(Canadian Press . "Cheaper and. holler fish for I ho consumer, more money fnr I ho fjshormon, ami an industry trebled in size, are some of the advantages, thai must follow if thn host methods now known aro applied through nut tho fishing industry in Han ail," declared lr. A. U, llnnls-man, dlrorlnr of (ho, Atlantic Stations of the Diolnpir.il Hoard of Canada, in an interview jn which lio outlined tho development and aims of the. hoard. "And on the other hand," he said, "miles chances ar made in condiirlinfr I ho fisheries and handling tho product Iho fishing industry in Canada is hound to prt down." , "While Ihoro lias not boon Iho same progress in our fisheries as in othor linos of activity, dio probably to tho industry hoinsr a scattered ono and much of tho work hoi'tiff dojio al soa, it must ho remembered said Ir. Hunts-, man, "that Franco, Portugal and tlio rnitoil Stales, aro .securing marked advantages ovor Canada in fishing areas, Jhat, .'ooj-'rapli. icnlly speaking, aro decidedly Canadian. liave Hie wealth of fisheries tint in order to take proper advantages of "our opportunities we must change our methods" , Improved Methods Changes advocated hy the. biological Hoard include among! other things, improved methods of. curing and freezing, and improved canneries. As regards the handling of fish, Dr. Hunts man predicted that within a few years tin fish will leave tho shore centres all ready for the cook. Scalding, .honing, and packing all under the most sanitary conditions, is something Hint is hound to he done in tlio near fulure in the larger fishing communities. This he contends, will resull in lowered transportation costs, cheaper and heller fish aud, in consequence, a fish in greater demand and mnrei money for those engaged in the' industry. j Vessel r. iiiiniMiKui, wiuin paying Irihule to the slurdy Candi.th fishermen .of .today and yesterday, declared that tho hope for the development of Iho fisheries was in the younger generation, with whom the Hiological Hoard plans to do its chief work. Station at Prince Rupert Tho board, he staled, has two : i;nf,t prnclical slations, one at Hull-1 '.. ,' Pacific fishermen. It also has , Iwn experimental slalinns the use of university men ami others enjiaged in scientific research. These nre locnled a SI. Andrews, New Hrunswick. and N'anuimo, . Hritish Columbia, ah have, engaged for the prts three years the allenlion of i uuinlier of eminent scienlisls ihij eluding Dr. J. n. H. MacLeod of, Toronto, co-discoverer of insuliii with Dr. F. fi. Hanting. The Halifax and Prince liilporj. stal(ojis, which have been inore leeenlly esluhlished, will offfjr leedure and laboratory courses to the men actively employed In Hie fisheries. T I . . !,ll. ,' Grows Hair in the fishing industry. The hoard as at present const Hilled includes Prof. A. I. Knighl, Kingston, chairman; Prof. K. K. Prince, Ottawa; see-relary-lreasurer; Dr. A. II. Mao-Kay, Dalhnusio Universily; Dr. C..J. Conolly, SI. Francis Xavier Universily; Dr. P. Cox, Universily of Xew. Hrunswick; Canon V. A, lluard, "Laval Universily; Dr. it. F.. Hut tan, Mrfiill Universily; Prof. W. A. McClemenl, Queen s Universily; Prof. J. P. McMur-rich, Toronto Universily; Prof. C. II. O'Donoghue, Univerisly of Manlloha; l'rof. A. H. HulChin srin, University, of Urilish Col umbia; J. J. Cowie, .Department or .Murine ami Usheries; A. H. ii.. Von llees went sehting the. Pacific Fisheries. PRINCE JOHN IN FROM THE ISLANDS Made Speedy Trip up Coast Under .Good Weather Conditions Few Passengers and Light Freight After a speedy voyage up the coast in the course-.of which good wealher was experienced except around Hose Spit last night, C.N, II. sleamer Prince John, K. Mahbs, arrived from flltpfilivop tint fliioikii f.litih- .. I