i'!;,il'i1i";t ail I v ,1 't V k. '"M'l.Ni'ON i- (.(, '",,",, Aaiancc I'i'ii ui pilali' r"'"i'c in l'"H'i:iili. noeoniplisliniciii viewpoint nf (lit ., ;- '.'r I fll ' I U tlU' IP.R. TRAIN SMASHES INTO A SNOW SLIDE : Engineer Killed and Fireman Injured and Can Badly i Smashed ru ' I'l' 25 EiiSlu- - Killed when IIh H. IrailM-oiilincli- 1 un. wlijeli Wli til ran into a slidei wot of Kiun- in- morning. I ma! on tin- engine whs j ii" passenger . were. i 11 mail iiihI express ii .tilly smashed. Two Hoboes Escaped I mail and cxprrss I ,ul' d tint, ,1110 IV- ; ' i .nil remained till i'; i i lif firi'iiiaa will wlin were riding .( ulMiity escaped NEWFOUNDLAND IS AN ATTRACTIVE PLACE Income Tax Suspended Bujlntjs Profits Tax Ro-Pealed and Everything Flourishing ST Jl 111 X S fi,i 1...1. -. ft lll.l! and ' :";.i1iii: i in n lniiiy run i an ia!lv Tim coverii-f.: ;mini'.-- in ln l,t'gsh-li.'i i'niiin.i's In almlisli hny - lll'Kflls lux n sti.s- " " in (line lux and In lake '"ii ii- ul) (iiiiiiii t of kcrnseni) .ii Mm fm . inlni'tiini -ir' "!!-.! or ivvenne and I 5'llUI Hi , , t'MMMIllit Ill-I llll- "imiI adiiiinisli'itlinii. lirv. Di-i' rionrislilni.'. ALBERTA TEACHERS ASK FOR PENSIONS '.. The s askinu the Boiei'iiinoiil In innii- OciisioiiM sclirmi. for 'heir iii'iirissioii. A vdl wail on 1 1, i. I'.i, I.. H"' III'Vl V!..l . d (- ''llOdl iirini v (tn.i .. .it. mi ii v , llllllll'l I lai'iniH'! - ,,r ii, i.'.i,., !!'U' ml also ! presenl. EDMONTON WOlli n Rnwiix INDUSTRIES THERE FlIMnvi'.... . . 'I'l.X I I'll f. 1.VI vniihi.... - . . i ik ItSkltlt. 1. .. ... .. " I'liiinssioo to uiii'ml ,i , iKln , . " hiii-iw ii. me lllllUK mm, I...I....I... 9i iii.i o " " "mill's or . i"'-lll lly Ill lllllll 'hr' franlliig Conors-"f rixed worthy (if two nuliiwi outlook of mankind THOSE NOT VOTING MUST REGISTER TO vote'next ELECTION ' I " I n m i wlin did mil Mill al tin- lasl provincial Hcc-lion will mil lie aldi' In Mile al tin' inwl union they rcgis'ler again. Their names will In1 aiilnnialie-allv struck from I lie list at tin' Muy iMHirt of revision. Those lit lia' rccoiil-Iv conic ! tin tity or for any oilier reason are mi Ihe provincial tilers' lisl should al niire lake sleps In secure rrgislrn-I ion. Often flie provin-eial list a" used iiy the liiimiiiiiin Onvcrnincnl ul elections. A (ol al r lO-'.IHll) iiimiiil! of liiililuil was maikeli'il nl tin" Fish F.xrhiiN(ie Ihii ininnini!. all mn e.nnn immiiiiIs or it being Anipri-rati. Arrivals and sales were as 'American Sherman. S.'I.imhi His., at 11.1c anil Or. In Ihe llonl Fish Foii'innsl. iin.ooii His., nl K'c and Tie, In Hie llnnth and l'aeific Fisheries. Sniisel. 111,00(1 His., at 1 (.lc and He: and Hazel. 7.IMM) lbs., at tde and lie. In the I'niwnlian Fish t Cold Sloraiie Co. Canadian Huiiilas. '.,,(Hin Ilis.. al t'r and r.e. In Ihe Allin Fishrries. Ihe American si'liniuier Wesl-ern. with 55,000 His., nnl salis-fie.l wilh Hie prices I'I'Iok offered, cleared for Seattle. SENATOR MCCORMICK DEAD AT WASHINGTON llic rali- .saying: he i' 1 1 ex- l he cnngmliilaliniis, mil most iiil imul t- in general. 