2 Prince Rupert Daily News | act See ft Monday, September 8, 195: AD independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupers and Nc @ad Ce Member of Cana Press Auuit Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited J. F. MAGOR, President British Columbia, Subscriptic By carrier—Per week, 25¢; per Hionth By Per month, 75¢; year authorized as se $1.00 $8.00 per year, 810.00 per Creating a Heine Market H. G. PERRY, Vice-President ond claS8s Mah by the Post Officé Department, 1 of Circulations Ottawa. C EVERAL strikes in the west coast fishing in- io dustry have threatened this season but by dint of getting down to brass tacks in négotiations by both, canners and fishermen, they were avoided. But now it appears that-no solution to the last fish price dispute W on strike. as possible. The fishermen are Canners say there is no market for fish and so cannot pay the price the union is seéking for fresh that LiL eaurht salmon The union Agrees There appears to be a solution, becausé of the lack of market the price dispute has arisen. however, to creating suddenly a big market for canned salmon. Offer it to the Canadian housewife at a lower cost. A great deal of publicity and advertising has been put before the consumer, callling attention to the food value of fish. The food value cannot be denied, but high prices deny it to the consumer. We sugeest to the canned salmon marketeers that they take a tip from tiie everyday who finds his shelves overstocked with a suj goods exceeding the normal demand. mere Hant ply of He puts on a sale. He slashes prices so that consumers see they are getting the product genu- inely for less than at erstwhile market prices. The merchant then makes his profit on a volume of ales, rather than on a single item, We are not suggesting that a can of salmon be sold at less than cost, or even at cost of production. There must be a percentage of return on invest- ment, we realize that. But we urge that every pos- sible.cut be made in the price of canned salmon on the Canadian market. If this were done, it advertising to get a product, It would give the consumer a home market for a would take little expensive home chance to try those well-illustrated and appealing recipes we see advertised in many publications. It would possibly*be a solution to the very grim probelm today of loaded warehouses and no market in the fishing industry. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Convention Days Coming For Many Business Organizations By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor Business organizations are announcing details), of their approaching conventions. Here are some of them: More ard E. Read than 500 textile experts tion for Economic 1 Canada, the United States st nd Europe will meet in Kings- | Inc; Sir Archibatd Forbes, pres- on, Ont. Sept. 11-18, for the |{dent, Federation of British In- ird Canadian textile seminar, (UStries; J. R. White, vice- vanized by the Textile Tech- | President, Imperial Oil Co. Ltd; ] Cn Fe@eration of Canada W. P. Scott F. J, Knight Montrea!} presidént, Founda- Education, president, Toronto Board of Trade, J. Roger Fium- : ft erfelt, Calgary, president of the venerai chairman of the semi . ‘ , = a ee Junior Chamber of Commerce of =e Canada Our aim is to provide a reg A United States ular medium through which the world’s top taxtile men can ex change information.’ ber of Commerce delegation Will be headed by Laurence F | Supply Lee, president of the U.S. Cham- | R. B. Perrault of Montreal is by Ebn ore Philpott . x hs » Flying Saicérs Real? (This is the fourth jn a special series of articles en mystery air- ships.) LOS ANGELES. — The British scientist-philoso- pher Gerald Heard clear- ly wins one half of his argument in his hook IS ANOTHER WORLD WATCHING? (Harpers) He will that what the nume convinee mdst people rous opserv- ers have séen in the skies in the past few years are.Ye@l ship they do exist, and they are not just figments of the? imagina ition. He shows fhktyAthere only two possible.