pace TVa Truly Satisfying' ii SALADA Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. UAtLY KDITIOft 98 86 II HBU Always Has the pure, delicious flavor that has earned for it the largest sale in North America. The Daily News PRINCE' RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Fritlny, May 22, 1925. Swift Retribution ' For Drug Addicts. ' "If y i u start to slide from Hie top of a. sleep roof youknov how niiii'h chance you have (if slopping." Thai's what a learned .doctor says, when trying In describe the swfft downward course of the drug addict. 11 is useless to talk to -a person that lakes drug or to try to persuade him that he is foolish, lie probably knows it lint he is sliding and nothing but a miracle can slop him. This is. written lo wain -youths and young girls of the danger of playing with anything so .dangerous. A sniff of "snow" or a stab with a hypodermic needle is often sufficient to slarl a person on the .fatal slide. Cultivate Friendship Of Japanese People. Professor Shortt, speaking to the members of the Rotary Club, urged cultivation of the friendship of the Japanese people, lie pointed out that we might benefit very greatly from this friendship and nggesled that the immigration problem was no! sprious because Japan did not wish to send her people to Canada. What he suggested was that we avoid "pin pricks." We are expecting a big Japanese vessel here in the early autumn, which may be the- beginning of a line of steamers plying out of this port. We want those, steamships to come here. In order lo encourage them,ve should cultivate the friendship or Japan. That is sound sense and good Every merchant tries to cultivate, the good will of his patrons. Annexation Bogey Is ' Being Discussed. . The annexation bogey is till be"nig)discnsscd by thenews-papers of Canada. Under the caption "Shall we Lose The West?" the Ottawa Citizen says: ' 0' When Mr. Hoey, M.P., made dark allusions to the West seceding, the editorial writers of the Easl fell upon him with wordy bludgeons ami said he was a lunatic and a dangerous agitator. Those who talked with the weslern representatives who came to Ottawa last week to urge the completion of the Hudson Bay Railway must have been disturbed to discover that some respectable .ami intelligent fellow westerners of Mr. Hoey's, if not subscribing unreservedly to the Jailer's views, at least freely admitted that there was more than talk in it. Crtnadian-horn prairie citizens were frank in their declaration that if Mbe Easl' did'iiol comp lo a realization of the facts in the West, secession vns a possible eventuality. "The idea is gaining currency elsewhere. The possibility, of the prairie provinces leaving the Confederation is referred lo' in an article iirlhe April 'Nineteenth .Century1 by T. Kerr Rilchic. an English writer, who loured Canada in li(2i. Now comes r. G. E. Lloyd, Anglican Bishop of Saskatchewan, who in a featured article in Lord Beaverbrook's 'Sunday Express1 writes: "if is because I fear the eventual loss of these three great provinces Saskatchewan, Alberjn and Manitoba thai I have come lo England .... Unless we do something quickly and lnrgely, in ten years' time we shall have lost n large part of the I'omiuioii of. Canada.1 "Mr. Hoey fears the loss of the western provinces for economic reasons. Bishop Lloyd's apprehensions are based on racial grqunds; He believes that unless Brilous come lo Canada anil, farni the ipflow of .people' from other Jands, including the United' Sliitcs, twill ile.a'd to foreigij domination and, the ultimate But l'rtOJhW event jmw shaping themselves. ''' r' Wt?;, "The situation thus presenled is anything but reassuring. I he apprehensions may be groundless am) the talk mostly talk, but a. uitlicatiug trends of thought and development in Canada the .utterances referred lo are of the greatest significance." An Edmonton Paper Gives Opinion. An editorial nrlicle enlilled ' "Annexation and the West" appears, in nu Edmonton paper as follows: "An interview .appears 'in the Loudon Sundav Express with Bishop Lloyd of 'Saskatchewan, in which he declares that there is the utmost danger of the prairie province's seceding from Hie nonunion The resl of Canada is quite sound. ,e. is reported to have said, but Saskatchewan, Maniloba, and Alberla, 'will be gradually lost by the inevitable trend towards the . United Slates' In fifteen or twenty years they 'will be bjg e g, nud strong Do not delay a savings deposit on account of its small sire. Small regular deposits soon amount to a substan tial sum. One dollar opens a savings account at any branch of the Union Bank. