PAGE FOUR THF T11? VFWS FritlHy, Febr,,., BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ! ' r V HOV ' OO TTOO DO T-R 1 Bargains I Sir ".Un--"VJvV.-- - I I DIDN'T xv DOisT TELL ME MOKT " Tetvc JicV b HOW M3E ou AH TMIMCi OF jILUM YOU T- irAtVo ATI HOmp" . . ' AN Moor r-v- THE iOrvr-DON'1 CETTiriC rV"f(ATV-xrT .... - TAvi i "Oe LIKE vJMII, Silk, Wool I tOW'?. "TO VoQPi tTORE SLlf MOTHER ivt -toy e I . Er A.M' TUOTH.i ' . and ffSSfen ATVnn. r'!S'?tlV w, 3 -y vr in 1 WOOF Evening V i Dresses 7 ,x liemers Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 BUY YOUR Fresh Meats AT ECONOMY STORE Moiling liccr. . 1- Hi... 10c Pol llrwisU. per II.. 12'.c and 1Dc Irimo llili Ii.ils, Hi. 20c Sirloin and T-llnne Steaks, per Hi 30c flniiiul Steaks, (T Hi. 25c Hoof Lit in. ' lbs. for . . 25o Jioef dripping. 2 cakes 25c Loin i f Pork Chop-,, i. 35c Shoulder Pork Chops, per Hi 25c J'ork Sausage, per Hi... 30c Jieef Sit 1 1 u i'. per Hi... 20c Economy Store 423 Fifth Aye. East Phone 18. Operating llii' only power clean in? ami pressing equipment in I fin oily. Ser-vice and workmanship unsurpassed. A plume call will bring our ear. 515 6th Ave. W. Phone 8 DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. Wf BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63. r.artaBe.'WaretioiAlDB, and Oislriduling. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel Wit Specialize In Piano and Furniture Ktovlnfl. Dr. E. S. TAIT . i Canadian i ! II El Launorv and Dry Cleaners DEMTIST. Helgerson Block, PRIKOE RUPERT, B. O. Ofrioe Hours, 9 t 8. Phone 680. Open Evenings Only Fr Special Appointment. second Iwo liloeks. V. S. Neny was goal lernl'M-for I lie former learn, with I lie following players taking I urn in filling (he oilier poslion: II. I.iflon, (1. Itoliej-ls, J". .N'ewjiurry. V. .lolinslnn, I.. S. Mefiill, G. Shields, J-:. Illiy and S. I'.liy. The npposii? leant Willi Frank Conway in goal comprised I). N'orlh-over, I). A. Mellae, G. IJowland. II. Itnliinsnji, .1. A. Macdouuld, S. II. Hoskins and S. Gazeley. The game was won hy the rnm-riin- no rs wilh a score of i In 2. On Sal unlay aflernoon a game was played noiwcen two learns of junior hoys elccleil front the liny dentils, winch ended in a draw, neither learn being to pel the puck iiasl Hie lenders. Broomala On Saturday night the aide goal fans were IreSli-d In foiiielliiiiir'.new, when teams picked from the Government Office, staff and Hie 0. 5. It., officfl slaff clashed in a game of llroomala in which the players were ' ai'med with worit- ont broom and given a fnnlhall to play wilh instead of the jniek. Kicking Ihe.hall was ulriclly bar red and if Ihe players e.xppx'h'd I lie game' In lie, a lame affair Iheir ideas were soon changed, as both learns were out to win and the brooms wore, wielded wilh great vim, sometimes hit ting Ihe ball and sometimes niisxing and shinning a nose or harking n shin. The Govern ment slaff were represented l.v .1. :s. Kirhy, goal; T. V. Ilrower, S. II. Hoskins, II. Welch, II. G. Wnult, T. I'lieris, .1. Smith, G. Ileffej-nan and Miss II. Grant. The Hallway Office by .1. G. Stephen, goal; .1. Kilpalrick, F. iMaiuiels, W. Gilbert G. Under! . I'.. Guuderson, W. McLennan