¢@xplanation Hither the U.S.A: nas a whoie flock of super-super ‘secret wea pons or else other: worlds have sent down an i@feasing num ber of Observatiowkycra#ft to give our planet earth, he once Ovel + * + HEARD is not deterred by the fact that the top military authorities in U.S.A. have con- tradicte@ themselves over and over again. In one spasm they a deny that there are any seh things as flying savicers. Next) ( they set up organized watchifig f squads (like the one which now blankets this country) Then | { again they say the reports are all figments of the imagination magnificent. ray... Reflects and Reminisces Modernizing and redecorating the White House cost five mil- lions. A job that size should ‘make it more of a palace than old Buck itself, BED TIME, MAYBE: 3 Beyond a few vague threats, ® ~ the Sons of Freedom have been » | behaving themselves on the 6c- * \casion of the Prime Minister's western visit. They can be like anyone else when they want to Perhaps the day is finally ap- proaching when the only time | ~ | they feel like disrobing will be | » | at 10 or 11 pm ‘ ig OD a? From an advertisement in a| |New Jersey daily: “If you are - | looking for a home and business highly ids fungus infection of the scalp, {Tent and living expenses free ghiy cOntagION ag: ° with a never growing bank ac- MYCOSIS, a ached pidemic or certa areas under war- . i a * no 7 m = , ; . ' count, look over this small farm ime conditions. In Yugo$lavia, the World Health Organization | ‘ te ane | and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency {Hite wennon’s HarVest Will be Fund joined with the Government to strike at this disease which, the greatest in western records, according to reports from ecked, results in permanent loss of the hair. Trained tech- the ; ‘ working with UNIGEF-supplied X-ray equipment to | three provinces. Nor is this all! emove fungus-infected hair, are affecting rapid evres. Pictured |Few farmers are able to recall - 1 ies ‘ A ‘ bove, hospital workers remové remaining hairs from children’s | anything to compare with last heads after zine-oxlde treatment | year's crop, the whole of which has not yet been markéted. Sd, all in all, the total yield will be tremendous, That is, if the trans- portation strike, called a day or so ago, is settled. So often, that little “IF.” * UNDER OUR ROOF By JOHN STURDY : . , |SHARING WITH NONE As previously reported in these columns, Hamish ; Strategic and critical raw ma- nd Littl Augie and Col. S. Skeffington-Smutts terials are ne ete ae * * sources are virluaiy imitiess Ret.) and I are now aboard a cruise ship, BOUNG, And let me repeat that state sy Prince Rupert ¢ » Gre: Nor ‘ , ment for emphasis Canadian 0 ince Rupert and the Great North, ind the siiilides aie wh ‘Wndie, OS ravel folder says that the scenery in these parts 18!| says James H. R. Cromwell, a former United States Amibassa dor to Canada Quite clearly some are the eMToe wyWOopp DD$ . Vbekq and so with the Colonel and had products of. imagination. Some, We will have to take the travel Little Augie we prepared but | oo siemens are the work of plain liars, or folder’s word for it because wp Hamish Bad’ De COUls Hot Spare Winston Churchill apropos of} publicity seekers—Idoking for) 0 NOW We haven't seén any- ate Srey ty Kee wee Oomnrner: his seventy-seventh birthday cash or personal prestige. But) ‘ning except the inside of our Just bring Me back a couple | we are happler in many ways many are clearly NOT in that/ OWN Cavin And as this was for-\of sandwiches,” said Hamish when we are old than when wi category : merly the ship’s brig and is well} who Was busily working with Als) ore young. The young sow wild : e"s “@ below the waterline (the engine-) plimber’s kit, — might have| oot. phe ola grow sage HEARD’S strongest argument room ix ht next door), it looks’ mentionéd before that there are Bri against the theory that the| 4% thou we May never see any a gr®at many pipes