WIWV llllflllflMI.il i..... i'im full DREDGE SANK Cargo Shifted When Water Rushed In at Open Port y -in SKY nino. May I. Hy - 'f a sand dredge Iv -iiy Nland, I'oml I 1' i ii. on si I unlay. - "I Hie crew hist 1 boat hail almost xling when a storm ' ' aii'ain ordered the wuhilniwu, water y ushuig Hirnugh Hie i- Hie hold ami mgo lo shift. Mos'. i:: -re drowned in Hieir -i ui'Um's. ' arv investigation in- 'snesH on Hie pari or meuilier nT w i not closing Ihc open SCREEN STAR IS SMUGGLER toeii Wm ei.. i n..n; ii.. .. Doll m:v fli ,u- T' Mil l,, : ' 'i-m :i, II Urs a Bottle Assessed .1 - for Liquor V"Uk. May 1. -Huslonis ' .day seized jewels i'1" xinialely i(f i5tl,ti00' 1 Negri, nipt loir picture w it. aimed on HmMler-I'lie ai'lrcsu . is also Wl,li an allempl lo -M"ei bullies of lbuor ili'stiiiyctl ami Hie ( mj'd five dollars for FOUR PER CENT BEER ONTARIO!1' '' TJN'i)NT , li'iiu "niai May t. - llegttla- Hie salo ami (MM Pl'tll In. it III 'aid down bv Allor- Mflil V.. .1.1,. .... ... ly i..-. , , "-ah uiey sirici-1h," vUc lluil refbou'iil musl , " ' tables in holds, B1 "''" and cafrk'VIa in VIW rif II,.. .....!! .... ii. ... i'uijiiu oil nil! '"l ill a-manner which "d" "''"le In lh cbr-1 ,1Mia in tmy W,i. third lrgre' and 'hc-lKuf itiu1utlf lie.li.nl tinlhfug more lo tell. Canadian Press j ' ( YANCOL'YF.Il, May 1. Ulor-ney (ieneral Malison and Insper-lor N"ii1It Owen denied thai I ho Crown authorities had any hand in Hie kidnapping of Wong Foon Slug "There -is not a word of truth in any stirh statement. We had neither any pail in the kid-iiappius nor knew aiiylhing ahouL il. 1 had leen of opinion sinee the flrsl day he disappeared, Ihal he had been abducted." Mr. MaiiMiii said elTorls had heen made Joipjreh'iid I he ab-duclors ami these elTorls had been far-reaching and rosily, lie declared Hie murder charge had uolhiug to do willi Hie kidnapping. Tin' kidnappers had nol roiniuuniealed any information lo the uilhmiues. ! In the Letter Box u MAKES APPEAL Daily News. You have been food enough ! ealt the allenlion of Hie citizens . . i.n.t i.. ii rt?in need lor a r i- i-n's ward ill I he Hospital and lain -amount of- puliliclly mis I ....... it ii. tll III ihe fact thai inc. I" ' ' in. liinlion leuuiies some Hnan .. " . i 1 1. rt cial assislanco U carry om piVgrani. May I Ihrougi. your i-olumus aplieal lo me gen. iusuj of our people lo support. .i oliiiilarilv. so ii... u-iii-L iiniv be coinplclcd Willi ,.,,) delavf II is not intended In i.iLn u nersoual canvas v v ucd a subscriplion IUI nil. I :is all Ihe banks ......,,lv to .receive coiilribulU.iis, . i I . reillire(i amouiii i ; .... i reauiiy reun"1- S. K. IJA.MI'lii'.i.i (ieneral llospilal. TO GIVE EVIDENCE ON Iho Ihal arc wiii . .1 i of Ihe Prince unpen OCEAN RATES QUESTION ii eevU-A Mhv I. -Inleiesl III ii....' ...v elieles Ibis week ill lllllll.' -limij ----- iii-oiiiiiI Ihe House com where Sir rales inittee on ocean win iiiiifMin and . Li' in hi. I, '- p'reslon will give evidence. The eampaii-'U fund for Hie children's wan I lias opened ralher slowly hut il is probably because of a reluctance to bu in I he field first. The following amounts tune been received so far: Thompson Hardware Co. & 1 0.00 S. K. Camplrell 15.00 A. Scully 2.