AUB SIX A COMPLETE NEW STOCK NOVELTY EARRINGS, BEADS, BRACELETS . And tho Latest Pins lor Spring' and Summer Wear at attractive prices. SAVE YOUR EYES Our Optician lias had oer 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Tom Thumb Umbrellas In all the new shades from $5.50 to $11.50 "Demers" "House of Quality." P.O. Box 327. Phone 27 I For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE Experienced in Ladies' and Gentlemen's tailoring, i'rices reasonable and a hitf stock of English, Scottish and Irish Tweeds and Woollen (Jowls available to select from. Quality and fit guaranteed. Mail orders given prompt attention. ALSO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING P.O. Box 977. Phone 663 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert - - B.C. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST TIRES I'rices are again reduced. It no longer jiays you to repair old tires. BUY A NEW ONE. We luie ihem in 30x3 Vi sizes from $8.00 to $15.00. S. E. PARKER Ltd. Ford Doalcrs Dr.FP. Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 COMPLIMENTARY TEA FOR SUPERINTENDENT AND MRS. MCPHERSON pair to gasiioai; I'alinore iV I'ullon for plaintiff, and Wil liams, Mauson & (iouzalcs for lerendant, May 15. Mrs. Emilia Edwards vs. Deri Hanson, !)7 for room rent; I'al inore & Futon for plaintiff, and WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AND USE. TAhK MiTICK that the Skeena Itlvei I'aiklnir Company. Lluilled, whose adilrta is 1318 Standard Bank iluildlnir. Van rouver, H.C will apply fur a lieenee If take and iim 5 cubic ret per second o water nut f Wolf Creek wnlch rlow nnrlliwpglerly and drains Into I'orpnlM Harbour alinuU north end of lltli Avenue Port Ldnard Townile. The water wi he diverted from the stream at a poln about one ami a half miles from tin inniith at point or diversion or I'm Kilward Townile wiler ayateni and wll-he used for Industrial purpose iiihiii ill- lann uescrineu as part oi rorcsunre i.n niiiiiber 4:c. tlanie S. Coal District Tills iwllce i toleil on I lie around ol uie ssrii day or Marrti. iva. . copy n this notice and an application pnrsuan thereto and to the "Water Act, 181 1." wll be riled In the nfriec or the Water He corder, Prince lliipert, B.C. Ohjerllon to the application may be riled with th-ald Water lleeorder or Willi tlie Comp Iroller or Water Mailt. Parlianieii Hulldluirs, Villi, i In, U.C.. wllhly thirl, days arier the rirsl appearance or tin nutlet- in a local itewfpaiHT. The date o the first publication or this notice I-March SCtli. I0J5. SKELNA lilVLIi r.Ckl0 CUM I' AM IIUITLD. Applaranl. Hv V J. Malh'sim, ki-ui. CREDITORS' MEETING A Mcellnir of Ihe creditors' of W. T. Mtiso Is ealleil for Tuesdav. the illi daj i.-r May. IV 5', al the orrice or W. K Usher, snillh Mock, at x p.m.. lo dUcn-.-ways and means Tor the payment or the! acnouills. The creiirtors are reiies4eil lo send III llielr acroiuils to II. V. 0. I.e I'lne. or Hie Hlif II nv LiitulHT Co.. Prince IliUM-rt. !!.:.. mi iir before .Monday the Slh day or .Ma'ri3. . k. t iMii-.n. Mil Solicitor. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per SacW HydeTransfer 139 8A.ond Avenue. Phone 580. Night op Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. III miiTtiirn III ill 111 TENNIS Wi have a complete line of Tennis (iuods, and it is all new 1025 stock. Sykes oi Husey lluck-els, $3.50 to 530.03 Presses , $1.25 Covers $2.00 llubber drips ... 25c dill llevivcr . . . . 65c Sun Visors .... SI .00 Iteach Halls , . . . 50o Slazengers ...... 65o Improved llirmal All Slee.I llaekct, 13, 13'i, li uz. priced a I SI 4.50 Postage puld on all out of lown orders. Kaien Hardware Co'. it I II II riU HAD HEARTBURN AND HEADACHES FOR MANY YEARS In order to bid adieu o Mi'.. , . , ... , . . Mts lieu nuniM. .o. t, water ami .Mrs. i. ,. .ucrneisou wno ,,.,, 01, WI.,C!(: . iuu. 11-11 n-uubled left the city fur Saskatoon this with hearthnni and headaches ror many mnriiimr. Mrs. J. C. McLennan J"""- Therv were very gave a tea at her homo "Tho' Knoll" yesterday afternoon which . jwas aileiuieti ny a very targe number of people, everyone in- J ' making an effort In' be' there out of honor to the friends ; who were leaving. ! A sendoir was also given Sup erintendent and .Mrs. Mcl'hcrson have mvir been n-mibled since. I will at the train this morning, a!"IWII'1' m-oniinem! your nna to any or l.,.in .... lo.n.l ...imy rrleucls xvlu, me tri.ui.ieil wm. Mean- 1.11 III ,111.11 ...vino ...... vj .w wish them (lod-speed. COUNTY COURT CASES Dates Set For Minor Trials: One c.iii.j nf nnimi I UVhIICU WUfc VI www. County Court was" in regular monthly session this morning before Judge Young. Cases on the list for the month were set as' follows : C. 11. Saindon vs. Cora K lllack, - $102.75 damages for al leged loss of bitggitge; K. 1'. Jones for (lie plaintiff and Wil liams, Mauson & (lonzales for the defendant, May 28, Imperial Machine Works vs. Charles F. Waul, $3r..l0 for re few thlnirs 1 could eal without surrerlinr from eltlicr the heartburn or severe headaches. A Mend recuinmeiiilcd me to try MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS This 1 did and round nlli f at once and burn, headaches trouble." or any oilier liver Mllliuin's Lata-Liver I'llls arc, Tor sale at all druggist!) and dealers; put tip only, rdr the past 30 years, by The. T. Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. 'Kit. Wi'liams, -Mansoit & (Suiizul.cs for defendant, May 15.. The action of Jack Donnelly vs. the i?oinervjlle Cannery Co., n which $210 was claimed in lieu of wrong. fill dismissal, was settled out of court. Applications for No Is Thompson of Pacific and Fred Wicks iT Prince Rupert for naturalization were approved. 7irst shoot of Season held at mcnicholl creek Members of the North U.C. ilegimenl Itifle . Association had 'heir first shoot of the season il the McNicholl Creek rang veslerday. II. Wilson was the poon winner for the day, the cofes being as follows: 200 500 000 Til l. Wilson ill 28 27 H '.. McKeown' .... 25.27 30 82 M. M. I.ainb .... 20 2a 2li 78 . J. Squires.... 20 22 21 72 I. Kaslman .... I 21 27 (5i' W. llorrobin.... 2t 17 25 G:i X. ri 2t 28 12 Gl stWmarket . . Hid. Asked J.C. Silver 1.38 I. J 5 iranby : urf Inlet ... t 05 1 .0(5 lunwell 3.75 1. 