DRY 3 LTT Lit vivarwejr III V 1 J x I II 1 f- a riivc.v.'-t-" i .. .1 I -1 . . .innirA m nctiuvi'ij "-i lar-2 amount of ncwishment and a much of this is- suppliec&y Baker's , Cocoa in a readily . assimiluHe form.! Canada DorchesfetMass. 1L0RED OCKS K ti - rioili. n nnn nn in W llll U I B at M rnis-i I .'. Bhnn '1 T naclian i unarv and Cleaners v Miver '!v. ser- Ii in on i wii- , ;i.un call W, Phone S h Wnnr) vr j m SMALL HFflTroo 60c Pee eTransfer Second Avenue. E. S. TAIT dtist. . nuPERT . t e . . a ' nnim. am. a UAakl-. V,""UI nnl aw "PPointmanU. F-r'm. "f Sail ltli'im, a It Is "filnptf of flrMevemerl" emu. Glory or Achlevemenl u,,o was . ,., , IM. r , fl)OM ,R1,n(II Inspiring Theme of Speaker t ail skin disease, to Students I I i 'i" Inlense tuirnlnif, llrlilnr and , snmi-tinr. iktUII.v t lurta or wluw tlx-Hl'V. . I'-. Calloway, field mrl are rxoi-il In lical are almost im-scorelary (if relipious 1 1 1 fit t i t tl ( '"' and n-lier i-ireally welcmueif. :or i no milieu I'roieslanl churches, delivered hii uildrcs .before III llllll School .mI llflcil t of the ci I V ye si en lay afternoon jou "Till" lilory of Arhieveiivenl.'' , Mr. Calloway declared thai boy ; ami xii'l. wild I In-ir tiiii- utilities a High School students. 1 1 1 M I then- own feel lint also, figuratively ' siieiikiiiK, mi their own 1jeal r. If I hey exercised the full power of their enei-Kiex and iraminK, I hey mirhl sliml n llieir own heads on I lie roof hi I he world. Mr. Unlloway, wljt was a wil-nes of the mler-lliuli Sehool !l':iiiiiim ill Aiiviiy IiimI (-itk -imi.1 refi-ired lo I lie siilendiil spirit Mi a I ImkI prevaileij anion? the eon I ling leaniK in Ihoso (tallies. Though I he Karnes were keenly I'onlesled and the leains evmily mulehed. the jilay haJ lieon of I he eleanesl kind and il had been pari icualarly pleasing !lo notice the manner in which jail ruferecs' decision hud hecn i taken. When players were injured. Iboy heriiieally carried on 'MOOSE HOLD WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE A ei-v siiei-e-fni whist drive and ilanee was Inlil last nilit in Hie .Mel iiu. oli' Hall hv the Moose ! J.ihImi'. Mime ;'l)l) iiersniiit be in;: GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF APPI (CATION LICENSE. GOVERNMENT NOTICE Cr GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF FOR BEER NOTICE l hereby ftlven that mi the 11th il.iy nr Maii'h iintl tlx- nn.lf rxlrm-il mieiKh' in apl.v l Hip l.iqnur c.imtml ltirtl rur a Mr-iir m resiieri In preuilMn lii'ina- iiarl nf ttw liullilliiir knnwn at K'.vat IIcm-I. ltuatiti at tlx1 Rurtwr of siMh Strict and Third A erne-. In the i ii v if Frini lliifxTt, I'trivlnri1 fif liiitlh Cnlwiilili, iiimiii Ih' laixli neaerlb-d ai l.nt cloven ill' ami iHvi- (18,, in Uliw thlrli-twu s . . Swilnn mr City of I'rliwc Iturrt. areimlluR to a rcrlnlFrisI man or Man nrixwlird In tlin Land llwlry orrire at the Clly f I'rlnr Itniwrl and niiniherml tfl, tnr the al of Ix'i r by I lie glu ur ly I lie eix-ii tiotlh' for rnnminipifon on lb prenil. HATKIi at frliwc Huprrl, B.C.., Hid linh da .if Oliriiary, I9s.' 4AMK8 IwiSTOU'. I.c-"f and Manairpr of Doyal llolel. Applirant. " I ' LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER NoTICF. I ImtWiv (riven tl.nl nn tjie Till ilav if Miiri'h urn tin' iiiideraliriiwl. Intiiiil In :iil U the l.lquur Com ml Hoard Tor a llrrnw In rcns'iM in premlM's ' inif part r tli"! Iinlldair known kiinx lintel, ultiialwl nn Klrt A cntic, In the i lly or I'ruirr lliiHrt, "rnvtnce of tlnll-h Olumlila. upon llif land de-I -rilied a Lot thirliH'ii (tl, and ronriwn ! l:. In lilork two ( . "cctlon one (I). I im .r I'rliHf Hiiw t. arrordlnit to a j ret-IMored map or plan flppwlted In the i i.iind HeriMrv "irrt'r at ihr ritv nf Prlnre I liiiMTt and iiiiiiiImtwI Tor the aln or i Iii'it hy the aria-- or liy the oren linttlc for ! runmiiiipllnn nn llir pri'mliv. I tiATl-li al I'rlnre )luert, B.C., thla th : day nf February, I0JH. KNOX IIOTKI. COiii'Ay, l.lilllf.li, Cer: T. E. Williams. Manarer. pplleim