mil II. Giuulersou. The Govern ment I pain won. by a ('oi e Of vl The return game bidween the Car Shops ami Hound Mouse, scheduled for Sunday Hflernoou li.'nl lo be postponed, the wealber man interfering by dishing lip a lirand dial snowed under and froye I be ardor of Ihe players. ONLY TWO BASKETBALL GAMESMST EVENING Colts Faleld To Muster Team jn Senior Leanue But Their Namesakes Won Other Two Matches. Only Inlermediale and Junior League iiasketiiaii games were I played last nislil, the Colls being unable lo field a learn' againsl the Sous of Canada in! Ihe scheduled Senior I.eagui liunlcli. The Colls won the In-1 llermediale League aame from' i I Hie Hegiment by -it lo 13 and: victory wenl to the Colts over Ihe Tiny Tims In the Junior League by 31 lo 18. H. It. Skinner referred Ihe Inlermediale game, in which the players lined up as follows: ! Colls W. Wralhall, A. Pill- np.s, i). i liHen, r.i .Aici.ean, Shenln'n and Chester Glnpp, i Hegiment K. Dingwall, Sidney) nnelt-Jones, G. McKeown, A.j ltorrobin, A. Palmer and G 5 Broomala and Hockey Played at Smithers Where Rum Runners Meet Hi-Jackers, Latter Losing S.MITJIKItS, IVli. r,. Ijuckey, Hie great winter spoil, lia-.i gin a I gnjt mi Sinilliers lliis winter mnl lneal Tans an; lieiiifj Irealeil In jialehes alinusl ilaily. llnriiig the jial wt'ek age rlne nut seem to have lieen taken inln eniisiileialinii liy (lie jiarliei jianls as flayers as ynimg us -six ynars up In llinse ncnriiig Hi allnlleil llirt'e -rnie unit l4Mi liavo taken part in Hie, games. On Tliiirsilay night a game was staged lielweeii leanr playing under Hie lilies of the Itnni Itiuiiiers and Hie Iligli jarkers-iii wliieli iesiilonl n Hie first two hlorks on Main Slreel played azaiiisi residenls of I In-1 , i 1111111111111. Junior League The Junior teams lined tin as follows willi ttalph Sniilh n'fer-eeinp: Tiny Tims Y. Katsuyama, J. Kalsiiyama, 1'.. Iiiniiwall, P. Ilais-l'r, II. Walker ami '. 'J'hnnii- SOII. 4:iills S. (inrvieli, II. .Maedon- ald, .1. MeNnlly, M. Comadina and iim Jny. , l.eagne slandiii.r' In dale follows : Senior League W I, Pis. imiiis o." Canada 8 i Iti Klks 8 1 If. Ults 2 10 4 i Intermediate League cirntlo ) n ih j(V)llH .... , ! Ilejiiinenl J i I a A loc' I n i n a iliipfo l.eafs .v. .... i (i nil's 3 Junior League Tiny Tim fl i Oolls 5 C, fi P. BURNS LOST TO I 12 3 (i OTHER BUTCHERS Basketball Game Ended In Score of 14 Points to 10. In a basketball game yeslerdav afternoon del ween Ihe local bul- iMter'K and P. Hums Co. I, Id., ptayt-d in the Klks' llome, the locals beat Ihe Iturus agtrega-lion by a score of It points to in. W. Cavalier noted as ref-eren ami Jlen Gttliek was official -core keeper, J.ocaU: II. Alkins. 2; Hob Arthur, Hob Frie, C; Clarence tiiKalaudei jioug. l'ri..e, (5; Geni'(.'e J''ri; and G. .loslin spares. y I', lliirns t:o,;4:iift fiiineron . I',ul hifohy. lluh Jlower.' 0; tKejKi.A' M'cOutilg ahd-I'auT Yolni -' will. Sporf Chat TV rich. IcmDlirw fl l OXO Cuhmm .1,.L.I.. Idtd tppiiiiti and mtVtt rrlh lailt f tier. Tkir Innttwi food rlut to oudi. mi.i-. .... Viih and many oilier duhra, and make thm mota appaluunf. In lint ol 4- 15c. and " " "10--30c, 9XO CUBES x The Hnyal Vancouver Yach; Club ts 4o establish a new cluh house and summer anchorage at Poilll (Irey, Ihe eslimaled cost of which will be frt.IMM). 