February 6, 1025. 1 TT now the Bank can help ,i,..dicFarmcr THERE are scores of ways ir, which your Bank can help you methods that will surprise you by their convenience and safety. Take the sale of an animal. If it is 4 cash transaction, you can ask the purchaser to send you a marked cheque or your bank will attach a sight draft to the bill of lading. if it is a time sale, your banker will handle and collect the note. Our manager will be only too glad to outline to you the scores of ways in which he can serve. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over IOO years Total Assets in excess of s7oo.ooo.ooo upert Fish Fresh FYozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddl'o "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skcena Sockcyc, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish -Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fkh & Cnlrl Stnraan f!r l.hl Pr.lr.ne Rupert, B.C. ET IT AT! HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS FAMED Trade JKark LONDON Ike Gin you will ik for again -the landard of purity for over 160 yean. $3.25 Pen Bottle. Wic Gin for you is "II. U U." ' ' "l!ve'lisenient is nut published or displuyed by the '-"luqr Control Hoard , or by the Government of Britjsh Columbia. . i Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers, l'lioiio 41. llayncis, Umleriakcrs. Miotic 351 You'll like out joall Cotisum ers Coal Co. Phone 7. tf .Mr. I resse's. 2. I.. in, and Urahlmun's fur Try niy new Sedan! dde prices. Phono night. C. V. .Svincs. llUUSC If. Heason-Day or If Ten may go to if 1.0(1 per pound hul express delhery rales re main Hie Miine. Phone 177. O. II. A. .Sale of Home Cook-followed hy Whist Drive Dance, .Metrofiolo Hall, April .Mrs. Olof Hanson lias relurned lo Hie city from Kdmonluu where ib wenl wilh her father fitim Lake Kallilyn, who is ill. Martin Wick, local, fisherman, efl on I hi morning's train for Itocliesler, .Minn., -where he will undergo special treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Col. S. P. Me.Mitrdie was a pu. sentrcr on (he I'nilce liupert this morning for Vancouver on lmsi ucss. lie expeels lo lie hack in ahoul leu days. Principal John Millar, D.D. who came lo the cily lo open the new. Presbyterian Church, re- 1 11 i-i I fo Kiluioiilon on llii? morning's Irain. .. I), tilllics. U. A. It. express aenl, left on this iniiriiinp Irani for Winnipeg, lie Is away on husiiiess and expects lo bt hack in ahoul leu days. Mrs. Ira Iteid returned on the Will lire Ihis iiioruiu? from :i trip of several weeks lo Van couver and left ley trahonl for her home, in (! curt: el ow n. Union steamer Veil lure, Capl A. Johnstone, looking siiiek ami snail after her annual overhaul in Vancouver, was in purl at I o'clock His iiioruiiijf norllihotind lo Anyox and the Nnas llivcr. Ir. and Mrs. II. I,. Alexander arrived in the cily from Sniilh- ers on Hie delayed train llii iimpiiiiii;.'. )r. Alexander is lo lake over the dental practice of lr. J. I'. McHuire who lofl (In cily recently for Seattle. I'luler the auspices of the SI Andrew's Society, a dediealior serxice will be held ju the Presliyleriau cliurch on Sunday. February 8, al 7.3D p.m. All members and friends are invited to attend. Members will meet a' Hie rooms at 0.15 p.m. , "Mrs. K. C. .Maiiuin?, formerly of this cily, lias jrone from Victoria lo California willi her family on account of the illness of her daughter, Doris. They now reside in Victoria to which point Mr. .Maiming was transferred in I he foreslry service a couple of years aj-'o. Three rifles -are still missiiiu rrom the Drill Hall of I lie .North II. C. Itrsimcul, Nns. 03 1911, imlsiiill ami 7021. If Ihese rifles arc nut returned lo Hie Drill llall by February 12, Hie purlins found in possession of same will be severely deall wilh, 0. C. No HI i II. C. Ilejriinen'l. 31 V V V ANNOUNCEMENTS I.O.D.i:. Children s Fancy Dross Hall, February 0. Illks' Smoker. February 10. h.W'.V.A. Annual llall, February 12. C.N. It. KntpluyeH Annual Hall, February 17. Illks' Annual Nosclly dance, February 20, Tslmpsean and Tyco Lodges A.F. & A.M. ANNUAL BALL Monday, Feb. 9, at 9.15 p.m. In Auditorium Focal and sojourning members cordially invited. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE TIME! SMITHERS ANGLICANS Rev. LOSING CLERGYMAN R. E. W. Biddell Is Leaving For Abbotsford After Easter. S.MITIIKIIS, It. ;., Im-1). c. Hie auiuial nieetint,' of the sup porter of St. .lames Anglican church was .held on Tuesday night, Rev. It. IS, W. HiddeH pre- iding. The reporls iiresenled hy the jfficers at the head of the vari ous church wiirk were very pleasing, especially the report from the. .Sunday .School superintendent,' the attendance al Sun day School having' more than doublet! iu the past year. u announcement much re- urelleii by those, present was uiudu liy Hie lleclor, who slated thai he had received a call from the llishop of lib former Diocese which he fell he was obliged lo mswer as bis JJirce year's leave was now nearly over, ine can is It. Ahbotlsford, II. C, Iml ill is most likely lliai lie win mn liave lo leave here unlil after Kasfer. Ill the Jiieanl inie church officials am ciiileuvoiiriiijt lo secure h successor and an invita tion lias been extended lo Itev. .1.0 ray, of Chilcb. .The election of pffirers for Hie present year resulted as follows: , ltcrlur's Warden: It. W. Champion. People's Warden: I'. K. l'aj-'e. Kuvelope Secrelnr:. F. Urndle. Council: .Mrs. .)(. Matthews. Mf. llishop, J. II. Ilyrne and II. II. Windt. Delegates fur. Synod Mi-elin Mi. A. F. CainplMtU and S. II. Ilrtckins. Alternative!): Mis. .!. W. Daw son .-trial C. V. I'Aill. PRINCE RUPERT JS MARKET FOR PRODUCE Matter of Creamery Here Will 3o Taken up With Government by Dr. Wrlnch. In its reporl ol' the proceed- illfis of (lie Hulkley Valley Hoard of Trade, when tin; proposal was made to establish a creamery al Prjnce Hoped, the Omiiicco Herald says Prince Huperl is the natural market for Itulkley Val ley produce and thai is where Hie milk should In! disposed of. A eoinmitlf(i will discuss the mailer and it will probably be taken up with Hid government IhroiiKh Dr. W'riuch, member for the district. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. Dijihy Island Siiowinjr. calm; barometer, 2s).:il; temperature, 3 I ; sea smooth. Dead 'Free Point Cloudy calm barometer, 2U.02; temperature, 30; sea smooth. Hull Harbor - Overcast, lipid southeast wind; huroiycter. 2SI.23 temperature, 10; sea snioolli; 3 p.m. spoke Steamer Admiral W'iilson, bound for Hyder, 330 miles from llyiler; '. a.m. spoke steamer l'rinresi Healrice off' I'iue Island, norlhhouml, ' Noon Diyby Island Snowiiifr, calin; Iniroineler, 2l.33; lemperature 3V sisi smoolb; 0.30 a. in, spoke sleainer Venture rnlerinff Alice Arm, tiorl bboiiiid. Dead Tree Point Clear, ralnr barometer, 20.07; temperature 3S sea sinodth. Hull . llnrbor llainiuK, fresh southeast wind; barometer 2SI.22 leiiiperalure, III; moderate swell; 1 0.23 a.m. spoke sleainer. Amur off 'F.iijf Island liound for Anyox. Mr. and Mrs. A. Walson, of Dipby Island, sailed Ihis inuniiiiK on Ibis Prince Huperl for Vancouver. Adv ertise in the Daily' News ZERO WEATHER 1 THREE TIMESi Official Records Show Only 1911, 1916 and 1917 Did Mercury Drop Low. 1921 WAS WARMEST. In, j The coldest wealher on recortl :iu Prince liupert was 0 depress below zero on January 23, I'JHl. and I lie nexl coldest w as I below 'on January 2! and 30. nccordin;; !to a statement lliai lias been re ceived in lh cily froni I. .Napier Dcnison, director o'f the (ionzale lleifilils meteorological station, by Mrs. II. II. Ilemminffs, lo s-et- lle a dispule. The warmest wilder on record was that of l!)l!i when Hie lowest point to which the thermometer dropped was 22 above zero. Of the fifleen win I era recorded, the coldest weather in eight of Hp'in was in January, in four Hie rubiest day of Hie year was -in February, in two December and once, in March. Mr. Deiiisoh's statement as to the cobles! day recorded year by year in Prince liupert may be of general inleresl, so it is herewith given: 1V0'J--G above, Feb. 12. I ! Ill Not taken. ISM 3 below, January 12. I S 1 2 H above, Jan. I- tSIIJi above, Jan. 18. 11)1 1- 8 above, Jan. 27. 11115 22 above, Dec. 2SI. IS) Hi 0 below, Jan. 23. ID17 I below, Jan. 2!) and 311. IS) K 1 1 above, March II. I SI I S it above, Feb. 28. U 20 7 above, Jan. 22 and 23. ISI2I li above, Jan. 18; Nov. 21 ami iee. ... W22--8 above, Feb. 13. 