(10 TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and mm Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with nrwly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable lor dances, banquets and wed Anywhere at Anytime, ding parties. lund Royal Hotel, 3rd Av.. For rats, apply In Boston nd 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT drill, Third Ave. PUTT VIPECK, Prop. Northern 'and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. "yol, XV NO. 103 IMII.N'UK lit l'KUTj ll.lt, MONDAY, MAY i, 1025. Salurtfty'i Circulation 1721. trttt ! B22 PRICE FIVR CENTS. HHMCTE PARTY CRISIS Tells Same Tale to Police that he Told at Both Previous Inquests Prosecution on Murder, Charge Expected to Proceed When Case is Called Friday; Foolish Rumor Denied V ANCOL Kit, .May 1. Drown coiiiimI il is expected wil! ai! i ) proceed with .Hie prcliiniiiurv hearing of Hie charge y j g Kooii Hing un Friday when it is understood new vi I be produced liy llie special investigator, M. It. k uus uiKiiiili'(I hy Hit government lo delve inlo lhe Imperial o Daily Nexvs Y A Cd Y'KM, May 4. Wong Fonii Sing iiMlknlla jail -ell moon lolil hi counsel, Harry SunUer, K.d, Ihal ii. ktdnupped by masked men, vlm nbduelcd him m basement of Hit Maker huine at Shuughuessy iiji i'i : lie night of March " ami hail been kept in some .. iisitseil stable within on hour's uiolnr riile of N'tiit--inec. He hail hen ill-lreuletl all the lime ami enn- i attuned in regard lo Hie happenings in the Maker - - Inline a! Hie lime Janet Smith was found dead last July, j During Hie il days of hi cap-;liily. Wong said lie Lad lieen i iMiliiiiiiniiy put through . JLhc l,i hud piviKK' (old al Vih in-'tuesls and inditing more because CHILDREN'S WARD CAMPAIGN FUN'J t CHASE DOWN RUM VESSELS Fleet of Over Sixty With Orders to Shoot go After Smugglers NEW YORK, May 4. Over sixty vesse's, mostly speedy motor craft but Including tiree revenue cutters were mobilized tcday at Stane Island base In preparation for a new war of extermination against rum row. It Is expected the'y will put to sea tomorrow to wage war against the fleet from New Jersey to Connecticut. The new police vessels will operate under orders to .shoot first and Investigate afterwards In caso of suspected rum runners LOCAL JUDGE ! IS SUSTAINED Attorney Qeneral Loses Appeal In Interestlnn Case Involving Constitutional Rights The Court of Appeal has di missed the appeal of the attor ney general from the order of Judge F. Melt. Young ipiashinif the conviction against V. (S, Cooper of Moricelown. Cooper bad been convicted In-fore Magr Irate lloskins of Sinillicrs and seuleuced lo six mouths, foil selling liijuor to Indians; An ap peal was taken lo .ludge Yoiiu on I lie 'ground Ihal a person can only be convicted of selling liij uor lo Indians under Hie Indian et and that Ihe province bud un. jurisiiieiioii miner tiiai aci .ludge Young upheld Ibis conten tion and iiaslieil Ihe conviction I" in i ii this decision Hie attorney ireneral aiipealed lo I be court of appeal, which court has now' tip held Ihe finding of .ludge Young The case was an Important one in 1 1 1 a i i i iivniv in a eousii tuliuual iues(iou as lo Ihe riglils of the province as against the Dominion with regard to Indians Millon (ion.ales was counsel for Cooper and N . D. Carter,', deputy nllorney general, appeared for Ihe crown. Fd.lie Smith of the C.N.K wharf, freight olllce b'fl on this liiornlng's Iriiin fur llie.eust on a two mouths' holiday Hip Among oilier places, he will vlsil Toronto, Montreal and Quebec' I Mrs. .Sfmiley Haldvvni, wife of Ihe Kritish premier is shown scaled by Jhe fireside, in Hie lieaiitiful library of 10 Downing Slrcel. Lomlon, Ihe official home of Hie premiers. Large Sam Raised for Renovation vva A of Methodist Church Reported at Annual Congregational Meeting The siim if Ivyo thousand dollars lias already been as ie result of imiet eaiiiliuign by Ihc uffii ials of Hic i.t thr Hlil I'.hiireh Inward iciiovalilig Hie building boih inside nnd on. anil bringing il in line with the other iliunh liiiildings in till eily, aecorHiug l a reporl made to the animal gei cfal