riining COMING TO LIFE ships are real. but. are onl kind of ner} We are so far’ through our stateroom, and Fré : “t} cide bote variety of our bie ally’s secret|@OWn in the ship that we would! whenever Hamish sees a léngth ‘) mw? a ne ne: ie a al : néed a map and a compass to of pipe he cannot resist getting 1 plans are mavering 10% une weapons, is thi me ¢ a om : ™ a i spending of hundreds of million If the USA. really had such o> Bagedalen seg <> oo i arenes 4 socks wee on a Smelter ten miles from super-super secret weapons awk The only human being with ust be careful, I warned him, ata ita This will be the dlk- to fly at such fantastic speeds whom we have cone in contact remembering what he used to do eent: kine det'neied for wink Soe who btit an absolute 1 admari| ithe Man with se Shen S ba pean =~, war De up to a few years back, one of Would suttiorize experimental WHO SPPRGS his. Unie OMIA Beh wes Sesietens Jantor ih my Oldie. most ‘tranquil camps under flights by those aircraft. over! O€" Mame piphne steering ermine, ARO Eten s-Noyse,.ack east, the Stars and Stripes ' airport and on the regular fly- ke BMED" _ by a pee pine Captain's steward Nad 2 oe semnae al eects ise: shat is just out side our door.) | diagram &0 he was able to lead Skagway, in the late thirties, lines? At first the little man thought /Us Out Of the depths to that part)... 4’ sort of drowsy hangover ve were the brie for some! of thé ship where the ordinary! ,;.. ai ne best ¢ » ated ; oe from reedlléctions of the “rush One of the best authenticated |4 of wisdemieanor, but wheft| first-class passengers lived. At . eases of an aerial encounter , ’ giving tourists the latest low- as ) n aerial ) ve assured him that we were! first we gre blinded by the sud- . that of March 22. 1950, over!’ .. e "ai ; down on Soapy Smith, Martin a AEN ES ae el passengers he wits ver¥ sympath- | den light and it took us quite a s ‘ 4 Arkansas. Capts ats yi} w y , Itjin and his automobile street Arkansas aptain Adams and ic. time to get our eyes accustomed ade bilclty system. Thtn thet First Officer Anderson _ report How do we get up top?” I) to the glare of daylight gy raga fe tage ee full details of the “saucer type : AS ge : ine : was “Ma” Pullen, and her com- Visitor and add pe *spegeeriae id The dining-salon was filled! fortable, roomy old hétel. There “We know the Air Force hi Well,” said the little man, “I) with a merry crowd of passen-| must have been a good many less c MV All 45) once knew the way, but I've been | gers and the Captain said he was! +p. ‘ 36 ying there dénied there is anything to th i than a thousand living there S anything to this) down here so long that I’ve for-| delighted to have us at his table,| Flying Saucer business but we believe firmly this was a secret | experimental type of aircraft— ! not a visitor from outer space.” Captain Robert Adickes of the t thén, mid beautiful scenery and gotten although he looked a trifle) (in season) flowers OWER AWAY alarmed when Little ‘Augie | ; . ‘ais reaching inside his coat. drew! MUST USE VOTE How do you get fed?” asked) (4.4) nis trusty eat and laid the| 3 ae he Colonel, who like the rest of : ge “#€) Universal suffrage is in force feel the | Weapon on the table next to hi*/in Belgium and anyone who fails | .W.A. was more blunt after a/ US was beginning to bread-and-butter plate | to cast his vote is fined “flying saucer” had flown right pangs of hunger. “It was tickline me.” explain a} cis alongside his ship for five full “Loney lower iny food in a pall, Little Augie . rs minutes on the night of April Said the little man. “I have an|™” . | (2 usm 28, 1950. He said vrange left over from lunch, if} GAERA AFFAIR : “GOLD IS WHERE You “Whoever is building these YOu are hungry The dinner was a very gala | things, I think they are dan- I carefully divided the orange|affair, as the programme had | FIND 1T’’—A Market {gerous flying around the air- into four parts and gave One| promised, and went off niecly Analysis will show you the way ways. If one got out of control, each-to Hamish and Little Augie,| until the meat corse. I was ins it could cause an accident the Colonel, and took one my-|starting to work on a luscious Wee +04 > §.