1 o is ' BaBHHi . .-' ,sr,7rr7s O yMf ml MflK MKSW chleflourcenrPrinR,.n. B7 1 ..AM TKV WlLIf - HiuHcniy SMSf 3 . y jr pocket i, " on a 1, .. .al;. J; your 4, 'cmer' Phone 680. 1 or n your automobile. I V I I .-Vt.1 KrI (X l.tl L.UIULU . W1UU AJWIllli.Jivt.liw wax aitais BARGAINS i f'IS0 , . 55.G0 It:: 1 -iit-l, $3.15 . . $1.65 uur ouppij r rum Oi n.i 3 11 n 1 x Farming H HIS Willi tin Cll urn mi m FOXES ad 10 Fill .: 1 i 0 II P. 0, I Saiisfar- V . I ,. r..t OW TOnavi ---. va . ami VhDV nnn. oeauie, U.S.A., tmpire Bldg. Marine S TAIT u i n b DENTIST PPolntrr.nti. Regis nfa Rupert's Learilno DSAY'C 1 IT rillll AIAMrtft ,,1,lnR Team or ana 1.1 . . uravei Full Steam Ahead jliisiuoss ,has nicked 11 great ili'u! along Hie waterfront .sincrt Ihe lie:; inning of lln moiilli and I In' fHiiiiliar order from tho bridge "full steam ahead" is lie. jing ndoptud lit a slogan. There is a riii of oiil iiiiisin alt.niail an '.o I he future business (iiilliiok ler halinTs and the summer enthusiasm is now finding full vent at .JlicVaeliOlUuli .floats. ChpiT'of toi's Willi a viMijiPanrc 11111I last Sum lay ' mhihIiiiih saw Ki-vcral IilcaKUrc 1 11 1.1 1. h mi mil on pif;,-nir Inps. Aiiuiiif I hi' first luiatH out lliis hcawon wcro llm Sunlicain III, lr. W. T. Kciiii; llai-la. . Ilryanl; ami lli wm1 hip l-'orccjijt, l(r. i;. S. Tail. IJinU umUji-oiiiK a iii'i-ncaou nvcr- 11111I mil' llial llii iiiiicIikh willjliatil incluiic llir (Iwimi, Harry iifviT iiui'iicli wilh lliolr puny I'ullci.; )i.lpliin, .lai-k SlacAulay hli-i-ain of pcsrtiiiiiMiu. Tho liip- Mary Jl., Hilly Itiii; wliilf II10 yanfn art' all lnify as also aro l'ivc llif.s owm-d liy skipper I ho marine equipment nlnre.s ami Itnsn, is lieinir jinwereil w illi a rolleelkiirM are roimrlpd easier, new 12-1 ti Kermalli eiiffine which kmI .deal )f work is heim,' is all ready fur bull in;; up. Skip-ean ied on amoni,' lioals of tho per. Hejisuii has foiiimeuced upon home lialihul fleet and more es-jlhe' inslallaliof. of his 1'ord peeially In the ivinks of Hie sal-; marhip engine in I lie l'ninsellia. moil (rollers, hemliify every The laller arc elfort (o liaVe The engine lias beeii jfiven a lliumuxli nveiliaul duriuj; Hie things in readim-ss for an early Kvinler ami is said to start up dash to the trolliiiK grounds, old. on a whistle from the skipper. timers predielin an earlyl Fpriiu'., This week has .seen a Salt Lake Camps Imve uuml.er ..r native hoats in AVillt I he advent of spring pott from the sumiuudinu' 'lis- weather the first rocket .of Ihe li ict obtaining provisions and campm? season has been fired by meehanoial supplies preparalory owiers of summer camps situ, to eiijfagii! in Ibe forlliemiHtr!aled al Hie Salt Lakes and al- ' '"Hi" il cannery sea-1 v,Ki,iy mwh v,,, js ))(.inn- Par. SOU. iripil nut iii'i-iivs 1 1 1 a liMi lwir in Fish Business making Ihinjra cfimfortable for the coming balmy days. lavo change for both (iatiadiun and I addition to the commodious American first and second class summer miartcrs lie purchased day I'rices ollcnii 011 the Fish halibut have eonJjnued lo.. climb to a healthy level ami remunerative fishing is now being carried on. From Monday to Fri has from C. !. .Minn-1'arkin is shingliu; his counlry lodge. 1 1 ides and winds , . w hile Dick : Ibe roof ol The winter have played .iril.ODi) pounds of halibut Uiavoc wilh the landing stage been sold on the Fish Kx-'which has been cleaned otf, while chaugt). Canadians were high al several yards of the wooden 10. tic and 0.5 anil low al 1 1. 