'the site, for which the club officials have already .c.nmplclcil prolim-iiiary negolialious with the provincial government, Js jusl a shnr! distance west of the fore- i shore end of Alma lloml and lies'! I immeilialoly Kasl of t lie Jericho i Tennis Club. Ther is sufficient jdepth of water In ,'H'comoilalo Ihe largest yaclils in the cliih'M Heel and the projecting point just wesl of Ihe Jericho air sta tion affords shelter from pre vailing minds. W'hal appeals to Ihe members of the club most of all in cniincclinii with Ihe proposed new site is Ihe fad Ihal il will effei'l a great saving in lime on cruises In points oulslie Hie Fir I .Narrows. Aslo il will Im inssible to keep Hie yaclils and heir canvas much deaner than it Hie present Cnal Harbor an-horage. There is much conjecture among sporting wril-rs as In whelber Jack Oeinpsey, heavy- weishl boxing ehaiuinon of the world, is really going In retire A great, many different and con- Iradiolory reports are emanating from l.os Angeles where the haiiipion is now .sojourning near his lady love, Fslolle Taylor. whom he declares lie is uoing marry ami wio is Ihe reason for his announced decision Ihal ie is through wilh Ihe fight' game., It would not seem im- 'prnbahlo, indeed, Dcmpscy has declared his willingness In fight again before be marries. If he s really going In, however, arrangements will have to be made very soon. Jack Kearns, Iiemp-"ey's manager,, serns to be iak-ing lhe champ itl liis word when be says he is going lo quit. It is slated Ihal Kenrns has prac lieally accepted Ihe position ot uuinager for Mickey Walker, Ho luiddlewejghl comer. Only three of Ihe five games in ho second division billiard loiir-lainenl last 'night belvveen Hie l. Andrew's and Grotto loams were played, (he former being ihead in I hem by Fj:i to till. I'ho games played were as fol lows: J. Jlrown, SI. Andrew's, 13.1; I. Ilillman, Grnlto, iru. S. I). Macdoniibl, ICO; W. Slowarl, Its. M. M.'hlan, I .Ml; S. Suga, t:i:i. The games of J. Andrews vs W. J. Nelson and M. Andrews vs. J. Ileosley will lie played lonighl il. is expected. MEN'S JH1ST i Moose; Elks, k. of 0H Oddfellows, and Sons of Canada Winners Last Night Cames in Ihe men's section of Hie I'l'alerual Whist League lust nijihl restilled as follows; ' Moose, 5; Greiil War Yeleilins, I. Klks, i; Knights of Pythias, 3 Kniplils of Goliiiniius, 5; SI. An il lew's 1. Odd fellows, 7; Loyal (i range Lodge, 2. Sons of Canada, 0; Sons of Kng-l.'ind, 3. League standing lo dule follows: HV. L. 1'ls. Klks :. in :i in Sons of Canada.. ! i ! K. id G. 1) i ! SI. Andrew's . . T 11 1 y X. of K 7 0 Oddfellows .. .'. 15 7 ft G. W. V. A. . . ., 5 6 I., o. i ' r, .8 r, Moose ........ 5 K . 5 K. of P 3 to 3 SALVAGE SALE FROM MOTORSHIP KENNECOTT I MalernI salvaged from Ihe :Americhn mofnrhir Kennecoll I which was wrecjierj nu I lie oulh- wesi coast of Graham Island last :year was Auctioned yesterday artrrnoun at Urn government jwharf by Jarvis, McLeod, receiver 1 Wanted For Sale For Rent wantf.ii FOIl PLAIN Hlack 237. FOIl HF.N'l' comforlable waler. 