It... fell u. , i ,1'Ulltt fax Tor ll.e Atlantic fishermeti( ,oUp ,siail(l, u, 5 O.clock and .mo.nt Prince, jtnporl for lh If)nrnini Tho VP(i,pl ,,, l)ie ovage in a lillle over four davs. i havjiig left Vancouver at 0 o'- olock.Monilay night. She will re lurn south by the same route leaving, al 8 o'clock lonight. Foe Ibis- port, the steamer" had .a light" pii.Hsengor list' llriilVfrelghl cargo, Ibe latter including three Ions of potatoes from Sandspil for the local market. Coming up the coast, tho John made her usual call at Allison Harbor east of Queen Char-Ipile.Sound. She had a crew of Chinese anil Japanese for a shingle bolt camp that is being opened Ihoro hy the Allison Lum ber Lo. here Is lulk of the i.e. Hirers win lie sent Hlniiilnn! r.iimlmp r.n .!.. . ... . .......... . , uic-.i rim i iroiu inese siaiinns lo 1 it 0" Vurl-iiik fishing centres and in addi. lion, the mails, the newspapers nnd Iho picture screen will he used In disseminate information of direel and special interest lo the fishing Industry. The work of ' the- slalinns is largely educational. It is designed lo Inslrnct Hie fishermen and lo instill in I lift public an appreciation of fish values. Federal Grant The whole work of the Hiological Hoard of Canada, said Dr. Hunlsmnn, is Ibe oulgrowlh ofiH resolution passed at the annual meeting of Ibe Urilish Association for the advancement of science held In Toronto n in1!)? In the effect thai something be dorm lo henefil Hie Canadian fisheries. This resolution was presented in (he Dominion gov-eminent, with lb resiil! I hut. in 1U02 a federal granl was extend, ed of f 1,000 a year for five vein- Rnlmomionl Increases were madj; until now the bodrd Days Money Back if it Fails A minute a day is sufSdent time to devote to this new method scalp treatment Van Ess Liquid Scalp Massage is applied with a patened rubber applicator attached directly to the bottle. The healing medicament is fed directly to the hair roots through flexible rubber nipples. Van Ess stops falling hair grows new hair in 90 days. Ask us about our 90-day treatment plan. We give a money-back guarantee. Get started now. ORMES LIMITED, Prince Rupert, B.C. enjoys an annual federal (rrant of I iu$r logging operations .ft Allison $12,000 ndmiuislereil hy a direo- lorale representative of Hie Department of Marino and Fisheries the leading Canadian universities and those actively engaged gara Fishing A Packing Co. at! Massetl is now in operation, having 'reopened about three weeks ago. It is pulling up clams. l is mil expected thai il will lie iiM'd for salmon packing litis season ns it. is Hie off-year for salmon in Massed Inlet. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. F. J. Marsh has speril tin week in Prince Rupert. Whitomun, Halifax. representing izellon Saturday night. the Atlantic J- ishones; John; Dyhhuvo, Prince Itupeit, repr-; tlartior where Iho Smilh-Dollai' Co. has been opcraliiig for the past few years. CLAM CANNERY AT MASSETT RUNNING The clam cannery 4if the Lan- Third Event In Dominion station Series up to .lack Oilborl has left for NVw York where he will new dulies. . lake up hjs Mrs. ioo. Lillo entertained Hie ilridge Club Tuesday even ing;. Mr. nnd Mrs. Uarkor spent the week end. nt Usk. The whisl drive and dance held Friday Jiighl lo rais funds tor the Parent-Teacliers' Asso-cialion was a great success. The prize winners .wen' Ladies' first prize, Mrs. Vanderlip: genlle-men's Cecil Lever; ladies' consolation. Mrs. Cook: gentlemen', Mr. McLaren. The dance which followed was much enjoyed. RIFLE SHOOTING Asso' ' vrl.iit bi rd shoo t . Jn; I lift' Dominion Associalion Irojihy series look place last nigbl when the following poores were made out of a possible Kill: It. Wilson 93 W. Hrass 93 W.