! - M-il -1 13 Prince Rupert SHIPYARD oneratlng 0. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Doek .inrs. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern ' n9'" r.nnrfan. MlnoHwuneko. t?l- ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al' kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F $eaJUL Beef, Wine and Iron ,s a ri Jble blood builder and itreiith restorer. Most everybody need:! a Spring tonic. We especially recommend this one in cases of anemia, colds or run-u.;wn condition. A reliabi tonic, which gives the lyjtem renewed vitality, is one of the surest means of warding off coughs, colds and throat troubles ORiViES LTD I nd lritj ! ESS' 0 Phones 82 and 200. ALMON TROLLERS Hi ... ii Hilliiip it will pay vim In inspect our line of i mi We Iinve n now line of Salmon Hooks, i lock you will find everything you rcuiiire n i n i u i a j . t . . 1 1 i . l . A ft I D A . 1 . ' I li Jir tin' lioal we have it. Hi ui-e lost every year by fire have yon got your irivnv (lib bKUl UU V T lit h . HI, IT.II till. III. t . :i) us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) RAW FURS I mhi 'Want to he paid highest possible (iASII prices 1 T HAW mis. rorwnrd them to R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. . Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Ilf 1 0! . 'c -.lLS.lt. Itlilir.. :t r.l Louise St.. Winninec. K 88;. Man. Incorporated 11)20 I i 1 ! !: ; WEEK AT THEATRE "Classmates. Comedy -Tlift Telephone fiirl" and Alberta Vaughn in "King Leafy"' International News. Wednesday and Thursday "As Man Desires." Comedy "Sloli'ii Omuls." Pal ho Iti'vii-w. Friday and Saturday Lilian (iish in Tli While Sister." Topics if tlin f)ay. ! HOLLYWOOD, May peles as seerelary to Monday and Teusday itjriiaril Harlhelmess in 4- A 4. 'REACHED HIGHEST I GOAL IN PICTURES I WITHIN SIX MONTHS Hugh Allan Left High School Two Years Ano and Is Now Mary Plckford's Leading Man 1. 'Fairy tales do come lnn Hugh jAHan. former Oakland, Califnr-jiiia high school Imy who jdayi'd his first lill in pictures Jv 1 moulds ago, can mo testify. j For ln has jusl signed u ciui-i tract lo play as Mary Pickfnrd's leading man in "Little Aiinib llooucy. Iltijrh could scarcely believe; if 'himself, after lie had signed the (dotted line, 1ml he reached the (goal dial score of young inen in 'pictures have, not attained in years of work -r- tin honor of playing opposite .Mary Pickfonl and did il in six month. Two yearn ago he was gradu aled from Freeinnnt high school lin Oakland. He worked for the (dinard line in San Francisco for a lime, then came to Los An- THE DAILY ITEW8 WHITE SISTER TALE OF LOVE! Story of Self-Sacrlflce Showing Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Angela Chairommue is the youngest daughter of an Italian prince. She Is in love with Giovanni Sever! anit lMeitne of this love, her oldi-r sister. th(. Mar- celisa, is jealous of her. During a lftml, Angela's father is -kilhvl and localise of Iho machinations of her sister, Angela finds het- sdf pi'nnifHss, liKrnclcss. an mit- casl. Sln only has ihi Ihve of Oiovanni to sustain her. For a lime sl)T is hapiy, hut (iiovunni is siidili'iily railed lo mililary duty and senl o Afiiea where he is head of a small exiililiin sent th'ere to fight tho Aiahs. News reaehes Angela in Home that (liovaniii has oeu killed. Her last hope for happiness is gone ami only I lie encouragement of Mgr. Saracinesea keeps her up. She Renounces the World She I ells fho priest nlie wants to do something lo help others. now that her own interesting Hfo is at an end. He urge her to enter Hie convent of I he While Sislers, where in a sequence of magnificienl scenes, she is shown passing through' her novii'iale, and later, taking her vows. Shortly afler she has heroine mi eternal member of tin; order of the While Sisters, (iio- vaniii returns from Hie Arabian captivity which delainejt him for three years in Italy. He calls at the hospital of the While Sisters lo visit his hrn I her, an Italian scientist, who has heen experimenting in an effort to forecast volcanic eruptions. There ln rerognizes Angela in her nun's gnrji. She faints and afterwards is told that her marriage lo the church is just as sacred as if she had I. eland innrrieil another men while Oin- Hams.lell, producer of Hollywood vanni was missing' and he must Photoplay Productions. Later he became assistant cameraman and film fuller. Then he was offered a hit in a llichard Tulmailge film. that wuA last summer. Small part he took in "Sally and i "Declasse" won him n five year jeontract with First National. ; Allan' real name is Allan illngnes. tseraue Llnyn Hughes Mx under contract to First y-dn ! National, Allen Hughes became Jlugh Allen. I In seeking a leading man who iis over six feet tall, young nnd I handsome. Miss Pickford saw