1 ;ii OPENS OFFICE here loony by ilog Irani for llic m-w dis- IN VANCOUVER : . Williams Leaving In Few Waits to Have Charge of n v : ir Southern End m i Williams, 1 h ;i..s has i law office nl 1 1 linn of Wil-Ma ii. one inemlicr it. V km ucy (ienerul, itimi'ss here since "i He- city. I .a I it M ' - Huneil il. I i itns i- leaving in ' "i Viini'iniU'r wilh at.-) .mi I family ami ' ' will mtike Un- sniilli, Mr. i'r" tn,j: only jiarl of Messrs. (Son. Tiivi.; leinain In 'if local office APIN WINNER LINCOLNSHIRE HANDICAP RACE I' lli!) "Ui: IV hi ,i. It ui I.IIICuli,. Firs- Up Si- Tilt r. N I' - Mm. Ti. Th a' hi opened heri II"'"' Was mi in m.. ' Ii: icses hut llir Iin r ' - ills was aliow Tin' whinners nl !,!'' handicap, u 'he dllV were ''"I" i. Mil, In, ,v Dnno- oic. ' I' airy. Willow. USSOLINI WELL AGAIN un' and f.i.ii -""go Crcetb Inqs In tlallAn Chamber Today intMK .......r".7 I,. II Ktlllli: In II I nr .1... ' " ' t ii i i st ,,.-''''H'S lodav fur the l.. . : Ills I'eei.nl 1 1 1 Wl 1 iii- '.. . etilhusiaslic, (In. ,fv lloln "sseinbly i. i i' 1 1 1 1 1 i .. m it . "" !" win, Jrnki, ,... wi. i 1 1 a i i.i..., i i IIUI ,P . ""'"Ill- IIMIll I Ull. II... ' ""'I'-r. replied 'wilh 1 1 mil. DRIVERS' LICENSES HAVE ARRIVED AT PROVINCIAL OFFICE The licenses for all ilnwr of molor velncl'-s h.ae arriyeil ajidjyi' J'' intf lsin-tl Uy I he l'roin-elaL Police.. This license, it seems, must lc ccureil liy eM'i-yone ilriviiijt. whether professionally or mil. II iiiusl be rariieil on the person at all limes ami shown lo any ollieer of the law on ii'iplest. OFFICIAL PARTY H. C. Milburn, C.P.M.IV1 ant General Manager, Pay Inn First Vis'.t to District II. 0. Milliurn, assislanl m-n eral niatias.'er of tin4 r.auadiuiil (ioverumcni Merchant Marine wilh olllees in Moulreal; M. Keelcy. Pacific Coas'l manager: .1. M. Horn, C.X.H. jieneral ,rreiHhi iiKenl, and P. W. Haldwii'i. h'cal audilor, arrived rrom Vancouver on Hie Prince (leoive' yesterday aflcrnooii. Mr. ' Milium!, whose first lrii it is norlh, is visllinj; Slewarl and Auyox lodav accompanied .by llic rest ot the parly. All will return sotilli on the Prince irorj lomoriuw iiioruiiip. ANOTHER HOCKEY TROPHY FOR WEST! Roglna Team Dofcats Toronioj In Final For Junior Cham pionship of Canada TOKONTO, Mar. 'lio Memorial Trophy, emblematic of the Junior Hockey Championship or Canada, relumed west last night as a resull oT Hie Ib'ina Patricks eoiupicriiig Ihe Toroulo Aura l.ees on Ihe home Ice. of Ihe latter by lo 2. A Victoria miner, in Idling: of . . . ... il... -l..l ,i ! In I'neeiil nee I I' ll II L llic in"""1 Machinery Mepol when no- Princess i:na slipped on noways lit-rore it was 'lutciuled. recalls a similar occurrence several vears afo lo Hie slcainer ii.iiiii.siio. Cant. F. T. Saunders, now at IHiHiy Island, was Ih cniiiiiiiiiiil nf Ihe Camosiiu. iiniiiii.iii.ii lo be on the. bridal U'lien I lie M bin suddenly slid ami he broke a blood vessel his leu at Iht; lime. n in lie oil in fully nnij.'aleil Ijueen mil UU Brings Transfer Barge With Material for Elevator Wharf Had Rourjh Voyaqe A Hit an extremely rough hip ilt lite mast in Hie course of which l here was fnusidcrahlc.de-lay because of sire nT wrallicr (he 0.1'. II. tu IJtialiciiin. Capl. (ill, arriei in jioil al - u clock lliis aflcniimii liaviti;.' in low llic t-an.fcr liaise Nn. I loaded wilh erei.xtiled. piles ainl Iiunher fruriif orlh Vancouver fur lln- clcvalor whar'. OuUiilc of the weal her, llio voyage wan an uueveulfiil one. ()wr .Mimilay lii'hl, when the furious Miulheasler was ras- iiiiK the lug ami b.iri: tied iii at Sound. ; The Oiialiciiiu and her