1 I THE DAILY NEWS AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, wlille our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, gonulne leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and( quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist NOTICE to Consumers The Mussallem Grocery Co. Ud. lias adopled a new system for cash customers. This applies lo Cash Only. vJAcry imrehase will he accompanied by a ticket. For every $25 worth of tickets a discount of 5c on the dollar will he allowed, which means a direct SAVING OF $1.25 Our lMiee is Hij.Mil. Give us a 1 rial . Mussallem Grocery Co. Fifth Ave. East Phone 84 and 18. A Modern Dental Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 i WILL ATTEMPT WORLD FLIGHT Major de Pincdo, Italian Chief of Air Staff, Will Hop Oft From Rome In May JIOMK, March 5. Major du Pineihi, Chirr or (lie Air Starr, plaits lo hop oil' next May from Home on a riitrht itruuiitl the world, which will rover 35,025 milrs, lite vh' his route 1 planned. t ... , The i(Un litf' fallow will iiij clinic AlhjW, liffypt, llio Hod Sea,' I he souffiern eoasl 'or.Airt, To- kin, the I'aeirie Archipelago ami Sydney, Australia. His route from that point lias ye I to be urrangeil. This is tin entirely new roule, ami will he or even more inleres! than former rtuiiiil-the-worhl riifihls, as (here are some ions; jumps on Hie route from Tokin lo Sydney. Australia. The Cliier of the Air Staff will he accompanied liy a .mechanic as yet unnamed, and the -machine lo lie used s will he a SOO-hoisr power' machine, with a flig-ht eapacily of ten hours. HARRY PERRY VISITS SOUTH AND TELLS OF THE TREASURE CHEST Says Prince Georpe has a ReaJ Climate In Wintertime Harry Perry, deputy speaker Hie Ilrilish Columbia legislature arrived in the Capital City yrs- IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill tlie Mailer or tin- Administration Art: antl . . In the Matter or the KMalc or It. J. Ben uHt. liereaed. Intestate. TAKE .NOTICE that by Orrter nf lll Honor K. Mrll. Yonnir, mailt- Ihe Ulh lj or feliruary, I9J5. I a appolnteit Ad iidnWtnitor or the estate or the late It. llennett. ih'reased, and all iartie liav luir elalin apilnst the said estate ar herebv renulreil to riirnlsh same to me pmiM-rlv veriried. oil or lierore IIip Sis' i ilav ot MaiTli, l5, and all arlies in deliled lo the said estate are reiunreo i pay the amount or their Intlebledm-as l tne rorlhwllti. NOIUIAN A. WATT, orrirlal Admliilstratoi Paled this Slsl day or Feliruary. 18S!- IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH 1 COLUMBIA III IIicj Halter of the Administration Ath III the Mailer or the Estate or Y. Waki moto. Iicre.i-.ed, Intestate. TAkK NOTICE that by Order or III Honor I'. Milt. N ouiitr. made the lSth day of February, l?5. 1 was appointed A(l-mliiistralor or Hie estate or the late Y Waklmoto, defeased, anil all partus liavlwr rlalms airalnst the said eslale ar hereby required lo rurnlsli same, pro-iierlv veriried lo toe. on or lierore ll dav'or March. IBS."