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch - H. H. Little, Manager i roc daily ncTvu F.,.l I&" enough in ea theiriown way by themselves li the power their own will and Ihoir own vote.' -t "These statements are hound lo cause, much alarm in the Old Country, particularly as they fume at a time when secession from the Empire is .being so openly preached jn South Africa. Our interests, there iniisl sufrer nccohlinglyV 'While the bishop is entitled lo his opinions,- they are those of, ivory western Canadians and the evidence that can be adduced in support of tliem is exceedingly slight. It is to be reared that he has allowed his judgment b be beclouded by the intensity or his desire to promote immigration from the- British Isles, which he regards as essential to the maintenance or the West as a urit-ish country. . . "We need this in large volume, but, whether it comes or not, there is little basis for the belief to which he has given' such untimely expression. Annexation sentiment hits' been' strong at dirrerenl limes in other parls or the .Dominion," but alj no slntfe Ims it been a inclor lo reckon with in the Wfst. If it had any strength here, we should certainly have heard sonielhiitg of it during I lie past few years, which havejieeu of a character' to encourage agitation, for political changos which there vns any chance of bringing about." GOSSIP ABOUT LONDON PEOPLE Engagement Announcement Held Back; Covering up Shingles; Foot of Lipstick LONDON, Eng., May 22. (By Canadian Press . -Here is a charming story that has licen uoiug around London llii week and it Is vouched for by no less a person than Prince Henry hini- elf. i About a month ago he was iskinsf his royal father and mother when his iMigfugcmcnt to a certain Lady Mary Scott could he officiary announced, and Ihey told him he would have to wall iinlil (lie season was over. And this was where they showed u 'delicious niece of royal tact and tliouslilfultics.s. Because willi Wales a thous and miles away. Prince ('corpe going to the China. Seas, ;inl the Duke of York back in Loudon with his Duchess, there would be no Prince tiliarniing for debs to iream of if Henry had his way. Official engagements knock the bottom out of dreams like that, so Henry, to all intents and purposes an unattached young man. has got to play the social game jusl about as hard as lie Can, ami his rriends say that he won't find it very difficult. Queen's Notepaper And whilst on the subject of Morally ami their, ways. Queen Mary has adopted a new style in tier privale notepaper. When Mrs. Burner-Wiieatley who was formerly a Maid of 'Honour to die Queen hermit she married Burner-Wiieatley. nf New York, some ymrs ago. sent hor some rlnwcrs the other day, the Oueen replied on some handsome,' rag-geil-edgcd paper that bore, in one corner an etching or the Queen's faVnrile corner of the Palace Ciarjens.. Mrs. IJurner-WheaMey is mak ing her first visit here for sev eral years. Mamas' Shingles Quile a number of American and English dHiutanles are beginning to cover up their shingles, not really because they are tired of them; hut because il makes a change. The piquant part about it l. however, that in a pood many case their mothers :ire providing Jinir for the shin gle coverings, 'rii,e reason, for: Oils that (yoiinff ''ili'W ' wlih Avere at jingled twelve mouths nsro find put hnir carenilly away in lavender nnd other things, have round, on taking out the shorn tresses, that il has been considerably lighter in color and has lost j "life." So. accnrdjng lo .the