2ei sidewalk adjoining the approach and ie. Americans were high al'from the landing: have been torn IH.ic ami c ami low al 13. 1.' 'down. ( ' and !p. Arrivals: Amorionn Sumnejy Seymour, Yukon, Hasl-cN I'oint, Superior, l'aragon. Venus, Altu, Star and Kureka. Canadian- Tilliv S., Ingiel 11., N. V S., fiiiileadrr. Mulnwag. J 11 I It (salmon., Traulp. Nauli- lus. Xulia. Tooilie, While Lilly,! Joe Haker, Westerner, J)ol))lun. Hingo, Atli, Hose Spil, and W'.T. The herring run is on in full swing and Hie outlook for lb" cunt inued supply of frsh halibu' hail looks bright. The herring seining activities are now ren-lerod around Ituller . (love at whiflh noinl Ihwe are many Inus of live bail. The tJanadian Fish .1 Cold Storage-On. are taking an active pari in the fresh bail ami havi (icorgn Hiclunond has recently purchased Joe Naylor's launc. and will in ifuture doublless be seiln in the advance guard of Vafhl (,lub siuiniie' activities. liiiihl progress is being -made al the McLean shipyard upon the building nT lh new 15 fool I1.1NI111I schooner for (Japl. Andrew -Hanson. The frames are all in place and work is now being done otr the planking. The boat when completed will b powered wilh a 2H h.p. Vivian engine. The Jap halibut schooner Osuini has recently been ie- -I 11 it 1 1 svcuring or cauiKeii ami generally oei-naiii-Ihe Fredeli: led at the McLean ways. out, seining while Hie W. ILj Lord, Chief Legaic and trawler! Waterfront Races lireer Slarratl ar' parking. ' r As the result of racing for 1 The $1.1)11 wager on Pleasure Fleet i "I " Clapperlon nasi few days of bright sunshine has brought Hie pleas uiv skippers away from the win Monday last is suffering from a sprained fellock ami Joe Lindsay is spending his spare lime wilh I In' liniment bollle in an effort ln.gel back .Ih use of his-lower limbs, The discussion llioir respective ages pro- Thompson, the genial assistant -cipilaled the huge wagivr on IJ cotiimodore. is gelling somp'lable ami resiilletl in the super- kick" oui l III -. in figuring I human nixing effoi l. Joe said h-j i.r.- i. jhii.o hoats on Iheiwas JO ami did not feel old al club grid al once for copper lhal. while Doe said he was til) paint ing aniiileur anil nihi l' riXill. Ill" oiuui' me rasu waiter si iiioer- arc on the "' ha: he could beat Joe a' running TOWE R S WATERPROOFS A Fisherman's Suit To Suit The Fishermen JACKETSDoubl ply and roomy inner brtut piece 1 -i-'i.t . insmniMi-.v SI'HCIAI. .n.l2i:i sue 1 cutsi 43 MADt IK tAXU with fly trnt removei my pouibility of ncti or linn titchln. Pint Closed ide ptttern, very roomy and double ply, Both garment are made lit yellow and have a very tough wearing aurface. Made by Canada'i foremott waterproof clothIn Dianufacturcri, in t'uet 3S t 46. On Salt h Ftihtrman Supply menhtrUt Insist upon getting a genuine Tower's Waterproof TOWER CANADIAN LIMITED TORONTO VANCOUVER WINNIPEG HALIFAX - MONTREAL THE DAILY; NEW8 for a dollar. Joe look Doc up on Ibe bet ami afjer deposiiing Iho Iwo bucks iu responsible hand? the Iwo contestants pulled up their so.v and toed the line ut the provincial warehouse door intending Hi race to the obi news stand building. Al Ibe word "go" bolh nieu stood perfectly still and neilber moved a muscle Doe, the firs plan o come In life, made a jrememlous dash forward quickly followed by, Joe who was considerably hampered by a dangling sboelaee. Ili'wi over, before the half way line was reached Doei's right liand fclloek had given out and Joe was on the poinl of going, up-to the bank to draw his breath. Al this point the slarler declared Iho race olf while Ibe bookmak ers did likewise with the bet. Ernie Leaves Wilh Ibe sailing of F. Trappers! in your fur Island loinl. 