@ sel. Then 1 decided. I woulujslice of roast beef when I Sud- Georce S. May Company THAT SEEMS to me to clinch! write @ note to the Captain, and} denl» felt.a drop of water on my | |* 2 : , Heard’s argument. We all the next time the little -man’s| hand: . Business AOA A i}know now that the U.S.A., Brit-| ltnmch-pail was lowered, I would “By jove!” said the Colonel Wérrere DiviewWa ain, Russia have rocket type attach the note to the line and|who was sitting next to me. “I|| apy Geory Sires, Seb’Freecisée 2, Cali aircraft Britain’s Minister of have it huuled up to the top believe it’s raining!” : ; has just said: For reasons of .military sé- curity I am not fnee..to state | Dear Captain,” I wrote, “I| “Don’t be ridiculous,” I said, see by the programme that to-|“t6w can it be rining inside the night is the big gala introductory | ship?” Established 1925 The annual meeting of the ; res | precisely the actual perform-,dinner for the ship's passen- | uddenly a deluge of water Canadian Chamber of Com- Sain. wah eee tone ane but I can say that | gers. t don’t want to appear for- |ij deueeaca all over the dining- merce, sometimes called “a par-|or Montreal is chairman of its rockets are beinge,..developed| ward or presumptuous, but fivalo n, Drenched passengers |i liament of business men.” will wry a call . °’' which can travel at well over| you could spare a few crumbs Sieeadied on they ran for cover need reliable be held in Toronto Oct. 21-23, q ' cog ; #000 miles an hour.” bare your table T and my friends upsetting tables and chalrs in answers to your “crisis ind a chamber release com-| ‘The Canadian Institute of If we accept this easy answer|Wwould ‘be deeply appreciative. | toi, haste to get out of the wet. questions” this year! apt a s that all these mystery visitors | Also, will you please let us know} " ..,,_ » servile stem!” set them in ‘ Plumbing and Heating Will meet are our own ally's secret wea-|When we reach Prince Rupert, as It’s the oo ling system! + ge ie _ “The many problems which) at the Seigniory Club, Que., Oct.) sons the we also have to ac-|We would like to go ashore at|Snouted the Captain. “Some fool have developed over the last/ 20-24, and the Canadian EX- cept the appendix to that—that|that port, and from where we| fas turned on the sprinkling 4 etn two years due to the phenome- nal growth of Canada’s indus- | trial power, plus changés in the development of this continent’s economic systeni, will be put under the microscope by a panel of international experts ‘Under the heading pivce Oct. 27-28. tion AssociatYor |Digby Pines, NS., of ‘The; Merrill examine such things as the size tition, the question of trusts! at the annual banquet. and combines | Canadian combines commis-|dent of Defence Construction, | sioner; C. W. Sinclair, géneral| Ltd., the crown company ad- counsel, Imperial Tobacco Co. of | ministering Canada’s Canada, Ltd.; Dr. W. J. Wor- | construction. boys, Commercial director, Im-| Sept. D. Rawding, New Competition,’ speakers will | Scotia minister of highways and | wo. porters Association at the same The Maritime regional meet- airports of thé Canadian Construc- ; held at 7-9. Nova Other speakers include P. G.