10 ' 'remier 2.32 2. SO laly-Alaska ...... .18 .25 .. A 1 20 .25 Jay view 10 .13 fidian :.. .00 'i .10 Vj I lacier. 2i,ir .27 M'lkirk 05 .05 Ms THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA. OF BRITISH li I he Mailer of thi "Compaiilea' Act. 191": anil li the Mailer of an Application by Ihi-ItiH-her de lloiile Copper Company lo be restored to the llcirlster under Section I IK or tlie said Art. TAW: MiTICK. 'that an apptiratlim will in made to tlie I'resldmir Judre In hainhern at Ihe Court lloiie. Prince Hiert. ll.C, on Tuesday the Sth day r pril. A. li. 1025. at the hour or I0.S" 'clock In the rnrenoou or m noon there-rier at the inotion may lxj heard on be-air or the above menlloned Company ror ii order that the raid company be re-lored to tlie reRlslcr or Joint Stork Com-allies. AMI TKK .OTICK that III mH)rt d aid appllrailon will bo fart the I'eliliim r the Company lauef brein and th rridavll or l.ewla W. I'atmorc a worn oil he 30th day or, A.Ii. 1VS, and lied iH'reln. liATKI) at Prince tlnHVl, ll.C thll DOIli lay ol March, A.Ii. IS. V. O. Ftll.TON. U nliettnr for the I'etllloiier "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prlnca Rupart Elactoral Dlatrict. Mackanil Elactoral Dlatrict. MilKK la hereby Klven that I sliall. ii Mcnday, the 1 si i tt day i,r May, l(i, it the hour or III o'clock In the roreuooii. it the Court House, prince lliilt. hold a dltlnif or the Court or llevlsloii fur the or revlsliiK the lists or voler fur nn sain r.icriorai lusiriris, ami oi iicnruiK and deleruilultiif any and all objections in he retention or .any name on the aid lists, or to Ihn rfiflslrailon as a voter or any applicant ror ireirtslralloii; and ror ihe other purpose 'set forth In the "Provincial HerlloiH Act." Hated al Prince Hiirt, H.C Oils r.tli day or April, I0f5. MlllMAK A. WATT. lii'Klstnir or Voiem ror the Prince iiupcrt and Mackenzie KlevloMI liislrlcls, NOTICE. I.N Til K MATTKIt or all aillvalhm rnr I In- Issiit- or a rri'Kh ( rillflrali' tit llllc rnr nlnrti'Hi (IVi ami Iwrnly ()). Illiii'k Ihliiv-lwo C.11), Scrtlun rive (51. i:il.V ut I'lllice llii.i'rl. Map 03. saiiarai'tnry priMir if th ilfuliiictl'in r Ihi' CiTllriiulP ir IIIIa nivi-rlnr thi' hIhivr liiiuU havliiK lid'ti ruriilAlifil In tliM "rri)e It Is 'my (iilciilloii In lii. nrt'-r tin. pplralliiii r llilrlr On) (lava rmm tlm rirrl imhllcalhiil hi'ri-'.r. 0 lnill-alf OrtiriratP i.f Tltln rnvi-rinir I In' Halil latuN in I hi- iihiiiph .r I'trrni m. c.assihy ami IIH.MC CASSIIiV. which Ortirii'itP- if litlp l (lati'it tin; mil Ainruat. 1913, ami liilliihcrvil ml. II. rV MXtM.l oli. inirhtrar or Titles. I.aml lii'rllry orrii-P, Prhiin llupprt, B.C. LAND ACT In Prime lliipert I.aml I ilstrlrl ; lihlilit f.f l.rli.t.n THE DAILY NEWS MnrttJa.T Ma" 1923. ANSWER TO SATURDAY'S CROSS WORD PUZZLE jMlB cTFTLafwArjD t N rllo n tIMd I I i JJIiAi'V eHc a n o e O M I TllNErMc o ISIUElPlElzWclAFnl c M' I LOCAL NEWS NOTES The H. C (iazelle announces I lie apiioiiilment of Kdward .lolianson of Oona Itiver, l'oieher Ishiiiil, to, be a notary public. (lie Henson, failing lu ajipear in lite city police court this 'morning to charges nf drunken ness, each forfeited $-'5 bail. P. S.