1 ' II. Shockley, familiarly known as Krnie, accompanied by. .Mrs. Shockley ami family for Vancouver on yesterday morning' Imal the oily in general, and the waferfronl in particular, bses a highly respected member of the- comnuuiily. Krnie, who has ieei iu business here for the pas! fifteen year.-, was a great favorite among Iho uuulicals and his keen sense of hiinm- was a regular Ionic. While always ready to siiring a joke on the ollierj fellow he never reseriled a joke on himself. I lie royal manner in which his .friends have entertained him in the last days of his residence in the city is sufficient leslimonv lo his popular ity. Mr. and Mrs. Shockley ami family will reside permanently in Vancouver ami the nautical s wish them good health and good luck in all future uuderlakings. Do It Now. .Bring i catch and aet the hlahest prices. You do not need the money any more than I need! the furs. W. Goldbloom, Second. Avenue. ...J Thnr Johnson, owner and skipper of the power boat Loinsh purchased last fall from Thco. Collarl, is the lalesl pleasure boat owner lo join Hie local Yacht Club. Fine Trip from"South' Capl. O. P. Siifilb, accompanied by Leu Anderson, arrived from Vancouver aboard bis power boat Hilly Hoy al 0 o'clock Wed nesday morning Having leu ine southern port al II o'clock Sal- unlay night. Ideal weather uas experienced in the passage upj Ihe coast and only one slop was. made. The Hilly Hoy slopped at j h'pg Island to lake olf Ihe mail. Capt. Smith left port on Decem ber 28 iu company with Jack Hulgrr, who is remaining in Union steamer Chilkool, Capl. J. L. Williams, arrived in port on Wednesday and discharged III! creosoled piles wiiich will be used in conned ion wilh repair work lo the Hig Hay "Lumber Co.'s wharf. (fuJirr return from Ihe Xaas the steamer unloaded 12,(100 feel of double dressed fir for, Ihe Hig Hay for local A Wonder Boat One of the wonders of Ihe age iu boat huiMing has Jusl been comdoled by Hilly Hohinson, the man who grunls while the men lift, a clll.en of Seal Cove. From accounts to hand Hilly must have fathered Ihe boat ever since jl was a oolpicii. i no , crau seems to combine all I he 'luxur ies of Glennalra's Ueel on Ibif Xllo with Hit! modern rnuvrii iences of a Ford factory, "tints of Ihe most significant facts abou the-boal is lhal one cannot lell, when Iwo yards from shore, whelher il is right side, up or wrong side down. Thnv interior has been fashioned on Hie her ring plan. Thai Is Ihe gangway is so narrow (aVid Hob is - mil buill a bit along Ihe lines or n sardine) lhal one has In go oulsiik and step on the shore lo rhanae Ibe rhew from one side of Hie face lo Ibe other. So urn sitlve is the hull that when the It costs you seven out of every ten dollars to live ECONOMIC experts tell us that it costs the average family about 70 per cent of its total income to buy food, clothing, household utilities and all the multitude of little things that keep a family comfortable and happy. Seven dollars out of every ten and that doesn't