screen tests of Allan and he was signed immediately for the leading male role in "Lfllle Annie jltooncy." which is now in production at the Pickroni lot. j "I can't believe il is true," said Allan as he went lo work with "America's Sweetheart." FORCED SALE of Boots, Shoes and Clothing Sale starts Tuesday, May 5th at 9 a.m. Everything is to be sold at Cost See windows for prices Pat Phillipson Next tn StJ.. u i - -iivb narciwar Second Avenue respeet Hie veil she lias taken Trapped In the Observatory Through a subterfuge, ,lio- vanni arranges for Angela lo coine to Jiis brother's laboratory on lhi slope of Ml. Vesuvius. There he locks Hie door and tries to prevail upon' her to sign a paper asking the 'Pope to free her. She admits she loves him. hut tells him that she must cling lo her vows. ' Then'he permits her to go. Later Alt. Vesuvins" hursts into eruption. Oiovanni drives Ihroiigh Hie towns Jielow to warn the inhabitants and succeeds in saving them. Hut in a flood, nitised by the bursting of a reservoir through which llu volcanic eruption has flown, Oiovanni is killed and the populace, lifting their faces to Heaven, fhank ('oil for the sacrifice the While Sister ami her lover have made. CLASSMATES MILITARY IN ITS GjARACTER Shows Life of Cadets at West Point Academy and Some Splendid Drilling "Classmates." the First 'Na tional production starring Mich aril llarlhelmess aL the West holme tonight, presents West Point for the first lime on any screen us the background of a silent drama. The United Slates , Military Academy has hee,n filmed for the news reels. The famous parades of Ihe West point cadets, pronounced the best drilled body of men in Ihe world, have evoked cheers in Ihealres throughout bolh hemispheres. .The Mililary Academy olllcials, however, have always refused lo permit the use of the West Point jcailels for a pholoplay slory. tTlicy fell that the Academy, sacred to the finest traditions of America, must be held as a thing apart. . That permission was accorded lo Harlh.elniess In film "Classmates" within Ihe walls of West Point was an unusual and signal honor to Hie young slur. "Glass- males" shows Hie actual life of a cadet through his four years at Ihe Academy. The West Poinl olllcials supervised every detail, even lo the making of uniforms for llarlheliness and his com pany. so thai "Olassmales" is comptolely authentic The 'production -carries the official endorsement of Itrigadier General Frederick Sladon, super- SOUTH SEA ISLANDS IN LATEST PICTURE "As Man Desires" is Story of India and Tahlt with Dramatic Climax Captain Milloii' Sills brings Ihe goon snip Drama safely across the shoals of tragedy once again in hiss latest First National picture, "As Man Desires," which comes here for Ihe midweek. The sail tang of the South Seas mingles with the mysticism of Ihe Orient in this strange romance, adapted from (iene. Wright's novel, "Pandora La Croix." Sills and Viola Dana occupy Ihe center of interest. Unlike "the Sea Hawk," how ever, this nroilurlinn lutroiluces Sills as a Hrilish army surgeon in the Indian service. It shows him falsely enmeshed in a mur der by a woman who had failed in forcing her love upon him, and compelled lo flee for his life. II. picks him up again ns a swashbuckling captain of 11 dingy pearl fishing schooner in the South Sea Islands, giving two-llsleil, six'-shooting battle ,for pearl bed rights ant) baling till women because of Ihe one who had betrayed him. Then, inln his life slepped a dusky, beautiful nnd coquettish native dancing girl of Tahiti, enacted by Viola Dana. Driven lo the depths of human degrada lion, Sills marries- Ihe sportive creature, contemptuously pro" misimr to make a "line lady" of her. "Meantime, however, his name has been cleared of the Indian murder ami search instituted for liim by the girl he really loves, Ihe daughter of a fellow officer. How they finally meet, and their pathway lo happiness is cleared hy a bullet which pierces the heart of his dancing girl bride comes as a dramatic climax In I lie vivid- story. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Harry .1. C.o.lley, .. Meltae, W C. Arnefl, .1. M. Mercer, W. J Campbell, H. It. Payne, O. Hen- ners, F. V. Delcourt and Mrs Herrynian. Vancouver, II. F. Al- wand and Ernest H. Williams Ottawa; C. D. Howe, Port Arlhur Oeorge Fraser, Digby IslamL Central , L. Orinin, Smilhers; J. IL Riches, Mrs. G. Moore and Mrs K, Mcltryau, Vancouver; E. Hich- nrds, city; O. J. Freeman and Mrs. Richards, Oslniui. BATTALION ORDERS Hy Lieut.-Colonel J. W. Nicliolls,! Officer Commanding, 1st Hn. North H.C. Itegt. ;iri2nd Hn. C.K.F. Tuesday and Friday evenings, al 8 p.m. prompt, hand practice. Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Signal section parade for in- siruethm under Lieut. Harnsley. Lady friends of members of the ltegimenl are invited In al- lend Itadio concert in 4he Armoury tn Tuesday evening at II. .')l p.m. conditions permit ing. 