., and all parlies in deiited to the said eslale are required t pav the amount or their Indebtedness I' me rorlhwilh. .... MMIMAN" A. WATT. orrielal Administrator. I'lince lluperl. II.' i Haled this ?lsl day of February. IS" ! Spring is Here! LADIES OF PRINCE RUPERT you axe invited lo see our Spring and Summer HATS r We have jut received a large shipment i:i the lalosl jirufniliug shades and slyles. See our window. We have nl-o received a large shipment of Aprons iiutl House Dresses, Hie prices ol which will suit every purchaser. JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone G5. C9 7th St. and 3rd Ave. WALKED THE FLOOR FOR HOURS NERVES WERE SO BAD Wherever there are people who art-irouhled with dermiKed nerves they UH rind in MfUiurn'x Heart and .Nerve rills a remedy that will restore ilhe-etinlllljiiiiiu or lliese 'deranin'd centre and brlntr l' k Hie shattered nervous ayptcm'lu a perreil roiidlilon. Mrs. W. W. Aulllionse. WihmInhu, Out., write:- "ANer haviiiK a severe attack or hroncliim 1 was ten In a very weak, run-iluvii eondUloii: my nerves were ill broken up; emild not sleep at nit-lit. and would have lo itei out tir lied and walk Hie riiMir rur hours. V'Arter uslnif a Jmx or ? MILBURN'S ; HEART AND NERVE PILLS I heKan lo reel luiieh better, and arter lakinir a few more boxes I could enjoy my rest as well as I ever did. I always recommend them to all my friends." For sale at all drtnrglsts and dealers: put up only by The T. Mlllnirn Co., 1-lin-'ted. Toronlo Or.l. lerday and is a visitor for a few days til I lie Ktnpress Hot id. says the 'Victoria Colonist. As always. Mr. l'erry, metaphorically speaking, "is rilled with Hie north." Northern Ilrilish ColtHiiliia he says, is the ' treasure chest of Canada. II holds Hie best lim icr, the best mineral resources, lie best fisheries, of uiiy region if the Dominion, and Hie one in-fricdictil needed is man-power. "If we. of the north could only V'l lite people down here ! Ihorpujfhly realize and apprcri-tle I lie possibilities ami wealth itir iiorHi-cotiulry holds, there would be a stampede to our dis-Iriel," he said. "You people o' Victoria have ?ol into Hie way of thinking 4hat a hit of cold weather, ice and snow, is a terrible thing. I don't understand votir. viewpoint. Most of you may from" Ontario or some 'jther easlern Canadian province, and you seem lo have for- vrollru the cold, jiiiserjtlile weiil her you used lo cxpertrnci tack there. Take a trip lo Prince corse in the wintertime ami we'll show you a real climate We don't jrrow pltfk roses, but we 1 raise, pood men anil wonieii who swear by Hie Northern Itril ish Columbia winter and its icy blasts." Mr. l'erry is in Hie eily on a mid-session trip of personal business, polities and pleasure. He is flail lo be in Hie (Capital City, he said yesterday, in spil of all his .enthusiasm for the '"icy blasts" oT his home town in the north. He was Hit! recipient nf many well-wishes from Vic-'oria friends yesterday. Advertise in the Daily New IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III the Matter or the Administration Act: and In the .Mailer or the K.Male or Charles l.uvcr, Hereiised. Intestate. TAki: NOTIOF. thai b order or His Honor F. Melt. Vouiiir. made the U'lli day :ir Feliruary, 1 u a r. . I was aplHiinted Ad-iiilhHInitin- or I lie estate of the lull' Charl I. nver, ilerea'sed, and all artles havliifr elalnis atrainst the said eslale are hereby reipnred to rurnish same, pro-perl veriried to me. on or berore slsl day of March, III'.'.'., and all parties In debted to the said estate are required lo pav me aim. 0111 or their uideuiediiess 11 me rorlhwilh. .Null M A N . WATT. , iiiruiul Administrator, Prniee llupert. It.i; liul-il tills '.'l-l day or February, 1 0 J '. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME 'COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Matter or the AillllllllMrilll.nl Art; and In Hie Matter or the Fslalc or Jcuii J.aiier, lieeeaseil. uleslale. TAKi: MiTlr.i; Unit by Order or Ills Honor F. Men. Younir. made the lath day or Feliruary. A H. IVVu. I was appointed Administrator or Die eslale or the hi'e Jean l.uiier. deeeiised. and all parlies liav luir I'liilins iiRiilnst the said estate lire herebv nuiiired lo riirnish same to tin properly veriried. ill or before the Slsl ilav or .Mil rrh. IUST.. and all Parties In - ih'lile't to the snld estate arc required to i: tin. niiioimt or their liiilehledness to me riirlliwuli. NOHMAN" A. WATT. urrirl.il Aihiiiiiislrator. I'rlnee llll.erl. H.C.. dated this st day or February. I0K"' JUST ARRIVED! Spring Stock of Crepes, Ginghams and Galateas in very attractive patterns Also new stock of SEAGRASS CHAIRS, ROCKERS, TABLES 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 t SCANDAL HITS Barmat Affair Is One That Is Stirrln.q Whole Llfo of Country COUNTER CHARGES IIKIII. I.N, Mar. 5.(iermaiiy is tayiiiK coiisii craliie aiicniion just now to a financial scandal.' is called -the Marina! affair.; and is casting its shadow over lite poritieajjife of the country. Some hiyh olllpial are already involved, and nobody knows .who next will bo drajised into the inielilit, Public cltarges .are lieing held in an endeavor lo ascertain fac4s, and the' trials vidently lend into more than one political camp. Four brollpprs of Russian birth. lulius, Soloiiion, Herscbel and Isaac Manual, came into (icr-niany a few years ao by way of llojlaitd, vouched for, il is al- egeti, nv tne neritian jure us 11 ollice and certain prominent pol iticians. They formed a company (o Import fats, bul gradu ally branched out into hanking. Ihrhuyin? up or paper and arti ficial silk faclories, iron and sled mills, sawmills and pot- cry works, and various other tctivilies. They prospered ex- eedingly. Prussian Bank Then soine one started an in- wslignlion ot Hie Prussian State Hank, one or Hie oldest financial instil til ions or liennany. as a result oT which 11 was rexealed Dial (lie bank bad liabilities in excess of its capital and reserve, and lhal il had loaned large sums without proper collateral. A man named Kulisker was a larly to these transactions. Then almost over night tin whole alTair was irivcn a new aspect . While Kulrsker ronTe? sed lo his irregularities, il soon developed thai -there was a con cent which nad apparently gon in for cum wilder financing, llf Manual corporation. Kulisker was presented wlih an onb'r for his arrest on ("Inlsliuas Day, and the Manual 'brothers received similar wari'anls as a New Year's 'greeting their arrest tak ing place on the uflenioiio o lleceinber ill . lite affiliations and .friend ships oT the Manual brolbers art coining to light. The hail leads lo Hie doors of prominent So cialisls; a ('.oniiiiiiiiisl deputy and a Clerical-deputy appear lo haxe been involved, and a cabine minister resigned under I he fin of charges in which the llarmals figured. Being Investigated Several different inesligti lions already are under way. am Hie Haemal afrair is being mailt lite football of (ierntnii .polities Charges Hint the Socialists wen on close terms with the Manual are matched by eounlrr-charge.s that. Nationalis.1 officials wer so lax in their credit policy thai millions of marks were loaned to them even after (lie Heichsbaitk had i'iiilly shut down on creilils and after rumors were current in exchange ci.rcles that nut nil was well with lite Manuals. The investigations include probing into Hie deals in rats by the Manuals as ipuisi-of ficial agents id Hie government; a searching investigation or the terms under which credits were obtained, and nn examination of Hie multifarious titnlcrlakitigs or Hie foui' brolbers from lliissia. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DKillY ISLAND 1'oggy. calm: liaroineler. .1(1:15; lenipernlure. .'li; sen Kitioolh; ",.lli ti.iu. spoke nleiimer I'rinec .lohn len JMiiHsell ror SandHpil. IKAI TUi:!'! l'OIXT. Cloudy. nltll'c, '.'K; hcii xlnttol It. IU'I.1. IIAIUIOH. (Jlenr, culm; barometer, L'l).u7; leniieriilure. C; heiivy swell; 5:25 p.m. spoke Hleiiincr lluiirukl, boiiinl fur Ocean I'ttlls itbeani Alert lliiy". 5:;t0 n.iu. Hjiiike cleainer (iatiii- iliiiu l i-eijrltler. abeam I'ine Ih- land botiiul for J'l'jnci! Jlupj-rl. hlfillY ISLAM) (Jlomly, calm; baroineler, .IlO.Sif Icmperaliire, U); HCII HlllOOtll. lli:.l TIIKM POINT. Clear calm; baroineler, ;i0.08; lempcr-alure, 10; eh hi'uooIIi. HUM. llAilllOHp-Clenr, light Koulhwesl wind; baroineler, 20.-05; leniperalunv 1"; moderate swell; I0..I0 ',a,jn .fpokc sleamer Venture aheiim Safely dove northbound. HOTEL KEEPER FINED FOR NOT GETTING UP MANY GERMANS let traveller in Was Suod by Man Who Was Kept Out, In Bad Weather Early In Mor.nlhg WI.NDKHMl'.Hi:. Kile.'., March 5. The proprietor of a lending hotel in litis district will sleep with one ce open for the future. since he. was fined"" t?-50 and cost by the county court judge for,failitng to let a traveller in the hotel ft i r several hours one morning. . ' " ' Tim' traveller told the court he was stranded through his baggiti-'e being lost and tried In obtain admission lo the hotel at 5 o'clock in the morning. It was afler when he got in and dur ing the watt was exposed to rain and cold. The Iraxeller said thai he did mil bring action in it vin dictive spirit, hut wished It register his protest against the liroprielors' refusal lo entertain travellers and to show him lhal innkeepers had a duty to the travelling public which they were bound lo carry out. " . The court upheld his views mil fined Hie piopricUir. The city solicdor lias" rcreivci otiscnl from the lieutenant gov rnor in council lo the by law je enlly enacted by lite eily conn il providing for mine,! ions ii light cltarges now in effect. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BER LICENSE Ni I )l I is In ri'U.V Klu-ll Hull oil till lib day or Anrli lieu the uiidersirueil intend to appl.v lo the l.luuor i.ourol tioani mr a in eo-e in restx'ei to preuixes in-mx pari or the bulldiiiir knowN a the port Clemen! Hotel, slluali'd at I'orl laeuieuU. Ouee i.li.iilnUe Aland-'. I'roviiire or HrtlKh Coli'inlna, Uhiii the lauds drserllied as IaiI rive (Si. iiiiN'k rorij-ruur t . sun iIIUhImii or l.i I seven hundred and forlv six i?ICi omen cliarlolle plslrlrt. II.' as show ii on a reici-lered mail or plji .t......ii...l li. II... I u,..l IL.triIrl' lirrlci nl Urn rlly or I'rliiie lliiHri ami iiiiinui'reo iiiiu. ror ine sine or imit ii.v lor Kia-s m liy the oM'ii Injillf ror eonsiinipiion on tin iireliilsl'S. PATKIi at ITInee HiiktI. !!.:.. this tlh day or Man n, iviz. II. L. 1 llil.l.l . owner, Applicant GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE, NOTICE is hereby trlven thai on the ! Ill day or Marct nevt the utidersiirned intends lo apil lo I he I.Hluor Control Hoard ror a lieense in resiieei 10 premise IM-Iiiir part or the bulldiiiir Kniivvi a erinee liuoerl Hotel, sllualed al the ror ner or sei-ond Avenue and Sixth Mreet In the City or erliu.