low are now lied up at the ocean dock hul they will moe lo the luiiihec whaif lo ilischiiijie the Inmlier. I lie mies will lie rialci lo lliuliy Islaoil win-re ll ey will he kep UKliI m-eileil ::L0CALMANT0 Lieut. Harry Floyd Will Pilot Hazelton This Season-Leaving for Interior Soon l.ieul. Hairy Floyd of Ihisci'y has hei'ii eiuav'cd hy the Hail way Kmployees' Industrial A Investment Association lo pilot 'lhe mriiTiit ' ttrnr iiill-melal moiioniaiie iiazcnnu VKMlimj llLtVLi which will he in curry in tr used this seasim passengers ami Assist freight from lla.ellon lo the northern interior iiiinin:-,' fields. Ile ex pee Is lo leave I he eily on Saturday's train lo supervise work that is to be done on llic machine prior lo Us bein, put in coiumissiou aaiu. Mr. Floyd saw" service as a pilot iliiiint,' the (infill War and lias been in Hie employ of Parker's trarawe here for some lime. Ile is an 'active member ot the First llaltalion .North 1 1.0. lUi- mcnl with rank as lieutenant. Mrs. Floyd and family will pro bahly join him at llazcltnu later in the season. LIEUT.-GOVERNOR 1 FLY AIRPLANE BACK FROM EUROPE Hon. W, C. Nlchol Says Rotations Between England and France Were Nevor Better MO.NTIIP.AI;, Mar. -'('.. Ilrju-lioiis between Filmland and Fiance were never more cordial lliaii they are today slides Hon W. 0. .Nielml, lieuleiianl gover nor of lirillsii i.oiuiiiuina, wuo has jusi relurueil here renin a trip to Fui'iipe. He left for (In West last night. ALLAN CUP WON BY, PORT ARTHUR WI.NNIPKO, Mar. 2H. - Port Arthur. Wesleru champions, last ulylil won the Allan Cup embleiualle of Diiniiitlun amaleur hockey eliainjiionsbjp by ifefealing Toronlo Varsity three to two. The Port Arlliui'- team .won Ihe llrst intiiie on Monday four to nil. ' H'HlliH II IPJIll TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair DiniiiK Hal! Ambulance witb nrwly laid danclnj? i floor for hire. Suitable for Service iT". dances, banquets and wed. Anywhere at Anytlrni). , ding parties. PRINCE RUPERT For rats. apply In Boston ana Grill. Third Ave. MSTT VIDECK, Prop. t Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. vol. xv n" PIUNOH HtPF.HT, H.C., Till HSUAY. MAUCIl 2(J, H2u. YaaWrday's Circulation 1621 trt Ea'at 4 S3. . PRICE FIVE CENTS. EW Ac,,- , ""'ivm :"" n STRIKE IN CASSIAR DISTRICT w i m in iiipiibiii - - a i a iiiiiii i mi n i n n i a i m m f -Mi-iaif ram ii i b i am ii iv i on aie jRiuer Near Grady-Ford Diggings VI II III 1JIU1LJ i klWAkl Vfll V A M Wtf Wl t era Shortage of Supplies WIIANUFIX, liiK.t. Mar. 2l, A telegram received here i.i .i..:i .. .!. ...:l... ....n.. ... i ..r I , ..... ,.i ,!,, I. ii. In Itiv-i'i in llu f.:i.si:ic ilivllii'l 1 1 f ltrilili n, Tin1 ii'-w fiiitl is a shorl ililuni'i from I lie placer ,trs in I ia-l September ly Fori I iinil (Srady. Tin' latest in H i' nulling quail.. 'V : (,' ii'li Creek. H.O., I To miles up llic Slikinc Hiver from n ! (ml base af supplies for llit f !sisiar dislrirl is re- . in tie Hioul Imlli'i', lard, beans, rice ami eigarcllcs. J I I 11, OI'O 1 ll'ilH' TUG QUAL1CUM of 1 1 1 i- stampedcr lo llic Cold I'iin Crock ' Urllu l.-lla afler hatio Lni-il Fee ol Faiebiun, shown nliovc. wilh his wife, an active ntlvc de ol elo-er relations belween (ireal Hrilain and Hie l uiled Slales, is to confer wilh President Coolidge regarding Hie new arms conference Four Hundred Pound Anchor Hurled Over Nearby Buildings Body Lifted to Adjacent House IIAMHt . llli. . Mar. . . Xili.