-llarn'obin 92 Maloolpi Lamb Hi) II. Flovd ,. B9 C. McKeiiivn 80 II. W. (lameroi 80 A. S(iiins 80 CROWNl BRAND CORN igaj I One of the greatest of all W 3 Encryy-Producin; Foods ! Iftfe If $fmm -1 Dtlklmsfor Iht tablt ndfot fkmt. I tiM Ciltat "UKH ohmmju. Hume ' Sfjjtttfffi WELCOME WOULD BE GIVEN TEAM ! Secretary of Anyox Community ! League to Negotiate With Rupert Basketballers McLACHLAN PRESIDENT ANYOX, .Mar. 11.-- The first' mooting of I he newly-elected council of the Community League was held in Iteciealion Hall. Wednesday. March 111 There were presul Messrs. Me. Lachlan, Flicker, Morkill, Soulham, H'ownshenil, Hogben, Dresser.anil Nickerson. C. Mc-Lachlan was the unanimous choice of Iho meeting as new president. Dr. Harper spoke n few words tin the pleasant relalions exist ing nmoug the retiring council, nnd how painstaking Die sccrc- lary had been for the general welfare of the camp, and fell Dial this spiril4vvould continue wilh the roiincii' recently appointed. Mr. McLaehlan then look' the chair and nominations for the remaining members of Iho executive proceeded. C. O. Fricker was! the-rboice for first vice-president nnd D. II. Morkili for second. ' Heing the first, nicotine, Iho only business transacted was Ibe authority given the secrelary-Ireasurer o make.rrangeniejits or Iho purchase of liaseball and football efplipiuent ainl lire tnakfng of jiossilde arrangements, on the best terms possi-hlo, with a prince Itup.eii basketball orgaiilzalfn'n" who niighl wis!i lo visit Anyox. At. Iho next meellng, Iho chairman of 'departments will bo named. Hefore adjournment, the iio'wly - app(dntoil presidenl I hanked the 'nie'n'tbers of Iho council fnr the honor done him, and asked Ibe fullest, co-operation on the part of everyone in making the league successful through aiHflber year. , Sport Chat j Hunlers who are keen after leer, will road . Ibe following re fnarkablef .story Avilh greal in forest. II .ahnpafic-llia'l Irt a cor lain; pari for ;(Ti(Ilfohjia.! oi,i a' hjgh idalenu befween Ibe Sienii Nov1 lida and Ibe Hocky Mount aiiu-i there are so m:jny ileer Ihal Ihoj cannol oblain sulllcienl, sustenance, and if left alone will pretty surely all slarve lo death. These deer are congregaled on what i known as the Kaibab PlaliMiu separated from Ibe. remainder of Ibe Highlands (here by Ibe Colorado Iliver. The game pre servalion associations of tin .stale, look Iho mailer under ml visemenl, and it was decided lo ask for volunteer horsemen lo drive pari of the game across Iho Colorado river, lnwiuse on Ihnl side (here was plenty of food, In addition lo Ihe volun leer riders a number of cowboys were employed, and il reasoned out thai if part of the herd could bit chased lo Ihe other hank of the slream, all would bo. saved from starvation in all likelihood, while II was prelly corlalu that if the doer keep lo aclher liearly all of Ibeni woub die. Hut ,lhe drive was a grand and ninny people who claim lo understand Ihe ways of deer, say that if Ihe horsemen had driven I hem away from Ihe I river, (hey. would .'it 0 the pure cussedness of Iheir kind, have rushed through Ibe rank of Iheir pursuers and ninde for Ihe oilier side. Since I hen. Pro feasor Silas Wcnlworlh,, a veler Wanted For Sale For Rent KOI l SALF.. Filison Diamond Amberola phonograph, annul :)5 records. 20.00. Apply Hi, 8th Ave. V.. , 02 FOli V'UVr 92. SALK. Orey e. Cheap. BOARD IIOAMD. Ihe Second Avenue. wicker Phono car-Mark 05 Inlander, 830 Phono 137. HOAItD. Table hoarders, " homo cooking. Phone Hod 707. If LOST LOST. Hunch of keys Tuesday evening, phone 203. FOUND on ring l'indor (':: 0UND. Hunch of keys .on ring, including one C.N. It. switch key. Apply Daily News ollice. FOUND. Pair oT woollen mitts. News oflicc. child's brown Apply Daily FOUND. Pair child's fur Irim- mod kid mills. Apply Daily News ollice. FOUND. Daily Post ollleo News ollice. key. Appl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTF.D.