-e niilK-rl, rruvtnee o lirllisti uoiiuniiia. ti hiii ine lanus oe scribed as Lots thirteen (13. and ruiirleeii iH. In Block eleven (I I,, Section Olu li. in the i:iiv nr Crlnee lluperl. acconi UK lo a rentslcred map nr plan deposited III the In nil llelrisiry irnce at ine i.uy in I'i iii. p iium rl and iiniiilM-ri'il vi.i, ror on sale or iM'er Dv tne triass or liy ine i'l bniilf. rm eiiosniiiiiiliiii on ttie tireime. li.VTKn at I'lllire ltuM-rt, P.I .. this Gib nay or renruarv, iu;. I'lll.NCK lll'PFHT IIOTKI. COMPANY. UMITKH, Ivr- II B, Hiiehestor. Manairer, Vpplicaiil GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. NOTICK Ik hereby nlveii that on tin ilh day or March next, the linderslirned intends to apply lo the Liquor Control Hoard ror licence in res oeci ot premise beMiir part or the bulldiiiF known is The Haysport Hotel, mii.iloil In the town or HavsiHirl. tl.C upon the land described as I. his nriy-iuree oai ami iiiiy-iuin (fill. In lllock eleven (It), aecordintr l a rcirlsiered map dep 'sited In the Laud neirisirv orrire. at tne city or criiu Ilupert, lor the sale or beer by the trliisi-or by the open bottle fur vonsumptlou on the premises. HATCH at llaysporl, II. C, this Oth tin v or February, ll. (MHS.) M. A. HHPI'H. Iivviiiir and Manairer or. HaystHirt Hotel sriplieiiul GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NiiTlcr. Is hereby Klven lhal on or arter Hie t U tit day or March tii.-tt. tlx iiiiilersiitiied intend to npply lo the l.liiuor Control Hoard tor a hri'ii-e In resiect or premises beliiK pari or the bulldiiiir known as uiieen's Hotel, situate on l.ot &, Main Mreei. n asseii. iiueeu Char irtie is aiini. Nn the province or Ilrilish Columbia, fm tne sini'ir Peer liy tne Kinss or liy tin open tioiiin ror eonsiiuipiiuii on tne pre llll.es. Haled this luth day of February, 103 MUM. M. I.. DUNN. NOTICE. Owner. Aiiiiltrani IN THK MATTFIt tIF A.N AI'PI.ICATION for Urn Issue or n fresh Certiorate ol title ror l.ots thirty and tlilrty-oni 3li, tiioi'K sevi (7). Merlion rive t'i C.llv or Prince Ilupert. Man tiaa. Hallsfaeiory trHir or the loss and lie struellon of the Certiorate or tllle cover I ii K the ii I inve anils havliiv been urodiii' alin; baroineler, t'lMMi; leinper- " iy tnieniiou in Issue, arier tin; ' ' . t ., lejplrallou or one month rroiu the first tiiililli'Hllnii iH iiMif. a Trt-Kli CiTlirirnle nr lino iu tin' tiniiic ur t.ilwni'il II. riernr rur tin- mild IiiiiiI, whlrli Ortirii'Hti' tit title l iIiiImiI tlm suili iiiiu- lt;t, and Ik tiiiliilii'li'il 30H3 I. ii. r. MAci.Kon. lU'KlKlrur ur TltleD, I. unci lii'itlKtry orfii-i-, l'rlin:n lliii'frt. Il.c. Imiinrv li'lh. toes IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH - ' '' "' COLUMBIA -"V.I , III tin' Matter ur tin- A Urn I nl - Iru I ton Act. mill In tin- Matter r tlm KkIiiIi- or Wlllliiin Ciiiiieriiii Mini, ii.'.si., inii'Htiili'. TKt: Millet; tlmt liy nriliT nr lllx lliitinr V. Mi-41.. Yuiinr, ruuile the Still ilav nr lehniiiry. A.li. Ittlfi, I wiin iiiiniiite0 Ailmliilatralnr nr lite eMiile nr Wlllliiin Ciimemii Slut, ili'i'i'iiii'il. unit Hll iiiirtlea iiirlnir rliiliiM Kiilint tlie mild i-ntutR urn Ill-why reiiulieit to TuniWi Mime, inn. Iierly verirteil lu me, mi nr InTiin. On-tlltli iliiy nr March, A.li. IU5. unil all lulitlen Imli'liteil tn the iixliile are required in my the aiiiminl nr their Induliteiliieaii In tne furtliwllh. .NOIIMAN A. WATT, orrtnlul Afliiiliilstriilnr, , . , . I'rlnee ltii(ierl, ll.C Haled tin .