- Higlil people were killed anil Ibree i i:. .1.1.... ,.l U..ln..ii seriously ininrco hi a neavy eiiosiou on i uguin ,n .j.hihi, Harbor Unlay. The force was so great that il lore the . I H Uiol vessel apart and hurled I In Kill pound anchor over several near ly buildings and the body of one of the woiKers was mien u be roof of an adjaeenl house. The explosion is believed lo have been caused by men working wilh on oxygen blast apparatus on siipposeoiv cuipi lanks which probably contained a residue m on. Logging Operating to Resume at Alice Arm by the Abbotsford Logging Company Early in April Tin. Al.l.nUronl l.oir!:'niu' Co. will resume logging opera- : . s . . . ... . :.i i i lions in full al Alice Ann on April stales .i. u. ireinew.ij, uv. of Hie c pany, who is in Ihe city, fsonieiiiiiig over ..o men win i ,i.i.iiiMi Mini iiii'i'c is siir ii-ieni limner io kcco inu uii -.in fr fin the most of Hie season. n..,.lc, .... ... , . ,i i i No. am No. a loirs will lie tieiivereii ai ine i-rim e ini n i I a. . j... . 1 .. yesterday alien i. it was m-- eided to raise money for Hie con tinuation of development work on" Ihe properly this year. Mr. Trethi'way will, sail for Ihe south tomorrow morning but expects In be back on his way lo Alice Arm In about a foituh.'lil's time. BIRTHS A son was born al hc Prince lluperl Oeiieral Hospital March '.'(I lo Mr. and Mrs. P, S llouney, Ii2l Fifth Avenue West. ' A daughter wiis born al Ihe Prince lluperl (U'lieral ' Hospital on March 2(5 la, Mr." ami Mrs lUireau. - I it.. t LJ. Mill ra..it. a lint A lilnal w I I 1 11 1 I'llltlll :l I M I IMI' IIJWl'l KilllM' 111 I II I .11111 I 1 1 I I I I I I IV IUIM'I.1"MI i. 1 " ' , , will go lo Oc-iiu I'lills where Ihey will be used by Ihe P Mills in Hie iiuiliiifaclure of pulp and paper.' Welivcries will slart aboul April l.. - As principal shareholder of the Sunrise .Mining mi. ai iiiueuou. Mr. Trclhrway allemled a uieel-j itiK of Ihe directors of dial company which wiis held in Ihe oily GASOLINE IS Paeifii hen AGAIN FATAL Thrro Members of Queboc Family Dead as Result of Pouring It Into Stove ST. PIIII.I.IPK tie NKIII, Oile- bec. Mar. -0. three ait) dead and a foiirlh Is dying as a result of a fire. They are all members of Hit; Chambi-rlalml family whose home was destroyed as a result of pouring gasoline inlo a stove. Mrs. H. . F. Cuesl, who iia. been visiting al Auyox, relurW last nliiht lo her home ju I'M monton. Senate Reform Urged by Progressive Member in House of Commons OTTAWA, Mar. yu. The repulalion of llic Canadian Sen ile was hanging in iallereil shreds when llic House of Common:! weighed Hie Upper Chamber in llic balance and found it sadly wauling in just about every particular. Kxamiiiiiig the beuale carefully and Willi marked fairness, Hie Commons saw- il us a mill-slouc around the neck of Hie Can adian system of government for two clear-cut reasons it was wrongly, cousliliiled in Hie first place through a fatal com pro? mise among Hie fathers of Confederation, and it has worked out in actual operation (o the great disadvantage of the Canadian people. iml (lie (.oiumons discussion . - . . i. . was noi purely , ueaiivr. ii uiti ml conlenl itself with wrecking he Senate's reputation. . . .' il ulvancetl ilefiiiite reuwilies for what II considers is Ihe canker in Ihe country's legislative or- uans. lU'iorms varyinii li'um il.oliliuii of 1 1 if Senate lo the poiular eleclbjn of senators were nroi'osed and while. of course, they cot no further than the proposal slaae, Ihey m.iiuesfionaltly will foriii v.cel- Icni, food for Ihouxht when an iuler-provincial fallrtl'lhis year cotifereiiee is lo'-ttiiisidcf Xhe in a masterly, speech, bullressed by historical facts and strengthened by actual incidents in lb eJieckered career