- -A partner to take an active interest in a long established business. Fxccllcnt pVospecIs for making mo.ney. For full particulars write Hox 234 Daily News, Prince, lln perl, H.C. COLUMBIA RECORDS MA Process Columbia lleconls no scratching. I'inesl. reproductions of latest Fox Trols,-Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists. Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPEnT MUSIC STORE, Third Avo.nuo RADIOI RADIOI AMP. you interested in Radio sets or parls? I can svc you money. 2 lube sols complete with aerial, phones and 'naileries, installed, 55. Phone Hod 707. an animal hunler, has slarlcd lo gel losdhcr a parly or hunlers, Wilh Iho object ju view of driving whatever mounlaln lions they can stir up in Ibe dis'l riot where. Iho deer herd Is cnugregaled on Ihe principle Ihal j jH belter In have Iho mountain lions ie-cimeale Iho herd, and give ihe roinaiuder a chance to live, than have them all iflo. Advertise in tho, Daily .News THF. DI'.PF.NDAHI.I'. TAXI. Da) ami Night service. Oomorl tml Ciuirlesy is my niollo. PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: llu-hmoud Iloojns. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Ocorge, Paul or (lust4 Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nis'.t Stand: nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Smnrass Hotel FURNITURE W'V. haii.llr the FAWCIHT guarani)eit copper hearing Steel (tangos and all grades of high grade furniture wo exchange. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Huy, Sell and F.x- change New aud Secondhand floods. QhO. PAPADOPULIS, H39 .ThKd Ave. Phone A(t GENERAL BLACKSMITH Kvery descripllon of lllacksmith work don e. I tori I work n speciality. Prompt allenlion and moilcralc prices. A Trial Solicited. J. M. WALKER Near Shockley's Planing Mill. TIMBER SALE X 6928. Sealed Trnilrrs will be rrrlvcl by the Mliilftlrr nf l.niKl.H. al VlrlurU, not liilrr ijmii ikmmi mi in vim day ui April, ljr. ror nil" niiriiKKi. nr Llmu-p X fiWJH, to cm i.?hii,iiuii rift (,r odar, llnnl'irk, 1SIaiii ami Snruci' mi an area uliimirri on tint imrili luirc nf Na.vnali lnlrt, llanr , i.ihipi i.miu iiiirn I, Two (i year will b allnweil rr removal or tiiiiiH'i-, I iirilii-r luirltfiiltirs nr the fllilr f'nrM tor. Victoria. H.C, nr IHntrlrt Former, I'rlm l(ti(HTt. Il.i:. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE FOR DEER inTi:H h hereby riven ib.it on Hip Uh (lay or April nevl the iimlcrAlKiieil InteniM l aeply in tlic l.Hiiior coiiirni iinanl ror il IUtiim' In reuMM t In M'rlnlni'K Iwlur pari or hip iiuiiiiinir Known an Ihe 1'iirl i;li'iiii'iil I lull' I. KiiintPd at I'ort O nti. UiifMi Clcii loilc IjJiiikIs, I'rovlnru n or nruiai i.niinni.ia iium lln- I.iiuIh iliwrlW-d a, i.ni rive rr.i, iibxk fiirly-rour (441 MitKllvlalnn iir Lot wvi-n Jmiii.IicI ami Kiil.v sn (4fti. viiPen Cliilllolle platrlrl. ii.i.., in Known on a itrI.-Ipi-piI iii.iii or I'oin M,-M.MMp,i , (ll ,, irirltrv or nco at iiih niiy of Priiira liupcrt unj ii.iiiinriTu iiimi, ii, r uie naif or beer by the irlasR or by the open liotlle ror ron-iimpi loii on I lie i nnisi-H. iim i o at i-riMi p Unpen, n.c, lliH 4th ini.T oi ii nr. ii. iwyr. II. 1.. TINGI.F.Y. owner, APiiliruiil GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOn BEER .r.!!l,T.l,rF; .!r.. ,",.,'f'lv v" ' " "f arter Hie Hull dav or March nejl, Ihe lilirlerK viipiI hilemts o iH,y m l.lnnor Unilrol Hoard ror a Iiiih in rpen nr ',.L V .' ." mni'iniif Known as oiippiiN llolel, ninte on l ot r. Mmn Saturday Mar, ., PAGE TOtJB - TALKS ABOUT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMar 111 "TOO iURC '-TKor I WELL HOW' , O r LSrST-'1 ' THE FISHERIES MOTHER io DeTERMiMED i .s 1 "- -;o o the r j AM' HOW IT lKJ Director of Atlantic, Station of ASVtiy. IP afi. VA VEP-AM' Biological Board Urges Bet-Up vou KNOW Methods V7HEH tHE MENTIONS THIS PORT OO HER. v (i . vv uiw ImiisoM Pays Tribute to Fishermen Bui Says Home Lies With Young Men HALIFAX, N.S., Mar. U; IMS or Intl Fiatubc Shrvice. Inc K 'T DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertiieipent taken for less than 50c WANTED YVAXTKD.