-.-.iti d.i ur I'l'immr. iua.'.. Thursday. M; .-.., 5 DOES your skin get rough and irritable this time of the year ? Are you distressed by outbreaks of pimples, irritating rashes and blotches? Have you patches of eczema or other old-standing skin trouble that defies ordinary trcaunrnt ? If so, a daily dressing with Zani-Buk will, soon put you rijht. This famous herhal balm quickly invigorates the tissues and cleanses them of all impurities. When the skin is "on fire" with eczema, oris bcitiR eaten away by ulcers, Zam-Buk ir the one external medicine powerful enough todispel these troubles and grow new, healthy skin. Zam-Buk owes its magical healing power to certain rare herbal extracts. It is indispensable wherever there is skin trouble of any sort. IcANADIANj WINTER AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, 628 Third Ae., Prince Rupert. 1 1 We hit. Sfr it 3) alt Aruititlt. SOON PUTS THE SKIN RIGHT I WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 9 p.m. "CYTHERRA" (kiilU ot Love . A ni"ili 1 1 mill love of -i!'inKlitne. A ".enivliiiift i ..." ill lite live- noil love of men ami nn delightful phuto-plny In which lifiittiii'i i::i liiral color- aibl la-i iiiiilion. Cjilherc i. p While Ilitce. fnirefl of Hie fair, live- in ' ,! Ailam lill loduy all ineit hav' Mtrved li i i vilvf!). Uylliei-cu. Venus Aplirodile. w'i inoilcrn wuiiicn who woo, win, love, ni" Alum IIiiImmi like (Jyllteruit, lieiioliiul. v i . loe. Irene Itidi like Venus cold y ' mi ii ii In ii w f ( '.miliiiif'f ttiiiiiifll 111..1 f! 1 F' fuM inating. Love Mini lurn- lo liillcnic- Lewis Stone, Norman Kerry, Charles Wellesley, Bra-don Hurst, Alma Rubens, Irene Rich, Constance BennA Peaches Jackson and others. COMEDY -"APRIL FOOL." TOPICS OF THE DM Admission 35c and 10c llll Steamship Service S.8. PRINCE RUPERT -mil- Trimi -rliit- (liiiirl FOR VANCOUVER, ICI,W SEATTLE, iiilui'iiii'iliutv piniil- t-ailt Kniluy V.UU i.lu. For STEWART mill ANVOX V :tir ;lJ , j ' ...i.l.hlll THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" leaves PRINCE HUi-tni .. . . VANCOUVER,, vja QUEEN CHARLOTTE I8LAND8. PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUrERT MONDAY. WEDNESDAY. SATURDAY. Mill li.in fur l-rlti-r ii . : lD WINNIPEQ, ill lioliil- h.-iHl irti l.unacla, l.'nilvil Stall mom Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings f rom Prince Rup1 PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangoll, Juneau and Skagway- j , March 6, For Vancouver, Victoria and Scattlo- March 10, 2 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE f,H For Butedalc, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bolla, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and vat every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Linos Full iiifuriiiiilioii from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent ,, corner oi nin ciruci ana ra Hvtinuc, n UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. lT' Sailings from I'rlnee lliiport, dMl I f 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8wnon Bay, and Alert " H or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Day, ana 8wanon oli ror Hninx, alice arm, utewart, Sunday, r.m. AB, , ror hii i uk, rum BimrsuN ana wa ier wni... .... lnt, nr IZX ZDII AWAIlll J IH SMAftt. '