of the only re- aclionary remnant in. the Cana dian eonsliluliou. Safeguards Needed Mr. Shaw admitted frankly i:i the 'first place tba. ample safe guards are needed In all demo cratic countries against freak ov hasty legislation. He pointed mil, however, thai limes have changed since, the Senate was established ami be was mil sure thai instead of "trying lo curtail democratic intensity we might more properly he engaged in Ibis ease in iryins: io curiau n-uc lion." "In our day," said Mr. Shaw. Ihe reactionary has full an 1 complete opportunity for hi iclivities, whereas Hie man who seeks even I te slislilesl .measure of reform finds himself opposrd by all kinds of checks and bal inces." Hut Mr. Shaw -was confident t tin f Ihe ti.de of democracy, while . . r.:i il might be held up for a while would move on inevitably. The Progressive member then looked into the fundamental defects of the Senate-- defects in evitable from lite very nature of its eonsliUiliou. In the first place, he pointed out that while the Seuale was originally born lo nrolect iii-oviiicial ru-lils and sectional interests, yet Ihe Sen alors were not responsible in any wav to any provinces or lo any seclions of Hie country icr through legislatures or otherwise-. Ami, he asked blunt ly, who ever heard of the Senate, in all its long history, ever dotus anything lo protect provineia' (coiiliniHMl on page four) WATER SUPPLY FOR PORT EDWARD CANNERY The Iskocna lliver Packing Co. I.ld., Hial recently purchased the Port Ftlwatd Cannery wilh a view lo enlarging il and operating II this 'season, Is applyitur for a wuler license on Wolf Creek for an improved water supply. LIQUOR LAW ENFORCEMENT VERY COSTLY Manitoba to Follow Suit of B.O. and Make Deductions From Municipalities - AVINMPKO; .Mar, 26, Liquor WTfble Senate -question. For thaftlnw enforcement under govern reason Ihe Commons debate wa extremely useful.' To Joseph T. Shaw. Ihe promising younir Progressive inem-'er tor Calvary West must o full ereilit for exposing the iii- nient control is costing' Ihe govT eruineiit of Manitoba more than in Hie days of prohibition according to a statement made by Attorney Ceneral Craig in the lexislalure yesterday when the rent weaknesses of. Ihe Sciiatenl,usj(iim attacked the proposal to deduct part of Hie cosl of en'. fin-cement from the municipall-ies' share of liquor profits. CONVENTION AT VICTORIA 1926 Local Rotary Club Receives Mes sage From George Bryant, Delegate at Portland the Prince lluperl notary Club received Hie. following message last night from! .George Bryant, the local. delegate at Hip Portland district convention "The business of the twelfth annual convention of bistricl No. 1, International llolary, came to an cm! this eyeing. Cliinatio conditions are ideal. TheiO is no change in the district this year as regards territorial di vision. F.d. Campbell of Sealllo has been nominated for district governor, victoria lias secureu Hie fonvenlion for 102G.. Wo have cnjiivcd it all but will bo glad lo iret h. " EXEMPTIONS IN EIGHT-HR. DAY tntor'or Milts Not Liable to Enforcement Elasticity In Other Linos VICTOIHA. Mac. L'f. -Ml sawmills easl oP Ihe Cascade or Coast ranges ot Hrilish Columbia are exempt from Ihe operation of the new Kighl-llour Hay law il was announced loday. I liti exemption lujs been granted Hi' Interior mills so tliey niy be able lo compete with those of llic. coast. They do not have as long an operating year. Workers in ship repair plants and machine shops elc when en--gaged on urgent work in whlpli delay might seriously handloup other Industries arc ulso ex-empted. " - .