11)23 !.... above. Feb. 1 5. 111213 above, Dec. 15. II will be noticed that Iher-has never been below zero wealher here iu aliy other inonlh than January, and then only three limes iiv foiirlcen years. BADMINTON GAMES ARE BEING PLAYED The ladies tournament of the Prince Ittiperl lladmiulou Club is taking place this aflernoou, a laifie ni'inber nf members present and some close eonlesls be-ilif.' slaved. lea is lieinjr served by a comniillee in charge. A GOOD WAY TO INCREASE BUSINESS Many advertising niessafiex fail to attract al lent ion because Ibey are either unattractive on are loo stereotyped. I his is Hie opinion of one n,' . our busiest and most successful business firm Albert. A. Mc-Cafrery, I. Id. They have succeeded in interesting many new i ilsloiners in Hie story of the famous Nanaimo - W'tdliiij-'lon coal and since the coal itself lives up lo its reputation these customers are eoininp hack daily for more. Nanaimo- Wellington coal is the premier fuel for Hie fireplace, ranne and 'furnace. More heat less ash no rock or clinkers. You should try Nanaiino-Wel-HiikIou as soon as your present supply pels low. Heller still, if you order some now you can lest it out willi the coal you arc now usinsr. Nanaimo - Wellington stands supreme when a comparative lest is made. To secure a supply phone Albert it: McCaffery Mil., who are oe awenls here. Their phone numbers are 1 !(' and 501. tf .yrUie In tln Dailv New. M I I AS you dissolve a Peps tablet on your tongue.certain healing fumes are released which are immediately taken with the breath down into the furthest recess of the lungs where liquid medicines cannot penetrate. These I'e.is fumes on their way bathe the whole of the breathing passages with their healing potency, soothing the throat, allaying inflammation in the bronchi, and relieving the chest. Liquid medicines are simply swallowed into the stomach and cannot act in this direct I'eps way. While Peps are an expensive remedy to produce, the demand has become so great that it has now been found possible to have the PRICE REDUCED to 25c. box vi ' It"- ,..;, .Vim, -btniiutblt nf mt licine diattru evtrrarhtre. xN.'il ! or dirtct from Ptpt Co .Duxwl SI.. Toronto. ).f FISHERMEN! Look over your Kirs I Aid Kit ami see that it is coni-plelc. Here arc sonic ul the tilings you should have on board be lore you put to M'a: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK For your J'crsonul Kil vim will also need RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH lluy your supplies from us ami be sure of receiving satisfaction. ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Avenue Phones 82 and 2p0 Ask for a Tide Book for 1925. They are Free. Helgerson Block. SAVAGi Rupert Marine Products Ltd. BABY'S COLDS Children's delicate digestions arc easily disturbed by too much "dosinK." Still, the little ones' cold troubles cannot be neglected. At the very first sifni of croup, sore throat, or any other cold trouble, apply Vicks Vapoliub over, the throat and chest. There is nothing to swallow you just rub it on. Colds go over night, croup is usually relieved in 15 minutes. Washer and Dryer Jlu no Wringer, needs none, Won fiold Medal at last (Jtiehec Exhibition over till American and Canadian Machines, (lash Price $185.00; also sold on lernis. Kaien Hardware Co, Good or Bad Weather We Can Do Your TOWING Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 539 Phone 109 Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST Hlrangcrs couiiiif? lo my office for Dental Work are nssiirctl or my I'Klt.SONAI, ATTKNTIOX. The work is riitnplelcil williiinl delay. Appoiiilinciils are made uml slriclly kept. My fees tihvays have been inuileraU'. It will pay you lo GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST SPECIAL SELECTKD CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Bottled in Bond urictvr Dominion Government supervision The Qutility Wliisty'of Canadu- sincc!859 i-as This advertisement is not published or displayed by,' the Liouor Control noard or bv the Government of T Uxitich PnlitrnKin . v " s n s -I IsvU u 0(1 c i T ::n llT . ooV' r II 1