include rent, luxuries or entertainment. Think what a job it is to spend this large proportion of your income wisely and well. To get the biggest and best possible value from every one of those seven dollars! The clever woman goes to the advertisements of her daily paper for help. There she finds a directory of buying and selling. She learns about the offerings of merchants and manufacturers. She compares values. She weighs quality and price. She takes this opportunity of judging and selecting almost everything she needs to feed, clothe, amuse, instruct and generally bring up her family. Do you read the advertisements? You will find them willing and able to serve you in the daily business of purchase. Vancouver 10 umicriaKe opuca. , . ,..,, Tll Advertisements are guardians of your pocket-bookread them carefully I skicpr once grabs Iho wheel he ; miisl not roll his eyes or the nmies. ...- ... I irp!iir snace Mr. Smilh saw Harry Oilbert. lenii , li ,., e 1!imiU varuisu iii Ihe observation h has nas been ni-ru sand . s.in.i- formerly skipper of JJ.e Launch ,,.,,.,,,, r,.olll tuo iMde and the WHO MllllTl-ll il lll.mrii i'li last year and who is still in Vancouver fieneral Hospital. Harry hopes to be mil of the hospital next month. O.l'. says Dial the people of Vancouver realize that I'rince Hupert is going lo "slop oul this year. In Ihe near future the .Hilly Hoy will engage in fish packing from itiini liii.ii-ii li.ive licon rdaneil I'V'Idown lo Ihe thickness of a cigar ette paper. A new. innovation in gallys has been installed in the crafl in Ihe way of a combined slnvc, kettle, cupboard, fry pan, and table. When a inug-un h required Ihe combination is lifted on deck and when the meal is conked .ami Iho Mp.ye is cold enough one can sit down and eal. While il may lake a lillle longer lo feed Ibe "inner man" it certainly saves room. So wonderful are the many contrivance 'aboard that Ihe. boat is never al lowed lo sit iu the vulgar gaze of Ibe public but is slowed over night in Ibe attic where the cat guards il, The power boat Harold, the I'ort Kssingtoii ferry boat, is at Ihe thy tlock tor. a ..general overhaul. Natives: In w large floiilla of native boat called inlo pqrt Ibis week from Port Simnson. Kitkalla and (be Xaas district, obtaining domoa- lie and mechanical supplies. Anions the nower lioals wits the Nagala, Dolly It. and ,Ows (lord. Several small fur cargoes of mink were landed which sold locally. Louis Locker, Hie logger, nr rived in porl on. Wednesday from Kllkalla Inlol. Louis is logging at North Arm for the (ieorgelowit mill and called in for his regular cargo of supplies. en. Newcomb, skipper of Hie launch Dixie Hupert, Is busy, fix- Iiib up his house al Seal Cove where lie will in' fulure reside. Advertise in the Daily News PA3E FTVT. New Spring HATS BROCK $6.00 BILTMORE $5.00 BILTMORE $4.00 STEVE KING Phone Green 85. Third Avenue Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 687 539 Black 735 . Gr. 601 Family Shoe Store See our Window for MEN'S NEW SPRING SHOES AND OXFORDS Special This Week. Men's niul Young Men's got a I tunlity, llniwtt CalT, Welled Shoes lor mily $5.85 Phone 357. Third Ave. RAW FURS If you want to lie paid highest possible. CASH prices for your HAW KIMLS, fqrwnnl jliem lo R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. lloa.l Office .--n.S.Il. Hhlg., IH-iil l.ouisn St., Winnipeg, Man. Ksl. SSn. Incorporated 1020