LIQUOR ACT. FOR BEER NOTICE l hereby Riven that on the 7t)i duv ur March next the iinderKliriiei Inlend to apply In the Liquor Control liuard ror a llreiif In retTl to pretnle!i iM'lna part or the liulblinar known Sitvoy ilottl. situated al not Frasi-r Street, In Ihn Hty nr I'rtnw Itupert, l'rvlnre or rtrtlMt Oilonibla, ujiin Utr lanrts !e-srrllied Lots Ihlrleer. (1S and rnnr-toen (14), In lllork ttilrly-three SBriHwi Itiie li, Clly nf ITln Jtiiierl, aWArmrtflw reirtstrritf mnfi nr plan deposited In the Land lienlstry Orrhe at the i iiv i.r Prim.' Hiinerl and nunihiTeil 9Srt, Tor the sale nr beer by the (rim or hy the open Imltle fnr enniuiiptiuu on the p'reliiHe. PATKfi at rrtnee luipiit. I..C. this r.th day nr I'elirnary. 10S.V A. J. I'lll liiloMMK and A. FISHF-H, Manairers and rrnprlrtor or Savnv lintel. Annlieant LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENCE. FOR BEER NOTICE I hereby k'ven that on the 7th day or Marrh next, the nndersitrned Intend to apply to the Llqimr control Board ror a lirenre In respect or premises beinn part nr the bnlldlnR known a Calmlnnla lintel, situate at imrrerln Street. I'ort Kslntrtin. B.C.. titmn the lands desrrlbed at Lois No. 3 and 4, Blork Np. S. Map Kn. 517, City or I'rlnre Itupert Land Beirlstratlon nlatrlrt, In the Crovlnre or British Columbia, ror the sale nr bee.r by the alnss or by the open botlle for con-simiptlon on the premises. HATF.li this 7th day or Fibniwy, 1085. el.FUKIl 11. l'F.IIkl.NS, l'roprlctor and Manarer, Applieant GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER NOTICE Is hereby riven that on the 7th day or Marrh next the nn.lerslrned Intends to apply In the Liquor control Board ror a lleense In respert to premise" heinr part or the bulldlnr known I'ort Clements lloel, situated at J'orl innmejits, oiiern Charlotte Islands, I'm-v;nre or British Columbia, upon Hie lands tlcsrrlbed as Lot seven (7. Blork forl.v-seven (47i. Subdivision of Lot seven hundred and rortv-slx (74ft). 0,''n hnrlotte lilstrlrt, B.C., an shown iflt leirlstered limp or plan deposited in the Land fterlftry orfiee at the city of I'rlnre Hire Unpen Unpen and and rnmb.-'red mmb.red 1II7D. 1070. ror ror the iw, sale le ii lint itlle He FnANK HICKS, owner and Manarer I'ort Cletnenti lintel. Applicant. The limn reliable and rrrectlve remedy j Tnr this trouble In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mm. J. II. Johnson, Il.n. No. I. Osliawa, (Int.. writes: -for yrar I was j troubled. Willi eczema, .iinil liinl Hiat lerrl-I r.N- Itchfnr ami hiiriiiiir scnsallnn, mid iMiuM ritwl lu, .... I. should mil niily lie able Id stand advised t n it ii ii ut'.t,. .' boiile 1 liH(ran to i rreal difference, aiKl I ran, now, advise anyone troubled an 1 wax to iiw Ibis wonderful remedy." I'ur aalf at all ili-iiimlAti ami di'alcru: nt iii only ly Tim T. MillMirn Co., J.liiilti!, Toronlii. Ont. in alleiutance. From rii tables of whist the prizt wiiiuer.s were: IttiiicM' Xirsl, Mrs. (J. (Juinlon: ladies' second, Miss llulli Dnl-lon; inen's firfal, Frit. Skjellum; men's second, lleljre Odin. After cants, (-"fres lni M-H Is w served with Md. Fnper ill charire in ibe fcitcheii. Music for the dance lowed was fui;iislied WesHioltne O'rcJicsl ra Slaptrard was master Stewart troiiifc' Prince Itupert noon. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE. that fol-liy the and Joe: of cere- monies. j The rniiiinillce in ejiarfe ofi the affair comprised . J. Jiacon chairman . Italpli Kiefhaber. Fred Scaddcn. F. Stpiai'ecliuck, ; Sam Autos, (iillis Iloyer. A. OhiiesarK and I'ercy Cameron. GIRLS IN TRAINING I LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER NOTICE is hereby riven that -on the 7th day or Marrh next the tindersliriied intend.