33H BOARD fl9-?S ut tr-. trr . . e . Cful Riitain ltrit Inlander, 830 Phone 137. of wrecks, assisted by W. J. Nelson ami Jnck llarnsley, Ihe taller representing Ihe under- writers. A wide variety nf gear mil etpiipmenl was sold and tckhI prices were brought. iiiong Ihe purchaser were W. 11. Loo, Akerberg A Thomson, W. Longwill and Mr. Lewis. - Here is anntlier word puzzle. Find Ihe equivalent lo each of Hie alioNO alid rc.'nl the initial lelleix down wards. In sec what J'riiiiV'dtuport people lived mi for lill S. 1 Courageous. 2 An inslriiclke amusement 3 To siirtmss. i-Tn hold. ti--iSejf exallalioii. tl Without ensalion. 7 Small. H -To muriiiiir or comjilain. . 0 Above. Ill To intercede. I I A gash. 12 Itelilllie. 13 To count. I I A conci'lli'il person's ail ment. Answers will lie given Monday. VANCOUVER HAD TWICE AS MUCH RAIN DURING JANUARY AS P. RUPERT They can lalk 'as' they like about Prince import's weather and say Ihal lliis town is Ihe w'(tesl in the country )nit. facts are facts and figures are figures. While prince Ituperl had (i.)8 Inches of rain in January, Vancouver had 12.1(5 inches or nearly twice as niuch. These nrc Ihe official figures issued ,y the Dominion tneleorologicfil service, prince Huperl, had more snow than Vancouver but, at Hint. Ihe .n In procipilallon here for Ihe mould Was only o.or inches. ' ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS writ Ion up ' xheels, financial and income tax returns TAXI FURNITURE. Malance -L''!L DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTED Man sale and dislribulinii of J. It. Wat kins Co. in the of Prince Hiiperl. 't he .Walkins Gompany, 1 1 rn ill on Street, Vancouver, -Fiirui! Iiniue. I'olii 111 FOIl HF..NT. Sin, Machines. PI, one FOR SALE handle the AI!GTION SALF. A 28 foot trol- city tKWIXG. plioiifl Prices reasonalilC. TO RENT died room in Hot ami cold Ave., Fast. 32 ;er Sewing lllue 38'J. If FOIl SALK. New house, ti rooms halh ami pantry. I3K Hlti Ave. W. on corner lot. 'IVrms arranged. Write Itox 2:in, Daily News for parliculars. tf l-TH.Nni'HK Tor sale, and room-' ing house 2 1 rooms lo lei. T.'ift a moil I li. McGatrcry .v GibtMiits. 33 FOIl SALK Phonograph, hall seat and sland; Singer sewing machine. I'hnue LOST ltd. LOST $30 In 3 Ion ilullnr bi)K between lluperl Table Supply and hospital, yesterday aflernoon. Finder Phone. 1)8. HOAHI), The Second Avenue. AUCTION SALE LAND ACT statements I tllrmiy smith uf - ,r ji'.ired by exjieil accounlants. Hales reasonable. Write. P.O. llox 83.1. tf Taxi 67 Phone (Gall George, Paul or Gust1 Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Ni t Stand: .10SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meuker mock, Across from Empress Hotel. New and Secondhand Furnl. lure Store, We Huy. Sell and Fx. change New and Secondhand Goods. GKO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone Mfl. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult u when you desire lo sell or purchase, furnilure, or anv nrllcle. PHINCK IlUPKHT KX-GIIANGK. Auctioneers. TIMBER SALE, X 6G03. TIlfTP will urrprril for uili al fiiLllr AiH'tliui at iiiHiti uit the r.ili iliy or Mann, Ill III.' rrii'e or the Koreal Suner- rl-uir, SiiiIIIht. Il.t:., the l.ln'lire X Uiu3. to rut VOI. (tun lineal fi-cl or Ouiar folra and l'llint mi an r-a itnati-d on Dell l.akf. Mi miles, Miiiilmcii or ilaicllnti, Caanlar tIKtrlcl. live (:., Vfirs will hf a lluwml for re ninval of Uinticr. 