fnshinn-ahle bobber, l,ey ,ave brought along then mother (at least those mothers that have so far escaped the bob, bingle or shingle i, and have literally seized the lock as they roll, or course mother' hair ha needed a lillle attention (hut, oh not so very much, these day, and the next night the deh can be seen in the ballroom with shingle carefully camouflaged under mother's hair. The chief motive of this touching piece of uialernal sacrifice i that very Tow delnilanls will be een at Court this year with shingles, and ninlhor's hnir, newly horn, possesses more "life" than hair that has been in a beauly salon tor a month or two. Rush of Season Already many new fixtures have been crowded Into the social calendar for the season, and dance hostesses who hnvo not already fixed their dales and sent out their Invitations will lie lasting the .bitterest or all social Pills. II i a (food thing that the King has picked up hi health on his recent critise, tor between June -."), the dale of the third (iourl and, and August K, he has not a single- day wilhoul some' public engagement or social' function. August ant) .September are now as brilliant socially as July, and and ilie monarch have for luc last several years come back lo' Buckingham, . Palace for a spell'' in August arier ('owes llegulla; and hostesses return to town hi finish lliHr social obligations. Last year a row young women got so faded with the rush f the -season that Ihey had to rut j out the Howes and (iomlwood ef-i reds. They spenl a" couple qfl weeks in a mudhath so as, to (ret i -their ballroom complexion back1 THIN people do not live longer by the time they went tneotlandt'"""1 ! mie. It only seems Tor the shooting. , Foot or Lipstick Someone has worked out that Miss tsti,") eats her own height in lips.ick every four years. Kadi slick hist about a imui'li and though she doe not actually dispose, or II like (Sandy there is undoubtedly something in the argument.' Anyhow) she has to apply the cherry bloom about hair a. dozen times a day. Lady Louis .Mounfhatlen was displaying a new piece of surgical wizardry when she wa llliipliiiicr til Hut y titbit il..t- the Duke and Duehed of York 'his week. She. like a good mnuyj other young women today, ha had the two ton layer rif skin removed lender, from her lip, leaving them radiant cherry o dor. They miud lender but they are mil. The beauty wizards have fnund a preparatimi I hid lakes awny all tenderne anil leaves the under tissues nf skin permanently strong and bright. Irate Mnlher (at dinner) Johnny. I wish you'd slop reac!i- ror iiiiugs. Haven I you h lo i-. guo? Tnhnny Yes. mother, bill my arm s longer. Jilt Your - THIS Simplest and best way to clear the skin of pimples, raphes, eczeni:: and irritation is to anoint the part with Zam-Uuk two or three times a day. Zam-Iluk is so refined that it is readily absorbed into the poies and purifies the underlying tissues. Eruptions and itching soon subside uc.der this natural treatment, and perseverance will rapidly clear the skin ami restore it to a sound healthy state. Being over ,99 herbal medi cine, Zam-liuk has a wholly ben ucial action on the skin, quickly soothes and heals, even in chronic troubles where ordinary fatty ointments prove useless. fem-Buk Um4 MtMiirallf fr it (Mr k . ImMtiit, Mtrltllt, ilmmnliilCftn'f Mil tfltMMt, tatt, burnt, MiW, im4 ww4t. M laft, itrt, nnlwtrn t4 11m. M. hn. 1 ttr I1.U, all 4niMHU. BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1823. Has produced Minerals ns follow-: Placer Cold. $7rt iiito (. , ,, C8ti.12.iini; S ire? nr... n Copper, .il.. .... ,p " r.;n,uT'; Kitver, 9n,rstiinr: Lead, not, sou; .Miscellaneous Minerals, fi 1,-1 U,i;r7 ; Goal nnd Coke w!VMii,nos: '., .... , Stone. Brick. CeinenL etc.. $:'.'. 4 in. SIM mrdmiD- if m;.,...i , ; "'in ;. . , , mm,,u I IUUI Clldll 1 I, lt' , lOija show an B'i. Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws of Huh Province are mure lihernl and the fees lower Hi. nuy oilier 1'mvinee in the Uominion, or tiny colony in i,u Brilil, llmpur'1" 1 Mineral Ideations ure granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properlies, the e,.ritv n, guaraiilned by Grown Grants. ' Full irifonnnlioii logether with Mining Iti-joi-ln ard Maps mav ' be ohn.nn.! . addressing sr'1 to THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MNES Victoria, British Columbia. The Man in the Mood H YS:- longer. IN my And Of eve dream I looked saw Prince Itli'iert : stump And shack that's here, ?lear Liner (ammoii of the provin u I I dreamed aguin amj lo I me u peoplCi fired with zeal, Who always spoke and worked To forward Hupert's weal. And then again I woke, And there afa, ulak. The slum.os were everywhere And here and there n shaek. And paining down the street The timid voice I heanl, The pessimist, nnd lint - r faith and hope, a word. IF the pen-ile here, iiieliidinp niyseir, were only us good ns Ho place, there would be no en l our prosperity. THK other day Hip phone rani-and a maiden lady answered. Sir listened faithfully lo a proposal of marriage, which ln joyfull accepled. when, whal wa hei chargriii- to hear: "Sorry, wroim number." THl'Y say there was a wit once who never iuesl.ioned he husband's oniuion. Bui thai w;n in the good old days. WIH'.N housecleaning begins and Hie wife lakes up the rug all the husband can do is heat il I Ten Years Ago t in Prlne Kuprt May 22, 1915. The (i.T. P. sleamer Prince Albert bus heen chartered to nlv in frelglil service between Kan 1'ranclsco ahd .Mexican ports, running opjmsllo the Celriana, anolhor froinier thai is well known in tlils port. cial police lefl this morning for Port Ksslriglon lo conduct pro-seeulious arising oul of Ihethefl of fisliliiK boats from the II. T.. Packers cannery. Dr. .McMouabl, provincial live stock commissioner, after pending a day or so in I he cily, left this niorniiifc' for Terrace where he will meet W. K. Scolt, deputy minister df agriculture. and proceed lo the Hulkley Valley. Advertise In the Dally News. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. R.8.B.C 1900, CHAPTER 115. THOMAS TIIOTIKII. nf Mio CHv nr Prliire uiMM, in dm frnvlnco nr HrllHli i.niiiMiiiiii, lie. nr. in iiivkh noriCK tM;i lin lis iiniler Sccilon 7 nr lli Mlii Art ii. tinllr(l Willi tin' Mlnliler or I'Mhiir Work ai iil.ih, hiiii mi inn nrrirp nr Hip III irlrt lirgl'drir nf llir Land iK'Klntry liln-Irlcl or I'rlni'P llunrrt. at Prlm-n ltnirt H.C., i ilciTlpldm nr Ilie llr nml il.nn ri wiinri nun pirr iniHMi in dp imiIII n tin I'rliicp iiiincri Unrlior. rrinc-p iuipri, it. c.. m all tlimp rrilnii of umiTiniiii uinrK u, pian 03, nrrllon 1, Prini-p llnpppt. I-rovlnin nf lirlllMi Cnluin-in, or ihr forenhorp and th wjipp lot In front Uirreor, rnniainliiir In nlPii urea of 89-moth serf, more or Afntl T.U.T nOTtC.K ilflpr tli p.t-plrntlon or oiip rnoiilh from Hip of llin riMt imhlli-ntloii or tlil .orp TlmmiK Trntlrf will onilrr nrrtlon 7 or llir .m, Art apply to I hi Moiipr nr I'ulilir Vorl( fit Ms offlrc in Uip city of Otlv. Jor ritrnvl of thn Mid ullc mid plum , nml piJ"Pll'"vr ,0 rn"'tnict Uip Mid wharf and .J;,of1Ap,r.i,iT5.n,,p,'r,' B'" ,h" g,h tiiomas TitoTii:n. ti. Hy x.;i... Wllllains, Mfiimon U (lonnlci. til Solicitors. "' I COAXING SLEEP with a Simmons Outfit "feB gB' No. U2i II . ' Goilsisting of New Oillurv t.,,; M L, Mattress, m ,dniil or lvor Fmii-Ii Cash Price $45.00 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. FOR SALE Phone 123 Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings ancf hooks Canadian Fish & fold Storage 0, IM PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Op.ratlnfl Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Drj , Doltern , Engineers, MachlnlsU, Boilermakers, Blacksniltn maker, Foundrf, Woodworkers, ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped" In hnn'Hc hII kimls of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F RAW FURS If you want lo l.o paid highest possible foe vnnr HAW t.'ltttfl fnrwiird UlCIll 10 .... ...... w n r. nnDIUQnN A RONS. i"rn Branch Rnnnlvlnn Office 11 22G-0 Kst. lKH.'l. Vancouver, . Head Office: It.fl.n. Ilhlg., 43-5 1 U"W bl Man, GASH pn"f ViiiniPf?' .... lOL'fl