- to apply tl the Liquor Control Board Tor a liei nse In respect lo premises iiemr nart of the bulldlnr known as Central Hotel, situated al the corner or First and Seventh streets. In the City or I'rlnre ltuert. I'rovlnre or British Columbia, upon the lands desrrlbed as Lots eleven (III and Iwrlvd Hit. thirteen i IS i and roiirteen (141, In Blork ten niii. Sertloit One (t). City or I'rlnee Itupert, aiTordlinr In a rerlslered man nr plan deposited in the Laud Berlstry or-, fire at the Clly or Trlnre Itupert and numbered BUS. for the sale of beer by the Rluss or by the open bottle Jnr con-miinpllnn nn the premises. ltTI-:i at J'rlnre Bupert, B.C.. this Btli day W or February, 1BSS. PETF.n BLACK, Owner and Manarer of Central lintel, Xnplieant, GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER NOTICE Is hereby riven that on the 7th day of Marrh next the liiHlorlrnert Intends to apply 1(1 Liquor Control Board for a license In resnert In premises heinr rrt 4ir the bulldinr known New Kinnress Unlet, situated at Ii Third Avenue, In the city or I'rlnre Bupert, I'rovlnre nr British Columbia, iiiinii the lands desrrlbed as- Lots nine teen MO) ami twenty (fin, In Block twenty-three (3i, Section one (l, Clly ..r n.lm llorupl. Aeenrdlnfl In a reirls. tered tnap or plan deposited In tin; Land nerlBtrv orrice HI Hie City Of I'rlnee (lu- i,eer " bv j the irlass or liy the oimhi boltle . ""...ViViiid mT for or beer by the rlass nr by h open pert a ml J f1 'oretnlses the ror ronsnmptlnn on the premise. fn'I1f""Y ,tVrI,r'V,Ti.eVr it C Pnnri Mht at I rli Prt. X. I.ATKIl al llupert, B.C.. this I'AJL day or February, toa, (lay or February 100- mil! oi tills f.th 11 . MBS. ANNA M, BOSS, Manureress and Lessee or Mtw Lmprcis Hotel. Applicant THK DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE and hick ADDRESS GIVEN I ARE YOU JACKIE COOGAN IN admnjor TORTURED WITH A BOY OF FLANDERS HIGH SCHOOL ECZEMA? ' IS ANOTHER TRIUMPH worn V -Ah Is Funny Kid In His Dutch Costume But Just as Appealing as Ever Jackie Ciiugn as it lit tin le. iaii lety with hatrjjy trousers, funny liMIe cap, real, clumsy, Qlal IcritiK wooiicn 'shoes and palched jaokcl will) 'laiKe hul-loiis of asorled s'hajit'aiiil sizes Jackie OioaiVsVdiTlle Nello, Hie iiiiinorlal he)'o if Dnida's elory, is to be sccit lici e al I he week end. Jackie's medium hr this, his second Metro pieiiirVy is Hoy of Flanders," adapted from tiuida's slory, "A l)o of ITau-ders,' and the udaptfilion has been made with Hie greatest-skill. The slory is- reproduced on the screen .with a fidelity rarely In be obsened and nol i single episode .of ,,siKnificancc, jli-iima, Potnedy, pathos or thrill is niisxiiifr. While? Ibe climax, ill Hie snow storm that sweeos iovcr Flanders fields and buries' the Cathedral steps ut Antwerp i in a deep cover, is one of the most poignant and appealing that litis ever leeit screened. Tragic Heights Never has Jackie appeared niarn effectively, and il is safe to say (hat in "A Hog of Flanders" he touches trapic heiphls never before revealed in any 'Jackie I'.oornn picture.,. while the comedy ((niches and humor- of which his art is capable, are abundantly provided throughout the entire story. All the implications found in I. I. In.. 4.... I ..1...... I ..... a ","-- "'.-'i"o rn.iy nun; nirr it nuiAiirT IVltl Al BAIllJUtl hcen deeloped into the flower- , inj? of a prcal drama, -and only in Were Addressed by Visiting Flelo adjust men! of the closing Secretary of Religious ; episodes is Ultere tjie slipUtesl Education jdeparlure from the original and who could bear to see "A I.nRl evening in Hie social nar-ilhiy tif Flanders" if the hero lors or Hie Mfllnnlisl (Miueh, shouhbdie out in the cold and the some 35 Canadian (iirls in train- snow wilh his dead companion, iiiR enjoyed a s1endld banrpiel he nrdde-hearted dop l'elrasche after which lli-uy lislened to a as bis only olaeeT Siiclt ant forcible address by Hev. W. R.; v'ml'1 ,nn narrowing, (iallnway, field secretary for re- Many Touching Moments lipious education, oh Hie Meals f As il is, the hearts of all those of girlhood. , presen are sufficiently wrunfT Followitijt this Mtnnuel, Mr. and there was a siyir of relief fialloway met the Sunday School and then Ibe joy or a srrcat de-teachers of the Methodist Church Jiff lit when hut o" must see the the par.