irYltii f. l the eougregiiljoii. by Frank I libb. II was thought lhk i ' w .n stivel improvnic imnriv5iiiietiii vef(; leiiig made m Triml T Hieii hun h n suitable lime u do Ihe reeomhlionm. rumpaisrii had been guiclly ' lunched ami the sum stilfciibed had reached over two thousand lollars and they had been pro mised other, amounts winch lie ail confidence would bring it ip to ironi iu :..iuu. this would be used for reshllig- ling. exlerior painliug. interior; decorating and other necessary epairs and .would perhaps i"i-: hide a motor' for the pipe or-. an. The willing enlhusiasni of the donors had greatly impressed .Mr. Dilih and his committee con sisting of Karl Harrie. Dr. V. T.; Ivergin. iind Messrs. Cornish and DiL'gart. - NUT: Spirit-of Confidence llev. ,-;. Hacker thanked the! oiigipgnlinn for the spirit of confidencu and 'optimism, lie re viewed Hie membership uf the church for ils .sixteen veins of xislcnee, sbovviiig thai Hie af- live member lislAwas. larger 1,0- lay Ibah ever before. Jn decid ing to reniain h (re rather than transfer to the soulb. Mr. Hacker aid there were, ''compensation for Prince ltiiper rain. These were giyieral ueaiiiuui eonui- lious. lack of contagious dis- ases, lack of exlrenu" heal and robl, c.oinilii.ued with splendid medical and hospital service when needed. Mr. Hacker also paid a glowing (continued on page four; POISONED BY BAD LIQUOR Three Bodies Found In Lifelike Attitudes Around Table MINNEAPOLIS, May 4. The bodies of three men who were apparently killed by poison liquor were found grouped about a dining table at the home of one of the victims late Sunday. The fourth man was found unconscious. When the police entered the heme the trio were found sitting In y attitudos or life about a table on which a pint f'ask was empty except for a thimbleful of colorless liquid. Tho men probably died Saturday night. KING WILL OPEN FAIR AT WEMBLEY WEDNESDAY NEXT LONDON. May 1 King Heurgt will celebrate the fifteenth an niversary as ruler of Ihe ltrilish Fiuiiire by opening Hie Itritis.li Umpire exhibition al Wembley Dutch Settlers Arrived Today Bound for Queen Charlottes to Settle; Fifty More Are Coming Me. and Mis. Dave Hiillau. old limiT.s and successful fm near Mussett, U.C.I., rcliirneil from an extended koliduy trip lii Holland 011 this morning s Irani accoiiipaiiicd by a party of seven- hutch settlers who are going over lo Ihe (Jnoeh Char Julie Ishriuls iiiunudialcly lu lake up In ml. Mi'. Hnllaii sluleil Hint. 011 Hie nexljioul from Holland an adililional. parly. uf simp-."0 hutch sdlleriAvill arrive in Caiuula en runic lo Jhe Islands ami liy Ihe end uf. Ihe summer il is expecled that over.'UD settlers, from llolluhd will he established on the fertile lamlsqif Ihe (Jlieen Charlolles. lour Dutch fatnlllcs are already, eslablisheil as funnel' on the islands and are well pleased with conditions. Mr. ItiiHau is confident that a large (jiC.I. Dutch colony will be iu being in the near future which will engage iu raUiugall kinds of farm products - for" tho local market. BIRTH. A on "was bom lo Mr. and Mrs. . Fifth ', Avenue, at Hospital. on rfafiirday s, Mcl.eod, jbt 'pciu.ral TOMORROW LARGE NUMBER OF DUTCH SETTLERS ON WAY TO THE QUEEN CHARLOTTES Chinese Houseboy in Baker Home Forke will Submit an Ultimatum to Caucus of j Progressives Tomorrow Not Sifficient Cohesion in Party to Suit Leader and Feeling of Dissatisfaction Created OTTAWA, May 'i. The Progressive Parlv is havig its troubles, luipurlaul developments in Hie organization, oml policy in Hik, House of Commons are likely Uo bu Ihv oulcMuie of a caucus lo he held hy Ihem lumorrow. H is repot led Mbat lloberl Forkc intends lo submit lo Hie .caucus whal prncl.kly amounts lo ait ultimatum. This ultimatum will he that there must he greater cohesion as lo Ihe policy of Hie putty or 'he will resign the leadership urn! make public his reasons for doing so. Oueslioned in 'regard to the mailer, Mr. Forke declined lo make any .statement. He inti mated, however, that lie might have an important announcement to make following the caucus. 