4 FISH SALES TODAY 162,000 POUNDS Mostly all American Halibut Offered at Exchange This Morning Prices Lower MYSTERIOUS MANNER WASIIIMITOX Feb. ?5. Sen- alor Mi'dell McCorintck or Chica go died this inornliip. The body was round in an iiparliueul under circumstances pimsiiiir nlivsiciaiis lo disanroo ai lo llic eatise of deiilk WOULD KNOW OWNERS OF ALL NEWSPAPERS mttvw l-nli 25. A bill has been inlroduce.l into llic House of Commons providing for Ibe publication oT .sworn slalei its id the ownership vt ncwsiiapei's in Canada and Ihe muiking or paid mailer as ndvi'i'l isinv (SOVIET WOULD SWANSON BAY MAN ARREST ZANNI Flyer Has Been Notified Unofficially That ho Must not Land in Siberia j NEGOTIATIONS GOING ON Russians Object .to Action of Argentine Senate Which Reflected on Commu- nlsts SlvUTI.K. Feh. 23. Major Xanni ha lieen warned iiiii.ITi- cially Mini he will lie arrested if: lie lands, in Siberia during I In eoiileinilaU'd world fliirht from lapan by way of die Alcnlian IslamK lo Aiiierica, aecordni -1 l.i I'aliyciu .Murphy, his rcpre-i MMitalive here, who is making' aiTiinenienls fur-his riicht down! the count. I Murphy .said iicirolialinn werej licin carried on HiiiiiikIi 'France ; which wiih friimilly In bnth Ar- Minliiii' iiinl Itilssiii to enable Ihe nxiator In break bis rUaht' in xibcri.i. Soie reluctance lo aid tin' project is ascribed lo the rjji'iil ine Senate' recent net ion. which i" said lo ro fleet unfaxor-ablsun tin.- cumiiumisl re-iiine. I EDMONTON ALLOWS DANCING IN SCHOOLS School Board Declares Itself Opposed to ''Fostering Dancing" and Limits Number . i;i.IONTON. Feb. 25. Kd-noiiloii is In allow ils schools to be used for dances and socials bnl nol mure than two a month. Ihe resolution prescribed ii(d more than I wo socials jWr iimulli. cither ojic whist drive ami one dance or Iwo combined." In mhliliou one innviiii',' piclurei ami one ciuirerl iiniy be jriveu.J The hoard, liowcxer, passed a renolulion in which il declared ilseir oppiised lo "fosloriug dancinjr." The coi unity leagues, which have chiirae of the dances will bold an .cipial number or business and educalinuHl nieeliiigs ami as many physical classes for adults as possible, in Ihe school biiibliuus. DIED LAST NIGHT Frodorick S. Gale Failed to Re cuperate From Serious Illness After Threo Weeks Treatment The death occurred in IhOj Prince llupeil (leiicral Hospital j at ;.15 last nichl or Kreilcrick linle of Swanson Hay who was' bronchi here over three weeks j airo by his wiTe in a seriously, ill coiulilioii. Funeral urruiige- nienls me in Ibe hamls of the H.C. 1'inlerlaker.s. Keceasod was (ill years id aso ami a nalie of F.imlaiid. He had been emplnyed al Swanson Hay by Hie Whalen I'ulp it Paper Co. II is widow is in the cily. BODIES OF DYNAMITE VICTIMS ARE BLOWN TO BITSJNIXPLOSION SAN ANTONIO. Fob. 25. Seven men were killed ami eight injured in a premature oxploslo" of dynamite in a rock (juarry hero. The1 bodies (if some of Ihe men wore blown to lit I s. GIANT SUB ON TRIALS Britain's Latest is Most Powerful Under Wator Craft Built LONDON, Feb. 25. Built at a cost of more than S4,-000,000 Britain's giant submarine X-1 will shortly conclude her trials and probably may make a tour as far as Singapore and return. This vessel is declared to bo tho most powerful under water craft ever built. She has developed a speed of 27 knots on tho surface: (ROSSLAND HOCKEY TEAM DEFEATED THE VANCOUVER MONARCHSj TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and targe Upstair Dining Halt, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service -uaui;c3t uauijucia aiu vrii-jj i,where at Anytime, ding parties. 81 sunrf Royal Hotel, 3rd Aye. PRINCE RUPERT ' For raKs, apply to Boston and 6th St. Prill, Third Ave. WATT VI DECK, Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phono 457. BOB 1'HIXCE ItUPKIkT, U.&, WEDNESDAY. FEUItUAllY 25, 125. r.ntrd.yt cireuution U07 Strut ( 1ft. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MTliROWERS CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING I JIGINEER LOSES LIFE IN COLLIDING W Vernier of Japan says Treaty with Russia to Benefit All Mankind TONH. lob. 2r. Premier Eato, coiiiJiirulitig on oi li'' Husso-Japanese agreement is ipiolcd a , ,, iirh ;i vitfl country as It 1 1 s i n should huvr linlcii r-niii flu world's intercourse for so nianv years. i, ,,, ,,i Uic Hiissiaii-.lapaiirse I real y llicrcfnrc niu SLIDE ON C. P. R. MAIN LINE Uueen Mary or Kngluml i- seen outside the west door 'r iirwieh Calhcdral wilh (lie Ilisho and Kcan of Nonvich. aflcr haing ulleiulcil Hie dedicalioo or the restored .stone or !ln bishop's throne Value of Fasting is to be Tested by Student who bigins Dieting and w'll Undergo Tests CIIICAliO, Feb. 25. iinivcrsily medical sliulcnl llic object oT which is lo i.. ..i i ; nei I'ssurj i" i urn iiiiniMiij, Harold Hoick, ;H years or age, a today begins a two year fasting diel ik'lcriiiiut' Ihe exact amount of food For Ihe past , two years Hoick amount of rood lie normally consume shijwii his normal rffieieiiey, will be period. lie will eat only when hungry wis been recording tin Mental lesls. which have continued during Ihe diel MILITARY TRAINING SCHOOL IS CLOSING i Examinations Starting this Week Following Instructions That Havo Been In Progress j Some Time Tho provisional school o training thai has been in progress for several weeks' in con nection with Ihe First North H.C. llegiineiit is closing thi week with the holding of ex ainiiialiijiis. Tests for olliccrs and N.C.I l.'s are now being held and those for the signalling corps are starling In-day. Ser lri'inil Maliir YouiiKiiian and Ser- teiiiil llussell of Aicloria liavi been in charge of Ihe training. CHILDREN TUBERCULAR IS PREVENTATIVE OF DISEASE IN FUTURE NELSON, Feb. 2 i. -Practically THAU., Feb. 23. Ilosslaml evcryuue luis luborc.ulOMs in leiiiii. chamnions ol the childhood. JuulHoe'trUo.eUuil uel Koolenay. dofealed the Yancou ver Moiiarchs Ihe eoasl and Oka-uagau champions three to nothing in Hie first bailie of a two game series for Hie jX.Hur amateur olianipion.ship oT Ihe province. " ' W. Williams wiL' ::iieil'S5 In Ihe cily police co'Ji'c Uils niiirn-ing for Inloxioaticu. as a sort id vacciualioii proven live id Hie disease in ufler-life unless the body power. oT resist unco shuulil .be so weakened lhal the original infection e,-leiiila said Dr. l.amb, of the provincial ilcpai'lmcnt of public health, in an address to tho Nelson Kotary club. AdverHe in Ihe Daily News Huge Co-operative Marketing Organization Formed for B.C. Announces Fruit Commissioner (iAMiAIiY Feb. 25. The rpcoinniemlalioii of Lewis Dun-;i n, in his rt'porl on Ihe wholesulo fruit trade of western Can-la is praclit allj . licitig curried out before the government hud i i no lo eiiufll lugisluhon or lake, any action whatever. Duncan uvors u national telling agency for gruwurs. The Associated .rowers of Hrilirh Columbia have eonipleled plans for a lroker gc orgaiiizalion of Iheir own covering the field ull the way ron i Vfiiicouvcr lo Monlreal. Hepreseiilalives. of Ihe hjg co-operative concern will titf all all Ihe Ihe la largo ic sialiot'il in wesiorn ics and also in Toronto and Monlreal. Aprii 1 is the dale i.hc new oruaiu.alioii will come into opcraliou. '('his aiiiiounce-nii'ii was made here by J. A.) ant. H.C. .Markets Comiuis-i siuiier. who has jusl icturuedl hero from a conreience with of-'Act'on Brought In Supreme Court Hcials of tlie associated gruwvr! to Find out If he can " in Vernon. SNOW AT TERRACE Heavy snows in and around Terrace hao tied Up the Canadian Naliuiml track today and ho passeii;vrer train from the Kasl. which was due here at o'clock this miirniii, will nol b in In, r, ru 7 fiVlnfk 1 1 in i Lrli f PRICES OF FURS ON THE NEW YORK MARKET MAY YOIIK. Feb. 25. ollowiu are the prices of i.rs on Ihe New York market Dller 1 0.0 lo .K.'lU.on Weasel ;10 lo 2.0l)j HadKor I.HU to 2.50 Fisher 10.00 to 50.