't here are vacancies for enlistment in Ihe Jlegiineulal Hand. Instruction will be given lo those who desire lo learn lo play. with in the limits of the available in struments. Hecruits signed on Tuesday and Friday evenings. S. D. JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant Attd. 1st Hn. N.H.C. Itegt. SALE DATE SET. .May 12 has been set. in Van couver as me iiaie on wnicn me learner Prince Albert will be sold at auction lo satisfy a judgment obtained hy the Pacific Cable Co. of San Francisco against Hn vessel for breaking the cable off the Pnrralnne Islands. This judgment amounts lo something over $180,000 but it is not expected that the sale if the Prince Albert will realine italf of this amount. Advertise in Ihe Daily News NAVIGABLE .WATERS' PROTECTION ACT, R.S.B.C. 1806, CHAPTER 115. THOMAS TIlOTIEIl. Of t(ll CIIV Tif IMInio luirwpt. Ill th I'rnvlm-e fit HrUHtl IJilniMhla, IIKIIEUV r.tVKS NOTIC.K Hint he lm under Sei-IUm ? of Uk mill Art ile-imsllrd Willi Uia Minister ot I'ublir Works al Ottawa, nml In the iifflre or Ihe IU- trlrt llerlxlrar of We i.rihi iwionry um-irlrt l frlm-e llupert. at I'rliire ftuimrt. B.C.. 'a 4lesrrlptlon or the "tie and plan f a nh.ii-r and nlcr nruimsed In lie hull! In tne rrinen unpen iiarnnr, i-rimr ltiiert, B.C.. on all those pnrllons nr waterfront blo'-K 4). plan 9J3, sertlon t. lrlnre llnpert, I'rovlnt-e of British Columbia, of Ue Appurtenant foreshore ami the wnter lot la front thereof, rimtalnlnir In all an are or I 9-tnutli arres, umro or less: in T, UK NOTICE tliat after tlvn ex- lilration of one month rrom the dale of Ihe rirst pitnlli-allon of this Nolle Thmoas TmOer will under sei-lkHi 7 of Ihe mild Art apply to tne Minuter nr eiinnr Work lit Ids nrriee In the City of Ottawa. r..r nimrfival of the site and plans and fur leave to ronstrurt the said wharf and ivler. oaten at rrime unpen. n.. mis win il.iv tit Mirll I !)''!.. irini.ss uiMiir.ii, By Williams, Manson fc Clonialen, his Solleltors. IN PROBATE IN THE COMMISSIONERS COURT, TERR ITOHT OF ALASKA f DIVISION BUB-BER ONE. HVDER PRECINCT In Km- Mailer nf the UUt' of LetltU Oatls, I lerensed, ViniiLei- in I'mlmle. Nntlee In llelrs. Iiv virtue of an order duly tinned nnd made uf ivrord In the above entitled nmrl mi the t&tli d,ir of April, I9J. no lice Is hereby Ktven to (Tedt liiivls, Ihe altered husband of the above named rie-n'aseit Hint tn all other iienums cl.iiniliuf an Interest In the abuvn turned extate thai they and each of them are liereby re nnlred to lie and aptiear In Hie above i-nllllnl eonrt at llyder, Alaska, and submit mitlafai-tory proar of heirship within ulity il'ivs from I lie date of the rirjl pilbllralion herisvf. ' Ami If .vim rail so to appear and file mieli aatlsfarlory proof, a decree of this court will be entered forfeiting- your Interest therein. fiate or Klrst rublleatlon, April T, IMS. title of l.a't I'libllralloti, June f7, tdja. OtIEN r. IIIM.. Administrator. WffF FJV1! Kindling Wd We nre the tuily agenls for the I'rince Rupert Spruce Mills Dry Kilned Kindling Wood any woman can splil ihi wood. Just the right .length for the stove. TRY A LOAD HAVE YOU ANY FURNITURE TO MOVE? We will do Ibis very carefully and cheaply CALL US FOR TAXI New Sedans Prompt Service. Day or Nigh!. I or 2 passengers. , Tiflc each uildilional passenger 2.V Load of Wood Free! A load of kindling wood PUKE only delivery charges lo pay 'to the first person delivering lo our Third Avenue office the cnm?ct solution of Hie following jumble of letters. The senlences are contained in this advertisement. WAEORRENPMOTNIEHMTVAR ASHRFPSTFIQSLRODKGNOfNL OTILRNNCECDEDIASRDIURTIYIGVLELWPERKELVEE Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Third Avenue. inlemleiil of West Point, and the lollicials of the Academy. Inci dentally, in presenting Hie life of a West Pointer. "Classmates' iweals a remarkable study of the development or a shy country hoy into a man of force and character. Company Phones 189, 112 and Red 461 J. L. Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Tland-sawing nnd Planing. Jobbing and Hepairinig. fllass and O lazing. Sash, Doors and -Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Kimona Silks To see them will be tn desire a Kimona length of these gorgeously beautiful brocaded Satin-de-Chines for best or rwry day wear. 3(i inches. Specially priced per yard $2.25 West of England Store Phone 753. ! LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone it. Cartage, Warehousing, and Oistrihuting. Team or Motor (Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel VV SpecUIIxe In Piano and Furniture Hovlnfl. . St Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unturpad Third Avenue.