-lUuiuey, dislriel foresler, left on Jsalunlay nighl's train on a trip to Hie interior. He is e-pecled about tlie end of the week. The Ilaptjsl Ladies' Aid, in chaTge of the candy stall at the Itidley Home Itazaar on Thursduy iu (lie Melropide Hall, earneslly solicit donations lo be delivered tl Hie Hall . . ' Mr. and Mrs. I. A. MclMierson left on this morning's train for Saskatoon where Mr. MclMierson will lake over his new .duties, having been transferred from here as C..H. superintendent. .lolin I'lewin of Port Simpson was a passpnger going snu,tli on flic Prince ltiiiTl this ,iiiorning. He will alleud tlie reiiuioti of pioneers In Vancouver tins week and cxepels lo be away about it rorliiiglit. Provincial Police '(Jonslable Ail bur Collins, who sailed on the Prince. Huperl Ibis morning fur the sotilli wtli prisoners, lias been Iransferied and will report to Victoria tor duly. lie lias lorn rn service in tliis district for several years. (i. A. Clolbler, resident mining engineer, will le;ive al Ihe end 'if Hie week on the Prince Charles on his annual trip lo tin 'Jiiceu Charlollp Islands. He will cover the dislriel lljoroughly and will Aceordliii; to word reaching Ihe city the Peace lliver couulry Is gelling a very poor mail service. II took a leller its long as eighteen days lo get from Prince Itupert lo Pnurc Coupe, and, on one occasion, twenty bags bad lo be left so thill the stage could gel out the roads which are said In be in a very bad condition. HE DIED HAPPY. 1 Visitor -So your poor lilisliainli has passed away, Mrs. Murphy, lie died happy, I hope. Mrs. Murphy Oi t Itink so. mum." The last Ibing poor Mike did was lo einck ine over TAki; NOTir.i: that I, Merin He nihay,) Willi a medicine holllc. nr Vam-niiver, ll.C, nerupalluii talmon . . Iirnker. Inleii(l. tn apply rnr ttermMalmi ml r ' " puritiase the rullnwluir daarrllied land:-- AdvorlNe lllv New, In the mllel ' ' ' "' "lr ' ' ConinirnrliiK at a pout planted V mull or Hip Hniitheant forner or Lot 6709, .- . - ' . .- -;-. . nillle r.nek. Itanire i, Coast lilatrlcli them-e jmrth to rliulmi; thcticc west n I . Tnri . rt ri aecirv a rhiilim: thenee south to ihore linn In in TOO LATr TO CUirT eaueily rtlrertlon tn point ir com- lfiafiiai.lnfttt in .t.lMli.lnir ill IiiriMi HP MF.IIILL DF.S BRISAY, 1 Appiirani. Kdwln Flrny Uarnuni, Agent. Paled April 3rd, Ml. Cooking range, with hot water fitlinss Pliuiio Jllack UU. (107 We 'Raise' Qnf Competitors 25c probably hit auy. a nionlh. Mrs. points on Ihe Canadian Nation Clolhler him. will likely accouiiauy Passi'iiKcrs sailing Tor Ihe south mi" Ihe sleamer Prinre Huperl Ibis iiioruing iiicludeil .Miss K. Diirliani, J.' Hunter Harrison, llev. (' it. Hacker, ltrl llarrlc, Angelo Pognojlo, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wynne and family, Mrs. .lolin Mauson and children and !. .M. Hoar. Members of I be Moose and Moosehearl I.od?es paraded last nighl from Hie .Mclropolc Hall lo Ihe Presbyterian (Ilitirch In al-lend annual cliiirch service, llev. )r. II. H. ( ran I gave an appropriate address, J. II,, Davey was soloist and Mrs. H. A. liar-low, organisl. C. I. Howe, hc'ad or Ihe Poll Arlhiir firm designing the local elevator, and J. M. Mercer, con-si rucl Ion malinger for Ihe Northern Construction Co., relumed lo Vancouver on Hie Prince Huperl I bis morning after having paid a visH of inspection to Ihe local work. Itailwny.' NOW TAKE THE LEAD My culling our price on NANOOSE WELLINGTON COAT $1.25 . a mil iiilvei'lised lliis run I lit" fort? liecailM) we conlil alwnv- ell ,' . . . 