'Ihe fact that seventeen Pro gressives supporteil llie govern- uwnl on Ihe main binlgel motion evidently created some feeling among the Progressives. NEBRASKA RADIO IS CLEARLY HEARD HASTX(i.S, .Nev. May l.--He- epliou of u radio program from Hastings at Johannesburg. Sotii Africa, nearly 1(1,00(1 miles away las hee:. acknowledged. The in formation -staled Ihal Hie pro gram came through clear dcspile the fact thai it was broad day light. BASEBALL SATURDAY GAMES American , New York i, Hoslou St. J.ouls t, Chicago i, Philadelphia 0, Washington Detroit 7, Cleveland X. National Huston t-0, Philadelphia I-Cliiciunati 3, Pillsburg 1H. Hrooklyn 5, Now York 7. Chicago a, SI. Louis I. SUNDAY GAMES ' American Detroit f, Cleveland . ailed. Itoslou -'. Witsliingloii 7. Philadelphia I, New Yirk SI. Louis .1, Chicago National t'diicago 7, SI. Louis Philadelphia I, Hrooklyn :! Piltsburg I, Cincinnati 5. IS. (.attic ' GOES FOR TRIAL YICTOHIA, May I. Paul Stromnkins. charged willi the murder of Captain W. .1. liillis,' on the liquor boat lleryl (. last LSeplember, Wits litis tuorniitg eommilted for trial. TWELVE YEARS FOR ROBBERY YANCOL VKlt, May . O. C. Thomiison, convicted oT Ihe city ha'l Miyroll robbery, was seuleuced lo 1 1 years hard labor. Frank DePaul convicted with Thompson of robbing llie dip I ital Theatre, was sentenced lo twelve years. Thompson win sentenced lo twelve years on this charge also, lo run concurrently with Hie oilier seiileiic. CAUCUS CENTRE OF ATTRACTION All Eves on Progressives Until After Tomorrow: Something I - Slipped in Recent Voto j . nYA iUx, J-oHiln? with the vole on Ihe budget last lui'i'k lloMei'V.ilives h:nl Iwimi AT JOHANNESBURGi,,,,'in '"formaHon given jllieni ly I hi! Tory riieiiile-rs of Ihe Progressive Parly Ihal they would all volA against IJie Cv? erniuenl and secure alt aVM'al,Y"lo Hie country. Thai is-. vVhyf Jhr were conllileni lliere was gymy lo be an election. Today:;iKHp.'ir confidence in gone and It. the, ef- 5 fori lo unify lhe ..'Progressive s Parly tomorrow njghl. fulls 'their 5 fond hopes will have been dash- a ed. ' a Liberal leaders apparently knew thai they could count lui a Uf-tt fiejent following to give. Iheni a majority 'ami Ibey were not dis-a ippointed. Seventeen refused to" obey I lie crack of tin; Progrcs- m sive whip and asserted titeir in-, dependence by vo4intf with the Coveriiment. - a To-imirrow the Progressivo ... caunis wilt dc tne centre 01 ai-x Iraclion. On it vvlll depend lo a large extent the future of the-party led by lloberl Forke, which has held the balance Of power since the last election. OTTAWA TEAM WAS BEATEN, Champion Baskolbalters Say Two or Mon Injured at Kamloops and go Home F.DMONTON, May i. The Ot tawa Hideaus, basketball 'champions of Canada, claiming two of their players were Injured in Saturday's game al Kiiinloop, were defeated by the Iioiiid team here by 31 lo Id. They cancelled' Ihe game scheduled' here tonight and wi'l return direct to Ottawa, calling ofr all further games en route. SEiL PELTS TAKEN ON ATLANTIC COAST i ., ST. JOHN, Nri.l.J May V. -Tie season's catch of seals which terminated yesterday wild the return of Ihe fleet, wi'l amount to approximately 127,000' .pelts. Capt. M. I.awlnr sailed thin a morning on Iho ,Priiee llupert for 'tnc:uver. . ' ' '1