--Ynui)K gHI lo as sist wilh housework. Phone Ulue tl.V MALE HELP WANTED HKI.IAHLF. Men everywhere lo handle free sample and almanac house lo house distributing ul good nay. No selling. Outdoor work. Kxporicneo unnecessary. Write Today for contract enclosing stamp's. Hurry. Standard Company, 2(i. Corlland SI recti Chicago, Illinois. FOR SALE Oil SALF. OH THADH. F.ighl horse-power Caillo Perrelion marine engine wilh clutch and auln-sy l'kei', all in first class coudiliofi. Very .liltle used. Cash -$200.00 or would trade for piano of equal value. Ap- i ply Scales, Huckley Hay. (ifi ROOFINQ 'KLICKODD" Coaling. The luifil oonling for shiuyle, iron or paper roofs. II preserves the roof and slops the leaks. Als'o good for brick, concrete or stone walls. Cheapest and hesl. Fsliiiiale given." P.O. Hox Hi. Phone 19. MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Dairy" al your service day or night. Comfort Safely -Courtesy. If U's a water trip call Laurie Lamhly. Pinnies r,7o or i:i. TAXI 592 For the East Monday-, Wnhx urdays, rlosrs al Article Losl and round,4c MAIL SCHEDULE From tho Eail Mondays. V ! :, Friday-, due , lo Vancouver-Tuesdays Mail closes al t Sal unlays Fridays. C.I'.lt. M.i f ' if. rrom Vancouver Huudayg . A Wednesdays Thursday' i:.l'.lt. Mm, i . I ,v , To Anyox, Alice Aim, and Premier From Queen v. m Points-March i i o: BOX COLLEjfTOrf (VII iraiiani fc 'Ur. Avf 1st Ave. A F.iu'"1) ' ' .tlli Ave. A ' Slh Ave. fi Tlioini so: ' si I lib Ave. A SherhrH:- Avc. . I I hi Ave. A ConrailSf ilth Ave. A Hays Cave Ave filh Ave. X Nay.; Cove Circlo Klti Ave.&Col'oi Rf Slh Ave. A Melt: id' 8' I'ro. (lov. Hlds.: lrov. Oov. Wiiarf O.T.l'. Wharf 2nd Ave. & 2nd SI ird Ave. St l ul.on S( 3rd Ave. Sl m COAST REQAROINO TAKK NOTICi: lied, nr Van, 'i nnd I'lil'er Mali!:, ror a leaM- i ' IiiihIs. In :oi lo Piivlni' of H'dl walPr lot on Hip v. let, iimri' parti lov. a : Coiniiii'iii Inr al tide line tin tl 1 Inlet distant rrom tlm .-nolle Coast lilHtro ' " : IJilev.K.. a ili.-i.n- In Ihr - :"; l.nt 110": UiP'" '" Ihe will III hoiiml'' a illnlanre or roriier or salil ' 1 Ihe blah ll'l" I"1" 7.HO0 rt., in' r eonmieneeineiil, n :il;: 1 1 i itsm ".""?: ., . OA I I. Il Ull i,n,n:il lie LAND ACT. Notlct of Intantlon W III ruei'iin III" iiei-nri linif '",,, I il tr . i i Hl..i,fl in '",.,:' it n It. .1. 1 1 n weunesiiay ' ' Sunday- : J From Anyox, Alice Arm, Situt and Premier Tuesdays M Frhlays a T U r ! VlmnaAn anrf Nasal V VI j uiinpaun atiu nana hi Points Sumlay- From Port Simpioq tni u River Points Tuesd.iv- 1 To Alaska Points " March From Alaska Point Mnn-lilo To Queen Charlotte jslanjPn Mnrch i ' Charlotte l u 5 31 H II . , u If , , Ii LAND Ol""'. ll i. . K' -5 J . m.iilli of - "." ,,. tri' or lliirii;ib.v. I ' . .! . lnlnds lo l.ll .''V ia' iIwhh Ihe rilio'-'f ' Co iHifin . " eaulerly ml "' (iiioeiy sou i ii - iir li.'lntr plunteil -i'1' ..i.i iiu.ni nnd l.laml. Till- M lln:- ' - iJ ijt;i ofo.1, ""r11' 0'l',"i riiailoile MnniKlillrei'tiv MtU lie "Jn'1..p,v'!!!:'' ante ' "'.HHi Oiliimbhi, for tains imp "aim; Ui., or neer liv l hi. ii, i... .1,. n!J"s lm- rr ronfiniipnon on tlm' fire- iwi'ed thU Idtli dav r,r rvbrnarv. I8. MIIS. M. I.. llll.N.' Owner, Applicant. TI,r,MAFnii Dated January U"1