1. . . .i . . . i' 'i ,1, mi ,, 110111 nit! mines. 11 is ansoiiiieiy uie Iioii.iIkii ni,t moici ., SOUNDED PLEASANT. "My dear." said Mr. Plunger when lie went home one evening. "I've something important lo lell yoil si receiver has been appointed to take charge of my affairs." ' - "How nice!" pried his young Wjfe. W.hen will Tirsl reception?' be hold his TENDERS FOR GRAIN ELEVATOR AT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Nolle to Ccntractcra SKAI.KIi TK.MiKIIS rr th i.-oinlriicllnii r a rpinruMTil ntiicrolp iri'alti livalnr KlilH-ralrurliire, with tfmher Umk Kallrrli' ami w,itrli"ii- will In: ii'ivi-il at Ollawa, iiiihirlii, until Noon or Monday, May 1Sth, 182S. I cnilriii cliMiihl ! oeiil In an opaiiur malcil einrlnpfi markiil "Trmler (m llralu I'.lpvalor" anil acIiln-nM-il lu Mr. V. i;. T. o'llara, Kiputy MininU'r, hcparl-mi'iit or Trail' ami (Toiiiiih'Itc. Ollawa. A lump aiiin rnr t tin wink l iplrcil. An aiTi'ptPil liHiik i'hi'iiip rnr Kilty rii'.ii'iinl Imllars if 50.mMi.iMii mailu puy uhlp tn Iho MIiiI'Iit or Traile ami ;mn-ini'l-cp, tiiiml ari'unipaiiy i-ach tinilir. wlili Ii mini will I ip rnrri'lli'il ir thi party ti-mli'i'lnic ili'i'llnpn In cnlcr Inhi a runtrarl Tnr Iho work mi I In- terms ululi-tl in III-i..t..i..r Tl... ri.i.niij.u ,.r iiiiKiifi.Mkrn I ilrnr will hn iclnriirJ. The i-heipie nfl Ihe tMi'eriil lemlerer will l relilneil Ki'i'iirlly rnr the ill!" riiiniinelil nr Ihe I i-iuilrin t lo he enleieil Into, nr i liequn limy ' he replarcil with ciliilvali'til pur value- or imiiiK nr Hi" iKiiiiininii in i.iiii.iiiu. Plans, Kpei'irieiill'ins, ami all ni'i-PftnarY liiruiiiiallun reKiiiilinif ihe pmpnKnl wink may he ohlalneil rmiti (:. i. llnwe k OniipHiiv. i;nii.iilllnir Knvlniern, Whaleii Hiillilinir, 1'nrt Arthur, Oiilarli. i'pnll i.r one lluiiilreil $M i la le ipiired rnr plans ami uppiiricalloii, iIphiII lu he ii liirin it on return nr plum ami ei'irh'atliiii In K'mI I'uimIIUoii, ' The IoupaI or any P-niler Will no I init-'snarlly he aeeepleil, . Iiy order, k. t. irinin. I'epnly Minister. Iiepiirlmeiil or Trmle ami CuintiM'rce, iillawn, April Hill. I1HC. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III Ihn Matter or tho AduiliiUlrutlun Act; i mul , llin in inn nailer or tnu r.aiuic or Kiiwy iiii ki llu TuI.i.ii..I Ili'.li lii.fiiii...,l TAkK .MiTICK that by order or liis Honor I'. Mcll. Voiiiir iiiikIv Ihe IClli iluy or April, A.Ii. I IKS, I w as iipjiulnteil Ail niliilslrutor or Ilia eslatii or 1.0 wy lllrku Tavener -Hyde, deeeaned, and all liarlle hnvlnif eliiliiiH airaliml the raid flal are lierihy reiiiilred lu ruriiluli aauie. pro perly verirird In ine on or In-fore the K.lh miy or .nay, .u. iua, and iea. i ,. I l.l I, I. ash liiirvillll, KIIUU.'W n im. II luirlli'M AA4A4.AJ,x -p4- '!