(10 Musk rats-Fall 25 lo .75 Winter .75 lo 1.00 Spring .00 to 1. 10; Fox Ited 5.00 lo 2.1.00 Cross 15.00 to 00.00 Silver i 25.00 lo 150.00 Hear 1.00 lo 10.00 Woir 5.00 lo 15.00 l.ynx 5.011 to 28.00 Marlon 7.00 lo 25.00 Mink .i.ou lo 12.00 Heaver 7.00 lo 28.1)0 WIRELESS REPORT Wednesday, Feb. 23, 8 a.m. DKUn q.oidy.f, st.rit!,! S.ll. wind, bar. 2y.o2; leinp, i0, sea chopiiy. . lil'Mi I iii.i.. uiiiiinig, siroiii S.E. wind; bar. 2U.G0; leiup. U7J sea rough. llll.l, llAIlHOIl. Ilaiu; fresh S.F.. wind: bar. 2U.07; Iciuii. to; sea moderate; Prince llupert abeam Poinler's island north bound. -Noon-' DHiliyv Cloudy; froih S.E. wind; bar. 2U.52;. lomp. tt; choppy. DKAD TItF.F. Cloudy; fresh S.E. wind; bar. 20.G7; temp. 10 sea rough. KUU. IIAIinoit..-ltaiu; fresh S.E. wlnd;bar. 2U.0I; temp, 13 sea moderate; U.:t0 a.m. Cape Scolt authored at Thursloi Harbor: -10.15 Cardeiia al -Vamu soulhbouud. TEST STANDING - 0FJ.R.C0LLEV. Legally Sit , YlCTOHlA, Feb. 25. A lesl iiiflinti Lii ilipiili u,htliir .T Xy DELAYING TRMN Co.H?yUie KamloopV momberi H , in any way I Westbound Will Not Arrive Before 7 O'clock tonight and l Eastbound Will Await Its Arrival culpable, in -.connce-i lion with cliaieeiibrought that lie liuueiile.il 'by "a' government contract while sitting as a member of the legislature, has hoen begun .irwtho-isupreniCourt by J. H. 'dleariliue? act ink for S. J. Drake: Colfey assorted thai lie had boon scrupulously careful to re- tfiiiti ft. mi. f i .. 1. I ti n ilnt'OnninAnf 7 y. 11(1111 J1UHI llUllllilg V.UIllllllll.11 ,. jbt-sbiess Hiiico 'his uoruination. t (lie sum he uiil nol inicnu to su i'm,i,..,w.Mi r.n. PnHfo! .-.ml i "iW ' Wud but wanted the moil from the liije in liie-fielgh-ImiiIiihmI are al the scene of Hie Iroiilde rushing, (ho clearing of tho track. The train for llic Fast probably mil go out until incoming one arrive). will the J ma Her cleared up. Want to 8hare In World Markets and Demand Legislation , s WASlllNliTON. Feb. 25. It? l'hc'itlnre is no elTeclive agrieullurkU rawjliiffislalion Ibis soKion of Cor-a gross, the fanners will demand, an extra session lo consider farm problems and failiurf thai Ihcro. will be a hi? slump in Republican slock in the running stales, The farmers want' to share In; world markets, wboreas the liigii protectionists, led by Secretary Hoover, 1'iink the farmers should be ronton! with their own pnjjj tocled markel. There is a slroirg ililferonce of oninion in Ui. House and Senate. BIG CARNIVAL AT - VICTORIA IN JUNB Y1CTOII1A. Feb. 2,5 Aictoria's big celebration this year will lake place about the enll of JunG when the new Crystal Oardcn lar,i rijly foin'pouiiig. The cele bration mi May 21 will He simply patriotic commemoration. Capl. Francis, district signal ling ollicer, is arriving in Hot city on Ihe Prince Rupert Hps afternoon lo hold examination of Ihe local classes id (lie Norlli H.C. llegiineiit in signalling which bine boon in progress To? the past few weeks. NOTICE The annual mod ins of Ihe Prince Rupert Yachl Club will be hold,' in (he. Citv ,Uall lonighl-id Clock. ALEX.,.McilAE, ' m in MY I. Wmm