'n iltil Ihal anv one iniihle tn aitviul lite aurlli.ti in i.erwin may Mil, mil a uraletl li'tnlrr lo lie o-nrit at the hour of ant Hon anil I r fulfil an one hl. Further iiarlli'iilara nf the Chief Fnre ler, Vlrtorla. b.:., or Ulslrlfl Knretlter, I'rliwe HiiHTt, H.O. LAND ACT. Nolle o! InUntlon to Apply to Purchaaa Land In Skeena land Imtrlrl nf Prlnrv ftuiiert llet'iirillnir Itltilrlrt. anil Ituale apprnxlliiatfly one ami one half mllea Wen nf Mlvlis Slatlnn, on Salvia Islaml, Skcena tiiTer, Taxe entire mat nuilnir lri,n nf 4143 r.arleum St., Iliirnahv. omnia lion .n(r(rer. Inlcnds to annly for nermliinn in purrh.le the foltnwlnir ilfttrrllieil lantln: Cnininenrlinr at a pout rlahteil it the 'iuthet rnrner nf l.m lain ttii.m lulaml; thi'lire smtt li-Aeeterl". apprnil-mutely ann yatiU: iltenre muilwrlv ap- l-nminiiciv mitt vanl-; iheni'e tinrtliweni. ecly aiipi'oMiuali'lv HttU anl4; lieni-t HOIIlllfl'lV Htlfl VariK In fif.lnt r.f l.u l . i-oiiiprMinr all 'that portion nf SalvM.t Jilami en ot uni 4hii ana roniaininir oti arrea, nmre or le.. THOMAS MILLS A Rent for nijpoL- LAiisso. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM situate In the Skrena Mlnlnir nivllon nf the lianve , t:oat nistrtrt. Where MMirti, .iiiiiii m ran i:reen, Kltsnni-kalum Mke, ami ixljoinlnr the W'hMiler on the Cast eml nr It laurui t.r.i.i... W. 1 ret"iii ami it vili,n. vn i.t h.m.,..' Free Miners' Cerllflrale, Treatnn 670 100 WINnn 170fllC. iae noni-ei that we, V. Trenton, n, mi in., mm naviii vilm, F.AI.n, .in. 0701141,, intend at the em or nntv rlaya from tlie dale hereof in apply to the Mlnlna- Hei'onler for a Certiriraie nf 1m-prnvetneriK Tor the piirx nf ohtalnlna a i.lKWlt firnnt of the ahnve nun. n,i rtirthet-nmre take nol.'.-e that Artlmi no.trr .... r.., . ,,. , hhthi jri niiKi lie rnni- nietired lit-rore the Imntanre of aurli rertl- fleale of Improvement. Haled Ihl4 anih d.iv of Nov.. o;i ' W. F. TUKSTON, and IiH'lll VVM.SOX, Otttiera. K. T ketinv. Areni CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. ..j; " L ':, 'l"FnY..G'v':',' it the tat., i 44.ii, t.mur ii. i i inn rneii, n. n. NAnpr. i. l.anda . r. nepaitmint. fT'l'V Minister nr lands Vletnrla. B.C.. ! 4o"amh iftai NOTICE OP CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTicr is iiFRpTny " wr.x mt n "P reserve enverlntr t.nt. r,sj , c,' rhtslvr. n.mte 5. Coast Mtrln. t,'' rin- nentitv 'lensrtmenl of l.amK. nr.'. It. NADF.N. Minister of lands. virtnrla. B.C., November lithl lf. skrrna l.iiul 1 lln'orillnir IH-i Island In vK'Ci lUllllh 4lt SVH- TAKK MITHK ilj lit 1 1 it am.a ly . II. i lnpt(l4 til pplv r IjlSM till- Uil'iKtliy i 4 :iriiiiMnciiiir ui tfrly mmI nf Hi. rtUlely kuiiiIi i.f - . itrmir UniMt it ti Mid ll.iiiii, mil i I. Ian. I Thld jl.k. , , 1 rain iiu imiiip nf i. I,M " i lakeil hy flil Ti talllllllC J 111) ai'rVv n Tin !' Dsiwl Jtniiarv ii'ii; LAND ACT. Article Lost and Found, &c lln.'l ling boat, filled