- l'l'lV"l t Ihe ealale are required lu " ' " TTTTTTTTTTT IIMV I III" nnililllll i.r ln,lul,i.,ln.y ,,, .lOII.M .1.1 V .1 I I , orrirlal Aihnlnlttriilur, . . , , Prlnca Huperl. ll.C UJk'.l Iho tOlli day or April.' I9ii. " Ii 'iiiini ... "r-UMV-T Ufi It is Guaranteed to bo LESS SOOTY, LIGHTS QUICKER. BUnrvq e S , 1 l GIVES GREATER HEAT. L0NG. Highest Grade Vancouver Island Coal NOW SELLING FOR FOR LESS THAN ALBERTA COAL aiocK up vvinie tins opportunity tasis. difr .m ci.i-i-ls 01 Double bcrcencd Lump, 1 fl r7r' sacked and delivered, per ton b 1 y, Q Double Screened Lump, (t 1 O rf loose, delivered, per ton - -tplOttCiU WAI. and PHILP01T, EVIIT & CO., LTD. Railroad Avenue (betweon Dawsons Ltd. and Stewart and Moblcysj. Telephone 648 or Prince Rupert Insurance Agencies Ltd. Telephone 130. S. D. Johnston. Gl 7 Second Avenue. NOT MUCH GRAIN IS ' LEFTJN STORAGE W' May I. drain loadings for the sveek ending i Anil .'Pi al country cleaforsl along Hie C.N. lines amounted to U.1 5 cars containing H;"iU,O0iL buslud, lints reducing tin: amount in store lo ;i,iH7,0 bushels and bringing Hie season's loadings tip lo Ki..',t:i cars with 1 1 t,30'J,-000 bushels. ! Saskatchewan is leadiuu pro-iueial loadings with 5P5.IIUU bushels leaving in shire in thai province 1,155.1100 bushels. Al-' berla loaded .'lli.'l.lion bushels and, now has In store 1.'7C,0H0 bushels. April .". saw d Inlali of ."I.HTli ears of jrrain nrrhed at Vancouver since August I from WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 8 p.m. RICHARD BARTHELUESS 8.S. in "CLASSMATES Tlie story of a Wl I'uml cadel l life for tho chance mul llien -un iliciiig it l)ifgnu-cd,' ymi'll find Jiim down in llie i Atiiuzon fighling hark mid winiiinp. "I "Kissing' Iloek," n-s ,,il .-Hup." .. niiioiigsl the many good things -1 n ' i Strong esl. ' THE "TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES No. 5 ALBERT VAUGHN IN "KING LEARY." INTERNATIONAL NEWS x Admission 35c and 10c Coast Steamship and Train Service PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE nil I: VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE ami ml SUNDAY and THURSDAY, 10 P.M. For ANYOX For STEWART Wtdimd'l 10 ' J Salurdar " ' PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPIBT DAILY aietpt Sundar " 111 111 fl" WINNIPt.0, al' (iimiiIc l:ai'rn (.aiiaila, I'nlHrt suh - AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlclat Oirita. S2S Third Aa, Prlnea Ruptrt. IDSOHTO. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED li. I.,., Mill.' iiAvl ilnor III. l'VI.Zell Hlll' IlT Slll'l'- nrriirt rriiin the Kuiprcss llnl' ' Wo curry a full hue ol .m,re CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FROITS CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION m 1 1 1 ... uarnus xuruni Our "Nemolastik" Reducing Girdle is made rrniu pure gum rubber c-pe;(;. K nivereil mi Imth sides with liislnun M'l'1'"' '" GUARANTEED I -Nut In ri or tear. m. ,lMiJ .yTo help inakt! Iho riKiim j.c nmuit'ii U -i'1 liglilcr in weighl., ONE OF ITS VIRTUES r' If run he wnsheil vvilh Mre soap $r00 NEMOLASTIK BRASSIERES $12.50 NEMOLASTIK GIRDLES . Jabour Bros. Ltd. --J An. 'V' Phone 645. aru