada. MARRIED YESTERDAY Miss Josephine Balagno of Victoria Becomes Bride of An-gelo Lorcnti of Premier Al ;.3tl o'clock yesterday afternoon in the I'allmlic Church. Father p. .I. Mrtiralh officiated or Miss Victoria ami Anuelo'Lorenli of Premier. The witnesses were Mr. ami Mrs. I. Zaielli oT this cily. , Mr. ami Mrs. l.tircnti will remain in Ihe eily for a few days before 'proceeding lo Stewart where Mr. liorenti is employed by the i're-inier (iold Milling (at. THE HABIT CLUNG Kind Lady W hat do you nieati by pulling my spoon in ytuir (nickel nfler eat int." the pudding? ltaRed Hotels - Oil, I bt!gs er pardon, muni. Yer see I was well-to-do mice an' contracted di! souvenir liahil. THE BIGHT TIP ' Tourist--What are Hits principal places of inlcrol in this town? .lot Dumbell - You'll havo to ask Mime straii:er. I've lived heiu all my lite. . i Local and Personal U.G. Liitlerlakcrs. I'houe it. llayiiers, Llnilt'rtakers, I'lione 351 i You'll like our joall Cop.suiii ; ers Coal Co. l'liono 7. If i KiiillfiJ spoils gootl's Just ar-l rived. Mi. (Jrahlinaii s. If; You'll like my taxi! Heason-able cliartres. I'lione 3G1, day or nighl. C. V. Symes. If; C.I1. It. steamer 1'rince Huperl. Gap I. 1). loimbl, from Vancouver ami wayporln, is due to arrive on time al J o'clock Ibis afternoon. I Miss Grone and .Miss Hailey. iwlio have res illicit from llicslair lof Hie I'riure iluperl ieneral' jllosjiilal, will leave on Friday for rj Vancouver. i" .1.1 II. I'illsburjv manager of lln'j local dry dock, leD Ottawa lasl nl'hl direct for Prince Huperl ami is expected here in about a week's lime. " i .More lieal less ash. Union sleaiher Ghilliwack has unloaded j .'tUII tons .N'aiiailiiu-Wi'lliliL'Inn ; f-mil for Albei-4 & McUaffcry. LUi j Phones I Iti and 501.. U Mike lludema of Oriuc's Drus1 .Store stalf fell anil. broke his left! I arm on Sevenin lAvenue l.asi, near hjs home, yesterday iiflrr-' noon. This uifirniiiv the injured' member was x-rayed al the bos-! pilal. ! A. C. II. Yuill, Vancouver hytlro-eleelric expert cn?a?ei by the fily In make an iiivcstijjal ion of further development possibilities al Wuoilworlh Lake, is now jrel-linu his preliminarv data and expects o leave for Vancouver on Friday. Today Mr. Yuill is at the lake wiih Frnes l.ove. uperin-lentlenl of nl Hit it's. WOMAN ARCHITECT i ALBERTA PROVINCE Miss E. M. Hill Qualifies as Member of Profession and Will Practise at FD.MO.VI'O.V. Feb. i'... Gana iias only woman arcltitecl. .Miss K. M. Hill, of IJinonlon, is now fully ailiiiiltfil lo Hie profession through having 'ineii accepted as a metirlier of Hie Alberta Association of Archileels at a re- rcul iiict'linr. While entitled lo carry on architectural work. Miss Hill plans on remaining with the local firm of Maclionabl and Maroon for some lime. I Miss Hill, who i a danhler of; I.ilirarian, ami Mrs. K. L. Hill.! has been well qualified for hcrl chosen profession. After ftrailu- t I ills' with honors at the I'niver- tiy oT Alberta and also at the University of Toronto, she look i post with architects in maincd (lien years. a leading Xew York one i.nil WIRELESS WAVES TO firm nf ami BE USEDJiNSMELTING SIIKFFIKI.II. F.ii!.'.. Fell. W'iri'lecss is to he hit rodileeil into the steel industry of Sheffield for die purpose of incllin'; metals, announccuicnl to Ibis effect beiiif made by Dr. G. II. Ilesch, dean of Ihe faculty of 'nclallurj.'y al the University of ''ic'i'eld. Wireless waves can 'e used lo niell masses tiT steel inlo while-hol li(uitl, Dr. Dcsch said, and within a few mouths there would be furnaces bore worked bv these valves. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnco Rupert F. V. Foster, Victoria; F. I'. Kenny, city. Central F. .1. Lancaster, Vancouver. February is Hard on the Skin What wiUi cold winds and bright an tlie face has a bard lime of it. UittR lluby'c Oft Soap ami washing in tepid or wurm water rinsing well and drying perfectly will tmitally prrvrnt Imps or ' sodding nnd ensure skin ticullli and lieauty. It' far lx-tter to keep the skin beautiful tliau to have lo cover up bleinifbes with powders. "Bttiftt you tni i Bahylo?" u h The pure wholesome corn syrup, a Standard of Quality for over 25 years ---ask .for it! H'nte for EDWARDSBURG Rtcipe Boot. THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED MONTREAL SUNRISE SPECIALS Thursday Morning The "Rest" Kelgerson Block. of Your Life .Vf I a. a SWISS CHIFFON TAFFETA All our lies Hilk Taffetas, Plain and Shot, values up In $2.50. Golors include Navy. Drown, Lemon, (irey, (ircen .mil llluc. Sliol Itlnc ami (itiid Slml. Sunrise Special, per Yard .... $1.25 BLACK SATIN MO'JSSELFVE l)on'l judge Ibis SUk by the price Jiecuiise il's worfli hi i"' uiorc. :(" Swiss Moiisseliue fur Dresses or Illoiiscs, One boll only. Very Special, per Yard . . . . $1.25 WEST OF ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue WALNUT VENEER RESTWORE BEDROOM SUITE $130.50. Dresser ami Dressing Table, rilled with Ilritiili I'Jale Hcvelcil Mirrors. Ganc Scuts in iiench and Ghair All wood bed equipped with guaranteed cable spring ami good wool mattress. Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123 Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST (iel my Kstiiual' on your Denial Work CROWNS, PLATES, BRIDGEWORK I ucoiiditiuually (unruiilcrd. I do all my own work. Tins means PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE " FAMED LONDON BET ill The Gin you will ak for again the standard of purity for over 160 yean. $3.25 Per Bottle. The Gin for you is "II. & U." This advertisement is not published or displayed by' the : Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ,.'"';' , jtf m V-j iVfl tlZ 1 to Mlfl 1SIU