with C h.p. nout' ' ,n,",",n , pp' u pwI J. II. G. 33 Vivian engine will be nctioned al Prince lluperl boat house, where boat may be viewed, at 3 p.m. on Monday, February 'J. 33 : In Nolle of InWntlon to Apply t LHHU4 ill 4.atKt iieriirtiitiir it i or llrllMl i lull, ttr.ii. TAfcK MlTi:F thai ; - Ited of V'aneonuM n, : i-tiiMllun I'ulp ami i Iniiliil in aipl r. .i : hiulliir deserlteil Itunl li.tnliiflifltiir at i iiiiIIiimi! turner "i i apphealloH fur If.i . iin iu e north a di k- i UK' MrtltlH-aM filNli'l iMirlh il tleic. 3f. Mi -i et corner of I nt I I follnwliir Hie high U:i: more nr lest", tn irn ? ineiit, and I'Milalmiiir nmre nr M-4. I'AilFH Mil ' (titf ..r ., rate1 Jaituarv 'J 1 1; LAND ACT Nolle of Intantlon to Apply U LmmLmI in .sias'eti inn" Itlaiula IjiiiI Dl'lriit of 1'rlnee Itnpert, It.1 one mile aoinli nf In - I let, ami In Yestaltffi P 40 Take MMIre that F. z nf MaAsett, B.C. Manarer, lnttnd In n: In leae the roll'twi'-. 1 i:nmrnenetn at a p' -l v id- of Vesiallnn n: ehaln; thenee eat in 6 ihaln: thenre -it in Mlnlnir- 15 arres. nmre Ft'UKruK ti. Mr pate' rteremhee ntl '" LAND ACT Toke Nollre that P 'Uimpany Limited, T V.u: enn4 in ami rnr ne'-m: 'r.llnwlnr desertlxd it the head nf Itanrinl rtnyal Jsl.ind: thenre . it f: int-nee north rnrtv 4 west ten (10) rhaln.1- rn water mark: thenre ! mh ' mark tn point nf i:.: enntalnlnr fifteen ( I ' t 'I lea). ariMrtivii i f j' -Ax Nolle of Intention to Apply to LiiMUrt In Trlnee Itnnerl I 1 ' ! t enrrtlnr Dl'trlrt nf r : B naie. at narnard i.'ive ' Mand. B.C. i K,SlfP1. Nnm; '' 1 W. J. If"' rtaled rteeemne iih LAND ACT Nolle of Intention to Apply in rart'iia i.nnit in-n trlet of I'rlnre Bnriert, ' 1 proximately two mile r or the Skeena anil Or Jim ... Skeena Hlver. Take otlee that f :: Trlnie nnitrl, B.C., ' Intetiils to apply rnr p the fnllowlnir tlfsirlhe.1 Cnmmenrlni l a r t I "' - f ' te ' r t IrrJi to laaM W' i smith aide or Pkeena illv west chains; thenre thence iKtrtheant ''hai 1 west 10 rhalna alone- the r . Skeetia River tn the p nil : ment. .and rontalnlnr l ' r' finoBOF o rnirr. - 'am if rn Datfil ianuarv 9th. i' "" DEPARTe4""r or NOTICE Application for Orailno PrpiH, " eaaon ivto. Appllrallnns rnr perinH ! . sinrk on the Crown rai 1 ' , kratlna- dlirltl nr Ihe r I'.'tliiliihla, linisl lie Hied V. Forester al i:ranbr 'k 1 kaiiilfMttia. Nflstiti. I'nttr. -i'- , eniiver, . Veriion anil Vll;il)i!' hf f lire March 3 1 si, I Hi Blank forms nnmi wn :.' t'llrn lli his iniiv he ihlalnril trlrt Forester' at the ah nr from the ieiarlmenl n.ria. n.c. r (. niuii Mi 'i ' 'r "' hvfiartnieiit of i.awl' Victoria, B.C. Jatiniry Ptlt. 0?r- NOTICE. ' IN Tin: MVTTi n of .u fl fur Ihe Isstie of a fl'' - i ' lilt rnr Lois iblriy "' , , (nil, lllnik seven ? CUV or I'llncf lluperl. Map eallsfarinrv nrtKir "r slriltilon of lh" Orlirn iiik the iilnive lanil." hi' to nte It la my intention l' rMiirniiiui of one ninnlh fi lilililli'iilli.ii licreiir. a rn -h title lii Hie name nr 1 llv htr ihe siilil land, whli-n lllle k ilntfil the 30111 Jniv i n in ' till! ,1 I..1I"' ' I tl' I' till-' ,mm,,",,l a,f,3, ' p MAWiV fieri 'II'11 l.aml Replstry Orflee, I'rlnre lluperl. B r . January 30th. 1 OSS.