-onape. ii.ir.-onapo. A lioy oi riainiers ior your- ut r..iiiL.iit Mr (!;il!nvMv will "ive 'self. H is like fine .lllli.r. I lierrny Kuril ma. .--. . . .. rill dai or Marrh next the undersliriied iiroaclllll tills iliesllOll Con emn re. mil run I ft, nmsio it an address at a fathers' and cannot be described. It is played sons' baiHinel to .e held in the; with strokes that words cannot Method'! Church and tomorrow define nor explain. II is Jackie iiiominir he will sail for Vaticoti- at his best, and it will add even ver after haviitfr spent ten days to the fume that is already his. in me tiistrici. Mr. and passenjrers Mrs. YV rr PRINCE RUPERT ENDORSES Tolin were PEACE RIVER PASS ROUTE from Vancouver tin Iliroiiirh on Hi. yesterday afler- FOR PROJECTED RAILWAY (continued from pase one) new transcontinental intends to apply to the Liquor , . .sl,rip, n.uni for a lleense In reciter! to nri'llll.-K-! MMR pd.lt ..'.i'l il old Lniprees Hotel, situated at 7n Third .Avenue, west, in me :uy or rrnire Itnperl, Provlner or llrltlsh Columbia, upon the binds desrrlbed a Lots seventeen 17i and elrhteen (ISi, In ltlnrk twenty-three (23), Srrlton one (1), city or. I'rlnre Import, nmirdltnr l a renlstered map or plan depostled In the Land lii'ttlstry orrire al the city or I'rlnee llnperl and nimiliered for the sale or beer by the kIhss or by the open luiltle Tor riinMiliiptlnn tin th premises,.) iTF.n at I'rlni-e ltuien. B.C.. this th day nr February. i1T. VKllNON P. CAS1.F.Y. Owner Hid Manarer or Old Lmpress Hotel, Appllraut. GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF ...... .... route to ACT. j Stewart but lie felt sure, that would mil meet wilh favor. He for beer - . which likr., rai,. manner jn Prince Kiipei'l people were ap- 11 cont being pail or the btilldtiitr known .".maps used to bolster tilt UlO other p C. II. S.iwle said he would like to see all eonceulrale on one, finite. They 'favored the oho by Pence Hiyer l'ass Jo Fiiilay Forks and old Jiy llazellon. )l would ,be Ioniser to build, but' would pay belter than the oilier. It would have to he huill some tfmc. 1'.' Corrifruii also uiKod Ihem mil to consider too many routes. George Belrnes ficui'Kc lleirnes told of the country HirotiKli which Jlie lro-prosed railway would puss. Much of the valley was twenty miles wide between HazHlon and Fin-ley Forks. II was heavily timbered and the passes were low. II would not follow the Skeena because of a hiif elbow in that .... ... . . i i river. The ixispiox wotuii nn more suitable, lie flew over the coimlry lo Fiiilay Forks, and seeiiiu jl from the air, ho fell sure Ibe route would he feasible. The Kispiox roule was the 'one chosen by Campbell Johnson for the Groundhog Hallway. This roule would pass close to tho firoundhoet coal fields, witliin Iwenly miles. W. S. Barjfent tliouwlil. there .would be a better chance for success if they united on 'ne route. Mr. Nickerson, on behalf of the local hoard explained thai their idea hud been to opposn the Untie route. They would like the railway lo come as far west as possible before jniulnir the Canadian National. Their nro- posal and the one it had Were the "Good Old Days" Really Good? WHEN you hear an old-timer sigh for the days of his forefathers, smile quietly to yourself and think of this. The ancients got along without automobiles, soap, stoves, tooth-brushes,window-glass, breakfast foods, telephones without practically all of the things we consider the bare essentials of life. There never has been a time when life bettered itself so rapidly and so consistently as no w. New conveniences and new comforts are continually being thought out and brought out for your benefit. In order to reap the advantages that are yours to-day, you must read the advertisements. They bring you news of all that the world of invention and discovery is doing to make your work easier, your home life more pleasant, your clothing and food problems less difficult. They