| which he Was killed “Spearhéading this panel dis-| Wilmut of Montreal, CCA pres-| ; cussion will bé T. D. McDonaid,| ident, and R. G. Johnson, presi- | our top men are such criminal) fools that they are “playing around” with these things, over on airlines and above all near the atom bomb plants in Washington and Néw Mexico. We would also have to be- lieve that the U.S. government! so brutal that it allowed public works, and president of | one of its own flying aiden of our industrial organizations, the Canadian Good Roads as-| pe ohected ee a ae the varying aspects of compé-| sociation, will be guest speaker catch -to try and | the “spacé ship” which | Visited #ort Knox—a mission on STATE RIGHTS There are no “national” holi- defence | days in the United States. Each \State has jurisdiction over the Chairman of variows sessions holidays it wil) observe. perial Chemical Industries, Ltd.,| will inclide J. N. Floo@, Saint | — London; speaker yet to be announced.” | president; migration and its relation to; president; Canaiiian reSources,: and re-| gers, spone*hilitieés of labor and man- agement in economic education. Scheduled speakers include Mayor Charlotte Whitton of Ot- tawa; James Nicol, Jr., director of education, International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers; Leon- Edmundston, attend. The annual Jan, 18-20. and an American|John, NB., CCA’s national vice- J. N. Kenny, Other main topics Will be im-| mouth, NS., Nova Scotia vice- and Alexandre An- | N.B., Brunswick vice-president. In addition to Maritime dele- gates, more than 50 delegates! trom Québec and Ontario will meeting of the CCA will be held in Montreal Yar- New | YOU CAN DEP | When kidneys fail to réetoove excess acids and wastes, back- ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow, Dodd's Kidney Pills stimu- late kidneys to normal duty, You feel better—sleep better, work better, Get Dodd’é at any drug store. You can depend on Dodd's, A system!” Well, you know who that was, |: of course, Hamish and his : | plumbers kit. And so now we're | ” WORKED | all back in our underwater state- | { Well, it worked better than 1| room, and the situation is much 5 had hoped, because the Captain | {he same as it was before. if sent is Yrie > *, : | Dtitieiidee sie! we'tatan-an oe Except for One thing. The ad € 5 at tre : j . Captain's table for the gala in-;900r Nas Been léckéd from the | outside and Hamish’s plumbing | CHRISTIAN SCIENCI Mea RELL are situated we will never know where we are, unless you tell us Yours sincerely.” Often referred toas’ a néws: ‘s néws- paper’ the MONITOR ; covers the World with a network of News Bureaus and corréspondents, Order a special intro ductory subscription today 3 months for $3.. You'll find the MONITOR “‘must’’ # ‘reading and as necessary # as your HOME TOWN PAPER., troductory dinner This encouraged me greatly,/kit has been confiscated. ee zs Combination RADIO PHONOGRAPH | R-281 @ 10 Tubes " @ 3-Speea Ultramatic Changer @ Marine Band @ Period Design in Walnut or Mahogany @ Standard and Short Wave 3 9 00 SkE THIS BEAUTIFUL ONLY COMBINATION AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC ‘The Christian Seiends Moniter One, NorwWay St., Boston 15, Mass, U.S.A, Please ( if for subeerhotionsT6lssuge 1 wnclee i | | aarwerig eters Fe erveererorrorres owyeevnras sar ts eeewrrwororseseee Phone 644 Box 1279 fy ficiyy =" Gaomed ***Uitatai PB-10 ee ey Operations a gold mine near here, have come to an end after 57 years of active work 000,000 worth of gold VINE «bas BENONI, South Africa (CP New Modder, a Taken vr LONDON (Gigi! Airways Corporat Bross Of new Silvey 3 ‘shed in. threg days Gating places at tas In future. mn used, Plastie " It yielded more than £70,- SAVE WITH SAFETY LOW- PRICED Firestone For and sturdy Oxfords and Loafers, all othe: Yor sheers suil- you can be FASHION types of alle school sire of attention at POOTWEAR We Fit expert Your Chitdven’s Shoes CORRECTLY a sheiia Footwes OSSOTTUE 549 TW 1936 CHRYSLER SEDAN 1939 PLYMOUTH mh very good contition 1936 CHEVROLET sag ExceHent Shape ) 1949 STUDEBAKER SEDAN $46) New paint, air conditioned, good rubber ’ Do You Need A Good All-Purpose Trill 1945—1500cwt. 4-wheel drive, Hy Licensed, goed condition Superior Auto Seri 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED — Phore Greet cS ‘ay #8 “i by This advertisement is not published or displayes oy tig Board or by the Governemnt of Brush V" er . We have ¢ | of Rifles, twenty we sare of ap? this fall wt prepared. "ng your hull neadqt § Gordon & Anders? Phone 46 ] I