keep you informed of all that is new in the markets and stores. They tell you not only about the goods, the styles, the varieties and prices, but also where and when these things are to be had. The advertisements are messages from the business world to you. Heed them. Don't overlook the advantages that are yours Read the advertisements any one. While his opinion was thai it should come out al lla.ell,on or west or that point he did not think they should commit themselves lo any particular roule. I'. Corrijrali stipnested thai they unite on the Peace Hiver Pass and leave the rest. J. C. McLeiuian expressed plensiire at. scei'np the llazellon people prosojil and was ftlad to learn that there was a feasible route to llazellon. II was most difficult to et reliable informa tion. Favors Peace Pass Dawson said he had al-ways 'favoreii the Peace Pass, lie ursred thai they unite on it so that it would pa before the directors with greater force. Sir Henry Thornton had sseen much .of the country and it had been an'eyeopener to him. The difficulty wilh most of Hie routes was Hint they had no expert data to guide Iheni. They did not know whether they were feasible or not. He believed the peace Pass was reasiblo and there were numerous outlets. Mayor Newton backed the pro posal lo unite on the Peace pro ject and this was done, lie sup- posted that the data presented bv llazellon he incorporated in the booklet they were preparinp fn elosintr. Dr. Wrinrh thanked the Prince llnperl hoard for the reception (riven tlienv and said he was particularly pleased al the sentiments expressed here. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert fiiwRO Keef, Sinilhers; W. J Campbell, Frank C. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. A. Farrow and family and John S. Saucee, Van rouvcr. Central A. Wasden. C.N.H.; Antrus Mo heeniAlisler. Claxfon: It. 1.. Melnlost- - decided lo follow was to sot out jC P. Smith, II. Kniersoii the various routes and nol back Johnson, Vancouver. and l- Family Shoe Store NOTICE. We have secured the services of Mr. HARRY MACEY, lale of Wilson's Twin Shoe Slore, Vancouver (7 years), who will use his experience to give you Service in Foot Comfort Phone 357. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo building next door to Frizzell Butcher Shop, across from the Kmpress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelli Proprietor LAND ACT. Notle of Intention to Apply to Purchtat Lana i In Skeena laud District, or rrlnrei liniieit lieeordinr District, and situate annroxlniatelv one and one half mile West id salvus Station, on salvtis Island, Skeena Blver. j Take Notice that Jtudoir Larsson, oi 4443 Carleton St.. Burnaby, occupation; Lorrer. Intends to apply for permission i lo purchase the followlnr described lands: l.ommencinr at a post, piameu at me southwest corner or Lot 4803, Salvos Island; theniie southwesterly, approxi mately sou yards; thence normeny approximately Slid yards,' thence northwesterly approximately Sou yards; thence, southerly son yards, to point or berlnnlnr, eoniprlsliir ll that portion nr Salvus Island west or l.ni 4 Mia ami coiuanuuv uu acres, more or less. THOMAS MILLS Arent ror W'nol." LARSSON. LAND ACT. In Skeena Land IHstrirt of Prince Itupert Uecorrilnr lilstrlrt. . . . TAKE NOTICE that Oeorre Little, of terrace. B.C occupation lumberman, and n I M C.luirev. of Terrace. Jt.C. occil- natlmi lumtieii-m'un. Inlend to apply for iermtssion to pnrehase the rollowlnr described lands, ror Industrial site: coinnicncJnr at a port planted al south end id Island situated near mouth or klt-iinikniiiiNi tnvrr and Ivlnv near west bank of said river; tlienca rnllowUir shore line around Island to point or commencement, contalulnr i acres, more or jess, CKOItCE LITTLE and CLAIBE L M, G1GOEY. Applicants.! St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery UnsurpaAd Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and OistribuliiiR. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Hovlnn.